#wreck ciri anon
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piceuscelus · 3 years ago
today in lies on the internet
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that, my loves, is my darling Wreck Ciri Anon lying through their goddamned teeth on the ciri discord
i love you so much babe, this is the funniest thing i’ve seen today
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cas-kingdom · 3 years ago
So an average Witcher is more or less going to live a few centuries if he's not killed in battle
How does Geralt cope with the knowledge that Akela is aging like a human and without intervention will have the lifespan of one (and probably predecease him)
(I wanted to claim ownership of this train wreck of a thought I had but I'm too awkward to come off anon)
I’ve honestly thought about this A LOT. We’re never actually given a specific possible lifespan, witchers just age very slowly. But they do age. Geralt is probably around 100 when he meets Ciri, so obviously a bit younger when he finds Akela. It’s possible witchers could live to 300, 400, more or less
 that could give Geralt about 200 years alone. I mean??? I don’t know what he would do to be honest. Ciri would be gone, too. Vesemir likely would be too. I guess we’d all be counting on Yennefer to keep him sane and, well, alive. Im not even sure how effective that would be. Let me know your thoughts!!!!
Don’t feel awkward omg, I love knowing others love akela as much as me ❀
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
Hey, how would you feel about (adult) Ciri developing a monsterfucking obsession? Maybe it starts with a werewolf and spirals out until she’s waiting to see what the contract will be and if she can take it. And then Eskel finds her. An experienced monsterfucker himself, he starts using her as bait, watching her, and she gets off on the humiliation of his threats to tell Geralt? Maybe even breeding/lactation dirty-talk? Not into huge insertion/pain, but if you must!
okay okay okay so i didn’t know i needed this until you handed it to me on a silver platter. i have been thinking about this on a rotation with the rest of the filth and it’s just so fucking good.
more monsterfucking focused than breeding/lactation or humiliation, but i did manage all of it lmao. also, if you’re cool with it anon - or if literally anyone else presents me with one (1) single interest, i have an idea for a continuation of this that’s much more explicitly eskel/ciri.
monsterfucking and the lightest pseudo-incest below~
The first time it happens, it’s a werewolf.
At least, technically.
Okay, so the man isn’t just technically a werewolf, he is a werewolf, but he was born one and he’s old. By the time Ciri comes across him, he’s not a hunt, but a contact; there’s something – or someone – slaughtering sheep, and he would certainly know if there’s any other monsters about.
And he does. But he’s also charming, and handsome for his age – Ciri knows he likely looks much younger than he is – and he’s kind, too. Offers her a room in his home to rest, after her hunt, upon the promise that she won’t try to kill him in her sleep.
Which she wouldn’t. First of all, he’s of no danger to anyone and hasn’t been likely since long before Ciri was born, and Geralt taught her better than to kill first and ask questions later (despite Lambert’s continued attempts to sabotage it). And secondly, well
He’s attractive. And charming. And he has very, very good wine that he’s willing to share with her, alongside the hospitality of a warm, clean bed.
She’s never claimed to be a saint. And considering the shenanigans she knows Geralt and Yennefer have gotten up to, well – she comes by it rightly.
The thing is, she hadn’t known that sometimes born werewolves aren’t able to entirely shift back and forth.
She’d noticed that he was hairier than the average man, but passed it off as a side effect or maybe just a genetic accident. And she’d noticed the fangs, but realistically, plenty of regular humans had sharp canines – hers were nothing to scoff at, even, and she’d never been anything more than human, disregarding the Source thing. 
But, well – 
“I understand, if you’ve changed your mind.” His voice is gentle and steady and sincere, and Ciri is maybe a little bit tipsy and quite a bit more horny and
“No, no, wanna try it,” is what she says.
She definitely doesn’t regret it, even if she is limping a little for the next few days.
– – – – – 
That’s where it starts, but that’s definitely not where it ends. 
After, she has another encounter with a born werewolf, this one also unable to transform all the way back – and much more confident about it, even. He knots her, heedless of the fact that it leaves them stuck together for nearly half an hour, and she can’t help but whimper and whine at the rush of cum that leaks from her cunt when he finally pulls back.
He grins exactly like she’d expect a wolf to grin, and she doesn’t say no when he fucks her again that night, or the next morning.
– – – – – 
She would say that she just has a thing for werewolves. Which is – yeah, unusual, but not...not that unusual, considering.
Geralt has a thing for sorceresses who can and will kill him. Eskel likes anything with horns, as he’s said, though he’s never elaborated.
Werewolves aren’t that strange, in the grand scheme of things. And besides, it’s not like she’s out there trying to get railed on hunts.
Until, of course, she...is.
– – – – – 
It’s...mostly unintentional. Mostly. She knows what she’s hunting, obviously, and she’s thinking about it, of course she is. Sue her, the two best fucks of her life have been with werewolves, who wouldn’t think about it. 
And maybe it makes her sloppy, maybe she should have waited another day and gone out when she wasn’t so distracted, but
Well, she doesn’t do that. 
And then the werewolf gets the drop on her, pins her to the forest floor with an echoing howl, and she expects a bite, expects to be torn to shreds – fuck, what a way to die, she’s certainly not the first Witcher to perish in such stupid circumstances but it’s not exactly a hall of fame she wants to be a part of. 
But the werewolf just...sniffs her. And then nuzzles at her throat, her shoulder, nose cold and wet. It makes a soft noise, like the howl but quieter, more...pleading? It shifts its grip on her, and when it presses closer, she can feel its cock out.
She could get out of this. She could – the werewolf is distracted, and she’s got magic on her side, and she could do any manner of things to struggle out and behead the mangy monster.
She...doesn’t do any of them.
Instead, she shifts back against the werewolf, a gentle encouragement. It gives a soft, rumbling growl, almost like a purr but too rough and deep, and snuffles at her neck again. She leans up on her arms a little – with the way the werewolf moved to press its cock against her thigh, she’s more free to move her arms now – and reaches back with one to push at her pants. It takes a bit of fumbling, not helped at all by the way the werewolf keeps sniffing at her, licking over her lower back and hand and whining.
