#writing this paper on autism in public libraries and I read a line in a study that mentioned
artificial-condition · 10 months
Oh my god I’ve been so wrapped up in looking at the small subtle ableism that is present in our world that I forgot that violent, loud, and boldly cruel ableism exists
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elisehboyleblogs · 5 years
Prompts for creative writing enjoy a trendiness nowadays, especially on blogs that offer ever-expanding lists (Prompt #452: The color blue -Write about something blue!). While there’s definitely some value in these lists, it’s an approach to prompts that aligns with the idea of “giving a person a fish” – or in some cases hundreds of fish at a time. In this article we’ll explore another approach: “Teaching a person to fish,” as the old adage advises, so that you can create your own prompts for a lifetime of creative writing.
How to Create Your Own Writing Prompts
(Not 365, not 700+, but an infinite number of writing prompts)
This approach to creative writing prompts works by asking the aspiring author to engage with their environment and imagination. It takes practice (like becoming a successful fisherman also does), but once you learn how it works and make it part of your writing life, the dividends pay off over and over again.
Tumblr media
A combination of prompt lists and self-prompts can help you write a better book.
By category, with additional tools for self-prompting
Fiction writing prompts
Create a fictional explanation for a current event
Imagine another (secret) side of a former president
Describe the journey of a young boy/girl from Europe to America in the 19th Century
Self-prompt: The best fiction comes from truth. Think about a true story. What about it can be fictionalized? Maybe ALL of it! What characters and details in the true story inspire wonder in you. Feel it and write it.
Creative writing prompts for adults
Unusual dynamics in a romantic relationship
The effects of varying amounts of alcohol on a household
How parenthood/grandparenthood changes people
Self-prompt: Presumably you are an adult. Do you always feel like one?Act like one? Why or why not? Think and feel about what it means to be an adult. Freedom? Responsibility? Ask other adults. Write it all down.
Science fiction writing prompts
What if aliens lived among us?
What would the ideal spaceship for humans be like?
What if pollution created a new species of mutant “Bigfoot” creatures?
Self-prompt: Do you own a telescope or binoculars? Take a closer look at the world around you. You can even do this without any equipment. Meditate on the millions of stars and planets in the universe. What thoughts come to mind? Where do your feelings lead you? What fictional ideas resonate with you? Write it all down.
Creative nonfiction writing prompts
Write about a true story in reverse chronological order
Tell a true story as seen through several people’s perspectives
Add a vivid dream sequence to a biographical story
Self-prompt: Think of a true story that fascinates you. In what way(s) could you write it to make the telling equally fascinating? Let your imagination run wild.
Realistic fiction writing prompts
What if our election system completely failed?
How would a priest or pastor deal with his/her own disease of alcoholism?
What would it be like for a boxer if he never won a professional bout?
Self-prompt: In the previous prompts, you’ll notice that conflict is essential to a good story. How can your fiction writing elucidate a real conflict in the world today? The conflict(s) can be major or minor; it’s HOW you write about them that matters. Put your deepest thoughts and feelings about fictional (and real) conflicts down on paper.
Historical fiction writing prompts
What if one of the framers of the Constitution had been a communist?
What if Julius Caesar had not been assassinated?
What if President Lincoln visited ghosts at a cemetery? (By the way, in the mid-2010s, author George Saunders wrote an acclaimed book of historical fiction on exactly that. The book is Lincoln in the Bardo.)
Self-prompt: Generally speaking, great writers are great readers. Writers historical fiction, as a rule, should know their history. Books on historical events and figures are readily available at any public library, as are copies of historical films. Travel, reading, and movies make for excellent prompts in this genre.
Tumblr media
Most great writers are/were avid readers. Don’t skimp on this important element of good book-writing.
Fiction writing prompts for adults
Raising children diagnosed on the autism spectrum
Your first foray into entrepreneurship
A relationship that just keeps getting better and better
Self-prompt: What makes the adult writer different from the youth writer? Adult writers seek writing prompts that are not for children for the same reason they can trust themselves with self-prompting: greater life experience. Use your experience in your writing. Want more prompting than that? Go out and gain MORE experiences.
Weird writing prompts
Net-fishing the high seas for canned tuna
A day in the life of Tiny Tim
The land of talking backwards
Self-prompt: This category of prompts puzzled me a bit when I first encountered it. Do we REALLY need prompts for WEIRD? In THIS world?? Just look out your window! Take a walk on ANY street in America! Well, of course I’m partially joking here, but the point I want to make is that, as writers – as artists – we don’t need prompts for EVERYTHING. Weird is everywhere. We only have to open our eyes, ears, minds… and notebooks.
