#wwbn imagine
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onbearfeet · 1 month ago
I might ask this to every WwBN fic writer i encounter, simply because i love to see how each person interprets and writes it-
But how do you think Jack handles the day of the full moon, the full moon per se or the days prior/after?
Ooooooo, a tricky one!
I haven't delved into this much, so I suppose I'll work it out in this post. We know from canon that Jack tends to confine himself during his wolf time--"I lock myself in once a month"--and we see that his transformation is painful and the morning after is hell's own hangover. That's pretty much all the data we have. I suppose, then, that how he handles the whole affair depends on how he feels about himself.
He tells Elsa, "I'm also a human--maybe not in the category that you would consider a human a human." That statement could be either an announcement of his defiant personhood or an admission that he, too, sees himself as less than human. Depending on which part of the line he's feeling, his behavior may change.
Two possibilities present themselves.
If Jack is struggling with the self-loathing he experiences in the comics, he'll probably focus his efforts mostly on protecting the world from the wolf and very little on his own comfort. I'd expect him to arrive at his safehouse early in the afternoon, to have strong cages and chains and a lot of redundancy in case the wolf breaks through one or two layers of security. If he eats before shifting, it won't be more than basic nutrition--no little treats to cheer himself up before a bad night. He'll either want Ted nearby to control the wolf or want him far away to keep him out of danger. I'm getting a strong vibe of Catholic guilt out of the whole process. He's punishing himself for being who and what he is.
On the other hand, a more well-adjusted Jack would probably have systems that accounted not only for the danger he represents but also for the fact that a happy wolf is a less dangerous one. This Jack would opt for a large enclosure rather than chains and cages. He'd lay in food and toys or prey for the wolf--maybe an enclosed forest with game to hunt, maybe a big strongroom with chewtoys and a side of venison. He'd make sure the wolf had a comfortable place to sleep that smelled like his pack (Ted's leaf litter, Elsa's old clothes, etc.) and arrange for his own comfort when he woke up (warm clothes to put on, comfort food to eat, that sort of thing). Ted would be welcome in this scenario because the wolf would enjoy playing with him.
There's a sequence in Whump the Werewolf where we see one of Jack’s wolf-out cabins in a kind of midpoint emotional state. He had himself chained up (until Elsa let him go), but he also had food within reach and a bear-resistant chest with a puzzle lock on it (something the wolf couldn't open) containing warm clothes and coffee supplies for the morning after. Practical and a little melancholy. Plus I really wanted him to have warm socks.
In Monster Mash, Jack starts out locking himself in the basement of Bloodstone Manor in a very self-punishing sort of way. By the time the storyline gets where it's going, he'll be in a much healthier state of mind and will enjoy spending full moons in Elsa's woods with one or more of his packmates. The transformation back will still be painful, but he'll be more willing to let his loved ones dote on him on the morning after. Please imagine Elsa burying him in blankets and pillows, Ted plying him with herbal tea, and Bucky frying every slice of bacon on the property for Jack to inhale.
I don't think Jack will ever be cavalier about his transformations, nor will they ever be painless, but once he accepts the support of the people who love him, he'll be a lot better off.
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tiptapricot · 2 years ago
1,000 follower celebration!
Ty for everyone who voted on what to do :-D I’ve decided to take the top two choices so people can do things depending on their energy levels, so!
Draw/Write/Create this in your style:
Make something based off, expanding, or rewriting the prompt(s) below and either submit it via the ask box or make your own post and tag me! I’ll also be checking the hashtag #1000 tip fruits if you’d just like to put it there :-) You can make fic, art, meta, headcanons, collages, whatever you’d like! There is a general prompt that can be used for fandoms, OCs, or however you want to take it, as well a few fandom specific prompts. You are welcome to do any you’d like or combine a few if you’re interested in a crossover!
Ask Game:
My ask box is open to general Q’s about me, my writing, specific fics, characters, fandoms, etc! I won’t answer anything intimate about myself, but am open to nsfw hc asks about characters or ships as well :-) Any headcanon posts will be shorter than my normal ones but I’ll still try to give a good batch of thoughts!
Both these “events” will be open until the end of September! I’ll be reblogging stuff people make, but it’s a loosish period as there’s no contest or raffle or anything at the end and I mainly just want people to have fun :-)
💕 Thank you all for being here in my goofy corner, and I hope we can continue to vibe and grow as we continue to in our own lives :-D 💕
(Prompts below cut)
General prompt: Small things make up love languages. Intent with care, wanting with direction, and sometimes even just a reminder that one party values the other. It’s not a science, really. Everyone is different.
Moon Knight (comics or show): Jake often finds himself in the middle of disagreements, caught between Marc’s militaristic necessities and Steven’s push for comfort and collection. Today, however, he’s taken a firm side, and no one will make him budge.
WWBN (marvel special): With all the universes out there, the line between hunter and monster often blurs. It’s odd to see a case, however, where everything has been swapped while staying so closely the same.
