#wow this is really becoming a daily art thing aint it
sh4tt3rg1rl · 8 months
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Just the two of us! We can make it if we try!!
UGHHH thinking about how they kind of freed eachother from their binds. Thinking about how Mage chose to live in the Circus with Vamp instead of leaving (because he implied that he could find a way to leave if he wanted). Thinking about how Vamp is so unimaginably enamored with Mage that his love for him encouraged him to finally step up and try to confront his past. They make me impossibly ill
@bloodforvampanon @castingspellsinyourasks
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volleygifs · 7 years
Haikyuu Fic Recs #2!
BACK WITH ANOTHER BATCH OF FIC RECS! Wow... I’m amazed with how many of these have E or M ratings... so just... make sure you read the tags and stuff... 
(Fics with a ♡ beside them are my 100% must-reads.)
Recs are under the cut, happy reading! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 
Lust and Lies – 36K - E - Tensemi
When Tendou hooks up with a stranger at a club, he expects their one-night stand to be only that: One night. By unexpected circumstance, he discovers Eita is an employee of Tendou's best friend, Ushijima.
You Make It Sound So Easy To Be Alive – 12K - E - Tensemi
Sometimes death just seems easier. Semi Eita has struggled for a long time, and one night he decides that living just isn't worth it. Before he can take the plunge, he's interrupted by a strange man who introduces himself as Tendou Satori.
♡  Chase This Light – 22K – E - DaiSuga
Daichi loves making music. But it will never be his life, not after he graduates from university and leaves behind the years he spent playing his guitar to pursue his accounting degree, his desk job, the dull acoustics of computer keys.
He Always Starts Something – 38K – M - KuroTsuk
In his third year of high school, Kei is recruited by Kuroo's university to play volleyball. A weekend on campus is plenty of time to check out the team, meet the coaches, see a game from the bench... and see if his two-year-old crush on Kuroo has any chance at all.
Petals of Pining – 42K – E - KuroTsuk
Tsukishima wouldn’t say he was pining. He didn’t know what he was feeling towards anyone anymore. Or what was right. Or what he should do. But he does know what feels good and what doesn’t.
Falling Aint The Half of It – 20K – M - Bokuaka
He remembered having power. Remembered being limitless, what it felt like to hold the world in the palm of his hand. He remembered his wings, wide and white, imbued with all the light of his being. And he remembered flying with all of his siblings. He remembered pain. He remembered the Fall.
The Jacket You Never Returned – 5K – G - Bokuaka
He leaned over, kissed Bokuto on the cheek, and smiled bitterly, eyes watery. He will never remember. Not now, not ever. What they were will now forever be forgotten. "You used to call me Keiji, Koutarou."
Namaste – 8K – E - Bokuaka
When Bokuto’s mood swings become a problem for his team, the coach orders Bokuto to attend yoga classes to try and relax. It’s difficult to relax, however, when Bokuto can’t stop staring at his impossibly attractive yoga teacher. Akaashi is a perfect, extremely flexible specimen of a man, Bokuto is smitten, and private lessons go much better than expected.
Il Mio Ragazzo Falso – 18K – T - BokuAka
With his grandparents’ fiftieth wedding anniversary looming fast and large, Akaashi finds himself urged to bring a date and not quite to the point where his family knows that said date will not be of the female variety. At some point, he has to decide which will be the least frightening prospect — braving coming out to his family or endure Operation: Find Keiji A Girlfriend 2k15. And why is the only person he can think of to drag along to this thing his overly-spirited volleyball captain?
♡  No Words – 12K – M - KinKage
Kageyama Tobio is surprised to receive a text message from Kindaichi Yuutarou, saying that they have landed in the same college. But Kindaichi isn't looking for space or to pick a fight, and what they find together changes both of them.
Monster Nut – 7K – M -  IwaTen (crack)
In which Iwaizumi works at Panera Bread and there's always this one annoying customer coming in asking for "that Monster Nut".
Summer Lovin’ – 6K - E - Oikuroo
He kisses like he’s just as starved for it, as if a year hadn’t passed between them without exchanging anything more than obligatory ‘happy birthday’ messages. It feels natural; the way their bodies melt together, Kuroo’s fingers fitting perfectly in the slots of Oikawa’s splayed hand.
A Game We Both Could Win – 7K – E - Kagehina
If he were a decent guy, he’d pretend this wasn’t happening, but apparently he's not really a decent guy. It's an accident, initially. But it spirals into something else, and it's incredibly easy to get lost in it.
Talk It Out – 4K – M - Iwaoi
There’s just something about him that rubs Iwaizumi the wrong way. He’s always way too close, leaning into Tooru’s space and leaning his elbow on his shoulder.
Film Reel Life – 8K – T - Iwaoi
The only person Iwaizumi is lying to is himself, when he insists: I am not in love with Oikawa Tooru.
♡  The Courtship Ritual of the Hercules Beetle – 66K – T - Iwaoi
Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right.
♡  Walking The Dog – 11K - E - Iwaoi
“Basset hound?” Oikawa asks, bending over to scratch behind Itchy’s ears. “Basset hound,” Iwaizumi confirms. He’s suddenly forgot where he usually puts his arms when he's talking.
No Touching Allowed – 10K – E - Iwaoi
“You’ve got one rule,” Iwaizumi winks at him.
Different Strokes (3 parts) – 19k total – Akakage
Broke-ass art school graduate Akaashi Keiji couldn’t turn down a paying job in the art world, even if it meant sitting naked in front of strangers. However, one of them wouldn’t stop staring, but meh . . . what the hell. He was kind of cute.
You Have 105 Saved Messages – 6K – G - Iwakin
In a panic about what to do with his newfound responsibility on the team, Kindaichi makes a desperate call to his old senpai. However, he doesn't realize that his daily updates about his life could change things for both of them. 
Our Birthday – 2K – E - KamaFuta
“What? I just wanted to ask if you wanted to get together for my birthday.”
“At least,” Kamasaki says, “say our birthday.”
“Oh, is yours coming up?”
Sincerely Yours – M - (WIP) – Bokuaka, Kuroken, Iwaoi
Saturday detention isn’t normally a place you go in order to find the answers to your problems. It’s where you go when you’ve fucked up bad enough you have to lose an entire Saturday to make up for what you’ve done. The Prince and The Criminal were caught cutting class. The Outsider cursed out his Shakespeare professor. The Jock and The Brain got into a fist fight. And the Birthday Boy, he’s not even supposed to be here...
Courtship of the Owl – M - (WIP) – Bokuaka
The Akaashi family estate hires a new stablehand to help with the newborn foal come spring;A man with a beaming smile, bright eyes, and owlish hair. Akaashi loves owls.
♡  Cotton Breathing – 13K – E - Iwaoi
It’s disgustingly hot by the middle of July. Tooru can feel his shirt sticking to his back the longer he sits. He loves it, though. The heat, the whoosh of air through the cracked window, and the fact that he’s taking an actual old-fashioned train should have lulled him into a hazy state of happiness but he’s already on the edge of his seat.
h(a)unting - 15K - T - Bokuaka
Bokuto and Akaashi are ghost hunters with more mystery between them than in the work they do. The new case they take on, however, may force them to change that - or they risk having everything unravel.
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