#wwe woman’s world champion
itsrheasgirl · 6 months
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My girls KILLED it last night.
I am so proud of both of them, both gave such an incredible performance and their matches were my favourite of the night.
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moonlightbae86 · 4 months
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theoryxwaller · 2 years
I was reading up on a post online saying Ronda plans on working full time until WrestleMania, I really hope someone who deserves the title wins it and WWE doesn't re-sign her and realize how many fans really don't enjoy her, her in ring skills are shit, she's caused many injuries, she sucks at selling moves and her promos suck ass. I hope Mania is the end of the Lousy Rousey Era
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pandorasfavorite · 6 months
The Silent Love
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AN: After 5,000 words I managed to write you guys something a little longer for fun.
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The large beaming lights in the center of the ring felt so natural to you. From the young age of 6, the dream of being a wrestler was branded on your heart. And now that you are standing in the middle of the ring with spotlights on you and thousands of people cheering you on. Your dream actually felt completely real, that this is what you were destined to do with your life. No one could stop you from getting what you wanted out of life. Though you couldn’t deny the level of intensity your job brought….Every Friday thru Monday you get ready for work. Sometimes you weren't needed but the new storyline was hot and you just so happen got thrown in the middle of it. Rey Mysterio’s son turned heel and the whole WWE community was astonished at the change. Especially since Dominik was so loyal…and so dedicated to his father's work. As crazy as that was, it didn’t matter to you in the slightest. Dominik Mysterio and his father had nothing to do with you; none of that did.
You were brand new to WWE with no enemies, till Rhea Ripley changed the course of your career. After many matches (and wins), you seemed unstoppable; but you knew better than to let the success get to your head. What played to your advantage was your wrestling persona. You spoke no words, and when push came to shove you still stayed silent. The world has yet to know how you sound when you speak, and they would be waiting a long time. This silent streak was intimidating and many believed you could one day pose a match to Rhea Ripley (the current woman’s champion). You were astonished at the whispers. If anything you admired Rhea and how well she retained her title, yet she wasn’t as happy to be associated with you.
So you couldn’t help but be surprised at her intent to fight you next Friday just to show no one can top her. Partial fear coursed through you at the thought of fighting a champion only a few months into your career. Rhea was beyond adamant and a force to be reckoned with; she wasn’t a person you wanted problems with. Although she did do some things you opposed to. Thursday night was the worst, and Friday morning was no better. You felt terrified to put it simply. This match was going to be huge, Dominik Mysterio was still a fresh member in the Judgement Day meaning he was going to be glued to Rhea’s side. You had no one to back you up; just you, yourself, and the silence you accompanied. 
Now you stood in the middle of the ring, trying to act confident; though you really wanted to curl up and hide. She came out of the threshold with Dominik right beside her, you should’ve been looking at her but you couldn't look away from the man beside her. He was obviously out of practice and was adorning a frown that didn’t really suit his face. He was just a step behind Rhea and she was already starting her speech on how no one could take her place. Yet your eyes followed him the whole time and that only pissed her off worse, “Look at me!” she yelled at you now that she was standing right in front of you in the ring. You pulled your gaze away from him but not without difficulty.
You looked at her and managed to hold eye contact. “Do you have something to say?”, she laughed and got in your face. You said nothing and let your eyes flicker behind her, back to Dominik who was watching with no expression. You felt paralyzed when you had been pushed back, Rhea had picked you up and tossed you onto the floor like a bag of flour. On the floor you squeeze your eyes shut and roll over to avoid her hits, you knew this would hurt; but not like this. You are picked up again and draped over the post of the ring to be pushed off of, your cold and clammy hands only make getting your grip on things worse. Your body smacks on the ring again and you swear your head is ringing from the chorus of cheers. You lay flat on your back only to open your eyes to see Rhea standing above you grinning like a maniac. She kicks your side and you fold into yourself with a hiss of pain. She turns around and starts hyping herself up and pointing towards her belt.
With all the strength in your body, you rose up with one hand around the center of your stomach. When Rhea turned around you backhanded her across the face with all the strength you could muster. A sour expression sunk onto her face and before you knew it she performed her finisher on you. You knew that the chances of winning were below 1%, but at least you got a hit in. She pinned you and you laid there waiting for it to be over, though as you lay on the ground you turned your head to meet Dominik’s eyes again. He swallowed hard and looked away, fixing his composure. Then that was it, they left and you went right after them. You wanted to be alone after such a humiliating match you didn’t even want to do in the first place. You wanted to sit with your thoughts that kept revolving around the guy that you hardly knew.
You turned the corner about to go into the dressing room when you crashed into something hard. You looked up with an apologetic expression only for it to drop instantly when you saw it was Dominik. He shifts awkwardly on his feet as if he is nervous to speak, though he apologizes to Rhea, “I’m sorry she shouldn’t have done that”. You had said nothing and only looked at him with wide eyes. This was the last thing you imagined would happen. You nodded at him and smiled slightly to show that you were grateful for his apology. You were still clutching your stomach, but the pain was ignored in his presence. Though Dominik noticed, he frowned and stared, “Can I walk you to the infirmary?”. He said in a concerned voice but it was also laced with guilt. Surely he didn’t think this was his fault? You wanted to deny the offer and just deal with the pain on your own. But the more attention that was drawn to the ache only made it more painful. You sigh and nod, letting him lead the way.
You both walked side by side with no more words exchanged. And when you made it to the room Dominik rubbed his neck nervously, “Well this is it”. You nodded and looked at him all the same. He clears his throat and looks away from your piercing gaze; yet for some reason, his heart pumps faster. He turns to walk away but before leaving you completely he waved goodbye. You had to do the same. From that point on Dominik had to fight the thoughts of you out of his brain. It was like those small interactions were consuming his mind and making it hard for him to function. He hasn’t even heard you speak yet you already managed to get a hold of him. 
A week passed and your next match wasn’t until Monday. You were excited for more reasons than one. Firstly, you felt fully revived and ready to show off some of the new moves that you came up with. Secondly, Rhea hasn’t released any more statements and your fanbase has only grown since the match. And thirdly, everyone was going to be in for a surprise. You intended to be one of the most creepiest wrestlers out there.
Meaning your silence was going to be a magnet of fear if anything. Your eerily music rang through the stadium and all the lights completely shut off so you could roll out from under the ring and stand in the middle. The lights flickered and after a loud screech, they turned back on to show you in the middle. You were dressed in black attire with dark makeup that only emphasized the horror-type look. You heard whistles and cheers at the sight of you, honestly, it felt like floating in many ways.
You didn’t give a single fuck about who you matched today; you knew with confidence the win was yours. So when Baliey stepped out and rolled into the ring you looked at her with wide creepy eyes ( as the commenters put it). You let Baliey go on her stupid rant while you thought of the best way to shut her up. The match started with punches flying, if Baliey hit you she got a punch right back and so forth. You managed to get an upper hand by kicking her feet from under her. Bailey landed harshly on her back. You picked her up as high as you could and put her on your shoulders. She held onto the top of your head with absolute fear at the fall ahead of her. Just as you were about to drop her another loud blast of music startles you. You were still holding Baliey up when you saw two silhouettes walk out of the opening.
