#written by capbuckybuchanan
capbuckybuchanan · 3 years
Midnight Pleasures
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 796
Warnings: Discriptive sexual activities/ masturbating/ adult themes. If you're underage, don't read this please. Author's Note: Hey guys... Well, I think i'm back. And i hope you guys like this. I had this idea for this fic for a while but today I just needed to write it. I have to say this is the most descriptive, sensual thing i've ever written. So I hope you guys like it. I need holy water after this one ahaha.
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(Gif is not mine. All the rights go to the rightful owners/creators.)
The bedroom window was open, the warm summer night air touched his skin that was laying on the black silk sheet covered bed.
Bucky missed her. Since she had left that morning to go on a short trip with Natasha, a goodbye kiss leaving him desiring more.
Bucky felt restless without her around.
Sometimes he wondered why she ever gave him a  chance, by oh man, how grateful he was.
He loved everything about her.
The way her hair touched her shoulders when she walked, the way her eyes would light up when her gaze would find his. The way her lips curled in a sweet smile when she was showed kindness.
The way her body moved, sometimes Bucky couldn't contain the murmured moan that would escape his lips. The way her hips would move, driving him crazy.
She was a work of art and Bucky just wanted more and more. He craved it.
He had seen many beautiful women in his time but none could compare to her. She was something else.
She enticed him, seduced him, called him to her, like a siren when it saw the moon.
Bucky picked his phone up that sat carelessly on the bedside table.
His fingers danced across the screen, searching for the photos folder.
His lips stretch in a smile, her face looking at him.
That photo always brought him good memories; it was the first time they had confessed that they loved each other. She laughed when he pulled her to his lap, kissing her lips, her cheeks. She had reached for her phone and took the picture. Both of them smiling to each other.
Bucky pressed on another photo and had to inhale. He remember taking that photo, asking for her permission. She was sitting in their bed, dressed only on one of his shirts, her legs bare to his eyes. The red bra peaking through on her shoulders.
She had a seductive smile, eyes only on him.
Bucky closed his eyes. The memory of her lips on his skin. Her skin touching his.
Fuck, he was hard.
For just seeing that smile. But fuck it, he had surrender himself to her a long time ago.
Bucky throwed his head back, the wood of the bed frame touching his neck. Bucky looked at the photo and his hand reached for his cock covered by the boxer briefs.
He missed her. He wanted her.
Bucky took his underwear off, his erection free of the fabric and touching his lower abdomen while his abs contracted.
His metal hand fisted his cock, the veins protruding wanting attention.
Bucky closed his eyes, imagining her there. With him, between the sheets and his hand moved. Slow at first, feeling the weight between his shiny fingers. His breathing started to come in puffs, his eyes opening once more and admiring her face on the screen.
Damn it, he was so hard for her and she wasn't even there.
His member started to leak, the pre-cum coating his fingers and thighs, while his fingers touched and milked himself. Bucky swore, his moans echoing around the dark room while his hand moved more quickly.
He could feel the bliss starting to approach. His fingers tightened around him, fisting the meat between them, feeling the sleek kissing his skin.
Bucky moaned and whined, his hand moving more and more, imagining her there, her hand moving along him, touching him, talking to him, telling him to cum for her, wanting him; until he exploded. Cum leaking from his cock, coating his hands, thighs and stomach, his fingers still moving and riding out the pleasurable feeling.
Bucky opened his eyes, his forehead sweating and voice still moaning. His phone next to him. His eyes fixed on her still. He loved her, oh god, how much he loved her.
All he saw was her. All he needed was her. He tried to calm his breathing, his body spent, relaxed.
Bucky smiled. He couldn't wait for her to come home. The first thing he wanted to do was kissing her and fuck her around the apartment. Coaxing her to her pleasure. Giving her pleasure was everything for him and he be damned, the sweet moans that would escape her could kill him and than bringing him back to life.
Bucky couldn't wait for her to come home, indeed.
So he could feel her squeezing him, trapping him more and more between her legs, because Bucky belonged to her like she belonged to him and all he wanted to do was to dive in her pleasure.
His lips parted,  already feeling her sweet taste on his tongue.
Bucky would wait. Oh he would wait.
Because she was like a siren, calling him to her waves.
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anaboo-thewriter · 4 years
Reckless (End)
Summary: The Fast and the Furious AU. You’re an undercover cop with a mission to infiltrate a team of street racers responsible for the theft of millions of dollars worth in electronics. However, you didn’t think you would fall for the leader of the team and your target, Bucky Barnes. Now you must make the decision, will you turn Bucky and his team in order to become an FBI agent you’ve always wanted to be, or throw caution to the wind and continue to fall for a criminal?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: Angst
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Holy. Shit. It’s been 2 years since I’ve written this and it has finally ended. Inspiration has a funny way of showing up in unexpected places. Unfortunately, I’m unable to write as much as I’d like to because I’m back in school with a whole new set of rules and priorities. So thank you to all those who stuck around and thank you to newcomers who have enjoyed the ride!
Please reblog and/or comment if you enjoyed it.
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Nat was wheeled back into surgery on a stretcher. The gash on her head was deep enough to receive stitches, and she floated out of consciousness on the way to the hospital. You, Sam, Steve, and Bucky attempted to wait patiently in the waiting room. Steve paced back and forth, chewing on his bottom lip, Sam occupied himself with an old magazine, and Bucky stared you down from across the small area. His jaw was clenched tight, and his foot tapped against the for impatiently. You tried to avert your eyes from him, but every time you glanced at him, guilt consumed more of you.
"James, I'm really sorry about Nat," you couldn't take the silence anymore, and you were trying desperately to make amends. You couldn't stand him being mad at you.
"Are you really sorry about Nat?" Bucky questioned, but you could hear the anger in his tone, "or are you sorry that you got caught being a nark?"
His words stung. "That wasn't my intention, James," You tried to defend yourself.
"Don't call me that. You lost that right when you became Officer Y/L/N," Bucky interrupted you. Your heart dropped and withdrew from the conversation. That was it, you were cut from Bucky's life, and there was no coming back from it.
Sam and Steve looked at you with sad eyes before they returned to what they were doing. The friends you once called family remained loyal to their leader, and it sent a shiver down your spine from the cold shoulder. You were now an outcast. The pit in your stomach grew bigger with guilt. The foundation for the makeshift family was trust and loyalty, and you broke it with one phone call. You didn't want to make the call, but it was the only thing you could do to save Nat. You didn't regret your decision; you just regretted the consequences.
"Mr. Barnes," the doctor came into the waiting room with a small smile on her face. Bucky, Steve, and Sam darted towards her. You lingered in the back to eavesdrop on what she had to say. "Your friend is doing great. No serious injury, other than a few scratches and bruises and a slight concussion. She should be ready to go home soon, though."
"Thank you, doctor. Is it okay if we go see her?" Steve questioned with a sigh of relief. The doctor shook her head and lead the group through the double doors. You trailed behind the group, contemplating on joining them, but you watched as they walked to Nat's room. Steve turned to you with sad eyes, with a small smile on his face. It hurt to look at, but you knew you made the right decision.
You couldn't stand to look at the white walls of the hospital, so you decided to step outside to get some fresh air. The open-air filled your lungs and relaxed your tight muscles from the tense situation. Your mind wandered to your case. Everything pointed to Bucky and the crew, but you couldn't bear to put him in jail. There had to be some way for you to take the heat of them and put on somebody else. It was unethical, but you were willing to do it.
Police sirens drew closer to the hospital, and you knew why they were coming. Before they surrounded the area, you ran back into the hospital. You burst through the double doors and looked through each room until you found the crew.
"Jesus, Y/N, what the hell are you still doing here?" Steve all but screamed.
"No time to explain," you insisted, "you guys need to get out of here,"
Confusion crossed the crew's face before distrust settled. "Why would we believe you now, after you've been lying to us for months," Bucky suspected.
"Bucky, we don't have time for this," you grew frustrated, "In less than 15 minutes, my boss will come through this door and shut this place down looking for you and they will send you to jail,"
"Bucky," Nat softly spoke, "I don't think she's lying about this,"
Bucky's head snapped toward Nat. Her bandage covered her scar, but there was a bruise on her shoulder where her gown had slipped. "You can't be serious, Nat? Before Race Wars, you were so skeptical of her, now you're siding with her. You must have hit your head harder than we thought,"
"Bucky, I know you're feeling betrayed right now, but Y/N wouldn't be risking her job right now to try and save us if she didn't care as much as she does," Nat slowly got on her feet and inched her way to you. She wrapped her arms around you for a tight hug. "Thank you, Y/N," Nat choked out, holding back some emotion, "I don't think I'd be here right now if it weren't for you,"
You were surprised by the embrace, but you gently wrapped your arms around her in return. "Thanks, Nat," you whispered.
"I hate to break up this very sentimental moment," Sam said as Nat, and you broke apart, "but didn't you say that your boss was coming in less than 15 minutes?"
"We're basically sitting ducks here," Steve chimed in, "we need a plan out of here,"
"Leave it to me," you said with a confident smirk.
"Fury!" you called for him, "Fury, I just saw Bucky and his team, they were headed to the roof,"
"Good work, Y/L/N," Fury commended, "They won't get far," He and group of officers ran through the double doors to catch the team.
On their way into the hospital, four nurses in gray scrubs and face masks walked out in confusion. You surveyed the area before walking out of the hospital. Not many officers were in the vicinity, nor were there police cars, marked or unmarked. You didn't encounter any other officers on your way to your vehicle with the four nurses in tow.
"I think this is the end of the line for you guys," you declared.
The nurses took off their masks with a breath. "How did you find these?" Sam asked.
"I don't think you want to know that," you winced. The look of disgust crossed the gang's faces as they were ready to get out of their dirty disguises. You pulled your keys out of your pocket and handed them to Bucky.
"What do you want me to do with those," he questioned.
"It's your 10-second car, you should take it," you simply said.
Bucky reluctantly took the keys from you and whispered, "Thank you." His eyes were soft, with a small shimmer. He was grateful for what you did that it was almost redeemable.
You gave him a small smile, "You guys should really head out before you really get caught,"
"Not so fast," a gruff voice was heard throughout the parking lot. You all turned to see Rumlow, strutting his way over to you. His eye was nearly swollen shut, and his lip still split open from the beating during Race Wars. "I want what's mine, Barnes,"
"We don't owe you shit, Rumlow," Bucky stood between you and Rumlow. Even after your betrayal, he still continued to protect you.
"Bucky, you need to go," you insisted, stepping away from his security, "I can handle this," Bucky started to speak. Still, you commanded him, "Go!"
He let out a disgruntled huff. He ran with the team to your car and drove out of the parking lot.
"Whatcha gonna do now, girly?" Rumlow taunted, "Your team left you, what kind of loyalty is that?"
You put your fists up, ready for a fight. Rumlow lunged forward to grab you, but you dodged and punched him in the ear. He let out a yell in aggravation and tried again, but you went under for a kick in his groin. He winced in pain, taking a knee. You needed to subdue him to get the cuffs on him. You brought your knee back and hit him square in the chin. He fell on his back, knocking him unconscious.  
Quickly, you struggled to roll him on his stomach and placed the cuffs on around his wrists. You grabbed your cell phone to make the call to Fury. "Fury, I got the guy you're looking for,"
"What? You said that Barnes was on the roof," Fury said.
"It wasn't Barnes doing the heists. It was Brock Rumlow," you asserted. The tried to make the lie as convincing as you could for now. Bucky and the gang were off to plant the evidence to make the conviction stick. It was the only way to keep Bucky safe. Nobody could know you were framing somebody for a crime they didn't commit. Nobody could know you did this for a criminal street racer. Nobody could know were in love with James Buchanan Barnes.
Tags: @anagentinwriting ,  @capbuckybuchanan @thecheesecakeklutz @caplansteverogers@cap111218 @ursulaismymiddlename @fandomlifeuniverse @suz-123@after-avenging-hours @asirenscalling @killmongerdreams @papi-chulo-seb @a-splash-of-stucky @captainrogerss @anakin-skywalkers @sebbies@whothehellisbella @howlingbarnes @poealsobucky @soldatbarnes@satans-knitting-club @nedthegay @ex-bookjunky @lostinspace33@avengedqueen26 @thefallenbibliophilequote @vaisabu @pinkisokay@lachicadelamanzana @void-imaginations @its-daydreamer23@showbuckysomelove @palaiasaurus64 @goodolbucky @artemis3691
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hellomissmabel · 6 years
Έρως και θάνατος (I)
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Pairings: God of Death!Bucky x Goddess of Witchcraft!reader, Hero!Steve x Goddess of Witchcraft!reader, Wanda as Persephone.
Warnings: none.
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: Hades is dying and he has chosen Hecate, the Goddess of Witchcraft as his successor. You’ve got little time left to find out who is killing the God of Death.
A/N: I’m dealing with some personal issues but I wanted to put this out there regardless. Written for @redgillan
Series masterlist can be found here
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As you descended down the cold stone stairs to the entrance of the underworld, you could feel the chills of the cold air wash over you like rain. Once you reach the bottom and go to the edge of the water of the river Styx, you wait for the ferryman Charon to arrive.
During your wait, a couple more souls arrive at the mooring. They can sense you’re not dead and not human either, so they dwell at a safe distance from you. Except for one silver-haired soul, a young guy who approaches you with a curious look.
“Hi,” he greets you softly, “I’m Pietro.”
“Y/N. Well, actually, that’s not true,” you correct yourself quickly, “It’s my human name. I have a Greek name too but I can’t really tell humans.”
“So what are you doing here? You’re obviously not dead.” The guy continues to show interest in you and normally you couldn’t be bothered, but there’s something about him you quite like.
“I’m here to see Hades and I normally would’ve taken the shortcut route but as Persephone and I are having a bit of a quarrel at the moment, I thought the decent thing to do was take the official way into the underworld.”
