#wtf how do i tag this sort of poem
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western-fence-lizard ¡ 4 years ago
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this poem is so funny wtf.....comedye geniuse <3
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adustierstar ¡ 4 years ago
Lawblr Book Club
Hello naughty children, it’s time for Nissa’s Opinions
Coming in RIGHT under the wire for October book club, but still. I have read the reboggles I could find on T’s tag (bc tumblr search is what it is), and now it’s my turn.
General Questions:
1 - What did you like best / least?
I liked the worldbuilding a lot - I want to know more about the Reaches and the Travelers and why everything is made of wood in Kolonya?? Least... we will get to lol
2 - Would you read more by this author?
mmmmmmmmmmaybe. Like I want to know wtf happened, but I’m also still pretty mad about the ending. We shall see.
3 (a) - If this story followed a different character’s POV, who would you pick and why?
tbh the last thing this book needs is more POVs
3 (b) - Did you like how the three different sister’s POV was used to push the narrative forward? Did it make your reading experience more or less enjoyable?
idk, it was a little slow for my tastes. I did like that the girls all had different perspectives, but I wish they’d had more different personalities. Like Ren and Akeylah are the same person, just brought up with different abuse. And if Zofi has a personality beyond anger, she’s probably the same, too.
4 - What scene stuck with you the most?
I really liked the first time Ren and Zofi confronted Akeylah in the library - it was kinda “did we just become best friends?! YUP!” but also FINALLY gave them a team vibe and distinct specialties.
5 - What kind of lingering questions were you left with (besides the obvious cliffhanger WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO ME ELLEN)
literally what was the point of this being its own book if the single main conflict wasn’t actually resolved???
6 (a) - Could you relate to the characters & their story arcs?
Meh. I mean, a little bit? But overall I didn’t find them terribly relatable.
6 (b) - How do you feel about each character’s ending?
7 - Were there times you disagreed with a character’s actions / would have done something different in their shoes?
8 - Were you rooting for any character or pairing in particular?
I wanted to like Akeylah best bc she seems really sincere and genuine, BUT then suddenly all of her “I’m a secret genius” calculating stuff comes up and it’s a little tough to reconcile those things. I liked each of the girls okay, but I didn’t feel like there was a clear answer to who should rule (aside from Ren’s musing about all 3 of them, maybe).
9 - Do you picture any specific fancasts when reading the book?
The only one I have any clear idea what she looks like is Akeylah, but I can’t think of anyone who looks like that, you know? I think of Zofi as looking like an angry Ice Climber from Smash Bros. And like...idk maybe Letitia Wright for Ren? Maybe Lupita Nyong’o or Gugu Raw for Rozalind, unless she’s supposed to be the girls’ age, then somebody younger, I guess? Idk.
Story Specific Questions:
11 - Did you enjoy how each girl’s secret was teased out? Do you like when authors slow-roll this kind of information?
I do like a slow rollout (”who taught him ‘rollout’?!”), I think there’s a lot to be said for setting readers loose in medias res, BUT I also think it wasn’t handled amazingly here - idk maybe it’s just me, but I felt like it was sort of stage-whispering. Like “oh no I hope no one guesses my TERRIBLE SECRET!!! I would be in SO MUCH trouble!!” It just felt very obvious to me, although the secrets themselves weren’t obvious (the first time we learned about them).
12 - Do you think each character was fleshed out sufficiently, such that you had a sense of the different personality for each sister?
Not really? Kind of. An attempt was made with the girls, but basically no one else got any dimension whatsoever.
13 - Do you have guesses on who the blackmailer is?
Not really, bc this book broke every rule of how to write an engaging mystery. Like literally the only people who could POSSIBLY be it from the information we have are Rozalind, Vidal, and Andros, none of which really make sense given everything else, but like???? I guess Rozalind is my best guess bc she was acting kinda sus re: the acolyte etc. But I think that would be a bad choice unless a lot of other things change between now and that reveal.