TLB: There are many nights Michael doesn’t remember from the summer of 1987, more now that he’s grown into grey hairs and spotted fingertips. Sometimes he still tries to imagine what it may have been like between flickers of firelight and the flash of fangs, if nothing than for his own amusement.
BnT: Ever since they grew far enough out of trick or treating age that it felt strange to go door to door, Bill and Ted have been trying to establish a new Halloween routine. Ted’s not so sure about this idea, though.
Spider-verse (characters and/or ocs!): An anomaly manages to break free in HQ, spreading a mass of glitches through the building that send several spider people tumbling into dimensions not their own. Whether via escape or rescue, there is a mess that needs cleaning up, and fast.
DC (comics, cartoons, live action, whatever!): It’s not the first time heroes from the future have met heroes from the past, but it may be the first time they’ve managed to get lunch without a world ending event hovering on the horizon.
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wysteria-clad · 2 years ago
Once upon a time
paring: Jack Russell x fem! wife! reader
genre: fluff
warnings: brush your teeth after reading this cause it's too sweet
a/n: sweet, domestic fluff with our favourite wolf boy <3
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"Once upon on a time-"
"Long, long, long ago" the little boy piped up with excitement.
"Now I think about it, it's not that long ago, "
"Vale, si. Long, long, long ago" Jack added couple of 'o' at the last 'long' with a smile after watching his son smile.
"There was a big bad wolf living in the dark forest"
"Why was it called 'The Dark forest'?"
"Big, scary creatures roamed in that forest"
"Like uncle Ted?"
"Like uncle Ted."
"But he is not scary, he is silly" the child said with a goofy grin.
"To us, he is not scary." Jack smiled.
"Or the forest was really dark at night, that's why it was called 'The Dark forest'
"Who is the one telling the story, changuito?"
"Oh, really?"
"Yes! The big bad wolf man was not really bad, and he got into trouble one day" the little boy chirped up.
"Wolf man?" Jack got up from the bed for a moment to close to the windows.
"Yup" the child said, popping up the 'p'. "Some bad people got the wolf man, they wanted to hurt him. And then a very powerful-"
"And then a very powerful witch-"
The boy raised his hands, exclaiming, "A very powerful, cool, awesome-
"Si, a very powerful, cool, awesome," Jack couldn't stop the smile spreading on his face like warmth, "and the kindest witch saved him from the trouble. Hermosa."
"With her awesome witch powers?"
"Si, with her awesome witch powers" he ruffled the kid's hair.
"What happened after that?"
"The wolf man and the witch became friends."
"And then?"
"The witch fell in love with the wolf man first."
"Oh really?" you walked into your son's bedroom.
"That's what I remember, amor" Jack added with a sheepish grin.
"Mmm hmm" you strode towards him and pecked his cheek.
"Now I remember it, I think the wolf man fell in love with the witch first"
"The cool witch."
"The wolf man fell in love with the cool witch."
"And then?"
"And then they got married one day and they had-"
You can see your son's new front tooth gap as he grinned.
"Yes, you, sweetheart"
"Mama, will I be cool like you when I grow up?"
"Yes, you will be cool like your mama"
"Hey, your papa is cool too!" Jack pretended to be offended.
"Less cool than mama" your son giggled.
"You take that back, young man. Oh, you've angered the wolf man!" Jack tickled your son with his 'scary claws'.
Hearing your child's laughter, your husband, that moment was just perfect. A smile decorated your face.
"Papa is cool like mama!"
Your husband only stopped after your son confessed it.
You shook your head playfully. "Alright, time to sleep now."
"Good night, mama. Good night, papa"
"Good night, my little wolf" with a smile never leaving your face, you bent down to kiss his forehead.
"Mi tesoro" Jack pulled the blanket up to cover your son and turning off the table lamp.
After exiting you child's room, you turned towards your husband with a mischievous grin, "Why don't you act out a bedtime story for me, papi?"
"Oh, you are a wicked witch" Jack hooked his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.
"You love it" you chuckled, closing the remaining gap between you with a passionate kiss. "I love you, Jack."
He leaned back a bit to look into your eyes, he cupped your cheek with one hand, his other hand resting on your waist, "Te amo, mi vida."
Translation (not 100% literal & accurate):
vale, si - alright, yes
changuito - little monkey
hermosa - referring a gorgeous woman
amor - love
mi tesoro - my treasure
te amo - I love you
mi vida - my life
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xplore-the-unknwn · 2 years ago
Imagine Jack Russell......
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Oh. My. God. 
Have ya’ll seen this? Gael Garcia Bernal in Motorcycle Diaries?! He is so hot! 
Writers of tumblr please make a Jack Russell short out of this masterpiece of a scene! I was on a Gael Garcia movie spree and when I watched this, it awakened something inside of me. I don’t usually post content- but this was so ethereal and spicy. His acting was so passionate and spot on. Pure cinema. I just couldn’t-- asdfghjkl. Tag mee if you please!
I imagine Jack (wwbn’s beloved goldenwoof boy) would be this passionate and clingy with his S/O.
