#wrensfeatheredpen: raoul
delanuit · 2 years
“A ghost who bleeds is less dangerous!” // raoul no ( also hello ! )
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Erik's lips draw back to reveal the teeth of a lynx, a mad grin pulling the thin skin of his face taut. he laughs, and it is a terrible sound; beautiful in tone but hollow, devoid of mirth, a jackal's call. the young vicomte truly is all beauty and no brain if he thought it wise to challenge him.
“ and are you so sure you could draw my blood, monsieur? few men have ever had the pleasure, I can assure you. and those who have did not live to tell of it. ”
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amantesmultorum · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen gets a starter (Raoul)
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“ I didn't tell you because I was AFRAID... of losing you. ”
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rossefincha · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​​   (   raoul   )   sent   :   *   🛡️   -   for   my   muse   to   protect   yours   from   harm   .   ( x )
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                  she   can   feel   that   the   ghost   is   nearby   .   the   ghost   who   saved   her   ,   perhaps   ,   but   it   is   the   ghost   .   although   clarise   knows   this   ghost   is   the   one   who   protected   her   from   what   very   well   could   have   been   losing   her   life   ,   she   knows   it   has   a   temper   .   and   although   clarise   years   to   call   out   for   it   ,   to   learn   it   ,   she   prevents   herself   .   it   is   angry   today   .   her   fellows   dancers   are   lined   on   the   stage   ,   not   taking   any   notice   of   the   obvious   phantom   presence   .   the   managers   are   away   &   madame   giry   turns   her   back   for   a   moment   &   so   they   sneak   conversations   .   unaware   that   it   is   here   .   from   the   corner   of   clarise’s   eye   ,   she   sees   a   shadow   .   a   shadow   followed   by   the   sound   of   wood   ,   creaking   .   &   there   stands   monsieur   de   chagny   .   no   one   is   watching   .   can’t   they   know   ?   there   is   a   danger   .   &   the   spirit   seems   to   follow   the   viscount   .   ❝   monsieur   !   ❞   clarise   calls   .   if   no   one   would   call   out   for   him   ,   try   to   save   him   from   the   bitter   ghost   ,   she   had   to   .   ❝   look   !   ❞   the   word   dies   on   her   lips   as   clarise   leaps   to   him   ,   hands   outstretched   to   shove   him   away   from   the   wood   beam   that   broke   into   two   as   it   hit   the   floor   .   that   would   have   been   the   viscount   .   fingers   reach   her   lips   as   she   gasps   .   eyebrows   crease   as   she   turns   back   to   monsieur   de   chagny   .   ❝   monsieur   .   .   .   ❞   eyes   flash   back   at   the   stage   -   only   for   a   half   a   second   before   she   turns   back   to   him   .   ❝   did   you   see   it   ?   ❞
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bridelost · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​’s  raoul  sent  :  ∗  o8﹕  sender    shows    up    at    receiver’s    home    late    at    night  .  (  x  )
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𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐧  ,  𝐬𝐡𝐞  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬  𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟  𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬  ��𝐚𝐲  .  long  ,  graceful  fingers  gently  propping  her  head  up  .  clear  eyes  watch  through  the  thin  glass  of  the  window  .  the  slightest  smirk  settled  on  rosy  lips  .  she  sees  nothing  .  the  dark  has  consumed  all  .  ambrosia  simply  hears  everything  instead  .  night  is  the  only  time  she  can  enjoy  this  life  .  when  her  father  sleeps  with  dreams  haunting  him  with  the  past  &  judge  bradford  is  nowhere  to  be  seen  .  horrifying  shadows  plague  humanity  .  such  as  the  dark  figure  out  her  window  now  .  