14 - Was Yasmin a believable antagonist to you?
Like. I thought she was SCREAMINGLY obviously a red herring the entire book. She was brusque with the girls, and there was some weirdness in the first scene where the girls meet the king where I thought maybe she was possessing him, but that’s obviously just the weird mind link thing they did, and that’s it. Like being a bitch isn’t illegal.
15 - Do you think the daughters’ secrets were defensible actions?
Kinda? Like, definitely understandable, but like, is murder ever defensible? Ren had no reason to suspect her information would be used the way it was (whether or not Danton knew is something I’m not convinced on either way), Akeylah had no reason to believe she wasn’t cursing the man she fully expected to kill her (although MAYBE she should have paid closer attention during the cursing itself?? Like, the distance seems like it should have played a role in how hard it was to find “her father”), and Zofi perhaps overreacted, but used what seemed like appropriate force at the time in defense of another’s life (or rather she couldn’t/didn’t want to  think of a way to simply restrain or incapacitate Nicolen, so stabby stabby). Was it stupid? Yes, for all of them. But they’re children (are they 18? I forget how old they’re supposed to be. Also, why are they the same age, if they are? was that just Andros’s Good Fuckin Year?)
16 - How do you feel about this unique system of magic?
WEIRD. I NEED MORE INFORMATION. WHY does the blood have to be drawn? Where does it go? What is the scarring situation with these people? What about the SHARDS OF GLASS permanently embedded in Zofi’s legs? Speaking of which, how the FUCK are Travelers out here hand-blowing glass in a mobile way??? That’s not a pick-up-and-carry craft! What’s the cooldown period for tithing? Why is it CALLED tithing? Who are you tithing TO? What negative effects are there for tithing for too long? Zofi mentions that they exist, but this is never explained. I feel like after all her reading, Akeylah should be able to answer these questions for me. BUT SHE DIDN’T.
17 - Was the theme of racism sufficiently handled?
Handled..??? If by that you mean vaguely suggested as existing and occasionally seems to have affected some characters’ lives, sure. Like, the closest we got was “Vidal’s not as racist as some other people yay!”
18 - Do you have any theories about the poem found in the library?
tbh I don’t even remember a poem in the library, just the notes about the weird echo situation.
19 - How did you feel about the cliffhanger ending?
BAD. VERY BAD. It was like the ending of Cars in that it retroactively ruined a lot of the book for me. NOTHING was accomplished in this ENTIRE book WHY
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empcratriz ¡ 5 years ago
The Mun
Rules: Tag ten followers you want to know better! Repost, don’t reblog.
Tagged by: @kumihao​ @the-lesser-elementalist​
Tagging: honestly anyone who wants to do this tbh I’m going to be lazy about it sorry lol also this is hella late
Name: You can call me Eren Star sign: Capricorn Middle name?: I don’t have one Put your music on shuffle. What were the first 6 songs that popped up?:
Ya’ll are boutta get a taste of my trash music let’s go
Lie and Look by Zheani
Wheels on the Bus by Melanie Martinez
Gurenge by LiSA (aka the Demon Slayer OP)
Si Una Vez by Selena Quintanilla
Call me by Blondie
All the Good Girls Go to Hell by Billie Eilish
Grab one book nearest to you and turn to page 23. what’s line 17?:
Oof I have no books in my room this is sad
Unless you wanna count my book on video editing
Ever had a poem or a song written about you?: Yes I have! I cried lmao
When was the last time you played air guitar?: A few days ago oddly enough
Who is your celebrity crush?: Hmmmmmm, currently it’s Megan Thee Stallion
What’s a sound you hate, and a sound you love?: I can’t stand the sound of people chewing(I won’t say anything or be rude about it but my soul will wither away just a little). Or or or, the sound of people grinding their teeth, I’m sorry but I will throw hands. I love the sound of rain so much but thunder frightens me.
