#ww013 13.3.2034
thornilee013 · 7 months
Andreil my beautiful disasters who are so done with everyone's shit
101 ways not to say I do please :)
prev | 101 Ways Not to Say I Do | WW 13.3.2024
Andrew refused to let a single muscle in his face move. He refused to let himself react to the idea of having any kind of event where his relationship with Neil would be at the core. It had been years since that fateful day when the first spotlight had landed on their relationship, and he'd never wanted another to come across it. But if he wanted to be with Neil—a decision he contemplated every morning Neil woke up at five for a run—then there were certain points of their relationship that he simply had to get used to. And being one of the few queer athletes to have made it onto a national playing field meant that their private life didn't get to keep as much of its privacy as Andrew would have liked.
But every time he looked into those goddamn gorgeous, intelligent, and fiery blue eyes, he knew it was a discomfort that he'd simply have to live with.
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thornilee013 · 6 months
Roll a d4 my friend! And happy wip wednesday!!!
prev | TLC | WW 13.3.2024
Jean rolled his eyes.
"No, really Jean. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you're joking," Kevin said and leaned over the table—over him. "This is the opportunity of a lifetime. You could play on one of the best teams in collegiate Exy. You'd be scouted by the most prestigious professional teams. You'd be able to make Court."
"That's never been my goal, Kevin," Jean snapped. He tried to stand, but the attempt to do so was cut short by a bolt of pain that kept him seated instead. "I don't want any of that."
"Well tough luck, Jean!" Kevin said. He never quite yelled—only spoke more sternly. "You've got a financial chain around your throat now, and you're going to need opportunities like this if you're going to survive."
I never wanted that either, Jean thought, but swallowed the words and merely looked away.
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thornilee013 · 6 months
I think everyone needs some TLC today <3
prev | TLC | WW 13.3.2024
"You know that's not what I meant."
"Tell me why, then," Jean said, knitting his fingers together and resting his combined hands on the table.
Kevin leaned back and turned his head to the side. His new tattoo of a chess piece was creative, Jean could admit that. But no amount of additional ink or time would ever erase the 2 that Jean knew rested underneath. It would be like walking among graves and admiring the flowers, but refusing to acknowledge the bones below. Eventually, Kevin sighed and acknowledged Jean once more with his piercing gaze. "Because then maybe you'd be able to feel free from all of it," he finally said.
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thornilee013 · 7 months
WIP Wednesday March 13th 2024
HELLO! Welcome to WIP Wednesday, a weekly event that helps myself and other authors by forcing us to make progress on our WIPs (Works in Progress).
How it works: I post the TITLES of (up to 5) documents that I have here, along with three sentences that I've written within the last week to prove that I have indeed been working on things. Then you (yes, you!) can send in an ask to my inbox and specify one of the projects that I listed here. In return, I will write a minimum of three new sentences for that project.
Feel free to send in multiple requests! I still need to catch up on last week's due to some low mental health days that impacted my ability to write, but hopefully I'll catch up quickly and be able to start on this week's soon. <3
1. Baby Jean 2. TLC 3. 101 Ways not to Say I Do 4. Needle AU (CW: frequent depictions of stalking behavior, occasional mentions of sh) 5. Pride Zine (aka: a dealer's choice of my other projects that aren't listed)
Recent Progress:
I am going to cheat and just tag one of my posts from last week's WW that I posted recently, since a lot of the writing that I've done this last week that hasn't been for WW has been for projects that I can't share!
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thornilee013 · 6 months
And TLC, I miss it 💜
prev | TLC | WW 13.3.2024
"Yeah," Kevin said, excitement still written all over his face, even if there was also a hint of envy in his eyes. "We've got a game that we're scheduled to play against them coming up. I could ask them if they could take you."
Despite Kevin's enthusiasm, Jean couldn't help but frown. "It'd be on the opposite side of the country, Kevin. I didn't know you wanted to get rid of me that badly," he said with a scoff.
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thornilee013 · 6 months
i'd love some more tlc, as jean tries to get through social interactions
prev | TLC | WW 13.3.2024
- "You'd be able to get away from here."
"It's tempting, I'll give you that," Jean said slowly. "But then I'd just be running away. I'd have to start all over again, and Kevin, I don't think I have the energy to do that. Not again."
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thornilee013 · 6 months
Hi, I'd love some more needle au 🪡
prev | Needle AU | WW 13.3.2024
Riko didn't respond, instead taking the opportunity to tie up his hair while they walked. "You're a fascinating person, Jean."
Jean scoffed. "I'm a nobody."
"Not to me."
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thornilee013 · 6 months
and one last tlc? have a great wip wednesday!
prev | TLC | WW 13.3.2024
"So what's you're solution then, Jean?" Kevin said, exasperatedly shaking his hands between them. Jean couldn't help but notice the brace that covered most of Kevin's wrist and palm.
"What if I stayed here?"
"Tell me you're fucking joking."
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thornilee013 · 6 months
so it does feel like wednesday, but last wednesday, what do you mean it's been a whole week? can i get some needle au?
prev | Needle AU | WW 13.3.2024
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Riko shook his head once his hair was sufficiently tied up, then flashed Jean a grin. "You're refreshing. And besides, I'm a nobody too, now."
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