#wvil dead
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thabadgirlz · 2 years ago
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legogender · 8 months ago
just remembered garmadon Day ruined
#ARGHHHH…. THE PAIN IS UNBEARABLEEEE!!!! [sitting completely still]#he is every single one of my most favourite painful tropes.#self fulfilling prophecy doomed by fate failed resurrection etc etc etc.#me when i grow up with wveryone telling me im wvil. and then i become evil throigh my own actions !#garm is interesting to me just in the basic version of it in the show its like. ok well its Evil Magic hes actually good but h got Corrupte#which is. technically true BUT#when hes Purified he makes it clear that he still beleieves all his actions were his own and takes responsibility for them#and in THE BOOKS. its VERY clear that hes terrified of who hes becoming but everyone else being scared too makes him distrusting#like the venom is able to twist wus concern and naive fear into something that garm perceives as wu viewing him as a monster#which drives him deeper into his Evil#ohhhhhhhh i love u so much garm. Explodes#i forgot what hes actually doing rn in the show. ik there was the merge so we technically cant know (unless i just forgot??)#but like. is he still just living his best domestic yaoi life. i hope so#disowned my son! feeling good!!#current garm makes me EMOOOOOOO. truly the most fucked up thing harumi ever did bringing him back#its him….. but so different. and not even bad anymore. just…. not who ppl knew#and its sadddd bc in a way this is wus fear realised… he can no longer recognise his brother#like theres glimpses but most of his memories are gone and he has no personal ties to those he loved… but THEY still do#they atill rememeber the garm they loved. but hes dead. but his body is still alive#btw for the record garm makes me emo but wu makes me SUICIDAL. nobody understnad me 💔#whatever [slamming my head thru concrete]
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azlovesem · 3 months ago
You alrwady fid bitch. You slrqdy. Thats ehy npbody on earth luke you people at all Brie. Yiu got peopke killed yourevheartless sne ya fuckn lost the fight snd cant admot. People all arpund earthbhare toyr stupid ass countrybyhink these these stupid fucon faggot superhero movies suck and uou people are fucked. Nobody reslly likes younin warthnit nsy serm like dome do thats no one. Because youre fuckn wvil thevwhole lot. And i beat you ddo bad no one considers yiunpeopke much if a fyvkn enrity onbwarrh. Yiu probed you can ve beaten easily. Snd youre fuckn terrifued of ne youre men are fucon ciwards. Should i go on eithbegatvyou or inotovds. I csn have you bloen in hslf but im sure uoull do that to yourself. People around earth like me better yhsn sny stupid fuckn american anyway. I nade you look stupid because you sre stupid. And wesk. In im off on yas during xnas. Youre ehole rat fuckn bitch culture i slsp like s dead ho is done nobidybwants it or needs it. They have thrir own they think americsn culture is fuckn retarded. And i hope you sll die duting xmas thats how youve made me feel i have to afmit. Fuck how i nadecyou feel rgats mesningless youre the knes whonwronged me not yhe other way around, and i was s fsn. Was a fsn or movies. Not anymore. You proved who you were az people im not evrn tirnk g in the tv at sll. Brie shutnyhe fuvk ip or ill gut your bitch ass myself. Ill caeve you up likd xmas turkeyvsnd i jnow your nen eont stop me. Ill go eotk for the new ainidtration im drarting yo feel naybe i dhoukd. Snd fo dverything i csn yo run every lsst kne of yoh hollywood bitches through. Yiure not like my nice vommon weathly girls. Youre sick yiure smericsn youre not ok. Youll bwcer be ok i think. So ill just remove uou. We ll have s new north america with nonenof you srlu d. There woll be only a frw movies made. Ots making the kids retarded we gotta shut you down permsnently maybe. My eyes are turning bkack you did iyt i 100 percent blame Anerica cause its yiur fucon gaylt. Youre sll duckn rwt goof nobce scym abd dhoukd be fuckn killed every single last fucking ok ne im of you. You peopmd broke nd hesrt everyobd hates jews now and theres not enoughmof yhem tomorrect anynif them sbd there in tgeir fuvkn own. Theyre committing genicide and theyte nazis and smericabs are sll naxis no too. Say zieg hail brie. Oh yiur last name Larson is that fuckn german. The germans wrent nazis you smericans now. Put a swatika on yiyr head. And you hurt snd emerging grest aritist yiurevrat fuckn thieves someone shoukc just bliw ur brsins out. Nobody likes yiu peopke i swear but some of yiu love ne do much right. Yeah i think so lyinv sacks of shit itvreally sjows. Everybody on this earth hares you peopke snd otd s dark shittyblufeless future for smerica now. Im gonna naje a fuckn examlle of you if i ever fuckn see you anywhere.
