writers-potion · 6 months
Can you please share some words to use instead of "Look", I really struggle with that, it's always "She looked at him in shock" or "He looked at her with a smile". I know there's "Gazed" and "Glanced" but I wanted some advice to use "Look" less
Words To Use Instead of "Look"
Words Closest in Meaning (w diff connotations!):
get an eyeful
give the eye
size up
size up
check out
Other (more fancy) words:
zero in
take stock of
poke into
have a gander
keeping watch
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choccy-milky · 29 days
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seb's 2 modes around clora 🥰👿
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theliteraryarchitect · 4 months
Remember, writers: There's no rush. Take an hour to write a hundred words. Ponder the perfect sentence for days and days. Peer closely into your character's heart, watching with reverence as they sip their morning coffee or step into a pair of sturdy leather boots. They have a long journey ahead, and so do you. And you both have all the time in the world to get there.
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bonchobrick · 1 year
DCxDP Fic where the Batfam gets an item/ability which allows them for just that day, to temporarily be able to what someone best accomplishment(s) were in their lives. Little do they know Danny has just settled into their city (and that they were about to get the shock of their lives)
At first the Batfam decides to have fun with it--theres not much titles can do to help them with cases unless theyre particularly lucky. So they take a walk together in disguises to observe the passerbyers, curious of what civillains of gotham have done in their lives.
One gruff guy who grumbles shoving Bruce's shoulder as he walks by has the title 'KITTY SAVIOR' adorned above him and the batfam are greeted by the knowledge he had saved a cat from getting hit by a car
A kid in his pteens whose been shoving pamphlets into peoples hands has 'ADVERTISEMENT SUPERSTAR' above his head as he apparently managed to save his family's resturant with his intense marketing prowess (remind Bruce to try hiring him in the future.)
And lastly they faux browse a store trying to scope out someone else interesting and are greeted by the title... 'OPENER OF PICKLE JAR' and they decide to head home as Jason nearly crying trying to muffle his laughter.
At the manor they all cant help but agree, walking has made them hungry, and theres no harm ordering a pizza or two. It's been a long, mildly interesting day, though they weren't expecting much from thing ability.
Imagine their surprise when they open the door to see a black haired blue eyed child, pizza boxes in one hand, the other hand out awaiting a drop of money–completely missing the fact the title 'DEFEATED THE MAD KING WHO HAS TORMENTED THE AFTERLIFE FOR EONS' was placed innocently above his head
"Your total is 23.11!" The fucking 'Ghost King' kid (APPARENTLY) cheerily states????
"Uh," Bruce says blankly staring at this kid's title as his mouth blurts out, "Could you give us a second?"
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comment-day · 14 days
Commenting on Fanfic Themes
Remember when you were in literature class and your teacher was droning on and on and ON about themes, but the only thing you could think of is-
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Understandable! Especially when you weren't interested in the book or short story (I'm looking at you "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin).
And if you had a teacher that sucked? Yeah, can completely see why you would snore through the whole explanation of why themes are important. I certainly did!
But at the heart of it, themes are such an important part of all writing! Even fanfic! It's basically just asking yourself the question "What was the story trying to say?" or "What was the point?"
And every story has them, even Fanfic. And you will find that pointing them out often helps you convey to the author what you loved about the fanfic.
Reading a story about a lonely kid getting a dedicated group of found family? Maybe a theme of that is how blood isn't the only kind of family. Or that loneliness is only temporary. Or that the world gets better.
Reading a story where two men who loathe each other fall head over heels in love? Maybe the story was saying that first impressions aren't everything. Or that people change for the ones they love. Or that you can't let pride get in the way of being vulnerable.
So, here is a very simple format for how you can comment on the theme of a story, without having to write a five paragraph high school essay!
"I noticed the theme of _______ throughout this story. When Character did _______ it really highlighted the theme of ________ and I thought it was a really nice touch."
Let me show you an example.
"I noticed the theme of loneliness throughout this story. When Tommy was in a room full of people at the big party, yet was thinking about how he couldn't connect to them, it really highlighted the theme of loneliness and I thought it was a really nice touch."
