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oftomorrow · 1 year ago
Ever since Clark officially revealed himself to the world as Superman, he's noticed people beginning to follow in his footsteps. Whether he's inspired them directly or they've simply started around the same time as him, he can't really say. But there's something reassuring about it. There's a handful now that he's keeping a closer watch on -- a masked vigilante in Gotham, a speedster in Central City, an archer in Star City... and lately, reports of a truly impressive woman with a lasso around the Boston area.
He has to check it out for himself. Keeping an ear out works before too long -- a news report on her latest escapade, and Clark is zipping across state lines at top speeds, determined to catch her in action. He watches from a distance, but doesn't interfere. It doesn't look like she needs the help.
Only after all the civilians are safe and mostly dispersed does he make his presence known, floating above the ground several feet behind her, cape billowing slightly in the breeze. "That was very impressive."
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bcnamighdall · 1 year ago
@wundor| Starter Call
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"How long have you been here?" It's a fairly innocent question, but there's more to it. For her own curiosity. It's not so uncommon to go to man's world, not among those of Bana-Mighdall whose members mostly originated there. But for others? Well, she hates to admit it, but Nedjem knows very little of Themiscyrans, despite one of her mothers hailing from the island.
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chaosmultiverse-a · 1 year ago
“   try   not   to   hit   any   pedestrians  .   ” for Harley!
Harley laughed "I'll try! But no promises! If you're on a Harley adventure you gotta smell the flowers and the likelihood of a lil criminal activity. I will promise that if I hit someone it will be because they seemed like a asshole."
Perhaps asking Harley Quinn for some help with a case was a mistake.
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playedbetter · 1 year ago
@wundor said: 041. the street of an unfamiliar city at night . (Unfamiliar for her, perhaps) - for Bruce/Bats!
"I didn't realize you come out at night," He comments as Diana waves goodbye to a couple the pair had just helped escape a mugging. "Good timing though, I think those two needed a friendly face this evening,"
While he didn't like outsiders helping him much in Gotham, on the rare occasion he'd look past it, Diana was almost always one of those occasions. "What's brought you by Gotham tonight?"
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1mpulsee · 1 year ago
believe in yourself.
@wundor :
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❝ HOW ? ❞
his head lifts to stare up, gold eyes uncertain, confused . the question’s the first thing out of his mouth, and tumbling out is more DOUBTS . ❝ I’m not the flash . I’m nothing like the flash, I can’t — I can’t be like him . ❞
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he looks down at his shaking hands, tucking them into fists, then looks back up . ❝ how ? how can I ? ❞
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dreamsofalifeold · 1 year ago
roast the woman
"Your values are at war with the new world you've found yourself in. You have this gentle, amazing, genuine soul, but it's hard for you because of the stuff you're being exposed to for the first time. It's really beginning to bother you and make you question everything you ever learned, but you're also more determined than ever to hang onto those ideals at any cost."
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dominiqueramseyart · 22 days ago
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I had the pleasure of Illustrating the cover for volume 3 of "Wundor", a medieval comic created by Vincent Treptow. Available on their Ko-Fi.
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wundor · 1 year ago
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"the power and strength like that of the earth itself, great beauty and a loving heart, wisdom..."
wundor, an independent and selective portrayal of princess diana of themyscira, otherwise known as wonder woman. crossover and oc friendly. penned by ramone.
"...the eye of the hunter and unity with the beasts, sisterhood with fire-- that it may open men's hearts to her, speed and the power of flight..."
a study in: being a symbol hope and truth, resilience despite everything, being true to oneself, womanhood, representing those dear to you, and pure, unconditional love.
"...all this will be hers as she grows into womanhood!"
rules &. biography
promo template credit.
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red-hemlock · 1 year ago
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Trigger Hippie ( Glide Sitar Mix ) - Morcheeba
Black Out Days - Phantogram
Flip - Glass Animals
Just Like Sleep - Passarella Death Squad
Ascension - Tycho
Valentine's Day bonus: Soothsayer - Of Monsters and Men
Tagged by: @frostise Tagging: @luposcainus, @cxpperhead, @cxpedcrusxder, @dimxndsareforever, @wundor, @primitiveside, @sanguine-salvation, @bluefeathrs, @dogtccth (for Bella), (And anyone else who wishes to steal this! <3)
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jackhkeynes · 1 year ago
vondrous "grotesque"
vondrous /vɔnˈdruz/ [vʊnˈdʀuz]
grotesque, distorted, caricatured, having abnormal proportions in a stylised manner;
shocking, outrageous, egregious, bad in an impressive way;
hideous, ugly, displeasing to the eye
Etymology: from Old Boral vondrous "miraculous, awe-inspiring, unbelievable", adjective derivate of vondre "miracle, marvel" (now obsolete). This is borrowed from the synonymous wundor in Old English. The worsening semantic shift was entirely complete by the seventeenth century.
Casc ouvr pent ag ci mur stan vondrous. /kax ˈuvr̩ pɛnt ɛj mɪr stan vɔnˈdruz/ [kax ˈu.vɐ pɛnt ɛj mɪː stan vʊnˈdʀuz] each work hang.p.pst at.def p.dt wall be.ipf-3p ugly All the wall-hung paintings were hideous.
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Want to showcase and give some more attention to different indie animation I’ve discovered or seen also heard of. Just want to give these projects and new animated works more eyes on them.  Heroes of Tomorrow's by Jaculynn Kristansen.
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Bleating Heart. By Allie Vanaman (Vanimation)
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THE EBONY WITCH By Lydiah Mugure.
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Alien and Eve by Ty Kingrose ( TyFord)
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Nori and ZiN by SharpyTown.