 But you continuously reminded yourself to stay focused and ignore the new people. Their interruption was not close to worthy enough for a loss on your part. Instead of dripping Bailey, you summersault with her on your shoulders. She slams onto the ring and ends up behind her, holding her legs over her head to pin her. Bailey squirms and kicks out on two. You stand up and survey the area for Rhea, you knew it was her just by the music that blasted through the stadium. She was standing at the side of the ring with Dominik to the side of her. You wrinkled your nose in disgust at the pair together. All the respect you had for her was lost.
Then again you looked straight through Dominik, his eyes widened when Baliey came running up behind you. You hold back a smirk at his unintentional warning, and you spin around just in time to punch her across the jaw. She steps back holding the side of her face with a shocked expression. You walk up to her and grab her by the shoulders to bring her stomach down on your knee. She groans loudly and exhales a hard breath, you throw her to the side to lay her down on her back. You pin her and after 3 lengthy counts, the win was yours. Rhea claps slowly and sarcastically to bring your attention to her. You glare unkindly and roll your eyes when she picks up a microphone.
 Again Dominik watches like a little puppy following their owner. You did what Rhea hated most, you ignored her and slid out of the ring to begin walking backstage. Only to come to an instant halt at Dominik’s hesitant voice. “It’s not what you think”, he says but it is drowned out by all the yells and boo’s thrown his way. Dominik looks side to side with annoyance. “Listen-”, he tries again but gets the same response to the same effect. He throws his hands up and just gives the mic back to Rhea, you are tempted to turn around and ignore her once again but Dominik’s pleading look roots you to the ground. She takes the mic but it seems as if it is hard for her to say what is necessary, “Join the Judgement Day” she finally rattles off. You scoff instantaneously.
The next few weeks are to the same effect. Rhea and Dominik interrupt your matches to convince you to join the group. They are hoping to wear down your resolve to the best of their ability. Eventually,,,, Damian and Finn also come out to pester you and in truth,,,, it is getting hard for you to hold your tongue. After another tiring day of constant interruption and nagging from the group, you manage to get away and inside of your dressing room. The moment you plop down onto the couch for a moment of rest, there is a knock on the door.
You groan as loud as possible so the person can hear how much they are inconveniencing you. You sat and hoped they would go away after the clear noise of annoyance. But another soft knock comes from the other side of the door. You take a steady breath and propel yourself off the couch to open the door. Yet you were surprised to see Dominik and Dominik alone on the other side of the door. He bites the inside of his cheek but leans on the doorframe as if he is not nervous. He motions inside, “Can I come in?”, you sigh and nod pushing the door open for him.
For some odd reason you felt drawn to him, and after weeks of looking at him and hearing him (or attempting to) plead for you to join, you kind of developed a small crush on him. Dominik walked in and lingered in the middle of the room, switching from foot to foot while he waited for you to close the door. You closed it shut and spun around to look at him, a small laugh fell from your lips at his awkward composure. Dominik’s heart instantly started to race and he recognized his chest getting warm at the sound.
You sit on the couch and pat the spot beside you. He blows out a nervous breath but takes a seat beside you anyway, he fiddles with his hands before rushing out what he came to ask you. “Have you thought about joining?”. You slightly shake your head but in all honesty that was all you thought about these past few weeks. You wouldn’t mind being closer to Dominik, and he would love that as well. But one thing kept you from making the decision. He rubs his face in mild disappointment, “Why not?” it almost sounded like a whine.
You pull your lips to the side, not wanting to share the true reason because Dominik surely wouldn’t appreciate it. You shrug and look at him in the most neutral way you could, though he knew. He always knew. “It’s Rhea right?”, he sighs and scratches his eyebrow. Your eyes fly open and you look panicked at being caught, you shake your head no in an attempt to deny it. Dominik clicks his tongue, “I know it is, Hermosa”. Did he just call you beautiful??? The name made your heart race faster than what is considered healthy.
You blush and drop your head to avoid his understanding eyes. Noticeably Dominik has changed since that first night you saw him, he has gotten more influence in his group. He is less nervous to be around you and more confident in himself. So maybe that's why he took your hands in his, you raised your head to look at him in confusion. “I’m sorry I didn’t stop her that night. But she will never hurt you or humiliate you like that again. I swear”, he says with serenity and positivity.
Dominik was convinced that Rhea would cause you no harm anymore. You close your eyes to process; you knew that if you looked at Dominik too long you’d have to say yes. Time and time again you told yourself no. No this wasn’t going to work out and no he wasn’t worth the trouble. Things change though. And Dominik holding your hands and consoling you was a change that helped you make up your mind. You open your eyes and give him a short and small nod. Dominik beams with dilated pupils at your acceptance. He lost control of his body which made him pull you directly into his arms.
 He wraps his arms around you and both of you share a similar feeling of embarrassment. Dominik pulls back and he looks mortified at what he had done. He pops up off the couch and mutter something along the lines of “I have to go tell everyone” and then he slips out of the room casually. Yet you could hear him running down the hallway. The long day was eventful and you just signed part of your career away because you were beginning to love a man. “Fuck”, you finally say and bury your head into your hands.
The next time you seen Dominik was in the Judgment Day dressing room, conveniently enough your name was also written on the door. You walked in with your head held high and confidence spilling from your body. You had been prepared for the worst which was ridicule and rude behavior. Yet you heard laughter. It was Dominik and Damian while Finn and Rhea sat with smiles on their face at the exchange. Rhea’s expression hardened when she turned to look at you, you gave her the same hard look and crossed your arms defensively.
Dominik noticed the tension and stopped laughing at the exchange. He rushed over to you and held you by the arm. He coughs to bring the attention to himself, “15 minutes till guys” was all he said before Finn cheered. Finn pops up off the couch and walks over to Damian to smack him on the shoulder, “The Judgment Day rules, right Damian?”. Damian responds with a simple, “Yea” and puts an arm around his friend. Rhea stands up and walks over to you and Dominik, you are noticeably tense under Dominik’s hand.
Dominik felt the nervous energy radiating off of you. He’s not sure why he does it but he finds his arm slipping around you shoulders. The tension in your face goes away in relief at the feeling of protection from him. “Ready then?”, Rhea asks you while quirking her eyebrow. You nod a bit apprehensively. “Still not talking?”, she asks with a smirk. You raise your eyes playfully, trying to be nice. She gives you a small smile back and pats you on the shoulder. Dominik lights up at the pleasant reaction and he can hardly stand still with excitement. You smile to yourself, just maybe you could get used to this. 
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A month passes and things are only getting better, you still haven't spoken a word to anyone. But Judgement Day doesn’t seem to mind. They have found themselves accommodating to your silence, therefore they only ask questions that are yes and no. You appreciate their effort, but your silence was a choice of protection for yourself in a way. When you completely trusted someone you would speak to them, and the time came for that to happen.
 But Dominik would be first to hear, he deserved that much. Monday night 20 minutes before his match you pulled him into a closet, away from listening ears. He looks down at you; his hands almost reach out to hold your arms in comfort. You are currently working up the courage to speak by looking into his eyes; they were always so deep with emotion. “Everything okay Hermosa?”, he asks; though his eyes drop down to your lips frequently.
“Yes”, you whisper but it sounded more like a croak from how long it has been. Dominik’s jaw went slack and his shoulders dropped in awe. He couldn’t believe his ears, so much so he rubbed one of them to make sure he was hearing right. “W-what?”, he wants you to speak again, so so badly it hurts. You bite your lips; holding back from laughing at his insane and surprised expression. “Dominik”, you say. He shakes a sharp intake of breath and steps back; only to step forward right back into his previous spot.