You shrug and give him a small smile. “I don’t wanna piss her off even more, not after what happened to Minthe.”
He sits next to you and flashes you a toothy grin. “You know Persephone? That’s pretty rad. I’ve heard she’s gorgeous.” Then his eyes cloud in confusion and he asks what happened to Minthe.
It’s only hearsay, you weren’t actually there, but that doesn’t make it any less horrible. “She turned her into a plant as her punishment for seducing Hades.”
“Oh,” is his only reply, his smile fading, and you have a feeling he doesn’t like Persephone as much anymore. They never do once they get to know her and see her for what she really is… a bitch from hell. Quite literally.
You can see Charon approach you and get up, telling Pietro to do the same. Charon nods when he sees you, a grim smile on his lips. “Well well, look what the cat dragged in.”
Flipping him his coin, you get onto his boat and wait until everyone else gets in before you pry him for details. “So, anything new? No new gossip while I was on Earth?”
A dry laugh similar to a guttural cough bubbles up in his throat. “Y/N, please, you know I don’t bother with such things.”
You give him a side-eye and pass along a couple more gold coins, making his lips a little looser to speak. “Okay, I heard Persephone kicked Hades out of her bedroom again. She wasn’t all too happy when she came back to the underworld. Word has it she thinks Hades has grown soft.”
“Hades is already a big softie,” you mumble under your breath so the ferrymen doesn’t pick up on it. “Listen, did you hear anything about me? Anything at all?”
With a dark hum, Charon reveals Hades has been asking about you. “He misses you.”
It’s all you wanted to hear and it keeps you content for the rest of your journey. When you arrive at the palace, every soul that crosses your path bows in honour of you. You wave them off as you don’t want the new arrivals to know who you are yet as they move along to the three judges.
Inside the throne room, you find Hades mindlessly playing with a dagger between his fingertips. When he watches you enter, the knife drops to the floor and he welcomes you back with open arms. “Y/N! My Goddess.” He chuckles and presses a chaste kiss to your cheek. “Tell me what’s new on Olympus.”
“You really wanna talk about that first?” You cross your arms over your chest and give him a stern look. “You go through all that trouble of asking Hermes to deliver a very urgent message that I have to come back to the underworld immediately, and you just want to know some gossip?”
Hades drops his head and groans, walking back to his throne and sitting down with a huff. “I called you here because I have a problem and I only trust you with finding a solution for it.”
Your eyebrows knit together in a frown as you approach the throne and ascend the stairs until you’re standing in front of him. “What’s going on?” Sensing that something’s wrong, you cup his cheek and smile warmly. “What’s this problem you’re talking about?”
With a deep sigh, the brunet rests his hand on top of yours and leans into your touch, turning his head to kiss the palm of your hand. Then he drops it quickly, knowing that Persephone is likely keeping an eye on the two of you. “I am dying, Y/N.”
“What?” Your voice reverberates in the entire hall as you express your disbelief. “No! You’re Hades, the God of Death! You can’t die!”
“I thought so, too,” he sighs deeply, sitting upright and snapping his fingers, a scroll appearing out of thin air. “I need you to take my place, Y/N. I’ve already finalised the contract.”
The scroll flows to you and you take it in your hands. Quickly reading over the words, you see that Hades has already set everything in motion for you to inherit the underworld in case of his passing away. “As the Goddess of magic, witchcraft, ghosts and sorcery, you are the perfect heir to my throne.”
Looking up from the scroll, you can’t form any coherent sentences yet your eyes bore into his cerulean blue ones with one important question on the tip of your tongue. It’s as if he read your mind when he says “I don’t trust Persephone.”
“When I took her, I took her because I wanted someone to love. Eventually she started to love me too. But then her love for me turned into hate, her mind soiled by her mother, Demeter.” Bucky spits on the floor as he speaks Demeter’s name. “Now I am a monster to her once more and it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s the one trying to off me.”
“But how, Hades, how are they killing you?,” you press urgently because the sooner you know, the faster you can put an end to this madness.
“Whoever they are, whoever helped them, they have my soul, Hecate,” Hades screams into the void, his tone one of frustration and anger before his eyes lock with yours and they exhibit clear signs of desperation. “My human soul, Y/N. They have the soul of Bucky Barnes.”
Tag list: @melconnor2007 @learisa @mrshopkirk @dont-speak-just-read @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @lovemarvelousfics @pleasantdreamqueen @petersunderroos @palaiasaurus64 @ssweet-empowerment @lovemarvelousfics @rrwilson66 @reniescarlett  @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @barnes-heaven  @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival  @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven  @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @a-little-hell-to-raise @knittingknerdy  @milkywaybarnes @hymnofthevalkyrie  @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @howlingbarnes  @themcuhasruinedme @persephonesinferno @honey-bee-holly  @delicatecapnerd @tomhollandzs  @aletheladyinred @xbergiex @capbuckybuchanan @pegasusdragontiger   @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @sophiealiice @sarahmatthews7 @lumelgy @kudosia @moonbeambucky @suz-123 @breezy1415 @always-an-evans-addict @thefanficfaerie @4theluvofall @curvybihufflepuff @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @holomasque @pineapplebooboo @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508 @supernaturaldean67 @cant-decide-at-this-moment @mehrmonga @specs15 @kanupps06 @daisiesandbooks101 @sarahgracej @jasurahe13 @nerdyandproud9 @geeksareunique @jesspfly @badassbaker @whenallsaidanddone @ailynalonso15 @thebookisbtr @animechick725  @true-queen-of-mischief @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @ugh-supersoldiers @california-grown @dreamer7black @flopmalum
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sebbies · 7 years
man behind the sun
Note: repost from my old blog. also pls let know if u liked it :) Warnings: just fluff like honestly ive never written anything angsty
Sometimes you found it odd how a small group of people could live every waking moment with each other, go on missions and still want to hang out afterwards. It didn’t really matter in this moment, the moment you were experiencing could show anyone just how much they care and need each other.
Tony had decided to have a pool party for no particular reason. He said it was a celebration for finishing a grueling mission, but everyone knew that he just wanted to party so no one said anything. The guys were fooling around in the pool with the different kinds of floaties and occasionally they’d play a rough game of tag or something, while the girls huddled around Sharon and talked about her growing baby bump.
“I can’t believe you’re pregnant,” you said as you took a sip of your drink. Sharon looked up from her bump and gave you a small smile.
“I can’t believe you’re not,” she joked back, rubbing her belly, “how long has it been with you and Bucky?”
“Coming up three years,” you sighed, looking down at your drink. Everyone always teased you about how you and Bucky were the perfect couple, the epitome of love and how they couldn’t wait until you got married and had babies. It was all fun and games until you realised that Bucky hadn’t even mentioned anything about marriage and it made you a little anxious in thinking where the relationship would be going. To keep your mind at bay, you chalked it up to the fact that Bucky still might not be ready but a little part of your mind feared that he really didn’t want to get married. Ever.
“Has he hinted at any proposal?” Nat question, her face twisted in confusion.
“Nope,” you said shrugging.
“It’s okay. Steve didn’t propose to me until last year, four years, it took the man four years,”Sharon quipped up, hoping that she could ease your anxiety.
“I’m not so much on my toes,” you lied as you sipped your drink.
The girls moved on from the subject much to your relief but you couldn’t stop thinking about your future. You watched as Wanda placed her hand on Sharon’s belly and giggled when she felt movement and never have you wanted to be a mother such as in this moment. Turning your gaze over to the pool, you watched Bucky goof around with his friends and you couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about having a little boy that Bucky could play games with in the pool. Or a daughter that would be sitting next to you as you gossiped with the girls. A smile formed on your face when you imagined them running around the apartment yelling as their father chased them around pretending to be the bad guy. You stopped the silly fantasies from continuing as you noticed Bucky walking towards the table.
Bucky caught your gaze and smiled at you to which you mirrored. He walked around you, standing facing your back as he placed a wet hand on your shoulder. You gasped as he chuckled and in response you tried to send him the meanest glare possible but it was quickly replaced with a lovesick expression when you placed your hand over his.
“You wanna come play with us?” Bucky asked, looking down at you, eyes never leaving yours. You looked towards your friends and they all nodded for you to go with him.
“Okay sure, let me just get ready,” you said as you leaned forward to place your glass on the table.
“Don’t take too long,” he said before leaning down and pecking your cheek. You watched Bucky jog back to the pool and couldn’t help but to watch his back muscles. A small groan was about to leave your mouth when Bucky dove into the water but before a sound could be made Natasha cleared her throat. You whipped your head towards the girls and saw they all had sly smiles. Your cheeks began to heat up as you realized they caught your shamelessly checking out your boyfriend.
“If he doesn’t propose soon, I’m gonna kick him in the balls,” Nat stated.
“I’m with you on that,” you muttered.
“Y/N! C’mon!” Bucky yelled, stopping the game with the boys much to their annoyance.
“Alright!” You yelled back while standing up and taking off your cover up. Wanda and Sharon let out whistles as Nat cat called you.
“Seriously, if he’s not gonna propose, I will,” Sharon remarked, giving you a wink.
“Sharon, you’re married to Steve,” you giggled.
“Hoes before bros,” was all she said before your name was called again.
The rest of the day was spent playing all sorts of games with the boys and you swore half of the games were made up on the spot because the rules kept changing.
The day was coming to an end when the air turned chilly and when Sharon stood up and called Steve over, letting him know that she and the baby were ready to head out. Soon after you and Bucky decided to head back home as well.
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked after a few moments of driving in silence. You seemed a little off since the talk with the girls and he was starting to get worried. You nod, answering his question with an action instead of words. Bucky decided not to press any further and changed the topic to Sam doing something stupid.
Once back at home and in your bedroom, you walked slowly to the balcony and watched the sun set. It was one of your favorite things to witness. Bucky made his way towards you, putting his hands on the railing and leaned forward, capturing you between his body and the railing. He sighed and watched the sky turn different hues of orange and blue.
“Bucky?” You asked after a moment of silence.
“Mmhmm,” he responded, his face chin resting on your shoulder.
“Do you- do you ever think about marriage?” He doesn’t answer immediately causing a wave of anxiety to flood your senses. You noticed that he had lifted his head from your shoulder and backed away from you a little.
“What?” You asked, scared that you said something wrong and triggered him in a way that you don’t want to.
“Nothing, just… wait here, okay?” He looked at you, your body facing him now. You nod, giving him the answer he needs before he disappeared into your bedroom. Turning back towards the sky you braced yourself for the worst possible outcome. In the silence, you heard a drawer being opened, things being pushed aside and then the drawer slammed shut.
“Y/N,” Bucky said so quietly it could have been a whisper. You turned around and saw him holding something behind his back, shifting nervously from one foot to another. He slowly brings his hands into view and opened them. You gasped as you saw the little black velvet box resting on his palms and your heart began to race..
“I’ve had it for five months now… I just didn’t know how to ask or if you even wanted me to,” Bucky says as he walks closer towards you.
“Of course I wanted you to,” you say, placing a hand over your heart.
“Just not like this,” he mumbled.
“This is fine,” you whisper shyly. Bucky takes a look at the box and then back at you and he knows that now is the perfect time. As Bucky gets down on one knee, he slowly opens the box to reveal the most beautiful and simple ring you’ve seen. The hand that had been resting over your heart was now covering your mouth, covering the biggest smile. Both you and Bucky are grinning like fools and your hand falls to your side as he takes the ring out of the box.
“Will you marry me, Y/N?” Bucky asks through the unshed tears threatening to spill.
“Yes,” you breathed out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You jumped a little as Bucky took your left hand and slid the ring onto your finger.
The moment the ring was on, you cupped his face and brought him up to your level and kissed him with so much passion and love. Bucky’s arms wrapped themselves around your waist as yours around his neck and your legs around his waist when he picked you up.
“Thank god you said yes,” Bucky said after breaking apart, leaving little room between the both of you. You gave him a quick peck on the lips and then stuffed your face into the nook of his neck.
“Of course I would,” you said, though it was muffled. You glanced at the ring behind his head and couldn’t believe that he had actually proposed to you. Bucky leans his head back so he could be face to face with you again, leaving small kisses all around your face and you giggled as you felt his stubble scratch your cheeks.
Eventually Bucky let you back down and as you untangled yourself from him, you had another glance at the ring. Bucky took your head and kissed your knuckles and suddenly the smile that was glued to your face was gone.
“You idiot!” You shouted, yanking your hand from his grasp.
“What?” Bucky asked, so confused on how your mood suddenly changed.
“You’ve had this ring for five months!” Bucky chuckled and lifts his hands up in mock surrender.
“I wanted it to be perfect,” Bucky defended.
Truthfully as cliche as it was to get proposed to on a balcony at sunset, it was pretty perfect. But then you realized that with the amount of love you had for Bucky, anything he could have done would have been perfect.
