#wow I'm so sorry that was a huge essay
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alexanderlightweight · 2 years ago
Hello! For Writing Wednesday could we please have some more Spoils of War or Created for Death? I’m obsessed with both of these to an insane degree:
What I love about SoW: tentative!Alec whom Magnus has to work at gaining trust from? I love it. There’s a line in one part about Magnus having to fix how the Clave broke Alec before Magnus can gentle him and I just—gorgeous, perfect, headcannon accepted. Veiled consorts? Hooooooly that’s so cool omg I swear I heard a symphony in my head when I realized where you were going. The mask? Alec’s hesitance and obedience, thinking everything is out to hurt him but doing it anyway because what choice does he have, is so beautiful, and Magnus mourning a little that he didn’t have more time to make the experience better for Alec but not willing to risk the delay and risk Alec growing even more distant is just 😍—lmao I could write an essay about how much I love this universe.
CoD: I fucking love eldritch angel nephilim and this is giving EVERYTHING. Nephilim who are cobbled together projects of the angels, their biology so skewed by angelic power that even the nephilim don’t know what their children will look like/heal like/die like. Mostly the difference being subtle, but sometimes Not. Raised to hate and fear their full potential, anything that is Too Angelic, and Alec a living hearsay/blasphemy even when his blood was only 30/70 because if it. AND THEN. It’s not losing Jace that tips Alec over, it’s Magnus dying—demon-born prince/king of edom enemy of the Clave. So gorgeous, holllyyyy. I can’t even think too much about Magnus collaring 6-winged Alec, about Alec kneeling for him, about the terrible kindness and protection in Izzy disowning her brother, about the gentleness of Magnus hiding Alec away and covering his eyes and hushing him because even the ANGELS wouldn’t know what to do in this situation, with this new body, and then Team Immortal coming in and IMMORTALITY and wow
Anyway yeah sorry for spitting up my lovestruck brain in your asks but I had to make sure that you knew you’ve struck me deeply with your writing and that’s why I’m begging on your doorsteps for literally any content in either one of these verses 💜
i'm very glad both stories are being enjoyed so much and please don't apologize i love stuff like this! it's a huge compliment but also it's just really nice to see that other people are as into and obsessed with my verses as i am. because sometimes i wait for my sleep meds to kick in and i just plot where i'm going and end up passing out in the middle of a mental scene being written lol
so i wrote a thing for spoils of war and thank you! i'm glad it was enjoyed because i have this big headcanon about how consorts are really magically important to warlocks and magical kings if dominion magic is in the fic and a big thing about that is protecting the consorts identity. via masks but also cloaking the consort in so much magic that you can't even tell anything abut them besides what the warlock allows you to know. and there is a lot of history thats hinted at
for created for death
izzy was fucked up about that, okay. but she had to relinquish alec as a brother because otherwise the clave still had ties to him. since they don't need them anymore, the clave sort of doesn't let true nephilim have any rights. so alec had to be disowned as a nephilim and then magnus was basically like 'okay but my magic is on him so hes mine since i calmed him down' and izzy was like 'he totally counts as a weapon. yours now. because thats the safest thing for alec atm
so alec is actually 70/30 and most nephilm are 30/70 in a angelic/mundane equation. which is why he was being kept watch over by the clave but uh, the fear of magnus dying kinda made him lose it
i hope you enjoy this!
<3 lumine
spoils of war
Alec doesn’t know what’s going on.
Magnus didn’t bother explaining what the ritual was or what it did beyond that it was yet another bonding ceremony. But even their political wedding that signified the end of a war didn’t feel this elaborate.
Alec knows it doesn’t really matter, that he’ll be taking part in the ritual whether he knows what it does or not. In fact, it's almost better not to know than to know what he might need to do.
Alec can’t say no to whatever is going to happen and he knows that, so he takes comfort in the fact that he can still see. The mask has magic in and through it and Alec tries not to consider where it’s from and why he can feel nephil magic still fading from it.
Instead, he concentrates on Magnus and his magic and puts out the thoughts and details of his surroundings, like being watched by over a thousand warlocks and their companions, all hidden with their faces hidden behind a variety of masks.
It’s daunting to be here, to be taking part in something that feels so old and sacred when Alec was supposed to be no more than chattel. Fodder for a war built on the blood of innocents that Alec’s own people started.  It feels wrong to be here so defenseless and yet know that Magnus’ magic will protect him better than any weapon.
Carefully, Magnus uses magic to take off Alexander’s ceremonial collar and he instead replaces it with a loop of pure magic that will slowly take on more and more power until the image of it will always become whatever Magnus wishes it to be.
For now, however, it is a tight loop of deep purple magic that pulses with Magnus’ magic and power in time to Alexander's every breath.
It’s a show of power to summon a single adamas arrow — one that Alexander gave to Magnus by his own hand — and hold it without harm. Alexander sucks in a startled breath — perhaps at the sight of one of his own arrows or that Magnus can hold it with ease — and Magnus can feel him quiver under Magnus’ palm.
“My protection is absolute. When you bleed it will be because I wish it, for no other is allowed to spill your blood.” Magnus uses the arrowhead to nick Alexander’s upper lip — just as he cut the lower with the stele — and then he leans forward to lick it off and suckle the cut until he earns a whine of pain.
“The flames of Edom will devour all before allowing anyone to touch you without my permission.” Magnus promises and his fingers dance with flames that brush harmlessly over Alexander’s neck — the shard of Magnus’ soul claiming Alexander in an undeniable way that will protect him from harm in Edom.
Alexander seems torn between leaning forward and stepping away and Magnus knows his boy better now than he did when they were wed. Alexander needs no leash as Magnus first thought, just a steady hand and Magnus’ voice.
The bonds between them are the only tether Magnus will ever need with Alexander.
“Sweetheart—” Magnus teases, his voice caressing Alexander with magic and he can see how his boy shudders at the sound and feel of it. He steps forward unconsciously, he's been instinctively drawn to Magnus from the very beginning and Magnus croons and reaches out. His palm blooms with hellfire before settling on Alexander’s hip and Magnus pulls him closer still.
“Should any look at you without being graced by my benevolence, their sight shall be consumed by my magic. A payment for stealing a glimpse of what is only mine to see.”
Magnus’ vows are instinctive and there is a primal surge of delight as he takes the ritual a step further, cursing any being who would dare look at Alexander’s uncovered face without his blessing.
It’s an old tradition.
Older still than the ritual Magnus is using and it’s something that has been out of style for over three centuries. Magnus still remembers the stories of how the legend of Medusa started. A warlock desperate to protect her gorgeous consort cursed her love with a vicious, loving protection.
Magnus knows now that Alexander expects to be a spectacle.
A disgraced nephilim in the eyes of his own people, traded away for a peace bought with his soul and virginity. Alexander expected to be paraded around as a mockery, a whipping boy for the clave to offer to the warlocks and it’s clear that’s what the clave told him he was.
But Alexander is not something to be gawked at.
He is not someone who Magnus will allow others to see, not to admire and certainly not to laugh over. Alexander is his consort and if that means that Magnus veils him in magic and curses all those who dare look upon him, then so be it.
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thenwethrowitonthefire · 7 months ago
Hiii i'm sorry if i'm intruding on the conversation by asking this question but i'd love to hear your take on ride 'em cowboy! :] I love that song (as i do all of lil beethoven, haha) and i'm really interested in what you have to say about it (i love going through your answers to these sparks asks by the way, and i definitely relate to the feeling of wanting to write entire essays about particular songs)
Hi friend! 😁 Wow it's such a treat that people have been enjoying reading this stuff! Thanks for the ask! (And thanks Sparks-anon, you started this! I hope you will enjoy this answer as well.)
Okay. RIDE 'EM COWBOY. They had NO REASON* to go this hard with this song. (*They had every reason - this is Sparks and this is Lil' Beethoven.)
What I think cuts so hard with this song is that the majority of the song is comprised of constantly flipping the switch from praise to disdain, from favour to rejection, from inclusion to exclusion - it's a total fall from grace, it's someone flopping completely, losing it all. Every phrase crafted to hit as hard as it can, but in a slightly different way every time, cutting deeper with every line. Starting relatively simple and straightforward with the lines "They laughed with me, then laughed at me", then building with every new line, and later in the song getting more metaphorical and it's even outright violent. (Ron *really* knows how to heighten how emotionally brutal certain experiences are and knows how to cut deep into that. A true master of words.)
…And then the song says, fuck that!! This will not be my defeat! “Ride ‘em cowboy, ride ‘em//I got thrown again//Ride ‘em cowboy, ride ‘em//Get back on again”
There's many ways one could perceive those lines. It can be a “keep going despite it all”, “keep going to spite them all”, a simple “try again”, and even “just go on with your life and let them talk”, or whatever else someone needs to hear to keep them going. (Heck, if someone were to say “ride 'em cowboy” means "fuck the haters", or "fuck it - we ball", I'd call that valid, too.)
A part of this song that struck me immediately early on in my Sparks journey was “From great to good// From good to fair//To barely pass//Stay after class”. I hadn't been out of highschool that long at that point and I'd been a “gifted student” who in the end was really depressed and barely passed. I hadn't really recovered yet from how defeated that had left me feeling. So these lines were immediately my new friends. And since then my love for this song has only deepened more and more over time. I've stomped into my uni building with Ride ‘Em Cowboy blasting on my headphones countless times, on the good days and the bad. It honestly was really good at helping me deal with the pressure of having been one of four non-males in a male dominated field, often being underestimated or expected to prove myself.