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MARVEL ONE SHOT: AGENT CARTER (2013) dir. Louis D'Esposito CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER (2014) dir. The Russo Brothers CAPTAIN MARVEL (2019) dir. Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck
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highlifeboat · 4 years ago
After the annoucement of a Rsident wvil chapter os dead by Daylight i got my self thinking, how would be if the Huntress ended in the village and what would happen if she tried to kidnapp Rose?
I'll be honest with you, I don't know anything about Dead by Daylight.
I did look up Huntress and my initial thought was that Cassandra would probably love her. But I can't imagine them letting this lady in a rabbit mask kidnap Rose as if that baby is their crown jewel.
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vintagegeekculture · 6 years ago
You once said that Captain Marvel's Golden Age popularity tends to be overstated. Could you please elaborate?
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I was specifically referring to the idea that “CaptainMarvel was the best selling superhero of the 1940s,” which I have seen a fewplaces, and is untrue. Though Captain Marvel was very famous and tremendouslypopular, the best selling superhero of the 1940s was exactly who you’d thinkit’d be: Superman.
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A closer look at the era shows that our concept of the era,with Captain Marvel/Superman as this Gobots/Transformers or N’Sync/Backstreet Boys rivalry is untrue, because the reality is that there were several tremendously popular charactersthat were second-banana to Superman in the comics world at different points inthe 1940s: Sheena, Queen of the Jungle, Nedor’s Black Terror, and mostextraordinarily of all, the Blue Beetle, who is a pretty good candidate for my“dead fandoms” series in that at one point, he was in the top three ofsuperheroes, a radio phenomenon with a coast to coast fan club.
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The narrative that Captain Marvel was the biggest hero apartfrom Superman hides how huge these other characters were, and it’s moreinteresting to talk about how, say, Black Terror was huge but vanished, or howthe best selling female adventure comics character of the 1940s wasn’t WonderWoman but Sheena, Queen of the Jungle.
(You’ll probably note the absence of a few characters thatwere only big in retrospect: Batman comes to mind. In the Golden Age, he was in  the top 10 of superheroes, sure, but his popularity wasn’t that great until thehit TV show of the 1960s made him a semi-rival in popularity to Superman. Anycollector can attest to this: it is truly rare to find any Batman merchandisebefore 1966.
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If this was Snopes or something, I’d call the “Captain Marvel was the top selling superhero” as partially true, because it is: the origin of this misconception is the totally true claimthat Captain Marvel’s comic was the top seller at certain points in thedecade, certainly, but (and this is the key part) from what we can tell, he wasnot consistently the top seller,which I think is an important distinction. Part of it was the astounding dropof interest in superheroes after the war, but part of it was also that CaptainMarvel just plain ran out of gas creatively at a certain point.
In other words, Captain Marvel had what we today call a“shark jump” point, Simpsons Season 9 style. And that point is, rightly orwrongly (mostly wrongly), associated with the introduction of Mr. Tawny theTalking Tiger in 1947, a Jar-Jar Binks-esque character of unclear purpose.
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Let me be absolutely clear: Mr. Tawny the Talking Tiger wasnot the reason later Captain Marvel comics lacked the pizzazz and charm of theearlier ones, just like Jar Jar Binks is notthe reason a lot of people didn’t connect to the Star Wars prequel movies.The issues were a little more fundamental. But like Jar Jar Binks, Mr. Tawny isidentified as the point at which dissatisfaction crystalizes.