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Jack’s love language is physical touch. He appreciates being given lots of pats and warm cuddles(partly due to his heritage of having canine traits). So he loves to caress his s/o intently. all.the.time. But his favorite part is when he just stares at his s/o getting lost in their eyes.
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Jack is calm while handling his s/o, and with every kiss he is gentle and slow, savoring the taste of their lips.
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Jack likes lots and lots of intimate playfights. When he can’t get enough, his canine instincts would kick in and he would dive in his s/o’s neck (his favorite spot) to linger in that sweet scent of them.
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He fucks-
oh. so. graciously.
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sporadically-writing · 2 years ago
Hi! Can I have Jack Russell and shy/sweet reader please? Maybe how they met and fell in love. Thank you!
Not All Hunters {Jack Russell x Shy/Sweet Reader}
The woods have always been a comfort to you. There was always something so comforting about the evergreen quiet that exist in that space. It also may have been an escape for you from your overzealous monster hunting family, but that is beside the point. Well, actually, it is.
Your family had always been passionate about their mission of killing monsters. It was always the same message of how dangerous they are, how much damage they cause, how many people they’ve killed. You’ve always thought about it a bit differently though. Most monsters are said to live in the woods, away from people. 
What danger could they cause when they were simply living their own lives out there? Doesn’t that make us the monsters?
Your family never really appreciated your rhetoric but you didn’t really care. The matter was you had your own beliefs and you weren’t going to let them convince you to abandon them.
Your family also never really appreciated what they called your, “softness.” You were soft spoken, gentle, sweet and friendly to others you met. The polar opposite of them really.
You could hold and use the weapons just fine and you understood everything they’ve ever taught you about the family business, you just didn’t have the temperament for it. 
Surprising everyone, you moved out as quick as you could, building a nice little cottage for yourself out in the woods you loved so much. Never had a problem. Nothing ever went bump in the night. No heartless beast ever showed up at your doorstep with the intent to kill you or turn you or whatever.
Now, that doesn’t mean a beast never showed up, however. He was far from heartless as it turned out.
It had been a chilly early October night, you had just finished your evening walk. The moon had been gorgeous that night, full and blue and shining just so against the small bits of fog that swirled around your feet as you walked.
You had managed to walk inside, depositing your things by the door and were heading to the kitchen when you heard it.
A fast and startling scraping sound from the gravel out the front of your house, like something had slid or tripped. 
You told yourself that it was probably nothing, but instinct had you reaching for the sword you had placed by the door. You didn’t want to use it if you didn’t have to but it was always better to have options than not. 
No sense in putting it off if there was something dangerous outside so you carefully opened the door and stepped out. What you saw surprised you.
There was a man panting without a shirt on pushing himself up off the ground outside your home. He was clearly panicked and had been running for a long time. His slightly grey hair was wild and invested with small sticks and leaves, he was clearly out of breath and his eyes were looking around wildly. 
There was also another problem. 
One of his arms had cuts on it, fresh blood still there and a familiar burn around the edge of the wound. 
Silver poisoning. 
You had seen it countless times growing up, each time just as upsetting as the last one. It always made you sick to your stomach.
That plus the sounds coming from the woods beyond your home - shouts coming ever closer, crinkling footsteps on fall leaves, the clicks of loading crossbows - it did not take you long to understand the situation.
“Quick!” You called out, startling the poor man, “Come inside!”
He looked like he was ready to bolt.
“Please! They’re going to find you if you don’t! Come inside! I’ll protect you, I promise.”
He looked at the sword in your hand and without a second thought, you placed it down in front of you and backed away, beckoning him inside.
With a great amount of reluctance but very little options, the man followed you inside, stepping over the sword.
As soon as he had crossed the threshold, you kicked the sword even further away from you, closed the door and stood with the man in between you and the weapon.
“Can I see your arm?”
Still scared, tired and mostly still listening to the noises outside, he did not answer you, only sending you a trepidatious look.
“You’re arm needs to be treated, it’s only going to get worse from here.”
“It isn’t any old cut” he tried to explain, a kind hispanic accent pleasantly hitting your ears.
“I know, I’ve seen it before” you said, voice and expression apologetic.
“So, you know what I am then?”
“Will you allow me to help you? Please...”
You moved him to the pantry, a larger room away from any windows just in case and set to treating his arm and the poison plaguing it. You worked quickly, making sure to minimize the amount of pain as best as you could. 
“This is going to hurt and I’m so sorry, but it’s the only way.”
He hissed at the pain but the moment was over relatively quickly. You had just finished wrapping his arm up and draped a blanket around him when he found his voice again.
“Thank you.”
“Not a problem at all. [Y/N]” you said, holding your hand out.
He took it with his other hand and smiled for the first time, “Jack.”
“Well Jack,” you smiled, shyness starting to flood back in now that the danger of the situation has passed, “That, uh... that’s going to take a while to heal.”
“It usually does, I have systems, I should be okay” he said, “Thank you.”
He began to stand up to leave when you held a hand out, “Wait! I uh... I’d really like it if you... If I could... I’d like to keep an eye on it, at least for a little while. If that’s okay with you. You’re case is particularly...”
