#writting pet peeve
olderthannetfic · 8 months
Ok Imma drop my pants down for a second.
My biggest pet peeve in #feminist women writting YA female lead novels is the absolute epidemic of "This book isn't like other YA female lead YA" and then in the first few fucking pages the book is EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME AS ALL THE OTHERS!
No FeministQueefQueenNo1, just because you mention some shit like "Social beauty standards suck" and "I never cared about my looks" isn't going to make it any better when you still feel the MIGHTY NEED to tell us that this female lead is still actually conventionally attractive, and that she for sure isn't ugly.
This story isn't going to make the female lead a one dimensional projection surface... She's going to be a one dimensional projection surface WITH A HEAPING SPOONFUL OF FEMINIST RAGE! Or something or other, that's much better. She's still has barely any identity, but at least we can call it feminist.
You're all literally still writing the exact same YA female lead traps, only difference is you're trying to hard to make it ironic, and self-aware, and it just ends up feeling really desperate and fake.
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hellsmayflower · 6 months
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NAME?: Cat,Kitty.
PRONOUNS?: She/Her <3
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: Writting. Because of my lack of social skills and my anxiety,I don't do calls or anything with people that I don't know well but just writing with them until I feel that I can get along with them and that I can feel comfortable and close to them. Most people don't understand sadly.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: My OC right now in this Hellaverse community and fandom and I hope to continue to keep her growing.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: Since the prehistoric Myspace days. XD 2007 was the best times of my life for me! And I continued on as it was all I had ever known that keeps me happy for creation and inspiration.
BEST EXPERIENCE? : The friends I make and the connections I make for each OC I make in the fandoms that I love. All I'm good for honestly is OC to where I am in control.
RP PET PEEVES?: Most. My biggest is where I get treated like an idiot and my OC also gets treated like garbage when I tried so hard. I'm not perfect but I try as I can.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT? : Three honestly. <3 I'm up for them.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: Same for those two. <3
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: Long for inspiration and short if I feel like I'm just not in the mood or if I'm just needing a quick rp.
TIME TO WRITE?: It's pretty much all I do. XDDD
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Cynical. Mostly. Badass. When I want to be. Bitchy : MOST DEF LOL Mayleene is the best character I ever created so far and like her,I curse all the damn time. XDDD {{ tagged by : @murderous-rodeo-imp666 }}
{{ tagging : @hells-greatestdad @tunedradio @stolsas @peppy-jester @hells-ringleader @therainbowinhell @the-delightful-temptation @e-m-p-error @overangeled and anyone else that wants to do this if they see this. <3 }}
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random-conspiracy · 9 months
OK I have my thought about Doctor Who. I watched the 9th season and... this is not a show for me xd.
First of all I really see the difference between the last episodes and this season. WOW, what a fucking change of writting. Not particulary INCREDIBLE BUT OH GOD. At least the THEMES are actually being fucking adressed into the story and not just condiments to it hahaha.
However it's really not the show for me. It's pretty good but I find it too predictable and that's not something I use to say about anything. For good or bad more of stuff I see can be lame but hold a pinch of "what???" to 'em. But underneath the thick layer of random bullshit going on in every episode and the mind-screw paraphernalia of the week, Doctor Who is just:
Doctor + Friends end up in a random place.
Something weEeEeEeEird is happening and they casually happen to be helpful because...
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Everything is just fucking aliens plus random bullshit plus a very deep emotional story in 42 minutes that I think it could work BETTER if it was less twisted within all the random alien bullshit just because we need something weird to show ashhshasa.
And tbf the Empty Child wasn't that good. Even more, the deepest story of all 'em for me was Father's Day AND BELIEVE ME there was NO REASON to have a "weird alien of the week" element into it! It was sad and bitter and happy! And I really cared 0 about the fucking creatures.
Also, another pet peeves that is NOT a flaw per se but GOD they played a fucking textbook DEUS EX MACHINA with the Time Vortex. The fuck is the time vortex??? Like, CONTEXT??? I guess it's the good ol' something that gives its powers to Tardis but like WHAT? It just fucking made her an egg and Rose a GOD????