Do you believe in ghosts?: Moooost definitely, I’ve had some odd experiences
How about aliens?: I mean, all I’m saying is that our universe is huge. How could there not be more things out there. If they’re avoiding us I don’t blame them tbh.
Do you drive?: Yep!
If so, have you ever crashed?: Thankfully no!
What was the last book you read?: AHA I have no idea.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?: No wtf
What was the last movie you saw?: Frozen 2
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?:  The worst injury I’ve had is a tie between when I fell face forward with my legs apart and someone landed on me so I was sort forced into the splits. OR when I injured my back lifting a resident after I gave them a shower. First (but not the last) time I cried at my job lol.
Do you have any obsessions right now?: Oh god a few web comics I’m reading for sure. And being on here lol.
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?: Imma be honest with you chief, I do. I hold onto that shit like my life depends on it. I’m jk, eventually I just toss it aside and forget about it.
In a relationship?: AHA I’m a bitter old woman when it comes to love. That’s partially a joke, I’m not that old lol
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tinykings ¡ 5 years ago
tagged by the lovely @terribleoldwhitemen to fill out this fanfiction survey, so here goes: 
fandoms: following her lead and saying fandoms with only 2+ fics: The Expanse (hoo boy), Frontier (hooooo boy), Bellevue (oh boy), The Terror (my boos) 
number of fics: 35 (not all of these are fics, though)
fic i spent the most time on: For Want of a Nail, because of its sheer volume
fic i spent the least time on: oh man, here’s the thing, i do not spend a lot of time on my smaller fics, but i have to say Skilled Hands and Talented Tongues, my House of Cards fic which exists (for some reason) just flowed, so I’ll say that one. 
longest fic: for want of a nail, which is 23,212 words and counting (it’s going to go up...some day)
shortest fic: hmm, so i tend to post fics between 500 and 2k, but some of my old, old fics are shorter, so i’ll have to say Little Girls Shouldn’t Go to Space, a Star Trek AOS nearly drabble that comes in at 99 words. I posted that in 2013. I was a wee baby. 
most hits: i could go with a poem that i posted years ago, but it’s not fandom related (still it has over 7,000 hits which...uh, how), so i’ll go with a fic: Open Your Eyes, a genderswapped Bond fic which has over 2000 hits which I guess speaks to what happens when you post a fic 1) at the height of Skyfall and Q/Bond fury and 2) seven years ago. I tagged it porn without plot, which isn’t entirely accurate. But it’s probably the closest I’ve gotten to smut. 
most kudos: Open Your Eyes again, although my first Terror fic, you don’t have to be a ghost here among the living, you are flesh and blood, and you deserve to be loved and you deserve what you are given, and oh how much (i was on a Florence + the Machine kick, OKAY) 
most comment threads: i know i seem shaky, these hands aren’t fit for holding, an Expanse fic, which was my first dive into that fandom, and boy what a dive
most bookmarks: in a moment of joy and fury i threw myself from the balcony like my grandmother, so many years before me, a star wars sort-of ben/poe fic which i do enjoy very much, even if i don’t think it’s my best work
total word count: 67,429. miles and miles to go. 
favorite fic: hmmm...i am rather fond of because i am done with my graceless heart, so tonight i’m gonna cut it out and then restart, a bellevue sort-of fix-it fic which i wrote in a fit of WTF IS THIS SHOW. (i’m fond of all my fics, though, they are my children) another fic i just LOVE is an Angels in America fic I wrote (I KNOW): In San Francisco, which is basically a love letter to Harper. 
fic i most want to expand on/rewrite: hmmm...so many of my fics are relatively new, but i do kind of want to expand on The Samuel Survives the Finale-verse series, even if I killed off Cobbs in Fever 1793 OOPS (maybe that’s just an alternate ending or something), mainly because i find the two of them post-series to be fascinating, and i’m pissed we never got to see them together again.
as far as rewriting goes, i don’t like rewriting for myself personally, and when i go back and read my fics, i don’t feel any pressing desire to reconfigure anything. i know that writing’s a different process for everyone, but i use my backspace key so much that i’m in a constant state of editing and revision. 