“It's not your day//It's not your week//It's not your month//It's not your year” Lyric status: SICK ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧
I don't live that life anymore, but obviously there are always times in life when this song is applicable all over again. One could see it as a ruthless acknowledgement of the fickleness of people's favour and opinions (also people's opinions of themselves, I might add), and the fickleness of perceived success. And it's a strong reminder to not fall victim to it.
Instrumentally it's absolutely striking and it's such a powerhouse of a song, you don't need to be currently living it to keep loving the hell out of it. Something that I find really cool about this song as well is that when there's words, abbreviations, sayings, or references in it that you're unfamiliar with (as was the case for me as a non-American non-native English speaker) or if you don't know French (my highschool French was enough for this one and I'm a huge fan of “From open door//To merde, alors”), it doesn't make you miss out on the meaning, but you can look all that stuff up and get hit in the face by this song all over again and with extra force.
I only looked up all the abbreviations I was not familiar with earlier this year, and I got to say… “BMOC//Then MIA”, Big Man On Campus, then Missing In Action. Dangit Ron. *Chef's kiss*
…But still, the line to potentially win it all?
"Olé, then gored"
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tigerbears · 5 months ago
THANK YOU SM FOR THE TRANS UTDR VIDEO ESP THE SEAM MENTION BC IM SEAMS NUMBER ONE FIGHTER FOR MISGENDERING THEYRE MY FAVE DR CHARACTER I always feel like that one meme of the knight shielding the princess whenever I correct ppl on their pronouns and get to show off the clip of Mr Fox himself saying it lol, also speaking of tysm for pointing out the issue of him not addressing things— bc man I love the guy but sir Please start actually saying stuff bc this fanbase is too illiterate for you to just smile and wave when it comes to the characters identities,,, esp due to it being such a huge topic of discourse, buuuuut I also don’t blame him for the being overwhelmed part, like I said I agree with like every point you made you were so eloquent through out the whole video thank you sm just aaaaugh punches wall and jumps up and down <3
Completely off topic but I wanna rant abt something for a moment (hence why I’m now sending this w anon and not my blog) but the video reminded me of something that happened to my friend in which she made a post on her UTDR related ask blog which was really simple just a “hey don’t misgender Kris/frisk/chara on my blog” and that was basically it. That was the post. BUT. She had vaguely mentioned the glitchtale and Xtale aus in the tags just bc those came to mind first as big fandom things that misgendered the kids, and SPECIFICALLY she wrote she didn’t know as much abt xtale though and that it was just as I said from the top of her head. And wouldn’t you know! The creator of xtale saw the post and took it to fucking HEART. Like made this whole personal long ass rant in a rb over this simple “hey don’t be transphobic on my own personal blog” post. And then, and I’m not joking, EVERY SINGLE comment, tag, RB, you name it, was ALL harassing her or siding w Xtales creator, the only people defending her were her mutuals, and this was a small blog to boot— this wasn’t some big huge blog going after xtale specifically— it was a small blog making a post aimed at the follower circle just offhandedly mentioning it IN THE TAGS. so this explosion just took a massive toll on her and us. Thus any time I see that au or the creator i just get the most sour feeling like Man I Hate They’re Still So Popular Despite That Shit :(((( so the fact a similar situation happened (at least based on what you described in the vid) just made me remember that was all, just like a feeling of “wow we really haven’t changed at all in like two years have we. :/“
sorry I rambled for so long lol I just got reminded of that situation and wanted an excuse to get it off my chest, again as I said I absolutely loved the video and all the points made and I love the inclusion of swatch as someone who was there for the whole they/them to he/him event :3 and again as I said as a huge seam fan ty for including them bc they’re always overlooked in the NB conversation and I just love any mention of them lol,, my favorite elderly wizard kitty plush <33333
Glad people are enjoying the pronouns essay! I worked really hard with it and I'm glad to see it's at least correcting the narrative.
Though with the X-Tale thing, that's something I'll have to look in to and fact check because I prefer not to spread rumors without evidence. (Not saying it didn't happen; just with the whole "Legends of Localization" misinformation fiasco this fandom has a habit of making s--t up, and thus I want evidence, and while I appropriate your support a little annoyed that it has some X-Tale drama attached that I'm probably to tired to factcheck. Sucks if it's true though; Apologies for any snappiness I just woke up to the success of the pronouns essay and I'm about to go look at all the YT comments.)
I don't like drama and there's a reason the pronouns essay avoided throwing any stones directly at those "guilty."
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year ago
okay so you've written a lot already about javid wartime letters. the people (me) want to know what you think about post canon era love letters and javid. if you want to share?
I don't actually know a ton about the late 1800s/early 1900s (the WWII obsession comes from what is probably some form of undiagnosed mental illness, rather than a general wealth of knowledge, but i digress)
but good GOD i am obsessed with this idea now????
Because the thing about Javid--and like, a huge part of why we're all so feral through COUNTLESS iterations of them--is that they're good friends, they just click. And something about the people you click with is that you just want to BE with them, you just want to TALK to them??? You know???
So like. Letters. (i'm not making any sense but bear with me, rabbit with me, all the other animals with me) My brain is already cooking up The Scenarios. and sorry but they are your problem now
Davey is the guy really good at convincing people to join the cause, he's got the Mouth wbk but when it comes to his feelings??? (Honestly, we don't even see him verbalize them that much in the show?? He literally just shakes his head and walks away after the rally and then the next time we see him all is well) Idk maybe he's better at writing them down, just word vomiting because it's not like a persuasive essay, where it's very structured and organized and you can list reasons??? And feelings don't always Make Sense and i can see Davey Taking Issue with that lmao. SO MAYBE Davey secretly writes letters to Jack--never meant to be seen by the light of day--it gets into the wrong hands somehow idk don't ask me about logistics, and one day he just gets a reply like a letter in his mail FROM JACK and it goes on from there and they're writing these letters to each other but Don't Talk About It and there's Tension and don't ask me for details all i have is Vibes
The second Scenario i have devised in my head is: Davey goes off to college somewhere far away and Jack is like "bitch if you forget about me i will end your ass" so Davey sends letters from college and Davey's something of a poet himself and Jack's like "wow i really miss Davey. I forgot how smart he is. I wish he was here. he's so handsome. Oh Shit"
The last Scenario in my head is where they start writing letters to each other because of canon-era-typical homophobia and in a way it's safer than them being seen Together All The Time and they're just so in love is DISGUSTING and yeAh
also. I just like hearing them Talk To Each Other ya know?? ANYWHO if you have thoughts about it I too would b eincredibly interested 👀
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bruhcodes · 2 years ago
One Year of Bruhcodes
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i thought about the best platform to dump this essay on for a while, and unironically, tumblr might be the best. sorry for dragging you all to tumblr for this i promise you don't have to stay for too long.
back in 2020, i wrote two scripts. youtube scripts. don't know why, just had two ideas and wanted to put them into words. those ended up being a video about handheld videogames being playable on home consoles, and the original xbox i had just ordered off of ebay. what i DIDNT think of was a new super mario bros review. that wouldn't come until about two years later when one of my friends said they'd watch my videos if i actually made a youtube channel.
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WOW, you are a strong soldier. i don't know how you made it through that. i don't know how ANY of you guys made it through my early work. but here we are! a year later! and i'm in a position where i can write out a huge thank you note to my FANS(??!?!?!?!!!) that all watch my videos every monday night. that's so cool!!!
the journey so far has been nothing short of incredible. i've spoken to people i never would've thought i'd be able to speak to, pushed myself out of my comfort zone again and again and again to make content that i truly enjoy making, produced things i would've never dreamt i'd be capable of making. and that's only a year. i have to thank you all, again, and again, and again, and again, because honest to god i would be nowhere without the support from you guys. seeing people in the comments sections, in the discord server, it's amazing and i get so happy seeing people interact and just... talk about stuff.
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it's all very heartwarming. even this.
in all seriousness though - thank you all, so much, for this past year. i said i hope we make it to another 6 months in the video, but if this went on for 6 centuries i don't think i'd mind. i love making content and i don't think i'll stop until i'm physically unable to make content. or maybe mentally. maybe making these videos has been reducing my mental ability this entire time and slowly i'll become incapacitated and on life support?
eh, worth it.
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yuneu · 2 months ago
Hi love<333
Alright, I have to admit it, Miss Mussolini Wannabe has to be the FUNNIEST way I ever heard someone describe her LMAO u got the point here!!! Anywayyy your sweet sweet words about Italy got me like: 🥺👉👈🫶
OMG this IS true... BUT... there's this singer whose lyrics are in French, but whom I really REALLY love. It's Leo Ferre. Have you ever heard of him? He isn't from France, actually. If I remember correctly. Anyway, he did translate some of his songs into Italian, but it's not the same you know. I liked those lyrics so much, he's so poetic, but sometimes I wish I could speak French to actually get the right shade of how they were intended (you know, to translate is to betray etc etc). Plus, I would be able to understand other songs of him 😭 but nooo my French proficiency got lost somewhere between middle school and mental-facility-highschool LOL
LMAOOOO I suck at athletics, too!!! My dad used to take me to the beach during winter and we used to train together, running on the shore, with the wind blowing against us, which made it more difficult to run, and together with the unsteady texture of the sand it would help build muscle resistance, or whatever my dad told me to convince me to train with him LOL Let's just say I like watching the athletics waaaay better than I like doing it :) Yeah, I do some light hiking too, from time to time. And I feel the same way about gyms LOL
I love refreshing fruits, too!! Summer is my least favorite season but it has my favorite fruit ever LMAO but a winter fruit I love very much is tangerine. OMG I could eat tangerines forever until I become a tangerine myself (I'm pretty sure these are the Mediterranean genes speaking LOL)
UUUUUH I love writing too!!!!!!! I've kept a diary since I was 6, I'm pretty much writing every day. And I LOVE writing essays. I love writing about academic topics that got me obsessed LOL and I definitely definitely feel you when you talk about writing academic-related stuff but with no academic stake... Cuz same over here!!! Also, I'm really REALLY into poetry. I love it soooo much and I write that too!