Inspirational writing prompts
Your earliest memory of your family’s faith
How could Dr. Martin Luther King’s philosophies benefit us today?
Moments of everyday grace
Self-prompt: One might look at this prompt category and think, “Well, isn’t this really searching for inspiration to write about inspiration?” In a way, yes, but is that such a bad thing? I think of the humble person of faith who wants to serve but perhaps doesn’t know exactly how to do it. Whether a kindhearted person is looking for creative writing prompts on line or self-prompting by searching the soul or talking with a faith leader, the virtue of their search can be admired.
Book writing prompts
An issue in your life that has been unresolved for a long time
Settings and characters from a vivid dream
Thoughts and feelings on a person you have long admired
Self-prompt: Though the idea of writing a book might seem daunting, your choices in taking the first step – as you see above – are nearly endless. Stephen King goes so far as to suggest deciding on what your book is about when you begin your second draft. So where you start, or what prompts you to start, is not as important as where your writing takes you.
Tumblr media
Your personal experiences are of utmost importance in writing a great book. Share them generously, in your own way, and always be open for more.
Book prompts for writing
A history book to inspire historical fiction
Works of Charles Dickens to inspire young adult (YA) fiction
A book of the Bible to prompt inspirational writing
Self-prompt: Looking for writing prompts for a book? Look no further than… a book! Some of the best writing prompts for books can be found in existing books. Going a step further, books in public domain offer stories, characters, and concepts you can use in your own work – all free of charge!
Video Transcript:
Hello to all aspiring authors and entrepreneurs out there. I’m Robert Nahas, Founder and CEO of Writer Services. Today we examine the popular practice of using creative writing prompts to generate ideas. The concept behind prompts is that writers who want to practice their craft every day will inevitably run out of ideas on what to write about. In this video, we won’t go into the pros and cons of writing every day, but I will take you through two distinct approaches to prompts for creative writing.
First is the process you might have seen online, where somebody makes a list of scenarios, characters, places, or even primary colors, and the writer is then supposed to practice their daily writing using one or more of those ideas, or prompts.
The second is a more organic approach. One where the writer takes a little time and effort to create their own prompts. This might involve taking a pen and paper and going outdoors for an hour; visiting the local coffee shop and discreetly observing your surroundings: the cafe workers and other patrons as they come and go. Even just picking up and going into a different room in your home can really get your ideas flowing. It’s about changing your environment and really EXPERIENCING things in the world, instead of just on a computer with a list of prompts that someone thought up for you. Experience life and let yourself really THINK and FEEL. Write down your experiences, thoughts, and feelings. The world itself is out there waiting to prompt you in unexpected and wonderful ways.
And as always, I’d love to hear your comments and questions, so please take a moment to leave a reply below. You might also enjoy subscribing to our RSS feed, so you’ll be alerted as soon as our articles and videos are posted each week. Thanks for watching. I’m Robert Nahas. See you again soon.
The post CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS appeared first on Writer Services.
CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS published first on https://writerservicesblogs.blogspot.com
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writerservicesblogs · 5 years
Prompts for creative writing enjoy a trendiness nowadays, especially on blogs that offer ever-expanding lists (Prompt #452: The color blue -Write about something blue!). While there’s definitely some value in these lists, it’s an approach to prompts that aligns with the idea of “giving a person a fish” – or in some cases hundreds of fish at a time. In this article we’ll explore another approach: “Teaching a person to fish,” as the old adage advises, so that you can create your own prompts for a lifetime of creative writing.
How to Create Your Own Writing Prompts
(Not 365, not 700+, but an infinite number of writing prompts)
This approach to creative writing prompts works by asking the aspiring author to engage with their environment and imagination. It takes practice (like becoming a successful fisherman also does), but once you learn how it works and make it part of your writing life, the dividends pay off over and over again.
Tumblr media
A combination of prompt lists and self-prompts can help you write a better book.
By category, with additional tools for self-prompting
Fiction writing prompts
Create a fictional explanation for a current event
Imagine another (secret) side of a former president
Describe the journey of a young boy/girl from Europe to America in the 19th Century
Self-prompt: The best fiction comes from truth. Think about a true story. What about it can be fictionalized? Maybe ALL of it! What characters and details in the true story inspire wonder in you. Feel it and write it.