share a bit of a wip/story idea you’re working on: oh so many, but i did have a splash of inspiration for a casablanca fic set in the present-day, where Louis and Rick get stuck in Charles de Gaulle airport during a storm. i was supposed to write it for Lock Down Fest, but wasn’t able to, but I’d still like to write it. 
i also have that hogwarts/expanse AU fic that i’m working on, and it could end up being very long, if i’m lucky. 
tagging @thranduilsbitchboy â€˜cause i know you write fic too!
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sussexualtension ¡ 5 years ago
‘Ask The Author’ tag:
Man this is late! Better late than never. Thanks again for the tag, @ariestaurus21​
Rules: answer these questions and tag five other fic writers to do the same.
I was tagged by @AriesTaurus21, whom I always love chatting with.  She is a wise lady with much, diverse knowledge. Thank you for the tag!
Author name: DorisNancyGrey. My name on Tumblr is Sussexualtension because this was originally a Sherlock blog ;p
Fandoms you write for: Hawaii Five-0.
Where you post: AO3.
Most popular one-shot: I don't know if any of my stuff counts as a one-shot? When Office Plants Die started as a sort of one-shot. Lol I was testing the waters for my giant-ass story, A Burning Orchard.
Most popular multi-chapter story: When Office Plants Die has the most kudos, but A Burning Sky has more Comment threads!
Favorite story you wrote: LOL in my head, all my works are installments of the same story.
Story you were nervous to post: A Burning Orchard. I thought people were going to be like a) WTF mpreg or b) this is really dark, or c) wtf a lion!?
My fiancĂŠ convinced me to post When Office Plants Die, and he then convinced me to post A Burning Orchard.
How do you pick your titles: When Office Plants die had a lot of humor in it, so I just typed the first thing that came into my head. A Burning Orchard I liked because of the poem "A Poison Tree" by William Blake. I knew I wanted it to be about apples, but I settled on the final title because – abbreviated – it stands for ABO as in A/B/O dynamics. A Burning Sky seemed to fit because it was a natural disaster and people would know it was related.
Do you outline? Aaaaha. Funny you should ask. I didn't used to at all. My father flies jets but he writes in his spare time, too. He took a story-writing class by this genius guy in Orlando, FL and flew across the country to take this class every week. He started telling me about story structure and plot when I was 11 but I ignored it. I preferred to write what came to me. It ended with a bunch of stories with no endings and rambling without direction.
For the first time, in law school, I started becoming much more analytical about writing in general – I had to be. I had to completely relearn how to write, with a LOT of planning and a LOT of drafts. I started outlining like my research papers, making bullet points of every plot point, and then expanding into bullet points for every scene in lists below each plot point. I started paying attention to story structure, too, for the first time. I started trying to study other writers' work, about how stuff is foreshadowed and introduced early.
When I was in undergrad, though, I was lucky enough to get to know a very successful author and see how he worked – forcing himself to sit in his chair for one hour every single day without fail, churning out best seller after best seller.  He had at least 30 books on the NYT Bestseller list, and he legit only wrote an hour a day. My mom dated him for a few years, and they were engaged. I never gave him any of my stuff to read, though, because jesus my shit is m/m and the intimate scenes are not for the faint of heart. But I did try to learn from him. He always seemed to have a formula for his books, and he had learned what works for his audience. One of the secrets he imparted upon me is to "write what you know,” as in . . . if you are an artist, write about a character that is an artist in the ways that only an artist could (how expensive red oil paints are as opposed to other colors, stretching canvases, the overbearing smell of mineral spirits, and how cold art studios are, etc.). If you live in Seattle, then use your favorite local restaurants as settings.
People are attracted to genuine detail.