The show is cool and for the context of other shows of the time I SEE how it's a fucking pillar or pop sci-fi but idk. I'm not seeing myself watching 5 seasons more of the same premise in different costumes ahahshashasah.
Bye Whovians, it's not you, it's me (and the Doctor ahsahsa)
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0-nouke-0 · 1 year
Tag Game for Historical Simblrs! 📖
1. What has been your favorite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?  
I’m loving 1800-1900 right now but i really love the fashion of 1700-1800.
2. Do you have a favorite piece of historical cc? (CAS or BB)  
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I love all of the vintagesimstress creations but this dress is my fav
3. Who is your favorite sim currently?  
Really like Rose but i still love Selena.
4. What is your favorite world?  
Glimmerbrook and Newcrest, i love the woods of glimmerbrook but just aren’t enough lots.
5. Are you more gameplay or story focused?  
i’m a gameplay blog, yes there is a story but i don’t write it out my writting skills in english just aren’t strong enough, i’m  fluent in english but i have dyslexia so writting is a struggle.
6. Do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?  
I try to, but honestly they’re so annoying to deal with.  Like why are you running away?? you have food, pets all the time and there is always somebody on the lot.
7. What’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve with the game?  
NPCs.... I delete them, if they’re lucky they get an outfit pasted
8. What’s your favorite in-game historical item? (CAS or BB)  
The Vampires gamepack. I always use cc for everything but there are some good pieces in that pack
9. What would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?  
right now not a lot i would just love it if they fixed all the buggs. one of my sims was aged up from toddler to child with a dirty diaper she is now a teen and the stink is still following her.
10. What pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?  
Cottage Living. The farming part. Even if all my chickens want to leave.
11. Do you have a favorite mod to enhance historical gameplay?  
There’s so many, but i love  Regency Romance.
but they have so many small mods to help the  immersion.
12. What’s your ideal family size for playing?  
For gameplay, I  prefer families of 6. but if i have a specific story 3-4
13. Do you use poses?
Only for if i like the sim.....
14. Do you use any overrides in your game?
I don’t really know. my sims skincolors aren’t ea if that counts.
15. Do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?  
I play on the grid, there are to many things that need to be.
16. What lifespan do you play on?  
normal/custom lifespan settings! infant is 5days toddler is 15days child is 15days teen is 35days youngadult is 30days adult is 25days elder is 15days. this is just what works for me.
17. What inspired you to start playing a historically?  
I started in fantasy gameplay. i started watching historical movies and series and the fantasy part started fading out.
please remember that english is not my native language
Thank you so much for tagging me  @heartblobs
I’ll tag @katssimsdecades​   @ottersinhats   @carousel-of-sims
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mahvaladara · 5 months
OC Deep Dive
I was tagged by @dandylion240 twice so I guess this warrants to deep Dives. Deep dive one shall be with Khal.
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Khal is claustrophobic, which is pretty common. He was buried alive for a couple decades/centuries, so he doesn't do tight spaces well and would rather stay out in the open. Curiously he likes small homes.
An uncommon fear he has is of flies. He hates flies. If it so much lands on him he will freak out.
Do they have any pet peeves?
"You're a one-man-army, so you're the perfect person to deal with this". He may be sturdy, powerful, and capable, but he still feels pain, so he hates when people look at him for his 'use'.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A journal, a teapot and a bowl of fruit.
What do they notice first in a person?
Their voice and their eyes. Their expression especially. Khal is very careful with reading microexpression and often distrusts people at first sight. However, due to his nature to aid and guide those in need, he will often help even those he distrusts, if nothing else in the personal need to either be proved right or wrong on his assumption.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Not going to quantify it because it's not that he has a high pain tolerance but that he will power through the pain. Khal actually has an avarage pain tolerance.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight mode. He will put up a fight.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Khal comes from a 'big family', his entire clan were considered siblings and the whole community had the duty to raise the younglings. He is a family man though and Khal would adopt any stray and any orphan he believed needed his help.
What animal represents them best?
There's three animals I believe would describe him best. The independence and curiosity of a cat, the inteligence and sapience of an owl, with the compassion of an elephant.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Citrines. He actually dislikes the scent of citrines.
