#wurtz reaction
sciencesolutions · 1 year
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sylvettesylph · 1 year
i hate the youtube reaction meta of "[professional] reacts to [thing]"
i just saw Nuclear Engineer Reacts to Bill Wurtz "history of the entire world, I guess" bro what does that video have to do with you being a nuclear engineer?? at LEAST get a historian to do it like??? WHY DOES THIS HAVE 691K VIEWS
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the-stray-storyteller · 11 months
ok i saw your reblog!!!
age: 17???
speaks + country: i think bengali or like idk i imagine bangladesh or maybe nepal??? or maybe the stans
status: single? but likes the fictional characters HEHEE
fav subject: well writing obviously but also art??
i gave a feeling you also have a love hate relationship with science heeh
If anybody is wondering, they are talking about this post.
Age: YES! I turned 17 about two weeks ago.
Speaks + country: AGAIN YES! I do speak Bengali. I don't know how you know that because I think I had reblogged a singular post with tags in Bengali but that's all. Since you don't exactly know which country....I won't be revealing anything.
Status: Yes, I am single and no, I do not have crushes on fictional characters. I don't remember the last time I had a crush on anybody really. I just don't fall in love. As for fictional characters, I do get attached to them and go "I will protect this baby for the rest of my life" but it's not crushing on them.
Fav Subject: Writing is not a subject in my school and my parents did not allow me to take art. My subjects are Math, Physics, Chemistry and Computers. I hate all of them. Even English Literature and Language in my school is boring af. My favorite subject is lunch break.
Love hate relationship with science? Something like that. I loathe the Science they teach in school with burning passion. I can't stand it. I can't look at Gauss theorem, the Wurtz-fittig reaction without feeling sick. But I do enjoy reading about space, forensics and everything they don't teach in school.
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rosyronkey · 2 years
my little brother showing bill wurtz to my dad and his only reaction is "this guy forgot to take his add meds" you would know dad
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vividxp · 2 years
tagged by: @medusadeux
🎧🎵 when you get this, you have to put in 5 songs you actually listen to at the moment. Then tag 5-10 followers to do the same 🎵🎧
Doing this made me realize that I haven’t really been listening to anything lately, due to being all in on job interviews. I’ve been basically watching reaction vids, cooking vids, or interior decor vids as background noise.
Bree Runway - Pressure
Stella Jang - L’Amour, Les Baguettes, Paris
Bill Wurtz - Long Long Journey
XG - Tippy Toes
Tenacious D - Tribute (more specifically, this mashup of Tribute with Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Tag: @crazy-kuroneko, @munchsquadz, @devotedchauffeur, @luckthebard, @reloha
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tutoroot · 5 months
What are the Limitations of Wurtz Reaction? 
The Wurtz reaction is a chemical reaction used to couple two alkyl halides to form an alkane. This type of reaction is particularly useful in organic synthesis for the formation of carbon-carbon bonds. The reaction is named after Charles-Adolphe Wurtz, a French chemist who first described it in 1855. 
How to Write Wurtz Reaction Equation?
Writing the Wurtz reaction equation involves several steps: 
Identify Reactants: Determine the alkyl halides (e.g., CH3X) involved in the reaction. 
Balancing the Equation: Ensure that the number of carbon atoms in the reactants equals the number of carbon atoms in the products. 
Writing the Product: Combine the alkyl groups from the reactants to form the new carbon-carbon bond. 
Complete Wurtz Reaction Mechanism
The mechanism of the Wurtz Reaction involves the following steps: 
Formation of Radical Species: Sodium metal generates free electrons that abstract a halogen atom (X) from the alkyl halide, creating an alkyl radical (R•). 
Formation of Sodium Alkyl: The alkyl radical then reacts with another alkyl halide, forming a new carbon-carbon bond and a sodium halide (Na-X). 
Coupling Reaction: The final step involves coupling of two alkyl radicals to produce the desired alkane product. 
Limitations of Wurtz Reaction
The major limitations of wurtz reaction are given below, 
This reaction is limited to symmetrical alkyl halides. 