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JUNO by Hannah Mccall
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The Howling Hoods by Michael Hegwood
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Wundor: Rainbow Ryft by Vincent R Treptow.
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ToonZ by Greezy
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Mirrored by Doodled and LoreRat
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So Once Was I by Mori Garden and Stars C
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Malco by Malcolm Thomas
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Chucky Chicken by Michael Cook
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Tóraíocht: A conceptual trailer. by Wynn Kelly-Buttfield
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VIRAL GENESIS by Jodi Kuchenbecker
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Chew Gum by Shane Curry
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King CockRoach by Tom Smith
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Towards Galaxy's End by Kennedy Freeman
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Odyssey: A Tale of Four Worlds by Jack Machiridza
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MidMortis by Meg Boudreau
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Fate by Josh "OrangeOctopus"
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Face and Bean by Tmoj Official
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Revamped by Shannon Mowatt
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We Are The Road Crew by Ryan Nicholson
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Fragmented Trinity by Irziru
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The West Patch by Hannah and Rachel Mangan
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TallyHo! by SkullHareStudios
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Hugo's Mind Palace by Alistair Boubli
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The Will of Monsters by Christopher Wade
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Wild Card by Alex Bahrawy
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oftomorrow · 1 year ago
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A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
NAME. Clark Joseph Kent / Kal-El
NICKNAME(S). Smallville, CK, Kal
TITLE(S). Superman
AGE. Verse dependent
SPECIES. Kryptonian
SEX. Cis male
ALIGNMENT. Neutral good
INTERESTS. Sports (mainly football and baseball), cooking, languages, astronomy
PROFESSION. Reporter for the Daily Planet (later the Smallville Gazette), superhero
BODY TYPE. Tall, very physically fit, muscular
EYES. Blue
HAIR. Jet black
SKIN. Fair
FACE. I mean, he's got one
HEIGHT. 6'3"
VOICE: Baritone, neutral midwestern American accent; Superman's voice is noticeably deeper than Clark's
COMPANIONS. Jimmy Olsen, Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince, other Justice League members, Kara Zor-El, Lana Lang, John Henry Irons, @murder-popsicle's Bucky Barnes
ANTAGONISTS. Lex Luthor, Zod, Doomsday, Darkseid, Bizarro, Mxyzptlk, Metallo
COLORS. Deep blue, red, golden yellow
FRUITS. Anything!
DRINKS. Water, coffee
Tagged by: @murder-popsicle <3
Tagging: @the-demons-son @grace-of-gotham @invidentius @cxpedcrusxder @awolxsiblings @wundor @chimugukuru
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laiqualaurelote · 2 years ago
Mothology is canon! thank you for confirming @neil-gaiman
Some additional thoughts on the book moth! The book moth riddle, also known as Exeter Book Riddle 47 (from its numbering in the 10th-century Exeter Book manuscript), is an anonymous Old English riddle:
Moððe word fræt.       Mē þæt þuhte wrǣtlicu wyrd,       þā ic þæt wundor gefrægn, þæt se wyrm forswealg       wera gied sumes, þēof in þȳstro,       þrymfæstne cwide ond þæs strangan staþol.       Stælgiest ne wæs wihte þȳ glēawra,       þe hē þām wordum swealg
[A moth ate words. I thought that a marvellous fate, when I heard of that wonder, that the worm, thief in darkness, should swallow some man's poem, a glorious statement and that strong foundation. The theft-guest was no wiser for having swallowed those words.]
The choice of "book-moth" as the boy's nickname is a curious one: on the surface it appears to be a cute nickname for a child who reads a lot, but there are darker layers embedded in this name that allude not just to the boy but to the monsters that will torment him. The "wyrm" evokes the wormhole that Ursula will put in his heart, the mindless eating the destruction that the hunger-birds will wreak, and how those two things will be tragically and irrevocably linked by his single moment of vindictiveness. Even the ending to the poem foreshadows the boy's own fate: that he will have known something marvellous and had to have it removed from his memory; he will be no wiser for having consumed his and Lettie's story, but its loss is the only way for him to go on existing, and he will keep going back for the rest of his life in search of something he can never understand again. It's a little kenning fraught with so much wonder and terror, and when I heard it I almost cried out in the theatre, þā ic þæt wundor gefrægn.
Dear Neil, we just saw The Ocean At The End Of The Lane on its UK tour and were astounded by how magical it was; it is a marvel that a production could be so technically spectacular and deeply, fundamentally moving all at once. I wanted to ask about the nickname that the boy's father's had for him - my theatre companions heard it as 'bookworm', but I heard it as 'book moth', and I wondered if it was a reference to the Old English "Moððe word fræt" riddle. I think it would be "wrǣtlicu wyrd" if so. Thank you for the words!
You were right. It's "book moth".
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professorlizzard · 4 years ago
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My goblin alchemist, Wundor, from a Pathfinder2 game I am in. Also his familiar: GregNade.
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playedbetter · 1 year ago
@wundor said: "Don’t forget me. I just want you to know you’re in my heart." -for Zatanna!
Zatanna took Diana's cheeks in her hands and smiled at her warmly. "How could I ever forget you Diana, you're a one of a kind woman, truly,"
Gently her hands fall from Diana's face and she wraps Diana in a tight hug. "You are as well, I promise I'll be safe, and that I'll send postcards. You better do the same,"
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unofficialchronicle · 6 years ago
cunnan, verb, to know
uncuþ, adj., unknown, strange (cp. MnE uncouth)
wyrd, noun, f., fate, event (cp. MnE weird)
wine, noun, m., friend, lord (poet., cp. names Edwin, Godwin)
wundor, noun, n., wonder, miracle
wunian, verb, to dwell (cp. MnG wohnen)
hearh, noun, m., heathen shrine (cp. place-name Harrow)
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