How many of your stories are complete? Everything that is posted is pretty much finished. That being said, I have some announcements soon, so stuff may be changing…
In-progress: LOL I set out to write a meaningless beachtrash novel about a terrifying, Viking-looking merman and a bored, coastal-residing millionaire that fall in love, but like, it's fucking weird. My goal is always to make people emotionally invested in weird shit.
Coming soon: I don't think I will ever stop writing in my universe.
Do you accept prompts? Oooh, I don't know. I've never gotten one.
Upcoming story you’re the most excited for?I'm planning one with a lot of New Orleans/voodoo/ghost/psychic vibes. I can't help but gravitate toward all that fun stuff >:) 
I am tagging @murphyhatesme​ and @cowandcalf​! 
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jacksgreysays ¡ 8 years ago
(I hope it's okay to prompt more than once!) TITLE: "All distance breathes a final dream of bells" (referencing a line of the e.e. cummings poem "all nearness pauses, while a star can grow") STORY: Yoshino, Stars Also Dream AU where Obi-Wan dropped by after feeling Jashin, not Gelel.
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I see everyone is excited about the Land of Hot Springs arc :)
I’m putting these three together because I think separately they won’t be very long mostly because they’re AUs/remixes of fic and brainstorms I’ve already done previously. I don’t mean to brush off these prompts–I, too, am all a flutter about the world building SQ’s introduced (GODS! WTF? I’M SO HAPPY AND CONCERNED?!)–but I’m not certain enough to do a full outline of a fic in relation to this topic.
I mean, as an appeasement of sorts, here’s some… spoilers, I guess: I was actually planning on doing a Hail To The Queen installment “she who has divine right” before the Jashin bomb drop (pun not intended) in which each time the Shinigami appeared it ominously looked in the direction of Shikako. Waiting for her to ascend… sort of? And during the Gelel struggle Shinigami might have intervened a little?
But finding out that Shikako is considered a “little god” by Actual Literal Eldritch Horror Jashin kind of just blew that idea away (pun still not intended). Not in a bad way, but that installment is definitely on hold until I can develop more of a sense of how deities work and, as a result, how divine right would also work. Also there are still two more canonical instances of deities that SQ might use so…
ANYWAY! Let’s start with @donapoetrypassion’s prompt:
So in a Stars Also Dream!AU where the Millennium Falcon shows up after the Jashin / Shikako nuke… you know what, this is maybe at most a week after the events of Rogue One? Shikako’s nuke might be the more important thing than the Jashin peering into the tangible world (then again, that’s probably a really creepy sensation in the Force).
Um. Regardless. Whatever vestigial echoes Obi-Wan feels, Yoshino is feeling ON BLAST (pun still not intended) to an exponential degree. And this is definitely worse than the original Gelel eruption because that one was a huge burst of energy but that was positive life energy being returned to the planet (and imbued into her daughter). The nuke was the horrific ritual being co-opted into an explosion as tweaked by the Force/Gelel which probably, especially since it results in basically an entire country being destroyed, doesn’t equal positive energy.
Yoshino was worried about her children being involved in the Gelel eruption before. This time she knows without a doubt that Shikako was there pulling on the Force/Gelel in order to do something that resulted in a country destroyed.
Also, she just gave birth, and no doubt her maternal feelings are on overdrive.
This time, when Obi-Wan comes she is not interested in pursuing this thread from the past. She is not interested in tagging along on his mission to save the princess from the Empire. She has to stay here, has to watch out for her family, has to keep herself and her own safe.
She’s not actively keeping this a secret from Shikaku, but he is, you know, a little worried about the whole nuke and war with Cloud. So it’s still a T&I only project like as in canon SAD, but instead of Yoshino (and Santa-kun) going with Obi-Wan I think maybe… do one of the droids stay behind? No… Does Ibiki have any summon beside that weird jail cell? He must, right? Like some kind of monitoring thing… That as well as a missive from Tsunade’s desk inviting the Rebel Alliance to treat with Konoha.