Ooooh That One Chair, of course I know her!!!! In my apartment, it's That One Basket. A chair wasn't enough 😭 I switched to a basket a few years ago. Every random thing I get out during the day and forget to put back in its place or I got out cuz I know I'll need it later during the day or just any mess I make during my day goes right into my Basket Buddy. At the end of the day I clean it (well, that's the intention at least LOL) and start all over the day after. Truth is, my Basket Buddy needs a Basket Buddy Bestie cuz I'm a huge procrastinator who'd get out things cuz she knows she'll need them, and then would put off the task until it's too late and I actually do have to get it done LOL I should rename my Basket Buddy as my Procrastination Buddy :)
LMAOOO I go to the mall with my besties to just window-shop very very often. It's pretty much a weekend thing we do. We never buy anything at all cuz we're too broke, though. And we don't really like what the stores at the mall sell nowadays :/ but oh do we love window-shop anyway!!!
OMG wow bookbinding!!! I've always wanted to do that too!!! How'd you like it? OMG tell me more about it!!!!!!
I read you got the flu :/ I'm so sorry :( get well soon!!!!!! <3333 sending love, soup, good wishes, herbal tea, and ibuprofen
Questions of the day: what do you like better between books, songs, movies, and paintings? What's a song that sounds like it was written exactly for you every time you listen to it? Are you into art? What's your favorite movement / who's your fav painter? When do you listen to music the most?
Take care!!! Talk to you soon<3333
- Your Deer Santa 🦌🎅☃️
noooo i got sick, told myself “i’ll answer when my brain isn’t mush” and full on forgot to reply until i got on desktop im sorry queen 🥺
of courseeeee i know ferré! the only monégasque in history who isnt terribly annoying about being born over there (like come on. you're just a frenchtalian who doesn't pay taxes lmaoo). i'm not quite so well-versed in his répertoire as i am in some other composers but apple classical always puts him on my recommendations/queue lol
that's so funny, my sister (who knows italian better than me unfortunately lmaoo) always tells me that if i ever don't know what to talk to an italian about i should just talk to them about citrus fruits, especially oranges LMAOO. i don't particularly like oranges but i love orange flavored stuff if that makes sense, so i'm obsessed with the way you will put orange in *anything*
ooh poetry that's so cool!! i had to write some for a class last year and haven't really gotten around to write more since! i should get back to it oof. who are your favorite poets?
i ALWAYS forget where i put certain stuff then i sit for a minute like. it's on The Chair isn't it? and it always is. so i relate even though your chair is actually a basket😭😭 universal problem
for bookbinding, i find it fun!!! the first "book" i made was just a poetry book (for that class) and even though it was a pain to sew it up and it didn't come out as expected i'm still very proud of it cause I! Made! It! and that's all that matters! next step is hardcovers when i FINALLY get some cover wrapping material lmao, that stuff is impossible to find in craft stores :')
that's so hard!!! i can't pick between music and books:( they're my darlings!! do not separate!
that's such a GOOD question.... probably either pretty isn't pretty by olivia rodrigo or mirrorball by taylor tbh. (ive never been a natural all i do is try try try!!! come on!!)
i do like art (as in paintings haha)!! i used to be so so so into drawing as a child in fact. i still do (charcoal) drawing from life occasionally! i don't really know enough about visual arts to identify a specific movement i like as much as a technique maybe, like i love paintings that use sfumato. it always blows my mind that this can be done with PAINT. i guess that makes my favorite period the renaissance lol, but i'm not well-versed enough to know if that would count as a movement lol, cause i know it's more complex than that in literature
when i listen to music the most... probably in the train! i listen to a lot of music (though this semester has been killing me with a GUN so i havent listened to music as much as i would have liked ugh), so it's really an "all the time" situation but i do always without fail listen to music when im going somewhere, be it by train, in the metro, in a bus or in the car lol
WHAT ABOUT YOU! you seem quite into art!! tell me all about it!!
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ariminiria · 9 days ago
Okay brace yourself cause I wrote an essay. I am so sorry.
Basically, I agree! That's the short answer lol.
Minor S3 complaining, MAJOR S4&5 critique, enjoyers and certain shippers beware. I tried to be as fair as possible, but you have been warned.
I have so much to say that it must go under the cut, but I don't think we can talk about this particular episode without also discussing the poor writing that led up to this point (and beyond), technically starting with Jack departing, but ultimately kicking off in full with the very first episode of season 4. Seasons 4 and 5 ago hand in hand, and the end result is ultimately a culmination of all preceding events since Jack left, so we can't talk about one without the other. Let's get started.
Jack's exit and the way it was handled is a whole other problem on its own. When Desi is introduced, there are some issues, but minor ones that could have been worked with, and ultimately don't distract from things. Yes, she's supposed to be a competent overwatch, but there was no need to make everyone else suddenly less competent to accomplish this. Still, she actually has personality and her own character, and the whole "I don't need anyone, I'm a loner!" could've worked with a slow defrost in the long run. But... the season ends before we really get to dive into that, and then comes the storm that is... Season 4.
Right from the start, the timeskip is a huge red flag. I have the same issue with most movies and shows that suddenly force in a large timeskip, because in the majority of cases, it just serves as a lazy way to "develop" characters without actually having to do the work of showing the process.
Others have mentioned it before, but the way the team has completely fallen out of contact is... not great. Mac's borderline alcoholism played off as a joke and never mentioned again (among several other things)? Yikes.
It feels like a contrived way to soft reboot the series (which is, ironically, already a reboot). Like a certain Marvel movie that shall remain nameless, the New Writers were solely vested in tearing down what came before so that they could remake the show how they wanted it.
And boy did they ever.
Episode 2 is relatively inoffensive, at least to the point that I don't really remember anything about it except that this is where the "blue filter" is introduced. Seriously, why does everything in Phoenix HQ have to be blue now? I miss the cozy wood panels. Get the concrete outta here please. Where are the windows? 🥺 But anyways, Ep3.... 3 is where it really starts to fall apart.
We spend the whole episode with The Bickering. Nothing but Bickering. Because again, lazy time skip. We didn't get to see how things fell apart, or even really how they began. But golly gee, we get the privilege of having exposition literally shouted at us through dialogue, in a gross violation of the "show, don't tell" rule, as two characters have the most insufferable argument ever. Lots of blame, lots of vitriol, all of it proving how incompatible they were and why it's a good thing they broke up! (Right? ...right?) The exposition argument demonstrates how Desi doesn't really care about Mac's interests or hobbies, while also simultaneously putting all of the blame on Mac for how things ended. Okay. Right. Surely that's over with... moving on.
I would argue that episode 4 is one of, if not THE strongest of the season. When we pry apart the toxic couple and put them on complete opposite sides of a collapsed building, everyone is allowed to be individually competent and relatively in character! Wow, it's like magic. Also, Mac speaking German, bonus.
And then. We get. To episode 5.
The established Breakup-Was-A-Good-Thing Toxic Couple gets forced back together for no reason. Genuinely, the only motivation I can think of is that someone on the writing team latched onto Desi as a self-insert character, cannibalizing the things that made her somewhat interesting and actually likeable in S3 in favor of Mary Sue-ing it up as much as possible. Like John Carpenter's The Thing, the real Desi is gone, replaced by a shell. When I talk about Desi in 4&5, I'm talking about this new, empty puppet version, not what could have been.
And because Desi is now a self insert, this writer's character must get with the main man, always, and be the best at everything, and be right all the time. Mary. Sue.
I'm sorry Desi, you didn't deserve this. You didn't deserve to become my least favorite character of anything ever. I actually did kinda like you in Season 3, where your only real crime was being slightly too girlbossed and Not Being Jack. But it only gets worse from there.
Anyways, Episode 6, it's the Russ Show. Moving on.
Actually no wait, this is a recurring issue that needs to be addressed. In Seasons 1 & 2, and even 3 to some degree, other characters got to have highlight episodes, like Muscle Car + Paperclips, where Riley is a strong focus of the episode, but ultimately, Mac is still the main character and it's up to him to save the day, because it's his name on the title of the show.
Episode 6 begins the [Other Character] Show phenomenon. This particular one is all about Russ. It's not about Mac. He's just there to assist and look pretty and have BBC Sherlock-style hallucinations float around once or twice to show that we totally still have a budget.
Episode 7 once again shows off the Insufferable Couple, wherein Mac is made to apologize for... having a personality and interests of his own? And also gets reduced to a guy who gets hot and bothered while fighting bad guys. Okay.
There was this surprisingly introspective moment at the end of this episode where Mac and Desi have the self awareness to say "Hey, if we only work well as a couple out in the field then maybe we're misreading the real dynamic of this relationship." But the Self Insert writer can't let the main man get away, so they immediately discard this logic in favor of... I dunno. "Nah nevermind, we're totally fine."
Then why even bring it up and make us question it! What was the point!!!!!
Moving on before I burst into flames.
We start speeding downhill on a rocket-powered sled from Episode 8. As soon as Gwen is introduced, it's not just Codex that's going nuclear, but the show as a whole. James gets a free pass for all the horrible things he's ever done because he blew himself up, so that fixes everything, of course, and he's 100% redeemed and now Mac has to love him. Cool.