Congrats! You have now commented on a theme of the fanfic! And I can guarantee it made the author's day. It's really that simple.
"But wait, what if that wasn't a theme the author intended and I just look dumb!" My friend, high school cannot hurt you here. You will not be graded on picking out the correct themes from a piece of fanfic. You aren't trying to be the smartest person in the room and make up groundbreaking theses about Shakespeare, you are just picking out what you loved. You are just saying how the story spoke to you! There is no right or wrong answer. Not even the author's intent can change the way it made you feel.
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moonhibs · 1 year
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Au where Julian is a child of divorce
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novlr · 1 year
“I can fix a bad page. I can’t fix a blank page.” Nora Roberts
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tsunael · 4 months
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wolcred week |  1. 'the first.'
They all knew it was coming. Either their brightest star would claim the last of the Light, or the Light would claim her.
What were they to do but careen to their inevitable deaths? He had sacrificed one lamb for another, and now a third was to be laid upon the butcher's block. How many must die so that another might live?
He would not forget the sight of the woman before him, holding her outstretched hands aloft as the curtain of Light parted one last time to reveal the night sky in all her glory. Menphina smiled down in a smirk of a crescent for their efforts, and just as she had appeared, was the curtain drawn once again.
He didn’t need an aetherometer to see that Tsuna was suffused– the aether was thick, cloying enough to be seen. The ewer of her body failed to contain it, finally splitting at the seams for a means of escape.
Their ascian friend dealt the final blow. The Exarch, in his well-meaning duplicity, left for dead. And then Tsuna slumped to the ground, just as lifeless.
He ought to be angry– furious– for Urianger’s joint deception, for his own empty hands, or for the cards Sister Fate had dealt them time and time again, but the queer feeling roiling within him was not one of anger, but of fear. He stood there, powerless, shaking to his core whilst the twins rushed to Tsuna’s aid alongside Ryne.
Even Minfilia could not wholly extinguish the Light– she could only freeze it in time– and as Ryne sank to her knees beside the supine woman in hopes of doing the same, he could only watch in abject horror.
“Give her room,” he barked, though the twins were undeserving of his ire as he approached. They still took a collective step back.
Brilliant white blood readily trickled from Tsuna’s nose, and by way of her laboured breathing it was evident that she was being torn apart by a force of which a layman could not hope to see. Something within Tsuna was stirring, whether it was brought about by her own will, or by Ryne’s suppression, he couldn’t know.
It began first in her hands as they twitched and grasped for purchase, then her spine as it coiled. Her eyes snapped open, hungry and searching, as she lunged for the Oracle’s throat in hopes of supping upon the wellspring.
Thancred fell to his knees, wrestling the woman onto her back as an inhuman screech tore from her throat. “Don't stop!”  he cried out, harsh with concerted effort. There was an unnatural strength burgeoning within her tiny frame that even as a man grown he struggled to contend with, and if Ryne did not finish the ritual, it would swallow them whole.
Ryne was shaken, but nothing if not determined. The power flowed through her once more, and Tsuna’s struggles came to a head. She thrashed upon the ground against his weight, spitting blood, and gnashing teeth. She would bite her tongue if it kept up-- he could barely hold her steady long enough for Ryne to work in her magicks. 
“In our lifetime, please!” 
"I'm trying!" "Ryne made a frustrated growl of effort as a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek. The very aether about them seemed to compress, tangible enough that even he could feel it become leaden as it coalesced.
Tsuna cried out one last time, waning to a whine as she pushed wildly against his arms, seizing. Her legs writhed as if a sudden, great pain knifed through her. And then all was silent. 
Ryne immediately flagged, catching herself on the marble. Her power had all but been exhausted whilst he held the aftermath limp in his arms. Y’shtola and Urianger had begun to crowd about, to inquire, to plan, to move, but all he could do was hold the small woman in his arms, and pray to the Twelve, unseen, that the Light did not break through once again whilst their last bastion was too weak to hold.
“Ryne,” he called, softly, intently. Apology was writ together in his tone. “Are you all right?”
She nodded, though he knew she waned, looking close to tears from it all.
