parkery005-blog · 7 years
Final Post Response
My group will use our video to best illustrate the negative effects on concussion, but at the same time not necessarily bashing the National Football League (NFL).  We plan on having music playing that sets a tone for the video that is sad but serious.  Images and videos will be shown on screen of players getting hits along with pictures of concussed brains.  This is done to awe the audience and also used for them to understand how these hits take place and what a concussive hit looks like. Focusing on visual rhetoric is different from the last assignment because instead of talking about rhetoric you have to show that you understand what rhetoric is by displaying it in your own work to be most effective in the video without being overwhelming.  So essentially it will be a challenge to balance all forms of rhetoric to best inform the audience of your topic.  
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blakeo005-blog · 7 years
Final Post
For my final blog post, I will discuss how our group will integrate visual rhetoric into our Multimedia Pitch to the class. We will use visual rhetoric by outlining our presentation through a PowerPoint as well as a video supporting our claim. We are making the claim that the public funding of elections will positively affect our government because it will help the normal citizen be heard in Washington D.C. Our PowerPoint will help us organize and help us accurately portray our claim to our listeners. As for our video, it will provide a real-life example of how the public funding of elections will propel the little man of society into our government. This use of visual rhetoric in this presentation differs from the assignments in the past because we have never truly used a PowerPoint to portray our message to our viewers, we typically persuade through essay or for the most recent assignment, a speech. So, this assignment will be a new challenge but I believe that the use of visual rhetoric will help our group be more organized and help us make a more structuralized plan of action.
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stephani005me-blog · 7 years
Visual Rehtoric
My group and I plan on using to main sources of visual rhetoric. The first is the use of a power point presentation, this will be incorporated into our speech presentation.The power point will be a source that will allow the audience to visualise some of the content itself as well as actual images of our subject. The second source of visual rhetoric will come from our video. The video will inform our audience about the counter argument and how this counter argument is flawed while projective images of the negative effects fracking (our subject matter) has on our environment and us. Using these two visual rhetoric aids will make our argument much stronger and help get our message across to the audience.
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elizabethp005-blog · 7 years
The picture I choose to look at is the very first one on the page. The picture is of what looks like a mom and her child. They are outside sitting on the curb either in front of where they live or a store. The door to the place is large and has chipping red paint. It also looks like it’s a metal door. There’s a red door mat in front also. The mom looks like she is in her 30’s and the little girl looks about 6 or so. The caption talks about how “we found out a tumor on her spine and lungs. She seemed like a perfectly healthy child.” All the details of the picture includes the content of it. The context of the picture shows a positive aspect to it. For example the mom and daughter are smiling. The caption might point out how the young girl had a tumor and now she’s better. The setting of the picture is present. The lighting is light and it looks sunny. There is a loving feeling because the mom is hugging her child and her child’s arms are around her.
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parkery005-blog · 7 years
HONY Response
From the HONY pictures available online I will choose to focus on the picture with the man sitting on the bench and his story on growing up in Spain and fearing God.  The elderly gentleman sits cross legged on a park bench having interested in his books while also being conscious of the camera taking the picture.  The story the man tells is of his time from childhood to adult hood and how he grew up in a church fearing everything, but one day he left the college grounds and came back a changed man only to break free from the church but still carries the fear within himself.  The way the man sits cross legged shows a casual side to himself, but if you scan the picture and look to his face you will see a serious and somewhat knowledgeable man.  The book emphasizes his vast knowledge learned after many years of schooling in the church, but his clothing displays how he left the church to become his own man as it is not proper religious attire for a priest, but rather a man living his life comfortably.    
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blakeo005-blog · 7 years
HONY Post BlakeO005
The image I selected off the Humans of New York webpage was the one located in the middle of the page where a guy is sitting on a bench with a yellow shirt on, and jean cargo shorts. According to the caption below the picture of “I downsized my life into one large suitcase and I have been non stop travelling for 7 years… My ex-wife got the real estate and I got the happiness.” This man divorced from his wife seven years ago and he is stating that, that was the best decision of his life. By looking at this picture more in depth, you can come to the conclusion that this man does not have a worry in the world and is enjoying the luxuries of life. The content of this image shows that this man is posing for a picture and is in a very relaxed state by his posture on the bench in this park like area. The context of this photo help display the caption beneath the picture by showing the appearance of the man as well as how he is looking off in to the distance in this photo.