Not even going to touch Episode 9.
Episode 10, hoooo boy. Did not enjoy the weird dream sequence, personally. Perhaps it could have worked if written by literally anyone else. Seriously, let's all do a collab fic and see what we come up with. I guarantee it'll be better. Side note, you just know Jack is over in Croatia with his Mac Sense pinging like mad, absolutely spittin and hollerin at everyone who thought it was a good idea to give his boy a risky, experimental drug with countless unknown side effects on the off chance that he might possibly remember something. Mhm.
Ep 11 was mildly interesting, except for the fact that everyone starts turning on Mac here. "You're too close to this because she's family!!!" She's the reason his dad is dead, and also she has literally never tried to reach out to him until she thought he'd be useful. Mac has all the family he needs with you guys (well, evidently not); he is not going to throw that away just because he shares some DNA with the crazy eco fascist lady.
We've all talked Episodes 12 and 13 to death so I won't linger on them, but it's absolutely ridiculous that the writers have spent so much time (practically the entire season revolves around!) trying to convince us why it's fine that Mac and Desi got back together and should stay together, and then she's the person who trusts him LEAST. If anyone should have been on his side, it's the person he trusts enough to be in a relationship with. This could have been an opportunity to show growth if they wanted to genuinely try to make this pairing work, but nope, the opportunity was wasted. But at least we get to see Riley step up, filling Jack's role and being there for Mac. Like father, like daughter.
And then another Mac relative finds redemption through getting blown up. I'm noticing a trend here.
Mercifully, the season is over, and it looks like perhaps the Toxicity is over.
Then 5×01 starts off with the insult of everyone acting like Mac and Riley are the ones to blame and therefore must be the ones to apologize. You briefly mentioned that there's a question of whether or not Mac does need to apologize, and I'm just going to say it: No. No he does not.
If any of them had trusted him from the start, he would not have had to go to such drastic measures to actually complete the mission. If anyone had listened to Riley when she tried to tell them exactly that, she would not have needed to run off and join Mac, being literally the only person who had any modicum of faith in him.
Desi does not apologize for pointing a gun at them or betraying Mac's trust (because the Self Insert character can never be wrong), and Russ does not apologize for pointing a gun at them or literally trying to nuke them or even starting the whole Mac-distrust-paranoia in the first place. But Mac and Riley are made to grovel and beg and kowtow to earn forgiveness.
I'm especially mad because Desi and Riley could've been a female Mac+Jack duo, but no! Wasted. Potential. Other women can only ever be competition and a Threat to the Mary Sue. It's such a disservice to all of the characters involved, and I'm starting to vibrate with rage because there's little I hate more than wasted potential, so let's move on--
From here on out, the series entirely revolves around Mac and Desi's relationship. It may seem like I am specifically harping on that, but it's purely because that is what the writers prioritized, at the cost of. You know. The actual Plot. The stuff the show is supposed to be about. Like... Mac doing MacGyvering and blowing things up. Sigh. I WISH there was something else to talk about, I really do. Literally anything else. But we can't have nice things, so... Buckle up
Episode 2 is the Desi Show. Like in 4×06 with Russ, Mac is just a background character in his own show. Moving on.
Episode 3, time to tease a romantic rival just to cause problems. Honestly, at this point I started rooting for Riley purely out of spite. Wait, maybe that was the plan all along 🤔🤔🤔 That would be an absolutely galaxy brain level of scheming, although I do think that would be giving the writers too much credit. But that's not the point here, anyways-- I guess Ma was kind of an interesting concept, just. Wasted on this awful writing team. Like everything else.
Ep 4. Desi Show. The only other thing I will say is something I have mentioned before but certainly bears repeating: "Jokes" about sexual coercion don't magically become funny when they're targeted towards a man. Moving on.
Episode 5. The disrespect. That is all. (We all know about 5×05. I don't even have to say it. Next.)
Episode. 6. Sigh. This is the only episode I skipped. In every show I watch, I will always watch every single episode all the way through the first time I experience the show. Afterwards I can skip around, but I never skip on first watch.
This episode broke that record. That's how bad it was.
Like you, I was watching for the first time in 2024, but to be quite honest, I really don't think I would've looked on it more kindly when it first aired, because I am of the opinion that in general, shows that take place contemporarily will always benefit from existing in a somewhat parallel timeline of their own. Entertainment media is generally for escapism; it isn't necessary to 1:1 every real life event. In fact, some (many, I would argue) shouldn't be, because doing so would trivialize the reality of the situation.
When the ukulele thing happened, I noped out right then and there because I could literally feel my body filling with molten lava. I have nothing more to say because, like I said, I did not finish the episode.
But you know what? The fact that I didn't finish it turned out to be irrelevant because episode 6 had zero plot impact and served no purpose except to, as you said, distract us from the insult of 5×05. There's like one line in 5×10 I think? that references 6. But other than that, it's just that irrelevant. We could take it out, and the season would literally be unchanged.
7-9 are thoroughly unmemorable to me, except forcing Mac to face his fear of heights in 9. That was nice, we should do that more often.
Episode 10... happened. Very Wattpad and contrived, but it happened. Hm. Okay, I wasn't really going to say anything beyond that, but I will. Fine, sure, whatever, Riley has feelings for Mac. Let's go with that, for the sake of argument. To be honest, aside from my previously mentioned "spite shipping," I'm thoroughly neutral on the idea of them together. I personally tend to go for sibling vibes when I write them, but I could reasonably see the dynamic as going either way, so this isn't some ship war thing by any means. But what I'm not neutral on is the disrespect in this episode. It's off the charts.
Dragging Riley's feelings out in such a humiliating way, only to then dismissively handwave it away for the sake of nothing but some Wattpad level drama? I need the writer to meet me in a Waffle House parking lot immediately. Riley deserves better than that. The show deserves better than to be reduced to an episode of The Bachelor.
Episode 11. Once again, it's so Wattpad. Complete with "we have to get naked to save our lives" and Mac ping-ponging his feelings more than Y/N with the brunette messy bun trying to decide between the sweet jock or the bad biker boy.
Episode 12 makes me incredibly angry because it just solidifies the fact that Self-Insert Desi is queen in the relationship and has zero interest in taking Mac's feelings and needs into account. There's even a moment where Mac tries to tell her that something she said was hurtful and she immediately makes it about herself to the point that HE winds up apologizing for it and they never do address his feelings in the end.
Direct quote:
"Yeah, sorry Des. As hard as this is for me to hear, it's gotta be a thousand times harder for you."
Also, direct quotes from when Mac asks Russ for his opinion:
R: "So why not just talk to her about it?"
M: "That's just the thing, Desi doesn't wanna talk to me about it. It's like she drops these little breadcrumbs for me to find or- or wait around for the next one."
Alexa, play Toxic by Britney Spears.
And then to add insult to injury, after being so thoroughly disrespected and stomped on, the writers have Mac decide that moving in together will magically fix all of their problems. Mhm.
13. They spend half the episode talking about how moving in together was a mistake, and I guess somehow the writers think we as the audience won't agree with that based on literally everything we've seen so far?
One specific moment that's very small but pisses me off an unreasonable amount is how they suddenly add Desi into the voice-over. That has ALWAYS been Mac's thing. Not even Jack got to be apart of the internal monologue, and the writers expect us to believe that someone is more important to Mac than him? I can't fully express why this decision frustrates me SO much, but it's probably best to move on.
Ep 14 is a thing. Love how they manage to retcon like 4 different things within one single episode. Josh? Who's that? Y'all hear something? Grandpa Harry? Hm?
Finally, put us out of our misery, episode 15. The nanobots plot could've been interesting with better writing. But unfortunately, a lot of it wound up feeling too scifi and more than a little bit forced. I don't know why Russ and Bozer felt the need to swap nationalities for that frankly cheesy and over-the-top "distraction," but it. Yeah, it just fell flat. I cringed a little. It dragged on too long.
But hey, I did enjoy Mac flatlining in the hyperbaric chamber. Good whump right there.
I'm trying to find nice things to say.
In summary, Jack leaving was the first warning sign. A new team of writers drove this bus straight off a cliff in the name of shipping, and we were all just helpless passengers. Mac's best traits were swiped from him and redistributed to everyone else, because Hollywood rules are that in order to make other characters more competent, you have to make the main character incompetent.
But! That's why we as a community are still kicking. Where canon fails, we're there to pick up the pieces together, holding fast to what could have been.
There is no MacGyver Season 4 or 5 in Ba Sing Se. My complete series collection just has a bunch of blank discs in the back, for some reason. I live in a world where Desi is a strong, competent character who minds her business, does her job, and is a healthy and functional member of the team. A world where Jack comes back and addresses how his leaving impacted the others. A world where Bozer is Mac's loyal and understanding best friend with a unique skill set of his own, Riley is a capable fellow agent and confidant, and the leaders of the Phoenix actually trust their top agent.
I am asking you directly to please tell me your honest thoughts about this episode 😀
- @mistyyrayne
oh no.....I don't think you realize what you just did. You really want to hear me talk about what's possibly my least favorite episode of the series? Are you sure? Certain?
I had to rewatch it just so I could accurately reference certain parts, and I amend my earlier statement- it definitely is my least favorite. Sorry to anyone who enjoys this episode (5x06 enjoyers, please beware) these are just my own opinions to be taken with a grain of salt (I really don't mean to be so harsh with it, but. well...)
cue me ranting under the cut 🤪
To be fair, I watched this episode for the first time in November last year. Would my opinion on it have changed if I had seen it when it first aired? Probably, but the fact is I didn't, and so I found myself physically recoiling at Mac singing about Fauci on the ukulele. I just....have no words.