He swallowed thickly, realising he shared in the sentiment. 
Adjusting Tsuna’s body in his arms, he felt just how cold she had grown. They needed a chirurgeon's assistance, and to get off this Godsforsaken rock, but more than that they needed a miracle. His hands would not stop trembling.
“Ryne, you know that I would not deign to ask a favour of you.” He breathed for a long moment, hanging his head low in penance. “Gods–” He swore. “You have to help her. I– We can’t lose her to this.”
Ryne stared back at him, having caught her breath, eyes wide, and glassy. She was searching him for something he couldn't know.
She opened her mouth, before aborting the question. Finally, she pursed her lips, looking uneasy in a way that only managed to make him feel worse. 
“I’ll do what I can,” she whispered, and he had no choice but to believe.
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impyssadobsessions · 7 months
Characterization Post
There is so much discourse about characters being ooc. So Here's my guide IF it BOTHERS you. 1. Write. Write about the character. Reasoning why they wanna do what they wanna do. Write the stories you wanna see. 2. Actually look up how their respective fandoms see them. Ask someone to gush about them to you. That's how I learned more about Tim Drake. (Tumblr was actually my source for all of the bats, i recommend tumblr and social media a lot for this) 3. Find the piece of media that appeals to you. Whether that's the source material for the character, or some youtube video of someone analyzing the character. Whether its a video game or a comic book. Just find one that interests you. ITS okay not know every obscure lore, but knowing a basic backstory and personality traits can help a lot.
4. Enjoy the character. Whether its one you're suppose to hate or not. Enjoy writing them. Have fun with their character. 5. Understand fandom. There will always be someone that will disagree how you portray a character or there will be a story that portrays them in a way it makes you cringe. And that's okay. Its up to you whether you agree with the commenter or not. And its up to you as a reader whether to continue or not. Its okay not to like something. And its okay to like something the majority doesn't. But Also know when we try to stamp out things we don't like- it stamps out the potential for things we do like. 6. Experiment. uwub
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writers-potion · 6 months
I’ve seen your kiss scene and fight scene vocab posts and was wondering if you could do one about some things characters may do when they are nervous, or there is awkward tension — not necessarily romantic but just awkward.
Nervous Tension Vocab
Physical Reactions
have sweat beading/breaking out on one's forehead
have one's heart in one's mouth (or throat)
have one's heart pounding (or pulse racing)
butterflies in one's stomach
hand feeling clammy
knees bouncing
pacing back and forth
tearing up due to embarassment (wanting to cry)
Shift their weight from one foot to the other
Sway slightly where they are standing
Fidget with their hair, clothes, nails, or something they’re holding
Glance around the room or refuse to make eye contact with someone
Chew on their lips or nails
Hum quietly to themself
Tap their fingers on their arm, the wall, or a table
Wrap their arms around themself
Cross their arms or legs while seated
Pick at their lips or cover their mouth
Rub their own neck or shoulder
Sigh often
Sit with their knees up near their chest, or lay in the fetal position
Look stiff and uncomfortable
Check over their shoulder often, or glance around the room
Cough or clear their throat often
A pounding heartbeat, or the feeling that their heartbeat is in their head
Accelerated or heavy breathing
A tingling sensation in their fingers, hands, or legs
A rush of energy (which would suddenly leave them afterward, making them even more tired than usual)
Tightened muscles
strung up
be at your wit's ends
be bricking it
be ill at ease
be on pins and needles
be under the gun
get in a sweat
have all the cares of the world on your shoulders
have kittens
like a cat on a hot tin roof
sweat bullets
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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troythecatfish · 10 months
( Well Written ) dystopian worlds are NOT actually attempting to predict the future, They are a critiques of the present.
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the---hermit · 5 months
I have not kept it a secret that this semester commuting has been really rough on me. By the time I get home in the middle of the afternoon even if I only had to sit in a hour and a half lecture I feel like an overcooked noodle. And the mornings aren't any easier, my anxiety has been spiking a lot lately, and that messes me up completly, and it's particularly hard on my stomach. Let's just say it's a very demanding period of my life both physically and emotionally and I have been doing my best to get through it with ups and downs, but most importantly by trying to properly take care of myself. I decided to compile a list of small things that have been helping me, both for future reference as well as for people who might be dealing with similar issues.