So a post-Jashin AU of SAD would have Yoshino hands off as far as Episode IV goes. Which is bad news for Obi-Wan–he’s going to die just like in canon–and maybe a younger, less hardened Yoshino would feel bad about that. This AU would be a lot more political, I think, than action/adventure; a lot more fraught and bleak.
Regarding the other two prompts, anon(s?), since I’m not confident enough in my grasp of what deities are like in DoS I’d probably just end up with vague ideas not unlike this suggestion from @wildtabbykat and Stories of Ancient Gods  as well as the rambling Rise-of-the-Guardians-esque brainstorm.
Shikako growing into her godhood. Becoming a god through belief from other people. Outlasting most of the people she loves. etc. etc. but having a fondness for those humans descended from those she once knew.
At some point, when her immortality begins to grate on her (and how ironic that someone whose life involved so much dying is immortal) she probably talks to the Shinigami. At first to get it to kill her finally, but eventually as one does equals…
Yeah. Sorry I couldn’t fill these properly, but hopefully these rants are entertaining enough.
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inloveandwords ¡ 6 years ago
This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story).
It works like this
Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
Order on ascending date added.
Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books
Read the synopsis of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
    The Complete Poetry and Prose by William Blake, David V. Erdman (editor)
Since its first publication in 1965, this edition has been widely hailed as the best available text of Blake’s poetry and prose. Now revised, it includes up-to-date work on variants, chronology of the poems, and critical commentary by Harold Bloom. An “Approved Edition” of the Center for Scholarly Editions of the Modern Language Association.
Date added to TBR: September 2, 2010 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I went through a William Blake obsession in high school after I read Red Dragon and while, if I saw this book on sale I’d probably buy it, I wouldn’t go out of my way to read it therefore it doesn’t belong on my TBR.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, Craig Raine
Humbert Humbert – scholar, aesthete and romantic – has fallen completely and utterly in love with Lolita Haze, his landlady’s gum-snapping, silky skinned twelve-year-old daughter. Reluctantly agreeing to marry Mrs Haze just to be close to Lolita, Humbert suffers greatly in the pursuit of romance; but when Lo herself starts looking for attention elsewhere, he will carry her off on a desperate cross-country misadventure, all in the name of Love. Hilarious, flamboyant, heart-breaking and full of ingenious word play, Lolita is an immaculate, unforgettable masterpiece of obsession, delusion and lust.
Date added to TBR: September 2, 2010 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: Honestly? I just don’t think I could stomach actually reading this.
Books That Changed the World by Robert B. Downs
From the Bible, the Iliad, and the Republic to Civil Disobedience, Das Kapital, and Silent Spring, this revised and greatly expanded edition is a monument to the power of the printed word-an informative discussion of many of the most important works ever created.
Date added to TBR: September 2, 2010 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: While this sounds interesting… I don’t think I’d want to read an entire book. Especially one that is likely dated. I think I’d rather skim a blog post with this list LOL!
Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins
Still Life with Woodpecker is a sort of a love story that takes place inside a pack of Camel cigarettes. It reveals the purpose of the moon, explains the difference between criminals and outlaws, examines the conflict between social activism and romantic individualism, and paints a portrait of contemporary society that includes powerful Arabs, exiled royalty, and pregnant cheerleaders. It also deals with the problem of redheads.
Date added to TBR: September 2, 2010 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I have no idea why I added this to my TBR in the first place…
Immanuel’s Veins (Books of History Chronicles) by Ted Dekker
This story is for everyone–but not everyone is for this story.
It is a dangerous tale of times past. A love story full of deep seduction. A story of terrible longing and bold sacrifice.
Then as now, evil begins its courtship cloaked in light. And the heart embraces what it should flee. Forgetting it once had a truer lover.
With a kiss, evil will ravage body, soul, and mind. Yet there remains hope, because the heart knows no bounds.
Love will prove greater than lust. Sacrifice will overcome seduction. And blood will flow.
Because the battle for the heart is always violently opposed. For those desperate to drink deep from this fountain of life, enter.