He points at your lips and he looks astonished, “You just talked- I mean really spoke”. He shakes his head in disbelief and runs a hand down his face. You nod; the corners of your mouth going up. You knew he would react strongly but this was just perfect. He looks crazed to keep hearing you, and his hands finally find the sides of your arms; “Well don’t stop now! Your voice is so- I don’t even know how to put this… angelic”. He is shaking in excitement, you laugh and touch his chest with one of your hands.
His heart was nearly beating out of his chest as well. “When we go back out you have to pretend like nothing was said”, you remind him because surely he wanted to tell all of his friends. He opens his mouth without speaking and exhales heavily. “You're talking”, he pushes out… he has never felt this way before. The emotions he was going through right now were crushing in the best way. He wanted to kiss you and listen to you talk for days/ maybe even months. He never wants to see you nod again, he just wants to hear the soft sound of your voice. He was so struck, and so happy he had to pull you into his chest and wrap his arms around you in a hug.
 You hide your blush and smile into his chest, you suppose you could give him time to calm down and process. After a few more minutes he lets go and asks for you, “Ready?”. “Are you?”, you giggle and push him a bit. He stares for a moment, “You're killing me” he puts his forehead on your shoulder. You touch his hair and you tap his head, motioning with your head towards the door. “Okay I’m ready”, he mutters but makes no move for the handle. You nod and Dominik swallows hard at the denial of another word.
You both step out into the hallway and begin walking towards the group. They all turn around and sigh breathes of relief. “Where have you guys been?”, Rhea says in a strict voice. “Sorry, we got held up by the camera crew. Finn shrugs and looks away but Rhea and Damian aren’t as easily as convinced. They will ignore it for another day…they guess. 
Yet another week passes and Dominik has taken advantage of his privilege of hearing you speak. More often than not he would find time in the hectic day to hear your sickly sweet voice. But today, he could get very few words out of you. It was Wrestlemania and you had a surprise match. Meaning the type of match and who it was with was completely and utterly sheltered from you. You were anticipating the worst as always, but at the end of the day, you were going to make the most of it. Now your match was 8 minutes away and Dominik quickly pulled you into a janitor's closet, “Good luck” he rushed out as if he was nervous for you.
You look up at him from your lashes, “Thank you, see you after?”, you affirmed. “Yeah”, he said like he was breathless. You quirked your brow at him in confusion but time was running out, and a strike of confidence hit you. You rose up to kiss his cheek and you left the closet with a minute to spare.
 Your music blasted and the arena went dark as always, only to flicker when you finally made it to center stage. You stood in the middle with your arms raised in the air and a sinister creepy smile plastered directly on your face. You circled the ring only to come to a complete stop when the music played. Your face dropped and you already felt the tears of betrayal burn your eyes; it was Rhea’s music. She came out alone with her title thrown over her shoulders and you felt no fear.
You felt sick to your stomach, the man you loved had to have known. They all knew and none of them told you a word. You start blinking quickly to wish away the tears, yet the moment Rhea towered over you with a victorious smile. A tear happened to roll down your cheek for the world to see. You whipped it away harshly and gritted your teeth at her quick look of pity. The match started and you grabbed her by the shoulders and punched her across the face 3 times. All your pain and sorrow flowed out of you the entire match. Each kick and push was with hatred for what she did to you.
Worst of all, as you lay flat on the floor with blinding tears; all you could think of was Dominik. You were back in the same position as the first time, thinking of him as you lost. Every piercing pain in your body was nothing compared to how your heartfelt. And when Rhea’s arm was raised into the air, you rolled out of the ring and moved as quickly as you could muster to the dressing room. You pushed the door open so hard it rattled the hinges but you weren’t intending to confront anyone. You wanted to grab your things and get the fuck out of there.
You had been expecting all the boys to be in the room but it was just Dominik. His face was crestfallen and he stood up as soon as you walked in. You spared him no look, your hands fumbled with every article of clothing you had in the room. And you walked right past him to grab all your makeup. You had no use leaving it there anymore; there’s no way you’d be back. Finally, you turned to Dominik with your bags in hand and just stared at him with a quivering lip. You wanted him to see how bad it hurt. He can barely look at you, “I couldn’t tell you”. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit is what screamed in your head.
Your eyes were empty and your silence made him finally look at you. Tears are flowing down your face uncontrollably and Dominik looks just as wounded as he feels. He knew he fucked up, but there may be no coming back from this. “I’m sorry”, he whispers what he can get out. Your hands shake at the apology. You wanted to smack him, you wanted to curl up in a ball and hide, you wanted to scream until your throat burned and you collapsed. He only got closer to you, 3 steps away to be exact.
Your throat burned in disgust, his eyes filled with tears much like yours. “You don’t know how sorry I am, what can I do?”, he was on the verge of sinking to his knees and pleading at your feet. His knees felt weak and he cursed himself for not telling you like he was going to days before. You shake your head at him; no words would be enough. His breathing has gotten fast and your silence is hitting him hard, “Say something. Fuck just say something” he pleads. You swallow hard, “What do you want me to say, Dominik?”. His glossy eyes widen when you take a step closer to him with fury deep in your eyes.
“You want me to tell you about how you broke my fucking heart?”, you take another step towards him. “Or how you betrayed me? The ONLY person I trust?”, you take the final third step towards him and you push him back harshly. Dominik clutches his chest because it feels like his heart is shattered. He fucked up, he fucked up, he fucked up. You're leaving and he can’t stop you, he can’t get you back… he ruined his life. “I tried to tell you-”, he croaked and moved towards you again. He held your arms carefully just like he used to, only to be pushed back roughly again, “Don’t touch me!”. He sinks to his knees and begs you to stay, “I need you please, please, please don’t leave me”.
Your breath caught in your throat and your lip quivered again, your face was flushed with tears and your throat felt tight. “Tell me why”, you demand him and harshly wipe the tears again. He looks down shamefully. “Tell me”, you grit out. He stands up on shaky legs and breathes carefully, “It was a contract when you first joined. This was planned since the beginning. But things changed, you changed me Hermosa”.
You scoffed and clenched your fists. You grab your bags off the floor and turn around to leave with a broken heart. “I LOVE YOU! Is that what you wanted to hear?!?! I love you” he yelled in hysteria after you. You sucked in a shaky breath at his confession; because after it all you loved him so much more. You turned your head to look at his crestfallen face, “Not enough” you replied. He clenched his hands and a lonely tear rolled down his face, “Hate me”. Your body stood still in awe, “What?” you gasped out.
He took another prodding step, “Hate me but don’t leave it like this. Don’t leave us like this”. “You’re my everything” his voice cracked with his last notion of hope. Your voice shook and so did your body; one thing was for sure you loved him. You couldn’t let go no matter how much it hurt, “I need time”. He nodded instantly, he would give you anything now that he lost everything.
Your lips pressed together and a new wave of tears rolled down your cheeks, “I love you and I need you but not like this” you sniffle. “I love you”, he says back in one breath though his hands were shaking to stop your tears. Part of you knew you’d come back to him in time but for now, you leave the room and shut the door. “I love you”, you hear from behind the closed door; you turn around. 
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bijouxcarys · 2 months
I seriously can’t stop thinking about Roman’s return at Summerslam, and it’s not just because I’m a huge Reigns fan and a huge fan of the Samoan dynasty.
