#wow i love girls! men are yucky ew
mothpatch · 6 years
i know this is an impossible idea to grasp for yall on tumblr, but i think this year im gonna focus on *not* making my sexuality a personality trait
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misssophiachase · 5 years
KC prompt: childhood friends
Thanks, anon, love this trope! A little different but hope you like it : ) 
Forever Young
“Maxwell Hugo Lockwood,” Caroline chided, chasing her son into kindergarten, waving his lunchbox. “Running away is not going to make this sandwich disappear.”
“Let me guess, peanut butter and jelly?” An amused voice inquired from behind her. 
“Bologna and cheese,” she offered in her haste, deciding to give up on her wayward son who had long forgotten her and was playing with his friends. 
“I don’t blame the poor kid,” he joked. 
It was only then that she fully looked at the sandwich judge. There was no doubting he was gorgeous with those dark, blonde curls and penetrating blue eyes. But what she couldn’t miss was that stray dimple in his left cheek. It seemed eerily familiar, his crisp, English accent too. 
“Daddy,” the blonde kindergartener asked breaking the moment, her big, blue eyes staring up at him. “I want bologna and cheese, p-uh-lease?”
“I thought you wanted cucumber Sophie, it’s the Queen’s favourite.”
“Yucky,” she groaned, screwing up her nose. 
“If it’s any consolation, Max loves cucumber,” Caroline shared taking in his incredulous expression. “I think he’s a vegetarian in the making.” 
“Are you authorising a sandwich swap between our children?” He asked, his eyes travelling over her face and beyond and it was disarming Caroline slightly. 
To say it had been a while between men since her divorce was granted two years earlier was an understatement. 
“Maybe this once,” Caroline murmured, probably against her better judgment. 
“How about a coffee?”
“Excuse me?”
“For saving me a trip to the grocery store to buy bologna,” he smiled, that cheeky dimple making another unexpected appearance.
“But I don’t even know you…”
“I’m sorry?”
“My name, it’s Klaus Mikaelson,” he offered. “It’s nice to meet you…”
“You’re Klaus Mikaelson?” She shot back, unable to help her response. This was the kid who’d been her nemesis in kindergarten. “You put lizards in my backpack.”
“Um,” he faltered, the realisation on his face putting the pieces together. “Caroline?”
“Well, at least you know the name of the little girl you terrorised,” she scoffed, not noticing that her son had made his way over. 
“I like lizards,” Max interrupted. “Do you have some?”
“Ew,” Sophie offered.  Caroline realised she’d been a little too vocal when reunited with him.    
“I hear you,” she whispered to the little blonde before realising she was supposed to be a responsible parent.
“You threw sand on me in the sandpit,” he said childishly. “Just saying.”
“Wow, looks like the class has started, guys,” Caroline intervened watching as their two kids ran away towards their teacher. “Are you trying to make me look bad, Mikaelson?”
“Are you, Forbes?”
“Should we maybe discuss this privately?”
“I’m game if you are.” 
The two held each other’s gaze before deciding on a nearby cafe to vent their frustrations. Turns out it wasn’t private enough and one ‘coffee’ led to multiple and they lived happily ever after, sandwich differences and all. 
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