You started to walk towards the bedroom, leaving a smiling Bucky on the balcony. He turned to face you and saw that you had extended your left hand, letting the diamond shine in the last rays of sunlight. Bucky takes your hand as you lead him back inside….to officially seal the deal.
fuck im just gonna tag mutuals i guess cause idk: @supersoldierslover @marvelmom @sniktlogan @aubzylynn @captainpunk @capbuckybuchanan @4theluvofall @sebashtiansatan @soldatbarnes @papi-chulo-bucky 
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captainmarvels · 7 years
[multi] tag game
three different tag games under the cut, ily all for thinking of me :)
Copy and paste the most recent sentence of what you’ve written for a fic/story/whatever and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence!
tagged by @sniktlogan and @rotisserierogers
“I promise we can cuddle tonight, but we have stuff to do, you lazy butt. Let’s go!”
tagging 17: @barnres @thewinterswimmer @redgillan @daisyskyed @emscairstairs @imhereforbvcky @avengersandlovers @blackcaptainrogers @papi-chulo-bucky @starkerparker @parkerroos @lovelynemesis @blossombarnes @supersoldierslover @nataliarxmanxva @ohwhatamessiam @charliexowrite
top ten songs i’m listening to: [tagged by kumi and @persephone-is-here-omg]
bagbak - vince staples
sorry not sorry - demi lovato
norf norf - vince staples
too good at goodbyes - sam smith
bad together - dua lipa
element - kendrick lamar
feel it still - portugal.the man
till there was you - the beatles
mi gente - j.balvin
si tu la ves - nicky jam
tagging: @bidianaprinxe @bionic-buckyb @buckyfvckmebarnes @everyrosehasitsthornton @bookybuns @barnes-and-parker
6 movies I’ll always watch [tagged by kumi]
the great gatsby | 2013
gone girl
the dark knight rises
kingsman: the secret service
tagging: @soldatbarnes @whothehellisbella @asirenscalling @sebbytrash @lady-thor-foster @jurassicbarnes @capbuckybuchanan
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capbuckybuchanan · 5 years
Don’t watch me cry
Warnings: Sad reader, break up. I’m sad so I’ve been writing kinda sad things, sorry guys. Word Count: 1,066 Author’s Note: Hey guys, long time no see! So, guess I'm writing again. I know this one is kinda sad, bit it means so much to me at this moment...It reflects how I'm feeling and what I've been through recently. I hope you guys like it and thank you for still supporting my writing and still following me even if I haven't write in so long. Love you all, Alexa Bucky Barnes x Reader 
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“I'm not crying 'cause you left me on my own I'm not crying 'cause you left me with no warning I'm just crying 'cause I can't escape what could've been Are you aware when you set me free? All I can do is let my heart bleed (...)”
Jorja Smith, don’t watch me cry
She didn't move. Still sitting in their bed, the room with barely no light. The window still opened. Her hands were trembling and even though she tried, she couldn't stop. Her cheeks kissed by the tears. She was diying slowly.
She didn't move even when Natasha had come and asked her if she needed anything; if she was alright. Her whole body hurt, but the worst of it all was her heart.
Her heart was cut opened, screaming in pain and red colors marring her skin. She never thought she would hear those words leaving his lips. His lips, that would murmur sweet words in her ear. His lips, that would kiss every part of her skin, loving her with his mouth.
She couldn't contain the sob that her throat wanted to let go. She was grasping the bedsheets, the ones they went and buy together at her favorite home decor store.
She could still see him, standing before her, hair in a man bun; eyes casted down, voice low and serious. She had never heard him like that, not at home at least, only in work obligations.
“I think it's best for us to part ways...” He had said. She almost didn't hear him, too stunned to comprehend what he was saying.
“What are you talking about James?” She whispered, leaving the clothes that once were being folded and sitting on their bed.
“I've always told you if I thought I was hurting you, I would leave your life. This isn't a relationship anymore. And part of it, it's my own fault.You tried for the both of us. I just stopped and I'm sorry. So sorry. But I can't anymore.”
She looked at him, the tears that were trying to escape rolling down her cheeks.
“Don't do this to me. Please, don't.” She begged, stupidily maybe. But she couldn't bare the pain that was consuming her.
Bucky tried reaching for her, but she moved out of the way. If he touched her, she would break. More than she already was.
“Y/N, I'm sorry. I never inteded to hurt you. That was never what I wanted. I just...” Bucky sighed, his body remaing still, almost afraid if he moved, she would break in tiny pieces in front of him.
“I need to be alone...and I don't want to hurt you more than I already have. You deserve more, so much more than what I'm giving you right now.”
“Is it someone else? Did you find someone else?” She questioned. Y/N felt lightheaded, she didn't understand. She knew Bucky was pulling away from her, but she thought it was just work problems,  but now she understood that maybe the problem was her.
Bucky gently and cautusly moved to her, kneeling on the fluffy rug and trying to make her look at him, at least one more time before he let her go.
“Please don't think that. There's no one else. I just need to be by myself... There's no one. You were the only one for me.” He pleaded, ocean eyes burning with tears; if anything, he wanted her to know that.
“I don't understand. I knew something was wrong, but this? You were barely acknowledging me, but now you're leaving me. You're just leaving me.” She cried, head tucked to her neck, hand reaching for her heart, in pain. So much pain.
“Please, don't cry.” Bucky whispered. He wanted this relationship to work, he really did. They met by accident, became friends and after one kiss, they started to fall for one another. At least, that was she had always thought.
Bucky thought this was for the best. She would thank him later. This was no relationship anymore.
“Maybe someday, we can talk and work things out. I like you, I want you to know that. But, right now I need to be alone, I need space. I need to clear my head and it's not fair to you. You deserve happiness and I can't give you that right now. And please, don't stop your life because of me. The last thing I want is for you to stop living. I need you to be okay.” Bucky murmured, standing. Seeing her like this was killing him, but it was necessary.
“How can I be okay? I fell in love with you and now you're lreaving me. I can't understand. I can't. But I won't force to stay with me. If I'm not making you happy, I'll let you go.” She cried, eyes focusing on his.
Bucky reached for her, gently grasping her cheek in his hand. And before he left the room, he leaned towards her, his lips caressing her forehead and feeling her rose scented perfume. The one he always loved on her. Closing his eyes tightly he walked out of the room and desapearing down the corridor, taking her heart with him.
She cried, screamed, dispaired for what seemed hours. Y/N closed her eyes, body falling on the unmade bed that still had his scent, making her realize what she had lost.
She had give all of her to him, every piece of her was his, and now she was just numb. Barely existing. She didn't know what to do, not anymore.
And while embracing his pillow to her chest, she watched the sunset. Wondering what she had done wrong, to lose everything she ever wanted. Because Bucky would live his life normally, hers was the one that had stopped.
She couldn't unsee those eyes. The same ones that would look at her with such happiness and love, now looked at her like he had never known her.
Like she had never give her heart, soul and body to him. Like he had never looked at her with those stormy eyes and said he loved her.
@hellomissmabel​ @papi-chulo-bucky​ @borkingbarnes​
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capbuckybuchanan · 7 years
Words on her skin
Steve Rogers x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 1,885
Warnings: Smut – NSFW – Sexual themes, nudity, descriptive sex, inappropriate language, handjob, blowjob. If you're underage don't read this. This is for +18 or for the legal age in your country. Please guys, if you're going to be intimate with somebody, please protect yourselves. Use protection.
Author's Note: Hi guys, long time no see. I'm back. How are you all doing? I hope okay. I'm sorry for being so m.i.a lately but I've been very busy this last months. I'm trying to be more active and start writing again. I hope you guys like this one shot, I had never done a smut steve one shot so here it is. I hope it doesn't suck very much. I want to thank you all that still followed me/reblogged/liked my stuff while I was on a little hiatus. You guys are amazing. Oh and @caplansteverogers this is for you my friend, knowing your love for Steve. I hope it's good enough ahah.  Oh and I have a Bucky fic coming up also in the next days.
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(I don’t own the gifs. All rights go to the rightful owners/creators.)
Steve was nervous. He could feel sweat trailing down his neck, his breathing erratic.
He never felt that nervous in his life or if he did he couldn't remember the moment. He eyed her, watching (Y/N) move closer to him, her hips moving seductively, legs bare to him. He swallowed - throat dry, palms of his hands sweaty with anticipation; fingers twitching wanting to reach out for her.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her; mesmerized by her. The way her hair moved along with her shoulders, her neck visible to him, skin painted with hickeys that he had left the night before after some sexier kisses. They haven't moved much more than some more bolder kisses and touches and now, Steve could feel himself go harder and harder the more close she got to him. He couldn't look at her seductive eyes that were observing him, because if he did, he would moan even before she had laid a soft touch on him.
“You're okay there captain?” She asked giving him a shy smile while sitting herself at the end of the bed. Steve closed his eyes, trying to control himself.
“I'm okay doll. Just nervous.” He admitted watching her frown and look at him.
“Why would you be nervous Steve?” (Y/N) asked getting up just to straddle him seconds later, her arms circling his neck genuinely concerned - sexy time long forgotten.
Steve felt himself blush, how could he tell her that he had never...? He could feel his cheeks and tips of his ears start to become warmer and warmer.
“Steve...?” She asked obviously noting his anxiousness.
“Doll you know how I was in the 40's right? Then the serum happened and fighting became my life...I never... I never, you know.” Steve tried to explain, feeling ashamed for some reason. He saw her face and the way she just smiled at him, understanding what he was trying to say.
“Steve you know we don't need to do anything that you're not comfortable with. I'm not that experienced either. And you don't have to feel embarrassed about anything. Not with me.” She said, kissing his nose adorably.
“I know doll, I'm just afraid of being a clumsy mess.” He said, hands circling her large waist pulling her to him.  
“I'm sure you're not going to be any mess captain, but if for some reason you are, you're my clumsy mess and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world.” She said, kissing his neck briefly before looking at his beautiful eyes. She could get lost in those eyes, they could take her to so many places.
“You're staring again doll,” Steve smiled, kissing her forehead and laughing when she hid her face on his neck, red cheeks touching his skin.
“You're eyes are seducing me. It's not my fault captain.” She smiled, kissing his lips. She loved his lips, always so soft. The first time (Y/N) had kissed Steve, she couldn't get enough of him. Maybe was the he kissed her, maybe it was the way he hold her, maybe was all that together, but she just wanted to be on his arms after months and months of pining after the handsome and sweet captain.
Steve eyed her shyly, lips curving in a small smile – heart beating wildly in his chest.
Steve, courageously got up with her in his arms, walking slowly to their bed, Steve laying her with the most care watching her mouth form a bashful grin.
“You're the one seducing me baby doll.” He kissed her fingers that reached for his face, the air around them starting to pick up again.
“I love you Steve.” She murmured lip caught between her teeth, hands caressing his cheeks.
Steve lowered his body, covering hers; arms next to her head.
“I love you too” Steve hummed in her ear, lips descending to touch hers - slowly at first, more urgently as the time passed. Her hands started to trace his back that was covered by a sweater, one of her favorites.
Steve started to kiss her more fervently, his worries long forgotten, just letting himself feel everything she was doing to him, for the first time not thinking in the problems he had beyond their door. Right now he was just clumsy shy Steve not Captain America, the hero that everyone wanted all the time. He was just Steve.
Her Steve.
“Steve you're sure about this? I don't want you to feel you have to do anything you're not ready for...” (Y/N) asked, lips parted and eyes on him.
“I've been ready for a while doll.. I would just get nervous I would mess up...not being enough...not making you feel pleasure.” Steve confessed, watching as (Y/N) just laugh at that, shaking her head.
“Ahh my beautiful silly man, I could just stare at you and get aroused in seconds. Seriously Steve, have you not watched yourself lately in the mirror or what?” She asked playfully, “You're beautiful Steve, in and out. This Steve or 40's Steve. I would love you either way. You're so handsome but it was for your heart, your soul I fell in love with.” She kissed his lips softly, looking at him with all the love she could show in her eyes, in her caresses, with her lips.
“So Captain Rogers, if you're sure and I'm sure just kiss me and make love to me.” She eyed him behind her eyelashes and the way she was looking at him, made Steve finally snap.
Hungrily, Steve moved, lips crashing against hers like waves clashing in a storm. Hands reaching for his clothes, (Y/N) wanted to feel his skin touching hers. Taking his shirt off, she felt his muscles twitch beneath her fingers.
She felt his hands removing her underwear, along with her robe, leaving her bare beneath him. (Y/N) could try and cover herself, but Steve always made her feel beautiful. No matter how many stretch marks her belly had, no matter how much cellulite her thick legs could have or how her arms would jingle when she moved. Steve always made her feel like the most beautiful, sexiest girl in the world just by looking at her with those eyes.
Leaning down, Steve kissed her neck biting it softly making her moan against his flesh.
Rolling them around, (Y/N) straddled his hips kissing his chest and stomach.
Steve moaned at the feeling of her bare breasts making contact with his flesh making him tremble with desire.
Soon his clothes were on the ground right next to her, and all they could feel was each other.
(Y/N) kissed her way down his body, watching as his strong thighs moved so she could lay down between them. Steve supported his weight on his forearms watching with lustful eyes her every move.
Steve threw his head back; a mix of a moan and a scream living his scarlet lips, hands grabbing a pillow and biting into the soft material, his eyes wide open, watching as she suck him making his blood run in thick waves in his veins. She teased him, varying between sucking him, licking him or pump him. He could hear the slickness of his shaft and that only turned him on more, eyes watching as him member disappeared in her mouth.
“Doll, please” “Doll, god...” “(Y/N) you're going to make me cum” “Baby doll”
(Y/N) could only moan seeing how sweaty and needy Steve was getting. The way he would moan her name, voice cracking in between words, how his arms were grabbing the pillow so forcefully she was surprised how he hadn't ripped the fabric open yet and feathers starting to float around them.
She could feel he was reaching his limit, his hips were moving uncontrollably, moans and grunts escaping those lips that she liked so much to kiss. And she could feel his shaft start to leak in her mouth, so (Y/N) started to move more frenetically wanting him to reach his peak.
Grunting her name, Steve came on her mouth, heavy breaths escaping him as she retreated, tongue darting around her lips, a shy smile adorning her face.
“God, doll.” Steve murmured breathing heavily reaching for her and kissing her with all he had, tasting himself on her tongue.
“You're okay captain?” (Y/N) questioned, fingers touching his sweaty face.
“I'm more than okay. You?” He asked kissing her cheek and then her mouth making her giggle.
“Oh I'm just fine captain,”
Steve leaned down, eyes searching for any reluctance but finding none he turned them on the bed, sheets around them, cold against their fiery bodies.
