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tryingtimi · 24 days ago
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Final WC: 16,059 | @the-wip-project
Oh man, the event eneded and I couldn’t post my last what, three weeks accountability post because of hectic life stuff. But hey, gotta cram everything into this one here then, right?
So, we’ve started off strong and steady, and even though many things got in my schedule’s way, we’ve ended on a nice note. During the event, I realised that I’m probably writing the Heroine’s Journey (a structure that the event introduced me to), which is very helpful on the technical side, and although I already let go of stuffing my stories into structures, esp the Hero’s Journey, it still helped me to have something to reach for if I get a bit lost where to go next.
Also, what I realised was that the core of my story will revolve around the hardships of understanding each other. There are many themes I will explore, but at the core, it will be about people being hurt and broken by each other’s choices but learning to see why the other did what they did, and even if not forgiving it, then just having some kind of an understanding at the end. Familial relationships are in the centre too, and I have a lot of fun exploring them.
Besides all that, my characters became a bit more clearer. Their motivations and how to handle situations. I did the homework post on their themes, desires, whatever, but they still changed a bit since then haha. Not much though. Either way, they’re forming into their authentic self which I am in love with, especially because they give me a lot of challenges.
Sasin was a piece that I wanted to write to purely for myself from the beginning, yet as it develops I see what the true values of this story bill be.
On the prose and all that note, the exploration helped me realise that I will probably lean a bit more into litfic voice territory sometimes, because even though I’m mostly writing fantasy, litfic is my go-to and I think it shows. Which is a relief because sometimes my insecurities peeked out a little bit when I found that my style and way of handling some thing did not match the usual fantasy idk beats/voices/styles. As much as I love the plot and the world, the characters’ internal conflicts, the complications and intricacies of their relationships will be at the front.
I also joined a lovely little writing group around the time the event started, and that also taught me a lot already. About myself and how I handle comments, how should I approach sharing my babies, when to do it, and how to look at others’s stuff as well. It’s a blast and I’ll be forever grateful and lucky to have been able to be a part of that. Just like these events, haha.
Anyway, this thing became rambly, and I could still say a lot lol. So I’ll end it here. Hope everyone had as much of a fun as I, and will browse through the tag to see how others did when I get a lil break.
Take care and hydrate y’all. ❤️
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yvesdot · 1 year ago
Psst—I'll be live on KZSC's "Kosher Noise" radio segment from 4-5 PM PDT today, October 6th, 2023! Click here to listen live when it airs and hear about ethical vampwriting, why extra credit. says "for rabbi greenberg" on it, and how Something's Not Right sneaks Jewish tradition into queer monster lit.
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pluttskutt · 8 months ago
It's August so I want to remind y'all I'll be holding the "Trick or Treat" event during the last weekend of October! It's the third year and I'm looking forward to it.
I'll talk about it more in September so keep your eyes peeled 👀
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writeblrbattleroyale · 2 years ago
Hello! The second round is just around the corner. There's just one thing left. There are 11 winner, so someone needs to get a new one. Now it's your choice.
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druidx · 5 months ago
just thought of this randomly and now im curious; is there a unique mini event for thursday? like wip wednesday, fanfic friday...
i've seen these writing based mini-events for nearly every day but definitely not thursday (to my memory)
So, according to this weekly event list I rb'd 8 months ago, Thursday is 'Thirsty Thursday' and all about relationships (not just romantic, but others too).
But this also designates Saturday as 'Sit-Down' rather than 'Storyteller', so... grain of salt.
I also feel like there used to be an 'Author Thursday'? (it might have been Tuesday instead...) That was about asking others their about their writing process, style, inspos, etc, because Storyteller Sat was more about what you were up to.
The thing to bear in mind is there are so many completing things, for example some people do 'Worldbuilding Wednesday' (when you ask specifically about stuff going on in someone's world) vs WIP Weds, that really you could just make up your own thing to do. For example, @tracle0 started doing 'Snippet Sunday' which is getting a lot of traction.
Another thing to bear in mind is that, as far as I have observed, the whole thing is in constant flux anyway 😅️ What was going on 6 months ago might not be a thing anymore, and nothing is 'official' anyway.