Cross-coupling reactions can occur, leading to unwanted side products. 
The reaction conditions can be harsh and require high temperatures. 
What is Wurtz-Fittig reaction?
The Wurtz-Fittig reaction is a variation of the Wurtz reaction that involves coupling an alkyl halide with an aryl halide to form an alkyl-aryl compound. This reaction expands the versatility of the Wurtz reaction in organic synthesis. 
Wurtz-Fittig reaction vs Wurtz Reaction
The major difference between the Wurtz reaction and the wurtz-fitting reaction is given below, 
The Wurtz-Fittig reaction involves one alkyl halide and one aryl halide, while the Wurtz reaction involves two alkyl halides. 
The Wurtz-Fittig reaction can lead to the formation of complex organic molecules with both alkyl and aryl groups. 
The Wurtz reaction is mainly used for simple alkane synthesis, while the Wurtz-Fittig reaction is used for more elaborate molecule construction. 
In conclusion, the Wurtz reaction is a valuable tool in organic synthesis for forming carbon-carbon bonds. Understanding the mechanism and examples of this reaction can help in designing efficient synthetic routes in organic chemistry. 
This article explores in detail the Wurtz reaction along with the Wurtz reaction mechanism. For further insights into related concepts, we encourage you to explore our blog section. If you seek personalised online tuition, Tutoroot offers exceptional services. Our online chemistry tuition can assist in clarifying any doubts you may have. Click here to book a FREE DEMO session. 
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ieisia · 2 years
Charles Adolphe Wurtz
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26 November 1817 – 10 May 1884 was an Alsatian French chemist. He is best remembered for his decades-long advocacy for the atomic theory and for ideas about the structures of chemical compounds, against the skeptical opinions of chemists such as Marcellin Berthelot and Henri Étienne Sainte-Claire Deville. He is well known by organic chemists for the Wurtz reaction, to form carbon-carbon bonds by reacting alkyl halides with sodium, and for his discoveries of ethylamine, ethylene glycol, and the aldol reaction. Wurtz was also an influential writer and educator.
Influenced by such leading figures as Liebig and Dumas, by 1856 Wurtz became a powerful advocate of a reform in chemical theory then being led by Charles Gerhardt and Alexander Williamson. This new chemistry of the 1850s took the idea of chemical atoms seriously, adopted atomic weights for the elements that strongly resemble the modern ones, and proposed a unitary schematic plan that opposed the dualistic theory derived from the work of Jons Jacob Berzelius. Soon thereafter, Wurtz also adopted the new structural theory that was developing from the work of younger chemists such as August Kekulé. However, a kind of skeptical positivism was influential in France during the second half of the nineteenth century, and Wurtz's efforts to gain a favorable hearing for atomism and structuralism in his homeland were largely frustrated.
Wurtz's first published paper was on hypophosphorous acid (1841), and the continuation of his work on the acids of phosphorus (1845) resulted in the discovery of sulfophosphoric acid and phosphorus oxychloride, as well as of copper hydride. But his original work was mainly in the domain of organic chemistry. Investigation of the cyanic ethers(1848) yielded a class of substances which opened out a new field in organic chemistry, for, by treating those ethers with caustic potash, he obtained methylamine, the simplest organic derivative of ammonia (1849), and later (1851) the compound ureas. In 1855, reviewing the various substances that had been obtained from glycerin, he reached the conclusion that glycerin is a body of alcoholic nature formed on the type of three molecules of water, as common alcohol is on that of one, and was thus led (1856) to the discovery of the glycols or diatomic alcohols, bodies similarly related to the double water type. This discovery he worked out very thoroughly in investigations of ethylene oxide and the polyethylene alcohols. The oxidation of the glycols led him to homologues of lactic acid, and a controversy about the constitution of the latter with Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe resulted in the discovery of many new facts and in a better understanding of the relations between the oxy- and the amido-acids.  In 1855, he published work on what is now known as the Wurtz reaction.
