#wrayla smut
a-heart-in-spades · 3 years
Intolerably Unbearable
word count: 6k+
warnings: smut (18+ only): piv sex, hints of fingering, mild dom!wraith, angry!sex, hate!sex, possessive behaviour, language, sparring violence, mention of blood,  
a/n: I have been chipping away at this for a while now and no matter what I did the ending just felt bleh, but I’ve kept you guys waiting long enough. I’m super nervous about posting this because this will be the first smut I’ve posted. Also I can’t begin to explain how much I appreciate all of you! I hope you enjoy this little bit of spice
She didn’t want to do this. The last time Ayla had worked alongside Wraith, things had gone terribly. Now it was just the two of them because the Warlock they had been teamed up with had left in a hurry. There was no blame she could hold over them for that. The tension between her and Wraith was so volatile that one wrong comment could set either of them off if they were together for too long. And it had already been an hour since they started this hunt. An hour of silence as Spectre did all the talking for them; he was the one in constant communication with Zavala and Cayde. Surprisingly, the two Vanguard weren't forcing the Guardians to speak beyond what little words they might have said already.
❝You two are about to head into a dead zone. Communications will be cut. I want to see both of you come out the other side.❞ Cayde chided before the commlink started to static out on them. Ayla felt the lump form in her throat. Once again, it was just the two of them, Wraith as silent as he wanted to be. Her heart was hammering in her chest, fear building just behind her ribcage. The last time they had worked together didn't end well. Neither did any time before that. 
❝You two need to talk to each other.❞ Spectre pleaded from above her shoulder; beside him was a dejected Bee, shell folding downward in a depressive manner. Ayla's heart cracked as she looked up at the two little lights. Her jaw tensed, muscles ticking aggressively beneath the skin. No matter how badly she wanted to console them, tell them everything would work out fine, her voice wouldn't come out. No amount of urging the words out got her jaw to unlock. Nothing could get her to talk while Wraith stood in the same silence beside her. 
❝Please. The last thing either of us wants is to see you two so stubborn and reluctant to talk that one of you gets hurt beyond what we can handle.❞ Spectre's words hit her square in the chest, knocking the wind from her chest. He was right, and one glance over at Wraith told her that he came to the same senses. 
He wished he hadn't because the idea of even trying to hold any sort of conversation with Ayla bore at his insides like hot needles. There was an undefinable feeling that he wasn't even about to place as he thought about the first words that might come out of their mouths. She could say something, anything, and it would grate on his nerves like nails on a chalkboard.
❝Ayla, say something. Anything.❞ Even though she didn't talk, Bee looked at Wraith with the same pleading tone. The tightness in his chest had him clenching his own jaw, metal plates on his face grinding against one another. Neither of them opened their mouths, and he knew that this would be how the rest of the hunt went. 
❝Please, Spec. Don't push something that isn't going to work.❞ Ayla's voice hit Wraith, and all he could do was watch as she readied her Eyasluna and made her way forward, increasing the distance between them.
❝Ayla!❞ Spectre flew off after her, his voice trailing away as he caught up and left Wraith alone with Bee. 
❝Uncle Wraith... why do you two hate each other so much?❞ He couldn't ignore the sting of pain behind his optics, the threat of tears that would never fall. Bee was the only one that could bring that level of emotion from him. Hearing her so...broken like that...
❝Because she's naive, inexperienced, and impatient. I could keep going.❞ Wraith bit the words, trying to keep the disdain out of his voice as to not take it out on the little light. 
❝But why do you hate her? Those should be reasons for you to help her improve, not hate her. Guardians are supposed to work together, right?❞ Blinking, Wraith looked up at her with a defeated look. He knew what he told Bee was a lie. Ayla was a damn good Hunter. One of the best, and that was why Cayde sent her on tasks like this one. She wasn't naive, just stubborn and set in her ways, the same way he was. 
