aradiamaxxing · 5 months
Why Aliens Abduct Cows
Mammals are rare among the stars. It was a meteorite that hit Earth 65 million years ago, wiping out the reign of reptiles, that allowed mammals to flourish here. And that eventually lead to the rise of human civilization. Most planets didn't have that luxury. They are ruled by some manner of amphibious or reptilian species. And there are plenty of bugs too.
This has made milk somewhat of an interstellar delicacy. Not the kind made from plants, but true honest milk animals use to nurse their young. When alien life first discovered Earth, they were amazed at how casually we consumed this scarce treasure. This white gold.
The first abductions were discreet. It was bad form to steal from lesser civilizations. Poachers would drive by, snag their own personal milk factories, and jet off before anyone noticed.
But no secret is kept forever. And the universe was desperate. They craved milk more than anything. Eventually the mask slipped. A species of bee-like arthropods, renowned for their industrial efficiency, was given official jurisdiction over Earth. All this had happened before humanity ever knew of life beyond the blue marble.
Earth's new owners saw fit to announce their presence by abducting animals en masse. They studied Earth's life, seeing which animals were capable of producing milk and discarding the rest. Soon they were bottling and selling milk of every variety. Cow, goat, cat, ferret, anything you could imagine.
Of course, humans are mammals too. This fact was not lost on the thirsty masses. They had wiped out all of the planet's defenses as soon as they arrived, and had no reservations about scooping humanity up along with their animal companions. Billions of women were pumped daily. Given hormones to increase their breast size and production rate. Broken and brainwashed until few could even remember their own names. Some of the men were turned into breeders. Some saw work as farmhands. Most became food.
It didn't matter that humans were intelligent. It didn't matter that they had a civilization, a culture. Their only impact on the universe would be the milk they provided. They were no different from the animals pumped alongside them.
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gardensnakie · 11 days
i am writing and when writing watermelon gore i wondered what Omori would be made out of. And i imagine a sugar cookie or like a really crumbly vanilla cake thats bitter but what if he also had chocolate and sttawberry jam/sauce inside him too? Am i strangemaxxing or is this a garbage take
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 8 months
the warehouse
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/53092594
by tomfooleryprod
It's over for me. need to start writemaxxing more
Words: 7586, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sniper (Team Fortress 2), RED Sniper (Team Fortress 2), RED Spy (Team Fortress 2), Spy (Team Fortress 2)
Relationships: Sniper/Spy (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags: Top Spy (Team Fortress 2), Bottom Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Spy is a guiding partner, Sniper is a nervous wreck, Tender Sex, Spy randomly drops French bangers during (dirty talk), literally google translate my bad guys, Sniper can't understand shit but it's all good, caring Spy, Sniper seeking out for a bond with someone, One Shot, porn no plot, based off a drawing I made, Scout appears afterwards, author lore drops in the middle of the sex, author is actually brain dead, author should be studying for their exams but is writing shit like this instead, It's over for them, Medic mentioned once, gotta studymaxx afta this, Light Angst, Vanilla, Gentle Sex, Bit off character I think
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/53092594
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wanteddistributors · 4 years
Tumblr media
GLOBE ENTERPRISES want to appoint distributors in products like Writemax Ceiling Fans, Electric Water Heaters, Electric Iron, Electric Kettle. Get details to call us:+91-11-46710406
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aradiamaxxing · 4 months
ayy lmao
i'm not sure this even counts as smut anymore
"Your species will always live in our shadow. But since you have been cooperative, we are offering you a better life." You hang by your wrists above a vat of glowing green fluid. Before you is a team of several roswell aliens tapping away at monitors and panels. Save one, the one speaking to you. "By now the DNA we injected you with has spread throughout your entire body. We may now proceed with the conversion." It's as much an order to her crew as it is a statement to you. A machine whirrs to life, slowly lowering you into the broth. "You are about to receive the greatest gift of all. The gift of being Gray."
