#writing this in the fanfest wait room
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linc-karo-27 · 2 years ago
The more I hear about that set the more I assume it was a melting pot of stress and tempers and arguments. And ngl it doesn't surprise me. This is what I was wondering.
Do I condone what I feel th**trebo*rd thread suggested (without evidence of any kind not even mild context which is needed when this is not a common view of someone even from DM) of someone being nasty and short with crew?
Not at all - that isn't adult behaviour. You're better than this. This is not acceptable at all. Especially from someone who's usually "drama free".
Do I genuinely wonder if this was caused by set and/or was a result of winding up?
Yes I do. If I spent 12-16 hours a day in what seemed to be a melting pot of mess and stuff and wound up enough someone did something trivial, I'd snap at them.
But until evidence is coming out of what happened (bar the one line of "X is equally as a diva as Y") I'm saying from the context it was a one off/happened now and then from the person not always being there. aka. it kicked off a lot but wasn't constant and it was just a coincidence it was a lot while there were there.
But yeah. The amount of mess so far that press tour is gonna be bribe central.
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astralartefact · 1 year ago
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FFXIV Dawntrail FanFest EU Predictions Bad idea for a Green Mage to gamble against a Corsair
Jobs Okay, so listen. Let's talk about Yoshi-P's T-shirt again. Some of the leading theories seem to be, in no particular order:
a) Green Mage, because Green (& Krile's Letter in 6.5) b) Pictomancer, because Turtle Names (& because it would be cool) c) It's just that the Melee Job shares Ninja gear (& Yoshi-P thinks we're stupid)
And I could see all of these being true but I'm here to bet on something else. Or rather, I bet on the exact same thing:
What if they are all true? What if the Pictomancer-inspired Green Mage IS the Ninja Class? What if the WoL's class we see in the trailer is actually the Mage class? Think about it. He even wears a robe...
Joking aside I actually do think that would be a great idea. (and with great idea I mean I would receive all the good nin glams for my pictomancer/green mage) It would give us a real melee mage! It would be an easy way to shake up the formula even just a little bit and it would also make for a nice Fanfest Surprise (everybody is expecting that the WoL's job is revealed, but actually...)
Also I just want to see my girl Krile in the trailer q_q Please don't let me wait until January... q_q
I will debunk myself, of course that's not actually going to happen, that would be far too cool and we can't have that, not if it goes against lore. They will make up some problem and pretend as if they didn't create it themselves, something like "But NIN gear doesn't have Magic attributes" (you could just write a stat conversion trait for that, i think drk(?) even had something like that back in the day) or "something something Mage Visual Identity" (and everybody hates that everytime you bring it up, read the room yoshi-p, and also the "corsair" wears a robe too and now what)
also i just don't want corsair okay i think "pirate" as a concept for a whole job is boring af, at most it's going to be a reverse rdm bc yoshi-p is certainly not going to base it on gambler like they did in 11 (bc rng is evil)
Alliance Raid I mean we're all expecting Sakaguchi to do the Alliance Raid and I agree, very likely, especially given Yoshi-P's hint ("It's more Final Fantasy than ever") and also 24-mans are more interesting to write for guest writers since the story sections are less fragmented. What is it going to be about though, I could see it being any of the games he made...
A FFX raid series would fit the tropical theme and we don't have that much 10 content anyways, but aesthetically maybe that's a little too close to the rest of the expansion... Then again 10 is big enough, I'm sure they could make it work just fine.
From Yoshi-P's hint I could also see a FF1 raid happening, but I'm not sure that 1 even has enough stuff left that would warrant an alliance quest line... like even just imagining him doing a Matsuno and just copy/pasting Cornelia somewhere, where would they put it? Into one of the Shards? Which other places would we go to and which enemies would we fight that haven't been namedropped somewhere else already? It would likely have to come with a lot of new stuff - but maybe he would love to do that? An official Sakaguchi FF1 revisit?
I'm also feeling FF6 on the wind tbh. Maybe it's just because I'm playing a lot of FF6 music on Theatrhythm though. Sigmascape is so far back at this point that I could see them returning to give 6 a bit of the FFXIV interpretation treatment, especially since Omega basically just copy/pasted the boss designs. Also Valigarmanda is FF6 right?