her  movements  are  as  quick  as  the  hunting  fox  as  she  moves  throughout  the  house  .  her  skirts  bristle  against  the  breeze  her  fast  pace  make  .  with  a  firm  hand  ,  ambrosia  slowly  opens  the  door  .  the  most  cautious  she’s  ever  been  .  it  is  late  ,  after  all  &  spirits  haunt  about  .  yet  ambrosia  is  compelled  to  see  who  this  dark  stranger  is  .  her  question  leaves  her  lips  in  a  breeze-like  whisper  ,  
❝  who  are  you  ?  ❞
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sprngtime · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​  (  raoul  )  sent  :  ∗  46﹕  sender    pulls    receiver    out    of    harm’s    way  .  ( x )
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            usually  ,  she  was  not  on  foot  when  she  wandered  these  paths  .    persephone  would  be  side  -  saddle  on  her  horse  ,  winds  blowing  onto  her  face  &  galloping  faster  than  she  could  ever  go  on  foot  .  but  with  her  companion  ,  persephone  opted  to  go  on  foot  instead  .  but  perhaps  ,  it  would  be  better  had  they  been  on  foot  .  there  is  a ��howl  ,  the  wolf’s  cry  against  the  gusty  evening  .  while  she  was  shaking  on  her  feet  because  monsieur  de  chagny  pulled  her  out  of  the  way  ,  she  could  be  dead  .  ❝  monsieur  ,  ❞  persephone  says  ,  breathless  .  but  there  is  not  time  before  another  howl  cuts  across  .  ❝  we  have  to  run  .  ❞
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amantesmultorum · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​​ gets a starter (Raoul)
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“ You were put on this earth to give me a HEADACHE. ”
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amantesmultorum · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​ / Raoul
“I’m no longer a child!”
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Marie frowned at her younger brother. He was certainly no longer a child. He had grown so tall, she remembered the days when he was smaller than her. And to Marie, to Marie it felt as though those days were just yesterday. But they weren’t. The older sister took a moment to gather herself before speaking. “ Well, then Monsieur le Vicomte, since you are no longer a child, you should stop acting like one, and then we all will STOP treating you as such ! ” She remembers when she was still a girl, sharing the role of Mother with Annette, in Raoul’s young years before the sisters were married off. She shook her head. Raoul may no longer look like the little boy of her memories, but her brother sure acted like him sometimes.  “  You can make your own decisions, but that does not mean that you should throw our advice to the wind now that you are grown. ”
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amantesmultorum · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​ / Raoul
“ some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost. ”
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The Comte de Changy let out a chuckle smiling at the young Vicomte. “ I am sure that is a truth, however when it comes to you, I think you get lost to easily. So forgive me for thinking that you have only found such beautiful things by getting lost. ” Philippe shook his head, he was intrigued though.  “ What is the beautiful path you have found this time, Raoul? ”
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amantesmultorum · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​ / Raoul
❝ I’m sorry if it upsets you, but I’m going to marry her. ❞
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The Comte let out a sigh as he put the newspaper down. Now giving his full attention to his younger brother. Philippe has quickly come to the realization that he should have given his brother more of his attention in his formative years. Because clearly, if Philippe had they would not be having this conversation. “ I had hoped that you were not so FOOLISH to even entertain that that little idea of yours was a reality. I see no reason for you to marry her. So you WON’T and that is how it will be. ”  As long as Philippe was Comte, and head of the De Chagny family affairs, he would make certain that the little diva would not wiggle her way further into his brother’s life.
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amantesmultorum · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​ / Raoul
[ FEAR ] : sender, out of instinctive fear, grabs receiver's hand for comfort.
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Gustave never had a son. The only child he had was Christine. The only family he had left, was his daughter. However, this summer, teaching the young de Chagny child the violin, and seeing the boy become a good playfellow of Christine, Gustave felt as if he had a second child. And perhaps, if society were better, and class and social status had not separated his daughter and young Raoul so greatly, the boy could very well be his future son-in-law. 
Gustave had intended to walk the young boy back to his Aunt’s house that evening, but given the intensity of the rain and the thunderstorm, it seemed Raoul would have to spend the night with Gustave, and Christine. 
Daddy Daaé had sat the children beside him, telling them dark stories of the north. And with perfect timing, a crash of thunder boomed around them, pausing Gustave in his tracks. That was when the young boy reached out and grabbed the aging violinist’s hand. The boys hand still seemed so small compared to Gustave’s own, Raoul had much more growing left to do.
He gave Raoul’s hand a gentle squeeze. “ Oh, min lilla vän, do not worry... The Bugul Noz will not take you while I am here. ” Gustave said with a gentle laugh.
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amantesmultorum · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​​ / Raoul
12﹕ sender  invites  receiver  to  dance . (𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 .)
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The blonde offers a rather large smile to her beloved as she takes his outstretched hand. Excited by the aura of the people around them. This was her first masquerade, and the soprano could not help but feel excited. And of course, Raoul being beside her only filled her with more love, awe, and excitement. With a soft giggle falling from the Swedish girls lips, she pulls Raoul to the dance floor, despite him being the one to invite her to dance.
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After everything that has happened, there were not many moments in Christine’s life were she felt without fear. But this moment with Raoul was perhaps the closest she has been since their moments together up on the rooftop. Raoul was her light. “ This is all so wonderful ! ” Christine murmured to Raoul as she placed her hands in the proper positions for dancing.