Your nervous ramblings were cut off when there was a knock at the door. You had almost forgotten. This was going to be unpleasant.
“Wait here” you said, cautiously walking to the door.
You opened it to find what you expected, a band of hunters waiting. 
“’Scuse me” the one who knocked said, “’ave you seen any beasts in the area this evening?”
“No sir, I haven’t.”
“That’s funny,” another said maliciously, “because the tracks lead right here.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Oh, I think you do...”
You opened the door further, revealing the sword in your hand, you hoped inwardly that Jack had stayed where you told him to.
“I don’t like to fight so I am going to say this once. You asked your question, I answered it. I haven’t seen any monsters earlier this evening.” Technically you hadn’t lied to them, the only ‘monsters’ you had seen this evening, in your opinion, were standing right in front of you. You continued, “I’ve trained in similar ways as you, I don’t want things to go a direction neither of us want. Leave my property and retrace your steps. Perhaps you missed something.”
The hunters grumbled but left your porch, slinking back into the woods from whence they came.
You sighed, closing the door and dropping the sword in the umbrella stand. You took a few deep breaths, calming yourself down from the hidden nervousness of the encounter and walked back into the kitchen.
“You can come out now” you say softly.
Jack wandered into view, still hugging the blanket close to his recently transformed body. You’d really have to get him another shirt soon. 
“So...” he says awkwardly, “A hunter takes me in and fixes me up. How’s that possible?”
You could sense the apprehension in his question and you understood it. There was no reason for him to trust that you weren’t going to slay him in a moment.
“It wasn’t right” you said quietly.
You sighed, speaking again louder, “My family are monster hunters. True. They trained me in the family business. True. But I never thought it was right. There is nothing about alternative beings that make them any more monstrous or dangerous then we are. Most of them start out as people who have been changed into something else through no fault of their own. Others are just different types of life, just like any other species on this planet. Why should we go out killing them when they haven’t done anything to us. Not really anyway. People get hurt in all kinds of accidents all the time. We don’t discontinue vending machines or cars. What is the difference?”
The two of you spent the night talking. It had started as conversations about your respective families but, when it was clear that neither of you really wanted to talk in specifics about the people you had grown up around, the topic changed to other things.
Jack Russell was a werewolf, yes. But he was also just a person, as were you. You both were not solely hunters and you bonded over everything else, getting to know each other and discussing interests.
Jack had agreed to stay the night so you could monitor his wound in the morning. Then that morning, you ‘convinced’ him to stay for a little while longer. A few more days just to watch it heal. 
You got him a new shirt and the two of you enjoyed each other’s company.
Once those days were up, Jack kept finding reasons to stay. There was always some occasion the next day that kept him in your company and you didn’t mind at all. 
After you both weathered the next full moon together, Jack stopped giving excuses to stay. He simply stayed without reason.
You both knew the reason though.
In the pale glow of morning after that first full moon, you had meant to kiss Jack’s cheek. You were happy he was okay and you had been working up the courage to show him some form of affection for a week or two now. You had only meant to kiss his cheek. A small and innocent act that could be nervously explained away if Jack was opposed to it. Simple. You already had the speech prepared in your head. 
However, Jack had moved his head at just the wrong - or right if you think about it - moment and your lips collided. 
You panicked, stuttering and stammering out apologies faster than your brain could really think them up. That is until Jack laid a hand on your cheek, stopping your speech instantly, drawing your frantic eyes to his.
He smiled sweetly at you and said, “Querida.” And kissed you again.
“Querida” = darling
I tried to keep the reader gender neutral, let me know if I made a mistake!
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buckysaster · 2 years ago
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pairing: jack russell x reader
summary: lazy afternoons, heart-warming meals, and sweet nothings.
tag/s: domestic fluff
word count: 910
a/n: i was listening to this music and i thought it would fit to write this drabble. also, i do apologize if there are any errors with the translations. thank you!!
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Gold specks sparkling as they swim in the air, passing through between the gaps of your fingers.
The comforting warmth of the orange glow of the setting sun spills in the whole quaint bedroom. Hearing the gentle rustle of leaves blown by the bracing wind through the open windows. A small contented sigh escaped from your mouth, lowering your hand after you woke up.
How fortunate you are to spend your time like this at home with the man you love.
Shifting your head away, you turn your attention to Jack still curled up against you. Quiet snores that are featherlight as whispers can be heard, steady warm breaths brushing against your skin under the thin cotton sheets you two shared. His arms were wrapped around your shoulder, hugging your body while he had his leg draped on the top of your legs, securing you in one place.
Lazy afternoons like this were nothing new for the both of you. In fact, you hated taking naps as a kid wanting to go and play outside, but that changed as you grew up.
After eating a quick heartwarming meal that he always prepared with you. You followed Jack to your shared bed as he let himself plopped. You wanted to take a rest before cleaning up the mess on the yard. Relishing every moment as both of you quickly dozed off in the middle of the afternoon.