The feeling of its tongue slipping into the crease of her ass, just barely grazing her asshole, should not make her cunt pulse like it does.
She ignores that, though, and finishes pushing her pants down before slowly shifting, lifting her hips.
For a moment, the werewolf just keeps nuzzling, sniffing and licking and generally being a goddamn tease. And then its tongue sweeps across her cunt, a long, wet lick that should be uncomfortable or gross or any manner of things.
Ciri nearly comes on the fucking spot.
“Oh, oh fuck,” she whimpers, dropping her head and shoulders to the ground and lifting her hips higher. The beast seems to catch on then, making a low, excited little sound as it lets go of her to shift onto its haunches, cock sliding against her thigh, her ass. “Please.”
The werewolf rocks its hips, cock dragging over her ass a few times before it slots between her legs. It takes another few ruts, and Ciri lifting her hips even higher, but eventually the tip catches and slips inside.
She gasps at the pressure, and then doesn’t get the chance to catch her breath as the werewolf immediately starts to rut. This is nothing like the other two – this one is lost to its instincts, all but entirely feral, rutting into her exactly like a dog would rut into a bitch.
“Melitele’s sweet fucking tits yes.”
– – – – –
After that, well...it sort of becomes a habit. At first just on werewolf hunts, or any time she encounters a born werewolf. 
And then
It’s a succubus that breaks the pattern. She thinks Eskel would either be deeply disappointed or extremely proud, and the fact that she’s not sure which one is funnier than it has any right to be.
At least there’s no fisstech involved in her rendezvous with the very lovely sex demon.
But after the succubus – and the incubus that follows that, and the drowner after that (which was much less gross than she would have expected), she starts to...wonder.
After all, there’s plenty of sentient and semi-sentient monsters – and even aside from sentience, there’s plenty that are easy enough to...well, convince. Some basic alchemy is all it takes, and sometimes not even that, and most monsters are ready to go.
The first time she tries something a little more out there, she’s in Skellige investigating rumors of another Convergence, and instead of the marks of the Spheres coming together, she finds a kelpie. 
Seeing as there hasn’t been any reports of this particular kelpie bothering anyone, she has no interest in killing it. Plus it’s gorgeous, looking nothing like the haggard sea monster she’s seen in bestiaries, and she’s...curious.
The thing must be able to smell it on her, because instead of reacting the way most monsters would react upon her encroaching on her territory, it just tilts its not-quite-horse head and peers at her with one big, black eye through its drooping seaweed mane. All the same, she approaches carefully, skirting around the edge of the water to make sure that it can see her fully at all times. When she stops to stand and just look, it moves closer, and she gets a glimpse of its powerful tail.
And more than that.
She sucks in a breath and takes a careful step into the water, hands already at her breeches. The kelpie’s gaze is intelligent and shrewd, and it comes right up to her, lipping at her cheek and sniffing. She stills and lets it, heart pounding as she looks down between its legs and sees more of its cock starting to peek out from the in-between space of horse and fish. 
It’s exactly as massive as a regular stallion’s cock would be, maybe just a bit thinner, and obviously differently colored. She’d never consider this with an actual horse, but
Well. But. When the kelpie seems done with its assessment of her smell, it pulls back a little and snorts before tipping its head pointedly down.
Ciri goes without a single complaint, even when she ends up muddy and covered in slimy pond water.
– – – – – 
She should feel guilty. She should feel...just about anything aside from thrilled. Or insatiably curious.
But she doesn’t.
Oh well.
– – – – –
Of course, eventually, the monsterfucking catches up and bites her in the ass.
She knew it would, really. It had to.
It just doesn’t happen the way she expects.
Selkie contracts are rare, because selkies never want to be around humans. And when they are, well – they’re usually not violent, not when someone has their coat. Too much risk.
But this one is reported to be slaughtering fishermen up and down the coast, so she has to at least investigate.
And if she’s honest – after the kelpie, she’s very curious.
It takes several days and a lot of coin given to suspicious sailors to find it.
Him, as she discovers, creeping out of the shadow of boulders at the cliffside to see the creature better. He’s half-human, half-seal at the moment, perched on a rock with the top half of his coat wrapped around his waist as he strokes over his arms.
She can see the way the moonlight glints off the sharp points of his teeth, the way his hands are just slightly webbed. He’s very clearly not human, even at first glance, even ignoring the seal tail.
Ciri swallows, heart rabbiting in her chest, and steps out onto the beach.
The selkie’s head turns to her whip-fast, his teeth bared, but she raises her hands in surrender. Her swords are hidden amongst the boulders; if she needs them, she can get to them, but she’s relatively sure she won’t need them.
“What are you doing here,” the selkie hisses, sliding off of the rock and into the water. 
“Looking for you,” Ciri says, honestly. She gestures to herself. “Witcher.”
“I can and will kill you.”
“I know. But I don’t think you will.”
“Why not?” 
Ciri shrugs. “Gut feeling. I see you have your coat.”
“I do. There are many who wish to steal it from me.”
“Not me,” Ciri assures. “I’m mostly just...curious.”
The selkie pauses, straightening as his expression goes from warily suspicious to neutrally bemused. “...about?”
Ciri figures at this point there’s no reason to bother dancing around the subject. “I’m sure you can guess,” she says, and starts carefully stripping away her minimal armor and clothes. “The only interest I have in your coat is how it feels against my skin.”
For a moment the selkie doesn’t say anything, and then slowly, a wicked smirk crosses his face. “Oh really,” he says. “You know, I’ve heard all kind of things about Witchers
. I didn’t think this one was true.”
“What?” Ciri laughs and finishes with her clothes before wading into the water. “That we fuck monsters?”
“Hm, exactly,” the selkie says, swimming closer. She keeps going until the water is just above her waist, and he meets her there. His hands are cold, but no colder than the water around them, and his smirk widens when she shivers. “Pretty little thing, aren’t you?”
