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baggebythesea · 4 months ago
I'm working on Bagge's guide to writing. This is what I got so far.
Know yourself. Everyone writes differently, and everyone has different needs they need to figure out. That goes for how you interact with the rest of the list as well. If a tip is not for you, then don't follow it.
One single damned sentence! Write something every day. One sentence is enough, but writing one sentence will put the story back in your mind, you will pull up the document and find out where you stopped. More often than not one sentence will lead to more, but one is enough.
Celebrate your victories. If all you have written is one sentence, then you should be proud that you did write that sentence. If all you did was thinking about your story, that counts too.
Think forward. When you get to a natural end point (end of scene, end of chapter), write one more sentence, staring the next part, before you end your writing session. That way, you will think of what to write rather than what you have written.
Be careful with editing while writing. Sometimes it's good to catch a pesky spelling mistake, but most of the time you want to keep the flow.
Words on paper! The most important task with the first draft is to get the first draft done. You can fix whatever bugs you in the editing stage, but you want to move on from having only a blank page to work with.
Brackets. If you get stuck on the technical terms for a certain piece of clothing, spelling or how to resolve a certain [something] then, put it in brackets and move on. Sometimes my writing looks like "X said [something sexy] and Y blushed. [Stuff happened]. "Let's do [something more sexy]!" Y said." Keep your flow.
Take micro breaks. If you get stuck, leave the writing space for ten seconds before you continue writing. Sometimes that's all it take
When writing a longer story, treat the first chapters as "draft 0.5". You will probably have to rework them once you find your stride with the story properly and figure out all those little details you simply don't know while writing the beginning. That's OK, as long as you make it part of your writing process.
Figure out what's stopping you from telling your story and work on that. Two cakes? Do it scared? Whatever works for you.
What's your favourite writing tips?
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rarijackistheshit · 8 months ago
The will and urge to write is strong, but I don’t really have any ideas.
"Write from the pov yourself is currently in" works sometimes but I don’t THINK the world wants to read "Catra goes to the bathroom."
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storiesbyjes2g · 1 year ago
Hey writers...
QOTD for you!
After you have edited your WIP to death, how do you know when it's done and ready to post? Do you have a process/signal/feeling/etc.?
For me, I know it's done when I can't read it anymore. It's almost like my brain rejects it and says, "ENOUGH ALREADY!" When this happens, I feel like I can't focus, and my eyes are just scanning the lines, looking at the words but not taking them in. Eventually I just give up lol.
Before I figured out what that was, I used to get so frustrated with myself and say all kinds of mean things like I was being lazy and wasn't dedicated to the process. But every time I came back to read the next day, I'd be like, oh...this is kinda good...I guess I'm done lol. The last time I caught myself being unkind and trying to force myself to edit a finished work, I literally yelled, "STOP!! Just stop! It's done!!" So I stopped, and went to bed. Now I know when enough is enough.
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sshivangeee · 9 months ago
Why are you always so insistent
on bidding your goodbyes
even when they’re halfway
outside the door
Why do you wish them safe travels
when they’re already on the road
When their journey is only a half hour drive
back home,
why must you call behind them
“be back soon, bring me something new”
but never just a simple “bye, see you soon”
And when you know that they’re actually
going away from you, to a new home
why can’t you stop yourself
from saying “enjoy, take care”
when you o’ so clearly know
that they don’t care anymore
What is it that you fear loosing
Or rather who was it?
Who went without bidding you farewell
Who did you want should’ve stayed
but didn’t
You’re so scared of foreshadowing
something awful, I see it
You over step the fences
of your own house
like a little thief
just so there’s no room
for regrets in the future
Whose return are you still counting on
For whom did you stood waiting
eagerly hours in the balcony,
just to rush down to the street
the moment you hear
a familiar honk
Those eyes still reflect the beams
of those headlights, the ones
you could see from the t turn
That impatience, that restlessness
the moment the sun sets,
that found a permanent
abode in you, didn’t it?
Why else would there be
so much urgency
in your words
when you say “take care”
after ending the most
horrendous conversations
You compel me to wonder
Is it really that important
to always end things on a good note?
(it is.)
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ladylucksrogue · 1 year ago
This may sound silly bit I've just discovered discord.
Back in the day, I used to be part of another (now dead) fandom's writing group, where we used to host writing events and chat and generally chat and obsess over our favorite ships. I really miss that sometimes, I haven't really found anything comparable since, and definitely not for Star Wars.
So no pressure to the few mutuals I have, or anyone on my page that's interested, I've created a link. If you'd like, feel free to join :)
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ilariyalavorowrites · 2 years ago
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This is me right now after plotting about a new fandom for the last few days
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cmoroneybooks · 2 years ago
Anxiety is so interesting as an author because it is somehow impossible to write a character who isn't also anxious.