You carefully stretched out your hand between your bodies and reached up his face. He must be exhausted as he just recently transformed back to his human form.
You caught yourself staring at him, admiring his glorious beauty where the light highlights his olive skin. Slowly tracing every tiny crease on his face, the curve of his jaw, and lashes of his eyes. You never missed a detail before you dragged your fingers along the shell of his ear.
He began to stir at your touch, squeezing you closer to his body. You averted your eyes from your hand, seeing his lips pulled up to a lazy smile that made yours too.
"Did I wake you up?"
He shakes his head, eyes still shut.
"How's your nap?" you asked him, your hand curved around his cheek.
He didn’t muster any response, instead he nuzzled himself more in you as he placed his head on your shoulder that made you chuckle. “I guess I'm gonna take that as your answer.”
You gently pushed yourself a little as away from his chest to get a better look at him. "We should get off now. It's almost 4. I still have a lot to do."
"No, mi amor." he whispered in his deep, hoarse voice. "Ten more minutes. I'm going to help you.” He mumbled while rubbing soothing circles on your back which he knew you loved.
A short giggle comes out to you, “okay.”
For a moment, you lay your sight as you continued raking your nails along his salt-and-pepper hair. Watching him doze off again to sleep with his little pout.
"You look so adorable when you sleep," you begin.
He peeked at you with his one eye open, "are you trying to disturb me?"
You purse your lips as you suppress yourself to let out a laugh. “No.”
"No?" Jack quirks his lips, squinting at you. He sits himself upright and starts crawling towards you with a grin plastered on his face. You started to move yourself at the edge of the bed knowing by the way he is doing.
"Jack, don't you dare!"
Before you could have any chance to react, he pounced over you and pinned you down on the bed. His hands climbed up on your sides and poked a few times which made you squeal and wriggle as he started tickling you.
After a moment, his hands stayed on your waist while catching your breath.
"Pero me encanta la tuya, cariño." he said softly, locking to each other's loving gaze as he brushes the pad of his thumb on your cheek. The words escaped from his lips made you melt even more under the mattress. "Even when you snore." You lightly tap his arm in disbelief, filling the room with both of your laughs.
Jack cupped your face, bent down into yours in slow motion. Your arms snake around his neck, giving you a long, deepened kiss. Like a dream you wanted to embedded on your skin. A memory that you will never get tired of as you feel his lips sealed once again over yours. Filling your soul with complete adoration and contentment. All the warmth and tenderness of his touch, every movement, every thought, the words left unsaid. As the rhythms of your hearts sync as one. Both of you smiled into the kiss before he pulled away.
"How about a freshly brewed coffee?" Jack offered, removes himself on top of you as he helps you hoist up.
"That sounds great–" you nodded, grabbing his hand to get out of the bed– "With some buñuelos."
"Okay, whatever you want."
After preparing the coffee and snacks, you two sat facing the open window, overlooking the forest as the sun hid within, seeing the scattered twigs on the ground. You felt him plant a kiss on your forehead before you two had a sip of the fresh, aromatic drink. Like he always does. You can deal with that later on, but for now.
Nothing could be any better than this.
pero me encanta la tuya, cariño. - but i love yours, darling.
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eykismyfav · 2 years ago
Werewolf By Night Masterlist
❤️‍🩹- Angst, 💕-Fluff
Jack Russell
One Shot
Would You Please... Jack Russell x GN!Reader 💕
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ditaliaa · 2 years ago
heyyyy! so about that "Jack touches the Bloodstone earlier" situation....isn't it in a box when he reaches for it? wouldn't that work as some kind of barrier to its power since Jack technically wouldn't be touching it directly? (still want to read the fic you're planning for this but it just occurred to me that the Bloodstone isn't just lying around for anyone to poke freely)
Yes, it is in a case, and this observation is pretty much what my fic is based on!! I think I made a post about my thoughts on it, but it might have been on my old account, so I hope you can forgive me if I sound a bit redundant 😅 My theory is that it wouldn’t affect him like it did later on in the film! I’d need to rewatch the film to make sure, but I think it’d just have a small, but noticeable reaction to his proximity. Like if Jack had touched the glass separating the stone from him, it would have reacted to that had Jovan not interrupted him and it would have been noticed by the other hunters in the room since most of them seemed to be eyeing Jack when he first walked in. There’s a lot of changes that would have been made concerning the dynamics of all the characters had this been the case and I’m excited to delve into that!! I’m so excited to get into my own interpretation of it, but I love hearing everyone else’s thoughts on it as well!! Unrelated, but I’m also doing some research on the Bloodstone itself so I can craft my own idea of it!
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h3k3t · 2 years ago
CONFESSION: I fell in love with Hector from Coco before I really knew who Gael was, so when I saw WWBN for the first time I just had a total meltdown. I've watched Coco and WWBN back to back so many times now
Until a few days ago I didn't know that Gael Garcia was voicing Hector, bestie 👀
But now I can't help but listen to Remember me, imagining Jack singing it to his SO.