In 1867 Wurtz synthesized neurine by the action of trimethylamine on glycol-chlorhydrin. In 1872 he discovered the aldol reaction and characterized the product as showing the properties of both an alcohol and an aldehyde. Alexander Borodin discovered the reaction independently in the same year. The product was named an aldol, pointing out its double character. This led to a second confrontation with Kolbe.
In addition to this list of some of the new substances he prepared, reference may be made to his work on abnormal vapor densities. While working on the olefins he noticed that a change takes place in the density of the vapor of amylene hydrochloride, hydrobromide, &c, as the temperature is increased, and in the gradual passage from a gas of approximately normal density to one of half-normal density he saw a powerful argument in favor of the view that abnormal vapor densities, such as are exhibited by sal-ammoniac or phosphorus pentachloride. are to be explained by dissociation. From 1865 onwards he treated this question in several papers, and in particular maintained the dissociation of vapor of chloral hydrate, in opposition to Etienne Henri Sainte-Claire Deville and Marcellin Berthelot.
For twenty-one years (1852–1872) Wurtz published in the Annales de chimie et de physique abstracts of chemical work done out of France. The publication of his great Dictionnaire de chimie pure et appliquée, in which he was assisted by many other French chemists, was begun in 1869 and finished in 1878; two supplementary volumes were issued 1880–1886, and in 1892 the publication of a second supplement was begun. Among his books are Chimie médicale (1864), Leçons élémentaires de chimie moderne (1867), Théorie des atomes dans la conception générale du monde (1874), La Théorie atomique (1878), Progrés de l'industrie des matières colorantes artificielles (1876) and Traité de chimie biologique (1880–1885). His Histoire des doctrines chimiques, the introductory discourse to his Dictionnaire (also published separately in 1869), opens with the phrase, La chimie est une science française. Although it raised a storm of protest in Germany, the sentence is less nationalistic than it appears; he intended to refer only to the birth of chemistry under the great Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, rather than asserting exclusive French national ownership of the science.
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spxcemace · 3 years
me, 2 weeks ago: wow! this game called bug fables looks fun! let me buy it!
me now, after playing through the game twice, 100%-ing my second playthrough, buying fan merch, and already thinking about when i’ll play through it again:
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seishiroed · 4 years
the real question on everyone’s lips is when is bill wurtz coming back
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reaction gifs everyone needs to have
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if this gets decent notes maybe ill make a part 2
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animentality · 7 years
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it’s 2017 and we’re apparently still iffy on this one. 
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othmeralia · 2 years
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Just another Marbled Monday
This 1885 text is Traité de chimie biologique written by Adolphe Wurtz.
Better known as Adolphe Wurtz, he was born Charles Adolphe Wurtz in 1817 and was an Alsatian French chemist. He is best known for his decades-long advocacy for the atomic theory and for ideas about the structures of chemical compounds. He is also remembered for the Wurtz reaction, commonly used in organic chemistry.
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ask-2p-hetaliaaa · 3 years
What would the 2ps do as youtubers?
2ps as youtubers:
Allen: Would be one of those fake ghost hunters that makes it onto Nuke's Top 5s.
"GUYS, GUYS, OHHH MYYY GODDD GUYYSSS,..... I THINK THAT WAS THE GHOOOSSTTT?? *pans to matt in a white sheet*"
Matt: Would upload funny out-of-context 5 second clips of his friends every 7 months. Gained popularity as a "top ironic humor figure"
Francois: His whole gimmick is staring into the camera for minutes on end without talking. People use him in reaction memes.
Oliver: Makes cooking videos, but in the style of Ted Nivision and twomad thanks to Allen's help with editing. Sometimes he swears in his videos, and when he does, his loyal following goes INSANE in the comments
Viktor: Makes audiobooks that peoples use as asmr to sleep. People who like Russian accents often flock to his videos as well
Xiao: Makes weed and vape reviews and 'hot boxes'; he collabs with matty smokes.
"WE'RE ABOUT TO HIT A FUCKIN OVER 9000 UHHHH DECIMIBITEABLES PUFF *coughing and gagging in mandarin*"
Luciano: Makes reviews of movies and games that have mafias and gangs. Is absolutely brutal in these critiques.