Your body dissolves within the broth. But some aspect of you continues to occupy the space, latching onto the new form rapidly growing within the vat. Soon enough you are raised, and gently set upon the floor. A Gray wraps a towel around your shivering body. You catch your reflection in the glass, and see that you now resemble your captors. Your skin green, your eyes large and black. Your nose and ears minimized.
Another Gray starts barking orders. "Dry her off and get her to a pod." You are escorted down a set of futuristic metal corridors to a room containing an egg-shaped machine. You are strapped in with headphones secured over your ears, and the lowering of the door places a screen mere inches from your face.
The machine fires up, and your are assaulted with sounds and images. A new reality invades your mind, intent on pushing the old one out. An entire life plays out before your eyes. Weeks pass in hours. Months pass in minutes. Years pass in seconds. Your thoughts are enclosed in an airtight seal of memories and ideologies, continually reinforced by fabricated experiences.
Earth: An uninhabited planet, colonized by Grays. Grays: The prime species. You: A Gray, born and raised on Earth. Your Body: Evolution's greatest achievement. Maintain it. Relish it. Our Destiny:
"To explore the stars and establish a universal Gray Empire."
The man sitting across from you notes your response on his clipboard. "You've passed the Initial Knowledge Assessment. With a perfect score, in fact." He stands and offers you a handshake, which you eagerly reciprocate. "Welcome to Star Corps."
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aradiamaxxing · 11 months
Pumpkin Rave (NSFW)
got intensely horny and decided to try writing some halloween smut. and what's halloween without a little monsterfucking?
Halloween night. You're at a rave hosted by an obscure musician calling herself "The Pumpkin Queen". She seems like any other artist with an obvious and flashy gimmick. Hers is wearing a pumpkin on her head. You're not expecting to be blown away, but a party is a party and you're in the mood to let loose.
She doesn't appear until after the sun has set. She steps out onstage alone, with no equipment or speakers set up. Is this a joke? The one thing that does impress you is the quality of her costume. Her head is a jack-o'lantern, with orange flames spewing from the eyes and mouth. Her collared cloak is distinctly vampiric, but when she casts her hand out towards the audience you notice that she's not wearing anything underneath.
"Come, my thralls." Though there are no speakers, her voice booms loud enough for the entire audience to hear it clearly. Some of the audience have attended her shows before, they're the most excited. As a newcomer, you're still not sure what to expect. "Let the sound of my voice enchant your mind once more. Leave your bodies behind, for tonight your souls will party in the netherrealm!" You look up to see a giant green portal open in the sky. You don't even get the chance to ask what's happening before an unseen force violently tugs on every part of you. You feel yourself moving upwards, yet your body remains anchored to the ground. Eventually, the tension is too much to handle, and you exit your body as a glowing wisp. Your physical form falls to the ground as your soul speeds through a massive green vortex.
In the next moment you are in an unfamiliar body. You have ashen skin and greasy black hair that falls over your shoulders. Your eyes are hollow sockets, your long tongue hangs out of a mouth with no lower jaw. Your arms are lanky, and the lack of a lower torso or legs forces you to crawl on them. You're in a great pit with fleshy walls. Dubstep music pulses from an unknown source. Around you is a whole host of equally horrific beasts. A large, hairless bat makes out with a bundle of arms, while elsewhere a disembodied pig head rubs against a colossal cube of meat. Only then does it dawn on you that you're in the middle of a giant monster orgy.
Well, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. You approach a chubby man with the head of a bull and offer yourself. He snorts, blowing a cloud of smoke in your face, and some part of your mind recognizes that as an invitation. Your tongue goes to work caressing his shaft, massaging his foreskin in exchange for drops of pre. The air is filled with horrendous shrieks and gurgles as everyone finds pleasure in their own way. The bull-man grunts and roars at your touch, his cock swelling and throbbing until he unloads onto your face. His expression softens, and you feel his big, strong hands pat your head before he steps aside to let a seemingly normal clown lick your face clean.
