#wow! I am so grateful I found this book in my middle school library! surely this will have no lasting effects on my interests and psyche!
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just saw someone call cdf a book series for 8 year olds and thats wild considering theres graphic descriptions of children being eaten alive and people being murdered and the entire first 3 books being a metaphor for csa and grooming.
#also its quite literally not a series for 8yos idk where tf that came from. this aint bunnicula brother#this is a series about constant childhood trauma and a race war#i think. you all get caught up the fact its meant to be a diary from darren's pov#who starts the series as a 12yo. that yall forget that was a stylistic choice. as you see him age and mature through his traumas#and his perspective and writing gets different while you also still see glimpses of the child he never quite outgrew#because he was taken away from his life and school against his will.#me reading the wolfman graphically eating a 9yo boy alive#and then darren being forced by his groomer/abductor/mentor? to drink his blood while his friend gurgles to death:#wow! I am so grateful I found this book in my middle school library! surely this will have no lasting effects on my interests and psyche!#captain's log#cirque du freak#cdf
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Woman of Letters - Part Six
A/N: Part 6. Betaed by the magnificent @thorne93
Summary: When Louisa finds an old, unopened letter from her great grandfather, she leaves her old life behind to go search for a man named Henry Winchester, hoping he has some answers for her. What she finds is beyond her wildest imagination, but she is determined to continue her family’s legacy.
Characters: Dean, Sam, Louisa (OFC)
Warnings: None.
Wordcount: 1394
It had been about two months since Louisa moved into the bunker with the Winchesters. She was slowly making her way through every book in the massive library at the same time that Sam was teaching her how to fight. She was a fast learner and already had a good grip on the basic hand to hand combat. She was so grateful for Sam's patience with her so she kept thanking him with homemade meals every night. She always sat a plate for Dean as well, but he never showed. The disappointment on her face when she realized Dean wouldn't join them, didn't go unnoticed by Sam and frankly it was starting to piss him off, he hated that she was upset. Louisa had been loyal to her word, Dean had asked her to stay out of his way and she did, as far as Sam knew, they hadn't even said more than a couple of words to each other.
“So.. You never told me what you do.. Did for a living,” Sam stated as he helped himself to a second helping.
Louisa hadn't really thought about how little they had talked about themselves, it was always evil monsters in some shape or form, but it felt nice to push that aside and talk about normal things. “I used to be a highschool history teacher, but before I came here I worked as a waitress.”
“Wow.. Why did you quit teaching?” he asked between mouthfuls.
“Apparently the school had a strict ‘don't sleep with the students’ rule.” Louisa had to force back her laughter as Sam almost choked on his food. The expression on his face was priceless. “I'm joking. I'm a huge history nerd, I really am, but it turns out teaching isn't as much rewarding as it is infuriating. So I quit.”
“You almost killed me,” Sam coughed which made Louisa erupt into laughter.
“I'm not even sorry.” She grinned, showing of all those pearly whites. “You should have seen your face, dude.”
After Sam was done coughing up the food that went in the wrong pipe the two of them fell into easy conversation. It was always effortless between them, even if Louisa was a lot like Dean, she shared some of Sam's qualities as well. They could spend hours arguing over fictional characters, they enjoyed the same kinds of movies and books and Sam loved that she could challenge him. Also, she wasn't a bad student for a teacher.
She had just started cleaning up when Dean walked into the kitchen, a glimmer of hope in her voice as she told him there was more food if he was hungry.
“Not why I'm here,” he answered flatly, barely acknowledging her presence before addressing his brother. “We have a case. Garth just called with a simple salt and burn a few towns over.”
Louisa cleaned up the kitchen as the brothers hurried around the bunker, getting themselves ready. She followed them to the garage to say goodbye when they were ready to leave. She always got this pit in her stomach when they left for a hunt, scared something would happen to them. She leaned up on her toes to wrap her hands around Sam's neck, giving him a tight hug which he reciprocated. He liked the idea of having someone waiting for him at home, even though there was nothing more than friendship between them.