Then again I could also see him just creating something new too, just write a new story and create new bosses fitting the world... Like what if they just made the Golden City (whatever it turns out to be) the raids? I could see that happening...
Aaaaah, I don't know. I can't decide and I don't know Sakaguchis work good enough to make any attempt at calling it. I'll put down "He's going to make Fantasian FF canon" and my wager is "The community is going to take this as a reason to talk shit about Y:DA again".
8-man-raid I'm putting down "FF13 references" for "pleeeeeease, we don't have nearly enough hamauzu ost in this game q_q". I certainly don't think they'll do it, but let me dream okay? I just feel like with how out there some of the FF13 stuff is they could interpret it in really interesting ways... I don't even know what they would reference, Orphan maybe? Even though Orphan as a name would probably have been a better fit for when we had Sin Eaters - omg maybe they could have rogue sin eaters in Tural... "Orphan" would be perfect for that...
i'm looking at the orphan concept art right now and damn, that's what the Twelve should have become. it makes the final battle stage of Thaleia look like discount final orphan... man i hate Eulogia more every passing second
Except for a few minor one-off bosses, I don't think we've had anything FF13 related since... the FF13 collab? And that was back in ARR... (Okay, we probably had a bunch of them that I just don't recognize - but nothing near the scale of FF8/Eden or FF4/The Void)
They could of course finally do a fully original 8-man-raid not based on an existing name - maybe the Golden City (or whatever it turns out to actually be)? What if the MSQ just discovers it and then in the raids we actually explore it?
Just don't do Matsuno stuff again, we had him enough now, he's at least 60% of this game already and you keep adding stuff that's just a reference to a thing he did. We know you love him Yoshi-P, but there are fifteen other games and then some if we count all the spin-offs.
Final Random Notes Hrothgar Ladies are basically confirmed thanks to 6.5, but I don't think they will reveal them until Japan. (If they do announce them, they might have another surprise announcement in store for JP)
I want one of the new areas to contain one of those salt flats that becomes a mirror when it fills with rainwater. (I just really love salt flats, I can't get enough of them. The Lochs are underrated!!!)
I don't think we'll get the second trial - and honestly I have absolutely no idea what it could be except Maduin bc FF6 - and iirc the trial series won't be revealed until the live letters right before they happen (we didn't even know Barbariccia until patch day)
I think when we get Void Arc 2: Zero and Durante and Unukalhai and Cyella and Ryne and Gaia's big adventure it's going to be as a new Bozja/Eureka-like (I think that's absolutely the only type of content you could reasonably require the Shb Role Quests for, but I think then they have an excuse to make it a little bit harder because nobody is going to accidentally stumble into it) - But for Dawntrail I predict they're going to set the Bozja-like thing they already announced (if i didn't dream it up) on the dark side of the Moon (and I would love some covert Bravely Second Ba'al references Undead Chicken Bride!!!)
Anyways, that's it! Have a nice FanFest!!!! Me and my Matsuri-Namazu will have Sushi at 11am to celebrate!!!
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purplesurveys · 4 years ago
survey by ashleybayle
Has anyone ever told you that you looked like a celebrity? Yeah. The most popular opinion I get is Anna Akana and a local singer named Kakie, and then more occasionally I’ve also gotten Lucy Hale. Of course, all of these people are absolutely gorgeous though so it’s hard to accept comments like these lol
When was the last time you got something done to your hair? Professionally, late February. But I trimmed my bangs last Saturday.
Do you have any change on you right now? Barely. I only have a few 1-peso coins and a couple of 25-cent coins left.
What color is the pillowcase(s) on your bed? They’re pink with white lines.
Do you have a favorite day of the week? I like Monday mornings because we have weekly video calls for work and it’s really the only time I get to talk to other people anymore. Even if I can’t really count any of my colleagues as my friends, I’m able to get the human connection I’ve been hungry for and it always leaves me feeling good for the rest of the day.
Cutting your hair extremely short, would you do it? Yeah. That’s what I did last February; I’d do it again once my hair gets too long. I’ll probably go even shorter the next time because depression.
Have you ever been in an art show? I’ve been to art exhibits, if you’re referring to the same thing.