Sorry this got a bit rambly (needs more coffee), but hopefully contained some of the answers sought?
Happy wording! ✒️
(OFC if OOMFs knows any different to me or can give a better answer, please do!)
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cherrybombfangirlwrites · 1 year ago
hi anna, happy STS!
for Fractured Stars Falling, what's your favourite location you've come up with? What's the best detail about it that makes it special (to you or to a character) (--@space-writes)
Happy STS, Space! EEEE I LOVE THIS QUESTION! I love all of the worldbuilding for Eltya, but I do have one absolute favorite that I keep coming back to: The Under. If you don't already know, The Under is the afterlife/underworld of Eltya where mortal souls go when they die- and it's not a fun time for anybody, everything there is trying to kill you, and it's a miserable place :D
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It doesn't matter what you were like in your mortal life or what morals you kept or didn't keep- everyone gets the same fate. It's run a little bit like the security area of an airport, where all the souls are sorted by their cause of death, and then sent to a barren area where they wait to rot away until there's no memory of their mortal self and they turn into one of the demons that guards or runs the place. All the souls in an enclosed area (enclosed with a line of short rocks like a fence), are at varying stages of decay, and it could take an entire mortal lifetime to rot away completely into a demon.
Undral is the King of the Dead and Ruler of the Underworld, and he's a sour, no-nonsense businessman that thinks mortals are annoying and whiny little shits. He hates when a few brave ones come to him asking for a second chance at life- he turns them away if he's feeling nice, or locks them in one of his castle's many dungeons where they sit and rot for eternity or are tortured if he feels like it.
His castle is a huge, dark, sharp and spiky looking thing, that sits on the edge of The Under and has a strange orange glow like lava coming from behind it. The castle is guarded by a few of his elite demon soldiers, but mainly guarded by vulture sentinels that love to feast on mortals and scratch their eyes out or eat their organs. Gross :).
The terrain of the entire underworld is like an underground cave with huge stalagmites and stalactites that look like the huge teeth of a monstrous leviathan of some myth as big as the world itself. My main inspirations for it were the Goblin Valley state park in Utah and the huge underground salt caves in New Mexico. The Under is all red rock and orange dirt as far as your eye can see, and what few trees there are, are all dry as a bone and their brittle branches reach out for you like skeleton hands.
If you venture out into the badlands, there are a few crevices and caves to hide in, but the area is filled with shadow monsters that would make anyone terrified.
Also! Mortal souls in the under can get injured or experience thirst and hunger- but they can't die. They'll still experience all of the things that could've killed them in the mortal world, but it won't kill them. It'll be painful and uncomfortable and slow them down, but none of that can kill them. That part is very fun to write, this whole thing is fun to write, but that especially :).
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If you're asking why? Death doesn't have to be that way. And I say: well, yes. But first of all, my story my rules. Second, the reason I'm writing it this way might have something to do with my religious trauma (and the weird and fucked up afterlife stuff I was taught to believe), but I'm not gonna think about that too hard to save myself the embarrassment :)))). i mean, that would explain why everyone gets the same fate reguardless of how 'good' or 'bad' they were during their mortal existence.
If you would like to know more- Please please ask me, I would love to ramble more about this miserable little afterlife.
Thanks @space-writes !
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Writeblr Battle Royale - Ametrine Versus Lyra! (Lyra POV)
Yes! That's right! Round 2 of the event @writeblrbattleroyale put on by @your-absent-father! This time my alien elf Lyra is going up against the ghost-fighting Ametrine (OC that belongs to @moonluringfrost)! And this time she actually does fight! You can read Lyra's round 1 here and Ametrine's round 1 here! Thanks, enjoy, and remember you can follow all the action here OR by following #writeblrbattleroyale !
Follow some awesome fellow authors and watch our OCs beat the shit out of each other (when they behave and do what they're supposed to do instead of things like trying to escape or have a pleasant conversation)
WC: 1,240 Tw: death
“And now the round 1 has ended. Unfortunately for me, some of you players tried to go against me, but I give you the benefit of the doubt. I haven’t introduced myself. People call me M. I don’t know if it’s my real name. I really don’t remember anything. I once was a full person that was cursed to roam the world, without being able to go beyond. I do have two goals I remember: I am the bringer of entertainment, and I am a bringer of death. This place really is the tight combination of both. You are my freak show now that my own freak was taken for me. I just need to make sure now you don’t try to escape.” 