“Stay safe,” she said as they opened the doors, ready to jump in the car. Sam worded a ‘will do’ but from Dean there was no response. “That means you too, Dean.” He still didn't say anything, but his green eyes met her blue ones for a brief moment as he gave her a short nod. Well at least it was something, she shrugged before walking back inside the bunker.
She wandered aimlessly around the bunker for a while, not knowing what to do with herself now that she was alone. She walked to her room to grab the book she was currently reading, thinking that a good book and a beer would be a great way to spend her evening. On her way back from her room however, her attention was drawn to Dean's room. He always kept his door closed, but now it was slightly ajar. She had never seen the inside of his room, and now she fought herself not to enter. She looked up and down the hallway, shaking her head at her own stupidity, and then entered his room.
She wasn't exactly sure what she was expecting to find in his room, but for some reason it was tidier than she imagined. His bed was made up army style with a few choice weapons on a shelf behind it and a copy of ‘Moby Dick’ on his nightstand. Her brows furrowed as she lifted the book, she hadn't pegged him for a reader. Her eyes was drawn to something that lay hidden underneath the book. She picked up the latest issue of ‘Busty Asian Beauties’.
“That's more like it,” she chuckled as she carefully placed the magazine and the book back to where she had found them.
She turned towards the small desk that stood against one of the walls. His room was exactly like her own, right down to the little lamp on the desk, but Dean had definitely put his own touch on the place. On his desk where a stack of old rock albums and an old typewriter with the paper still in it, the lamp on the desk was the same as hers, but it was the small picture propped up against it that caught her interest. She carefully picked it up, the image was faded and a thin line down the middle of it told her that it had been folded up for quite some time. She traced her finger from the beautiful blonde woman down to the little boy by her side. The kid couldn't have been more than four years old, but Louisa would have recognized those emerald green eyes anywhere. There was no doubt in her mind that that was Dean and his mother. She carefully put the picture back in its place and picked her book back up before exiting the room. Just then realizing what a massive breach of privacy she had just done. She padded back to her own, empty room and threw herself on the bed. She had thought Dean distanced himself from her because he didn't like her, but now she wondered if it was more than that. She remember Sam telling her about some of the friends and family members they had lost over the years, and now she was thinking that Dean not letting her closer to him was some sort of defence mechanism. Her heart broke for him, for both of them. All the loss they had lived through.
Louisa was on Dean's mind on the drive back to the bunker. As Garth had said, it was an easy salt and burn, so they had decided to drive back instead of wasting money on a motel. He had barely spoken to her in the two months she had been living with them in the bunker, and when he did he was always rude. It was a mixture of what had happened in the kitchen earlier and how she had said goodbye to them that played through his mind as he drove. She had set a plate for him, even though she must know by now that he wouldn't be joining them, and even with the way he had brushed her off she had still told him goodbye and to stay safe. He had looked into her crystal blue eyes right before they left and there was nothing there but genuine concern. How could she possibly care for him when he had given her every reason not to. God she was annoying.
“How’s Louisa’s training going?” he asked his brother. If he had turned to look at Sam he would have seen how completely taken off guard Sam was by his question.
Sam considered for a moment if he should call Dean out on it, but decided to stick to answering his question. “She’s doing good. She’s a fast learner and she has great natural instinct. Why do you ask?”
“Just making conversation.” Dean shrugged.
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All things Supernatural: @frenchybell @itseverythingilike @percywinchester27 @feelmyroarrrr @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @mrswhozeewhatsis @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @drbagels123 @sandlee44 @buckysmetallicstump @torn-and-frayed @thereisnolumos @tia58 @charliebradbury1104 @devilgirlsarah @shadowexorsist009 @bea789 @supernatural-jackles @mariairwin666 @madamelibrarian @atc74 @you-didnt-see-that-cuming @hanny-writes-spn
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Woman of Letters: @brunettechick
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