“I’ve been told so before,” Ciri says magnanimously, and the selkie chuckles. 
“Do you know what you’re getting into here, little Witcher?”
Ciri shrugs one shoulder. “I have an idea.”
“Good enough for me.”
Before she realizes he’s going to move, he’s spinning her around and wrapping iron-strong arms around her, and then they’re moving. For a split second she considers being afraid, but when she sees that he’s just headed toward the rock he was perched on, she calms. His little chuckle in her ear means he probably notices, and she pretends she’s not flushing.
After all, she has plenty of reasons to be going red right now. The pulse between her legs is excuse enough.
“On your side,” he orders, once they’ve climbed onto the rock. “Easier that way.”
She hums and turns onto her side, letting him spoon up behind her. His coat is slick and warm, but soft like she’d expect of fur still. It’s an odd sensation, but not an unpleasant one. She shudders as he wraps his arms around her again, one at her waist and the other at her thigh, lifting it up. 
His cock presses up against her ass before slipping between her legs and dragging over her cunt. She shudders and lets her head fall back, until it rests on the selkie’s shoulder. She can’t see it, but his cock feels a lot like the kelpie’s, but it’s got more girth and it’s less slick.
Considering the tightening heat in her belly, slick won’t be of much concern. 
“Gods, you really do want this, don’t you,” the selkie purrs, and she hums her assent as he shifts and his cock drags over her cunt again. She tries to tilt her hips, to make it easier for him to sink inside her, and he chuckles. “Needy,” he murmurs, and after another few teasing drags, the head finally catches on her hole and sinks inside.
Her breath rushes out of her on a shocked moan, eyes flying wide with the stretch and unfamiliar texture. “Oh,” she pants, squirming lightly. The selkie just chuckles again and thrusts, sinking in to the base and then pulling out and doing it again, again, again.
She’s panting and whining inside of a minute, the combination of sensations almost too much – the cold night air on her damp skin against the heat of the selkie’s coat, his thick cock spearing her open with a stretch that matches the stretch in her thigh as he holds it up, the slight chill of his hand over her breast.
“Oh, oh, fuck,” she babbles, head rolling. He just chuckles again and moves faster, breathing going short and rapid. 
“Nice and tight,” he mutters, and it sounds less like praise and more like a comment on the weather, but it sends heat flaring through her all the same. 
“Please,” she whimpers, clenching down as her orgasm starts to take her over. He doesn’t stop, just makes a low, inhuman sound and fucks harder, deep enough that it aches a little, and of all things that’s what pushes her over.
She cries out, eyes open wide with the shock of it, and makes eye contact with Eskel, standing on the shore.
– – – – –
Eskel watches as she finishes up with the selkie. She can feel his eyes on them as the creature comes inside her, as he keeps a hold of her to press his fingers inside once he’s pulled his cock out. She doesn’t look, but she knows, and she doesn’t quite know what to do with the uncomfortably shivery feeling it gives her. 
The selkie leaves with a smirk and a kiss to her temple, disappearing into the water. She loiters on the rock for a moment, unsure, but eventually decides that Eskel or not, she can’t stay on this rock in the sea for the whole godsdamned night.
“Hi,” she says, awkward like she hasn’t been since she was a teenager, as she walks past him to get to her clothes.
“I suppose you could make worse choices,” is what Eskel replies with.
“Like a succubus while on fisstech?” she teases, pulling her breeches and shirt on but just picking up the armor and the rest. 
Eskel snorts. “Like a succubus while on fisstech,” he agrees. “Although – ”
“Oh, succubi are fun, I know,” Ciri interrupts, winking.
Eskel laughs properly this time. “That’s our girl,” he says.
– – – – – 
They travel together for a week before Eskel suggests it, a calculating look in his eye.
“Fiend,” he says, waiving the notice in his hand. “‘S in season.”
For a second, Ciri isn’t quite sure why that’s relevant, and then it hits her.
“Easier to hunt that way?” she asks.
Eskel snorts. “No,” he says. “Unless, it’s got something to stick its cock in. They go particularly stupid then, and after.”
Ciri hums, heart already starting to hammer in her chest. Eskel’s gaze flicks down to her chest, and a smirk pulls up one side of his mouth.
“Well?” he asks.
Ciri takes a breath. “Yeah, let’s do it.”
– – – – –
She knows, logically, that she should feel weirder about this than she does. She just...doesn’t.
The fiend pheromones reek something awful, and she can’t imagine what it’s like for Eskel if it’s so bad for her. All the same, she rubs it around the base of her neck and over her collar, and then, when Eskel directs with a not-so-subtle nod, over her thighs and between her legs. 
“It’s already caught the scent,” Eskel murmurs, as she hands the empty vial back to him. “It’s easiest on your knees.”
“I’ve fucked a werewolf before,” Ciri finds herself blurting, even as she goes to her knees and adjusts to raise her hips up high. She’s pretty sure she doesn’t imagine the way Eskel shifts uncomfortably.
“Then you know the stance,” Eskel says. “...wonder what Geralt would think of that.”
Ciri gasps, belly tightening with something that’s somewhere between violent shame and pulsing arousal. “Eskel,” she says, warning. “You can’t – ”
“I could,” he interrupts. “Could tell Geralt all about your adventures out here on the Path. What I saw with the selkie, what you’ve said about the others
There’s the sound of a fiend crashing closer through the trees, growling. Ciri tenses and then forces herself to relax, raising her hips further, and it doesn’t take much longer for the fiend to find them.
“Hold still and let it,” Eskel orders, and Ciri can’t help the way her breath stutters in her chest at that. The fiend sniffs her, licks over her pheromone-covered skin, seemingly deciding that she’s good enough as it shuffles behind her. “Don’t tense.”
She does her best, but it’s nigh on impossible to follow the order as the fiend’s frankly massive cock pushes into her cunt, straight to pressing against her womb. It aches fiercely, but in a way that makes her belly swoop, makes her clit throb. 