Prep everything I can the night before. I don't leave the house until more or less mid morning since my class is on lunch time more or less (and this will come up again), so I do have time to do stuff in the morning, but if I have already put everything I need in my backpack, picked an outfit for the day and checked that I have my bus ticket the night before I can have a much calmer morning. Having a calm morning is fundamental for me on any day, so especially when I have a stressful and energy demanding day ahead I want to make sure I don't have to rush, and here is my second point.
Try to have a morning as calm as possible before I have to leave. I am a morning person so I wake up quite early which means I have plenty of time to take it easy. And this means drink my tea as I read my book, prep the last few things I need, like my waterbottle, eat (on which I'll have a later point). Overall my morning before leaving needs to be slow and mostly made of things for myself so again my precious reading time, listening tocmusic as I get ready to get in a better mood and so on.
Taking my meds regularly. It's the logical thing to do, if I am in a period in which my anxiety is worse than usual the number one goal is to be consistent with meds, they are there to help me even if sometimes I forget that.
Finding ways to enjoy food when anxiety fucks up my stomach. What happens is that as soon as I have an anxiety spike for some reason I get very nauseous, which is terribly by itself and it gets worse when it makes me struggle to enjoy my food. But I found a couple of ways to work around that in the past few weeks. Eating when I am away from home is much worse so what I do is embrace the little hobbit in me and have more meals when I am at home, and just bring some snacks on the road if I need them. That means I have two breakfasts before I have to leave the house, the last being a bit more filling. And then when I get home no matter how tired I am or what time it is I cook something for myself, something simple, but I take the time to make something good that fills me up and makes me happy. Because having a full stomach does improve your mood belove me. When I am on the road I bring some lighter snacks that can help me if I feel like I need to have something but that will also work well if I have a spike in anxiety and correlated nausea. I usually eat some homemade bread while I walk from the bus stop to my uni, and then snack on some nuts while I wait for the lecture. And I always have an emergency sweet treat in my backpack because that is something that I actually do on a regular basis. This thing has been working very well, I have had less problems with my stomach acting up, and I am definitely getting all the nutrients I need during the day, just at times that are a bit different from my normal routine.
Bring tea with me. It's something I never did before but it's becoming the one thing I won't give up. I either make a green tea or an herbal tea that I drink before the lecture, and it's been so good for me both physically and mentally. It's been super cold so the warm treat is really needed, but most importantly it's been very comforting and calming, so shutout to my dad for suggesting that.
Having little things to look out for during the commute. This mostly consists of me listing to podcasts, and re:dracula has been of great company in my commutes last year so it's nice it's become a bit of a tradition. It's just good for me not to associate commuting with negative things, so now I just percieve it as poscast time which makes it much much better. This also includes texing friends when I feel like I can look at the screen of my phone without getting car sick (again when anxiety messes me up I can get random car sickness), that's good to keep my mind off things and make the commute feel lighter.
Total relax when I get home. Which sometimes means lying in bed with a cup of tea and nothing more. If I have enough brain power I might read a comic, or play stupid midless games on my tablet for a bit. Honestly just things that need as little energy and brainpower as possible because by that time I do not have much energy or brainpower left, and it's okay. I normally use up a lot of energy when going out and it this period of time all tasks require I use even more energy. I can't do much about it other than accept it and do my best to tke care of myself.
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daffi-990 · 6 months
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday ✍️
Tagged by @diazsdimples @giddyupbuck and @wikiangela. Thank you lovelies mwah 😘
Have a little something from LA Lonely -> this is after the fun and orgasms of Buck and Eddie’s hook up. Still don’t know if I’m going to go full spice 🌶️ or just do a quick little run down of things.
Prev snippet & mood board here
Buck expects him to start pulling his clothes on and to give him the whole “this was fun, but I gotta bounce” speel, but Eddie surprises him by climbing back into bed and nudging Buck to roll onto his side so Eddie can scoot up behind him and hold him.