This man grew up with a father whose job was a professional wrestler in the biggest wrestling federation in the world. Anyone who knows anything about that industry knows it’s one hell of a feat to be able to maintain a family in tandem with working for the WW(F).
This man was a talented football player. He worked hard to get somewhere in that field. He had a good woman by his side, a good career, a tight family. He was heading straight to the top. The NFL. And then found out about the leukaemia. Back to square one.
This man got released from two football contracts after his diagnosis, headed home and worked in a furniture installation warehouse with his cousins for 2 years.
This man’s father saw it in him. Just as it was in his older brother. One push, into the deep end, and he was training tirelessly to make it in the WWE. To garner the same respect his old man had, the same respect his cousins had, the same respect given to the Samoan wrestling dynasty.
This man smashes it in FCW, smashes it in NXT, smashes a Survivor Series debut at the age of 27.
This man has a long-time girlfriend, a 6/7 year old daughter, his cousins are working in the same company, he’s getting there, he’s working it. And then the beloved faction—The Shield—implodes.
This man is then shoved down everyone’s throats. This is the guy. The new face. The new Cena.
This man loses autonomy as a wrestler. Loses his creative freedom.
This man wins the 2015 Royal Rumble, only to be booed to no end, despite him supposedly being a baby face. A good guy. No guys, this is who you should be cheering for! See how we are pushing him? This should have been the biggest night of his life, but it was marred by a crowd so hateful towards his character, that he’d rather not remember it!
This man is now married. Is the official face of WWE, whose fan base doesn’t want him. They want him gone. They chant their disdain. Every. Single. Time.
This man continues to be given poor promos, poorly written scripts, is made to say lines that make him into a mockery. But he does it. He plays the game. He knows how this goes. It doesn’t take away the fact he is still one of the most gifted wrestlers of the modern era. But the fans don’t see that. They don’t want to.
This man has his championship opportunity taken from him at Wrestlemania. Fuck.
This man, for the next few years, continues to be pushed and pushed and pushed. Fights with his whole soul. He needs that respect. He deserves that respect. His nose is shattered, his face is split open by a former UFC champion.
This man, still billed as the face of WWE, is now to do what nobody expects of him. Defeat the phenom. The Undertaker. Potentially the most beloved character in the history of pro wrestling. More booing. Nobody believes he deserves it. Just more negativity.
And then, the same exact year, this man’s big brother passes away. But what does he do? He keeps it pushing. He will endure these challenges in order to earn that respect he so desperately needs.
This man continues to be booed and mocked and undermined, under appreciated. Until late 2018.
This man announces that his real name is Joe and he’s been living with leukaemia for 11 years. And it’s back.
For the first time, the WWE universe realise this is a real man. And the absence of said man highlights just how important he is.
This man, in February 2019, announces he’s in remission. Gets a taste of the humanity in the WWE universe. But now he’s floating about. He doesn’t know who he is. He’s pushed as a face, but knows he’s destined for something different, something that will command that respect.
In 2020, this man takes a break. Reinvents himself a bit. Taps into who he is, his culture, his family, his traditions.
And then at Summerslam 2020, The Big Dog returns. And there’s something different about him.
The Big Dog is now The Tribal Chief. The Head of the Table.
And you will Acknowledge Him.
For the next few years, this man raises the bar, lifts up his cousins, has the likes of John Cena, The Undertaker, Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, and Triple H, praising him. The greats can see it. That respect is so close, he can almost taste it.
By April 2024, this man has had one of the longest title reigns in WWE history. Over 1,300 days as the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion. He’s been pinned less than a handful of times within 4 years. He carried the company through COVID. He’s become the real face of the company whilst being himself, controlling his destiny, his promos, his image.
Yet… he’s still overlooked by the crowd. An undeserving champion some would say.
So you know what? Let’s give this to the man everyone loves. Another prodigy of a legendary family. Cody Rhodes.
Roman’s absence between Wrestlemania 40 and Summerslam 2024 proved just how loved he is. The fans thought they wanted one thing, they thought they wanted Cody. But once Roman Reigns is taken out of the equation… damn, this shit is kinda boring.
The “we want Roman” chants start. The world starts to crave his presence. They need him to come back. To have that genius moment of cinema. The way he commands a room without saying a single word.
During this man’s absence, the wrestling world mourns the loss of Sika Anoa’i. Roman Reigns’ father.
Married, 5 kids, a wife of 10 years, a career like no other, living with leukaemia, constantly working on himself… and now, the man who pushed him, the man who saw something in him, has passed on to the other side.
When those drums rang out in Cleveland on August 3rd 2024, everybody knew how big of a moment this was. Historical. Monumental. And as the Original Tribal Chief turns that corner, showing himself to the WWE universe for the first time since April… he got it.
The respect.
This man is more than a wrestler. He’s a warrior. The pop, the reaction, for his return at Summerslam… it’s never been more deserving. 14 years of trial and error, pain, loss, lack of identity, all paid off.
Because now, we all know. Everyone knows.
They acknowledged him.
I’m so proud of him.
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"Helpful" Rundown of AEW Wrestlers, Part 1
Like the title says, this will be a summary/rundown for various wrestlers in AEW for people who would like the information.
Swerve Strickland
1x AEW World Champion (current as of the time of this writing), 1x AEW Tag Team Champion (with Keith Lee)
The coolest wrestler not named "Scott Hall"
Genuinely great in the ring
Amoral opportunistic asshole
Makes all of his feuds personal to get in his opponent's head
Can, will, and has threatened a child with violence
Will betray people to further his own success
Canonically immune to pain from staple guns
Canonically spent two weeks inside a casket following the first All In from London in 2023.
"Timeless" Toni Storm
3x AEW Women's Champion (current as of this writing)
Tied with Hikaru Shida as 3x champs
Arguably the most over woman on the entire roster
Previously part of The Outcasts with Saraya (fka Paige) and Ruby Soho (fka Ruby Roit[t]) where she was more in line with her previous Stardom/WWE presentation
Had an episode after losing the belt to Shida, resulting in her becoming an unhinged and paranoid 1950s/Golden Age of Hollywood, Sunset Blvd-esque star.
As part of the change, Toni spoke with a different accent, changed her hair, makeup, and wardrobe--as well as her entrance music-- to look and feel more akin to the Golden Age, and will consistently appear only in black and white (outside of matches and other limited moments)
Currently in the middle of another episode following a betrayal by a former friend.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman
1x AEW World Champion, 1x ROH Tag Team Champion (with Adam Cole), 1x AEW International American Champion (current as of this writing)
A genuine generational talent
Better than you (and you know it)
Manages to capture the same sort of energy as 1980s-1990s/Golden Age WWF heels and babyfaces
A loud piece of shit. One of the worst people.
Openly deals with various insecurities that he can and will weaponize in feuds in order to get his opponents to lower their guard
Is a heel basically as a defense mechanism for those insecurities as well
Has canonically had two friends in AEW. Betrayed the first friend, and was betrayed by the second.
Rarely breaks character
Mercedes Mone
1x AEW TBS Champion (current as of this writing), 1x NPJW STRONG Women's Champion (current as of this writing)
FKA Sasha Banks in WWE
Basically what would happen if that obnoxiously pretty and arrogant girl you went to high school with was also wildly successful and passive-aggressively rubbed it in your face at every opportunity
Genuinely loves pro wrestling, openly stated that Eddie Guerrero was one of her favorite wrestlers
Generally very good in the ring. Will let herself be fucking ragdolled by people to help sell a move
Doesn't have the best finisher or theme music.