The truth was, he didn't know why he hated her. Maybe because it was easier to fight with her, blame her for what happened than to accept that he was just as much at fault, that perhaps the two of them had bitten off more than they could chew. He knew they could get along, joke with one another, and synergize perfectly. But he couldn't come to terms with what had happened to that fireteam, to the civilians they had sworn to protect. He couldn't accept it because then the only person he could be angry with would be himself.
He couldn't answer Bee because he didn't have one for her. Not one he was ready to openly admit, at least. He didn't hate Ayla. No. He hated himself. 
Shaking his head, he broke into a jog to catch up with the Hunter and her Ghost.
❝Ayla. Ayla! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you like that. Not in front of him.❞ Spectre had finally caught up to her. 
❝No, you shouldn't push me at all! Nothing I do is going to be good enough for him. He's a bull-headed Titan that can't accept when he's fucked something up. He'd rather push and blame me for it all.❞ She'd turned on her Ghost like a viper ready to strike. ❝I have spent years besting him with bounties, hunts, strikes, everything I can to show I won't fuck up again, and still, he only sees me as the one that fucked up that mission. The one that couldn't land her shot and killed all those people. I fucked up; I missed that shot, and that's on me. But he couldn't keep his shield up; he couldn't keep those people protected either. He won't admit that, though, because it's easier to blame the New Light. It's easier to blame me than to accept the fault in himself. There is nothing I can say that will make anything alright between us. Because no matter what, it's going to turn around back to that mission, and we'll be right back at square one again.❞ 
Ayla took a breath, shoulders trembling as she stared up at the single eye that flickered back and forth across her helm. He was trying to read her, and when Spectre's shell dropped, she knew that he finally understood. ❝I'm sorry, Spec. That's just how it is.❞ Turning on her heels, Ayla started back up the pathway, missing Specter's backward glance toward Wraith and Bee.
Wraith knew that Ayla had been doing better than him, that he kept losing to her this whole time. But why was where he had been so terribly wrong. He thought she was doing it to rub it in his face, to show him up and be the better Guardian. It didn't help that any time that she spoke to him, it was with this air that she was better than him. And maybe that was true. He hadn't managed to land a single bounty before her for months now. But it hadn't been because she wanted to show him up; she had just wanted to show him she'd improved. Ayla tried to prove to him that she wouldn't screw up again, that she was better than back then, and he couldn't see beyond their mistakes. 
Fuck. Fuck.
Ayla had pushed forward fast enough that Wraith had to break into a sprint to catch up. When he finally managed to catch sight of her again, the tunnels that they had been pushing through had opened up into an expansive cavernous room adorned with hive nesting chitin and runes. Ayla stood in the center of a dust-covered floor, the hint of long-ignored runes surrounding her. In a puff of blue light, Spectre disappeared into her pack. Bee followed suit, staying silent as Wraith watched like everything was in slow motion. The massive creature that crawled up from the ledge that looked over a pit of inky nothingness was heart-stopping. They knew the hive had things like Ogres and giant Knights that towered over buildings, but this? 
It looked like a chitinous spider as its legs started to show, one by one, looming over Ayla as she stumbled backward. Wraith didn't even realize that he was moving, breaking into a sprint as Ayla's body lit up with void light. He heard the whistle of her arrow and its impact hitting the creature as his arms wrapped around her waist. ❝Bee!❞ He didn't have to say more as he tackled Ayla to the ground, her shoulder colliding with the metal floor of his ship as Bee transmated them out of the cavern. 
❝What the fuck!?❞ Ayla's hands slapped at his chest, pushing him off her with vehemence. ❝What the fuck was that about!?❞ Grabbing her wrists, Wraith hovered over her and pinned them against the floor above her head.
❝That was not something we needed to be trying to take on right now. I don't know what that was, but I'm not about to let either of us die trying to find out. We need to get back and tell the Vanguard about it.❞ Wraith grunted down at her, trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice. He'd just saved her from what he could only assume would have been their final death had they stayed. And yet she was mad at him for it. 
❝I had it tethered! We could have at least tried to take it on!❞ Ayla was still arguing, the anger in her voice palpable as she strained to get her wrists free from his hold. 