Onto the facetime with Mac and Desi....oh boy. So. Mac sent a ("very, very detailed") apology letter to Desi for the events of last season. Ok, alright, that's cool- I'm not going to delve into whether or not he needed to apologize for most of the events in the first place, that's for another time. It's been shown before that he sometimes struggles with apologies (2x04 comes to mind, with 6 voicemails to prove it) so the fact that he wrote a lengthy letter to apologize shows he sincerely wants things to be better between them.
The only reason I have an issue with this is because...well I could be misremembering, but did we ever get to see Desi apologize to Mac? Like at all? She didn't trust him. Full stop. She didn't trust that he had a plan. That he could still do his job despite the crushing grief and guilt he was feeling, and because she didn't trust that he knew what he was doing, he had to use extreme measures to escape the Phoenix that ended up with her and Russ getting hurt. Even after she learned he hadn't been a "traitor" and stopped Codex, she still held what he did against him. All signs of a healthy and functional relationship :) She also failed at the job she was explicitly trusted by Jack to do when she waved a gun in Mac's face, but also. not the time or place for that right now haha smiling. smiling normally
Anyways, Mac goes on to express concerns about their relationship going forward, and lightheartedly but pointedly brings up the fact that she may be delaying the conversation (which has precedence) and Desi begins to vent about the circumstances that led her to quarantining with her parents- which is all very understandable! She's under a lot of stress, and racist assholes are targeting her parents, she has every right to be upset. But. but but but. She takes on an accusatory tone and lays into Mac about it, causing him to apologize and immediately retract what he said. which...I'm certainly no expert on relationships, but I feel like there's just something so wrong with that.
He was trying to start a dialogue about the future of their relationship, which I think is quite understandable- he wants something stable in such a tumultuous time, and it isn't just the Pandemic, either. Did we as the audience all forget he not only lost Jack, Charlie, James, and Gwen within the same year? Of course not but I bet you the writers did. So much has changed around him and it's no wonder he feels so unstable.
Desi, on the other hand, doesn't have any desire to define their relationship right now, being too preoccupied with everything else going on- also quite understandable! What irks me to no end, however, is that they made it so Mac was the unreasonable one here. Desi shuts his concerns down, and to be fair, she was called away to tend to her parents, but there's not even any follow up of like "we'll talk later," or "I hear you, but I can't do this right now." No, just leave him in limbo, it's fine. He'll be fine, he always is.
But even after all this, (and I'm sure you're thinking, wow dude, chill out, calm down) that wasn't even what makes me despise this episode.
It's how they wrote Bozer.
On what fucking planet would this dude not tell his best friend that his mom (who had also been the closest thing Mac had to a mother during his adolescence as well) is sick? during the pandemic??????
Well, you might say, Mac hasn't been a good friend to him recently. OKAY?? AND??? That's not the kind of thing you'd keep from someone you're that close to, regardless of the circumstance. AND WHY DOES EVERY BIT OF THE BLAME KEEP GETTING SHIFTED TO MAC. After this dogshit year he's had, losing the people he loves, being under enormous amounts of stress, his teammates not trusting him, the usual near-death experiences, he hasn't had a fucking break. NO SHIT HE'S BEEN "COMPLETELY MIA" and not noticing Bozer's been struggling. Mac needs some serious help and he's not getting any. If anything, Bozer would be the one TO NOTICE IT WITH MAC.
I wish I could say I could see Bozer getting upset about this in-character, but I just can't. I personally don't think Bozer berating Mac for being a shitty friend is justified AT ALL. So yeah, this episode pisses me off to the extreme. I think there were a lot of good choices they made with Bozer's character in the later seasons (like him being more confident on missions) but this? ABSOLUTELY not one of them. It just blew me out of the water. I'm astonished they made him seem like such an asshole just for the sake of this plotline. He would never not share something as serious as his mom being sick with Mac and that's a hill I will always die on.
Admittedly sometimes I look at my favorite characters through rose-tinted glasses sometimes, but a majority of the shit that gets pinned on Mac in s4 and s5 genuinely does not seem like his fault? Maybe I'm wrong- If you have a differing opinion on any of this, I wouldn't mind hearing it. Prove me wrong, I'd be happy to be proven wrong here, because I adore all these characters so much. I feel like they've been done a major disservice, not just in this episode, but in these last two seasons especially.
Ok I'm sorry but I was gonna do a play by play of the rest of the episode, but I'm 16 minutes in and I'm already in a seething rage about this LMFAO so I'm gonna stop right here. excuse me while I go bash my head through the nearest brick wall
anyways, in summary/TLDR:
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How about I end this off with some positivity, huh? Things I DID like about this episode are that Mac, Riley, and Bozer all got to quarantine together. The beginning scene where they were all hanging out in the living room was almost like a s1-2 scene where they were hanging out on the deck. Almost.
OH I also liked when Bozer was explaining the plan and they all acted it out, I love when they do that (also great in 3x12 Fence + Suitcase + Americium-241, they do that same thing there)
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myaquariusheart · 2 years ago
OH MY GOd, I just submitted my Dissertation and I can't believe it, all my work is done!!!! I feel a sense of relief and just realised I have nothing else to do, other than my Plato essay, which I will do slowly when I'm bored. That's it, it's done, this is going to determine if I graduate, which I will. Sorry I have to graduate, I can just feel it. It's been a long few days, staying at uni and finishing my work but my hard work will pay off. Now it's my world and I can basically do whatever I want. I had a similarity of 20% but I don't really care, it's done and dusted now. I will focus on drawing, art, writing and playing Animal Crossing. I need to fix my island and make it so beautiful and I just can't wait for this freedom. I need to focus on making money and just keep manifesting, love, success, money, and happiness for myself and others around me. I feel happy and have a sense of sadness because I'm never going to Uni again or having that fun drama that goes on in the library. It was a fun experience and I've been such a messy bitch but I have to love myself for it. WOW just don't know what I'm feeling right now, I just can't wait to pick out my graduation dress and everything. Later on I'm heading to the gym with cake and tomorrow, I'm dropping off my books to uni, and a last goodbye to that place. I have collected so many stamps on my bubble tea card and tomorrow I'm going to redeem my two free drinks. I need to celebrate but there's no one to celebrate with me, and in the way I want to celebrate anyways. T is going on holiday tomorrow and I'm so happy for her she deserves the world and all the success too. I'm feeling an overall emotion of happiness and just hope all goes well because I did work hard on my disso even though I started so late. ANYWAY yeah over the moon and super proud of myself but I did say a huge thanks to R as well, I wouldn't have been able to do anything without him. I'm literally saying thank you to everyone before anything even happens but LOL today is such a big day for me and I cant believe I have done it. I have so many things I want to do, mostly just relax and work and earn so much money but let me not do it so quickly.
0 notes
secondsofhappiness · 7 years ago
I hope you don't mind me asking but I read your posts about your sexuality today and I wondered when you realised you were ace and what you feel looking back on your teenage years? Did you still do typical teen stuff and realise you were ace later on? What made you realise you were? Sorry I'm just so curious and I hope I haven't offended you. Much love
That’s fine, anon. I don’t mind talking about this stuff at all on here so ask away! Makes a change from my personal life where I have never talked about it :)
I’ll try my best to answer your questions!
First off, when did I realise? When I was 26. I’m 28 now (29 in July). Late, I guess. Or maybe not late as many people my age perhaps never heard of asexuality until later in life so didn’t know there was a word for stuff.
Looking back at my teenage years? Haha I definitely knew I wasn’t like others. I think I started realising I was a little different around age 14-16. I didn’t have friends who were mega into boys or dating or anything so that perhaps delayed any response I had to that stuff but it was mainly my general behaviour. I didn’t talk about boys/girls, I didn’t show any interest, I actually found it difficult when they began talking about celebrity crushes or real life crushes and it’d all make me deeply uncomfortable. So I’d make a few things up and I always referred to myself in my head as a “late bloomer”.
The main thing that made me realise I perhaps had an unusual response to this stuff was when one of my best friends told me he liked me. He’s the only person so far in my life to ever do that and I adored him. He was so funny and I liked him a LOT. It was all swoon crush stuff with 16 year old me smitten with him. I didn’t want anything else, only to be noticed by him and to spend all of my time in his company. The second he told me, I clammed up and told him I wanted to be friends. I liked him an awful lot but I still turned him down. I then couldn’t even bring myself to speak to him. I was a wreck. I left school without speaking to him or saying goodbye. I treated him so poorly and I regret is so much but I didn’t know how to deal with the prospect of dating someone.
I’ll pop the rest under a cut as many people may not be interested in this..!
Then we got back in touch when I was in University… yep! We had been kind of in touch online for years but we messaged a lot and when I was home from Uni I agreed to meet up with him. It took EVERYTHING out of me to meet him after he finished work. He worked in a clothes shop and it took me 8 attempts of walking in to find him. I was a MESS and felt sick. I managed it and we walked around and looked around the shops together and he walked me to the bus stop and I gave him a hug that took all of my nerves. He was incredibly sweet, he was very patient and asked me if I wanted to meet up with him a month later when I was home. He told me he’d had feelings for me since school, had never stopped thinking of me (Christ alive) from time to time etc. I said yes I’d meet him but when that month came, I freaked out and made excuses that I couldn’t go. I have never seen him since. He got a girlfriend soon after and I still have him on social media but we don’t talk and I haven’t heard from him in years.