Technically debuted as a babyface, but the character is a natural heel and she embraced that quickly.
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princessbettina · 9 months
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Pairings: Cody Rhodes x Fem! Reader
Warnings: None-Just short and filled with fluff.
Summary: When promoting your woman's tag team championships with your tag partner at your company's annual fancy dress party, your boyfriend Cody Rhodes ends up having some fun with the gold you had won.
Border credit goes to: V6que
Apologies if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes in this.
Comment if you want to be tagged in (or removed from) my taglist ♡
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In the company in which you and your loving,caring, and devastatingly handsome boyfriend, otherwise known as Cody Rhodes, wrestle for, more often, are invited to attend press and promotional parties.
Cody and you attended one for the first time as an official couple,and both of you found it to be quite enjoyable. Being in the company of your wrestler friends and each other.
From that day forward, both of you always look forward to the future and upcoming events, always hoping to try and make it to as many as possible.
Tonight was your lucky night.
Last week on Monday Night Raw, you and your best friend, f/n, had a women's tag team championship match against Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez, where you and your best friend had successfully won the tag titles for the first time, especially in your career.
That was a moment you knew that you'd never ever forget.
WWE had invited you and your tag team partner to the event to show off that you both are the rightful champions in the women's division and to promote the championships to the world.
It filled you up with excitement, knowing that the attention would be on you, and the focus on the woman's tag championships, as you always thought the woman's division in general was just as important as the men's division.
If Cody, your boyfriend, wasn't a wrestler, or if he wasn't involved with the event too, you knew you'd still find a way to sneak him in and have him be there with you, but since he's also on a roll in his career too, there wouldn't be any reason for him to not make an appearance too.
Later in the day, Cody and you got ready to head out for the night. You were dressed in your new favorite gold sequin mini dress that hugged each and every one of your features perfectly, along with a pair of gold boots and gold delicate lace gloves that matched your dress beautifully.
As you had finished adding the finishing touches to your outfit in the bathroom, leaning against the wall near the bathroom, there stood Cody. He was rocking his iconic light green suit and jacket, paired with a stripped white tie.
The second his eyes landed on you is when he smirked playfully at you; "You look lovely, darlin." Cody softly whispered with a wink in your direction.
You blushed as red as a tomato. You thanked Cody as you reached up on your tip toes, planting a kiss on his nose. "Thank you so much, babe! You look ever so dashing and handsome if I do say so myself." You giggled softly as Cody smiled down at you before wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"Thank you as well, gorgeous. I think it's safe to say that you're the more dashing one here, and I mean it, baby!." Cody whispered flirtatiously in your ear before softly planting his lips a top of yours.
You kissed Cody back with just as much softness and love as he did. Moments like this that were filled with such bliss were what you always enjoyed and filled your heart with so much love and happiness.
When you both pulled away, you found yourself almost getting lost while looking into Cody's beautiful ocean eyes as he looked deeply into yours, too. "It's show time, my love. Are you ready?"
You asked softly, gently booping Cody's nose,causing him to chuckle and nod his head. "For you? Always. Let's get this show started, beautiful."
The both of you made your way out of the bathroom and towards the front door. Cody had grabbed another coat as it was wintertime where you both were. Glancing up at you, Cody stopped in his tracks and called over to you; "Hey gorgeous, I know you love your outfit and want to show it off, it's cold out, don't forget your coat."
You smiled when Cody politely handed you your coat, but then insisted to help you put it on. "You're the best. Thank you, my love." You thanked Cody once more. Cody leaned towards you and gently pecked your lips, "Always and anything for you, darlin."
Before you knew it, showtime was soon underway, and it sent excitement through you.
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When Cody and you had arrived right away, the atmosphere was buzzing. The both of you were greeted by your other wrestler friends, exchanging hugs and high fives with one another.
Moments later, you, alongside Cody, had met back up with your best friend who just so happened to be the other tag team champion next to you; "Hey champ! There you are! You look stunning, bestie!" You squealed as you hugged f/n.
F/n smiled brightly and hugged you back; "Thank you! You look gorgeous too, bestie!" The two of you and Cody chatted with one another until it was time for your and F/n's interview.
"It's time, F/n! Are you ready?" You asked quickly, bright smile and all. Your best friend nodded and smiled brightly back at you; "We were both born ready for this! We got this, bestie!"
Glancing up at Cody, you quickly let him know where you were going; "It's press time, my love! I'll meet up with you when it's finished if that's alright?"
Cody smiled and nodded, "Absolutely! You both got this, darlin! I'll be right over there with Sami and Kevin." He replied with a wink, causing you to blush.
Your smile grew bigger as you nodded your head again. F/n and you linked arms and headed over to where the interview would take place. This moment of getting to be with your best friend and talking about your victory on camera excited you to your core.
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The interview that both you and your best friend had finished and it was great success. You and F/n were very happy with how it went.
F/n and you had met back up with Cody and told him how it went; "Hi my love! We're back, and it went really well!."
Cody smiled brightly and wrapped his arm around your upper back as he placed a kiss on your cheek; "Hey gorgeous! I'm so happy to hear that. I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you, handsome! You're so sweet." Smiling again, you said as you wrapped your arm around his waist gently.
"Hey y/n, I think there's a snack table over there..." Your best friend stated as she pointed straight ahead. You looked up and in the direction of where she pointed to and smiled.
"Would you like to come with me to get some over there?" F/n asked curiously. You nodded, "Yes, that sounds like fun!"
You then turned your attention to your boyfriend, gently tapping his shoulder; "I'll be right back, babe. There's a snack table that f/n wants to check out. I'll bring us back something if you want."
Cody quickly nodded his head as the bright blue sparkle twinkled in his eyes, along with his beautiful pearly smile appearing, causing you to burn happy butterflies in your stomach; "That's okay, darlin, and you're the cutest."
"And you're the best! Anything for you. Also, would you please hold onto my title for me, love?" You asked him softly. The soft but beautiful smile reappeared on his face once more as he nodded softly; "Of course, beautiful."
You giggled softly while planting a kiss on his cheek; "Wonderful! I'll be right back, my love."
You then followed F/n to the snack table and got snacks for yourself and for Cody, too. On your way back, when you returned, that was where your eyes landed on Cody, holding your title perfectly perched up around his arm/shoulder.
You giggled softly to yourself as you saw him posing for selfies of himself and a few with your friends such as Sami and Kevin, with your freshly won championship gold. You thought it was such a cute sight to see.
As you continued to walk over to Cody, you saw him about to take another selfie. He brought the phone down when his eyes met up with yours as he smiled brightly again and motioned over to you; "Hey gorgeous, want to take a selfie with my newly won title?" He asked as he chuckled.
"Your title, cutie? Since when did you turn into F/n? Haha, I'm just teasing, we can absolutely take a selfie." You giggled as you gently booped his cheek and stood comfortably next to Cody as he cheered cutely, causing you to smile and giggle softly. You then posed for the selfie with the love of your life.
-The end ♡
Taglist: @shay2yay @iguessilikewrestlingnow
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itsrheasgirl · 10 months
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Hey, my claustrophobia doesn’t seem like such a problem anymore if I’m stuck with her.
