meikoyim · 2 years
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I was aiming for cozy mysteries but currently seemed to have accidentally swerved into murder thriller ville... 原本想說看些輕鬆的探案小說轉換閱讀節奏吧,結果不小心轉錯彎跑到驚悚連續殺人小說區... #AnnieIsReading #Kindlegram #Bookstagram #SimonBeckett #DavidHunterSeries #WrittenInBone https://www.instagram.com/p/CdsOjh6hU1s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Back to trying to be positive?
I've read three books in three days, so now it's time to challenge myself with a completely different read.
Reading is definitely my sanctuary again.
#reading #positivementalhealth #bookinspo #goodvibes #writteninbone
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serenexanon · 4 years
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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maiyawadad1002-blog · 7 years
Assignment 2- 700 word statement
The topic I chose for my assignment is topic 5, the constructed binaries. I have chosen to pick at the man/woman binaries within society, building on assignment 1. For both of these assignments I wanted to utilise body art as it is something I enjoy and love to experiment with. I also think that this medium greatly applies to the questions as gender is directly involved with the human body as is body painting.
 For my first assignment I focused on the idea of gender being confusing and not as clear cut as we believe. How society has taken something that was originally biologically related and turned it into a set of ideals and expectations that one must meet. I wanted to explore this idea further without using the human body parts as I previously did to further convey how gender is so much more then what genitalia you are born with. The way I decided to approach this is through the use of gender associated clothing and accessories. When we look at a person we immediately draw conclusions on whether we think they are male or female, the common ways of doing this is through their clothing, make up, or whether they have visible breasts. I wanted to expose this, as most of us probably believe that we are not one to do this, it is a habit that comes with society. Each colour, item of clothing and accessory have connotations to them directing them to a certain gender. Such as jewellery being female and suits being male.
 To approach this assignment, I wanted to create a blank canvas and apply gender to this making people realise that gender is a lot more complicated then originally believed. People are beginning to show more of themselves instead of confiding to the expectations within society of how they have to be to be considered male or female. As we enter the post gender era, it has become clear that gender is verging on becoming something that is applied to the human after birth. This is what I wanted to convey in my work.
 I decided to use the skeleton as a blank canvas on which I will apply gender to. I did a full body painting of a skeleton on myself, combining elements of the male and female skeleton in order to create a mix gender skeleton. It was challenging to paint my whole body myself as not all parts of the body are easily accessible and I had to use my left hand to do my right arm which was a challenge but something I had done before. The painting took about 7-8 hours and I was pleased with the final result, especially how it turned out on the camera.
 I then used a selection of gender based clothing articles and accessories, which I gathered from around my house and vinnies, in order to ‘genderise’ the skeleton. I combined this with the use of body language conveys ‘girly’ or masculine body gestures making the genders of the skeleton more evident. I used 5 images, creating the spectrum of gender in order to further convey how gender is not as clear cut as male and female and you don’t have to conform to these stereotypes, society is too advanced to place humans into only two categories. The first image is clearly female and the last image is clearly male. In-between I have a mixed gender skeleton as the centre wearing both male and female clothing and standing in a neutral pose. The second and fourth skeletons sway to one or the other gender but have something about them that makes you question your conclusion. For example, the one next to the male appears to be another male skeleton but they are wearing one diamond earring and a large diamond bracelet, our brain subconsciously battles to determine whether this is a male or female but why? Why is glittery jewellery a female associated thing and why is it odd for a man to possess them. It is stereotypes like this and preconceived judgments in society that we need to unravel in order to become a more adaptable and acceptable society.
 I didn’t use any artists as an influence but instead researched the human form and typical male and female constructs. However, I will credit Peter Blamey on pushing me to approach gender from a material point of view.
- Unknown, Differences Between Male and Female Skeleton, [website], 2015, http://www.majordifferences.com/2014/03/difference-between-male-and-female.html#.WcDCnNMjFE5, (accessed 10 September 2017)
- Smithsonian, Male or Female?, [website], 2017, http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/male_female.html, (accessed 10 September 2017)
- Wikipedia, Gender, [website] 2017, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender, (accessed 9 September 2017)
- Wikipedia, Social Construction of Gender, [website], 2017, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_construction_of_gender, (accessed 11 September 2017)
- Winkle. P, Identity and Gender Constructs in "Written on the Body", [website], 2013, http://scholarworks.wmich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3397&context=honors_theses, (accessed 12 September 2017)
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bubbly-studies · 4 years
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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braverph · 4 years
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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zeereblogs · 4 years
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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ibsurvival · 4 years
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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conflictcfinterest · 4 years
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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patheticappblr · 4 years
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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getoffourjetstill · 4 years
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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lewisjblake · 4 years
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brou
Assignment should be typed, less than two double spaced pages, printed and brought to class. The response to the questions should be in meaningful, well thought out sentences with proper grammar and spelling. [10 points] Skeletal system: Read the pages as assigned in the textbook and then cut and paste the following link http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/index.html Once at the Smithsonian…
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