Would you considered yourself to be well-exposed to life or sheltered? I was sheltered for most of my life but I’ve been trying to get exposed to more scary life things so that I slowly start to detach from people I used to normally depend on, like my parents.
How high is your pain tolerance? Not high at all. I bruise like a peach and have near-meltdowns over sharp objects especially if I get pricked by one.
Have you ever played the game Halo? I don’t think so. I could have watched others play it in the past, but I’ve never played the game myself.
Are you wearing any jewelry at the moment? No I’m not.
Is there a sport that you love to play? Table tennis! Futsal was also fun the one or two times I played it, and it was in playing that sport that I learned I apparently make a good goalkeeper. In an alternate universe I probably play football, ha.
Has anything made you sad in the past 48 hours? Yes. That’s a constant state of mind now.
Have you ever had to learn lines for a play/skit/movie? Yes. We were required to do so many skits in high school so making scripts and memorizing lines was part of a normal day.
Do you like your nose? I’ve never complained about it. I don’t normally think about my nose either.
Is there a hair color you prefer on the opposite sex? No.
Kissing someone with facial hair, do you mind? I’ve never tried it, so I don’t have a solid opinion.
Would you ever like to be a stunt person? Sounds fun but I’m barely physically fit for such a role and I’d break a bone almost immediately. Even professional stunt people get injured, so...
Are you a pyromaniac? The furthest thing from it. I’m terrified of fire.
How soon is your birthday? Six months and a day.
Are you one of those people who listen to songs on repeat? Isn’t everyone prone to doing that once in a while? But yeah, I guess I’m ‘one of those’ people.
Can any of your friends sing very well? Lots of em. Hannah, Tina, Ed, Andi, Michelle, Nacho, etc.
Would you ever enter any kind of pageant? That does not sound interesting to me.
Do you have piano fingers? No :(
What is your preferred curse word? Fuck.
When someone's drunk, the truth comes spilling out, correct? I guess, for some people. Other people express their drunkenness in other ways. But I for sure lose my filter once I’m drunk; it’s a lot easier to ask me questions once I’ve had a few glasses, ha.
Have you ever shouted something random at someone out a car window? I’m sure I’ve rolled down my windows to cuss out a stupid driver once or twice.
Have you ever slept on a beach? No. I know my mom does, but I personally find it risky/dangerous. When it comes to open spaces like the beach, I find it hard to trust people to not be thieves.
Would you like to be taller? It’s not an active wish of mine. It’d always be cool to be taller, but I’m also okay with my current height.
Are you a fan of piercings on the opposite sex? Not necessarily. I wouldn’t say I’m attracted to them.
Have you ever listened to Celtic music? Nope.
Do you enjoy making up words? I’ve never done that, no.
Have you ever been attacked by an animal? Aside from the time a giant bird kind of charged at me at a safari and getting playbites from Cooper, no. Cats hiss at me all the time, but I get out of their vicinity before they can attack me or whatever.
Who did you dance with last? Rita, Blanch, Mik, Laurice, Jum, a bunch of strangers.
When holding hands, do you intertwine fingers? Yeah. That’s my favorite.
Is there a movie that makes you cry every single time you watch it? This is gonna get some eyerolls but...Titanic. Forever one of my faves no matter how overrated people find it, hahaha. The “Rose Dawson” scene gets me all the time.
Do you ever talk to the TV? I mean if I have comments about the show I’m watching, yeah I guess I’m technically talking to the TV. But I don’t talk to the TV like a camera, if that’s what you mean.
What's your opinion on Johnny Depp? I feel for him and all the shit he’s gone through with Amber Heard. I’ll always feel bad for having sided with Amber in the past. Movie-wise, not really a fan of his repertoire but I respect his craft and abilities nonetheless.
Have you ever watched the Tudors? Nah but I hear of it a lot, so I’ve always been interested.
Can you speak in different accents? No. My dad’s super good at accents though since he travels a lot for his job. He can do American, Indian, Singaporean, Chinese, Australian, etc.
Who was the last person you mocked/mimicked? The annoying person at the BIR who wasted my time. 
If you write, isn't writer's block the most horrible thing? I’d say it’s inconvenient, but it’s not the worst of my worries whenever it strikes.
Can you sew or knit? No but I’ve made up my mind about learning how to :) I put some cross-stitch kits on my online shopping cart recently and I can’t wait to get my hands busy.