“Oh,” she gasps. “Oh, fuck, that’s – ”
“It’s going to try and breed you,” Eskel says, and there’s a strain to his voice. “Fuckssake, Ciri, you took that like the loosest whore in Novigrad.”
Ciri whimpers. “I – it – fuck,” she babbles, eyes rolling as the fiend starts to move. Much like the first proper werewolf, it doesn’t give a whit for her, just pistoning its cock in and out viciously. It chafes and each bumping thrust against her cervix sends a flare of ache through her gut, but she’s sopping wet for it, whining and moaning into the forest floor as it rails her.
Something about knowing she’s being watched – knowing that it’s Eskel watching – makes it better than it’s ever been.
“Y’know, they can go a few times,” Eskel says, casual. “Usually kill them in the first lull, but as long as the pheromones are there, they’ll fuck til they pass out. Ever been so full of cum you can’t even put your pants back on?”
Ciri squeaks, clenching down on the fiend’s cock, and it roars, fucking faster. “I – no, I – fuck, fuck, fuck, Eskel, it’s – ”
“Just imagine,” Eskel interrupts. “Could let it fuck you as full as it wants, til you’re covered in it and look like the whore you’re acting like. Go home this winter and tell Geralt all about it – watching you rub fiend pheromones all over your cunt and present for it to breed you. Imagine if it could actually knock you up.”
Ciri shudders, teetering on the edge of orgasm just from the overload of sensation, the humiliation burning in her gut. “Eskel,” she pants. She vaguely hears the slip of laces, the clink of buckles.
“Get you all full of monster pups,” Eskel murmurs. “Watch your tits get all big and leaking. They’d be so sore, you know. You’d just be sore, all full up of monsters and cum. Are you going to come like this, Ciri? Getting fucked by a fiend while I watch? Wonder if your cunt will gape afterward. Probably will
“I – fuck!” Ciri screams as she tips over the edge, the pulsing rhythm of her orgasm pulling the fiend with her. It fills her up so much she can feel it inside her, and she whines, drooling into the dirt. “Fuck, fuck.”
“Should I let it go again?” Eskel asks. “It certainly looks ready to. Don’t think it’s ever ridden a better bitch.”
Ciri whines, high and breathless. 
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
[Wreck Ciri Anon] YOU RANG? Howwwwwwww do we feel about monsterfucker Ciri and Eskel going back to Kaer Morhen for the winter, trying to hide what she's been up to from Geralt? But she gets so pent-up, she goes out for a hunt and meets Lambert before she smells quite...right again. And he threatens to tell Geralt unless she lets him watch, too, and the idea makes her so wet... and then Vesemir catches her, wants to "study this," until it's just Geralt who doesn't know...
hhhh babe i love you so much
this one is short but rest assured i have IDEAS and idk if they’ll go anywhere but they’re all filthy and i bow down before you in thanks
Ciri tries to tamp down on her urges during the winter. She does.
It’s just...hard. And she can’t very well get fucked by anyone else, either. She knows Eskel would be willing, but nothing is a secret in a keep of Witchers, and the last thing she wants to do is try to explain to Geralt. Any of it, really – her and Eskel, or the monsterfucking. 
Sure, she knows that Geralt has done his own fair share of getting around with the non-human and monstrous, but this is a bit different.
Eventually, though, she can’t contain it anymore. She lets Eskel know what she’s doing – he can’t follow her, not without more forethought about planning to hunt together or something, but it’s better than just disappearing.
Luckily, the forests around Kaer Morhen are infested with all kinds of things.
– – – – –
There’s a nest of male drowners making a home downriver of the keep. She pulls the right vial from her pouch before undressing and putting all of her things high up in a tree, and then covers herself in the pheromones.
Just for the sake of safety – and because she really is so fucking desperate for it – she also uses the pheromone solution to finger her ass open. It’s not quick slick enough, but it’s good all the same, and she hopes that using the pheromones will make the drowners want her ass, too.
After all, if she can get properly fucked out here, maybe then she can hold out for a bit longer.
The drowners smell her before she even gets to the nest proper, and she finds herself being grabbed by slimy, webbed hands and forced down into the dirt. She goes easily, doesn’t struggle, and the drowner propped over her back makes a low, excited noise before rutting forward against her ass. 
Some are smarter than others, though, and a second one shoves it out of the way to mount her proper, slamming its cock into her cunt without any problems. She buries her face in the mud to scream, entire body lighting up as she’s filled, fast and rough and perfect. 
When the drowner is done, one of its friend shoves it back out of the way to set upon her. She thinks its the first one, but she can’t tell for sure and it doesn’t actually matter. There’s more fruitless, aimless rutting at her for a moment before this one’s cock catches – on her asshole.
She screams again, the pain almost too much, but before she can even adjust, there’s a drowner on the ground next to her, shoving under her body to rut up against her belly, frantic from the pheromones she’s soaked in. Between the one at her back rutting quick and hard, and her own gentle encouragement, it only takes a minute or two to get the bottom drowner’s cock to slip into her cunt.
“Oh, oh, fuck, please,” she babbles, and loses herself to the vicious pleasure for a while.
– – – – –
She’s...better, she finds, as she trudges back to her things, but the itch under her skin is still there. She needs more.
She doesn’t bother putting her clothes back on, just gathers her things and sets off into the wilds to look for more monsters. 
It’s not long before she stumbles upon werewolf tracks. But before she can properly tune in to find the werewolf – likely a born one, but feral, considering the phase of the moon and the location – she finds evidence of something else.
“Hey, Ciri.”
“Lambert,” she says, and her voice is mostly steady. 
“What are you up to?”
“None of your business,” she says, and he cocks his head with a smirk. 
“Oh really?” he says, and she doesn’t miss the way his eyes trail over her body. She shivers. “So you think I should just go back to the castle,” he continues, “maybe see if Geralt is still awake
? I think he’d like to know if you got accosted by drowners.”