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saintmagx · 1 year
I Knew you were Trouble ❤️‍🔥
In which y/n joins the WWE as a female competitor and is thrown into the crazy world of the Usos. Friendship, love , betrayal and mutual pining awaits.
AN: Literally making this for myself, might publish more of it, might not - enjoy I guess? 😳😂
in this reality, Trinity is still with WWE
Pairing: Jimmy uso x reader, Jey uso x reader (platonic)
w/c: 766
⚠️ Warnings: 18+ , swearing, violence (this is the WWE after all) slight smut, infidelity, jealous Jimmy, bad writing, cringe story telling, the Usos (because they are a warning in themselves) ⚠️
I was in your sights, you got me alone, you found me❤️‍🔥
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“And the challenger, being accompanied by the Usos, from y/h/t, y/r/n”
I was on top of the world. My life couldn’t be much better. I had my boys walking me down to the ring to face off against Charlotte for the Woman’s championship. I had been busting my ass for the past 8 months and finally earned my shot at the title. Nothing could ruin this moment for me - right?
“What the - ”
Then there was darkness.
Ok, so we may be getting a little bit ahead of ourselves, let’s take it back to 8 months ago, when it was your first day on Smackdown.
8 months ago
I was finally getting my opportunity after years of busting my ass in the independent circuit. I guess you could say I had made a name for myself and the WWE just had to have me.
Tonight I was making my debut on Smackdown, I was teaming up with Naomi to face off against Carmella and Mandy Rose. Carmella and Mandy where the current Woman’s tag team champions and Naomi had been teaming with Natalya - however she had been injured and I was asked to step in. This match could make or break me - I HAD to impress.
Standing backstage doing my pre-match stretched I’m broken from my trance
“Hey girl, I’m honestly so excited to be partnering with you tonight”
“Trinity hey, honestly same - though I’m a little disappointed we have to lose the match.”
“Yeah it bummed me out abit too at first, but all we have to do is put on one hell of a show”
“Good luck tonight baby” my eyes switch from Trinity to the handsome as hell man who approached her. His smile was infections, enough to make me weak at the knees. Wait…..baby?
“Y/n, this is my husband Jon, Jon this is y/n”
As if time stopped, his attention was on me, I could feel his eyes bore into me, slowly dragging up my body, my cheeks HAD to be red, oh god please don’t let anyone notice. Jon smirked at me - safe to say he noticed.
“Pleasure to meet you y/n”
Before I could reply, another equally as handsome man joined his side.
“Josh, this is y/n, y/n this is Josh, Jon's brother” Trinity said as she was stretching out for our match.
“I’m the handsome brother” Josh says, with a wink
“You do remember we are twins right?” Jon retorts
“Obviously uce, but I’m still the better looking brother”
Josh stood there with a shit eating grin plastered on his face. He had ruffled his brothers feathers once more and he was proud of himself.
These boy are going to be trouble.
• ❃°•°❀°•°❃•❃°•°❀°•°❃•❃°•°❀°•°❃•❃°•°❀°•°❃•
Our match was set up for us to lose, but we put on one hell of a show - main event material. Back at the gorilla Hunter were there to chat with me after my debut.
“Think of the bigger picture y/n” Hunter says
“You can’t always win. Remember when you go through that curtain you are telling a story, selling it with you matches and promos. Anyway, this sets it up perfectly for you guys to go for the titles”
“What?” I look up at him in disbelief
“The titles?”
“Y/n your hard work and determination shows off. The tag titles is a fantastic opportunity to kick start your time here.”
Not really sure what came over me but next thing I knew I had my arms wrapped around hunter squeezing him tight.
“You have no idea how much this means to me, thank you, thank you, thank you - I won’t let you down”
“You deserve it kid, now go show everyone what you are made of”
Leaving the gorilla my eyes glance to Trinity and the boys walking towards catering.
“TRIN DID YOU HEAR” I scream, jumping her from behind.
A twinge of jealousy spreads across me as I watch Jon dip his head down and place a kiss on Trinity's forehead - wait, I shouldn’t even be feeling like this - I give myself a shake and turn my attention to Josh.
“We have to celebrate”
“Josh, we haven’t actually won the titles yet, let’s save the celebrations till then huh?” I laugh
“Wait that’s a great idea, let’s do drinks, come on y/n let’s go get ready” Trin says as she drags me off.
Guess we are celebrating tonight.
If I’d have know how the night would turn out, I’d have headed straight back to the hotel.
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blueonwrestling · 2 months
yes the former womens world champion is more upset losing her man than losing her title thats awesome man women's wrestling has never been better within the wwe!
truly awesome that a woman cares about a relationship, becauses thats all women care abour right?
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bbygirlky18 · 1 year
Hi Hun! Can I make a Roman one-shot, y/n, fluff request? I don't have any specifics but something cute... surprise me!
Finally Whole! Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns x y/n
Warnings: Fluff!!
Word Count: 335
A/N: Hi everyone!! Currently listening to Bartender by Lady Antebellum as I was writing this. This was sent in by my friend @unfriendly--blvck--hottie so let's get into it.
Y/n is your name
@unfriendly--blvck--hottie hope you like it.
Roman Reigns had the heart of a champion both in the ring and out. Venomous boos followed him in every arena, but nothing ever phased him. He faced every opponent—in and out of the ring—with conviction, and his courage was unparalleled.
Monday night, the WWE Universe watched in awe as Roman Reigns accepted the challenge of a lifetime from his beloved “Y/N”. A smile spread across his face as he announced that he was officially taken and that Y/N was the woman who had stolen his heart.
The electricity in the air was undeniable as both Roman Reigns and Y/N emerged at ringside, and the crowd stirred in anticipation of what was about to come. The announcer bellowed the couple’s names, and Roman Reigns swept Y/N up onto the apron and into his embrace, caressing her with nothing but love in his eyes.
The cheers that reverberated throughout the arena were deafening, and in that moment, Roman Reigns and Y/N were finally whole. Together, they ascended to the top rope, where Roman Reigns sweetly kissed Y/N and declared his love for her to the entire world.
It was at this point that the WWE Universe realized just how special THIS couple was, and their true bond was finally revealed.
What followed was an emotional embrace that lasted for what seemed like an eternity, only for the bond between Roman Reigns and Y/N to be further solidified with a heartfelt marriage proposal.
The WWE Universe will forever remember the moment when Roman Reigns and Y/N sealed their fate. It was truly a moment that can only be described as pure, blissful, unconditional love and it was something that was shared by everyone in attendance that evening.
Through ups and downs, Roman Reigns and Y/N have emerged victorious together, and we all aspire to have a bond as powerful as theirs.
Now, one can only hope that Roman Reigns and Y/N continue to live happily ever after.
-I hope you guys enjoyed this! I haf fun writing it. I love y'all so so so much. <33333
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missprincesse345 · 8 months
Chocolate never was more tasty than this 😈😈
Summary: The 3 times y/n’s badass moments made her husband Roman Reigns feel like the luckiest man on the planet. This fic is a Aew au
Pairing: Roman Reigns x cargil reader
Random pairings: Jon moxley x jade cargil ( her sister), willow nightingale x Ricky starks, ruby soho x Anglo Parker.