Buck freezes for a moment because no one does this. They have their fun and then they leave. They don’t stay and they definitely don’t cuddle.
Eddie must feel him go tense because his hold loosens and he moves as if he’s about to pull away. “Is this okay?”
Buck grabs at the arms that are wrapped around him, stopping Eddie’s descent. “Y-yeah. It’s-it’s okay.” He pulls at Eddie’s arms and the man settles back behind him, burrowing his face into the juncture where Buck’s neck meets his shoulder as he shuffles closer.
Soft kisses are pressed into his skin and Buck is helpless but to relax back into Eddie, letting the comfort and warmth of whatever is happening wrap around him.
“Stay?” He whispers, not sure if Eddie can hear him but not being brave enough to say it any louder. He feels like he’s asking too much.
A kiss behind his ear. “Okay.”
No pressure tagging: @hippolotamus @puppyboybuckley @exhuastedpigeon @spotsandsocks @devirnis @wikiangela @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie @mellaithwen @nmcggg @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @bekkachaos @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @rewritetheending @rainbow-nerdss @captain-hen @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @glorious-spoon @fortheloveofbuddie @fiona-fififi @disasterbuckdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @theotherbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings @tizniz @athenagranted @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @spagheddiediaz @sunshinediaz and as always, anyone else who wants to share something -> consider this your tag ☺️
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fallstaticexit · 19 days
Hello hello hello! I have a question. You've posted the first half of The Art of Being Seen in a quick succession, and I've noticed that these are /long/ scenes that you're working with with A+ editing. I was wondering, were many of these scenes already completed before you posted them onto tumblr? 🤔If so, how did you manage to hold back from previewing them? I feel my biggest problem as a story teller is that I rush to get the content out due to my excitement.
Hey hey hey ✨ I have to lock myself into a cage and toss the key across the room 😭😭😭
No seriously, the short answer is yes! I’ll have the next two to three parts already completed by the time I post the first. At least for this story.
I think I’ve done a good job since I started storytelling with not spoiling my own story or rushing through it (even though I really really want to all the time) bc I know the pay off will be better appreciated in the long run. I also want to quickly get content out which is why I work on my stories all the time.
The best way for me to work on my story is that I never really shoot scenes in order. I always take care of the big ones first or the main focus of the update first and I’ll fill in the smaller parts later on. I’m also always a day or two head of when I post vs working on them in real time. So let’s say I’ll post part one on Monday morning , Monday night im already working on part three or four because I started working on part one last Thursday and part two last Sunday. That makes sense? 😭
I also do very little editing which allows me to post quickly! It’s mostly gshade pulling the heavy lifting. I use alot of in game objects to help with scenes that maybe someone would edit in photoshop. Here’s a sneak peek of such a scene where I used these lights bc I don’t have the skills atm to create in PS.
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I also owe my heart and soul to builders who create breathtaking lots, because if I had to make even a third of the builds I used I’d post once a year. I’m an awful builder, so downloading the lots I need cuts time between post down soooo much.
TL DR: a firm talk with myself to behave and be patient and have a fairly decent posting schedule that’s ahead of when I actually release them into the wild. 😭🥹
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anexperimentallife · 9 months
There are two main types of fiction-writing advice:
1. The "rules" that are mostly only intended to be followed to the letter while you're learning your craft, and to serve as a safe starting point.
2. Fashion. No, really, a lot of writing advice comes down to what is currently in style. Example: Right now, the most fashionable POV is tight third person (although first person is also widely accepted).
Mastering the rules and current fashions and writing within them at first will help you hone your chops to the point at which you will have the expertise to know when and how to intentionally break the rules or go against fashion for your desired effect--and you WILL break some rules eventually.
It's like learning to cook, though; you might start off following a recipe to the letter, but eventually you develop the insight to know exactly how adding that extra bit of cumin is going to affect the end result. Or like learning guitar--before you can shred like Hendrix, you've got to learn basic chords and fingering.
(Wrote this up because I know a lot of my followers are fledgling writers who dream if being published, and who get a lot of advice pushed at them.)
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moonandris · 6 months
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