If you had known what this rave would entail, you would have torn up your ticket. Yet somehow you're enjoying yourself. You drift from beast to beast, making and giving love, and enjoying buffet tables of chocolate and sweets(the best halloween tradition). The music is varied, at any moment you could be listening to EDM, Classical, or holiday-centric Pop music.
You eventually stumble across the Pumpkin Queen herself, a beacon of brilliant blue flames. She has abandoned the cloak, and is nude save for the excessive jewelry that adorns her. Necklaces, wristbands, anklets, rings. Her body is surprisingly human, and she would be indistinguishable if not for the head. With power comes beauty, you suppose. She herself is not a part of the raucous fucking, but she is surrounded by several attendees pleasuring themselves to the sight of her.
She turns to look at you, and you freeze. "Oh, did you come looking for me?" She cackles. "I respect your taste. Come here." She beckons you with a single finger. Though you are filled with doubt, you are compelled to approach. You are in her domain, after all. She is your queen. She spreads her legs. "Pleasure me." Your tongue caresses her pussy, rubbing against her clit. With each moan she spews a tower of flame towards the heavens. When you finish, she takes your head in her hands and lifts you to face her. "Oh, you're a keeper. You should come back next year." How could you deny such a request?
Though you wake up back in your own body the next morning, with only the faintest memory of the night, your spirit remains with her. Every year on Halloween night, you return to her. Even after you move across the country, she is still there, waiting for you.
And as you lay on your deathbed, you see her reaching out to you, inviting you to spend the afterlife with her. And so you spend eternity partying in her domain, a thrall of the Pumpkin Queen.
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aradiamaxxing · 28 days
male POV
implied mind control, transformation
It's the first thing people see when they enter the hotel. A lifesize golden statue of a nude, reclining woman, surrounded by a pool of water.
The woman sculpted is the hotel's original owner. She had it commissioned, most likely as a vanity project. A monument to her wealth and ego. It's jarring, but it's not tasteless. Her arm hangs down to cover her nipples, and the legs are crossed in a way that hides her crotch.
Her. It. Its crotch.
The hallway is dead quiet when you step out of your room. It's around 2:30 in the morning. You're dressed in an old t-shirt and sweatpants that you brought to sleep in. No underwear beneath. You've just woken up from a dream you can't quite remember, but you know that gold was involved. You are fully erect.
The elevator stops on the ground floor and opens directly into the lobby. The statue is right there in front of you. The lobby is empty. It feels like the whole building is empty. You strip, and approach her.
The statue starts to move. The arm drifts from its resting place, revealing two golden nipples underneath. Its motions are as fluid as if it were a living being. She goes from lying on her side to on her back, legs lifted into the air, crotch exposed. There's a hole there.
You step into the water. It's shallow, not even enough to submerge your toes. The position of her legs makes them convenient handles. You expect some sort of give or reaction when you grasp them, but the metal is firm. She's as still and stiff as if she had been sculpted this way all along. And cold.
Your mind is full of doubt. Your body is not. You plunge into the metallic orifice before you can even think to do so. You wince with each thrust. Her cavity is the ideal size and shape for your dick, but that does not make the metal any softer nor warmer. You want to stop, but you won't.
Moans echo throughout the lobby, a mix of pleasure and pain. If there was anyone in the building, there is no doubt they would hear you. Tears are running down your face. It feels so good. She is so beautiful. Your vision is getting foggy. You're in love with her.
The pace of your thrusts slows as you feel a climax welling up within you. Every motion is deliberate now, you are fully on board with this. You hold the last thrust until your cock bursts with the most intense flood you've ever produced. Whimpers of relief accompany your release. For the first time that night, you feel truly relaxed.
For a moment, your desperate breaths travel alone through the silence. Then you black out.
It's the first thing people see when they enter the hotel. A lifesize golden statue of a man and a woman making love, surrounded by a pool of water.
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