Her faction: the vagabonds ( y/n,jade,willow,Brandi, and Keira hogan)
Championship title: current Aew women world champion
Face claim : saweetie
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1. “ Roman!!” Y/n yelled running into his arms hugging him tightly as he caught her , earlier in the night while she was at home making dinner Jey called stating Stephanie got him arrested during the smack down taping under false accusations making her blood boil with anger. Ever since Roman turned heel becoming the tribal chief and creating the bloodline certain people have been trying take him down or destroy his accolades in & out the ring “ hey babygirl I’m okay I’m okay” he said softly soothing her worry’s knowing how worried she’d get about his safety sometimes.
As they get in the car once she got the paperwork as well bail taken care of he filled her in on the situation Stephanie wanted him,the twins and solo to pay for their actions against Sami zayn & Kevin Owens during royal rumble which upon further investigation that the two were forced to by the women or they’d be sent back to nxt. “ I’m fucking done!!!” He said seething with anger as y/n nodded letting him vent all of his anger out knowing he needed it “ okay love then quit always come to Aew with me I mean Jon’s way happier over there” she said looking over at him.
“ I’m with you baby let’s do it” he said interlocking his bigger hand with her smaller one heading home Stephanie say your prayers she thought smirking to herself.
A week later
Walking into the stadium hand & hand the tribal chief was ready to make a statement with his Nubian queen by his side “ go get yourself all dolled up sweetness gonna go over the plan with the boys” he said looking down at y/n squeezing her hip “ mm okay my chief” she purrs kissing Roman deeply before walking away.
“ what the hell !!! It’s the bloodline ohhh and they don’t look happy, well what do you expect Stephanie’s actions towards Roman Reigns * sami & Kevin join them * ohhh looks like they got back up!!!” Michael Cole and pat mcafee said watching them launch a sneak attack on the couple at one point Roman points to the ramp giving y/n the signal. Watching everyone go crazy while walking down the ramp to the ring she only had one goal make this woman pay “ oohhh and her comes the tribal goddess herself” Cole said with a hint of excitement the whole roster was ready to see the couples demise and we’re enjoying every minute.
Standing face to face with the evil woman who hurt her tribal chief y/n waisted no time pouncing on her attacking Stephanie with every thing she had the older woman was no match for her cheetah like moves “ hold them up!!! Both of them!!!” She screamed as the boys got them in position “ no are they?! Double spear !!! double spear !!! My god Hunter and Stephanie just got snapped in half!” Cole said as the crowd chanted you deserve it
“ nobody!!! Can take down the bloodline we run this shit!!! We’re done with this company I’m done with this bullshit everywhere I go or my tribe goes you acknowledge us !!! Cause we the ones!!!” Roman said growling loudly in the mic as everyone held their fingers up. He was done with wwe and to do it with his goddess it felt great standing tall.
2. Roman & y/n where hanging out with his 6yr daughter Joelle at their new home in L.A California located in Beverly Hills. The couple was happy to have some time off after battle of the belts ppv not minding the little girls presence since she’d taken a liking to y/n instantly after Roman divorced his nightmare of a ex fiancé , hearing the door bell Roman got up from the couch smiling softly watching his two favorite girls laughing and smiling “ oh great what are you doing here?” He groaned coming face to face with his ex.
“ you weren’t answering my calls Joelle left her snacks & blanket at my place last week” his ex replied slightly upset he didn’t really talk to her since the divorce only if something involved jojo his ex was a gold digging bitch breaking his trust once to many. “ well jojo has all the snacks and blankets she needs but extra wouldn’t hurt * grabs her blanket & Cheeto puffs* oh while you’re here Joelle will be living with us or parents from now on” he said making the woman gasp in sock
“What?!!! Why Joe I” the woman only could get out as Roman turned around snarling at the woman immediately shutting her up “ you will never get to call me that again got it? Secondly you missed the court date , hearings as well meetings with the lawyers multiple times and your mother vouched for me stating that Joelle deserved to be with me besides y/n has been way more of a mother to her than you” he said smirking as y/n appears next him with jojo in her arms.
“ everything okay here? Oh hi” y/n said smiling as Roman explained the situation she never liked his ex and it was time to put the woman in her place “ jojo bug can you cover your ears for me ? * the little girl nods doing as told* good girl” she smiles at the girls cuteness. “ I’ll only say this once and once only you lost bitch you don’t deserve shit from him or anyone with your leg spreading flat chested twink dollar tree having ass unless you’re making a billion dollars a year,own fifteen businesses, model the hottest brands or look half as good like me” steps a little closer “ then get the fuck away from my family understand? Good” she said smiling at the fear struck woman as Roman watched proudly if you thought Roman’s death glare was scary hers was 10x more terrifying.
Walking back inside the couple shared a sweet kiss “ me too!! I want one!!!” Joelle squeaked making them laugh attack the girl with kisses “ you’re so good to me sweetheart thank you for coming into my life and hers” he said kisses her forehead making the woman melt “ I’d like to say it’s the other way around but you’re welcome cause I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else” she said touched by his words “ daddy!! Momma!! Can we make noodles and fried dumplings ? Oh please!” Joelle said smiling up at the two shocking them mostly y/n not wanting to push it letting Joelle get comfortable with the idea of being her new mom but the young child always saw y/n as her mother the first time they met .
“ uh - yeah of course darling but we gotta make sure you’re daddy doesn’t eat all the cookies we’re gonna make too” she said smirking at Roman as jojo hugged her tightly while on the inside she was buzzing with happiness as Roman did holding them close.
3. The wrestling it couple were tag teaming with her sister,Jon,Brandi and Cody against daddy magic,Anna,tay conti and Sammy after some off hand comments were made about the couple’s relationship.
“ ohhhh !!! God !!! Tay conti just got rocked!!” Taz comments as y/n super kicked her in the face before yanking into a deadly samoan drop doing a kip up as the crowd cheered “ let’s go!!!!” She screamed firing up the crowd turning around smirking pointing to Sammy mockingly blowing a kiss “ we run this bitch!!! Hoe!!!” She cackled licking her chops setting up for a Superman punch in honor of her husband which she perfectly executed before tagging her sister in.
“Come on baby!!! Roman cmon!!!” She shouted holding her hand out as her tribal chief tagged her in hopping over the ropes knocking down everyone on the opposite team before coming face to face with daddy magic yelling in her smiling like a psychopath slapping him not phased by the threats. She put him her finisher the cradle ( inverted ddt) “ and your winners the vagabonds and Roman Reigns,Jon moxley and Cody Rhodes!!!” They announced the crowd cheering as they all stood tall in victory.
Walking backstage they all were heading back to the locker room they heard Tay screaming about them cheating and so on down the hall “ kiss my ass bitch!!! Oh that’s right you don’t have one!!!” She smirked laughing twerking a little cause Roman to chuckle at her antics.
“ you are bad” he growled playfully against her ear before squeezing her plump bottom “ mmm but you like it though my tribal chief” she said looking up at him before getting brought into a steamy lip lock.
She was the whole package and all his nobody compares to his chocolate dipped goddess.
Her outfits 1,2,3 created by me:
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It’s Summerslam weekend, bois!! Let’s gooooo. And with it, here are some more (likely inaccurate) predictions. But, it’s what I want to happen, so it’s alright. One can dream, right? Let’s roll!!
Cody Rhodes 👑 versus Solo Sikoa for the Undisputed WWE Championship: 0.1% chance of Solo winning this match. Cody is retaining, after Bloodline 2.0 interference and part of the OG Bloodline (Roman Reigns and Jimmy Uso) interfere, mostly targeted at Solo Sikoa.