❝Stop trying to prove to me that you can handle this shit! I'm not letting us die because you think you have something to prove!❞ This time he raised his voice, which had been a mistake. Ayla's helm collided with his and sent him tumbling backward. His ass hit the floor before he felt the pressure on his chest. Ayla had lunged, landing on him as she pulled her arm back to swing. Moving his head at the last second, her fist hit the floor. 
❝I don't have to prove shit to you!❞ Ayla hated that he was getting under her skin again and still thought so little of her. He thought they wouldn't be able to take on whatever that hive abomination was. One buck of his hips and she tumbled to the side, her body hitting the floor as he flipped their positions. 
❝That's what I'm trying to tell you, you little shit!❞ Once more, her wrists were gathered in one of his hands and pinned above her head as he straddled her waist. No amount of twisting or turning of her body would get her free. ❝I get it. You wanted to show me that you were better, stronger, and wouldn't mess up again. You wanted me to admit that you weren't the only one at fault. I get it. I fucked up too. But you would have died down there, gotten us both killed because you're trying so hard to prove to me that you won't screw up again that you were doing exactly that!❞ Ayla faltered at his words, lips popping open behind her helm in a desperate attempt to find the words she wanted to spit out at him.
❝So stop being so damn impulsive, so fucking impatient, and just use the brain that sits in that head of yours.❞ Wraith barked down at her, his anger toward the situation making him tremble slightly.
❝I'm not being impatient or impulsive!❞ Ayla snapped, ignoring some of the things he'd pointed out just moments before.
❝Goddammit, Ayla!❞ He lifted her hands and slammed them back against the floor of his ship. ❝You're going to get yourself killed one of these days trying to get me to realize you're stronger than you were before. I get it; you are. Yeah, you've improved, but you're still making costly mistakes. This time in some vain attempt to prove something!❞ Lifting her knee, Ayla brought it up between his thighs and pushed straight against his groin. He may not have a human body, but she knew that some sensitive receptors were still there that would hopefully cause enough pain to get him off of her.
Wraith let out a grunt, his fingers loosening their hold on her wrists as she wiggled out from beneath him. Getting onto her feet, she hooked her fingers behind his head and brought his face down as she lifted her knee up. The crack his helm made against her knee guard was satisfying enough that a smile grazed her lips for a split second. It didn't last as Wraith lifted a hand and ripped his, now cracked, helmet off his head. Those red eyes that looked up at her sent a spark of chills down her spine. Goosebumps freckled her skin, making her armor feel tighter than usual as she stepped back. 
❝Don't push your luck, little one.❞ Wraith was looking at her, watching Ayla with an unbroken gaze as she stepped back again. He had her hesitating. Good. That meant she was actually taking a moment to think about her next action instead of just rushing against him. However, seeing her boot coming toward his face had him ducking, arms reaching out toward the leg she balanced on. Grabbing it, he yanked it toward him and let her crash to the floor. Maybe she wasn't taking a moment to think after all.
Ayla pushed her free leg out, her boot pressing against Wraith's face roughly. She wasn't about to let him win against her just because he was throwing his size and weight around. Her body slid across the floor, closer to him despite her boot against his face. Her leg slipped, and the back of her knee ended up on his shoulder, pressing down against her chest as he leaned forward, looming over her. Red filled her vision, not because she was angry, but because his eyes were so close to her face. 
❝I said, don't. Push. Your luck.❞ The words were broken with pauses in between to accentuate his purpose. Wraith knew that Ayla would struggle to break free from their current position, one leg hooked over his shoulder as he pinned her to the floor. ❝You move without thinking, and this is why you haven't shown me that you've improved at all. You're reckless, careless in what you do, and have only gotten lucky with your bounties.❞ Her hand collided with his face, the crack of her knuckles against his cheek deafening. A shadow crossed his face as he glared down at her.
❝Fuck you.❞ Ayla spat before he stood abruptly. Her boot hit the floor with a thump before he grabbed her arm and hoisted her up. She felt the strain in her shoulder as the muscle fought to keep him from dislocating it. The pain shot through her arm like white fire, pinpricks of heat making her fingertips go numb as he kept his fingers wrapped around her bicep. 