“Lambert, don’t,” she says, heart in her throat.
“I can tell what you did,” he says. “Gotta say, I never thought you’d do that kind of thing, but
. Well. You’re looking for the werewolf, aren’t you?”
“Let me watch, and I won’t tell Geralt,” Lambert offers, and he gives her another once over.
Ciri sucks in a breath, feeling the heat already pooling in her belly, her cunt. 
“Fine,” she agrees.
– – – – –
With Lambert to help, finding the werewolf is easy.
With the pheromones already on her, even though they’re for the wrong monster, it’s even easier to get it to fuck her. 
She was right, it’s a born werewolf, but a feral one. It growls at Lambert, but can’t seem to take its attention entirely off of her, especially when she goes to the ground, face in the dirt and hips raised high. All it takes, once she’s in position, is an enticing howl – something Eskel taught her how to do – and a wiggle of her ass, and the werewolf is on her.
She sobs when its cock slides into her cunt, bigger than the drowners, more satisfying. “Oh, yes,” she mumbles, fists digging into the dirt. “Fuck, yeah, oh.”
“Shit, Ciri,” Lambert mutters, and Ciri whines as she gushes wet over the werewolf’s cock as it pistons into her, each thrust jarring and making her eyes go crossed. 
“F...feels good,” she gasps out. “Want it to knot me.”
Lambert sucks in a breath. “Can make it,” he says. “If you want.”
Ciri moans, because she knows that, has had Eskel do it. “Please,” she begs. “Please, I need it so bad – ”
The werewolf roars, and she just barely sees the flare of magic before it’s shoving into her, knot and all. It locks easily and she wails as she comes, entire body jolting and shuddering.
“Fuck,” she pants. “Fuck, feels so fucking good.” She grinds back against the werewolf, making it growl at her and jerk its hips. The way the knot tugs at her insides makes her whine.
She turns her head to see Lambert with one hand down his pants, wide-eyed as he jerks his cock to the sight of her caught on a werewolf’s knot. She licks her lips as she watches, and that’s what sets Lambert off, knocking a startled grunt out of him as he spills into his pants.
– – – – –
The night with the drowners and the werewolf manage to tide her over to another few weeks. 
But then she’s back to being restless and itchy. Horny.
She wants to be filled. Properly. 
Problem is, when she goes to the far-out cave that houses several arachas, she finds Vesemir already there.
And just like when she ran into Lambert, there’s fuck all she can do to explain this away; she reeks like arousal and arachas pheromones. 
Vesemir gives her a curious look. “Not a common choice,” he says. She flushes scarlet.
“Don’t tell Geralt,” she murmurs, and Vesemir hums.
“Let me see,” he says. “I think I’ll study it, if you’re going to give me the option – let me see, and I won’t tell Geralt.”
Ciri hates the fact that she immediately soaks her breeches. 
So Vesemir watches as she strips, as she carefully opens herself up with a special oil, plugging her cunt up with a toy so the arachas can’t push its eggs into her womb. She’s done it before, but she doesn’t think she can handle it right now.
They move deeper into the cave, and it doesn’t take long before one of the arachas catches her scent. Vesemir stays back, close enough to see – and hear, and smell – but far enough to not spook the monster. Ciri takes a shuddering breath and gets into position, just in time for the insectoid to come sniffing, as it were.
Much like any other monster, it gives a cursory examination and then just goes for it. Its ovipositor is large and cold, only a little softer than the toy stretching her cunt, and she can’t help the way she sobs for it, working her hips into the pressure of it. 
The arachas clicks, excitedly, and then moves. As it thrusts, she feels the creep of the eggs along the shaft, until finally they’re pushed into her, deeper and deeper with each new one that the arachas forces into her body. They’re smallish eggs, but they’re hard and heavy, and the arachas is guaranteed to lay at least two dozen. 
She can tell Vesemir is shocked when she comes, even as she sobs at the sensation of being so filled. He’s probably even more shocked that she comes again, and again, and then a fourth time when the arachas is finally done breeding her, leaving her stuffed full of its eggs and in a heap on the floor.
It takes a little bit of maneuvering, but she manages to twist until she can grab the dildo in her cunt and fuck herself with it, quick and hard, and comes a fifth time with a wail.
– – – – –
After that, she notices how Lambert, Vesemir, and Eskel all look at her.
Geralt still doesn’t know.
And she’s still itchy, barely holding on without the ability to get fucked near constantly – by monsters or by Eskel.
But with the three of them knowing, it is much easier to get out to get a fix.
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜± it’s monsterfucker Ciri anon (who is also body mod Ciri anon so just Wreck Ciri anon) and...... wowwwwwwwww. Your writing is wonderful? Quite apart from the wowwwwww of that???? That was so much hotter than I could’ve imagined. Please please please share your Ciri/Eskel thoughts!!!! đŸ„ș
hi hello i have mentioned i would die for you, right? wrecking ciri is a good fucking time, okay, and i didn’t even know how much i needed it, god bless you
okay so i will share my Thoughts and then maybe actually write something later
LOOK OKAY i l o v e the idea of eskel having this like, super taboo relationship with ciri. she’s his niece, basically, but she’s fucking gorgeous and sexy and a Slut to the highest proportions so they’re pretty well matched
and fiends aren’t the only monsters that are easier to kill when they’re fuck-stupid, so like.......this is advantageous! ciri can fuck monsters, and eskel can watch and viciously get off and also make sure she’s safe. win-win.
so he comes across a basilisk contract, and he already knows how much he likes seeing ciri stuffed full - they’ve had plenty of time to test that - and basilisks have two cocks.... 