Steve caressed her, fingers touching (Y/N) everywhere he could, showing how much he appreciated her, how much he loved her. His fingers could write on her body how much she meant to him.
He kissed every fear, every insecurity she may had had away.
Making sure she was wet enough for him, (Y/N) begged to feel him. She just wanted to feel him, to feel even more connected with him.
Reaching for the bedside table and opening the drawer, Steve grabbed a condom opening the packaging and wrapping his member in the rubbery material.
“You're sure doll?” Steve asked caressing her face, his shy tone making her loving him even more.
“I am sure captain. Make love to me Steve.” She whispered against his lips, before feeling him filling her up. She moaned, toes curling, back arching while Steve tried to stay the most still possible, wanting her to feel comfortable and become accustomed to his size.
Pulling her to a kiss Steve started to move; her curvaceous body molding to his and moving along with his.
Moans, grunts, whispers were what could be heard all around the room, bodies sweaty but pressed against one another, seeking the need to release and give each other pleasure.
Steve moved more frenetically when he saw her eyes rolling and the way she was moaning, alerting him she was close to her climax. So Steve, reaching between them started to rub her clit, making her cry out and cum around him, milking his own orgasm.
Steve hid his face on her neck, biting it softly and starting to slow down until he stopped, hugging her to him.
Steve lifted his head and looked at her. Mesmerized by her. Breathing fast and deep, rosy cheeks, rosy lips and disheveled hair.
His. She was his.
And he was hers.
“I love you” He whispered against her mouth, hearing her say it back to him.
Steve took a deep breath, lifting himself and freeing himself of the condom, giving it a knot and trowing it in the trash next to the bed. Steve closed his eyes, feeling her mold her body to his, seeking his warmth. Circling her waist, he pulled her to him.
“Well you definitely didn't feel like any type of any clumsy mess captain” She giggled when Steve huffed but kissed her hair.
And while she feel asleep against him, Steve traced her back, writing on her flesh how much he loved her with his fingers in a sweet caress.
Tagging: @anaboo96 @hellomissmabel @papi-chulo-bucky @srgntjbarnes@angryschnauzer @caplansteverogers @mrssgtjamesbuckybarnes @supersoldierslover @221bshrlocked
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capbuckybuchanan · 7 years
Shadows in the walls
Bucky Barnes x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Insecurities, nudity, descriptive sex scenes, fingering, inappropriate language, unprotected sex, fluffy Bucky. - Please if underage don't read this. And please if you're going to be intimate with anyone, use protection. Word Count: 3,035 Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long to post this, but it's currently 04:47am and I'm still awake. I was since 19pm editing and re-writing some tings. This is something very close to my heart, being plus size myself and sometimes don't feel enough. But I'm trying don't feel like that just because of my weight. Everyone is beautiful. In your own way. Don't let anyone say otherwise.
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(I don’t own the gifs. All the right go to the rightful owners/creators.)
(Y/N) was staring at her reflection in the wide mirror in front of her. Her body was now covered by a soft white robe that came down to her knees. Her hair was softly curled the tips of it touching her shoulders, Nat did her hair in the morning while Wanda was to do her makeup. Pepper was at the tower, making sure to distract the team about the absence of three agents all day.
(Y/N) still shivered nervously, even after taken the pictures already. Her plump lips her were painted in a dark shade of red, the color matching the soft tones of the makeup Wanda had applied to her eyelids. Looking over her shoulder, (Y/N) eyed the various lingerie sets on the bed, pieces she had never had the courage to used or to even thinking she would ever wore something like that. After reveling to Nat that her and Bucky's three-year anniversary was approaching and (Y/N)  had no idea what to give him, Nat had an idea. Nat was absolutely sure Bucky would love it , even more sure after hearing a conversation between him, Steve and Sam one night while she was going to refill her cup of coffee.
In Nat's opinion, (Y/N) needed to break free from her fears, from her constant fear of  not being good enough. She was always afraid of have fun, afraid everyone around would notice her bigger body. The anxiousness of thinking of what other people thought of her, and more importantly, what (Y/N)  thought of herself. Everyone has fears. But we need to learn to accept they exist and then try and overcome them. We can't let them run our lives and us just living in background.
Nat and Wanda both thought (Y/N) was stunning, trying to make her friend feel more secure of herself and the person she is, without minding what other people say.
And then there's Bucky.
Bucky thought (Y/N) was the most beautiful woman on the planet. He loved the curves, he loved her tummy that she was always to try and hide in clothes too big, loved her stretch marks that adorned her tummy, arms and chest. He loved her thick soft thighs which when (Y/N)  wrapped them up around Bucky's waist all he wanted to do was moan without any shame about who could hear. Bucky loved (Y/N)  just the way she was. He would not change a single thing about her. And he tried to show her that whenever he could, whether it was with a tender kiss on her forehead or when they were both naked underneath his sheets, the two of them sweaty, gasping for breath and red lips after making love all night.
(Y/N) sighed deeply walking to the bathroom and changing to one of Bucky's sweater's and some jeans and whipping all her fancy makeup off leaving her face clean. Tying her hair in the top of her head in a messy ponytail she left the room, walking through the tower and going to the kitchen to make some tea. She knew Natasha was in her room along with Wanda, downloading the pictures to Nat's computer, so she could print them and give them to (Y/N) in a bit.
While sipping her tea, (Y/N) heard Bucky laughing of something that Steve had said, bringing a smile to her face. She liked the way he smiled, so carefree now, eyes shining and (Y/N) had never seen something so beautiful as Bucky's smile.  
“Hey doll, where were you all day? I was looking for you but Pepper said you were out with Nat and Wanda.” Bucky said, leaning down and kissing you forehead and walking to the counter and filling a mug with some coffee.
“Yeah, sorry. I woke you early and didn't want to disturb you. Me and the girls went shopping and then lunch together.” (Y/N) said, voice trembling. She didn't like to lie to Bucky, but was for a good cause.
“I was worried but Pepper said you guys went out so I didn't want to start calling you just so I could say I was missing you.” Bucky give (Y/N) a shy smile, his cheeks turning red. (Y/N) smiled, one of her hands reaching to Bucky's face rubbing his skin with her thumb.
“Hey doll” Bucky cleared his throat, his blue eyes connected with hers, “ So, since our anniversary it's tomorrow, I was thinking we could go out and have dinner and just be alone for a little. I talked with both Steve and Tony and they gave us the day tomorrow.” Bucky whispered, kissing (Y/N)'s fingers gently.
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes lighting up – her arms circling Bucky's waist hugging him.
“And here I was, thinking you had forgotten.” She looked at him in adoration, watching the cute way Bucky frowned.
“How could I forget doll? That was the day you accepted to be my girlfriend. I never forget anything that has to do about you or us.” He kissed her lips, tasting the flavored mint tea she was having, the wanting to moan at the taste of her along with mint to much for him to bare.
“I'm just excited to have you all to myself tomorrow. No one to bother us, no Sam trying to prank Clint, no Tony grumbling with Bruce about something. Just us, alone, having a nice meal and enjoying our company.” Bucky murmured, squeezing her to him closing his eyes, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair, his arms circling around her wide hips, loving the feeling of her close to him.
“You're too cute Mr. Barnes. What would I do without you?” (Y/N) asked, her heart fluttering at seeing the shy small smile adorning Bucky's lips.
“Is more what I would do without you, doll.” Bucky whispered, resting his cheek in her shoulder, loving the feeling of having her in his arms.
Natasha walked through the corridors, her eyes alert while in her hands sat an brown envelope. Upon seeing (Y/N) seated at one of the couches around the spacious room, Natasha walked to her, touching her shoulder.
“Hey, here,” Nat said, offering the envelope to (Y/N)'s hands seeing her eyes widening, anxiousness starting to creep in her bones.
“He'll love it. And you'll love it too. The photos are beautiful. You're beautiful. Don't let yourself forget that.” Nat said giving a smile to her friend.
“Thanks Nat. I couldn't do this without you and Wanda. You guys are the best friends everyone could have.” (Y/N) smiled at her friend.
She felt anxious. Almost running to hers and Bucky's room, she closed the door behind her and seated herself on the bed, breathing deeply she opened the envelope and saw herself. On those photos. Those photos brought tears to her eyes.
She felt beautiful. She looked beautiful. So impulsively, she reached her phone and texted Bucky, saying she wanted to talk with him before dinner and that she was expecting him in their room.
Breathing deeply she waited. Knowing Bucky, he would probably running to their room right now.
(Y/N) looked at the sky through the window. The sun was setting, creating a hue of pinks and purples. The fresh wind coming in through the open windows, calming her racing heart.
She didn't know why she was feeling that way. Bucky had seen her naked before and now she was afraid of what he would think of her.
The bedroom's door opened, Bucky entering and eyeing her. A frown in his face upon seeing her anxious face,
“You're okay doll? I was worried when I read your text.” Bucky said, seating next to her on the ground, both of them watching the sky.
“I want to talk with you,” She grabbed one of  Bucky's hands, slowly running her fingers along his veins. “So, let me talk and then you can talk. Okay?” She saw Bucky nod, his eyes entirely on her.  
“Since I was a child I always thought I wasn't good enough. I think it only started to affect me when I reached my teenage years. I always been bigger than most of my friends. Never felt pretty enough, always thought I would never be loved because of my weight.” (Y/N) murmured softly, “Then I met you, this gorgeous man that had went through so much. That had suffered so much, and he loved me. For who I am. I never thought I could have this type of love. Never have I imagined of loving someone this much. You love my weird habits, you love me even when I leave books scattered around our room, you love me when I leave a pile of mugs on my bedside table. You love me...and you don't know how that makes me feel.” (Y/N) breathed deeply, looking into Bucky's eyes.
“Waking up and fall asleep next to you, is one of the best things that will ever happen to me. And before I start crying like an idiot,” (Y/N) laughed kissing Bucky's lips, “I have a present for you. I know our anniversary is tomorrow but I don't think I could wait til tomorrow and give you this. Is something that I never thought of doing. And for the first time in my life I felt beautiful. So, here.” (Y/N) whispered, placing the envelope in Bucky's lap watching his curious face.
“I love you. No matter what.” Bucky said kissing her lips repeatedly, making her giggle.
Opening the envelope, Bucky took the printed photographs and his eyes widened. He was speechless. Bucky eyed the first photo.
(Y/N) was laying in a bed, her body covered by a white lingerie set, the red of her lips contrasting with the beautiful morning sun entering through the open window, the curtains moving with the wind.
Bucky swallowed, his cheeks tuning red.
He eyed the second photo, she was leaning against the wall, a dress shirt covering her breasts while a red pantie set was coveting her, her eyes focused on the camera. Bucky was trembling. He was so mesmerized by her he didn't even know what to say.
Bucky watched carefully photo after photo. Fallen in love with every one of them. But his favorite must be the one she's with her back to the camera, her face angled down, hair falling in one side of her face, her naked back positioned beautifully, showing her perfect curves.
Bucky took a deep breath, looking at her. She was eyeing afraid. Afraid he would not like it.
“You're so beautiful doll.” Bucky murmured, leaving the photos next to him while his arms reached for her bringing her to his lap, making her legs circle his waist.
“You like them”? (Y/N) asked, shyness in her voice.
“I love them baby. My god, you're so beautiful. So so beautiful. I'm amazed by you. I love you and everything about you. This is the best present you could ever give me.” Bucky murmured against her lips.
“You're always going to be beautiful in my eyes doll. And knowing you did something like this for me.” Bucky closed his eyes, touching his forehead with hers.
“Everything about you attracts me. Since the day I met you.” Bucky kissed her shoulder, his hands squeezing her waist.
“Happy anniversary then Mr. Barnes.” (Y/N) said kissing his jaw.
Bucky hummed loving the feel of her. Those photos really messed with his head. He would have to put them somewhere where no one would find them. Those photos were for his eyes and his eyes only.
Bucky took her face in his hands, kissing her luscious lips over and over again.
“Come take a bath with me?” Bucky asked while running his hands along her legs.
(Y/N) smiled shyly before nodding and getting up watching Bucky picking up the photographs and tuck them in one of his drawers. Taking her hand, Bucky lead her to the bathroom closing the door behind them. Seating her in the toilet seat, Bucky turned and lighted some of the scattered candles, making the ambient more romantic. Bucky turned to her, seeing her cute smile.
“Come here doll,” Bucky said lifting his hand so she could grab it. (Y/N) took his hand, kissing his cheek.
Bucky's eyes asked for permission, his hands stopping at the end of her sweater. She nodded lifting her arms, helping him taking it off. She reached for his t-shirt, helping him taking it off also, both of them helping each other undress, the candle lights touching the skins.
Bucky helped her enter the warm water filled bath, sitting behind (Y/N), circling his arms around her curvy hips, pushing her body closer to his. (Y/N) cuddles to Bucky's body, the warm water calming her muscles.
Bucky kissed her head, his fingers running through her tummy grazing her stretch marks. His cold fingers tracing imagine lines on her legs making her giggle.
(Y/N) pouted turning her body around, straddling Bucky's waist feeling all of him. Bucky grunted, his hands automatically going to her hips.
“Doll” Bucky's voice came out as a whisper, while he watched her eyes.
“You're so beautiful sarge,” She whispered, her hands trailing down his torso, her nails scratching his skin.
“Doll, you already turned me on with those beautiful and sensual photos. If you keep this up...” Bucky murmured against her open mouth, grabbing her lower lips between his teeth and biting it hard making her moan.
“You're so sexy. All this fucking curves. Fuck, look at those thighs, caging me in.” Bucky murmured at her hear, watching the way her body reacted to his words.
Bucky kissed her jaw tongue darting out, tasting her skin, grunting in ecstasy. Bucky's sensed were all coming alive, the way she moved, the way she breathed, the way her lips would open, the way she would bite her lip. Bucky had never seen someone so sensual as her. And damn, she was all his. She was his love, his doll - who could turn him on with just a look.