Do you have a favorite pair of jeans? Yesssss. They’re the only pair of jeans I wear these days, on the rare times I have a reason to go out.
What size shirt do you normally wear? XS.
Are you good with money? I’m good with saving if I absolutely have to, but I’m equally good at spending all my money in one go lol
Has anyone ever aimed a gun at you? No. Don’t know how well I’d fare in that; I tend to freeze up and forget words when I’m terrified.
What is the first letter of the person's name you last kissed? G.
Do you use myspace for following celebrities, and facebook for friends? I never regularly used Myspace, and Facebook is for sharing memes, staying updated on the news, and connecting with family and friends. At least up until I deactivated last month.
Have you ever written a song? Maybe in grade school when it was an assignment for class, but never on my own time.
Do you believe there is life on other planets? Other planets in other galaxies perhaps in other universes, sure.
If you think about the universe long enough, it's baffling isn't it? Doesn’t take long for me, but yes it is.
When was the last time you fell? I haven’t in a while.
Are you a fan of Christian Bale? I wouldn’t say so. I don’t think I’ve seen any of his movies. I’ve been meaning to watch American Psycho for years but just never got around to it.
Do you have any sort of debt? No.
Is there an accent you prefer? I don’t know if prefer is the right word since I don’t have any favorite accents, but hmmm I can listen to Florence Pugh’s accent all day.
Have you spoken to the person you love today? Yep.
Would you ever travel to Los Angeles? If given the chance sure, but I honestly prefer other cities.
Have you ever been through a natural disaster? A lot of them.
Is there a specific time period that interests you? I don’t think I’ve ever been hooked to just one specific era...I’m interested in all of them and read about them an equal amount.
Do any of your friends own an expensive car? JM used to drive a Lexus to school on Fridays.
Have you ever been on a train? Just once. I had to go to Manila for a journalism class but I wasn’t willing to drive all the way there, so I took a train and had Jum keep me company because I didn’t know how commuting worked.
Is there a memory that embarasses you to think about? I mean yeah, there are a lot.
Have you ever used different colored paper clips? Possibly.
Where exactly are you right now? In a corner in my room.
Don't you admire those people who know exactly what they want to do? I admire anyone who’s able to make the best of what they’ve got, no matter what their progress is in life. Life shouldn’t be a contest of who gets their shit figured out the earliest or the best way possible.
Is there a guy you can talk to about anything? No.
Have you ever been in a parade? I know I said in a previous survey that I haven’t been to a parade, but now that I think about it I’ve been to several Pride Marches, which kinda count as parades...so yeah, I have been.
Would you ever consider being a news reporter? My entire family wanted me to end up being one, but it was never an interest of mine. I was just too shy to tell them that that’s not really my goal. I like staying behind the camera for the most part.
Are you, or anyone you know, an atheist? Yes and yes, I know several people who are.
Has anyone ever told you to "get a grip"? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten those exact words before.
Do people say you look your age? Or younger or older? Younger.
Have you ever sent a celebrity fan mail? Kind of. Five years ago my friend Heather and I were at YouTube Fanfest where Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, and Oli White were part of the line-up, and we didn’t anticipate that so many fans would come with gifts even though there was no guarantee of meeting them. We came up with a little gift of our own, which was really nothing more than a tiny post-it saying that we love them lmao (we went to the venue straight after school, hence Heather having school supplies HAHA). It was such a poor-looking gift. We went to their assistant who was SUPER nice about it and didn’t make us feel like shit for our gift which was pretty much worthless and could easily get lost – it was literally a piece of post-it. I doubt it ever got to them, but we gave it a shot anyway.
Are you ashamed of how you acted when you were younger? Some parts of it, definitely. I grew up in a violent household, so I was violent towards my brother when he was a baby, not knowing how serious my actions were. I was also a pain in the ass while I was going through puberty.
Do you ever have those days where you feel you're the ugliest person ever? Yes.
Beauty is both external and internal, correct? Sure.
Have you ever been in a musical? Yeah, in grade school through high school. Never had a solo role, though.
When was the last time you swam in a pool? July 2019.
Is there a friend's family that makes you feel like you're family too? Angela’s. At one point, Katreen’s too, before we grew apart.