❝That's all you got? Fuck you?❞ Wraith laughed then, a deep sound that was both insulting and intoxicating. ❝If you want to hurt me, you'll have to try harder than spitting a few childish words my way.❞ That was when he felt it, a sharp pain between his chest plates, right under his arm. Looking down, he saw the knife driven into his side, Ayla's delicate fingers still wrapped around the blade's handle. ❝There you go, that's a little better. But not quite enough.❞ Yanking her toward him, Wraith wrapped an arm around her, keeping her pinned against his chest as he used the other to pull the blade from his side and rip it from her hands. Metal clattered against metal as the knife skittered across the floor and out of her reach.
❝Let go of me!❞ Ayla snapped, earning another laugh from him as his focus was once more on her rather than the blade she had attempted to drive deeper into his side. His arms were longer than hers, capable of keeping her trapped against him with a single one while he was free to fiddle around with the other at will. She, however, had lost the use of her left arm, her right barely able to move around her waist. She could feel the handle to another blade, but only with her fingertips. 
❝And what if I was Cabal or a Hive Knight? Are you just going to tell them to let you go? Are you going to lie there and take whatever they throw at you while screaming words they'll never listen to?❞ What game was he playing? Ayla wasn't sure, but what she could place was the sudden rush of fresh air as her helmet slipped off her head and hit the floor behind her. He'd distracted her long enough to unlatch it and pry it free. Swinging her head forward, it crashed against his. The sharp pain on her forehead went ignored as Wraith grunted and stumbled backward. 
❝You know that ends up doing more damage to you than it does me, right?❞ As he lifted his gaze, Wraith could see the split in her skin as red began to pool up and slowly drip down her temple. The grin on her lips was something he'd never forget. She was having fun. The way her lips curled wasn't everyday joy; she was exhilarated. ❝You're enjoying this, aren't you?❞ The flash of her pink tongue as she licked her rosy lips was enough of an answer for him. The nod of her head only confirmed it further.
Of all the things they could be doing, fighting on the floor of Wraith's ship wasn't something they had dreamed of. Sure, they had moments of wanting to deck the other in the face, push them off a cliff, or run them over with a Pike, but this? This was a new level to their dynamic, one that had them both huffing as Wraith got Ayla pinned to the floor again. Multiple times she'd stabbed him now. There were wounds in his thighs, arms, ribs, and even one in his lower stomach, while she already had bruises blossoming around the cut on her forehead and cheek. He was sure that she had more under her armor, painting her skin dark red, blue, and purple. 
Beneath him, Wraith watched as Ayla panted, head against the floor and eyes closed. Her hair was a mess, no longer pulled back in a bun that would fit inside her helmet. Her lips were swollen, bright red, and the lower one even had a split down the middle at some point. 
❝You finally willing to admit that I won?❞ Wraith chuckled out the words only to earn a glare from her. 
❝Not a chance, tin man.❞ Her hand hit his jaw, pushed up, and had him lifting away from her just enough that she pulled her legs out from under him. Both feet planted firmly on his thighs as she used them to push herself out from under him and several feet away. ❝There isn't a chance in hell that I'm going to lose to you.❞ Ayla gave him another glare, eyes narrowed dangerously as she maneuvered into a crouched position. 
❝Ornery little thing, aren't you?❞ Wraith stood, watching as she grabbed two knives from her hips, holding both in defensive positions. She was ready to strike, and he was prepared to put her in her place. He'd been pulling his punches so far. After all, she was a human, and he was an EXO built to handle combat situations. He could easily break her and force Spectre to revive her if he really wanted to. Standing his full height, he watched as Ayla looked up at him as if she was seeing him for the first time. He saw the way her eyes widened oh so little, how her fingers adjusted themselves around the handles of her knives, tightening to the point that her gloves strained at the knuckles. Wraith watched as her shoulders squared and her legs settled into a locked position, thinking she was ready for whatever he was about to toss her way.