ciri is into it from the start, but when she goes to prepare herself, eskel stops her because fuck if he doesn’t want to take this a little further, and ciri’s shaking and bright red but lets him
so he fingers her open, gets her nice and stretched and slick before plugging her up - it’ll be easier in the long run - and then has the particular pleasure of watching her ride a horse with a plug in her ass. the whole time, from the first finger he got inside her, to when they get to where the basilisk is nesting, he’s spouting dirty talk. talking about how he should tell geralt how tight her ass is, how much she loves being filled, how she begged him for more even while knowing he was opening her up to take two cocks at once and from a monster no less
this time, since the line has already been crossed, eskel is the one to rub the pheromones over her, and he doesn’t even pretend he’s not just abusing it, massaging over her tits and pinching her nipples just to watch her shake, rubbing his whole palm over her cunt to feel how soaked she is and how she instinctively spreads her legs wider to give him room, fucking her on the plug to watch the way her rim stretches, pink and puffy
and the thing is that basilisks are vicious anyway, nasty creatures, so while the thing definitely wants to fuck ciri where she’s ass-up at the entrance to its cave home, because she smells like something it can breed, it’s not nice about it. 
ciri’s crying and sobbing but when eskel asks she just screams for more, and so he lets it happen, watches as the basilisk practically ravages her, her cunt and asshole red and gaping by the time it finally fills her and slinks back to collapse into a stupor. eskel follows and dispatches it quickly, quickly enough that ciri hasn’t even moved by the time he comes back, and he can’t resist her any more than the basilisk could, fucked open and sticky
he makes her cum once, twice, three times before she begs him to please just fuck her, and who is he to tell her no, really
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
đŸ„Č I got distracted halfway through that ask and forgot to suggest a clit piercing next but you got there anyway; that was so filthy and wonderful đŸ˜đŸ˜đŸ˜đŸ„”đŸ„”
gghhhhhhhhhhhh okay so now i’m just Thinking about this and hhhhholy shit
eskel piercing ciri.
he would probably start with her ears. simple and normal, after all. so he has her kneel in front of him while he carefully measures out and makes sure they’ll be in a good spot and that they’re even before going through with it. he doesn’t miss the way ciri takes a sharp breath when the needle goes through, and he especially doesn’t miss the way he can smell her arousal.
and maybe she asks for the next ones, just more ear piercings, because she wants more and she wants him to do it, so he does. again putting her on her knees, carefully marking and measuring out, and then the piercing itself. ciri’s gasp, and the way she presses her thighs together.
he does her nose, next, a piercing he saw on someone while on the path, the little bridge between her nostrils. she cries a little with this one, but there’s still that gasp and that arousal, soaking the air around them, and despite the tears she doesn’t flinch, just looks up at him with wide, wet eyes.
after that it’s her tongue, and this time when she’s on her knees for him, they can both feel the tension. he carefully pries her mouth open, makes her stick her tongue out as far as she can, and then he has to grab it to move it and look, find where the perfect place to pierce is. at one point, he slips and tugs a little hard at it and she gags, and he goes to apologize except her pupils have blown wide and he can smell the way she’s soaked her panties. 
then he does her nipples. she’s not kneeling for this one, just standing before him, but somehow that makes it better - he can see the way her thighs tremble, the way she tries to press them together. he carefully gets her nipples hard, petting and pinching at them until even the feeling of his breath has her gasping, and then he measures out the marks again, even more careful here than he was with any of the rest. this time, when the needle punches thorough, ciri moans. when he looks up at her, it’s like the nose piercing; she’s clearly hurting, eyes filled with tears, but she’s not pulling away, and she’s just looking at him, smelling so strongly of lust that he can taste it in the back of his throat. she moans again when he does the second nipple.
her belly button is next, and he thinks that certainly this will be the end of it, that this is really the last place he can pierce for her. but he does it, with her standing once more, and he finds that he likes the look of it, all of the pretty jewelry on her body that he put there. even if it’s over, and he can’t pierce her anymore - seeing all of it, that’s reward enough.
except then ciri comes back, and she’s fidgeting, nervous, and instead of asking, she just strips and stands in front of him, hands trembling a little as she spreads the lips of her cunt and points. and he’s not about to say no, of course he’s not, so he gathers his things and measures carefully, fingers light, but despite his best attempts - and probably hers - her clit swells under the attention, practically begging for touch. and he doesn’t let himself, but fuck, he wants to. instead, he makes sure she’s still ready - she’s shaking, after all - and when she nods, he carefully pulls the hood up to pierce it.
and he expects the gasp, the smell of arousal - as if he could smell any more of it, so close to her cunt like this - but instead, he gets something even better. ciri comes, slick gushing down her thighs as she trembles, and he barely gets the jewelry into her before she’s collapsing into his arms, whining and quivering and begging.
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
đŸ€ŻđŸ„”these Eskel/Ciri fills!!!!!!!! Holy shit I’m DYING!!!!!!! On the piercing one: who is asking for/deciding on these piercings? What happens after, when they both know? When she’s healing, and after? Is Ciri trying to hide them? Or is she showing them off? Please, I’m sure you have so many asks, so no pressure! But I love the idea of Ciri being made to wear little weighted bells on her nipples and clit, so even in a loose shift, everyone always knows 😳
look, ciri / eskel is god tier. they’re just so fucking goooooooddddd ugh
more eskel and ciri piercing below :D
ciri decides - mostly. she’s the one to come to eskel when she wants a piercing, and as far as what the piercing is - sometimes it’s her, more often it’s him.
obviously he has to check up on them as they heal, make sure that nothing goes wrong - she’s just human, after all, and an infection could kill her, so they have to be careful to make sure that everything heals properly. that means eskel has to look over them at least once a day, help her wash them if necessary - this is mostly just annoying for the ear piercings or the nose, but the nipples and the clit hood, well....