Have they broken any bones?
Hahahahah. Yes.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
He's a bit intimidating at first sight. He is tall when compared to humans, though short when compared to Drahnvary. He's around the height of the Fae. But he still has that intimidating scary look only the Drahn can give.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Night owl. He enjoys the night.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Kinda hard, he's not picky. He is not a fan of kiwis or papayas. Adores chocolate.
Do they have any hobbies?
Journaling, exploration and history, and he enjoys seamstry.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
He doesn't remember his naming day so he'd be a little emotional that his friends decided to make him a naming day party.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Yes. He wears circles, rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, jewelry on his hair and his horns. Little shiny trinkets in his clothes and gear. He's very much a magpie. He likes it shiny and flowy.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Actually very neat, very flowery. He is used to writting with a quill or feather and does not like 'pens' and new writting devices. Loves the writting machine though.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Curious and confident.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Cotton, velveteen and leather.
What kind of accent do they have?
He has an odd accent. Not from the south. Seems like a mixture between northerner and islander. He doesn't have the same accent has the Drahn have, so he either picked his accent somewhere else or he is much older than originally believed.
I tag @izayoiri, @dandylion240
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islandofmuses · 5 months
NAME: Sandra or Sandy
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S): At the moment, I'd say Avery and Jordan
RP PET PEEVES: Whe someone clearly only cares about my character because of their fcs, or when they don't give the character a chance because they don't know who the fc is.
EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS: Started in 2012 and stayed until around 2016, stoped writting until 2020 and I've been back ever since, on and off lately but back.
FLUFF, ANGST, or SMUT: Angst and a bit of fluff too, I don't write smut :)
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Both, it would depend on the thread, short replies are fine too, as long as I have something to work with.
TIME TO WRITE: Usually on my break from work, or after.
Tagged by: @saudadexmses & @radicalrascals
Tagging: @fangsandmagic , @morexfuntomiss, @blindspct & whoever wants to do it!
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adventuringblind · 7 months
i saw that post about your teaser for the series and it honestly made me a little sad. i love your writting and im pretty sure ive read everything from your f1 masterlist (some works even more than once). your stories bring me so much comfort and i truly hope you dont change your writting style because of some randos on tumblr❤️❤️❤️
I definitely won't be changing my writing style. I think posting that, even if it was just a teaser, wasn't the best idea for Tumblr.
I'm going to post it on A03 at some point. Not yet, but when I feel comfortable with it. Since y'all have been so supportive of me and encouraging!
My pet peeve is when people who don't want to read the fic because of warnings, read in anyway. I ignore the warnings because that is the dark kind of stuff I'm looking to read. I'm someone who can actively imagine that situation enough that it feels like I'm the one being saved. It's a feeling I didn't get growing up that I'm trying to give to others and myself.
The point is to be uncomfortable. I made myself sick writing it because it is so morally wrong.
The point is: it is frustrating when people see the tags, ignore them, and then complain about it. Especially when those people assume you haven't been through anything you're writing about. I write from a place of understanding and vulnerability because I want others like me to feel seen and like they have a safe place to come when those messy thoughts won't leave.
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lutes-of-the-world · 1 year
Hey, just saw your post about Egal the Bard or whatever his name is having inaccurate instruments and making inaccurate music. Your info was very helpful about the instruments, but could you please speak more to why it's musically inaccurate? Or maybe, do you have video examples of what traditional medieval ensemble music sounds like?
Thank you for asking! I run this blog to share things with the intellectually curious.
The misrepresentation of historical music is my pet peeve. I was not kind to this burnout bard, this short-shift schop, this miniature Minnesinger, because he is making the work of medievalists harder. I don't care if someone wants to play bard, but they shouldn't advertise their modern pop stylings as having been informed by the sonic architecture of the middle ages.