❝No, just confident.❞ Ayla quipped. Her tone, combined with the words she used, had Wraith lunging forward, his arm hooking around her waist as he tackled her onto the floor. He felt the blades as both of them were driven right into his shoulder blades. They were wounds that Bee could heal up later, but getting Ayla pinned to the floor was his priority, so he shrugged off the pain. She wanted to talk confidence; he would show her confidence then. Both hands were drawn above her head, wrists pinned under the palm of one large hand. The other hand found her chin, lifting it, so she was looking at him.
❝You talk a strong game of confidence, yet you tremble beneath me. You still have a long way to go.❞ He watched as Ayla parted her lips, a sneer forming as she snapped her teeth at him like a feral animal. 
❝You have no idea what you're talking about.❞ Ayla denied. Yes, she was trembling, but not because she wasn't confident. Because the way he kept her pinned to the floor stoked a fire in her gut that she hadn't been able to extinguish since he transmatted them onto his blasted ship. She hadn't stopped thinking about how her wrists felt so tiny in his grip or how she felt nearly powerless against him due to his size alone. Ayla hadn't been able to stop thinking about how much she enjoyed that feeling.
❝Don't I, though? Your body quakes because you can't stop thinking about how easy it is for me to keep you pinned.❞ Wraith hummed down at her, his cocky tone making her close her eyes tightly. Tilting his head only slightly, Wraith dipped his head down by her neck, letting out a rush of hot air against her skin. He watched as the goosebumps formed in a wave over her skin, slipping down and hiding beneath her armor. 
❝Shut up.❞ Ayla huffed the words through grit teeth as she tried to butt the side of her head against his. His hand holding her chin kept her in place, however. ❝Get the fuck off me.❞ She tried wiggling, denying that this entire thing was anything more than the hate-filled fight it should have always been. There was nothing in her but anger toward him, nothing more. But the moment his lips plates pressed firmly against her lips, that facade came crashing down. 
Wraith felt her gasp against his lip plates, her whole body tensing beneath him. Her wrist shifted as her hands balled into fists. But as he pulled back, she chased him, her lips remaining against his until she couldn't crane her neck any further. As he looked down at her, there was a moment that both of them seemed to freeze, silent questions bouncing between them. Had he meant to do that? Did he enjoy it? Did she enjoy it? The realization came as his fingers released her wrist, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Her lips crashed against his as he hooked an arm under her body and lifted her up. Falling back onto his ass, Wraith pulled her up and onto his lap, keeping her tight against his chest. Her hands worked over his armor, small clicks sounding as she undid the clasps; the heavy outer shell hit the floor beside him. 
❝The knives,❞ he hissed as the back stayed pinned against him. Ayla didn't hesitate to yank them out of his body, painfully releasing his armor from him. ❝Bitch.❞ He snapped as she leaned down, pressing her lips against the sensitive spot on his neck, unprotected by the rigid metal plates that covered his body. Closing his eyes, Wraith let his head tip back, opening his neck to Ayla further as he gripped her hips tightly. One approving hum had Ayla huffing against his neck, her breath warm and inviting.
Ayla hadn't expected the kiss, the acceptance, or the intensity of this. Her entire body felt like it was on fire from the inside out. The way Wraith's hands gripped her hips had her rocking against him, chasing the friction that might help ease the unbearable heat that tore at her core. A whine nearly broke from her when they left her hips before she felt his fingers working at the latches to her armor. Wraith peeled her armor from her with desperate haste, discarding it on the floor with his as she continued to work his neck with her lips. The soft, almost silicone-like material was hot against her lips and not as forgiving as the skin of a human.
