#wwx im sure you both kissed while enganged and you were still thinking lwj did it out of being bros
slashtakemylife · 4 years
Wangxian Arrangied marriage + Bodyguard AU prompt
You’ll find many similarities between the previous generation and mdzs’ main generation but is because of reasons
The 5 great sects joined to defeat Xue Chongai(?) with the help of rogue cultivator Baoshan Sanren, once he was defeated BS and her cultivation partner Lan Yi were able to secure the Yin Iron, however BS had no intentions of staying in the earthly realm and LY was going back up into her mountain with her, thus at the end of the war it was given the task to protect the Yin Iron to their adopted daughter, Cangse Sanren, she had fallen in love with a servant from the Jiang clan and was not planning to go back to the mountian with her mothers, thus they created their own sect.
(LONG A/N: The sect will be named the Wei sect because the author [me] of this has doubts, preferebly it would be her sect but if it’s hers then it would be the Cangse Sect, right? But... she is Sanren just like Baoshan Sanren, is it a title? Is it her name? Cangse is her last name right? She just shares the Sanren with her teacher but then is it a title? Idk someone please figure it out also how does Cangse Wuxian sounds? I’m loving it but I’m more used to Wei Wuxian and since I’m making this because I don’t plan to fully out it into a fic then take whatever path you like to imagine but for better understanding we’ll keep it as Wei)
A few years pass and Wei Wuxian, their son, heir and chief disciple has taken his task of protecting the Yin Iron so dutifully in fact he has begun studying resentful energy (RE for short from now on) and has now even succeding in controlling it to some extend, for this RE is not inherently bad, so wwx is in no danger of spiraling into mental collapse but it is naturally very powerful so wwx needs to learn to control it and not exceed his abilities otherwise it can blow up on his face, (and he has accidentaly blown up some stuff).
One day, when wwx is finally in marriagable age, they receive a letter from the Wen sect with a marriage proposal. The Wen leader that fought alongside the rest of the clans died a few years later after the war so for the last years it has been ruled by his son Wen Ruohan and he is offering his son Wen Chao to marry wwx, wwx’s parents are a bit weary because under WR’s rule the Wen sect has become a bit more hostile and he has several times in the cultivation conferences shown his interest in the Yin Iron, now it seems he wants an in into the sect through marriage, (since the Wei sect kept the Yin Iron then the Wen sect is not as powerful).
They send back a message saying they have already booked an arranged marriage for his son. Having said this it is also near the time wwx is sent to Cloud Recess to study, a few weeks into the schooling, CS and WeiC go over to CR to talk to Lan Qiren, they explain the situation and mention him that shortly before wwx came to class, back at their home while night hunting they detected an intruder that was there to kidnap wwx, luckily they caught him even before wwx was able to see him, CS and WeiC then have decided to ask for help from the Lan clan.
The Lan’s are well known for their self restrain and cleansing techniques, so in order to keep the Wen’s plan away and also as a way for wwx to be able to control RE better thanks to the Lan’s ways, they want to engage wwx to Lan Wangji since he is closer of age and since wwx is the sole heir to the Wei sect, that would mean lwj would have to move to the Wei sect.
(wherever that is, um Yiling? yeah I’ll say Yiling because why tf not? No Burial Mounds tho, because I say so)
Also a a second task, they want someone strong enough to protect wwx if the Wens ever try to do something again, one of CS’s request is that this not be told to wwx, she spoils him too much and doesn’t want him to feel worried that he is being targetted so for wwx this should just be a marriage agreement, lwj on the other hand will know why and his duty to protect wwx.
LQ isn’t exactly happy to give away his precious nephew over to them, over to Wei Wuxian however for some reason his nephew Lan Xichen is ecstatic and smiling more than usual, they had suggested a rather slow time for planning all of this but LX was the one who proposed that once the classes were over they would send lwj back to them to start his bodyguard duties at once while the actual wedding could take it’s due time.
Telling wwx he has an arranged marriage was probably the hardest thing for Cangse Sanren, she never wanted to tie her son down, she always wanted him to find true love the way she did but she kept repeating herself is for wwx’s safety however she was heavily surprised that wwx accepted it with a smile, the boy just says he is happy he’ll be able to tease lwj for life and that he will have a spouse that matches his abilities. At this point both parents realize that their son can be amazingly smart but also amazingly dumb and oblivious so they are even happier at the match.
lwj on the other hand doesn’t know how to think, on one hand wwx is wwx and he is insufferable but on the other...
No, he stops thinking about his feelings, this is a duty assinged to him for the greater good of not just the Wei and Lan sects but also for the cultivation world in general, his duty only is to protect wwx, nothing else. LQ gets more disturbed with how much bigger LX’s smile has become.
Unfortunately for lwj (or is it?) wwx’s teasing goes double after they know they are engaged, in fact everyone knows they are engaged because wwx Can’t Shut Up, he also has taken more liberties and is now touching lwj, even pouncing on him everytime he sees him, making LQ being this close to a qi deviation and a bigger smile from LX. Classes end and just as promised lwj goes to the Wei sect.
As expected the Wens aren’t very happy about it, however CS says she will always look for his son’s happiness over political alliance, it also helps it is now very well known how wwx is basically plastered all over lwj and back in his home he drags lwj everywhere, so while the dumb boys still haven’t figure out their feelings, it is obvous enough to keep the Wen’s paws away from wwx. (Also the people at Yiling are now even TIRED because wwx can’t shut up and everyday they hear “Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan!” non-stop, whenever any of his parent’s go to take wwx back into their home is a blessing to their ears)
Of course it doesn’t take long for lwj to stop seeing his engagement as a sect duty, after slowly but surely falling deeply in love with wwx, this is personal now, he won’t let a single bad thing touch even a hair on wwx, he even makes sure to distract wwx and then go beat up any kidnapper in complete stealth. This also includes furthering his own cultivation, since wwx is still carefully experimenting and learning about RE then is up to lwj to make sure wwx stays safe and he’s usually playing his guqin whenever wwx is doing his experiments and soon even he is closely involved.
The Wens know is a lost battle so they just don’t bother anymore, also an inner revolt means a new sect leader arises and with him his two children, Wen Qing and Wen Ning that become good friends with wwx.
It doesn’t take long for Wangxian to be officially married and if wwx figured out he likes lwj and that lwj likes him back the day before his wedding then it’s no longer his parents’ problem but lwj once they are married.
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