“Make love to me James,” (Y/N) whispered against his mouth, pecking the corner of his mouth, her hands wandering around his neck and shoulders feeling the tight muscle underneath.
Bucky hummed his metal fingers caressing her skin, while his mouth kissed her nipples, her moan making Bucky go harder. Bucky finger touched her clit, the water splashing around them, feeling her arch her back, her body moving closer to him.
(Y/N) was gasping, her hips moving in tune with his finger, her walls clenching by reflex.
She kissed his neck feeling the room get warmer.
“Doll, lift your hips for me” Bucky whispered watching her raising her body. His member was so hard it touched is stomach, its head glistening with pre-cum. Bucky brought his metal hand to it, touching it and wrapping his fingers around and pumping it while watching her. She moaned at the sight, watching Bucky touch himself was so hot, she could feel her folds getting wetter.
“Fuck baby, that's so hot” She whispered.
Bucky grunted, lifting his arms to her, helping her sitting back down again on his lap, his member now aligned with her entrance.
(Y/N) slowly sank into him, gasping at the sensation of him. Opening her eyes, she watched Bucky.
Eyes closed, mouth parted, raged breaths leaving his sensual lips. (Y/N) started to move her hips, moving up and down, her hands searching for balance on Bucky's shoulders.
Bucky grunted, arms around her, helping her move, their movements casting shadows on the walls. Their bodies moving slowly, moans, grunts and whimpers leaving both their mouths.
“Fuck baby just like that,” “Doll, fuck” “That feels so good, you feel so good” “Fuck baby, you're going to make me cum”
Breathless phrases leaving their lips, eyes connecting, souls intertwining.
(Y/N) started to move more frantically, the sounds of their bodies connecting resounding in the room.
“Baby I'm going to cum,” (Y/N) whined her fingers rubbing her clit frantically.
Bucky could feel his orgasm approaching also, their movements making water splashing in the flowers tiles.
“Fuck doll, cum with me, cum with me.” Bucky moaned, his hips jerking and feeling her contracting around him, her orgasm making her body tremble and her throat making gasp noises and whines.
Bucky followed her, the way she was squeezing him to hard to ignore. His cock jerked inside her, his seed coating her walls.
Both were breathing deeply, (Y/N) too tired to move resting her head on Bucky's chest.
The water was starting to get cold but neither of them cared. They were just content on being in each other arms.
(Y/N) giggled, kissing his neck and looking at Bucky, his face in pure bliss.
“If I knew taking some sexy photos would leave you this turn on, I would do it earlier.” She giggled, her fingers tracing the stumble on his cheeks.
Bucky laughed, a smile directed her way.
“With sexy photos or no photos you turn me on either way doll. You're gorgeous to me. I love you and everything that involves you. Having you loving me...it's the best thing that ever happened to me. And every time you don't feel enough, I'll always be here to remind you. You're stunning, inside and out. And if people can't see that. Well I can. And I hope you see it to one day.” Bucky mumbled, his lips kissing her nose, adoration feeling his eyes.
(Y/N) looked at his chest, cheeks reddening. She sighed, her face resting against him. The feel of his arms around her making her feel safe, just like always.
She knew even when she felt down he was going always to be there. Loving her, holding her, protecting her from everything and everyone and from herself even.
But for now, she would just bask in their love, the feeling of their bodies together and the way he kissed her forehead in that bathroom. Their shadows in the walls intertwining and never letting go.
Tagging: @anaboo96 @hellomissmabel @221bshrlocked @papi-chulo-bucky @angryschnauzer @ursulaismymiddlename @caplansteverogers @captainrogerss @mrssgtjamesbuckybarnes @srgntjbarnes @mindingmyownbusiness @buchonians @addictivewriter 
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capbuckybuchanan · 7 years
Masterlist by capbuckybuchanan
So I’ve been noticing that sometimes people can’t open my mobile masterlist, so here i is my masterlist if you guys can’t open it for some reason.
Requests are open, so send in yours.
B U C K Y   B A R N E S:
Teardrop x
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: 40'sBucky Barnes is in war and reader misses him, the anxiousness of not know if he’s alive and if he’s going to come back to her.
Rosy Cheeks and breathless kisses x
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky and reader being intimate with one another, showing through gentle touches and breathless words, how much they love each other. - Contains smut. So if you’re underage, don’t read please.
In these bedroom walls x
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader showing making Bucky beg for her touches and love. - Contains smut. So if you’re underage don’t read please.
Thunderstorm eyes x
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky is in a need of a smoke, while thinking of reader. He can’t wait for her to como home to him, so he can kiss her and worshiping her body, the afternoon light wrapping their bodies. - Contains smut. If you’re underage, please don’t read.
Blood red roses x
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Vampire Bucky is mesmerized by the beauty of her. He can’t stop the feelings that starts to surface. Even though he knows he could be a poison to her, he can’t stop his feelings every time he sees her with a rose in her hand. Almost so red as her beautiful lips. - Contains smut, if you’re underage please don’t read.
White sheets & purple kisses x
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky is mersmerized by the reader. When reader gives him a hickey, she’s afraid that she hurted him, making his mind go to the past. Bucky comforts her, showing her how much he loves her purple kisses.
S T E V E   R O G E R S:
The smile that adorned her lips x
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve feels exhausted. The pressure of being always the one who can’t show weakness, is starting to fall apart. But he knows he has her. Always next to him, comforting him.
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capbuckybuchanan · 7 years
The smile that adorned her lips
Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 1927
Warnings: I don’t know, maybe sad crying Steve…
Author’s Note: Hey guys. So I was looking at my old one shots that I’ve wrote for my old blog posts and I found this one. It’s one of my favorite Steve one shots so I decided to repost it. I made a few changes to it, adjusting it to the way I’ve been writing lately so I hope you guys like it. Oh and I’m opening requests again so if you want one, just send one in (read information first please. I have some rules there.)
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(I don’t own the gif. All the rights go to the rightful owners/creators.)
She was curled up on the bed, a bag of popcorn in her lap while she directs her attention to the movie that she was currently watching. Her cheeks were damp from her tears, her eyes wide upon seeing the lead characters romantically kiss in the TV in front of her.
Her hair was tied up messily in a high pony tail, her body covered by one of Steve’s sweaters, a Kleenexes packaging right beside her. It was almost night, the sky showing beautiful colors from orange to pink. She directed her attention to the sky for a few seconds, admiring the peacefulness of it all.
The tower was in almost complete silence, sometimes it was possible to hear Tony talking with F.R.I.D.A.Y. every time he walked through the corridor.
She had been feeling the need to relax for just a bit for days. Being around people all the time and training constantly was tiresome so, today when she finished her training alongside Natasha, she decided that she would just watch a movie and try and relax for the rest of the day.
Cleaning her nose with a pink tissue and sniffling ever so slightly she chewed on another popcorn, entranced by the beautiful romantic scene of one of her favorite movies. She had tried to make Clint watch it one time, but the archer just rolled his eyes and flee from the living room with the excuse that Bruce needed him for something.
While taking a sip of her iced tea, she heard the bedroom’s door opening, Steve emerging and sighing softly to himself, removing his jacket and living it on the back of a chair.
She frowned pausing the movie and waiting for Steve to look at her. She could see that he was tired, he was always like that nowadays. Everyone really. With all the missions they’ve been having, sometimes they would were gone for months, the tower’s only visitors being Pepper and Dr. Cho.
Steve looked at her, giving her a tiny smile and laying himself down on the bed, closing his eyes for some minutes.
“You’re okay there Stevie?” She asked softly, turning her body on the bed and facing him – the bag of popcorn forgotten in the bedside table. Her hand reached for his face, palming it softly, the light stubble beneath her fingers, caressing her skin.
Steve just looked at her, an adoring look on his face.
“I’m just tired sweetheart. That’s all. No need to worry that pretty little had of yours.” Steve murmured, his hands reaching for her and embracing her body, his face nuzzling her neck, while her flowery scent invaded his nostrils calming his mind.
“You’re sure? I would like to say that I know you pretty well Mr. Rogers, so if you don’t to talk about it, we don’t need to. But if you want I’m here to listen and to help the best way I can.” She whispered, kissing his cheek lovingly before resting her head again in the white fluffy pillow.
“I’m just tired doll,” Steve said, his voice a mere whisper while looking at her. Seeing her all relaxed and comfortable in one of his sweaters, fuzzy socks and a messy hair, for Steve she couldn’t be more beautiful than in that moment.
“Did something happened in the gym?” She questioned eyebrows raised in confusion.
“No doll, nothing happened there. It was all good. I’m just so tired of being always the strong one.” He said, closing his eyes, throat dry, “Since I was young, I always thought I needed to do something more with my life. My need to enter the army was not just to prove to others that I could help my country too. That I could protect it. I wanted to prove it to myself that I could do something right. I always had so many health problems. A frail body, the asthma.” Steve murmured, caressing her arms with his fingertips,
“I joined the army and then the serum came and I thought – now nothing will stop me from protecting the ones that need protection. And Bucky was there you know? For some, the way I worry about him may be a little exaggerated, but he was the one always there for me when I was being beaten up in the dark alleys, when I was surrounded with problems, when my parents died. He was always there with me.
Than he fell of that train and I felt alone once again. He was my best friend, my annoying older brother. And then all the problems that emerged from that, me going into the ice and along with that losing Peggy. When I woke up, I thought I had nothing again. In a strange decade, with people that I didn’t know.
I joined the Avenges, a group of people that wanted to save the world just like me. That wanted the people to know that someone was there for them. But sometimes it’s too much pressure in everybody’s shoulders.” A silent tear run down his eye, damping his cheek making her reach for it and whipping it away knowing that he needed to get that out of his chest.
“I try to help everyone the best I can, sometimes I know I can be stubborn. I know I can have a different opinion from other colleague, but at the end of the day, they’re my family. I don’t want to disappoint them when they look at e and search for guidance. I don’t want to disappoint you,” Steve whispered looking at her eyes, seeing her eyes full of tears but for his sake, he knew that she was trying hard not to cry. Caressing her face, Steve kissed her lips softly, making her know it was okay. He had her to ground himself. Like an anchor, that wouldn’t let him sinking the in the darkness of his feelings.
“I try to have always this brave façade all the damn time and it’s consuming me. Because I want to help Bucky restore his mind again and making sure he’s okay. I want to help Sam on the grieving of his friend, showing that it’s not his fault. I want to help Natasha and Wanda, making them see that sometimes it’s okay to show emotions, you don’t have to be strong 24/7.
I want Bruce to accept his Hulk side, making see that he can control himself and be the hero he is. I want Clint to annoy everyone with the countless pictures of his kids and although everyone grumbles about how annoying he’s being but will always have a smile on their faces because they’re just so happy for him. I want Thor to feel that Earth is his home too just like Vision who is always so respectful and tries so hard to understand the human world.
I want Peter to know that he’s a hero with or without his suit. His heart it’s what counts. And I want Tony to stop blaming himself for things sometimes don’t working out like he wants them too. He pressures himself too hard. It’s okay to fail sometimes, it’s okay to show vulnerability. It’s okay to stop with his usual responses – I’m always okay guys, I’m just a playboy rich guys who is funny all the time. He’s more than that. Every one of them are more than that.”
She hold him tight to her, his words being caught in his throat, tears rolling down his cheeks, making her heart ache for him. She wanted to say something. She knew how stressful it must be. Although she worked with them, she didn’t went on missions, but she knew how all of them wanting to help the world. Making it a safe place.
She knew the weight of Steve’s shield that he wore all the time on his back. But sometimes he needed to breathe, be just Steve Rogers, the man who likes to draw on napkins and not Captain America – the Hero, the indestructible soldier everyone knew and loved.
Steve suffered like everyone else. He had experienced loss, pain, rage and fear. Sometimes Steve was the one who forgot that he’s just human like everybody else, a man from Brooklyn who just wanted to save the world alongside his best friend since childhood. The tiny Steve Rogers that faced any bully that he came across. He may be different physically now, but every time she looked at him, she could picture the tiny man that ran across a training field and laid his body on top of a grenade, the courage being the fire that fed his veins and heart.
He was a hero to the world and especially to her. Not because of the physical strength, not because of his height or the way his body was ripped with muscle beneath his smooth skin.
But because of his heart.
“Baby, I know how difficult this must be. I can only imagine. I don’t have the notion of what that pressure can do to someone. But one things is certain: I know how strong you are. And like you said before, it’s okay to show emotions and weakness sometimes.  That only makes you human.
You have a beating heart, you’re not a robot and I’m sure all of our crazy friends know how much they mean to you. They know you have their backs on and off the battlefield. People change, things change, the world is always changing either we like it or not. All we can do is try our best. No one expects you to be always the fierce commander. Even heroes bleed sometime.” She murmured against his lips, kissing him tenderly, feeling his cheeks damp from her words and his emotional stress.
Steve pulled her against him, almost covering her body with his needing her around him. Needing her warmth. Steve’s tears stopped gradually and he looked at her in amazement making her blush, her cheeks a tinge of red. Steve always thought that after Peggy he wouldn’t find someone that could understand him or what he did for a living.
But there she was, that amazing woman, holding him and comforting him every time he needed. He loved her with all he had and he knew that no matter what, she would always be there for him. Guiding him through his fears, sleepiness nights tossing and turning in bed, incapable of resting his mind and body because of nightmares. She was the only one who could erase the pain buried deep in his flesh.
She was there to kiss his tears away, to hold his hand and complain when she wanted him to stay a bit longer in bed, to yell at him when he was being reckless, to smile, laugh and blush at his outdated flirting that would always making her heart flutter. But more importantly she was there to love him.