I learned a lot from that because one singular thing became apparent and that was my reaction to dating, relationships and attraction was different to everyone around me. I had NO frame of reference for it. I had no clue what to do and not just in the fumbly teenage way, but more that I had no natural pull to want to do this stuff. Emotionally - yes - but outside of that it was very difficult for me to want anything. That was such s tough struggle to reconcile and it still is.
It was much more obvious once I hit University. I went through school, college and University without a love interest, boyfriend or any attempt at one. I didn’t even look or consider one outside of a few very short romantic crushes. I made zero attempt to instigate anything.
University was an eye opener because sex was everywhere and it just didn’t factor in my life. I had no interest in it. I didn’t actively pursue anyone because I had no desire to. I did develop feelings for one of my close friends (I wrote about this the other day so see a previous post) and that whole experience confirmed to me that I didn’t have a “normal” reaction to attraction because I remember him giving me a hug once when we were watching a movie and I felt the moment it maybe went from friendshippy to something a little more and I freaked the hell out. I pretty much recoiled in horror but tried to cover it up. I didn’t know how to respond and I didn’t want it to continue despite me liking him an awful lot. Confusing, right?! Haha.
Since I was 21, I have had only one other semi romantic attraction that I now can’t even understand because I know the guy better now and we’d never have gelled in the long run. That’s it. I don’t date, I don’t look, I don’t consider relationships. Now, there’s a common denominator in all of it and that was always the looking to the future. The “well if I find some shred of confidence to try to respond to these advances then that means I’ll eventually have to consider physical stuff because that’s how the world works” and that fact alone was enough to stop me in my tracks and end things with quite a significant amount of finality!
I used to ponder it all the time and never understood what was wrong with me. I used to call myself (secretly) “avoidant”. That was my own word. That I had an avoidant personality. That I was simply unable to share intimacy. I read article after article, tried to work out why I was this way and it wasn’t until I was 26 that I saw a post about asexuality and reading it, I cried my eyes out. I visited AVEN and read everything I could, I bought books and everything just felt so personal and was like reading about myself. It was so comforting and I finally understood that perhaps it did have a name and I wasn’t screwed up or broken.
Looking back, so much made sense. I had never ever felt in any way sexually attracted to anyone I’d liked. The mere thought of that actually put me off. I got NOTHING out of the thought of that. If anything, it made me feel really damn uncomfortable. I always thought people were joking when they said they thought about sex so much. So much teenage media had been lost on me because I didn’t share their experiences or desires. I’d never had any of the thoughts that are associated with teenagers and those in early 20s. Friends with benefits was something I just didn’t get. One night stands were alien concepts because why would people?! What’s the point?! There were so many signs and I just hadn’t realised them all until later in life.
So I didn’t do typical teen stuff. I didn’t have any of the typical firsts or experience any stereotypical teenage experiences and they didn’t happen in college, uni or beyond either. That’s difficult to accept at times because many people who are perhaps late bloomers actively want that stuff. I didn’t.
When I turned 25, I noticed friends became a little more interested in that aspect or non existent aspect of my life and the more they questioned or queried, the more it made me think of how I felt and so much slotted into place. I’ve never “come out” or whatever you want to call it but I am also pushing 30 having never had any relationship or pursued one and my friends definitely just accept this about me. One of my best friends, Hattie, said to me once “I don’t think you’d everyone be with someone unless you were very very close to them or perhaps you may never have those feelings for someone but I’d hope you’d tell me if you wanted to talk about stuff”. That’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to talking about it.
So the future is unknown but nothing has changed since I was 14-16. I am still exactly the same about it all as I was then and so I guess if I’d have known about asexuality I may have been a little less upset about how different I seemed to be from my peers and may have understood myself a little better and spent much less time worrying, stressing and feeling like I was a broken human being! That said, I always focused on friends and have been fiercely independent and happy being alone so I’ve always been pretty well adjusted despite it all :)
So yeah! I hope that answered your questions, anon. Why do you ask? If you’re questioning, I’m always happy to answer any questions etc. Might as well chat about it as it’s so damn unknown in the grand scheme!! 🙂
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ncityavenue · 2 years ago
"Do it clap?"
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Prompt: you get interrupted from doing your ELA essay when your Best friend, Jaehyun, video calls you to ask you a outrageous question.
Pairing: Jaehyun x Black fem reader
Disclaimer: use of the n word(obviously only the reader will say it), writer/reader making fun of jaehyuns huge head and mentions of drug use (weed)
"In the beginning of the passage it shows....no! I already said that!!" You slightly shout.
You raised your clear glasses up on your face as you bend down in criss cross apple sauce position to write down more notes. You pout at your work not being the way you wanted, dragging your eraser across the pencil-beat up paper.
Right before you can get back to your sentence on your paper, you hear your ring tone go off.
You huff picking up your phone and answered,"why the fuck are you calling me?"
"Ayyyy! Long time no see!" Jaehyun smiles showing his dimples, you roll your eyes before putting your pencil down.
"I literally saw you 4 hours ago..." You reminded.
"Exactly why I said long time no see sweetheart." Jaehyun says as he rests his head on his hand.
"Anyways! What do you want? Why are you calling me?" You questioned trying to sound annoyed of his existence.
"Wow a hi jaehyun would be nice."
"Answer my question big head."
"Ok fine! I called you because I have a question." Jaehyun begins.
Now, you can visibly see that he's been smoking pot hense that his eyes are more hooded than ever and slightly pink. So, you prep yourself for the utmost crazy question that's weirder than the last he's asked.
"So.. you know how you were wearing those checkered leggings today?" Jaehyun drags on, you nodded with a raised eyebrow.
"I know I've mentioned you having a thick booty before but I have a question...." Jaehyun looks off as he ducks his head chuckling a bit.
"Jesus, jaehyun what're you about to say?" You asked as you plant your hand on your face.
"Do it...do it clap? "Jaehyun basically whispers, your eyes widen at the question. You were so shocked that you started dying laughing.
"JAEHYUN WHAT?" You exclaimed, you didn't have the energy to lecture him for the question so all you did was try to calm down your laughing.
"DO IT CLAP?!" Jaehyun repeated causing more laughter on your end.
You bury your head on your arm hiding the slight flustered face that was painted on your face, "NIGGA I DON'T KNOW "
"Ok I'm sorry, but I'm curious..will you show me?" Jaehyun questions with puppy dog eyes.
"..this conversation is over."
You start to doodle on your paper free handley"Jaehyun...why do you wanna see?"
"Because I'm curious." Jaehyun shyly says even though he just said the most bold question. (There's been worse)
"No babe...just no.. maybe when I'm drunk but not right now, you interrupted me doing my essay just to ask me that goofy ass question." You firmly say.
"I was just curious don't get mad please." Jaehyun pleaded sheepishly smirking.
"I'm not mad I'm just stunned and confused." You snicker.
"Good, I'll still get my answer sooner or later because I will be asking again." Jaehyun demanded, you shook at your head.
You cant deny that you didn't feel a little flustered at the question, yes, Jaehyun never fails to remind you that you have a thicc booty but that question just gave you whiplash. (haha, get it?)
"Okay whatever, I will be ending this call now. Take that big ass head to sleep." You ordered.
"Night night princess" Jaehyun smiles again showing his perfect dimples. You close your eyes shut for a few seconds trying to not let his pet names for you get the best of you.
"Goodnight Jaehyun" you mimick his smile before ending the call.
Good night indeed.<3
HELP IDK WHAT THIS IS😭— DONT ASK. I was just like "this is something jaehyun would do🤔" and wrote it with the quickness bc I didn't want my brain juice running out...I think I need help—
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makuyi13 · 1 month ago
No, bro! If you have friends who aren't caring about what you like, those are not your friends. You shouldn't be "forcing" it upon anyone, really, but if they're your friends and you're being courteous about showing something cool to someone, then they should make an effort to show they appreciate it, or at least be nice about it.
Think about it, man. I know you love LOTR. I love LOTR. A good percentage of us is just LOTR. People don't need to love LOTR to love or understand us, but if they can't at least understand how much of us is LOTR and then respect that and think it's cool, then they can't love us. Bad analogy here but I just woke up like five minutes ago so don't judge. For example, I have brown eyes. You don't have to be obsessed with brown eyes to be my friend. You don't even have to have brown eyes to be my friend. I'm obviously very indifferent about my eye colour, but if I was passionate about it and I was hella proud of the fact that my eyes are brown, then if you can't at least give an effort to show that you think it's cool or try to understand what's so special about brown eyes, then why are you hanging out with someone who is so much of something you don't like? And most importantly, for what reason should I go about changing my eye colour or covering it up for people like that? They don't care, they won't care, I bet contacts hurt a lot (alongside being a pain in the arse to put in and take out), and my real eye colour will always be brown. (I mean, if I told you to worship my brown eyes and make a sacrifice to them daily or be unfriended, that would be a different story, but you're not doing that and I know)
I totally understand because I've been scouring my area for LOTR friends for years and it's been fruitless until recently. I made my "friend" watch the trilogy and The Hobbit movies last year. She was a bad friend, it turns out. This happened to me over and over. But I have met people in my orchestra and class who care about it. I mean, think about it, Mace. If I'm here, you're here, Faramir mod is here, and loads of other people who care about LOTR are here, then there's got to be people who care in real life near you because there's a huge number of us. That number increases when you account for people who don't have Tumblr. You will find those friends eventually. I know it. Until then, you have us :)
None of my actual friends have even touched LOTR, actually (I don't count those people I met because I just met them this week, really) but they're all nice about it. My best friend says "Cool!" and "Wow!" and asks questions at the appropriate time and with an interested tone when I talk about LOTR even though he 1) Doesn't know shit about what I'm talking about and 2) Would rather be playing Sonic but! He doesn't show it, and actively makes an effort to understand this cool thing I've devoted half my soul to. Another friend knows I have a lack of people to talk about LOTR to, and even though she doesn't really know anything about it, has offered to watch all the scene packs I've sent her, look at all the pictures and memes, and listen to my rants.