Soo I understand you how you feel 🥺
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archaeopter-ace · 2 years ago
Some WWBN headcanons:
Jack’s facial hair grows pretty quickly. Not supernaturally so, but he invests in high quality razors to get a really close shave to push the five o’clock shadow back to like seven or eight. Will shave a second time in one day if he’s going out in the evening. It’s a body image thing - having facial hair is upsetting to him, being clean-shaven makes him feel more like himself. 
Colorblind Jack. Everyone who knows about him assumes it has to do with being a werewolf, but actually it’s completely unrelated; he gets it from his mom - it’s a sex-linked recessive gene and she’s a carrier. I’m imagining deuteranomaly, the most common type, a mild red-green colorblindness rather than achromatopsia (black and white vision), which is super super rare, although that would put an interesting spin on the fact that the film is in black and white.
This one’s an obscure deep cut, but: headcanon his birthday is Dec. 25th. To be clear, there’s no canon evidence for this, but at the end of the ‘Giant-Sized Creatures’ comic (1974), Roy Thomas talks for two pages about the origins of WWBN. He brings up Guy Endore’s 1933 horror novel, Werewolf of Paris, which I had never heard of before (which was his point.  Lycanthropy had not had a literary canon as well-known as Dracula or Frankenstein). And I’ve only read summaries of it, but in it the werewolf, Bertrand Caillet, was born on Christmas Day. Something about babies being born on this day being more likely to be possessed by demons? Which isn’t relevant to Jack, but I figure, might as well pick the 25th, right? Although you could also make the case that his birthday should be between June 21 and July 22, because Cancer signs are ruled by the Moon. Maybe the Gemini-Cancer cusp if you want to work in some duality.
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theoutlawfaleena · 2 years ago
omg fellow wwbn enjoyer... i imagine könig to have a very strong jaw much like gaels!!
omg YES yes yes i love this so much ... i never thought about it like that but könig actually looks so similar to him in my head BAJDBDH JUST IN LITTLE DETAILS LIKE THE EYES AND THE JAW LIKE U SAID BUT ....
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i think it's because they're both so weird and scrungly and babygirl
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azrael-the-lucifan · 2 years ago
Wwbn is meant to b a cheesy spoof vibe of classic monster movies instead of serious dark horror, which is why it’s lighthearted n goofy n uses cheesy lines n effects! If u went in expecting somth else I can imagine it being weird but it’s a really fun watch n tribute to the classics
First of all, if you like the movie, that’s fine, I’m not trying to argue with you, I’m just pointing out my thoughts here.
Ok, I did not know it was a spoof so good to know. But I still have a lot of issues with it regardless.
First of all, the character introductions were abysmal, it very much acted as if I should know who all of these people are. The small amount of information given about Elsa was not nearly enough for me to understand her character or even care about her. Even something as short as this could have done better. They didn’t use their time wisely.
Second, the black and white. I love black and white movies and I know there are specific ways they are to be filmed. Colour is debatably more important for a black and white film since it will determine values. If they really wanted to pay homage to the classics they would have put in more effort; either by properly shading everything or by using actual black and white film. Frankly the black and white in this film looked like it was made by a Snapchat filter.
Third, if they wanted to be a spoof they should have leaned into it more. It should be clear what it’s trying to do whether you know going into it or not. And if they wanted the cheesy effects to pull through they shouldn’t have tried to hide them with strobe lights. It made it feel like they were trying to distract from how bad it looked. Contrary to actual old monster movies where they would put everything front and centre.
Overall, I consider this to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. From both an entertainment perspective and a filmmaking one. Horror is my favourite genre (yes horror comedy is included) and to see this half assed attempt at a werewolf movie was quite frankly depressing. It did too much and too little at the same time. The cinematography was bad, the plot was bad, the acting was mediocre, there’s nothing positive I have to say about this movie. And that’s all I have to say about that.
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wysteria-clad · 2 years ago
The wolf man.
paring: Jack Russell x fem! reader
genre: fluffy af
warnings: other than Jack's cuteness, none
a/n: the joke is based on a vid i saw on ig
What better way to spend a lazy afternoon than watching vintage horror movies, snuggled in the arms of the one you love?
The afternoon sky outside darkened, laden with grey clouds as if the mother nature herself wanted to set the ambience for your little horor movie fun. You could hear the wind howl outside before you closed the windows of your home shut.
You held a collection of movies in your hand, lifting it up for Jack to choose.
"Frankenstein, good. The wolf man? really, amor?" he shook his head playfully, as if he already knew you wouldn't let the opportunity slip.
"It's a classic, babe," you grinned, smooching his cheek, and walking past him to grab popcorn and other snacks from the kitchen.
He spread the blankets on the floor, and threw in pillows more than enough for you two.
"Did you see the news?"
"What news, bebé?"
"Few scientists have discovered a link between wildlife and a particular mineral," "Yeah, in our national park, wolves displayed an odd behaviour in winter months"
"Oh, really?"
