#would u still love me if I told u I mess with house sometimes 🥺
gaydonweaver · 3 months
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(lyrics in alt version are from city2city by no mana because I heard his new album recently & had thoughts)
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
Hey! This is the nervous anon that had that friend come over, here for an update!
The day was kinda a mess for me at work, but we were able to hang out for a while and watch a show at my house. During a little snack break between episodes they said "you know...you're the only friend I'd let be intimate with me." Girl I was so flustered and just kept mhm-ing and nervous laughing the whole time at their teasing.😖
They also got reallyyy close when they said all that I got all pink and flushed...and they noticed and pointed it out 🥲 it was kinda a blur after cause I was so flustered but we were just chilling for awhile. They fell asleep toward the end of the 3rd episode so I just let them sleep for a bit (quality time is my shit so I was totally down to just chill and let them sleep) but we made dinner plans with friends so I woke them up and we left.
During dinner we joked with friends and I was joke-flirting with one of my long time friends (as one does) and my other friend (the one that I spent the day with) was like "oh you'll kiss her but no kiss for me?" also in a joking way but I got hella flustered again. The rest of dinner was kinda like that, a lot of teasing, joking, and they put their head on my shoulders a lot. The friends we were with decided to all come to my house to hang afterwards and on the way back we crammed into one car (totally legally) and they sat on my lap 😫❤️
At my house we sat next to each other and they were heavily leaning into me and once or twice kissed my cheek and I just melted dude. My other friends didn't say anything but one of my friends kept saying she'd leave to give us 'lovers time' and the other one kept raising her eyebrows at me whenever my friend kissed my cheek or asked to cuddle, and I'd just shrug it off their curiosity about the newly intimate interactions (cause what do you do in that situation?😅)
Anyway, this is getting long so I'll wrap this up. It was an eventful day but I texted them after and said that I was sorry for not reciprocating the feelings more I was just nervous and i realized that exes ruined physical touch for me (just having zero confidence in myself with physical stuff). But they were super chill and said that if I wanted them to stop teasing and joking with me they would (I said not to stop😳) and that baby steps are still steps to healing and they'd be here to support me. 🥺❤️
i was thinking about you you know!! like i really wanted to see things went and stuff EEE!!
BUTOMGGGG!!! IM SO HAPPY ! Im also glad you texted them afterwards to explain because sometimes its kinda hard putting yourself out there and thinking things aren’t being reciprocated!! but since you told them not to stop teasing and that you didn’t mind, GO FOR IT!!
ive also learnt with this sorta stuff that you dont HAVE to look for anything serious in for what comes out of this!! it really can just be a bit of fun because that’s life!! to have fun and explore and to learn and to love !!! IM JUST SO HAPPY FOR U AHAH!!
deffo keep me updated 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣
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