Creative writing prompts for adults
Unusual dynamics in a romantic relationship
The effects of varying amounts of alcohol on a household
How parenthood/grandparenthood changes people
Self-prompt: Presumably you are an adult. Do you always feel like one?Act like one? Why or why not? Think and feel about what it means to be an adult. Freedom? Responsibility? Ask other adults. Write it all down.
Science fiction writing prompts
What if aliens lived among us?
What would the ideal spaceship for humans be like?
What if pollution created a new species of mutant “Bigfoot” creatures?
Self-prompt: Do you own a telescope or binoculars? Take a closer look at the world around you. You can even do this without any equipment. Meditate on the millions of stars and planets in the universe. What thoughts come to mind? Where do your feelings lead you? What fictional ideas resonate with you? Write it all down.
Creative nonfiction writing prompts
Write about a true story in reverse chronological order
Tell a true story as seen through several people’s perspectives
Add a vivid dream sequence to a biographical story
Self-prompt: Think of a true story that fascinates you. In what way(s) could you write it to make the telling equally fascinating? Let your imagination run wild.
Realistic fiction writing prompts
What if our election system completely failed?
How would a priest or pastor deal with his/her own disease of alcoholism?
What would it be like for a boxer if he never won a professional bout?
Self-prompt: In the previous prompts, you’ll notice that conflict is essential to a good story. How can your fiction writing elucidate a real conflict in the world today? The conflict(s) can be major or minor; it’s HOW you write about them that matters. Put your deepest thoughts and feelings about fictional (and real) conflicts down on paper.
Historical fiction writing prompts
What if one of the framers of the Constitution had been a communist?
What if Julius Caesar had not been assassinated?
What if President Lincoln visited ghosts at a cemetery? (By the way, in the mid-2010s, author George Saunders wrote an acclaimed book of historical fiction on exactly that. The book is Lincoln in the Bardo.)
Self-prompt: Generally speaking, great writers are great readers. Writers historical fiction, as a rule, should know their history. Books on historical events and figures are readily available at any public library, as are copies of historical films. Travel, reading, and movies make for excellent prompts in this genre.
Tumblr media
Most great writers are/were avid readers. Don’t skimp on this important element of good book-writing.
Fiction writing prompts for adults
Raising children diagnosed on the autism spectrum
Your first foray into entrepreneurship
A relationship that just keeps getting better and better
Self-prompt: What makes the adult writer different from the youth writer? Adult writers seek writing prompts that are not for children for the same reason they can trust themselves with self-prompting: greater life experience. Use your experience in your writing. Want more prompting than that? Go out and gain MORE experiences.
Weird writing prompts
Net-fishing the high seas for canned tuna
A day in the life of Tiny Tim
The land of talking backwards
Self-prompt: This category of prompts puzzled me a bit when I first encountered it. Do we REALLY need prompts for WEIRD? In THIS world?? Just look out your window! Take a walk on ANY street in America! Well, of course I’m partially joking here, but the point I want to make is that, as writers – as artists – we don’t need prompts for EVERYTHING. Weird is everywhere. We only have to open our eyes, ears, minds… and notebooks.
Inspirational writing prompts
Your earliest memory of your family’s faith
How could Dr. Martin Luther King’s philosophies benefit us today?
Moments of everyday grace
Self-prompt: One might look at this prompt category and think, “Well, isn’t this really searching for inspiration to write about inspiration?” In a way, yes, but is that such a bad thing? I think of the humble person of faith who wants to serve but perhaps doesn’t know exactly how to do it. Whether a kindhearted person is looking for creative writing prompts on line or self-prompting by searching the soul or talking with a faith leader, the virtue of their search can be admired.
Book writing prompts
An issue in your life that has been unresolved for a long time
Settings and characters from a vivid dream
Thoughts and feelings on a person you have long admired
Self-prompt: Though the idea of writing a book might seem daunting, your choices in taking the first step – as you see above – are nearly endless. Stephen King goes so far as to suggest deciding on what your book is about when you begin your second draft. So where you start, or what prompts you to start, is not as important as where your writing takes you.
Tumblr media
Your personal experiences are of utmost importance in writing a great book. Share them generously, in your own way, and always be open for more.
Book prompts for writing
A history book to inspire historical fiction
Works of Charles Dickens to inspire young adult (YA) fiction
A book of the Bible to prompt inspirational writing
Self-prompt: Looking for writing prompts for a book? Look no further than… a book! Some of the best writing prompts for books can be found in existing books. Going a step further, books in public domain offer stories, characters, and concepts you can use in your own work – all free of charge!
