#writing on my phone my behated AND YOU CAN TELL
lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
this post made me have thoughts
cw: sexual content, alcohol mention (but they're not drunk and fully into it)
Daniel and Max are at the same party. Doesn't matter if they're famous and hanging out with friends or just dudes being bros. Someone brings up this idea and everyone agrees, even if not everyone is like super happy.
Max isn't super happy, because he knows he's on the smaller sides of things, but it's whatever, nobody will really know who's the smallest, only the biggest, so he agrees.
Some guys go in and out, and then Daniel goes in. And doesn't come out. Keeps not coming out. When it's Max's turn he goes in and Daniel is just chilling sitting on the bathtub edge, sipping his wine, and bopping to the music. Smiling at him. Max feels hot under his collar and he hopes and prays he doesn't get hard in front of Daniel.
Daniel says something like "all right, Maxy?" and then just. takes out his dick. and it's big, like big big. Max has seen his fair amount of dicks, has had some inside him, but never this big. He immediately starts thinking about how it would feel, if Daniel would need to stretch him out with four fingers before pushing in, if he would even be able to take it. How it would feel on his tongue, in his mouth.
He's getting hard, so he just takes out his dick and doesn't even look down. Doesn't want to see the size difference. Instead he looks at Daniel, and sees his face change, something in his eyes shift.
Then he swallows, puts his dick away and says "you win" and flees.
Daniel is the last guy in the bathroom. He gets showered in jokes and shoulder pats, but for some reason refuses the alcohol he gets offered. Keeps looking at Max. Max is trying very hard to stay away from him, can't stop thinking about his dick, and he knows it's wrong, because this was a game, he wasn't supposed to think about Daniel's dick like that.
But he can't stop.
He ends up excusing himself earlier than most, saying he has to be up the next morning, and when he's outside, waiting for a car, he lays against the wall and lets his head drop back, bumping against it, trying to breathe.
When he opens his eyes again, he find Daniel getting out of the house too.
Daniel who looks at him like he's also thinking about Max's dick, which is absurd, because Max's dick is small and pink and was half hard when Daniel saw it.
Daniel makes some kind of joke about it and for a second Max thinks Daniel is making fun of him, but then Daniel says "I wouldn't mind having a second peek."
Turns out, Daniel is just as crazy about Max's tiny dick as Max is about Daniel's big dick.
They go home, and Daniel moans when he touches Max's dick, which he can hold whole in his palm, and then moans again when Max sucks him off, barely able to take half of him before gagging, and then moans again when after a very thorough prep he sinks into Max. And Max just. Takes it. Loves it. Comes even before Daniel is all the way in and then asks Daniel to keep going. Comes again when Daniel comes inside him.
And then they kiss kiss fall in love goodbye
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie back after a gruelling weekend of apartment hunting (but I found a place to live so hooray!) to get salty about our most behated show. You are right to prepare for the worst when it comes to Malex, Vlamis pretty much confirmed in his recent interviews thst he will be too busy being "smitten" by the new aliens to ask about where the he'll his bf is for a while (as goes the long standing RNM tradition thar characters don't exist when they aren't on screen, and sometimes barely
do even if they are *glares at RNM wasting an entire Trevino episode on Kyle being comatose for 1 minute*). So brace yourself for what looks like no mentions of Alex, some Maria heavy episodes if the synopsis are to be believed, and Kyle to continue to have no screentime or storyline aside from his relationship to Isobel (he wasn't even invited to the "what to do about the new aliens" meeting in the preview clip, the world's only alien doctor left on the sidelines 🙄🙄🙄). Also if they go another week without so much as a mention of Rosa I will have an aneurysm. Its not that I'm not interested in the new aliens or their story, but it's giving me serious 911 S5 flashbacks to see these guest stars get more screentime and storyline than Kyle, Alex, and Rosa. Also sorry if I've been super negative about the show, but it's the last season and I'm so tired of the writers STILL struggling to write an ensemble show. Maybe the 2nd half of the season will fix it.
Yay! So glad you found a place! Moving is the wooooorst! 
Okay, so Michael finally finding people who are alive and *maybe* not trying to kill him who can tell him about his home planet and maybe his family? Totally understandable! HOWEVER, that pill along with the amount of time we look to be spending on the 5? new characters (3 aliens, Liz’s mentor, and her wife) would be easier to swallow if we weren’t facing down yet another plotline of Alex being kidnapped and disappearing from the story without anyone noticing because the show cannot seem to write for him if it’s not directly related to Michael, and no one aside from Michael and sometimes Kyle, when he’s in a scene with Alex, are allowed to care about Alex and his wellbeing. 
I am continually baffled by the show sidelining two of the characters brought on partly to help draw fans from their other shows (Tyler and Trevino) like, all of the time, especially considering if anyone should be involved in every single meeting it’s the military strategist who is the soulmate for one of the aliens and has loved him for over a decade and has the smarts to make sure things are planned out well and as safe as possible, and the alien doctor who is also apparently soulmates with Isobel (yet isn’t anything like Echo and Malex since Isobel apparently has NO draw to him and him alone because this show can’t stop undercutting it’s own mythology at every fucking turn) and also the other one who can keep up with the science Liz talks about and what medical issues they might run into. Plus with their family connections and connections to every plotline every, why are they the ones getting shafted and cut out of the group in favor of someone who reads palms and has so little alien DNA that it didn’t show up on any scans Liz did (because again, the show doesn’t understand it’s own mythology). 
I didn’t watch the clip because I refuse to watch any scene with m*ria more than once if I can help it but I’m sure it’s yet another scene that makes zero sense to have Alex and Kyle excluded from. Also, yes Alex got eaten by quicksand and is in a hole in the ground for an indeterminate amount of time, but you’re telling me in the hours of driving on rural highways with nothing else to do he wasn’t planning on being available to be at planning meetings over the phone?! (my post is also going to talk about the apparent lack of tracking on the balloons they were *checks notes* using specifically to track weather patterns in specific areas which necessitates them being equipped with tracking devices so jot that down RNM writers room)
And for REAL, how has there still been ZERO MENTION of the person who was the entire premise of the first season?! *screams into pillow*
anyway I’m with you on wondering how, after all the fan and critic complaints about their pacing and inability to handle an ensemble cast, not having the pair ups for scenes that actually make sense, and the weird inability to allow the actors with the most chemistry to be allowed to have scenes together, they are still struggling with the same issues! 
Cheers bestie and I’ll see everyone tomorrow for 4x03 when I can watch it. Please tell me if Alex shows up or if we get a ship name for whatever TF nonsense they are trying to push with m*ria and Dallas so I can block it immediately. 
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