Here's the lowdown on medieval European instrumental music:
A lot of it came from North Africa and the Middle East. The Maghrebi Arab-Berbers, whom the Europeans called the Moors, conquered Andalusia and added it to the Umayyad Empire, which was huge and was comprised of Arabs, Persians, Turks, formerly-Byzantine Christians, and Jews. They brought instruments like the lute and shawm with them, and these instruments subsequently spread across Europe. The Moors brought a lot of culture to Europe in general: Córdoba became the European center of learning, especially in math, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy. The three Abrahamic faiths coexisted peacefully (well, after the invasion, and until the Christian Reconquista and subsequent expulsion of the Jews). Arabic, Persian, and Syriac cultures had also preserved classical Greek writings, and as Europeans returned from their various Crusades, they brought this knowledge with them. Aristotle inspired the monastic, literate intellectual life of medieval Europe, and Plato, via Arabic transmission, later inspired the Italian Renaissance.
We don't know how medieval instrumental music sounded, as we have no recordings and very few surviving instruments, and because most of the music and music theory that was written down was sacred a capella music recorded by literate monks and nuns. Secular instrumental music was seen as a baser art, although that was the opinion of the monastic intellectuals, whose perspective is the only one that survives in writ. History is written by the ruling classes.
We can gather clues by looking at medieval depictions of instrumentalists. Illustrations are often simple and stylized, and historicist luthiers' recreations based solely on iconography tend to be cartoony and rough (like anime cosplay!). They should be relegated to theatre props. However, iconographic evidence may be augmented with the study of surviving "folk" music traditions (pardon the classist label. All music is folk music because all music is made by folks!). Some European folk instruments are very old and have evidently changed very little over the centuries, and many of their Middle Eastern and North African progenitors are still played, and the artistry of the great instruments like the oud (lute) and qanoun (psaltery) has been cultivated to greater depths than were ever reached in Europe, because their roots are so much older. The European genius is just as brilliant, but fickle: it often discards its old tools for new ones. For instance, the barbat, the Central Asian/Greater Iranian lute, has been played since ancient Mesopotamian times, and its descendents are more popular today than ever before.
Unfortunately, the Anglophone medieval European academic scene is still overcoming its inherited Eurocentrism, and Arabic scholarship is largely inaccessible to us due to language barriers. I'm sure everything is thoroughly documented and annotated in Arabic scholarship...
If we want to imagine what medieval Al'Andalus sounded like, our best bet is to listen to traditional Andalusian ensembles. The Arab-Andalusian Orchestra of Fez is over a century old - the oldest Andalusian ensemble that is still active - and its repertoire goes back to the middle ages:
Note the melodic intervals sound European, not Arabic. The ensemble prides itself on this. European tuning theory has changed subtly over the centuries, but from its earliest Greek roots it is still recognizable to the modern western ear. Traditional Andalusi music is similarly familiar, though Arabic, Persian, and Turkish music sound microtonally exotic to unaccustomed ears.
We have a treasure, a 13th century Galician illuminated songbook from the court of Alfonso X, el Sabio, of Castile. It's called the Cantigas de Santa Maria and it is full of sacred and pseudo-sacred Marian poems with notated melodies and illustrations of musicians.
Here are scenes from the musical life of Alfonso's court:
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Here is a leading European early music ensemble's imagining of how it MAY HAVE sounded:
Here is another glimpse of the past, the painted ceiling of the Capella Palatina of Palermo, Sicily, Fatimid in style, from the 12th century. There are a lot of images of musicians on the six pages of this website.
In short, one mustn't take recordings of recreations of medieval music as gospel. Musicologists, music historians, and historical performers like myself do as best to be as authentic as we can, but the further we look back in history, the more we must engage in creative guesswork. It can be seen as artistic collaboration across time.
"The past is a foreign country."
- L.P. Hartley
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grapeagata · 10 months
4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, i WONDER what the answer to 28 could POSSIBLY be, 30, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, and 40! >:D
Oh lawd that's so many!!!! >///<
Right let's do this!
4 - What’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
Saying "Is there no love in your heart?" or variations for literally any reason at all
5 - What made you start your blog?
Reddit making terrible decisions
7 - What scares you the most and why?
Not telling ya
8 - Any reacquiring dreams?
I think this one is meant to be "reoccuring". In which case no
9 - Tell a story about your childhood
Once I fell on a broken fence and it hurt alot (: I still have a little mark where I hit the fence
12 - What’s some good advice you want to share?