❝Ayla,❞ Wraith groaned out her name as she shifted her hips to help him discard her armor faster. Her hands pressed against his chest, urging him to lie back onto the floor. She straddled his lap as soon as he was flat and sat up. His hands still gripped at her hips, engulfing her in warmth as she grabbed the lower hem of her undershirt to yank it off. Wraith watched as Ayla bared her body to him, discarding her shirt to the side. His hands moved up her sides until he could tangle his fingers into the hair on the back of her head. Roughness was the only thing the two of them knew and understood as he pulled her down so their lips could crash together once more. When her chest pressed against his, her lips moving against his, Wraith couldn't stop the way his hands gripped at her waist, fingers biting into her flesh as she let out a quaking moan. 
Ayla loved the bite of his fingers into her body, the way he gripped at her with desperation to keep her on top of him. It urged her hips to rock against him once more, grinding herself against the firmness of his armor. She could feel it pressing against her thighs with just the right hint of pain to keep her from completely crumbling. Feeling pressure on her hips from Wraith's hands, she rocked them forward. A switch in the direction of the pressure, and she rolled her hips backward. He continued to guide her, urging her to pick up the pace until the trembles in her legs started. 
With a grunt, Wraith sat up, one arm hooking around her waist as he rolled them over. Lifting onto his knees, he flicked open the latches to his leg armor and kicked it off. Looking down at Ayla, Wraith felt that hunger in his gut grow. He wanted to devour her, leave her body trembling as she cried out his name. He wanted to break her in so many different ways until she was a mess, and he had to put her back together. Ayla shifted, her thumbs hooking into the thin under armor pants. Slowly, she started to shimmy them down her legs, too slow for him. 
Hooking his fingers in the waistband, Wraith yanked them down to her ankles, the seams popping as they tore. Ayla let out a startled gasp that had his lip plates shifting into a devious grin. Oh, he was going to enjoy this so much. Shimmying out of his own under armor pants, he let those join the rest of the clothes and armor, littering the floor of his ship haphazardly. 
❝Tell me you want this.❞ Wraith grunted, one hand pressed flat against the floor next to Ayla's head. ❝Tell me.❞ The way she looked up at him, the innocence in her eyes, had him nearly groaning. Wraith let that groan bubble free when her fingers slid down his chest to wrap around his cock.
❝I want this. So stop talking and fuck me already.❞ Ayla didn't have to tell him twice, but he wouldn't be that quick with it. With that one hand supporting him, he lowered his other down her body, fingers sliding over her clit. He felt her hips jerk, her body unused to the touch. Still, his fingers moved further, his thumb taking their place to run tight circles around her clit. 
She hated that Wraith was using his hand, that his fingers felt so delightfully good against her heated body. She hated that she wanted to feel them inside of her until they made her fall apart. Mainly she hated how painfully slow he was suddenly being. ❝Wraith,❞ his name came out as a whine as his thumb pressed against her clit, his fingers delving between her lips to chase the heat from her cunt. 
❝You're already so wet for me...❞ Wraith hummed deviously. He expected something, but feeling how slick Ayla was for him had a new wave of unbridled desire wash over him. The whimper that she let out at his words only pressed him further into no return. 
❝Shut up. Just fuck me already.❞ Ayla snapped up at him, her fingers tightening ever so slightly around his cock in warning. Making a clicking noise, Wraith leaned forward and pulled his hips back, freeing himself from her grip. 
❝Easy, Baby Girl. I'm in control here.❞ Watching the array of emotions that flickered over Ayla's face had him settling himself between her hips with a smirk. The slap of her hand against his chest had Wraith snatching up her wrist to pin her hand above her head. ❝Don't make me find a way to keep those hands there. Do I make myself clear?❞ 
Ayla could feel her entire body melt when Wraith looked down at her with that dominant intensity. All she could do was nod until his hand slowly released her wrist. The pressure as the tip of his cock pressed against her left her letting out another whine, her body trembling with unbridled need. ❝Good, because if you want me to hurry up and fuck you, that would only hinder that process.❞ Ayla bit her lower lip to keep the sassy retort from tumbling free. 
Wraith snapped his hips against hers, and the sound that tore from Ayla's lips was enticingly beautiful. It started out as a shocked cry that ebbed away into a trembling whimper as her thighs quivered. He wanted more, wanted her to cry out for him, scream his name and beg for whatever he could give her. Another snap of his hips, and he watched as her breasts bounced, her body jolting with the power behind his thrust. Ayla cried out again, hands gripping at his forearms, nails biting against the plating.