How do you know someone is your best friend? When I don’t feel like filtering my words around them, and when I allow myself to be fully vulnerable with them.
When was the last time you used a highlighter? Sometime in February I’m guessing. Before the lockdown and when I still went to school and had readings.
Has a flashlight ever ran out batteries on you in the dark? I don’t think so.
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carey-pricemas · 8 years ago
You Found Me Part Two- Auston Matthews (by anon)
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Omg y’all. PART TWO IS HERE! You’re going to LOVE it… and hate me because I’m posting it without remorse even though I know how it ends! But there is a part three coming! Idk when but anon is nice enough to write it for us so… YAY! Enjoy guys!
Warning: mentions of gun, robbery
Part One
Auston was long gone by the time you woke up the next morning.
The only trace of anyone being there was the folded blanket and pillow placed on top of your desk. It wasn’t until you got up that you saw he had left a crisp 100 Canadian Dollar bill on top of it.
It was when you had turned to look away and that you saw it. It had somehow gotten wedged in the small space between your bed and the wall last night, you hadn’t even noticed it until now. Light gray, it was so familiar. Too familiar.
It couldn’t be.
You crept towards it, grabbing the rim and yanking it out from its place, retracting your grip on it and letting it drop on your bed when you saw the entirety of it.
It was.
You turned the mesh hat in your hands, letting out a little bit of air as you saw the initials scrawled on the inside of the rim.
He’d taken you to Blue Jays games. You’d sat in the VIP box behind home plate with him, seats you had never even gotten close to in the 19 years you’d been a Blue Jays fan. He wanted to go to one the next night, and before he texted one of the strings he could easily pull to get the tickets, you turned to him asking if he’d ever been to a game as a real fan and not a celebrity.
He’d gotten insulted by the question, even more so when you said he probably couldn’t handle it. You knew he wouldn’t back away from that. So he let you buy the cheap nosebleeds and force him onto the subway into the Rogers Centre. You forced him to take a picture with the mascot, Ace, as the guy inside the suit freaked out when he realized he was posing with Auston Matthews. You got ice cream in the little helmets, made him hit in the FanFest batting cages and he got so into the game, cheering loud when the Bautista hit a home run and even booing the other team.
You had been dating him for almost a month, but it was like you were seeing a complete other side of him. A much realer side. You bought him the hat, the hat you were holding now, and it was as he was writing your initials and looked up, his features concealed by sunglasses and a different hat blown up on the kiss cam. The camera never seemed to leave him alone.
“Fuck it.” He had thrown of his sunglasses and hat and grabbed your chin, surprising you and pissing off every teenage girl who was watching. The two of you had to leave shortly after that. You were all over social media and it sparked all the gossip and rumors about your relationship, but you didn’t care. That was the day you realized you loved him.
You stared at the hat in your hands, trying to restrain yourself.
Don’t do it. Don’t do it.
But it was too late.
You were already bringing the hat to your nose, inhaling the fresh scent of his shampoo mixed with hockey. You never knew hockey could be a scent until you met Auston. Of course, you never realized how much you could love someone until you met him either.
Or how much someone could break you.
You should’ve just thrown the hat out and spent the money at some bar, but it was like the snapback had some kind of hex on you. You couldn’t bring yourself to do it. So it sat there on your dresser and you had to look at the taunting Blue Jays logo every time you were in your room.
Then you had enough.
You had just come back from the gym, and the second you walked into your room you got some kind of courage-most likely fueled by anger-and you grabbed the hat and money.
It wasn’t until you were standing in front of his door, not quite sure how you’d gotten there, that you started to lose your nerve. You considered knocking and fleeing down the stairwell next to you, but he would know it was you and that was even more coward that coming here.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
A moment of strength suddenly led you to knocking on the door. You pulled back your arm, immediately regretting knocking, but your legs held steady as you heard footsteps coming to the door.
He stood there, looking tired as ever, and you saw the suitcase behind him in the hallway. He’d probably just gotten back from a road trip. Your dumb ass was too stupid to check.
“Y/N.” You hated it when he said your name.
“Um, hi. I-you left this at my place the-the the other night.” You held the hat out for him to take. It took him a second, but you saw it dawn over him as he examined the cap and put two and two together.