The least they can do is try to understand.
Dude I am so sorry for the essay I just really care about it because struggles like these have hit me hundreds of times and I hate it. I want to gatekeep those struggles for myself because trust me y'all don't want them
My friend wants me to watch season 2 of squid games and I want her to watch lotr, so I let her pick which we watch and she picked lotr and she just ended up on her phone a lot and a lot of times I was like “Omgg look theres a good part!” And it could be the most boring thing to her ever.. I let out a sigh, give me irl lotr friends please give me more autistic people
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msprojects · 3 years ago
KazuHoku Shibuxile #13 Instalive translation
Disclaimer: these are approximate translations! I know there are also other translations out there, but I'm doing this to practice my Japanese and also share the KazuHoku (and Zin their stan lol) love!!
Shibuxile #13 Instalive before the show *Zin and Taiki wait while Kazuma and Hokuto are being prepped by the producers. They then introduce the boys and proceed with the questions below* Zin: If you could switch places with any of the dancers in The Rampage for one day, who would it be? Hokuto: Zin-san! Zin: Oh! Taiki: You're such a nice kid for saying that. Hokuto: Zin-san knows a lot of things so I'd like to be him for one day and know them, too. *cue Zin denying it lol* Taiki: How about you, Kazuma? Kazuma: Kaisei, maybe? I'd wanna know what it's like to have his (body) build. Hokuto: I'd go to the beach if I had his body. Zin: I heard Kaisei say that recently, that he wants to go to the beach. Hokuto: You heard him, right? Zin: *imitating Kaisei lol* "I wanna go to the beach!" Zin: All right, let's do one more round of questions. Zin: *reading the cue cards* Hm, what'll it be... ah! Anything's good. Then, if the both of you could switch with each other, what's the first thing you'd do? Hokuto: Oh, with me and Kazuma? Zin: Yep. Kazuma: Basketball! Hokuto: I'd also do the same, definitely :D  Zin: Got it, got it. Kazuma: Definitely basketball. Hokuto: You know, I can't really eat spicy things. Zin: That's right, you can't. Hokuto: So, I'd wanna have Kazuma's mouth. Kazuma: My mouth, lol. Hokuto: Like, I wanna know what it feels like, you know. Taiki: Ah, yeah, yeah. With spicy things. Taiki: And you, Kazuma? Hokuto: He just said it. *so sharp and quick to the point this kid!* Taiki: *his face as he realizes he dun goofed lolol* Hokuto: Were you listening? *OMG HOKUTO!* Taiki: *laughs then tries to shoot a glare at Hokuto but fails spectacularly lol* Hey now, Yoshino... Hokuto: But were you listening tho? Lol Taiki: *concedes defeat* I was listening. I'm very sorry (to Kazuma).  Zin: Lol, anyway... next question. Is there anything you appreciate about each other? Taiki: Ah, how wonderful! Hokubu: It's not really, at all. *poor Taiki lol Hoku-chan ain't going easy on you today* Taiki: Stop biting down on me, little piglet. *kyaaaaaa Taiki such a cute comeback!* *Now, I invite you all to keep an eye on Zin as Hokuto answers the question... :D*  Hokuto: Well, we've been by each other's side for about 5 to 6 years --  Taiki: Wow, it's been six years already? Zin: That's right, you guys were very young. Kazuma: *is looking intensely at Hokuto* Hokuto: -- so I'm grateful that he's always been by my side this whole time. Zin: *can't contain his excitement, watch his hands!* Ah-HAGH!! Kazuma: O_O *he was so suprised at Zin it broke his concentrated look, so cute* Taiki: Jeez, what's with the weird reaction. Zin: Well, it's true, right. Kazuma: It's a good thing, isn't it? *couldn't quite catch what he said, I'm guessing at this* Zin: Yes, I see, I see.
So... team Zin?! Team Zin anybody?! LOL like, he is rivaling Riku right now for #1 KazuHoku stan in my book. You can already see him getting all giddy about Hokuto's answer gahahahahaha. Also, Hokuto, you were merciless on Taiki!! But Taiki looks used to it hahahahaha.
I know I said I'd also post KazuHoku shipping thoughts, but it became this huge monstrous essay and I'm still editing it. I decided to just go ahead and post the translation separate from the essay so you, my dear readers, can watch the video and understand my excitement as well. I'd love to hear what you think or if you just want to go *kyaaaa* with me! :D :D
See you in the next post, hopefully soon... ish!! :D
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wooahaes · 3 years ago
(why does it have me so soft that you thought of me fhhjfh i'm easily moved lol but i rlly like talking to you) thank you sm<3 i'm doing better! I'm struggeling a bit with my health rn but I also have a big ass essay to write and it's just A Lot but I'm sure I'll manage!! I'll just speak it into existence lol
hgjfhgj omg that fight thing is so cute but I can picture it so well for them T-T also on the topic of dino - because of his nickname i always have to think of him when i see adorable otter content now. Like, I'll be seeing stuff like this and my brain goes :( dino :(
"pick a god and pray" is probably the best one ever across any of the games honestly. I also love Jakobs crit lines in fate he's so sassy "time to take out the trash" "you are excused" "you're about to be served" - what a legend IKR like. claude?? please be a little more subtle about your thirsting
okay but catching cheol feelings over writing UtS is absolutely valid. as someone who is cheol biased lemme just say the way you write him in UtS? perfection. i have way too many feels for this man and your writing makes me love him even more T-T
saame i love that petty drama queen. oh god seungkwan would have the best quotes in battle fdjhfjs
I'm so sorry about your fucked up sleeping schedule but I'm glad you at least found a way to deal with the pain >_<
good thing you're a little better over all<3
aaaa i get the same way tbh!! ppl dont rly think of me often i dont think but when they do it means a lot and im always emotional as a result <3
i'm glad you're doing better!! i hope ur health struggles aren't too bad and that u do well on ur essay!! that reminds me i have a discussion board post i need to do but i have time lol im fine w doing it a lil late
(link is safe for anyone who wants to click on it <3)
stop thts so cute omg <3 i would like to also share tht chan always holds hands w reader when he sleeps bc he just likes being connected to them in some way (and usually someone else wants to cuddle too so he'll at least hold hands w them bc cuddling is nice. which isnt to say chan doesn't have times where he just wants to keep reader to himself--he just doesnt want to be possessive and keep them from cuddling w the others if they want) and i imagine it's probably jeonghan who looks at them and he's like wow... just like otters since they hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting ykno. honestly he probably holds hands w anyone but esp reader lol
LITERALLY its such a powerful line i love quoting it casually lol also im not a huge fan of jakob as a unit but his crit lines are always great. i appreciate the ones that are just like "bye <3" too tbh sfkhsd
writing cheol in UtS just really makes me appreciate him more as a person too tbh like. hes SUCH a good leader in general??? and i just kinda hope to do him justice with the way i write him and according to a lot of ppl im doing well there? i just love and appreciate him a lot even if he's not in my top three members of svt <3 like i said... 3 biases, 10 bias wreckers at all times.
haha fun fact actually: cheol is one of the characters who always loves reader despite whos part ur reading. it's always a matter of him putting their happiness first even if it kinda hurts tbh haha what who said that
oh absolutely <3 i think minghao would have some pretty solid battle quotes as well.
its ok!! literally today is the earliest i've gotten up in the past week-ish so maybe i can start fixing my sleep schedule lol
thank u layton anon ily i hope u get to take it easy and rest soon <3
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harvestdew · 4 years ago
Yo sorry if this question takes a while to awnser, but if Cleo and Kiki were NPCs what do you think thief heart events will be like? If you don't want to awnser this that's fine, I'm just curious.
no problem! i actually need a break from my essay anyway i wrote 4 pages and it took me 5 hours/made me stressed, so this is a good way to decompress for me!