But remember, not everyone is for this story.
Date added to TBR: September 15, 2010 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: Dear Bree from 2010… WTF?
  The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
It is 1939. Nazi Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier, and will be busier still.
By her brother’s graveside, Liesel’s life is changed when she picks up a single object, partially hidden in the snow. It is The Gravedigger’s Handbook, left behind there by accident, and it is her first act of book thievery. So begins a love affair with books and words, as Liesel, with the help of her accordian-playing foster father, learns to read. Soon she is stealing books from Nazi book-burnings, the mayor’s wife’s library, wherever there are books to be found.
But these are dangerous times. When Liesel’s foster family hides a Jew in their basement, Liesel’s world is both opened up, and closed down.
In superbly crafted writing that burns with intensity, award-winning author Markus Zusak has given us one of the most enduring stories of our time.
Date added to TBR: June 27, 2011 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I actually DNF’ed this book many years ago, but not because I didn’t appreciate it. I actually loved how it was written and remember tagging almost every other page, but I kept choosing other books instead of finishing it until eventually I put it down for good.
Insight Meditation: A Step-by-step Course on How to Meditate by Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation box set includes: • 240-page Insight Meditation workbook (wire-o binding)—This workbook is designed as a complete self-guided curriculum. Organized into nine lessons, the workbook features more than 75 step-by-step mindfulness exercises, question-and-answer sections, glossaries, and photographs illustrating correct meditation postures.
• 2 CDs (70 minutes each)—Six meditations teach the cornerstone practices in the Insight tradition.
• Insight study cards (12 cards)—Daily reminders of the fundamentals of meditation in a convenient, portable form.
Workbook Contents Lesson One: The Power of Mindfulness Lesson Two: Bare Attention Lesson Three: Desire and Aversion Lesson Four: Sleepiness, Restlessness, and Doubt Lesson Five: Concepts and Reality Lesson Six: Suffering Lesson Seven: Karma Lesson Eight: Equanimity Lesson Nine: Lovingkindness Last Words Appendix A: Meditation Supplies Appendix B: The Five Hindrances Appendix C: The Three Great Myths Appendix D: The Three Kinds of Suffering Appendix E: The Four Brahma-Viharas Appendix F: The Six Realms of Existence Appendix G: The Eight Vicissitudes
CD Contents Each CD features three guided meditations that will help you explore the direct experience of meditation. The meditations are set up to simulate as closely as possible the ambience of an actual practice session at a retreat center like the Insight Meditation Society. Meditations include: 1. Breath Meditation 2. Walking Meditation 3. Meditation on Body Sensations 4. Meditation on Hindrances 5. Meditation on Emotions 6. Metta Meditation
Excerpt Welcome to Insight Meditation. The compact discs and workbook will take you step by step through a comprehensive training course in basic meditation. The cards included in the box list various helpful teachings that are explored throughout this workbook. This course is rooted in the Buddhist style of vipassana, or insight meditation, but these fundamental techniques for sharpening your awareness and releasing painful mental habits are useful no matter what your religious or spiritual orientation. It’s not necessary to affiliate with any belief system in order to benefit from Insight Meditation. These mindfulness practices can support your existing spiritual path, whether it’s a structured practice like Christianity or Judaism, or simply a personal sense of your relationship with the great questions of human existence. What to Expect: Insight Meditation comprises two compact discs, a workbook, and a set of informational cards. The workbook contains: –Information on meditation resources –Suggestions for setting up a meditation space and a daily practice –Buddhist teachings about meditation and life –Q & A sessions that clarify practical new issues new meditators tend to encounter –Exercises to help you deepen your understanding and experience of meditation (and space to respond to them) –Tips for taking your meditataive awareness into the world and for troubleshooting problem areas in your practice — Glossaries of Pali, Sanskrit, and other terms — A list of books and tapes you can use to further your study of meditation.