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Captain Marvel until 1946, might just be some of my favorite comics ever. The Monster Society of Evil was easily one of the creative highpoints of the Golden Age, the first time 23 or more issues in a single comicwas dedicated to a sweeping story, the first time all villains of a hero cametogether. It was easily one of the most ambitious and memorable stories of the Golden Age. It’s had a lot of trouble getting reprinted in modern times, due to racially insensitive, caricature-esque depictions of Asians and blacks. The story nonetheless should be reprinted, with such depictions relevant for their historical importance. 
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For those who are unaware, in a time before serial storytelling, close to 2 years of Captain Marvel were dedicated to a single over-arching story. All of Captain Marvel’s enemies, from Oggar and Black Adam to the Crocodile Men, the robot Mr. Atom, Goatman, and Captain Nazi were unified by a mysterious cackling voice on a speakerbox, into the Monster Society of Wvil, by a creature called Mr. Mind, who’s identity was totally unknown. At the end, after two years of battle, Captain Marvel finally unmasked the mysterious voice on the speaker box - only to reveal the sinister Hitlerian genius that threatened the world was actually just a tiny worm.
But in a few years, perhaps because the comic was done by a single creative team, as inevitably happens, they started to run out of ideas. This  makes sense to me – if “anything can happen,” nothing is eventful. One exerciseI do with stories and settings is to identify three things that can’t happen – if they can’t identify three things that won’t happen in thestory, their setting doesn’t have a unique identity.
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History has a way of eliminating our sense of the passage oftime completely. To someone born after the Golden Age of Comics and looking back,the introduction of Mr. Tawny, the Talking Tiger, happened at the same time asMonster Society of Evil and the other legendary Captain Marvel stories; unlessyou read them in the original order, or read them in reprints in the DC 80 PageGiants, they’re a big undifferentiated mass that came out simultaneously. ButMr. Tawny came several years later after the truly great Captain Marvel storieswere told, and did not participate in them. Reboots scrambled things up evenfurther, some of which have Mr. Tawny there from the beginning (like Ordway’sPower of Shazam! Mini where Tawny was Mary’s stuffed toy who came to life).
There are some people who defend the later Golden Age Captain Marvel in much the same way that there are people who defend Star Trek V: the Final Frontier. More power to them if they see something of value. Personally, I never hate anything when it comes to fiction, even the bad things you can learn things from (never, ever hate a movie…and never forget that disliking things is not a personality trait). The internet being the internet, however…well, I can’t help but wonder if a lot of modern Mr. Tawny fans like him because they want to fuck him. 
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Just like with Jar Jar, it’s better not to forget him – he’sthere, use him somehow. I rather liked how he was used in the Captain Marvel/Shazam movie that came out last April, not as a character, but as a Kubrick style visual motif that keeps showing up in Billy’s life to reflect his desire for a realhome, on his backpack and everywhere (notice that his costume has tigertoken cape claspers). I also liked the idea in Ordway’s Power of Shazam series that Mr.Tawky was a friend of Mary Marvel, not Billy, a friend who gives her emotionalsupport and who is a semi-father figure. And there was an absolutely wonderfulissue of Astro City clearly inspired by Mr. Tawky, where the Astro City version was kind of a sad-eyed drunk and failure chewed up and spat out by the venomousculture of showbusiness.
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It was so funny to me that this year, they had two CaptainMarvel movies come out from competing studios within weeks of each other. That’s such an asshole move that I kind of admire it, and I seriously doubt the timing is a coincidence. I am100% sure that some ultra-competitive alpha dog studio executive said, “hey,can we have them come out the same weekend?” It reminds me of how Golan and Globus after they split, both simultaneously made movies about the Lambadadance craze, and released them the exact same weekend to spite each other, with one named “Lambada”and the other named “The Forbidden Dance.”
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zaklabs · 3 years ago
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Another Ash vs Wvil Dead chainsaw out the door! This one is made from an actual Homelite II chainsaw it is pretty close to screen/movie/show actuate. #ashvsevildead #chainsaw #props #cosplay #costume #zaklabs (at ZakLabs) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cge-38FJ7Wj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shadowlongknife · 9 years ago
31 Days of Scares, day 18:  Evil Dead (remake)
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realhorrorshowradio-blog · 10 years ago
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