Didn’t matter if she said it out loud or just by looking at his eyes, while sitting next to him on a winter’s night, curled up on the sofa, munching on chocolate and watching old movies. He knew what she felt for him just by looking at her.
To him, she was the real hero, not him. Because every time Steve looked at her and saw that the smile that she adorned on her lips, was directed at him, Steve could feel that he waited all his life for that moment.
His heart was whole again.
Tags: @psychicwitchphilosopher @papi-chulo-bucky @bovaria @capsbuchanan @anaboo96 @the-avengers-assembling
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capbuckybuchanan · 7 years
40’s Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: None that I can think of.
Word Count: 908
Author’s Note: Other fic from my old tumblr account. 40′s Bucky has my heart.
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(I don’t own the gif. All the rights go to the rightful owners/creators.)
She watched the street through the window, the water droplet’s trickled slowly through the fogged glass while a mug of steaming tea was between her hands warming her.
With a sigh, the young woman leaned her body in the chair, her long hair tied at the top of her head, leaving the skin of her neck in sight.
She felt her chest hurt, fear controlling her veins. When she would lay at night in her cold bed, dreams surrounded her mind about him. His crystal and seductive blue eyes sometimes told her more that words, the charming and cheerful smile that adorned his crimson full lips.
If she closed her eyes in that moment she could hear his hoarse voice calling her name fondly whenever he came home, his sergeant’s hat in his hands as she looked at him with a smile walking toward him, wiping her hands in a dishcloth, the smell of dinner running through the air.
She could feel his soft and warm hands on her skin pulling her to him, giving her a kiss on the forehead while she breathed in his perfume clouding her thoughts.
But she would wake up later in the wooden bed the blankets around her body warming her when it used to be him who warmed her on the winter nights.
Taking a sip of her hot tea she looked at the wooden table near the window, the radio in a music station making it a background noise distracting her from the letter she had already read several times in that month.
Picking up the sheet of paper already dented by her curious fingers the young woman eyed the beautiful calligraphy, black ink occupying the little space the piece of paper had. She knew almost every word but it was the last words at the end of the sheet that made her heart shatter with the fear of not seeing him again.
I love you.
Taking a deep breath she stood up her tired body from the chair grabbing the mug and placing It on the counter of the kitchen and washing it right after.
She knew the risks she would go through by letting herself fall in love with him. Sergeant Bucky Barnes was hard to miss in the city but for some reason Bucky chose her to love.
She tried to resist his charms, she tried to forget how his voice pronounced her name with delicacy, as if he were admiring a rose about to be harvested.
Or the way he slid his fingers through her hair whenever she hugged him or even when she would wake up in the night afraid of the thunder that made a deafening noise to her ears.
Walking through the house her dress swayed whenever she moved, it was Bucky’s favorite and she had that dress when she had meet him in a coffee shop.
She could remember how rosy and warm her cheeks were when Bucky smiled at her for the first time and how he held her hand gently while his lips placed a small kiss on her skin.
Opening the door to her room, Bucky’s perfume involved her making her eyes fill with tears that wanted to roll down her face.
Removing her shoes and leaving them scattered on the floor the young woman lay in bed hugging Bucky’s pillow to her chest closing her eyes hoping to find him in her dreams once again. And as she fell asleep, she didn’t hear a car parking outside her house door five hours later, Bucky emerging of it with his bag on his shoulder while his blue eyes eagerly searched for her in the brief evening breeze.
Bucky walked quickly opening the house door, his hair wet from the rain. Leaving his bag on the floor, Bucky turned on the hall light and gently opened the door to the bedroom seeing her lying in bed hugging his pillow, her hair covering her delicate face. Smiling softly Bucky entered the room, closing the door behind him and removing his uniform as quickly as possible he lay down beside her, hugging her warm body to him. Inhaling the scent of her, Bucky removed her hair out of her face and admiring her.
He had missed her when he was away. He tried to send her the most letters he could and he dreamed with her every time he would fall asleep. Seeing her now in his arms made him breathe properly, the relief of her being okay calming him.
The young woman moved her body, her eyes fluttering open while her breath stopped when she saw those eyes.
She thought she was dreaming again but she could feel his hot breath on her lips making her shiver.
“Bucky?” She said, her fingers caressing his jaw while his blue eyes looked at her lovingly.
“I’m here my love. Sleep, you look tired. I’ll be here in when you wake up. I’ll be here always.” Bucky murmured kissing her soft lips, pulling her closer to him and covering their bodies with the thick duvet.
She nuzzled her head on his neck and while she was once again falling asleep, now in Bucky’s arms, she murmured how much she loved him and how she would always wait for him to come home.
Because when he was away, he was always with her.
Even in her dreams.
Tagging: @psychicwitchphilosopher ; @bovaria ; @capsbuchanan ; @papi-chulo-bucky
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hellomissmabel · 6 years
Et coronam florum (III)
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Pairings: Forest spirit!Bucky x wicca!reader
Warnings: Death.
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: Every spring, the forest spirits come to collect three gifts. These gifts allow the spirits to restore a part of your soul from a past life. But Y/N doesn’t believe in this tradition anymore and one year, the spirits take her with them into the forest.
A/N: I have the flu but managed to post it :) Written for @bithors
Series masterlist can be found here
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After you’ve closed your eyes, you open them again in the meadow near to the royal castle. You’d expected Bucky to bring your sleeping body to the edge of the forest, but he has been so kind as to take you as far as your new home on the other end of the realm. A blush rises to your cheeks with a warm feeling as you think about it.
When you’re welcomed back at the palace, a worried prince awaits you in your bedroom. He is happy to see you again and wraps you up in his arms, kissing you chastely. “I was worried I’d have to cancel the wedding because you wanted to stay in the forest,” he jokes with a soft smile and another tender peck to the lips. You don’t have the heart to tell him the truth.
As another year flies by, you grow accustomed to your life as a princess and you realise you’ve suddenly got more than three things to be grateful for. For instance your husband Steve, who will make a fine ruler one day and a great father in less than nine months. You have your friends and your brother, who is now also living in the castle.
The people of the realm love you and they understand how important the work you do is. In the past year, you’ve successfully re-introduced the forest to them. The flowers around the forest are thriving and after a heavy storm flooded most of the land surrounding the magical forest, you and the people of your realm worked together into restoring the nature of your kingdom. Something your mother would be very proud of.
So when spring comes around again, you’re the first in line to see Bucky and the other forest spirits again. You’re impatient because you have no idea how he’ll react, but you’re also proud as you’ve now got three gifts with you whereas in the past two years you only had one. Steve senses your excitement yet believes it’s for a different reason. He still doesn’t know that your heart will always yearn for the existence of a forest spirit and the man you’ve come to desire so secretly.
Darkness falls over the entrance of the forest and you immediately feel there’s something wrong. Firstly, all the spirits should’ve been here by now to collect the gifts and give their blessings. Secondly and more importantly, this side of the forest is a long way removed from the darker areas of the woods. This type of darkness is unfamiliar and frankly, dangerous.
You tell everyone to go home and return tomorrow, as obviously the spirits won’t make it today. The people oblige and don’t question your decision, as they know that as a wicca you’re connected to the forest in more ways than they can understand. When it’s just you and Steve and some of the royal guards, you move towards the entrance of the forest. Very carefully, you call upon the spirits with a soft enchantment, Steve chiming in once he catches on to your idea.
Your singing voice grows silent once you hear mumbling coming from nearby rose bushes, a bit further down into the forest but not too far removed so you can’t call it trespassing yet. Asking Steve to stay back and watch out for any spirits, good or bad, that wish to tell you off, you venture closer to the whimpers. It is then that you see the rose bush has no thorns and all the roses are in fact a vivid blood red.
Next to the rose bush is the forest spirit, Bucky, his beautiful left arm wounded as it bleeds and the blood inspires the colour of the roses. The forest doesn’t let his life force go to waste and uses his blood to create more roses all around his body.
“Bucky,” you gasp as you crouch down next to him, cradling his half-conscious body in your arms. “What happened?”
He can barely speak, his lips moving slowly as quiet whispers leave his mouth. “Some of the spirits turned against the forest. They’ve witnessed some of the horrors in the other realms, men invading villages, killing children and raping women and young girls. They don’t believe anymore in the good of the people and started to refuse gifts until eventually the rebellion grew and they started attacking humans too.”
“I tried to stop them from burning down your realm as well. I succeeded in driving them away but they knew where to strike me. Y/N, I can feel the forest accepting my sacrifice. I don’t have long, Y/N.”
Carding his hair away from his eyes, you attempt a few spells and herbal remedies with nearby plants in order to save his life, but they’re all in vain as he is right, the forest has already begun harvesting his magical abilities. His time has come.
“I have served this forest for a century, Y/N. I am one hundred years old. It is time for me to go.” His eyes plead with you, to let him go, to let him die. “But I will never leave you. I will be yours forever.” He releases a deep yet shaky breath and points to the roses. “You fill find me in every rose. You will feel me in every flower that grows here.”
“Bucky… Tell me what to do. I don’t want to leave you here,” you beg with the spirit, pressing your lips to his forehead as you cry soft tears.
He shakes his head and coughs, his face contorting in pain. “You don’t have to do anything.” After taking your hand in his, Bucky’s blue eyes turn a dark green as he completes the transformation. It takes you a while before you figure out what he’s doing. He is restoring your soul, fully restoring your soul.
“They have destroyed the Tree of the past. Us spirits had to absorb the energy of the leaves, it’s the only way we could save your people. I am restoring your soul and you will be a very powerful wicca now. Your child will be a very powerful wicca too.”
You rest your fingers on his lips and ask him to stop talking as it only causes him more discomfort. You want him to go peacefully. “Thank you.” Your eyes are sad yet your lips curl into a small smile. “I love you.”
He does not say it back but you know he does too. “Y/N, in your past life… you and I did meet. I was still human and you were the daughter of a hunter. I saved his life when a stag almost killed him. In return he offered me your hand but I declined.”
“Why?,” you ask confused, surprised by all this new information.
“Because I wanted you to choose for yourself.”
And with these final words, Bucky’s life force leaves him and cascades into the field of flowers that his blood has created, growing all around you now.
Wiping away the tears, you drop Bucky hand gently onto the flowerbed, his body slowly being covered by roses without thorns. In the distance, you can hear Steve calling out for you as he enters the forest as well. He immediately knows once he lays eyes on your tear-swollen cheeks and he sits down next to you while you both watch Bucky’s body truly become one with the forest.
Nine months later you welcome a baby girl into your family. Her name is Rose, after the roses without thorns that now grow all over the kingdom. Three years later, you give birth to a baby boy and decide to name him Bucky. When they are old enough to remember things well into adulthood, you take them to the place where Bucky’s body still rests. The flowers are always there, always blooming, and every year on the anniversary of his death, you lay a flower crown down onto his grave.
You’ve ventured further into the forest, with the permission of the spirits who are aware of your connection to Bucky and respect you, a wicca of great power and poise. Together with Steve, you eventually open the forest to all the people, learning them to appreciate the beauty of nature and the essence of giving and taking. When you give to the forest, the forest gives back to you. When you take from the forest, the forest takes from you. In the end, nature always has the final vote.
Bucky’s memory forever lives on in your children and the work you have done for the realm. Your children grow up to be loving and caring wiccas, and upon your death you as well as your husband Steve both join the council of forest spirits where you are reunited with Bucky’s soul.
 Tag list: @melconnor2007 @learisa @mrshopkirk @dont-speak-just-read @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @lovemarvelousfics @pleasantdreamqueen @petersunderroos @palaiasaurus64 @ssweet-empowerment @lovemarvelousfics @rrwilson66 @reniescarlett  @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @barnes-heaven  @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival  @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven  @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @a-little-hell-to-raise @knittingknerdy  @milkywaybarnes @hymnofthevalkyrie  @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @howlingbarnes  @themcuhasruinedme @persephonesinferno @honey-bee-holly  @delicatecapnerd @tomhollandzs  @aletheladyinred @xbergiex @capbuckybuchanan @pegasusdragontiger   @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @sophiealiice @sarahmatthews7 @lumelgy @kudosia @moonbeambucky @suz-123 @breezy1415 @always-an-evans-addict @thefanficfaerie @4theluvofall @curvybihufflepuff @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @holomasque @pineapplebooboo @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508 @supernaturaldean67 @cant-decide-at-this-moment @mehrmonga @specs15 @kanupps06 @daisiesandbooks101 @sarahgracej @jasurahe13 @nerdyandproud9 @geeksareunique @jesspfly @badassbaker @whenallsaidanddone @ailynalonso15 @thebookisbtr @animechick725  @true-queen-of-mischief @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @ugh-supersoldiers @california-grown @dreamer7black @flopmalum
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
Men of the moon (2/3)
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Pairings: Vampire!Bucky x reader, Vampire!Steve x reader
Warnings: SPOILERS! Murder (kind of bloody)
Word count: 1k
Summary: Vampire diaries AU with Bucky as Damon, Steve as Stefan, Clint as Matt, Y/N as Elena, Sharon as Caroline, Wanda as Bonnie, Pietro as Jeremy but he’s Bonnie’s brother not Elena’s in this AU, Natasha as Vicki, aunt May as Elena’s aunt Jenna, Tony as Alaric, Sam as Tyler.
A/N: Please note that this is an AU and does not follow the original story of TVD. It will however contain a couple spoilers so be aware before you read! Written for @heartmade-writingbucky!
Series masterlist can be found here
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You’re sitting in the Mystic Grill, your diary in front of you and your pen on your lips as your eyes are glued to the back of a handsome stranger. He’s flirting with the girl behind the bar, a redhead whose name is Natasha. She’s Clint’s sister and drop dead gorgeous, a tattoo of a spider on the top of her breast included to add to her femme fatale allure.