Tumblr media
kiki’s 2 heart event - standard, boring 2 heart event... enter pelican town on a sunny day anywhere from 9am to 4pm. you see kiki on her way out of pierre’s and her grocery bag breaks. you have 4 options:
ask “are you okay?” and help her (+30 friendship). kiki is embarrassed someone saw her, but says “thank you so much for helping me! that was pretty funny, wasn’t it? i guess i bought too much”
“i didn’t see anything” (no effect on friendship). kiki just laughs it off
ignore her/do nothing (no effect on friendship). kiki goes “...” before telling herself she’s so clumsy and running off
“wow, that was dumb of you.” (-50 friendship) kiki, trying to remain deadpan, responds “yeah, you’re right”
kiki’s 4 heart event - (similar to leah’s 4 heart event) enter kiki’s house when she’s there. for some reason, she doesn’t notice you entered and you hear someone else talking unintelligibly on the landline, but she isn’t responding. after a while, she hangs up without saying anything, notices you, and jumps, asking “have you been here the whole time?” you have 3 options:
lie and say “i just got here” (no effect on friendship). kiki sighs and says “oh, okay. that’s good”
"who was that?” (no effect on friendship). kiki goes “...” and tells you it was just an annoying telemarketer. then she asks if she can help you with anything
"are you okay?” (+20 friendship). kiki tells you she just got an unwanted call from someone she doesn’t want to talk to but doesn’t elaborate. she mentions being worried someone’s going to come over, then realizes you’re still there and laughs it off as a joke, trying to cover it up with a random fact about tulips
kiki’s 6 heart event - (similar to haley’s 6 heart event) enter the cindersap forest from 5pm to 9pm while it’s raining. kiki spots you (“!”) and asks for help, explaining her cat (ghost) ran away because she didn’t properly lock her door and the storm blew it open (this literally happened to me and my cat didn’t come home for 3 days LOL). she explains how important her cat is to her. you have 2 options:
"i’ll help you find him!” (+30 friendship)
“just get another cat?” (-30 friendship)
either way, you can walk around the cindersap forest and click on a bunch of shrubs. the cat will come out of one of them and you bring it back to her. kiki hugs you and says she felt too guilty to ask anyone else for help. she also points out because it was raining you should go back inside before you get sick, so she offers to walk you home 
also: fun fact the farmer replaces sebastian in here because this was something i wrote for him, but it feels like a good 6 heart one imo
kiki’s 8 heart event - done here!
kiki’s 10 heart event - (similar to emily and maru’s) you get a letter in the mail from kiki that says something along the lines “come by the forest tonight!” if you enter the cindersap forest from anytime between 7pm to 11pm ONLY during the summer you’ll trigger the event. it turns out she wanted to look at constellations with you and borrowed maru’s telescope. kiki starts talking about how she was figuring out how to make up for you finding her cat but didn’t want to do anything boring. you only have 1 option:
"wait, is this a date?” (no effect on friendship)
kiki gets MEGA embarrassed, explaining she thought it was obvious but isn’t going to be mad if you don’t like her. you now have 3 options:
"wait, i do like you!” (no effect on friendship). kiki goes, “seriously? you mean it? i’m so happy!” and you resume the date. before the cutscene ends, she has you look at some stars and explains the story of altair & vega which originated in china (“have you heard about the story of altair and vega? it’s about a cowherd and a weaver girl who fell in love but were separated by a river which is supposed to be the milky way. it’s sad, but once a year a bunch of magpies form a bridge and they reunite. romantic, right?”)
“i’m sorry, i don’t like you” (no effect on friendship). kiki tells you she understands, explaining you’re just as good of a friend and will be fine
“ew” (-30 on friendship). kiki sighs and tells her she better return maru’s telescope
as for cleo i have no idea if cleo would be a marriageable npc... we’ll see. let’s get to her heart events though (excluding her 10 heart event)
cleo’s 2 heart event - enter cleo’s room whenever she’s in there. cleo asks why you didn’t knock out of annoyance, but gets over it to complain she smells like fish (because she’s a fisherwoman LOL). you have 2 options:
“if you hate the smell of fish so much, why are you a fisherman?” (no effect on friendship). cleo explains she picks up fishing because that’s the 1 condition kiki has if she wants to stay with her free of rent. she complains about her cousin for trying to teach her some work ethic, then goes on to say she can’t wait til she and whatever sam’s band is called gets famous and she can stop fishing
“not my problem” (-30 friendship). cleo gets irritated and tells you “look, i didn’t ask to be a fisherwoman, okay? i hate farming and mining doesn’t make that much money. why are you even in here?”
cleo’s 4 heart event - enter pelican town any time during the day when it’s sunny. you overhear haley berating cleo with a magazine (even though they’re friends), who asks why she never mentioned she modeled. cleo gets annoyed and tells haley to back off because she doesn’t want to talk about it. you have 2 options:
do absolutely nothing (-30 friendship). haley finally walks off; cleo looks at you and goes, “what are you looking at? don’t listen to stuff that isn’t any of your business”
tell haley to stop (+30 friendship). haley sighs and apologizes to cleo for being nosey and leaves. cleo awkwardly thanks you and says something offhand like “i guess you’re cool” before running off
make up an excuse to pull cleo aside like “cleo, i don’t get how to use my fishing rod, can you help?” (+50 friendship). cleo thanks you for not making a huge scene and sighs. she explains haley figured out how used to be a model and wouldn’t stop asking why she quit. she also mentions she knows you probably want to know and claims it’s just “stupid personal garbage” and “the modeling industry is shit”
cleo’s 6 heart event - enter cleo’s room whenever she’s in there again. you find her mumbling to herself out of annoyance before she notices you and greets you. then, she explains she just figured out that everyone in her old band seems to be doing really well and she’s worried they’re going to get a gig for the band SHE started. you have 2 options:
ask “what band?” (no effect on friendship). cleo explains her mom wouldn’t let her go to a gig for the band to punish her, leaving them without a bassist. she says when she snuck out to go, the lead guitarist had immediately replaced her and decided to kick her out of the band, which is why cleo ran away out of humiliation. plus, she thinks their new music sounds like shit 
“who cares? you don’t need them!” (+30 friendship). cleo goes silent before telling you you’re SO right and tells you that good-for-nothing guitarist that kicked her out wasn’t even that good of a guitarist!
“maybe you were a bad bassist” (-50 friendship). cleo gets defensive and tells she was a perfectly good bassist. then she sighs and says she wonders if she’s not as good as she thinks she is and should just stick to fishing, before telling you to get out
cleo’s 8 heart event - (similar to sam’s 8 heart event) cleo shows up to your door when you wake up and gives you a flyer for a battle of the bands in zuzu city. the next day, you go to the venue with cleo and she realizes she’s going up against her old band before freaking out. she tells you she doesn’t know what to do because she’s scared she’ll mess up and prove them right. you have 3 options:
"you can do this!” (+50 friendship). cleo tells you that’s cheesy but you’re right. she goes on to say “screw all of them! i don’t care!”
“who cares? show them what they’re missing!” (+50 friendship). cleo gets pumped and agrees with you before saying, “ugh, what was i thinking? i don’t care what any of them think”
"don’t be a baby” (no effect on friendship). cleo goes “ugh” before begrudgingly admitting you’re right
either way, you get to hear them play like in sam’s 8 heart event. it should correspond with whatever music genre you chose for him in his own events. sam’s band also wins and cleo makes fun of her old band. the lead guitarist gets annoyed and tries to fight with her over it. you have 2 options:
“get him cleo!” (no effect on friendship). cleo punches the lead guitarist off the screen the way pierre punches morris at the community center
“ignore him, he’s just a loser” (no effect on friendship). cleo says she guesses taking the higher road is better and doesn’t wanna mess up her hands
regardless of what option you pick, at the end of the cutscene, cleo thanks your farmer for encouraging her not to giving up and how she couldn't have done it w/o your help
okay that’s it! i’m sorry for taking so long to write this, but i hope it was interesting and i promise really appreciate the ask <3 it was fun to write
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years ago
“The obvious thing would have been to paint pictures of people but that wasn’t what Rana had done. She had painted colors and shapes of culturally significant things that then faded into other things from other cultures –the saffron of Thai monk robes faded into stacks of spices from a Moroccan market faded into pyramids faded into brown mountains faded into tall green peaks with gray ruins faded into the statue of David faded into… and so on. Everything was connected, two floors of brick walls covered with this elaborate murals that showed a stream-of-conscious sampling of the world –but it was less literal than that too and Jungkook tried to understand how Rana managed to capture all of it so well because the shapes and items weren’t what felt important, it was the colors that felt important. It was beautiful to look at. It pointed out connections to you that maybe you’d never noticed before. It made the world feel both infinitely huge and also familiar, within reach, knowable .”
oh wow. see this is why artists amaze me because how would you even think to create something like this.
confession: i used to hate art class so much back in my schooling days. from kindergarten to high school. i was always bad at creating art in any medium—be it drawing, painting, sculpting—that’s why i hated it. anything i made always looked like a complete disaster compared to others’. because one of my best friends was so good at it, we made a deal between us both of labor exchange—she would do all of my individual art class assignments and i would take care of all of her english essays. worked swell between us and none of the teachers ever suspected a thing LMAOOOOO
okay anyway back to rana. sorry. this also reminds me of how rana loves to don colorful clothes
When I tell you I stressed realizing I needed to come up with her art project 😅😅😅 My mom is a professional artist (painting and sculpture, contemporary) and my older son already has a strong passion for art, and there's me in the middle drawing like I'm still in 4th grade 🤣
That trade is wild. I'm not artistic talent but even I wouldn't write essyas to avoid it haha, I would just accept my mediocre art grades 😆 ... I say now that I am free of the need to get straight As.
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awanderingdeal · 4 years ago
wow i asked for that prompt, and I didn't think it would be anything special, just a cute moment, but i'm beyond glad i asked, because you took my heart and just gave it a huge fucking hug. The way he wore them, the acceptance of the team (the asking of pronouns, too, and his casual reply to it), and just the LOVE. You write so incredibly i could feel the tears Finn was holding back and i could feel the glowing love he was receiving. This was beyond my wildest imagination, THANK YOU <3 -aj
aj! You are such a precious human. Thank you for continually providing the best prompts and support. I can't explain how much it means. I'm so happy you liked it.
Reading it again, I'm not sure if it's too clear, but the tweet to Finn was supposed to be from a fan, not one of the team. It's also purposefully a little clumsy (PSA: Don't just ask people if they are trans!) but I'm glad the supportiveness came through. Finn doesn't correct this because whilst I think he would be very pro trans rights, I don't necessarily think he'd be the most educated. I was trying to reiterate the fact that for Finn, this has zero to do with gender, he's just a man that wants to wear a skirt. That said, for those of you wearing clothes that affirm your femininity for the first time, I hope you're having a blast and that your dress has pockets! [Sorry for that little essay on your answer, aj]
And once again, THANK YOU
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