Video Transcript:
Hello to all aspiring authors and entrepreneurs out there. I’m Robert Nahas, Founder and CEO of Writer Services. Today we examine the popular practice of using creative writing prompts to generate ideas. The concept behind prompts is that writers who want to practice their craft every day will inevitably run out of ideas on what to write about. In this video, we won’t go into the pros and cons of writing every day, but I will take you through two distinct approaches to prompts for creative writing.
First is the process you might have seen online, where somebody makes a list of scenarios, characters, places, or even primary colors, and the writer is then supposed to practice their daily writing using one or more of those ideas, or prompts.
The second is a more organic approach. One where the writer takes a little time and effort to create their own prompts. This might involve taking a pen and paper and going outdoors for an hour; visiting the local coffee shop and discreetly observing your surroundings: the cafe workers and other patrons as they come and go. Even just picking up and going into a different room in your home can really get your ideas flowing. It’s about changing your environment and really EXPERIENCING things in the world, instead of just on a computer with a list of prompts that someone thought up for you. Experience life and let yourself really THINK and FEEL. Write down your experiences, thoughts, and feelings. The world itself is out there waiting to prompt you in unexpected and wonderful ways.
And as always, I’d love to hear your comments and questions, so please take a moment to leave a reply below. You might also enjoy subscribing to our RSS feed, so you’ll be alerted as soon as our articles and videos are posted each week. Thanks for watching. I’m Robert Nahas. See you again soon.
The post CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS appeared first on Writer Services.
0 notes
richardkhaynes · 5 years
Prompts for creative writing enjoy a trendiness nowadays, especially on blogs that offer ever-expanding lists (Prompt #452: The color blue -Write about something blue!). While there’s definitely some value in these lists, it’s an approach to prompts that aligns with the idea of “giving a person a fish” – or in some cases hundreds of fish at a time. In this article we’ll explore another approach: “Teaching a person to fish,” as the old adage advises, so that you can create your own prompts for a lifetime of creative writing.
How to Create Your Own Writing Prompts
(Not 365, not 700+, but an infinite number of writing prompts)
This approach to creative writing prompts works by asking the aspiring author to engage with their environment and imagination. It takes practice (like becoming a successful fisherman also does), but once you learn how it works and make it part of your writing life, the dividends pay off over and over again.
Tumblr media
A combination of prompt lists and self-prompts can help you write a better book.
By category, with additional tools for self-prompting
Fiction writing prompts
Create a fictional explanation for a current event
Imagine another (secret) side of a former president
Describe the journey of a young boy/girl from Europe to America in the 19th Century
Self-prompt: The best fiction comes from truth. Think about a true story. What about it can be fictionalized? Maybe ALL of it! What characters and details in the true story inspire wonder in you. Feel it and write it.
Creative writing prompts for adults
Unusual dynamics in a romantic relationship
The effects of varying amounts of alcohol on a household
How parenthood/grandparenthood changes people
Self-prompt: Presumably you are an adult. Do you always feel like one?Act like one? Why or why not? Think and feel about what it means to be an adult. Freedom? Responsibility? Ask other adults. Write it all down.
Science fiction writing prompts
What if aliens lived among us?
What would the ideal spaceship for humans be like?
What if pollution created a new species of mutant “Bigfoot” creatures?
Self-prompt: Do you own a telescope or binoculars? Take a closer look at the world around you. You can even do this without any equipment. Meditate on the millions of stars and planets in the universe. What thoughts come to mind? Where do your feelings lead you? What fictional ideas resonate with you? Write it all down.
Creative nonfiction writing prompts
Write about a true story in reverse chronological order
Tell a true story as seen through several people’s perspectives
Add a vivid dream sequence to a biographical story
Self-prompt: Think of a true story that fascinates you. In what way(s) could you write it to make the telling equally fascinating? Let your imagination run wild.
Realistic fiction writing prompts
What if our election system completely failed?
How would a priest or pastor deal with his/her own disease of alcoholism?
What would it be like for a boxer if he never won a professional bout?
Self-prompt: In the previous prompts, you’ll notice that conflict is essential to a good story. How can your fiction writing elucidate a real conflict in the world today? The conflict(s) can be major or minor; it’s HOW you write about them that matters. Put your deepest thoughts and feelings about fictional (and real) conflicts down on paper.
Historical fiction writing prompts
What if one of the framers of the Constitution had been a communist?