A woman appears in the middle of the arena in clothes that are almost stereotypical of a fortune teller. She’s south American, with a beautiful straight nose and eyes that seem to know everything you deeply want to know. “I am so sorry.” She points at Lyra and the new opponent, and the world shifted.
Flashes of her home. Devastated. Crushed and burnt plant matter, the giant carved pillars now broken and laying at her feet. Someone far away was laughing among the eerie quiet. A flash of dark and Lyra was running. Heading to the laughing. She emerged into the light and blinked. Her home, the island of her parents…it was all gone. Broken. Destroyed.
“Hail the queen!” A voice from beyond sight called.
Bodies began to move under the rubble, and Lyra glanced down. She was wearing the outfit of the highest noble. Queen. The stone fragments of all the clans were embedded into the leather wrapped around her wrist. A mark of what was never supposed to be.
“Queen of all!!” someone called. “Death-bringer!!”
The bodies revealed themselves, and turned to her with faces of shame, fear, anger and hopelessness.
“Queen of Elkien, conqueror and destroyer of the lands!!”
“My fancy little crew here are all my helpers whose soul is in their own little dimension. I won’t mind putting you with my little collection. So, now it’s time for round 2”.
Lyra blinked back into reality standing in an arena, a cold sweat covering every inch of her skin. That…so that wasn’t real, then. It was one of her greatest fears…and it had been brought to her mind by this ‘M’ character.
She wanted to draw an arrow and shoot it directly into the sky, directly to the place where M had been moments ago. But the sounds of people shuffling around, starting to murmur and talk and shout all distracted her. She pinned her ears to her head, giving it a shake. Focused on her opponent.
The sooner she could finish this, the sooner she could get to M and make him pay. For this game of death, for making them participate…for making her live the nightmare that haunted her like a shadow.
She took a breath to steady herself, facing the one opposite her. Pale skin, light hair, blue eyes. Petit build. But she knew enough to know that a size and shape were only minor factors in a fight. She couldn’t afford to take her opponent lightly.
Even so, she did not want to fight if she did not have to.
Taking a deep breath, Lyra called out, “Adversary! I don’t want to fight you. How much do you want to fight me?”
The response came. “Depends on if fighting will get me home faster than not.” The woman began walking towards Lyra, causing her back to stiffen just a bit. She began backing away. Keep the same distance between them. She didn’t know what her opponent could do and didn’t want to find out by letting her get too close.
“I don’t know if fighting will get us home. But I do know it will end with one of us dead.” The woman didn’t seem to change based on words alone, continuing to advance. Lyra let out a breath and fired a warning shot directly into her path, the arrow digging into the ground at her feet. “I don’t want to fight…but I will if I must.”
The woman across from her sighed as Lyra knocked another arrow into place. She seemed tired, and Lyra couldn’t blame her. “I have to try,” she called back. “There’s something I need to do. I’m sorry.”
She reached down and plucked Lyra’s arrow from the ground, keeping it with her as she began advancing faster.
Lyra grit her teeth. “Then I’m sorry as well. Good luck, adversary.”
The woman increased her speed to a near-run, Lyra keeping her arrow tight as she began to back up faster. Lyra tried to track her, but the woman’s evasive movements made for little opening. Eventually Lyra had to lower her arrow and focus on moving, on keeping up the distance and matching her speed to her opponent’s.
This was the best tactic Lyra had at the moment, not wanting to use her earth magic unless it was absolutely needed. The cost was high, and while she’d used it on the last little one it was simply because it seemed an easier way to end the fight than blood. From the way this new opponent moved, she would have to be more careful with her magic…something she was not prepared to do. Not yet.
And her reward was a sudden change in tactic, the woman suddenly changing course and speed, charging directly at Lyra. Lyra moved until her back was against the wall, waited until her opponent was nearly on top of her before stretching out her wings and flying into the air. Feet now against the wall, Lyra kept herself aloft while pushing off.