My editor: why is she so worried? She seems capable and there's no reason to assume anything will go wrong.
Me, baffled: this is the normal amount of worried to be.
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poetry-with-alisha · 2 years ago
Today, I welcomed a blessing with a heart full of love.
I exchanged laughter with children today, seven year olds. It felt as if God had surrounded me with so many tiny fragments of his huge heart, as a reward for I don't know what. I felt it in their gorgeous smiles, their really small hands, the tone they spoke in, the way they spoke to me, the childish aspect of their voices, the innocence that painted their faces, the love that pervaded their voices when they said, "Thank you didi" because I gave them flowers.
I had flowers I had plucked earlier from the side of the school's park, a small bouquet of wildflowers, actually, in yellow, light pink, dark pink, white, another yellow.
I planned on giving it to my mother if it stayed fresh till I got home. I couldn't :(
I asked a girl which flower she wanted.
"White!" she said.
Her eyes lit up as she eyed the white wildflower in my fingers.
I handed it over and the "Thank you didi!" she enthusiastically exclaimed with, melted me into a pool of lively happiness.
I sat with the kids for fifteen minutes and believe me when I say that I felt so alive, so surrounded by love, innocence and purity, after so long, i mean the worst thing they had ever done was having chewing gum, they said.
Their energies were so contagious. My heart was full of ectasy long after they went back to classes.
I sat in MY class, smiling.
Before we went our own ways, the kids bid me goodbye, not a mundane one, but a yell.
Standing a metre away, they saw me and my friends leaving and they waved their hands with an energy I didn't know I was worthy of.
It was absolutely golden- the life l lived in those fifteen minutes, gorgeously golden, and full of sunshiney little souls I love so much.
Me and my friends left, picking flowers on the way because yes, we're obsessed, and I walked around with a magnificient magenta wildflower in my long brown braided hair for the rest of the day.
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starfa11 · 2 years ago
Thunderstorms and Espresso
Imagine sitting cooped up in a room, a little coffee shop with them. Cheeks heating up hotter than the espresso being made by the barista behind the counter as they stared like they were taking in every one of your features, but really they were just wondering why you were avoiding eye contact so hard. The entire place reeked of nostalgia and coffee, smelling of old memories and forgotten wishes, all the while the clicking of nails on keyboards and the drifting chatter filled the room, making the quiet less unbearable, if only because the minute they looked away, you were given the excuse to scan their features for a friend you'd yet to make. When they spoke, it was like the soft click of a needle on a record, something falling right into place at the perfect time to elicit a sound unlike anything you'd ever heard, something that made your heart want to give itself to them, because they were right there, the thunderstorms in your head screaming louder than the milk steamer behind the counter, aching for the connection that you felt, that they didn't, or so you thought. They couldn't help but stare at the planes of your face, their fingers aching to run over the skin, the bumps and pores, and the beauty of it all. It just wasn't fair to them how people preached of imperfections and here you were, the most beautiful thing they'd ever seen, so imperfectly wonderful, such a beautiful imperfection that they couldn't help but crave to feel like the thunderstorms inside their heart was matching the ones in your head, unbeknownst to either soul, both with eyes like lightning and vinyl voices.
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joinourbookclub · 2 years ago
First Creative Writing Exercise!!
Task: Write a story with the ending, "He turned to me and said, 'You're next'".
Time brainstorming: 10 minutes
Time writing: 30 minutes
Give me a second to make sense of things. I thought I had it figured out, but evidently I was wrong. Very wrong. So let’s start back at the beginning. 
I just transferred to Springfield High in my sophomore year and I wasn’t happy about it. I had a whole other life in another city and just like that, it was gone. I was alone for the first time. That is until I met Julia. She was the girl everyone loved. She was the exact type to bully the new kid out of the school before they even had a chance to be known. But she was kind to me. She said I was pretty enough to join her group. She became my best friend, and I would do anything for her.
I joined the cheerleading squad with Julia and her other friends, Megan and Jennifer. I was never the athletic type, but they helped me out on the weekends. Luckily for me I was one of the tallest girls, so I served as a base for our pyramids instead of having to do tricks. I soon became recognized at my new school. More than I had ever been at my old one, but something just felt…wrong.
Sometimes it felt like I had to be a different person. Julia adored me, but to stay in her graces I had to talk about cute boys all throughout lunch. Which was awkward since we always sat with Jayce, Julia’s boyfriend. He never said anything about it, but maybe he was just acting like me. I knew that Jayce was different when we weren’t around. Julia told me so herself. She buried her head in my neck at a party. Whispering to me all of the things he said to her. Cruel things, like he thought she was eating too much or that her friends were all fake. He wasn’t wrong about the fake friends, but he wasn’t right either. I was the one Julia came to in a rare moment of vulnerability. I would never leave her. That is until she left me.