❝That's it. Sing for me, Baby Girl.❞ Slowly, He started rocking his hips, watching as her body jerked with each push inward. He felt her hands slip against his arms, squeezing tighter to find purchase. 
❝Wraith–oh fuck.❞ Ayla stuttered as she tried to focus on talking. Each jolt of Wraith's hips had her crying out in pleasure, lascivious moans tumbling from her lips as he continued to buck his hips. ❝I–fuck–I need more.❞ Panting out the words, she wasn't sure he'd even hear her. But when he shifted his position, settling on his legs and at a higher angle, one thrust was all it took to get her writhing and screaming out for him. His hands gripped her hips, keeping her still so he could continue his movements. 
Holding her tightly, Wraith pulled her back with each forward thrust, listening as she sang her pleasures for him. ❝Such a good girl, screaming out for me like that.❞ When he was sure that Ayla wasn't going to squirm anymore, he took one hand and ran it up her side, followed the curve of her ribs to the valley between her breasts. His hand climbed higher until his fingers touched her neck. Still, they climbed higher until she wore his hand like a necklace. She wrapped her delicate fingers around his wrist with one hand as his fingers squeezed her neck. 
❝You like that, Baby Girl?❞ Ayla couldn't take much more; her body was strung tight, legs trembling against Wraith's hips. Her eyes closed as she nodded her answer to him. ❝Talk to me, Baby Girl, tell me you like it.❞ Right, Wraith was one for words. 
❝Yeah, I like it.❞ Ayla knew he'd push her further, make her say the words he wanted to hear. But she was utterly too focused on how his cock felt as it pressed deeper into her with a particularly rough thrust. 
❝Like what?❞ Looking up at him, Ayla almost sneered, but she hesitated with his hand still wrapped around her neck. 
❝I like it when you choke me, Daddy.❞ Wraith's hips stuttered, his optics blowing wide at her choice of words. Even his fingers loosened as he took a moment to recover from her quip. ❝Don't stop, please don't stop.❞ For a second, she regretted calling him that. Catching him off guard to the point that he froze was not her intention. Her hips started to squirm, attempting to elicit the same sensations he provided moments before. Wraith leaned forward, his lip plates pressing against her lips as his fingers squeezed around her neck again. 
❝That's good, Baby Girl. Tell Daddy what you want.❞ He spoke against her lips before giving her a rough thrust. Ayla couldn't bite back the cry that parted her lips and bounced off the walls of his ship. ❝Tell me everything you want, let me give it to you. Let me break you apart until I have to put you back together again.❞ Wraith's hips stilled, slowing to a gentle roll. ❝Let. Me. Shatter. You.❞ Each word was punctuated with a buck, each one rewarded with a destitute cry from Ayla. ❝Fuck, I love how you sing for me.❞
Ayla trembled as pleasure and warmth blossomed from her core, radiating out in blissful euphoria. There was no controlling the shake of her legs as her thighs pressed tightly against his waist. Her breath stuttered as the heat in her body grew, exploding from the inside out as Wraith continued to thrust with abandon. His unrelenting determination had Ayla reaching her peak, hips writhing as she let out a strangled moan. 
❝That's a good girl.❞ Wraith all but purred the words as he slowed to a near stop, loving how she felt as her body fluttered around his cock. Those purposeful thrusts grew into soft gyrations, his hips barely moving against her as Ayla's body relaxed against the floor. ❝I hope you understand that this means you're mine.❞ She could feel his lip plates moving against the shell of her ear, the soft brush of warmth from his fans as he spoke. A condition stuck to the tip of her tongue, a comment that she wanted to make, but as his movements continued to draw the last dregs of bliss from her, words were incapable of forming.
Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into timelessness. Ayla wasn't sure how long they had been on the floor or when they had moved to the large bed that he had tucked into a corner of his ship. But they were there now, with Wraith above her, arms pressed into the mattress on either side of her head. He was settled between her legs, pressed tightly against her hips as he made a mess of her yet again. Her toes were curled, fingers gripping his arms as her body came down from another fit of bliss. 
❝One condition.❞ Ayla hummed as Wraith flopped onto his back, one arm tugging her to his side. Her words had him letting out a soft grunt of inquiry. ❝To your earlier comment about being yours.❞ Wraith looked up at her in question, a brow plate raised as his eyes narrowed lazily. Ayla swung a leg over his hips, positioning herself on top of him. ❝I'm yours now, right?❞ With a huff of laughter, Wraith nodded. 
❝Yes.❞ He wondered where she was going with this. Ayla wasn't usually one to clip her words and draw her thoughts painfully long. His breath hitched in his throat as her fingers wrapped around his cock again. 
❝Then you're mine.❞ Ayla sat her hips down, taking all he had to give in once slow and languid motion. Wraith let his head fall back against his pillow as a deep groan bubbled up from deep in his chest. 
❝I assumed that would be the case.❞ He grunted, hands gripping at her hips again. Blunt fingertips dug into her hips as she started to rock her hips. 
❝I'm glad we're on the same page then.❞ Watching the grin that spread across her lips had a primal desire flaring inside of him. Wraith sat, nearly tipping her over backward before his arm looped around her. His lip plates found the soft skin on her neck, nipping enough to gain a started gasp from her. 
❝We've been on the same page; we've just been in denial over it.❞ Wraith lifted his gaze, eyes locking with Ayla's as she looked down at him. Tangling his fingers in her hair again, he tugged her head down, her lips meeting with his in a hungry kiss. He wished he could deepen the kiss, taste her fully on his tongue and enjoy what was purely Ayla. He couldn't give her everything he wanted to, but with the way she writhed against him, the way her hips ground against his, he knew he didn't need to.
❝Wraith...❞ Ayla whined against his lips. 
❝Easy, Baby Girl. I got you.❞ He spoke the words like a promise, keeping her pulled tightly against him as his hips bucked up, giving her exactly what she wanted. He could feel her legs trembling again, and this time a fresh heat began to build in his gut, twisting and churning like a wildfire building out of control. As his hips stuttered, the usual pace falling out of control, Ayla started to rock her hips, keeping up the speed he had set moments before. ❝Fuck...❞ Wraith breathed the word hot against her neck. ❝Just like that, fuck, that feels good.❞ His praise pushed Ayla to keep moving, stoking that fire higher until it seared him from the inside out. His body began to shake, trembling beneath Ayla as he met his own peak and tumbled face down over the precipice. There was no coming back from this, and both Guardians were very aware of this.
❝Fuck, Ayla.❞ Wraith wrapped his arms around her, and for the first time in a long time, she felt safe. The warmth of his body radiating around her had her leaning down, cheek pressed against his shoulder as she nestled her face against his neck. 
❝I could stay like this for hours.❞ She admitted, fingers playing in circles along his other shoulder. 
❝Then we do.❞ Wraith hummed as he slowly leaned back, keeping her against his chest with a strong arm around her back. 
❝Don't. Please don't tempt me.❞ Ayla's fought back the chuckle as she sat up, hands pressed firmly against his chest. ❝We have to tell the Vanguard about that thing. We can't just sit here.❞ She wanted to, but whatever that spider Hive monstrosity was, the Vanguard needed to know about it as soon as possible. Wraith snorted and gave the side of her ass a soft slap.
❝You're unbearable, you know that?❞ A smile on his face had Ayla chuckling as she lifted herself off of him. 
❝You're cleaning that up, by the way.❞ Jumping off the bed, she grabbed all of her clothing and armor and slipped away into the small bathroom on his ship. 
❝Of course.❞ Wraith rolled his eyes but didn't take them off her until she vanished behind the bathroom door. Falling backward onto the bed again, Wraith let out a long breath and closed his eyes. Everything he thought he knew about that little, obnoxiously intolerable Hunter had changed in a split second.
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