#wow reen shut up no one cares
madraleen · 3 years
The Hero of Ages - Brandon Sanderson 5/5 stars
Jot-it-down-as-it happens commentary and a meltdown that surprises no one.
Character arcs: Fulfilling/5 Payoff: Astounding/5 World-building: 100/5 Sazed: MVP/5 Elend: My love, my heart, my man/5 Vin: An.Icon./5 The Lord Ruler: We probably should have listened/5 Devastation: 4,5/5
-Not that I’m biased, but where’s Elend? Where my man at. Is he thriving? I hope he’s thriving. -My baby has a beaaaard. -“I’m no lord,” “Well, you just became one,” lmao Elend. -Yes, Elend, be the cocky Allomancer you were born to be. -It’s so satisfying to see the additional POVs of familiar people, it’s like, “Oh! There you are!” -Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s dearest Vin! -Vin is so freakin’ iconic I just can’t. -Breezeeeee, my man is doing well! -Oh, but this is a brilliant explanation of the world setting, I can’t. -So you’re saying that Elend is ripped. -Okay so, Elend is definitely not the Hero of Ages – one down, a bunch more to go. The obvious choice is Vin, but this IS the Mistborn trilogy and I do not trust the obvious choice. Also, it simply sounds like Sazed? -High-key love that Ham calls Elend “El” and the others address him as Elend, my emperor baby is coming into himself. -There’s something very comforting in the fact that we’re still talking about Kelsier. -Quellion, you little hypocrite. -I like the depiction of Sazed’s depression. It’s simple and to the point. -I don’t know who Spook’s Kelsier is, but my God, I’m desperate for even a glimpse of fake Kelsier. -Antagonists that manipulate the heroes’ moves, that orchestrate it all and that you find you’ve been in their grip all along stress me the fuck out. -Kelsier’s a manifestation of Ruin, isn’t he. -Again, get you a man like Elend. -Yesss, let’s go to a ball, I miss them and you’ll get to share a dance! -I have a weird relationship with Spook’s POV. I like what he says and how it’s written, but I don’t care for him as much as for the others. -“She’d loved him long before he became dreamy,” lmfao, Vin, what a backhanded compliment. -Yesss, my babies dance, I cry. You pay off, Sanders. You pay off. -Shut the fuck up, this is the most romantic Vin and Elend thing in the most Vin and Elend manner, help. -KELSIER WOULD NEVER SAY HE DIDN’T LIKE BREEZE! -I like it when Vin smiles when she fights. -Wow, I didn’t need the tragic koloss backstory, but here we are. -I really do like Ham and Breeze. I didn’t think I’d eventually think of them so fondly when I started the trilogy. -Fucking Ruin was Reen’s voice?! Well, fuck me! -A strange thing is happening. I don’t like Cett as a person, but every time he calls Elend “son,” I get soft and comforted. -Elend with a mistcloak, h e l p. -Oh no. Oh no no, TenSoon will wear Kelsier, won’t he. -TenSoon singlehandedly saving the Luthadel citizens, what a bamf. -“A dreamer caught in a world with too much violence,” ah, that’s beautiful. -“It was like finding a beautiful plant growing alone in a field of burnt ash,” oof, Spook, you turned into a poet in this chapter. -As much as I love Elend the Emperor, at the same time I’m like, boy ain’t cut for this, let him be a philanthropist. -“I got delayed by an Inquisitor and a dark god.” IT BE LIKE THAT SOMETIMES, VIN. God, my girl is iconic. -We’re on the final part and I already miss the gang. -Good man, Elend, figuring out the mistfallen. -Her earring, oh my God, shut the fuck up, why does this make so much sense. -So Vin isn’t the Hero! It’s Sazed, isn’t it. -Undulating. -Rip kandra :(. Rip TenSoon :’(. -What do you mean Marsh’s axe was buried in Elend’s chest. Sanders, we’re not doing this again, ffs, I – -The axe did what to Elend’s head. I’m not coping well, I’m not doing fine, help help, hel – -VIN NO :((((( -So many major deaths, I’m traumatized!! I’m still not over Kelsier’s death, ffs! And Elend’s death was so cruel, stop saying headless, oh my god, help. WHAT DID YOU DO, SANDERSON! WHY! -Yay, Sazed, but – -Elend. Vin. Why. -Undulations. -Elend and Vin holding hands, help. -Sazed has spoken with our friends and they’re happy. Thank you for this. -Kelsier requested that Spook be a Mistborn, shut the fuck up, this hurts. -Kelsier knows about Spook, so it’s safe to say the gang knows and can see what they accomplished – the sky, the plants, the flowers, they know that they’ve won, they know that the world is restored, I’m crying. -Omg, Sazed must have spoken with
Tindwyl, too :’((( -Welp. Send help. -Thank you, gang. Thank you for saving the world.
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funnefatale · 5 years
what mcu characters do you like other than Thor and Valkyrie?
Okay, so MCU!Peter is just Miles, but I still think he's adorable and rewatching HoCo and reading a million petermj fics really helped me when I was having bad anxiety attacks last year (I even got 5k into an MJ fic before I quit writing it) Soni have a soft spot for Peter and MJ. But also petermj is just thorkyrie in high school so... (Also I really like Ned.)
Of course there's Shuri and Nakia and Okoye in Black Panther. I expected to love Killmonger more than I did, but the movie literally had to go out of its way to make him do shit that was plain Wrong (killing his girlfriend, attacking old elders, wanting imperialism) so that we couldn't cheer for him. I wish they had given him more of a Loki or something. (Also, making a movie called Black Panther so anti revolution still makes me kinda uncomfortable.)
I genuinely enjoy the Ant-Man movies, which I 100000% didn't expect because who the fuck cares about ant man? but Paul Rudd just makes it so cute and the movies don't take themselves serious at all, which is refreshing after the six million Civil Wars. Plus, the Scott and Cassie (and really the whole family) is so fucking cute.
I like Sam despite Anthony Mackie sticking his foot in his mouth and I wish he was getting a solo Captain America movie instead of a series because I'm not paying for that Disney channel, I don't care.
I'm bitter about everything Captain Marvel related so I can't even say Monica or Maria, but I am grateful Fury got more background stuff because they've been wasting SLJ for too many movies.
(Sidenote: I think Kamala is gonna pop up in Spider-Man FFH first, not Captain Marvel 2. They filmed scenes at an airport and had signs for Newark, not JFK, and that has to mean something.)
There's some characters that I like in only specific movies (Nat and Steve in CATWS, Tony in IM3, Bruce in Ragnarok, etc.) but I'm not sure those count because that was more of a reflection of the particular movie than the actual character.
But you're not wrong to assume I mostly care about Thor and Valkyrie. Thor was my favorite back when the first movies came out. Everyone was talking about Captain America and Iron Man and arguing over which was better and I was just sitting there like "I like Thor." I was partial to Sif and definitely preferred her to Jane (I just couldn't get past the lack of chemistry) but Valkyrie was definitely a game changer. Er, enhancer? Whatever. Thorkyrie owns my bisexual soul and I own that.
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