You have no idea why you’re so interested in knowing what’s being said, but you just can’t focus on writing anything down as long as his voice keeps penetrating your ears. “When does your shift finish?,” he queries in a sultry tone. “Maybe I can buy you a drink after?”
Yet Bucky is painstakingly aware that you’re more than just a little curious about him, turning up the volume of his voice because he wants you to eavesdrop. “C’mon, Nattie, baby,” the brunet pleads as he licks his lips, “You’re not gonna leave me thirsty are you?”
Just as you’re rolling your eyes at the innuendo in his words, Steve taps your shoulder and presses a chaste kiss to your cheek. “Hi, Y/N.”
“Hi,” you reply with a sweet smile, “Where have you been? I thought we agreed to meet up an hour ago?”
“Yessssss…,” Steve answers as he draws out the ‘s’ while fishing out the corsage he’s been hiding in his jacket. “But I had to pick this up first.”
“Steve!” You squeak his name excitedly, admiring the corsage as he hands it to you with a smug smile. “I thought you’d forgotten!”
He shakes his head and claps the hand that’s holding the corsage with his strong hands, the rough skin complimented by the soft approach of his gesture. “Of course not. I love you and I know how much prom means to you.”
The lines around his eyes crinkle up when he smiles back at you. “I love you, Steve.” He’s about to say it back when another man comes up to where you two are seated and interrupts your moment of affection and tenderness.
“Hey there, Stevie, fancy seeing you here.” Bucky’s blue eyes bore into Steve’s as he sits down next to Y/N and extends his hand by means of introduction. “I’m Bucky, Steve’s half-brother.”
You give him your most gratuitous smile, pretending not to fawn over his good looks, while shooting Steve a dirty glance from the corner of your eye. “Steve never told me he had a half-brother.”
“Yeah, Steven here was adopted and he never really talks about it, ain’t that right?,” Bucky coos as he wets his lips, eyeing you from head to toe.
Bucky then continues to make some small talk, partly to spite Steve but mostly to find out more about Y/N. Now he is truly understands what has drawn Steven back to Mystic Falls. At first he thought it was his pursuit after Peggy’s descendants that brought him back to this godforsaken town, but after gazing only once in Y/N’s direction, he was hooked as well.
She is everything that was good about Peggy, without the filthy sting of Peggy’s other side.
A high-pitched scream resounds harshly in the ears of all the patrons in the Mystic Grill and instantly claims the attention of Steve. Locking eyes with Bucky and judging from his wicked grin, Steve immediately realises Bucky’s mischievous nature is to blame for the recent uproot.
Launching from his seat, he tells you to stay here and asks Bucky to keep an eye on you, fairly certain that Bucky wouldn’t try anything on Y/N as she is the spitting image of Peggy and he, too, might need some time to figure out why exactly just like Steve.
“Now tell me, Y/N, how long have you and Steve been together?”
“About a year now,” you reply earnestly while glancing over your shoulder over and over again to see what all the fuss is about. Your eyes fly over to the bar and you notice the redhead behind the bar has been replaced by a guy. So that’s why Bucky is so interested in you all of a sudden.
“Are you sure we haven’t met before?” His tone is casual but you can sense his impatience, fingertips tapping on the table.
“Yeah, I think I would’ve remembered.” Another look over your shoulder when more people grow curious and rush to the back. “I mean – you certainly don’t blend in.”
“I’m flattered, doll, but that’s not what I meant. What I mean is, do you remember that today, exactly one year ago, you and I ran into each other? You were on your way from the Miss Mystic Falls pageant, in that big blue dress of yours. You were tipsy and lost a shoe along the way. How very Cinderella of you.”
Your eyebrows knit together as you search your mind for an explanation, but it only aggravates matters as Bucky rolls his eyes at your ignorance. “I – I don’t think that ever happened. I’m sorry, you must have me confused with someone else.”
With a cocky smirk, he finishes his drink in one go. “No, it was definitely you. I’d recognise that pair of eyes anywhere. But more importantly, we kissed.”
“Excuse me?,” you blurt out in a hushed whisper, leaning in so only he can hear you. “What the fuck?”
“It was before you met Steve. I actually met you first.” He grins at the memory and the disbelief you attempt to swallow as it feeds the storm in your eyes and consumes you with self-doubt. “Like I said, you were tipsy and needed some help finding your shoe. I merely  helped.”
You begin to hesitate even more, stuttering and stammering softly. “I’m sorry, really, I am, but you must be mistaken.”
But then the conversation takes an unexpected turn. As you’re about to get up from your seat and go and see for yourself what’s taking Steve so long, you’re nailed to the spot as you lock eyes with Bucky. It’s as if your entire system has been paralyzed – no, hypnotised. All you can focus on is the movement of Bucky’s lips as he whispers under his breath, that casual smirk tugging on the corners of his lips.
“Hold on a minute, Y/N,” he tells you all too sweetly as his pupils dilate and your eyes mimic his. “When Steve comes back, he’ll probably ask what we talked about. So you’re going to forget what I just said and act normal. You’re going to tell him we had a little chat about…”
His eyes are glued to the corsage in your lap and he chuckles sourly, a new plan forming in his mind. “About prom.”
Steve gets to the alley behind the grill and lays eyes on the dead body of Natasha, the girl behind the bar that’s been serving Bucky drinks all night. Her shift ended about an hour ago yet as it’s always busy at the grill, nobody noticed that she followed someone outside through the back door for a sneaky make-out session. Little did she know it would be her last.
He is convinced this is Bucky’s work, but he will never be able to prove it even if he wishes to do so. Bucky knows how to cover up his tracks, the bite marks in her neck untraceable as Bucky slashed her throat after he fed on her. The sheriff, Sharon’s mother, has also arrived at the scene and she walks straight to Steve, asking him if he’s seen or heard anything unusual while he was inside the Grill.
In order to protect himself, he has to protect Bucky too, so he lies smoothly to the sheriff that everybody loved Natasha and nobody would ever dream of hurting her. Yes, she had her boyfriends and yes, there were a couple men flirting with her while she was on the job, but no-one capable enough of doing this to her.
After giving his statement to the sheriff, he storms back inside the grill only to find you laughing at something Bucky’s said, his arm slung casually around the seat you’re sitting in. Breathing out deeply, Steve takes a couple long strides towards the brunet and sits back down gently, keeping a straight face as he delivers the news.
Tag list: @melconnor2007 @learisa @mrshopkirk @dont-speak-just-read @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @lovemarvelousfics @pleasantdreamqueen @petersunderroos @movingonto-betterthings @palaiasaurus64 @ssweet-empowerment @lovemarvelousfics @rrwilson66 @petersunderroos  @reniescarlett  @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @barnes-heaven  @that-sokovian-bastard @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival  @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven  @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @a-little-hell-to-raise @knittingknerdy  @winterboobaer @hymnofthevalkyrie  @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @howlingbarnes  @themcuhasruinedme @persephonesinferno @hollycornish   @delicatecapnerd @tomhollandzs  @aletheladyinred @xbergiex @promarvelfangirl @capbuckybuchanan @pegasusdragontiger @salty-holographic-stickers  @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @autijahnerd13s-blahg @sophiealiice @sarahmatthews7 @lumelgy @kudosia @daringtodreamawake @moonbeambucky @suz-123 @breezy1415 @always-an-evans-addict @yourtropegirl @4theluvofall @curvybihufflepuff @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @pineapplebooboo @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508 @supernaturaldean67@cant-decide-at-this-moment @mehrmonga @specs15 @kanupps06 @imnotinsanehunny @sarahgracej @jasurahe13 @nerdyandproud9 @geeksareunique @jesspfly @badassbaker @whenallsaidanddone @ailynalonso15 @thebookisbtr @animechick725 @wheneggsymetbucky @true-queen-of-mischief @debzybrazy
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
The Duchess epilogue
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Pairing: Bucky x reader, Steve x reader
Warnings: Mentions of poisoning someone, mentions of someone dying in childbirth (it’s not what you think, trust me, it’s a very brief mention). There’s some murder plotting too.
Word count: 1k
Summary: The Duchess of Manhattan likes her men regal. Y/N Stark grew up loving the king, but when the tables turn and the lovers are torn apart, she aims her arrows at the second in line for the throne.
Series masterlist can be found here
A/N: Written for my bae @caplansteverogers
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Her cell was damp and moist, an icy wind blowing through the dungeons even though there are hardly any windows at all. She was kneeling on the ground, dragging her nails across the hard stone of the ground, drawing blood. Natasha’s confinement had driven her mad and you almost felt sorry for her. Almost.
“What do you want, Y/N,” she snaps at you without looking up to meet your eyes. Barely anyone visits her anymore these days, except you. It’s become a monthly tradition to pay a visit to the fallen Duchess and it’s purely out of sadistic tendencies. You love to see her rot away.
“It’s Queen Y/N now,” you correct her in a sickly sweet tone, nodding at the guard to give you a minute of privacy. Running your hand softly over your swollen belly, you step on one of her hands. She yelps in pain and eventually locks eyes with you. They are red-rimmed and as dark as night, reflecting the even darker soul underneath the flesh and bone.
“It’s a boy.” Perhaps you’re rubbing it in too much, perhaps you are pushing boundaries here. Perhaps this makes you a terrible person. But you were never one to shy away from victory even if it meant getting your hands dirty.
“Now, I’ve come here to tell you this will be my last visit. I’ve been begging Bucky to execute you, hand you in front of all the people, but he wants to grant you the dignity of a death of your own choice. So I would like to advise you to choose wisely.”
“I will not let you hang me,” her hoarse voice cuts through the glee of your words. “I want to die in my own house. I want to take poison, lay down in my own bed, surrounded by friends and family, and fall asleep while waiting for the end.”
Pursing your lips in a conceited smile, you kick her with the tip of your shoe so the falls backwards and hits her head against the wall. “You will not.” For a minute you believe she is going to cry, the way she is clasping the palm of her hand on the injury her fall has created and shuts her eyes closed. “I will let you die by poison, but not like that. I will have someone slip some in your food or your drink. Yes, that I’ll do.”
Throwing a quick glance in the direction of the guard, you make sure nobody is listening in. “I will have someone slip something in your food or drink. You will never know and you will never suspect a thing. It might be tomorrow, or it could also be next month, next year, or in ten years.”
“You evil woman,” Natasha growls back at you. “Bucky will know it was you when something happens to me!”
Shrugging innocently, you decide to take that chance. “He might or might not know it was me. But he will never say anything about it. He loves me. He loves our unborn child. He has always loved me and he has lost me before. He doesn’t want to loose me again, trust me.”
You nod at the guard and he opens the door to the cell, leaving enough room for you to slip past and walk back to your quarters, not even giving Natasha the time of day anymore after that final look in your eyes declared the war between you two to be over. You have won the prize, you are queen now.
After the incarceration of the Duchess Natasha Romanova of Queens, who later had been stripped of her title, King James Barnes married the Duchess Y/N Y/L/N of Manhattan, Staten Island and the Bronx. They had four children, from eldest to youngest, the Duke of Manhattan, the Duchess of Staten Island, the Duchess of the Bronx and finally the Duke of Queens.
Natasha died in her cell from starvation, after having taken Y/N’s threats to heart and refusing any and all meals that were offered to her in fear of being poisoned by the new queen’s order. The Duke of Brooklyn, Steven Grant Rogers, in an attempt to change her mind, unwillingly called Y/N’s wrath upon himself. So when Steve Rogers, per King Bucky’s request, moved away from court in order to keep the peace, he fell in love with a young maiden of no noble birth and left his title behind.
The Queen outlived her King, who died of old age, for many years and saw her children marry into various royal families all over the world. She ruled the country of New York until her firstborn was old enough to take over the reign, and during those years she reached out to her brother-in-law to make amends. His wife had died during childbirth and he was living with his beloved daughter on his farm.
Steve and Y/N’s romance rekindled and she fulfilled her promise to make Steve King of New York when they married shortly after their reconciliation. She died surrounded by her children and their spouses, her grand-children and her most intimate circle friends, her second husband Steve holding her hand.
Her legacy still lives on to this day.
Tag list: @melconnor2007 @learisa @mrshopkirk @dont-speak-just-read @buckyappreciationsociety @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @lovemarvelousfics @pleasantdreamqueen @petersunderroos @movingonto-betterthings @palaiasaurus64 @ssweet-empowerment @lovemarvelousfics @rrwilson66 @petersunderroos  @reniescarlett   @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @barnes-heaven  @that-sokovian-bastard @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival  @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven  @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @a-little-hell-to-raise @knittingknerdy  @winterboobaer @hymnofthevalkyrie  @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @howlingbarnes  @themcuhasruinedme @buchananbarnestrash @hollycornish   @delicatecapnerd @tomhollandzs  @aletheladyinred @xbergiex @promarvelfangirl @capbuckybuchanan @pegasusdragontiger @salty-holographic-stickers  @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @autijahnerd13s-blahg @sophiealiice @sarahmatthews7 @lumelgy @kudosia @daringtodreamawake @moonbeambucky @suz-123 @breezy1415 @always-an-evans-addict @thegreentgirl @yourtropegirl @4theluvofall @curvybihufflepuff @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @pineapplebooboo @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508 @supernaturaldean67@cant-decide-at-this-moment @mehrmonga @specs15 @kanupps06 @imnotinsanehunny @sarahgracej @jasura @nerdyandproud9 @geeksareunique @jesspfly @badassbaker @whenallsaidanddone @ailynalonso15 @thebookisbtr @animechick725 @wheneggsymetbucky @bxckybxarnesstar @true-queen-of-mischief @debzybrazy
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
The Duchess II/III
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Pairing: Bucky x reader ; Steve x reader
Warnings: Talk of murder.