and like,,,, tbh,,,,,,, slut ciri rights let her show off her pretty piercings
her in the baths thrilling at how geralt and lambert and vesemir can’t help but stare, her “forgetting” a shirt so she has to wander through the halls topless, starting to wear a very thin, tight-fit shift so that her nipples and their jewelry can be seen through it, adjusting herself where the others can see so her piercings sit more comfortably
eskel putting little weights on the nipple and clit jewelry just to watch ciri squirm at the pull, then little bells added so that whenever she moves - to walk, to touch herself, anything - she jingles, so all eyes are always on her
imagine the sound of the bells the first time eskel bends her over and fucks her
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
Uhh body mod anon here-- HOLY FUCKHGINGK-- the begging? Lambert making her present herself and repeat what a disgusting little needy bitch she is? Vesemir cockwarming? Eskel breeding her full, leaving her begging for it always? Geralt overstimulation???? sHARING DAYS?????? celus it is *I* who would die for *you*
my brain is a filthy, filthy place and i just,,, i am so suggestable - my friend was like “oooh body mod!” when i talked about your prompt and the smut gremlin that lives in my brain picked it up and went “shiny!” and RAN
proof of this: i had an idea for how this started and like,,,, hhhhhh
more of my ciri / wolves non-con garbage below :D
so once again, underage or not you can pick (i know what i’d pick buuutttt............. yeah anyway) 
at one point ciri goes to take a bath (fanon hotsprings ftw) but forgets her clothes. she obviously can’t put her dirty clothes back on (maybe they’re Actually Very Dirty, maybe she’s just being prissy) and so she has to streak through the castle, whoops, and gets caught
now this can go a lot of different ways.
does lambert catch her, laughing and sneering, talking about how she must be asking for it, walking around all bare like that? ask if if she really is that needy, wanting all of them to see her like this
does vesemir? he’d give her a blanket or something, but obviously if she’s going to be wandering about naked she’s going to have to accept the consequences of the reactions she causes, and that means helping him out since he helped her
eskel? he’d be all concerned, but not because she’s naked or nervous, he’d say it’s such a shame that she’s so skinny, too bad none of them can actually fix it and knock her up proper...but they can certainly try. make comments about how nice her body is even if it is too skinny, how flexible she probably is after all their training....
geralt would be worried, of course, he doesn’t want his girl to get sick wandering around a cold castle naked, but he has to tell her how gorgeous she is, and he can’t resist touching - after all, she is his, and she’s so pretty all bare and still a little damp and shivering
maybe it’s all of them, so she’s quite literally surrounded by wolves, covered in goosbumps and nipples hard because it’s cold in the castle and she’s still wet, but there’s no way they’ll let her go now. after all, they can certainly keep her warm themselves.
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
Ciri cockwarming vibrator Eskel is just 😭😭😭😭😭 all I’ve got is: what will she do to get more? How far will she go? Eskel pierces her nipples, puts her on display, and pimps her out for coin, to random men, women, or underground events at court, and she does it all like the good slut she is, for the promise of his touch, until that’s all she is 😳 -wca
hhhhhhhh holy shiiiiiit
rambling filthy headcanons below
piercings oh my god just,,, fuck. eskel tells her he wants her to be prettier, and she thinks he’s talking about fancy clothes and skimpy underwear and makeup but no, he wants to pierce her, wants to permanently mark her as his, and he tells her he won’t give her his cock if she won’t do it - so of course she lets him do it. he pierces her nipples, and then fucks face down on the bed while they’re still all swollen and painfully tender, so the sheets rubbing against them hurts but his cock feels so good she can’t even bring herself to complain
maybe he does other piercings, too 👀
he takes her along to things he needs to do, parties and meetings and courts, and sometimes he tells her to sit on his cock in front of dozens of people, saying he won’t let her do it again if she doesn’t do it here, so she cockwarms him, squirming and panting and sobbing with it as he edges her and tugs at the piercings he gave her
one time he takes her to an event and she’s used as decoration, pretty jewelry and body chains and plugs for all of her holes, and she’s knelt on a pedestal so people can admire her and touch her, too, petting over her skin or her tits or the plugs keeping her full, and eskel just watches the whole time - he’d promised her whatever she wanted from him if she did this, went on display for strangers, and she’s so desperate for his cock of course she’d agreed
and then he fucks her for show at some parties, and when some of the onlookers ask if she’s available to be used he says yes and tells her if she’s a good little slut for them that he’ll make her come until she passes out, and then do it again, keep her on his cock until she can’t stand it anymore, and she’s practically gagging for it by the time he stops talking - so when the first strange man comes up, she just opens her mouth and lets him use her
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
it's wca, I had the silliest thought this morning: monsterfucker Ciri has made it through the winter at Kaer Morhen without being found out by Geralt. She's out on the Path, *alone*, and needy. She takes a Griffin contract, it's supposed to be a young male. She starts dripping when she reads the notice. She preps (a little) and goes out, hiking up the rocky hills, strips and coats herself in pheromones. The male comes, interested, but snatches her up and flies off with her to his nest... (1/2)
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1. i love this it’s GREAT. they’re a great big monsterfucker family :D also just....hhhhhh holy shit the concept of geralt and ciri being ravaged by monsters while face to face is.............................something i may have to do something with. tbh.
2. iiii have a prompt in my inbox rn where monterfucker ciri wants to fuck geralt but knows he would Never, so eskel and lambert and vesemir arrange some way for that to happen for her and,,,,
this? would be a fantastic? precursor???
hmmmmm đŸ€”
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
This is not a prompt, just a thought. Ciri’s friend Cerys comes to stay while she’s crashing with uncle Eskel. And it becomes immediately obvious to him that a) they haven’t fucked, and b) they want to. I’m vibing on 18-year-old Ciri moved away but crashes with him sometimes? But whatever. Anyway, they drag him into truth or dare or something, and he dares them to kiss...which just leads to him directing them further and further, teaching Ciri how to go down on her, offering his cock for Cerys to ride while he eats Ciri out so they can make out, then laying them side-by-side or on top of one another, keeping them distracted with each other while he goes from one wet cunt to the next. Maybe they do this a lot, until Eskel has two perfectly-trained little sluts. Just a thought.