Don't get five cats, it's too many cats to own.
13 - What are you doing right now?
Writting this haha but for real tho I'm studying for a test I gotta do and trying to make another game :3
14 - What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
See the answer to 7
18 - Do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
Ghosts nah, aliens maybe, nothing connect to like "aliens made this or that", but on the "The unverse is very big, maybe they're there?" mindset.
19 - Favourite thing about the day?
The unmatched power of the sun
20 - Favourite things about the night?
The glorious moon!!!! The biggest rock of them all!!!!!
24 - What’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Not so much the Start Game Game itself, but what I learned from making it
25 - Fave season and why?
Winter bc USUALLY it's not hot and I hate sweating
26 - Fave colour and why?
Purple................... grape....... agate....... Also it's usually just pretty
27 - any nicknames?
Well almost everyone here calls me Grape
28 - Do you collect anything?
No, rocks just seems to show up in my room, and I keep 'em around because it'd be rude to throw them out
30 - What’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
Rocks :3 and also the little homosexuals on my phone <3
32 - How many tabs do you have open right now?
Right now only two, one to answer the questions, and one to see which number is which question. Tho when I'm researching it gets kinda wild
34 - any pet peeves?
YES! When stories make things that in real life are made by humans be made by something else. Not creation myths, those are fine. I mean "Pyramids were built by aliens!!!" or "Climate change is a conspiracy made by Jon Evil!!!!!!!". Especially the second one.
36 - Are you an open book or do you have walls up?
Normally walls
37 - Share a secret
no ❤
38 - Fave song at the moment?
Déjà Vu - Pitty
40 - Any bad habits?
So many
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epickiya722 · 9 months
Tbh i just can't relate to ppl constantly saying that "if X character lives/dies then it's bad writting/loses the moment" when the decision for the story they are complaining abt fits pretty well with it's themes, or y'know, has a chance to be inserted well even if it comes off as a surprise or smth.
And that is especially when it comes to shonen, bc ppl only want subversions and different things to happen if they can brag or attack someone in the process to feel superior, apparently, but not when the story wants to follow it's own terms.
I don't get it either. Honestly, whenever a character dies or lives, my brain doesn't automatically go "Oh, bad writing" or even "That's good writing".
It happens, it happens.
That's just something that I decide on at the end of the story when everything is said and done and there's all the details that could be considered if something is "bad writing".
Which I honestly rarely do. Thinking about it... yeah, don't do it. I just shrug it off.
The only character I can think of that has died in a finished story that I was upset about was Neji. And that's because he's a fave. (He just is, I can't even tell you why, I just like him.)
If you asked if "was this character dying bad writing", I will definitely tell you "I do not know".
And I so agree with you on that second bit.
Okay, let's say I have a theory about something and it turns out it was right, it's canon, it happens. I'd be excited and more so shocked with myself because "Oh my gosh, I figured that out". (This is especially since when I do have a theory or some other thought I just be rambling and having fun. I don't expect for anything I post to come true.)
But not to the point where I feel some need to rub it in people's faces like "ha ha, you're wrong, you're stupid, I told you so" like I actually had some control of the story, like in the actual creator.
That is a pet peeve of mine when it comes to fandoms. People who want to flip the script on other fans, be wrong because you know some of these people be lying about what happens and even go as far as to pulling out info from more other source material that other fans have no access to and/or material the author has no part in and be mad because the story isn't going their way.
It's not your damn story! What, does the author personally owe you anything?
Don't like it? Write some fanfiction! Stop insisting canon has to be your way and your way only!
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skull001 · 2 years
One of my biggest pet peeves in writting is when in order to elevate a lesser character, you have to nerf the original ones ones.
It happened to Sonic in order to make Chris look good...
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Even though many episodes earlier he jumped into the ocean to save Amy:
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It happened to Amy too, downplaying her optimism to favor the utterly most pointless character in the entire franchise: Cream.
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Like, didn't these people played the games or payed attention to notice Amy is the character who always remains optimistic and faithful, NO MATTER WHAT, even in the face of the world's ending.