"They were observed tracking down mineral deposits with their strong olfactory sense. Scientists assumed that it helped them communicate efficiently with other packs"
That got his full attention. He had that confused look on his face. 'what did I miss?' 'Am I a real werewolf if I don't know this?' 'What is that mineral?'
"This unusual mineral is called Howlite."
It striked him after a couple of seconds. He adjusted his position, and threw a piece of popcorn staight at your face. "You almost got me, cariño" he snorted, his eyes crinkling adorably.
"Hey!" you chuckled, pretending that hurt before popping that popcorn in your mouth.
You moved closer so you could sit between his legs. He was leaning back on the couch, facing the tv.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. Your familiar scent instantly made him feel even more comfortable.
Your back was pressed against his chest. You leaned back, resting your head on his shoulder, making yourself comfortable on your man.
The Wolf man began to play.
Half way through the movie, you called out to him, "Jack?"
He angled his neck to look down at you.
"You are so cute" you stated as a matter of fact. You tilted your head back to capture his lips with yours.
His eyes were soft with tender love. Smiling, he kissed your lips softly, "te amo, bebé."
You kissed him one more time before turning your attention back to the movie. But your hand had found its way to touch his face, you pinched his right cheek, making him let out a chuckle.
You turned around too see his face lit up with amusement and love.
"You're quite handsy, cariño "
"Only with the man I love."
Even though Jack knew how much you loved him, he couldn't help but smile every time you said you loved him, as if you had confessed your love for him for the very first time.
He pressed a kiss to your head, before focusing the attention back on the movie.
Half way through the next movie Frankenstein, he had noticed you fell asleep, with your hands still on top of his. You had completely made him your personal body pillow.
He turned off the tv. He adjusted your body so you could sleep in a more comfortable position, making you stir slightly.
"Yeah, bebé?" he worried he had woken you up.
"You are my favourite wolf man..." you mumbled, still half asleep.
He placed a pillow for your head and brushed few pieces of hair away from your eyes. When he moved away from you to grab a blanket, you sleepily reached out to clutch his hand thinking he would leave you.
"You are my favourite human, mi vida," he said softly, his voice just above a whisper, his thumb touching your cheek.
He swore he could feel his heart swell at that moment. He kissed the side of your head softly, and layed down next to you, covering you with a soft blanket and sharing it with you.
You nuzzled closer to him, your face pressing against his chest.
Soon enough, the darkened grey clouds outside began to rain.
Although for Jack, your warmth and soft breathing were more comforting than the gentle rain outside.
He kissed your forehead softly and carefully, not to wake you up.
This couldn't be anymore perfect.
wwbn taglist:
@toracainz @i-still-dont-like-your-face @damnzelsoul @21stcenturycirce
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wysteria-clad · 2 years ago
Tuesdays with you
paring: Jack Russell x fem! reader
genre: fluff
reader is a mutant, her powers are telekinesis and energy manipulation ; reader is protective of Jack and she is morally grey.
warnings: swearing, canon violence, tiny bit of gore at the end
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A group of hunters stalked Jack after a full moon, unknown to you.
When you returned to your home, Jack was missing. You assumed he must have passed out before he reached your house.
It was your 'other home' when Jack visited you. You told him to stay there and use it as he wishes as it was located very close to the woods, with the backyard actually extending into the intimidating, thick forest. Sometimes you had little backyard parties with Jack and Ted.
"It's an option, but i wouldn't do that if I were you" Jack's voice was calm as the hunters pointed their guns at him. There were three of them.
"Get the fuck away from him" your voice made the forest suddenly still. Your eyes glowed eery purple.
"God, I love when you do that. You are so sexy when you get angry. Scary, but hot, definitely hot."
You turned your head slightly towards Jack and smiled at his words—the familiar soft gaze flicked in your eyes, just for a second, but long enough for Jack to notice it. The smug, calm smile still lightened up his face. Of course Jack wouldn't miss an opportunity to add flirty comments at you at a time like this. You loved that about him. He kept you grounded and made your heart feel safe, and you did the same with him. He was your everything.
And these people threatened your everything. When you shifted your attention back to those three hunters, a smile was the last thing on your face. The previous happy glint in your eyes disappeared without a trace, your eyes darkened with something dark, and chilling.
These people would never learn.
The hunters did not lower their guns away from Jack.
Now, you were no saint, but you were not the devil either. You helped others—humans, 'monsters', any living beings in general. But you also didn't hesitate to destroy anything that threatened the ones you cared about. You would do anything to protect the ones you loved. How dare they mess with Jack? Your protective instincts kicked in, paired with rage.
"I said," you ripped the guns and swords off their hands with your mind, "Get the fuck away from him" you stressed each word, bending the guns and swords with your powers.
Jack was absolutely calm, as if he was getting a foot massage. He gave them a 'I warned you' expression.
"She is a monster."
"I've heard rumors about a witch…"
You watch as the expression on their eyes shift from shock to pure disgust. This wasn't something new to you. Those words and the reaction was something you were familiar with.
"You say it like it's a bad thing" you grinned. Honestly, you didn't give a fuck of what they thought about you.
Too close, they are way too close to your home. You can't just let them go.