just a thought, you say, as if this isn’t going to live rent free in my head forever
hhhhh oh my god!!! i love this so much
the idea of (barely) adult ciri crashing at uncle eskel’s because he’s cool and sometimes she wants to be home without actually being home, y’know - she loves geralt and yen and jaskier, but.... so she hangs out with eskel a lot
and just, she brings cerys one night because why not, cerys is cool and she really likes her and eskel probably will too, it’ll be great
it’s probably cerys who suggests the game, she just seems like the slightly mischievous type, and probably wants a chance to get something sexy out of ciri if she can - and of course eskel sees straight through the both of them, can practically taste how sexually frustrated they are, and he agrees because he can absolutely get the ball rolling on this
so they get a few rounds in with the game and it’s pretty tame except for some of eskel’s truths - because he’s lived a wild life, and he’s not shy about it - and then it’s his turn again and he decides to just go for it, dares ciri to kiss cerys. both of them go bright red and wide-eyed, but when he just grins at ciri’s little questioning noise, she turns and does it; a tiny little peck, something she and eskel have shared before even, and he chuckles and tells her to kiss cerys for real
and ciri is trembling but she does as she’s told, and slowly the kiss morphs from slow and awkward and fumbling into something much more interesting, but eskel can see how ciri is keeping her hands to herself and so is cerys - which just won’t do
so he tells them to go ahead and touch, and he frames it as a dare, even if it isn’t his “turn” - and all three of them know it. cerys is the first to move, putting her hands on ciri’s thighs and leaning into the kiss and from there it’s easy, they practically fall into it naturally, gravitating toward each other until they’re tangled and properly making out
eskel would be thrilled just to watch, frankly, and he’s happy that he was able to get ciri what she clearly wanted, but then ciri pulls away from the kiss with cerys and whispers something to her and suddenly cerys is pulling back, turning around and climbing into eskel’s lap, and well. 
he isn’t going to tell them no.
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
I’m sorry your weekend was not great :/ I offer you empress ciri using eskel as a throne, sitting on his cock because she thinks better when she’s filled, and he’s gotta just stay hard no matter how much she wiggles. Empress ciri fucking a lovely princess to seal a treaty, in front of her witcher harem, hardly able to wait until after, when they praise her.
hhhh yes absolutely 
so i was discussing this thot with a friend and like,,, imagine the witchers aren’t allowed to come without permission, and it has to be in/on ciri because she says so 
all of them are very good and obedient and mostly don’t make bothers of themselves but sometimes one of them (lambert) is just so desperate and so she’ll let them up so she can sit on their cocks, and they’re allowed to get themselves off that way
of course, sometimes she’s still busy, so they have to be careful not to jostle her too much or be a pain, but somehow the fact that she’s mostly unaffected makes it better
other thots: blood-covered ciri being licked clean by her witchers. ciri, presiding over some political gathering, a witcher between her legs and under her dress sucking at her cunt like he’ll die without it. ciri with three witchers at her feet, all prettied up in nothing but body chains and collars, but absolutely willing to kill someone with their bare hands if their empress asks it of them.
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
literally woke up this morning thinking: wait what if adult ciri pegged eskel? so I'm very glad to see that once again we are on the same stupid horny brainwave - xoxo wca
okay but babe i LITERALLY have a “what if ciri pegs witchers” prompt in my inbox waiting to be written right now
so like,,, it’s not just us!
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
(wca) hnnnnngggggggg ok ok ok, holy moly, what if Eskel *still* doesn’t want to unleash axii on her, so Ciri asks if he’ll just pretend. Just some hypnosis play. And then she’s intentionally so bratty until he starts telling her how fucked she’d be if he really cast the sign, and her arousal is so undeniable he finally just does it
The first command to always need his cock accidentally goes so deep, it never fully wears off. She’s just always a little needy for him. But for a week straight she’s just drooling for it everywhere, dropping to her knees in a crowded pub, waking him up with her hands and mouth around him, whimpering and crying for him to fuck her and fill her over and over again.
The second he’s more careful with. For three days she begs for his cum specifically, needs to feel it inside her, leaking out, on her skin, in her mouth. Between the two, she’s kept nice and cock-dumb.
The third is just for her. With just a word she’s at the edge of orgasm, and he edges her for hours before making her cum repeatedly until she’s babbling, unsure what she’s even begging for anymore, but it’s definitely not for this to end.
*fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck* oh my GOD
hhhh okay but what if he doesn’t even realize at first that the first command went too deep? like, the fact that she’s like that for a week is pretty....normal, really, and considering how unbalanced he was when he gave the command a week is pretty light. and then he starts to notice that while it’s not as constant or as bad as that first week, it never actually goes away. and he’s probably worried at first because oh no what did i do, but ciri is perfectly aware of what’s happened to her and is just so fucking horny about it all the time
AAAA and then the second one - she was already so desperate, even when it is low-key, and this just makes it so much worse. he practically can’t keep her off of his cock, not that he was really looking to stop her anyway... and she’s obviously having the best time, so who is he to try and stop that???
ohhhhhh and the word just - imagine it’s a common word. one she’d hear just out and about, so sometimes she’s just gagging for it, right on the edge, for no reason in the middle of the town. and make it worse - she can’t come without eskel on that trigger. he has to make her come, so sometimes she ends up with her body + the axii command forcibly edging her for days before they meet up again and if he thought she was desperate normally, well - that’s something else entirely.
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
I’m so sorry your work people are being so awful!!! ❀❀❀ -wca
soooooo am i lmao
legit i love my job most days? it’s a relatively easy job, i can do it well, and it gives me enough time to like,,, have hobbies and see friends and shit. and i’m paid pretty well!
but this team i’m currently on is,,,, hhhhh :/
ANYWAY off my soapbox i have delicious prompts i could be doing instead of moping about poor management lmao
💜 thank you love
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piceuscelus · 4 years ago
dear celus, đŸ˜łđŸ˜łđŸ˜łđŸ˜łđŸ˜łđŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”, xoxo wreck ciri anon
look you awoke the need to absolutely ruin ciri in me and now i cannot stop
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