“This is the hat from when we-”
“Yeah.” You cut him off, not wanting to hear what he had to say. You pulled out the bill from your sweatshirt pocket.
“Um, you left this here too.” He knitted his eyebrows together as he looked up at you.
“I left that on purpose. It’s as a thank you.” You looked down, shoving the money towards him again, which he denied again.
“Please just take it.” He shook his head.
“It’s an apology and a thank you. I’m sorry for showing up that night as shit-faced as I was, I shouldn’t have done that to you. And for what I did to you two months ago, I still regret it.” You looked up angrily, grasping the paper in your hand tightly.
“You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to break my heart, show up drunk at my place, tell me you love me over and over again and leave me money just so you can feel better about yourself for all the shit you did to me.” He threw his hands up.
“What do you want me to do? I apologized a hundred times! I sent you flowers. I bought you drinks, I waited for you after class just to talk to you. I told you that I love you, that there’s not a single day that goes by where I don’t love you and don’t regret what I did. Tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it.”
You wanted to slap him in the face, to tell him to leave you alone. You should have. But you were so close to him. You could smell that all-too-familiar scent. And just like with the hat, your recklessness became dangerous again and you were standing on your tiptoes and yanking his head down and your lips were locked on his before you could think twice about it. A million firecrackers exploded at once, and all you could think about was how you wanted more of him.
“Auston?” The voice behind him startled both of you, sending you jumping back from his embrace. You looked past him, and that’s when you saw her.
Tall, her body glistening with water and a towel barely covering her, a matching one wrapped up in her hair. Her skin was flawless, her face glowing without any makeup, and just by the way she stood she looked graceful. She wasn’t the one you had found him making out with, but did it matter? She was obviously a model, and he preyed on them all the same.
Auston’s eyes went from her to you, seeing the look on your face as you jumped to conclusions.
“Y/N, I can ex-” But you were already gone, flinging open the stairwell door and flying down the stairs, dizzying yourself from the sharp turns. You shoved open the door to the outdoors, letting you out into an alley that your car clearly wasn’t parked in. You sighed, picking right and starting to speed walk away, hearing the door slam a second later and hearing footsteps behind you as he easily caught up to you.
“Y/N, please wai-” You yanked away from his hand on your shoulder. He put his hands up in surrender. “I can explain.” You whipped around, the tears already welling up in your eyes.
“Explain what? That you got caught sleeping on two girls at once again? And for a split second I actually thought you changed. I’m so fucking stupid.”
“Look, I know what that looks like, okay? I know. She’s a friend from Michigan in town for a modeling gig and her hotel lost the booking and she called me. She’s a friend, Y/N, that’s all. The only girl I want is you.” He took a step closer to you, and all you could do was will yourself not to cry as you shook your head.
“It’s the same bullshit as always. Have a nice life.” You turned on your heel, stomping away in the snow before he could stop you again. But you felt him on you again, his hands on your shoulder and arm.
“Get off of me!” You tried to yank out of Auston’s arms, but it only took you half a second to feel how aggressive and harsh the grip was.
This wasn’t Auston.
“Get on the ground. Now!” You didn’t really have a choice in the matter, he was already shoving you to the ground, your face hitting the cold cement hard.
“Hands on your head!” The deep voice yelled again, your scraped hands left the ground and moved to your hair, trembling as your heart thumped faster and faster. You felt a shadow standing over you, leaning forward to get a better look.
“No purse.” This was a higher voice. There were two of them. Which meant-
“Wallet, now!” The deep voice yelled again, and you heard a quiet click, a shudder running through your body.
“I don’t have it on m-Stop pointing the gun at her!” You hadn’t even realized you had been crying, but that one sentence, spoken in Auston’s distressed voice, made them fall hard and fast, dripping onto the sidewalk.
“Wallet now, unless you and your girl want to get shot.” You knew he would hand it over if you were in danger, no doubt. If he had it.
“I told you I don’t have i-Don’t fucking touch her!” The shadow had crept closer to you, clearly about to touch you. You heard one punch, two punches, the shadow disappeared to help his accomplice. You were praying for something to happen. Then you heard the shot ring out.
Omg right??? I DIED when I read this! BUT IT’S SO GOOD! Let me know what you guys think so I can pass it on! Up next: Adrian Kempe!
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