She looked.
She tucked her wings and tucked herself into a ball as she landed, rolling with momentum and getting her feet under her as fast as possible, leaping into a crouch and spinning around to identify where her opponent was.
A body was collapsed by the wall.
Lyra waited for movement as the crowd around her seemed to hold their breath. A few began talking. Whispers among the specters watching. Then…
Lyra risked a glance up at the ones in the stands. A few looked genuinely shocked. A few looked genuinely pleased. Several looked as if they were forced into cheering, like puppets but ones that she could not spot the strings.
Standing, Lyra walked cautiously over to the body. The woman, her adversary, was dead. She rolled the body onto her back, removed the arrow, and closed her eyes, making a gesture that marked blessings for the dead. “I am sorry you did not complete what you needed to do,” she said softly. “But, if you have a next life, I hope you are able to find peace in it.”She stood and turned to face M. Took a deep breath and yelled up, “mxmuzacimo!!!” You are a bag of dicks!! before stalking back to her original spot. He was going to pay for making her – for making them – participate. She wasn’t sure how yet, not as well versed in life and death magic from her home and unsure if it would work in this place. But she was going to make sure she tried if she won her way to the top. And if not? She was going to try before she was taken out.
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world-of-fire-and-flight · 1 year ago
You already got a few trick or treat asks so how about something different!
Uhhhh- a treat or trick! No. Trit or treak? Lol 🤕
Just, Happy Halloween!
Here's some candy: 🍫🍫🍫🪥🍫🍫 >:)
Ooooh candy😄 Thanks, bestie! Happy Halloween! Hope you get all your favorite treats!👻🦇🎃🍫🍭🍬
(Fun fact: I'm actively avoiding the bag of candy I bought for trick-or-treaters. So far, I've been successful but there's still two-ish days to go😔🤞)
I'm gonna go with treat and drop a cookie recipe inspired by Embers of Eternity (and here's the scene to go along with it!) (also sorry for the U.S. measurements! They're all I know😅):
Butter Chip Cookies:
Ingredients: 1 cup salted butter, browned ½ cup granulated sugar 1 cup light brown sugar 1 - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 eggs 2 ¼ cups flour 1 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt ¼ cup mini chocolate chips, divided
In a small pot, brown butter over medium heat. Stir constantly and watch carefully. It will take a few minutes for the butter to begin to turn brown. Once the butter begins to turn, remove from heat and continue to stir until the butter is a caramel-brown color.
Pour butter in a large mixing bowl to cool and set aside.
In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside. Using a mixer, beat butter, brown sugar, sugar, and vanilla together. Add half of the flour mixture to the butter mixture and mix to incorporate, then add the remaining flour mixture until combined.
Add the eggs, mixing until well combined. Let the dough rest for a few minutes.
Scoop dough into balls and place on baking sheet with room for cookies to spread.
Bake at 375°F for about 10 minutes or until golden.
Recipe Notes:
Flour may be substituted for a one-to-one gluten-free flour alternative. It doesn’t change the recipe at all.
I personally like to use 1 ½ teaspoons of vanilla extract, but you should listen to what feels right in your soul.
Letting the dough rest before scooping it into cookies is to help prevent them from spreading too thin and is essential to baking a proper butter chip cookie.
If, for whatever reason, a whole batch of cookies isn’t needed all at once, still form all of the cookies and place whatever quantity of the unbaked cookie dough is unneeded on a baking sheet and place in the freezer until the dough is frozen. Store in a sealed airtight container and thaw as needed before baking them to enjoy.
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ink-fireplace-coffee · 1 year ago
Trick or Treat? 🦇
Hello Nerissa!! Thank you for asking!!
TRICK for you!!
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anoelleart · 2 years ago
Song Saturday! Protolith Excerpt
She sang: “From the space between the stars  came a force to cleave Earth and soul.  There bore two lovers  Destined. Lover’s voice is clear as wind: Swallow from sky, betwixt land and water, from what is  bound to our Earth, and I may be anew.”  Charlotte shook her head. “I’m sorry. I’m a terrible singer.” “A hauntingly beautiful lullaby,” Byron said. She smiled. “It is. When I was a child, I loved to believe that we would all find our partner, born from the same star – from the same soul, even.” “And now?” “I would think myself silly to believe in souls.”