What if Julius Caesar had not been assassinated?
What if President Lincoln visited ghosts at a cemetery? (By the way, in the mid-2010s, author George Saunders wrote an acclaimed book of historical fiction on exactly that. The book is Lincoln in the Bardo.)
Self-prompt: Generally speaking, great writers are great readers. Writers historical fiction, as a rule, should know their history. Books on historical events and figures are readily available at any public library, as are copies of historical films. Travel, reading, and movies make for excellent prompts in this genre.
Tumblr media
Most great writers are/were avid readers. Don’t skimp on this important element of good book-writing.
Fiction writing prompts for adults
Raising children diagnosed on the autism spectrum
Your first foray into entrepreneurship
A relationship that just keeps getting better and better
Self-prompt: What makes the adult writer different from the youth writer? Adult writers seek writing prompts that are not for children for the same reason they can trust themselves with self-prompting: greater life experience. Use your experience in your writing. Want more prompting than that? Go out and gain MORE experiences.
Weird writing prompts
Net-fishing the high seas for canned tuna
A day in the life of Tiny Tim
The land of talking backwards
Self-prompt: This category of prompts puzzled me a bit when I first encountered it. Do we REALLY need prompts for WEIRD? In THIS world?? Just look out your window! Take a walk on ANY street in America! Well, of course I’m partially joking here, but the point I want to make is that, as writers – as artists – we don’t need prompts for EVERYTHING. Weird is everywhere. We only have to open our eyes, ears, minds… and notebooks.
Inspirational writing prompts
Your earliest memory of your family’s faith
How could Dr. Martin Luther King’s philosophies benefit us today?
Moments of everyday grace
Self-prompt: One might look at this prompt category and think, “Well, isn’t this really searching for inspiration to write about inspiration?” In a way, yes, but is that such a bad thing? I think of the humble person of faith who wants to serve but perhaps doesn’t know exactly how to do it. Whether a kindhearted person is looking for creative writing prompts on line or self-prompting by searching the soul or talking with a faith leader, the virtue of their search can be admired.
Book writing prompts
An issue in your life that has been unresolved for a long time
Settings and characters from a vivid dream
Thoughts and feelings on a person you have long admired
Self-prompt: Though the idea of writing a book might seem daunting, your choices in taking the first step – as you see above – are nearly endless. Stephen King goes so far as to suggest deciding on what your book is about when you begin your second draft. So where you start, or what prompts you to start, is not as important as where your writing takes you.
Tumblr media
Your personal experiences are of utmost importance in writing a great book. Share them generously, in your own way, and always be open for more.
Book prompts for writing
A history book to inspire historical fiction
Works of Charles Dickens to inspire young adult (YA) fiction
A book of the Bible to prompt inspirational writing
Self-prompt: Looking for writing prompts for a book? Look no further than… a book! Some of the best writing prompts for books can be found in existing books. Going a step further, books in public domain offer stories, characters, and concepts you can use in your own work – all free of charge!
Video Transcript:
Hello to all aspiring authors and entrepreneurs out there. I’m Robert Nahas, Founder and CEO of Writer Services. Today we examine the popular practice of using creative writing prompts to generate ideas. The concept behind prompts is that writers who want to practice their craft every day will inevitably run out of ideas on what to write about. In this video, we won’t go into the pros and cons of writing every day, but I will take you through two distinct approaches to prompts for creative writing.
First is the process you might have seen online, where somebody makes a list of scenarios, characters, places, or even primary colors, and the writer is then supposed to practice their daily writing using one or more of those ideas, or prompts.
The second is a more organic approach. One where the writer takes a little time and effort to create their own prompts. This might involve taking a pen and paper and going outdoors for an hour; visiting the local coffee shop and discreetly observing your surroundings: the cafe workers and other patrons as they come and go. Even just picking up and going into a different room in your home can really get your ideas flowing. It’s about changing your environment and really EXPERIENCING things in the world, instead of just on a computer with a list of prompts that someone thought up for you. Experience life and let yourself really THINK and FEEL. Write down your experiences, thoughts, and feelings. The world itself is out there waiting to prompt you in unexpected and wonderful ways.
And as always, I’d love to hear your comments and questions, so please take a moment to leave a reply below. You might also enjoy subscribing to our RSS feed, so you’ll be alerted as soon as our articles and videos are posted each week. Thanks for watching. I’m Robert Nahas. See you again soon.
The post CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS appeared first on Writer Services.
CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS published first on https://writerservicesblogs.tumblr.com
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