#wwwt: winnie
spacecadet-sims · 4 years
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The Home of Winifred Winnie Shaeyers
For When We Were There, a story I’m developing that includes Althea.
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spacecadet-sims · 4 years
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one foot in front of the other keep breathing just like they taught you you politely asked to take a walk with me i would’ve married you there underneath the trees is it real, this thing? is it real, ooh, this thing?
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spacecadet-sims · 4 years
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Character Introduction - Winnie Shaeyers

Name: Winifred Sue Shaeyers 
Nickname/Preferred Name: Winnie 
Age: 29 Location: Willow Creek 
 Pronouns: She/Her 
 Gender: Cis woman 
Sexuality: Lesbian 
(more under the cut)

Occupation: Fisherman 
 Hobbies: Fishing, woodworking, gardening, napping/lounging 
 Likes: Fresh, homegrown fruits and veggies, tending to her chickens, overalls, grilling Dislikes: Sleeping in (she can always nap later), gossips, her siblings, not wearing socks 
 Parents: Lars and Rhonda Shaeyers 
Siblings: Charlene Matthews, Drew Shaeyers, 
and Margery Shaeyers 
 Niblings: Amy Matthews, Andrea Shaeyers, and Candace Shaeyers 
 Children: N/A 
Other Family: Alfred Shaeyers (paternal grandfather), Margery Shaeyers (paternal grandmother), Mimi Phillips (maternal grandmother) 
 Pets: A handful of chickens and a small dog named Pup

Winnie was the third of four children. Charlene (32) was first, and she was always first. Second came Drew (30), and fourth came Margery (16). Winnie was named after her great-great-grandmother Winifred Georgeanne - a name she hated, a name she’d never use. 
Winnie didn’t get along with her siblings. Winnie was too outspoken, too rebellious, too particular. She struggled to fit into the rigid society she grew up in, made worse by the continual nagging from her siblings, but her parents tried their best. They encouraged her and tried to take interest in her interests, but tomboy Winnie broke the mold in “charming” Wisteria River, and it wasn’t a good thing. 
 She was always getting into fights, coming home in bruises and cuts, but “you should see the other guy,” she’d always laugh. Winnie would never let on who started the fight or what it was about, only that fights happened. She learned quickly how to defend herself and hold her own. She became strong and nearing the end of high school, the bruises stopped. 
Winnie barely graduated. She didn’t go to commencement, she didn’t frame her diploma. Winnie simply didn’t care. She was going to do what she’s been doing for her. She was going to fish and she was going to make a living off of it. Winnie left Wisteria River at 18, and spent some time wandering. She ended up in the wrong crowd, and began aiding her new “friends” in their lives of crime. She never committed a serious crime, but she’d hold onto stolen goods, drive a friend somewhere she knew she shouldn’t have, give those friends alibis when they needed them. 
Six months into her move, Winnie was arrested and served 9 months for evading and eluding, and possession. Her friends strung her up, let her take the fall, and abandoned her. Winnie learned a lot about loyalty that day. She was released early from her one year sentence for good behavior. When she checked up on her “friends” after getting out, she found that one of them had died, and the others ended up in prison with longer sentences than hers. 
She vowed that day to clean up, and grow up. 15 months after she left Wisteria River, Winnie wound up in Willow Creek. The community was open, kind, and she was immediately accepted. No one asked about her past, no one judged her for her proclivities. She was free to be herself and free to follow the path she set out. 
 Winnie has lived in Willow Creek for a decade now. She built her house with her own two hands, owns a bar, makes extra money fishing, and wood works in her free time. She tends a handful of chickens and has a small dog named Pup.
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