Sami Zayn 👑 versus Bron Breakker for the Intercontinental Championship: Soooooo—-. Sami Zayn. I’m going against most of the other predictions. I just can’t get behind Breakker’s character. He’s a phenomenal athlete, but I can’t stand the character. I can’t do it. I don’t like bullies, Bron is a bully. Sami, come in clutch here man, please.
LA Knight 👑 versus Logan Paul for the United States Championship: Okay, I’ll be straight up with y’all. I don’t like Logan Paul. I don’t think he’s a good person, and I wish he wasn’t in the WWE. LA Knight deserves the championship more. He actually puts in the work and shows up every week. So please, LA. Get the championship and show us what a real champion actually looks like. Yeah!
Rhea Ripley 👑 versus Liv Morgan for the World Women’s Championship: This is bound to be a good match with a ton of bad blood already in it. There is a lot of discussion about interference here, and I could definitely see it. I’m still taking Rhea to win this though, even with interference against her.
Bayley 👑 versus Nia Jax for the WWE Women’s Championship: I’m hoping for Bayley here, but either woman who wins here is going to have to think about Tiffany Stratton and her briefcase. I guess the same goes for Rhea and Liv, but they’ve definitely been hinting at her trying to cash in for this particular title. We’ll see what direction they take!
Damian Priest 👑 versus Gunther for the World Heavyweight Championship: Gunther is a phenomenal wrestler, but I can’t personally justify supporting him with the comments he’s made about Damian these past few weeks. Damian for the winnn!
Drew McIntyre 👑 versus CM Punk with Seth Freakin’ Rollins as special guest referee: Okay, but let’s be honest, Seth’s outfit is going to be the actual winner here. Seriously though, McIntyre all the way. 3 separate title matches (including WrestleMania which we all know what happened there), CM Punk interfered. I’m done with it, man. Drew deserves to finally win against him. He needs it, I need it, we all need it.
Hope y’all enjoy Summerslam!! Let’s goooo!!
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lesboriptide · 7 months
Need that angst/comfort drabble of rhea realizing how little tjd actually care for her and then Becky comes in and bam, rhea isn’t alone anymore(I am delusional about them)
Isn’t That Worth Holding On?
Eeeeowch! This took on a bit of a life of its own, haha. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed writing this! Thank you, and keep em coming!
For clarification, this takes place in kayfabe and is before these two officially get together. And yes, I am keeping up with naming these after Mitski lyrics.
TWs: implied manipulation/gaslighting, abusive platonic relationship
She lost.
She fucking lost, and Nia Jax was the new Women’s World Champion. Rhea could barely comprehend the moments leading up to it. All that rang through her head were the deafening boos of the crowd and Nia’s laugh. As far as anything else was concerned, none of it was real. Rhea had lost in her home country, with the Irresistible Force defying the odds and crushing her dreams. Crushing her like she was little more than a tree branch.
And once again, they weren’t there for her. Judgment Day were nowhere to be seen. She understood that it would be tasteless for them to attack or hit Nia, but they couldn’t even escort her out of the ring. They could have distracted the ref, distracted Nia…shit, that big-headed freak could’ve launched himself out of a cannon, for all Rhea could’ve cared. At least it would be something, anything to allow her to regain the upper hand.
But they didn’t, because why wouldn’t they? They were barely there for her during the build-up to the Fatal Five Way. They were nowhere to be seen when she battled Zoey Stark and Ivy Nile. They deemed R-Truth and The Miz as higher priorities than her getting beaten down by Nia every single fucking week leading up to Elimination Chamber. Dominik was still devoted to her, but his attention span swayed rapidly between her and the sausage party currently known as Judgment Day.
As she took a seat on a backstage equipment case, Rhea finally broke. She curled into herself and sobbed, hating herself for being so naive. She truly thought that that bastard Edge was right, that Judgment Day would be her true family and calling, that nobody would understand her like them. But of course, Rhea could see that was all a sick and demented lie. Edge never wanted to see her succeed — he wanted someone to control, someone to mold in his image before he eventually jumped off the burning WWE ship. Judgment Day ruined her friendships, her perception of family and love…it ruined her life, and now her Women’s World Championship reign has been ruined because of them.
Suddenly, she felt a light but distinct weight on her knee. Rhea looked up and saw that the weight was a hand, one that belonged to Becky Lynch. Because of course she had to see her like this, sobbing and broken after seeing her dreams of a match together fall apart. Having won the Women’s Chamber match earlier, she was now slated to fight Nia at Wrestlemania. Fucking terrific.
From the look on Becky’s face, she wasn’t thrilled either. But she seemingly knew better than to crowd up on Rhea, especially when she’s as emotional as she is right now. When the two met eye contact, Becky circled her thumb ever so slightly on her knee, her frown now turning into an anxious lip bite.
“It’ll be alright, Rhea,” the older woman said. “Don’t wanna overwhelm you, lass. If you need me, you have my number.”
And with that, she left as soon as she appeared. But with Rhea’s back now straight and her tears now drying on her face, the younger woman felt oddly at peace. She was still upset, but maybe, just maybe…she could find people to be happy with again.
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mjfsupremacy · 10 months
The hate that Swerve Strickland is getting as more of the IWC begin to realise he is on a trajectory to become AEW champion is racist. There's no other way to put it.
This tweet is the perfect summarisation.
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The comments on this are vile, 1) I believe it's because she's a woman, and women aren't allowed to share space in a conversation about wrestling, which is why so many of us (women and gender nonconforming folk) came here. And 2) because this tribalism issue refuses to acknowledge any wrong, especially on the WWE side. (You would think Vince was in the front line of the blm protests the way some of these idiots are talking istg)
Here's the facts, though. AEW are going into their 5th year, and it's obvious to anyone with eyes that we will see a black world champion in the next 2. We are watching Swerve's story grow and evolve in, I think, a very similar way to Hangman's did. (I always veiwed Hangman as the main character of AEW, and this fued has felt like a passing of the torch in some ways, which I love)
Can you honestly name a single time that WWE actively invested in a black world champion? And I'm not talking about the women's division or NXT, I mean, what they willing label 'The most important prize in sports entertainment.' It took 40 years, and it has always come with a caveat. (The only person who comes to mind is Bobby Lashley, and to me, his reign always felt like it happened because of the work he and his faction did rather than any belief WWE had in him.)
Thankfully, I believe they are moving in the right direction, but I don't think they do that without brands like AEW and TNA actively pushing diversity. I also think that WWE higher up don't care about the women division at all and that has given the creative team control and we can see that in the diversity of the talent that is currently dominating the storylines.
This sport has a very deep and dark history of racism in the mainstream, (which is not representative of wrestling at its core) and I think it's up to the AEW brand now to push back and remind everyone who they are and what they believe in. A fear of isolating fans shouldn't even be a thought because the AEW we all fell in love with wouldn't want racists as fans to begin with.
Anyway, follow Lyric on Twitter if ur brave enough to venture to the absolute black hole of an app and call out racism when you see it.
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fandom-postss · 6 months
So proud of our Aussies 🇭🇲
2024 Andre the Giant Battle Royale winner Big Bronson Reed
And Still WWE Woman's world champion Rhea Ripley
New WWE Smackdown tag team champion Grayson Waller with Austin Theory (A town down under)
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