It seemed inconsequential at first. Julia didn’t show up to school one day. It made sense. She skipped sometimes when we had tests, but she didn’t show up the next day either. Or the next. After a week, Megan, Jennifer and I began to become worried. We asked Jayce if he knew anything. He didn’t. I told the other girls about the things he said to Julia, and we began to slowly distance ourselves from him.
Even with the other girls by my side, I felt lost without Julia. She was the one who brought me into this new school world and taught me who to be. More than anything I missed her. Then disaster struck again.
A month after Julia disappeared, Jennifer also went missing. Now I wasn’t just worried. I was angry that someone had the nerve to target my friends. The police hadn’t figured out anything, so I was going to. I just needed to figure out where to start.
I didn’t tell Megan about my plans. She would think I was being weird. We kept cheering together, as if everything was normal, but one day after class had ended I sought out the only person I thought could help.
His name was Derek. He was the type of boy Julia taught me to roll my eyes at, but he was still someone I noticed. He was incredibly smart, getting the best scores in our classes. He was in a computer club after school. I figured he knew how to hack. My plan was to hack into Julia’s social medias to trace her. If that didn’t work, then I wanted him to go through Jayce’s phone. The police might have found him innocent, but I knew more about Jayce than the police did.
When I entered the computer club, there were only three students there. Of course, who would stay after school when they have a computer at home? Luckily, I saw Derek. I went over and tapped his shoulder.
“Can we talk?” I asked.
Derek nodded and we left the room together. His friends were all watching us, making me slightly embarrassed.
I cracked down the situation for him. At first, Derek didn’t want to help. I was someone who wasn’t so nice to him after all. But I let him see how broken I was and he changed his mind. Derek began letting me into the computer club during lunch hours so I could watch him pick apart Julia’s instagram page. I should have let him do it alone. I should have spent more lunch time with Megan because she went missing too.
Then it was just me and Derek. He found nothing on any of my friends’ instagram pages and went on to cracking into Jayce’s phone. I had a part in this operation. I had to install a spying app onto Jayce’s phone by taking it when I saw him leave in class to go to the bathroom. 
“Are you sure he won’t know about the app?” I asked Derek hesitantly.
He made sure I knew that he coded the app himself, so he was certain Jayce wouldn’t notice.
Our search went on for a few more weeks until we finally found something. Jayce had suspicious messages sent between him and his friends about Julia. The messages were recent and completely unremorseful. He said Julia never listened to him and she deserved the lesson she was being taught. 
I excitedly turned to Derek. “Did you see that?! We finally have something!”
He turned to me and said, “You’re next.”
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baggebythesea · 2 months ago
I'm currently working on a story where people will hold hands and maybe also kiss. It's a pretty popular trope, but as far as I can tell, it's not overdone yet.
I know some fic writers get stressed about writing tropes they think are too popular or overdone, and I need you all to know that I just spent 4 hours reading every iteration of the same exact fic plot I could find, and they all brought me an indescribable amount of joy. Listen. Listen. Sometimes you want cakes of many flavours and sometimes you want Nine Carrot Cakes
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baggebythesea · 6 months ago
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And just like cats, if loners get too aggressive in the "I wanna be alone" direction they can end up driving off those new friends and then regretting it.
The use of Catra and Scorpia as example for this point was just brutal.
Trope talks over at "Overly sarcastic productions" is one of my very favourite writer's channels, both because of the great analysis of tropes in popular culture and for the chipper motor mouth narration.
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storiesbyjes2g · 2 years ago
Hey guys! I'm back again with another fake podcast (excuse my late night tired voice lol). This series is dedicated to everyone who's ever asked me a question about rotations! I hope it helps. Enjoy!
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sshivangeee · 2 years ago
You're my purple i said
she smiled a little, but
laughed it off and said
"it's violet you fool
those are two very different colours"
oh! how she knew what I meant
and how bad I was at it,
colours, their place in the spectrum
and which depicted what human emotion
She wanted me to further explain myself
from what I had gathered about her,
she had come to love my word play
tried finding the hidden meanings
ones that even i'd usually forget
But this time I was all lost,
her laugh ringing through my ears
got me all flustered
With a racing heart
i said what felt the truest,
"mixing blue with red
gives you purple"
and well what could she say
whether or not it made sense to her
I'd never know....
She just simply smiled
a hint of understanding gleaming in those seamless eyes
oh! those eyes, if purple was an emotion
i think that is what I saw in them.......
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cmoroneybooks · 2 years ago
Amazon KDP will now allow authors list their book under 3 catergories!
It used to be that Amazon would let authors select 2 catergories themselves and that authors could email Amazon requesting to be added to further catergories but in May 2023 they limited it to a maximum of 2 catergories removing the ability to ask to be added to more. They have now increased the maximum to 3 and authors can select these themselves.
Its all in their quarterly KDP newsletter if anyone wants to read it!
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