[The Protolith, Chapter 26]
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johnny-depp-is-loved · 2 months ago
“I’m not on tiktok anyway so this does not affect me” no???? it’s not just about tiktok or whether or not you like the app??? it’s about them being able to censor and control what they want and what they don’t want people to see. it’s about them being able to keep people uneducated for the sake of their personal gain and benefits.
(it’s also about small businesses who relied on tiktok to gain customers / income.)
that being said, if the only thing you care about is the platforms you’re on, sorry to break it to you, but if they can ban tiktok, they can go after any other platforms too.
they can go after tumblr, archive of our own, instagram, youtube, facebook, etc, you name it.
it actually does affect you.
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peepos-prose · 5 months ago
Countdown to Writing November! What are we all planning to work on over the month?
I’m gonna get a draft down of The House on Dearmad, have a good plan and hoping for the best this time around. Estimating 45,000-50,000 words but knowing my verbose ass, it’ll prolly be 60 plus.
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yvesdot · 2 years ago
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Thursday, October 12th, 6:30-8:00 PM at the Santa Cruz Diversity Center
I am having a physical, in-person event in Santa Cruz for anyone interested in hearing about the queer self-/indie-publishing journey! I'll be talking about making queer-as-in-very-strange art, financing art as the deplorable "side hustle," and not losing your mind while publishing. Also, reading aloud from Something's Not Right! RSVP on Eventbrite!
If you're seeing this and you're not Californian, do me a favor—share this post to your network! Let's get this to the weird queer artists in the area. (And, hey, let me know if you'd like me to come to your town! We'll see what I can do ^__^)
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void-botanist · 1 year ago
This starts tomorrow - if you're doing it please reblog/reply so I can send you some asks! Also I'll be accepting trick or treat asks forever through the end of October so don't feel like you have to hit this week exactly.
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🎃 Trick or Treat 🎃
The Event
Let’s celebrate Halloween together with a fun game! During this event, we’ll knock on people’s ask boxes and send them a simple question: Trick or Treat? 🦇
The recipient decides if it’s to be a trick, or a treat, as the owner of the house.
🍬 Treat — If the recipient choses treat, they share something with us as a treat. This could be a snippet, a line, OC trivia, or what have you!
👻 Trick — Turning the question around, the asker now has to share something of their own! But, seeing as it’s a trick, they may leave something under a read more, or link to something, that may catch you off guard… 😱
The event is held* through 27th-29th of October.
(Examples of) What you can share:
A snippet
A scene
OC trivia
Worldbuilding fact
A song, or even a playlist
A moodboard
Anything you think is a treat you want to share!
If you get “Trick 👻”, pulling a trick is up to you.
❗ Tricksters ❗ Keep to etiquette. A rick roll is fun, a spooky gif, a picrew of your character dressed up for Halloween, and other fun tricks are what I hope to see, should someone chose to pull a trick.
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Yes, you read that right! "Trick or Treat" is making a comeback this year 🍬🗡️ Spread this post to get the word out. I'll send an ask to everyone who reblogs this! 🎃
*I will be sending asks during these dates but you are welcome to start this event any time you like and tweak it how you want. Remember Writeblr etiquette and send an ask back to the one who sent one to you! (Excluding me 👻)
🧡 Enjoy 🧡
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writeblrbattleroyale · 2 years ago
fighting duo: Jackson and Herchel
Hello darling watchers, I’m M, the watchful eye, and the game master of the game. let’s talk about the fighting duos.
Herschel is quite ordinary man. He is a wisecracking detective, who does have a bit of a limp that could come in an disadvantage in the fight. Well, if he uses his gun he is a master at, I doubt his opponent can come close to him. His very extraordinary personality could get his opponent to his side, but only time tells what happens in the fight itself.
On the other side is Jackson Xu, a younger guy He is very similar to Herchel in a way that this place and situation isn’t a place they would typically lead to, even if the fight wouldn’t happen on interdimensional whole of nothingness. He is a bit of simple guy in life but would protect his friends, if they were, for instance, threatened.