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rossefincha · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​​   (   raoul   )   :   👺   -   for   a   starter   where   our   muses   run   into   each   other   at   a   masquerade   .   
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                  was   she   allowed   to   be   here   ?   not   technically   ,   but   who   could   stop   dancers   from   attending   a   party   which   at   it’s   core   was   a   dance   .   a   glorious   ball   !   no   one   could   discover   ,   not   when   no   one   could   recognize   even   each   other   .   nonetheless   the   ballerina   girls   who   only   appeared   on   the   stage   to   dance   for   a   few   minutes   before   disappearing   to   the   backstage   areas   .   clarise   was   not   afraid   to   admit   she   didn’t   know   who   anyone   was   .   the   others   who   she’d   entered   with   had   dispersed   ,   leaving   her   alone   .   standing   to   the   side   ,   eyes   flicker   to   the   man   beside   her   .   monsieur   de   changny   ?   yes   ,   she   supposes   that’s   him   ,   but   in   case   it   isn’t   she   simply   says   ,   ❝   it’s   the   most   perfect   party   i’ve   ever   attended   !   ❞
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rossefincha · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​​‘s   raoul   sent   :   “   paper   faces   on   parade   ”   !!!   ( x )   /   clearing   out   inbox
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               they   have   heard   nothing   about   the   ghost   in   months   &   clarise   misses   it   .   the   managers   certainty   don’t   .   they   celebrate   over   champagne   ,   throwing   marvelous   parties   instead   .   but   when   clarise   knew   the   ghost   was   around   ,   there   was   a   layer   of   safety   .   no   one   could   harm   her   as   long   as   it   was   around   .   a   part   of   the   masquerade   ,   while   advertised   as   an   event   to   celebrate   the   coming   year   ,   was   because   of   the   ghost’s   disappearance   .   it   is   difficult   to   remain   upset   for   long   .   the   evening   invites   her   favorite   pastime   -   dancing   .   clarise   spots   monsieur   de   chagny   over   all   the   heads   .   once   the   dance   finishes   ,   she   nearly   leaps   over   to   him   with   a   small   smile   .   ❝   isn’t   this   a   very   nice   party   ,   monsieur   ?   ❞
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rossefincha · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​​   (   raoul   )   sent   :   ❝   forget   these   wide   -   eyed   fears   ❞   ( x )
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                  ❝   i’m   not   afraid   .   ❞   she   would   hate   for   monsieur   de   chagny   to   think   she   was   .   the   ghost   did   not   scare   her   .   the   ghost   was   her   savior   .   clarise   could   be   dead   if   it   weren’t   for   it   .   tucking   nimble   fingers   under   her   chin   ,   she   puckers   her   lower   lip   out   .   ❝   if   i   was   afraid   ,   it   would   be   for   the   people   who   do   not   understand   the   ghost   .   they   do   not   know   .   ❞
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sprngtime · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​  (  raoul  )  ♡  !!  ( x )
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send  a  ♡  and  i’ll  fill  this  out  for  our  muses  !    i’ll  bold  what  i  want  for  their  relationship,  italic  what  i  could  see  and  strike  out  what  i  don’t  .
FRIENDS.      childhood  friends    /    work  friends    /    family  friends    /    recently  friends    /    turning  antagonistic    /    turning  into  something  romantic    /    stable    /    falling  apart    /    friendship  of  need    /    friendship  of  circumstance  /  pen  -  pals  or  internet  friends    /    coworkers    /    partners    /    other  .
ROMANCE.      childhood  sweethearts    /    newly  entered    /    soulmates    /    skinny  love    /    unrequited  from  my  muses  side    /    unrequited  from  your  muses  side    /    friends  with  benefits    /    awkward    /    fading    /    turning    toxic    /    toxic    and    destructive    /    other  .
FAMILIAL  BOND.      sibling  bond    /    older  sibling  figure  to  your  muse    /    younger  sibling  figure  to  your  muse    /    parental  figure  to  your  muse    /    parental  figure  to  your  muse    /    guardian  figure    /    legal    guardian    /    other  .
ENEMIES.      dangerous  to  themselves    /    dangerous  to  others    /    unpredictable    /    passionate    /    rivals    /    petty    /    developing  into  a  sexual  tension    /    developing  into  a  romantic  tension    /    based  off  family  matters    /    based  of  circumstance    /    based  of  professional  matters    /    based  of  misunderstandings  or  lies    /    other  .
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