Flavio: Does makeup tutorials, fashion showcases, shopping vlogs, etc. Would basically be like the Lunch Club if it were full of drag queens
Lutz: Makes really obnoxious yet entertaining vlogs doing stupid shit around his country. Says offensive shit in a joking way that everyone is fine with. Has probably held illegal meetups in a mcdonalds
Kuro: "extreme japanese apoligizing" - makes videos along the lines of that, basically clowning on his own culture. occasionally makes anime reviews.
Gillen: Makes gaming videos out of his twitch streams. Sometimes Roland will just be walking in the background and go "Hi!!" and the chat will not shut up about him for next 2 minutes
Roland: He's like Sam O Nella Academy but Austrian- He'll mainly make parody videos of ww1 and ww2 because we all know the funny ww1 and 2 austria jokes. Since he can play guitar, he adds bits inspired by bill wurtz that are just jingles, ends up being used in memes
Andres: Uploads pirated, obscure Spanish music with blank descriptions and no other context
Egil: twomad videos, basically. everything he posts feels like adhd personified, at random points the video will go 200x speed and back to normal its chaotic
Loki: Is a prank channel, but actually funny because his pranks are "lets set shit on fire until the police get involved"
Denmark: His gimmick is making fun of Francois and trying to beat him in subscribers, but Francois doesn't even know he has a channel. People meme in a bad way like "look at this dumbass"
Bernard: Makes commentary videos like Memeulous and James Marriott, has an ongoing joke of making fun of the 1ps (in a friendly way). at random points a picture of Berwald will pop up with the vine boom sound effect
Thurston: Screams into his camera about things that make him mad, a bunch of teenage girls stan him because they think he's hot and relatable. He then made a video screaming about how much he hates his fanbase, which didn't help at all. It only attracted Bernard's fans who clowned on him
Hermes: Makes videos explaining the lore of Greek Mythology, in a girl-talk sort of way. He tried making true crime videos but kept putting his opinions in which nearly got him canceled.
Caligula: Too old to use youtube. Only has an account to like Luciano's videos.
Germania: Also too old to use youtube. But he does comment on the germanic countries videos with things like "LETS FUCKING GOOO"; has become the Justin Y. of 2p comment sections
Leonas and Franciszek: Have a couples channel that people HATE because they act so fake that it's dreadfully annoying. Has had videos made about them by Bernard, Lutz and Flavio
Anastasia: Makes videos about self-care for both men and women, similar to channels like Sexplanations. Also makes videos teaching young adults to cook simple meals, how to do unique hairstyles using wigs of different lengths and textures, how to have a clean house (making beds, doing laundry, organizing cabinets and fridges), etc. Has a large following of people who genuinely appreciate her work and motivation
Katya: Uploads vertical phone videos of her at casinos drinking champagne, playing darts, winning slot machines, etc
Egor: Similar to SomeOrdinaryGamers. Browses the deep web on his AmogOS system he made.
Raimonds: Viktor doesn't allow him to have a youtube channel
Paul: Takes videos of him rolling down hills and making fun of people at his school. Luckily doesn't gain much traction because people would definitely cyber bully him. Most of the adult 2ps have an agreement to not mention him in their videos lest their followers go after him
Wy: Takes behind the scenes videos of Oliver's videos; Her following is basically just Oliver's following who think she's his daughter (she's not) (This rumor caused a huge scandal within the Ollie simping twitter community)
Romeo: Doesn't have youtube, has TikTok and makes shitty e-boy thirst traps and POVs. Bernard wears his merch as satire in his videos.
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r10t3r · 7 years
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tutoroot · 5 months
What is Wurtz Reaction? 
The Wurtz reaction is a chemical reaction named after its discoverer, Charles Adolphe Wurtz. It is a coupling reaction between alkyl halides in the presence of metallic sodium or lithium, resulting in the formation of a symmetrical alkane. Enroll now at Tutoroot. 
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