@rainisawriter @quisyop
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cherrybombfangirlwrites · 1 year ago
It's Blorbo Blursday! And I arrive with questions! Your blorbos go to the movies, who:
Forgets to turn off their phone?
Has to take out a second mortgage to buy snacks?
Finishes all the snacks during the previews?
Is the Talker (tm)?
Is the one that polishes off two sodas without realizing they're probably going to have to go to the bathroom at some point during the film?
Is the one to sneak into other theaters after their movie ends to catch a free one but shhh don't tell anybody!
Happy Blorbosday! (On STS... it's fine)
I love this question so much and we're doing all three of my main casts because i can <3
On their phone: Monty and Tris, turn off your damn phones, you dumbasses. Or at least turn the brightness down (they at least did put them on silent). Elliot and Max are reading physical books, like the nerds they are.
Going Bankrupt Buying Snacks: Lan and Raven are buying the snacks. They immedietly regret it. In their defense, Snow and Sapphire are very persuasive, and at least the girls are happy.
Eats all the Snacks before it even starts: Sapphire and Triveya wolfed down all the snacks. and they're still hungry. Sorry. (Triveya uses her magic to steal more, but only a few).
The Talker: Erica and Cassandra are the commentators, and they almost get the group kicked out of the theater because they won't shut up. They also won't stop making goo goo eyes at each other and making out.
Drinks 2 Sodas before it even starts: Sapphire. You know it's Sapphire. Girl got really excited, and the sugar and caffiene were actually helping her calm down (cuz ADHD), but girl, you're gonna be going to the bathroom 5 times during the movie. You better sit next to the aisle at least.
Sneaks Into Other Movies Too: Cass, Erica, Sapphire, and Triveya all sneak into other movies and they drag the others with them as well.
On their phone: In Kylee's defense, most of her fidgets are on her phone. Nickelle is also on her phone, both of them at least have the decency to keep the brightness low and put their phones on silent.
Going Bankrupt Buying Snacks: Asher. He realizes he just spent wayyy too much a little too late. And the snacks are already gone and everyone is still hungry. Luckily, Bryson planned for this and has snacks hidden in his jacket. Those snacks last long enough.
Eats all the Snacks before it even starts: V, Kylee, and Chase. And they're still hungry. No they're not sorry.
The Talker: Jason. Bitch will not shut up, and is complaining how he'd rather be at his family's in home theater. By himself. But no, he has to be here for a 'team building exercise'. He also says a lot of rich people things and doesn't understand why the characters in the movie don't just 'hire someone else to do it' or some shit.
Drinks 2 Sodas before it even starts: Chase. And boy won't even have to go to the bathroom until the end. He slams back a whole six pack of energy drinks like he does every night and somehow has a bladder of steel.
Sneaks Into Other Movies Too: V. V is the first one to suggest it, Kylee and Chase quickly follow, Jason ditches, and the others follow as well to keep them from getting kicked out of the theater.
Galaxy Des.
On their phone: Corie, though she has the decency to keep it on silent and the brightness very low, plus it's how she's keeping the kid calm. She doesn't really care about the movie but Hades really wanted to go, so here they are.
Going Bankrupt Buying Snacks: Knox, just to keep everyone quiet. It's fine, they'll find a way to get more money, maybe take another job. Well, it's fine until all the snacks are gone. Then they're all fucked.
Eats all the Snacks before it even starts: Hades. Kid inhaled the snacks before they even got into the theater. Astra smuggled a few snacks in, but those are quickly inhaled by the kid as well. Corie manages to keep him entertained on her phone.
The Talker: Astra and Nova will not shut up. They're either arguing or making out. They almost get the group kicked out.
Drinks 2 Sodas before it even starts: Aries, xier species needs a lot of hydration, but the species also has bladders of steel. Xey won't need to go to the bathroom until the end. Xey also use Xeir squishy and wet skin to entertain the kid.
Sneaks Into Other Movies Too: Hades starts to cry whent he movie is over, so they keep sneaking into other movies until he falls asleep.
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