Sharp sounds of sticks breaking on ground and branches moving reached your ears. A deep growl made birds fly off their nests for the time being.
"Hey, Ted."
"Good to see you, man." Jack greeted his friend.
Ted growled again in response. You didn't understand Ted fully yet, but you could tell what he was thinking without Jack translating for you.
"Agreed. Let's have some fun, my friend" you said with a calm smile on your face.
Blood splattered, screams ripped from the hunters' throats as you and Ted 'had fun'.
"You okay, bebé?" Jack touched your arm. You would sense concern in his voice. Your sweet darling, always making sure you are alright.
"Never felt better."
There it was, a sweet smile and eyes full of love for him. Jack didn't mind the blood splattered on your face one bit. "Mamacita", he kissed your lips, pulled back after a few seconds. You linked your arm with his, walking towards your home with Ted trailing behind you. You never dreamed of falling in love. That was until you met Jack.You felt incredibly lucky to have him. He felt the same.
You two didn't have to say it out loud now, that was the beautiful thing, you both knew it without uttering a single word. The silence was comfortable.
"I'm thinking of fried chicken" Jack interlaced his fingers with yours and caressed your knuckle softly with his thumb.
A groan from Ted.
"You always want sushi!"
"Why don't we get both?" you suggested.
"Yeah, yeah, let's do that."
Ted made a noise of content.
"You spoil him too much, Y/n/n"
"I'm not!" you defended yourself, chuckling.
Smiling, Jack leaned in to steal a kiss between your laughs. Just a regular Tuesday morning for you and Jack.
Translation (not 100% literal & accurate):
bebé - baby
mamacita - referring a gorgeous/sexy woman/ little momma
wwbn taglist:
@toracainz @i-still-dont-like-your-face
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wysteria-clad · 2 years ago
I’d love some Jack Russel love!!! He’s such a cutie, I just want to love him.
Maybe 138 from the random prompt list ☺️
138. "How are you this perfect?"
What's a wattpad?
paring: Jack Russell x fem! reader; established relationship
genre: fluff, but hints at sex is there
warnings: consensual sex, roleplay, dom/sub dynamics
You climbed on top of Jack. His hands were restrained on the bed post. "Submit for your Alpha," the moment those words left your lips, you tried hard to stifle a laugh, but failed horribly, and hid your face on Jack's bare chest. "I swear it sounded better on wattpad," you mumbled, but he heard it clearly.
"What's a wattpad?"
"Nothing! Nevermind," your eyes widened in horror, memories of your teenage self scrolling wattpad, staying up around 2am to read those alpha dom werewolf stories flooding your brain in an instant.
When you brought up something new to try in the bedroom, Jack was more than amused. Being the sweetheart he is, he agreed, of course, to indulge in your werewolf fantasy, with you being the 'Alpha.'
Turned out, few things were better when they are just fantasies.
"It was fun."
"You are just saying that to make me feel better," you laughed freely now, shaking your head. "This is stupid."
"No, bebé, it's not stupid." he yanked his hands, now the ropes hung loosely around the bed post. He leaned forward to cup your face gently. He lifted your chin up with his index finger, making you look him in the eyes.
You swallowed thickly, your gaze shifting between his eyes and his lips.
"No, no, let's switch," you pulled away slightly, "I want you to be the alpha this time-"
"I'm not saying those exact words though."
"Please, for me?" you added a pout.
How can he resist that?
And the roles were reversed, with you being pinned under him.
He tried hard not to laugh and to keep a straight face. "Submit for you alpha," his voice was deeper than usual to add the 'alpha effect.'
You stared into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds before bursting out into laughter.
"God, that was awful," you giggled, cringing at your teenage self thinking that was hot and you shook your head. His eyes lit up, even after the laughter died down after a few minutes.
"Mi amor," his warm hands dug into the flesh of your waist, lifting you up and placing you on his lap in a smooth, swift movement.
Gasping, you clutched his shoulders.
"Why don't we try this again, without that wattpad nonsense? Hm?" his lips found the most tender spot behind your ear, kissing and sucking your neck.
"How are you this perfect?" you grinned, straddling his lap, running your fingers through his hair.
"Want to see how a real apha does it?"
You hummed, resting your head on the crook of his neck.
His hands slid up from your thighs to your bare waist. You let him take the lead, anticipation pricking your naked skin. Your lips were parted.
All of that vanished when his fingers tickled your ribcage. Sooner, your laughter filled the air, along with his own. "Jack!", you squealed, giggling and trying to catch your breath, and wiggle out of his 'alpha grasp.'
Yes, he made you laugh, and later he made you moan too. Let's just say it was the best night of your life so far.
Jack Russell taglist:
@toracainz @i-still-dont-like-your-face @damnzelsoul @21stcenturycirce
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wysteria-clad · 2 years ago
Y/n: There is not a man alive who can tell me what to do.
Jack: *smiles cutely* Bebé, can we hold hands? It's getting too col-
Y/n: *trips over nothing* *rushes to hold his hand*
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