#wouldn't put it past ecoterrorists
beardedmrbean · 2 years
According to the publication's sources, if the damaged lines are not repaired swiftly, the pipeline can be destroyed by a large amount of salt water, which will cause corrosion.
Read also: Nearly simultaneous leaks in Nord Stream undersea gas pipelines ‘could be sabotage’
Only one line of the Nord Stream-2 pipeline remains intact.
In response to the accident, the German Federal Police is strengthening control over German sovereign waters. Also, German states will step up the protection of the coastal areas of the North and Baltic Seas.
The European Commission, German law enforcement agencies, and the German Federal Intelligence Service have assumed that the pipeline damages are a deliberate act of sabotage.
Due to the complexity of the attack, experts believe that it could only be carried out by a state actor, the newspaper writes.
Read also: Europe can win Putin’s gas war but must learn Nord Stream lessons
According to one version, divers could have planted explosives in both lines of Nord Stream 1 and one of the two lines of Nord Stream-2, which is not yet operational.
Tagesspiegel notes that the isolated explosions indicate that the leak is huge and the rate of pressure drop in the pipeline is correspondingly high.
German Economy Minister Robert Habeck warned of the possibility of further attacks on critical energy infrastructure.
Following the decompression of the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream-2, which was reported on Sept. 26, gas pressure plummeted along both lines of Nord Stream-1.
Read also: EU calls Nord Stream gas leaks sabotage
Nord Stream AG said that the simultaneous destruction of three gas lines in the Baltic Sea is unprecedented and it is not yet possible to estimate the timing of the restoration of the gas transport infrastructure.
Two underwater explosions that occurred on the Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2 pipelines were confirmed on Sept. 27.
According to German newspaper Spiegel, citing its sources in the German government, a few weeks ago the U.S. intelligence services had warned Germany about possible attacks on gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea.
The Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline was completed in 2021 and filled with technical gas, but it did not receive certification before the full-scale invasion, and thus was never operational.
The Nord Stream-1 gas pipeline was stopped for maintenance at the end of August and did not resume operation, due to Russian interference.
Read also: Siemens Energy says engine oil leak no reason for Nord Stream 1 shutdown
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squirreltastic · 3 years
ive researched this case extensively. there wasnt “one injury bc it was banned after that.” there was one injury because of safety negligence on behalf of the employer forcing employees to use worn and unsafe tools (which the worker Greg Alexander himself testified to, who also refused to go along with the corporate fearmongering abt ecoterrorists). this story has been propagandized to hell and back for the specific purpose of disincentivizing tree spiking and making Earth First!, the group broadly blamed, look villainous. Even the debate on worker agency w regard to destructive industries is irrelevant here, the “spiking dangerous :(” narrative is just a totally inaccurate take on the case specifically crafted by the logging company under whose watch this took place. ps only two branches of EF banned the practice.
We Don't have data on the long term risks of spiking, let alone spiking at a high rate.
Let me just drop this here:
"On 8 May 1987, George Alexander, a millworker, was severely injured when a saw blade shattered after contact with a tree spike and cut his jaw in half. Louisiana-Pacific, Alexander's employer, offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the alleged tree spiker, but no charges were filed in this incident. The spiking itself was thought to be inconsistent with Earth First! tactics, as the trees were not in an old-growth forest and the placement of the nail suggested it was inserted after the tree was cut. Alexander later filed a lawsuit against Louisiana-Pacific claiming that the band saw had been weakened from previous strikes with nails but was forced to work with the saw or face dismissal."
"Previous strikes against nails" sure the company should have not been capitalists but what a hellscape we live in, try not to make it worse for the grunt people. They already face danger from the way humans in the area used metal on the trees in the past. so yall wanna add more? And hope greedy bosses will care?
"Meanwhile, George and Laurie Alexander had a different take on the incident. "I'm against tree spiking," George told the press from his hospital bed. "But I don't like clearcutting either." Laurie also tried to include L-P in the list of culprits. "I hate L-P," she told me. "I like trees." But the press wouldn't print a word Laurie said, and George's comments about mill safety and clearcutting were mentioned in only one news article, by Eric Brazil of the San Francisco Examiner."
"Earth First!, on the other hand, was much less generous in their reaction, displaying practically no sympathy for this innocent man who had just been through such a terrifying ordeal caused by a spiked tree. And after advocating the tactic for years even putting out a manual on how to do it and teaching tree spiking workshops at [the] Earth First! Rendezvous, when the shit came down they tried to disassociate themselves from it. "This is probably the first time we've made international news, and we weren't even involved in it," was one comment attributed to Earth First! in the San Francisco newspapers. Dave Foreman came off sounding even more flippant, as he was quoted as saying, "I think it's unfortunate that somebody got hurt, but you know I quite honestly am more concerned about old growth forests, spotted owls, wolverines, and salmon - and nobody is forcing people to cut those trees," This moral arrogance didn't win Earth First! many supporters in our area. In fact it discredited Earth First!'s claim of non-involvement, and made it even easier to tar us with the incident and portray us as unfeeling "terrorists.""
Oh gee I wonder why they looked villainous.
"After George refused to go on tour denouncing us, he was forced to return to work at L-P before his injuries even healed. His and Laurie's baby was about to be born, he needed money, and there were not many jobs where he and his family live." Like I've been saying, btw. Do you think he'd go BACK to that hell if there were better options?
No doubt the danger is over hyped for all the wrong reasons. The hype makes people think it happens all the time when really because of the ban, we don't have enough data. "although by 1996 only this single injury resulting from tree spiking had been reported." After EF denounced the practice. "Only two" branches, apparently, so let me repeat myself: we don't know how many trees are spiked, how many of these trees even live, how many non fatal accidents happen, ectra. So I would not recommend it, because the risk is not 0.
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