Date added to TBR: June 27, 2011 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: My friend and I started a meditation group back in 2011 and this was what we kind of based our meetings on… we followed the meditations in this book, so I got through some of this book, but when our group fizzled out, I never really went back to it and I don’t see myself doing so. That is not to say this isn’t a wonderful book for beginners, because it truly is. I highly recommend this box set to anyone who is interested in meditation, but it just doesn’t belong on my TBR.
Helen of Troy by Margaret George
A lush, seductive novel of the legendary beauty whose face launched a thousand ships
Daughter of a god, wife of a king, prize of antiquity’s bloodiest war, Helen of Troy has inspired artists for millennia. Now, Margaret George, the highly acclaimed bestselling historical novelist, has turned her intelligent, perceptive eye to the myth that is Helen of Troy.
Margaret George breathes new life into the great Homeric tale by having Helen narrate her own story. Through her eyes and in her voice, we experience the young Helen’s discovery of her divine origin and her terrifying beauty. While hardly more than a girl, Helen married the remote Spartan king Menelaus and bore him a daughter. By the age of twenty, the world’s most beautiful woman was resigned to a passionless marriage until she encountered the handsome Trojan prince Paris. And once the lovers flee to Troy, war, murder, and tragedy become inevitable. In Helen of Troy, Margaret George has captured a timeless legend in a mesmerizing tale of a woman whose life was destined to create strife and destroy civilizations.
Date added to TBR: June 27, 2011 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: This beauty of a book is currently sitting on my bookshelf and has been since 2011 and there it shall remain. I do really want to read this book because I effing hate Helen of Troy and Paris with a fiery passion. I think they’re both despicably selfish and stupid and I’d love to read this book and see their side of the story.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is the best chronicle of drug-soaked, addle-brained, rollicking good times ever committed to the printed page. It is also the tale of a long weekend road trip that has gone down in the annals of American pop culture as one of the strangest journeys ever undertaken.
Date added to TBR: June 27, 2011 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: TBH I read most of this book and saw most of the movie, but I don’t see myself picking it up again.
Vampires: The Greatest Stories by Martin H. Greenberg
Contents • 1 • Introduction (Vampires: The Greatest Stories) • essay by Martin H. Greenberg • 3 • The Bat Is My Brother • (1944) • shortstory by Robert Bloch • 23 • In Darkness, Angels • (1983) • novelette by Eric Van Lustbader • 53 • Dayblood • (1985) • shortstory by Roger Zelazny • 59 • The Man Who Loved the Vampire Lady • (1988) • novelette by Brian Stableford • 81 • The Cookie Lady • (1953) • shortstory by Philip K. Dick • 91 • The Miracle Mile • (1991) • novelette by Robert R. McCammon • 111 • Something Had to Be Done • (1975) • shortstory by David Drake • 117 • Valentine from a Vampire • (1988) • novelette by Ed Gorman [as by Daniel Ransom ] • 151 • Mama Gone • (1991) • shortstory by Jane Yolen • 157 • Beyond Any Measure • (1982) • novella by Karl Edward Wagner • 207 • Red as Blood • (1979) • shortstory by Tanith Lee • 219 • No Such Thing as a Vampire • (1959) • shortstory by Richard Matheson • 229 • The Vampire of Mallworld • [Mallworld] • (1981) • novelette by S. P. Somtow [as by Somtow Sucharitkul ] • 253 • Child of an Ancient City • (1988) • novelette by Tad Williams
Date added to TBR: June 27, 2011 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: #vampirephase #thanksTwilight
      Here are the stats
You guys… I’ve added so many books to my TBR the past few months because I’ve been watching more BookTube channels and I made a few Book Outlet and library bookstore purchases, so my count has grown exponentially!
Starting Total TBR Count: 1760 Previous Total TBR Count: 1762 Total Marked TBR ASAP: 138 Updated Total TBR Count: 1849 Total Ditched Today: 9 Total Kept Today: 1
Bye-Bye Books: Decluttering my TBR January 2019 This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story…
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