Word count: 1k
Summary: The Duchess of Manhattan likes her men regal. Y/N Stark grew up loving the king, but when the tables turn and the lovers are torn apart, she aims her arrows at the second in line for the throne.
Series masterlist can be found here
A/N: Written for my bae @caplansteverogers
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Taken aback by your question, Steve starts swallowing in the words as he stutters aa half-hearted answer. “I – euhm… I do want to – No, I can’t… Wait, I don’t – I… I do want to be king but… I am only the bastard son.”
You want to roll your eyes at Steve’s innocence and frankly also his ignorance, but you bite your tongue and throw some seduction into the conversation. “But what if I could make you king, Steve?”
“You can’t make me king, Y/N, stop saying such nonsense.” Steve waves away your words, but he can’t dismiss the proximity of your body, how close you are standing to him and the way your pupils dilate as you’re looking at him with those long, sultry eyelashes.
“I can make you king, Steve,” you repeat with a sweet twang to your voice. “My father abdicated a king and made King George the new king. How do you think he became the Duke of Manhattan in the first place.”
The blond squints his eyes at you in disbelief, so you try to paint an even clearer picture. “My father wasn’t a nobleman when he came to court. He was a peasant with ambition and noticed how George stood in the shadow of his brother, the king, and resented it. He took advantage of his resentment and plotted to get his brother dethroned. And I am my father’s daughter, so trust me when I tell you I can make you king.”
Steve wants nothing more than to be king with you by his side as his queen, but this is not the time nor the place to discuss such matters. “Keep your voice down, Y/N. There are eyes and ears everywhere.”
She nods and I expect her to drop it and just return to the party, which she almost does. But as she’s walking away she changes her mind, spinning around on the heels of her feet and strutting back towards me. Y/N then taps on my shoulder and stands on her tiptoes, coming eye to eye with the blond.
“Marry me, Steve. I’ll give you anything you want,” you promise him with a small heart, throwing all your cards on the table. “I’ll go to bed with your every night, I’ll sleep with you as often as you wish. I will give you a family, a big family, with lots of kids just like you’ve always wanted.”
Swiftly dancing around Steve, you brush away a stray blond hair behind his ear. “We can get married first thing tomorrow morning. If I call reverent Fury now, he’ll gladly wed us. Then we can assemble the council in the afternoon to get Bucky dethroned. Together we have more land and more influence than Bucky and the Duchess of Queens. Nobody loves the Duchess of Queens, but they do all love you.”
No matter how convincing you may sound, Steve doesn’t fall for your sugary schemes. “I’m sorry, Y/N, but I will not marry you for ambition. I will marry you for love and nothing else.”
It’s a bitter pill to swallow, hearing your exact words fall from Steve’s lips. Scoffing softly, you pull the necklace Bucky gave you from your neck and place it in Steve’s hand. “I’m not Bucky’s anymore, if that’s what you’re worried about. He’s over and done. I’m ready for someone new.”
You can see the doubt behind those blue eyes swallow him. Almost, he’s almost there, he just needs another push. “I don’t want Natasha to be queen. I will not bow for that woman.”
“Neither will I,” Steve mumbles under his breath, giving you something in common. “But I still won’t marry you.”
“Then help me kill the future queen.”
Steve covers your mouth with his hand, his gaze an unspoken death sentence. “Not another word,” he hisses sharply, his tongue sliding like a knife through the air pulled taut. “How on earth are you going to pull that off?”
“She can’t have children,” you snap back at Steve, yanking yourself free from the hand over his mouth. “She lied to the council, Steve. They can have her head for it!”
“And how do you propose we inform the council?,” Steve taunts you with an ever harder voice than before, cutting through bone and marrow.
You purse your lips with a devilish grin. “We don’t. We leave it to Bucky to find out.” Squeezing his hand, you fish something out of your purse. It’s a small pocket watch that used to belong to your father, which you modified to your own personal taste along with a recording device. “I will confront her.”
The Duke scoffs with a doubtful look in his eyes. “You’ll never succeed, doll. You’ll be executed for high treason and when that happens, I won’t be there to save your ass.”
“Look Steve, there are only two ways this can go. Either he knocks me up first and then grows tired of me, casting me aside for a younger mistress and Natasha sends someone to kill me. Or he knocks me up and separates from Natasha because a divorce is not possible. She’ll grow jealous of me and my children. Either way, I will end up dead.”
Spinning a curl of your hair around your finger, you give Steve a naughty grin. Wind blows like a low whistle, a storm brewing in the distance. “I shall be queen even if I have to finish Natasha with my bare hands. It’s your decision if you want in on the ride or not.”
Tag list: @melconnor2007 @learisa @mrshopkirk @dont-speak-just-read @buckyappreciationsociety @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @lovemarvelousfics @pleasantdreamqueen @petersunderroos @movingonto-betterthings @palaiasaurus64 @ssweet-empowerment @lovemarvelousfics @rrwilson66 @petersunderroos  @reniescarlett   @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @barnes-heaven  @that-sokovian-bastard @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival  @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven  @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @a-little-hell-to-raise @knittingknerdy  @winterboobaer @hymnofthevalkyrie  @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @howlingbarnes  @themcuhasruinedme @buchananbarnestrash @hollycornish   @delicatecapnerd @tomhollandzs  @aletheladyinred @xbergiex @promarvelfangirl @capbuckybuchanan @pegasusdragontiger @salty-holographic-stickers  @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @autijahnerd13s-blahg @sophiealiice @sarahmatthews7 @lumelgy @kudosia @daringtodreamawake @moonbeambucky @suz-123 @breezy1415 @always-an-evans-addict @thegreentgirl @yourtropegirl @4theluvofall @curvybihufflepuff @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @pineapplebooboo @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508 @supernaturaldean67@cant-decide-at-this-moment @mehrmonga @specs15 @kanupps06 @imnotinsanehunny @sarahgracej @jasura @nerdyandproud9 @geeksareunique @jesspfly @badassbaker @whenallsaidanddone @ailynalonso15 @thebookisbtr @animechick725 @wheneggsymetbucky @bxckybxarnesstar
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
Vino o Gelato Epilogue
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AO3 account
Pairing: Steve x reader
Warnings: The reader grew up believing someone else was her father. Her real father had been sent away by his family. Pepper being a bitch.
Word count: 1.232
Summary: Y/N travels to Italy in search of her biological father. As she’s looking for a place to stay, she walks into the small artisanal gelateria where Steve works. He helps her get in touch with her father and introduces her to his friends. But is Y/N really ready to meet her father? Or is there another reason why she should stay in Italy?
A/N: Written for @yourtropegirl
Series masterlist can be found here
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“You sure about this?,” your mother asks you softly as she smooths over the collar of your jacket. Bruce picks up your two suitcases and tells your mother it’s time to get moving to the counter for check-in.
“Yes, mom,” you assure her as you sling your backpack over your shoulder. “C’mon, they’ll start boarding soon and it takes a while until I’m at the gate.”
It’s been six months since you’ve last flown. After the heart-breaking confrontation with Pepper, you didn’t hesitate to book the first flight back to New York. At that point, you didn’t take into account the repercussions this would have for both Tony and Steve, something you regretted deeply afterwards.
Tony tried to change your mind, calling you up and begging you to come back to the villa. Pepper had left the house shortly after you’d run out and he hadn’t seen her since, expecting to receive the divorce papers soon.
Steve, on the other hand, respected your choice and after an hour of complete honesty about your feelings and where you wanted this relationship to go, he even helped you book the ticket. After spending the night together in intimacy, he drove you back to the airport in his navy blue cinque-cento. You left with the promise of Skyping him as soon as you got home.
It was difficult, maintaining a healthy long-distance relationship and of course there were a lot of bumps in the road. You often felt like a broken bottle of wine, until the next time he’d make an unexpected phone call and you’d feel as fresh as a scoop of artisanal gelato.
After checking in your luggage and scanning your boarding pass, you’re all set to go to the gates. “This is where I leave you,” you sigh sadly, hugging your mother tightly as Bruce presses a chaste kiss to your temple. “Promise me you’ll visit us in Italy. I really want you to meet Steve. And not just Steve, but also the rest of the expat squad, their surrogate mother May and of course my half-brother Peter.”
“Of course we’ll visit you, honey,” your mother replies with tears in her eyes. “Just as long as you promise to pay a visit to New York, too.” And with that final promise, you bid goodbye to your two loves ones as you’re on your way to two other loved ones.
The entire flight you’re a nervous wreck, going over the pics in your phone that Steve sent you shortly before departure. For example, there’s a photograph of the Vespa Tony bought you in anticipation of your arrival, one of the entire family of internationals at one of their Friday dinners, and the new double bed, closet and couch Steve got for the two of you since his room at May’s B&B is one of the largest and holds enough space for both of you. It’s not an ideal solution, but it’ll work for now while you’re scanning your surroundings for an apartment.
The very moment the plane’s wheels connect with the asphalt of the runway below, your entire body is on high alert. You’re one of the first passengers to get off and you sprint towards the baggage claim, retrieving your luggage as soon as you spot it. Fortunately for your tired feet, the airport is relatively small and you can easily find your way towards the main hall where you know Stevie will be waiting for you.
He’s holding up a sign that says “Gorgeous American girlfriend from New York”, putting it up high in the air so it’s the first thing your eyes notice after fighting your way through the thick crowd.
“Steve!,” you yell as you rush into his arms, leaving your bags unattended and collapsing onto the floor, all your attention drawn like a magnet towards him. Embracing your waist as tightly as possible, he lifts you up in the air and twirls you around as his pure voice filled with laughter and happiness resonates against the airport walls.
“I’ve missed you so much,” you murmur in between kisses as you pepper his face with affectionate little pecks. Steve puts you back down on both your feet and drops the sign so he can kiss you properly, connecting your lips in a tender, slow kiss.
A deep male voice coughs softly and reluctantly you break away for air. There’s your father, standing just a few inches away from you and Steve. “What about your old man, hm? Did you miss him, too?,” he chuckles as he opens his arms for you to fold into.
Releasing Steve from your doting kisses, you jump from one set of arms into another as you embrace your father lovingly. Nestling your head in the nape of Tony’s neck, you inhale deeply the familiar scent of smoky oak and fresh musk. Finally reunited.
With Tony’s arm slung over your shoulders and Steve holding your hand, you leave the airport and head straight for a new beginning. It’s take some time to adjust, but you’re confident in the choice you’ve made. It’s hard leaving your life as a New Yorker behind, but it’s not an impulsive choice.
Impulsivity came 6 months ago when you left Italy head over heels, not even allowing yourself some room to breathe and collect your thoughts after you’ve been blatantly accused by Pepper. Even though Tony offered to talk about it and work through their issues, even suggested couple therapy, him and his now ex-wife will never be able to be in the same room again. Fortunately, Tony has the vineyard to keep his mind off Pepper, and with you by his side he feels like he can conquer the world despite all the hardship he’s been through.
Steve and Tony are friends as well and recently he decided to involve Steve some more in the family business. He’s still got his job at the ice cream shop where it all started, and his job as a tour guide at the local tourist centre. But every now and then, especially during the harvest, he helps out at the vineyard. Just like you had planned, you moved in with Steve as soon as you set foot on Italian soil, although it was much to Tony’s disappointment who had hoped you’d stay with him at the villa.
Nevertheless, Tony finds a lot of support in his son, Peter, and you and Peter are as thick as thieves now. They both regularly pop by at the B&B to say hi to May, something Tony never did because he respected Pepper’s wishes to not involve May in their marriage. But now Pepper’s out of the picture, Tony has realised that those old feelings he once harboured for May, hadn’t really disappeared after all. They continue to enjoy joint custody of their son and maybe, in the near future, they’ll find their way back to one another.
Now you’re working together with Bucky and Tony at the vineyard, making a name for yourself while simultaneously strengthening your relationship with your father and half-brother. Business is going very well and this presents you with the opportunity to discover the world as you attend and compete at various tasting competitions. You’re finally able to live the life you actually enjoy living, and at the end of the day, Steve will always be waiting for you at home.
Tagging: @avengerofyourheart @a-little-hell-to-raise @marvelingatthewonder @mrshopkirk @hardcorehippos @knittingknerdy @winterboobaer @italwaysendsinafightt @viollettes @hymnofthevalkyrie @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @austinamelio @volklana @4theluvofall @themcuhasruinedme @theoneandonlysaucymo @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @emilyevanston @minervaem @howlingbarnes @buchananbarnestrash @youandb @you-and-bucky @fvckingsteverogers @thatawkwardtinyperson @barnes-heaven @that-sokovian-bastard @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @mellifluous-melodramas @its-not-a-phase-hux @melconnor2007 @ivvitm1109 @toofuckinfabulous @ailynalonso15 @hollycornish @delicatecapnerd @camigt1999 @learisa @curlyexpat @palaiasaurus64 @fanndas-snow-goddess @crisssivonne @yourenotrogers @tomhollandzs @supernaturaldean65 @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @aletheladyinred @beyondbarnes @xbergiex @reniescarlett @promarvelfangirl @capbuckybuchanan @lovemarvelousfics @yknott81 @rrwilson66 @pegasusdragontiger @salty-holographic-stickers @sammyissassy @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @kudosia @bellejeunefillesansmerci @lumelgy @mizzzpink @southernbellestatues @daringtodreamawake @neurotic-narwhal @cokamarie24 @blue1928 @movingonto-betterthings @breezy1415 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @jesspfly @weenie-butt @debzybrazy @fuckingchaotic  @always-an-evans-addict @petersunderroos  @thegreentgirl @nedthegay
Series tag list: @incoherent-smiles @phiauniverse @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @mo320 @suz-123 @wildestdreamsrps @lexicon411 @katemcgraw @youpocketwitch @3dsaunt @void-imaginations @mylittlefandomfanfictions @anotherotter @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @redroomproperty @mirachowder
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