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chalandriam005-blog · 7 years
The image that I focused on was the one of the woman holding what I assume to be her daughter in her arms. At first glance, the young girl looked sad, although her mother was smiling. They are sitting in front of a clothing store. I notice an upside down sign on a wooden chair in the background as well as a tape-measurer below the girl’s feet. The sign is in another language so I assume that they are in another country, perhaps a country in South America. Before reading the description, I also assumed that they were homeless. The description gives a context that the young girl, Carolina, was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo treatment and a surgery. She is now healthy. The content that I now get out of looking at the picture is a mother who is smiling because her daughter beat cancer, and a strong little girl who is just happy to be in her mother’s arms.
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stephani005me-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
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blakeo005-blog · 8 years
Work Day Post BlakeO005
During this out of class work day we received today, I worked on extending the length of my speech to meet the requirements stated in the course syllabus. I realize that once I’m actually doing the speech on Wednesday that I will talk faster than when I am just practicing for the speech. In order to make sure my speech is long enough, I added some more topics to include to make my speech 4 minutes and 30 seconds instead of 4 minutes so it gives me time to speed up my speech once its time to present. As well as adding length to my speech, I am researching real life examples that occurring in our government that will help back up my claim. My claim is that public funding of elections needs to be declared illegal because it introduces third party organizations in to our government which automatically cause corruption throughout our government. Such as the National Rifle Association giving healthy financial donations to republican party nominees in return for policies that will ultimately help  their organization financially in years to come. There will be more examples that will help advance my claim thoroughly throughout the duration of my speech on Wednesday.
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elizabethp005-blog · 8 years
For the controversy I have there are several different stakeholders. The one I have is a retired football player. I feel like my stakeholder is the one of the best and credible stakeholders compared to the other ones. Retired players actually deal with the problem of head injuries and can give their own opinion about it relating to their personal experiences. The other stakeholders I plan to use in my argument are current players as well as doctors. These stakeholders will support my argument because most of them have the same opinions and views that support my side of the argument. I won’t necessarily side with the coaches because there are some coaches that try to hide the problem instead of support it. The audience should care about my argument because it is an important issue that doesn’t seem to get the attention it should. Head injuries in the NFL are common but not everyone knows how serious it can escalate. It’s important to inform the public and people who may not know anything about the issue. There are several people that watch and take interest in football in America but there are some underlying problems with some players. It’s good to inform people about what they watch.
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stephani005me-blog · 8 years
Work Day
For the work day i spent three hours gathering information about fracking and why its beneficial to our society. After this i created a thesis statement and looked up examples of outlines until i found an example that i liked enough to model mine off of. By finding an example i mean the layout and structure of the outline. I then spent two long hours typing out my outline and will edit and revise it tomorrow.
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chalandriam005-blog · 8 years
Speech Post
The controversy that my group had was Gun Rights and Gun Control. The stakeholders within our group were: policeman, NRA, Students For Concealed Carry Organization, and a family member of a victim of a mass shooting. The first three stakeholders mentioned were pro gun rights. I have decided to side with these stakeholders on the topic. I think that gun rights should be protected. The Second Amendment of the United States’ Constitution states that citizens have the rights to bear arms. This right guarantees us protection. I do not think that every citizen should have a gun, but I do however believe that licensed carrying citizens whom do not have never had a felony should be allowed to carry a gun wherever so they choose. This controversy is important to consider because over the past ten years there have been numerous mass shootings in schools, churches, and night clubs. Every should have the right to feel safe and secure when they go to public places. Had students and teachers and other members been allowed to carry their weapons, many of those incidents could have been avoided. This controversy is also important to consider as a college student. As a college student who is six hours away from home, I personally will feel more secure knowing that my campus is safe and that if something goes down, I would be protected. 
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blakeo005-blog · 8 years
Speech Post BlakeO005
My controversy is one that should draw a high level of interest because it directly effects every American Citizen currently residing in the United States. My controversy is the public funding of elections, and my argument is how the current process being used by our government is causing for corruption throughout Washington D.C. Our government is currently being controlled by the wealthiest corporations throughout our nation, which dictates the policy outcomes that have yet to be decided upon. Ever since our freedom was declared from Great Britain, our government advocates for the voice of the American people, but recently, we have seen the huge shift from our original standards. There have been multiple instances of lobbying over the recent years, such as the National Rifle Association’s donations towards the Donald Trump campaign trail just a few months ago. There are hundreds of companies that continue to” lobby” and that is causing for a corrupt political system that were all having to deal with in this era. Every American citizen should voice their opinion because it is causing for a corrupted government which as we all know, effects our society in every way possible.
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