She believe there was a meaning in helping humanity when Shadow refused to believe there was any, even as the space colony was being drop onto Earth:
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She refused to lose hope in Sonic in Unleashed, even though everyone around her did:
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And the latest example:
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Because this lesson wasn't already told:
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Lesson which Sonic himself passes to Blaze as well:
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I don't care if this cheap narrative resource is recurred to elevate an OC from a spinoff media, or a redundant game character who contributes nothing new to the cast, I EQUALLY dislike this BS, for how it's always pulled off in a way that robs the merit from the originals.
Like, what is the point of doing this? At least have the bloody decency to have the original characters retain the merit for those actions instead of replacing them.
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i-sveikata · 1 year
You have created a monster. No, really… you don’t know what you did when you started writting graveyards. WHAT A PIECE OF ART 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I love love love it! Can’t wait for the next chapter but couldn’t stop myself from telling you how much I love your writing style and how you don’t rush scenes and describe everything so vividly. I can almost feel what they feel. I’m so happy you decided to write a vp fic 😭😭😭
oh man lol aint that the truth. really went in completely blind to what it was going to become tbh. ahh thank you so much!!! you're too kind honestly!! im so glad you enjoy that element tbh because some of my biggest pet peeve's in tv shows is when they do rush things that otherwise should have been drawn out or a least ruminated on for a bit longer. so this fic is entirely indulgent in the not rushing scenes regard hahaha i mean its no wonder its so long! ah that's incredible to hear thank you!! i honestly feels like im watching them when im writing too! you're so welcome truly it has been so much fun to write for this fandom what a wild experience!
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edutainer2022 · 2 years
Virgil and EOS for the ask game?
Thank you!
EOS: What’s a pet peeve you’ve always kind of wanted to go killer robot on?
I'd say incompetence and entitlement. It's okay to not be a professional in every sphere, noone is, but it's not ok, in my book, to be not aware of your limits of expertise and to impose an uninformed opinion like it's Holy Writ. I am aware, of course, that's like 80% of what online discourse does.
Virgil: What’s your favourite form of creative expression?
Literature. I'm a Lang&Lit major, a lifelong Lang&Lit scholar, anything that is written and can be read - I'm in.
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maledictuspueri · 2 years
name: Tricky
pronouns: She/Her
preference of communication: Discord for mutuals since tumblr IMs are broken as hell
name of muse(s): Volo
other muse(s): Raihan over @dracdminus and SV Protag OC over @coccineum
experience/how long (months/years?): 11 years roughly
platforms you’ve used: Deviantart, forums and Tumblr
best experience: Def my first few weeks on tumblr rp actually. I owe a lot of my best memories and motivation to stick with writting esp on tumblr to my friend @heartsurpluss who was the first tumblr RP friend I made. If it hadn't been for them convicing me to start my Noctis blog back in the day I dont think I'd be here now tbeh. Tied for meeting Soda @intcrpol over in the MHA rpc
rp pet peeves/deal breakers: I think...grammar and spelling, my own isnt great but I have a really harm time reading certain levels of grammar and spelling issues, overpowered mary-sue type ocs without even an attempt at justification. It doesn;t have to be the most thought out reasons but like...give them some depth yknow?
fluff, angst or smut: All of the above, but in order of priortiy...fluff and angst are tied, smut isnt high on my life of "I absolutely want to write that rn", mostly because I think im just Bad at writting it lmao. So don;t expect much smut from me, esp on the blog. Horny thoughts and exsessive flirting? sure
plots or memes: Memes are a better way to get to know someone, but I do love plots and long-term threads
long or short replies: Whatever suits the mood!
best time to write: Sporadic. Your best chance is to offer to write something with me just after getting me off on a tangent abt something w our muses ooc
are you like your muse(s): Mm, not really, as far as I'd say. At a push, perhapes some similarity with out levels of curiosity
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muiltifandomnerd · 25 days
Hey this is me, from a backup obv. Sorry it’s really long
I just wanted to explain why I got mad and give you a proper goodbye (and apology) bc I didn’t at the time. I figured you’d need a few days to cool off, so that’s I’m doing this now and not the morning after. I usually don’t get mad at you, that was genuinely the first time that I’ve been genuinely like mad; I reacted rly badly not because you don’t like Lois Lane but bc it was just a lot of things piling up and it was just sort of the straw that broke the camels back yk. Regardless of why though it was very mean and unfair and I should’ve tried to just take a step back and find a kind/productive way to say what I wanted to. It was just in that moment I wasn’t really thinking so I’m sorry.
At first I was just kinda annoyed that you brought up Lois Lane, bc it is a conversation we’ve had multiple times and it is one that I never particularly enjoyed bc it’s hard to explain what I mean/how I feel about her. Specifically though, when we talk it feels like you don’t listen or jump to a conclusion before just asking me to clarify, which bothers me more bc I know it’s something you’ve told me not to do. When we talk I often feel like you hold me to a standard that you don’t hold yourself (for example spelling things wrong but correcting my spelling), it comes off as if you do only talk to me for reassurance or an ‘ego boost’. It also just annoyed me that we were talking about this again bc like I’ve said before one of my biggest pet peeves is not being listened to. It feels like a lot of the time you want to avoid arguments (which I agree with, arguments suck) but it seems like you only ever consider that you could be in the right ab them when often times neither of us are. Specifically ab the avoiding topics thing, I have to work hard to avoid talking ab stuff that you don’t agree with but you regularly bring stuff up that you know we disagree on and then get annoyed whenever I try to express that I do disagree; Whenever I express an opinion that you don’t rightly agree with or just try to explain, you assume I’m arguing or mad or stupid and are often times rude but if I talked to you the way you talked to me I know you wouldn’t like it. I know I’m just a not very sensitive person in general, and maybe I do come off harsh, but it feels like I have to walk on eggshells half of the time just to have a normal conversation and I just ‘snapped’. I am genuinely really sorry, it was mean and unfair and I should’ve taken the time to explain what I meant before blowing up on you. I genuinely really enjoy talking to you most of the time though, literally like five seconds before Lois Lane was brought up I was thinking ab how much I enjoyed having normal conversations with you. It does seem though, that we might be too different and after everything i understand not wanting to talk to me again. If you ever need anything or just to vent or something though, don’t be afraid to reach out.
Goodbye, and I’m sorry
If I wanted an ego chamber, I would have never been friends with you in the first place. Look I’m sorry if I made you feel like you are not listened, I do enjoy your counter arguments even though I don’t necessarily agree with your points. I already forgiven about that day but I don’t feel like rekindling our friendship. You went to far and I feel like I do have to walk around eggshells as well. Like you get angry pretty easily when I don’t agree with your thing and you just snap alot, you just always expect a debate even though I don’t necessarily have the energy for it.
I do thank you for helping me out with my pjo fanfic even though you just not into it anymore, so you did help me go though with writting my fanfic. I do like the dc and marvel posts you kept sending.
If it makes you feel any better, I’m not into supporting RFK jr anymore and I do think all politicians suck ass now. To the point I’m not even going to vote.
I do kept forgetting of not talking certain topics that you just not into (Lois, Azula, Bruce, etc), so my bad. Forgive me for my shitty memory.
I’m at a bad place now, so I don’t think I have a patience to have these argument in the first place and I do think we should stoping talking to each other for both our sakes.
Honestly I just feel like you looking for a fight and it’s a bit hard for me tell you my complete thoughts because you do jump into conclusions a lot and don’t let me explain myself. I do try to understand your answers a lot even though my replies are a bit dryer.
Look I know there are some things I fucked up on, like me jumping into conclusions a lot and me being super blunt, which could tick you off or that I can be a bit repetitive on my opinions which tick you off. Yes I kept coming to you in reassurance because Im not that confident on my opinons being valid so my bad if you feel like I don’t listen to you enough or dare I say if my opinons are offensive.
Im just done having these arguments and I just believe that maybe it’s best to move on from each other.
Im sorry for things I messed up and I hope that my apology is good enough. Have fun getting a cottegecore life.
Good luck with your life.
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stairzzzz · 10 months
Meow my writting/reading pet peeve is when writers don’t put in PARAGRAPHS. Like it’s so hard to read a literal WALL of text!!
Or it’s just my English teacher who’s planted their teacher scolds into my brain
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