#would someone want to help run the solangelo blog?
bailci · 4 years
You probably know who I am based off of who was just liking lots of posts and you have seen my guilt as well I agree with you that there needs to be more solangelo content and good fan art~ ignoring all the toxicity in the current fandom, it's sad to see so much of the old content unaccessable, I was reliving in shameful nostalgia and very little content remains Hopefully there will be a Renaissance of old fans that bring forth new solangelo content- probably not tho because tumblr said no smut
(cont.) (Same anon but I ran out of characters) have some sad faces to express my discontent 😔😔😔😔😔😢😢😢
Hey anon. To be honest, I’m really not following much of this fandom drama with solangelo or any other things because I don’t come up here much how I did back then..and I’m more interested in other things too. Sadly a lot of content creators for the ship moved on and I rarely see things about them when I end coming here, so I understand how you feel. But it looks like both Nico and Will will have more parts in the last book? I remember seeing something some time ago..so who knows? Maybe new content (from the people that still likes the ship) will appear!
I try to reblog what I can when I see on the @solangelo blog, so you can follow there to see more old posts if you want? 😊
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sophiexwrites · 4 years
Solangelo Notes and Headcanons (1?)
(this is for @pjobroadwayslut14 because I saw via my main blog that they needed a pick me up <3)
Nico is in a state of gay panic the first time he sees Will in shorts, and Will never stops teasing.
Will and Nico re-met in BOO when Will had just delivered a baby and was probably lacking in sleep, right? So, they restart their friendship after the infirmary days. It begins with getting to know eachother with basic questions, before they reach a particular topic (idk what though) and just talk about it. With Will’s busy schedule healing since the war he didn’t get to see Nico as much, and Nico hasn’t had time to simply talk and rant to someone since Bianca - and evening she wouldn’t listen. So, they spend all night talking, and they love it. (Maybe fall asleep under the start, that’s optional.)
Pet names (though Nico won’t admit it) include sunshine/shadowling, light lord/ghost king, sweetheart, darlin’, mi amor, mon cher (Will totally knows a little French), loverboy, doc, and the infamous significant xyz.
Jason, Percy and a reluctant Frank give Will the brotherly violence talk... Little do they know, Reyna gave him a mostly-aggressive-but-a-tiny-bit-passive far before them. And Will was scared.
Apollo ships Solangelo so much, he even visits Hades to talk to (at) him about it. In all honestly, Hades doesn’t mind: he likes to know his son is happy.
Will has a slight southern accent, and Nico has a slight Italian one, so they sound amazing when they (shyly) sing around the campfire together.
The campers were shocked to find Solangelo dating at first, except from the ones that knew Nico well enough (aka Hazel and Reyna called over iris message absolutely and completely fangirling, and Jason was the same). But soon, they realised the two were perfect for eachother, and almost-calmly explain why they are the otp to anyone who believes otherwise. Nico and Will never find out.
“William!” “Nicolas!” “That’s not even my name!!!”
Yes, Will usually hates his full name, but when Nico says it he suddenly adores it.
Hazel is super supportive of Solangelo, and she took Will out for lunch one day early into the relationship. Will though he was going to get another warning, but he just got tips on how to made Nico smile more. The two stay intouch.
Solangelo prank wars... they get wild and dangerous, but Will would never dream of cancelling them because mischief makes his bf so happy.
Nico helps Will understand that the patients he couldn’t save don’t hold it against him, that they are only glad he could help others. It’s a start.
Mutual teasing in public to see their bf’s beautiful blushes instead of pda, because Will respects and adores Nico’s boundaries (it only makes it more special).
Sunset and sunrise walks and dates.
(I recently re-read the final chapters of BOO, and Nico pointedly felt upset that Will was busy in the infirmary. Will in turn was upset that Nico didn’t come and see him, shocked that Nico though no one would want him in a place full of healers. Hc starts here.) So, Will uses the days in the infirmary to show Nico how useful and wanted he is. They discover that it’s wise to know the balance between life and death, because a healer can’t know exactly how close their patient is to death as a child of Hades can. Nico stays after his 3 days, and soon he’s with Will through all his shifts.
Will and Nico like running their hands though each others hair.
Hades invites Will and Nico for dinner in the Underworld. It starts awkward, but they end after a game of monopoly that Will definitely lets Hades win.
Persephone approves. So does Demeter, because Will likes cereal.
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so-langelo · 6 years
wishing on a dandelion
woah... it’s been quite a while since I have posted a solangelo fic, but here we are again!
hope you guys like it! 
ari xxx
Summary: 5 times Nico’s wishes didn’t come true and 1 time they did 
“I wish I can fly!” Nico launched himself off of the coach, flailing his limbs and landing with an umph on his butt on the carpet. 
His mother’s delicate laugh rung through their small hotel room. Her worn hands picked him up and pulling her close to her chest. “One day, I promise passerotto.” 
Bianca looked up from the coloring book she had been working on endlessly. “Nico, we’re humans. We can’t fly. We don’t have wings like birds do.”
Nico, his childlike wonder not understanding mortal logic just yet, stuck his tongue out at his sister, and mustered his best glare. “Watch me. I’ll be the first human to fly. I’ll leave you here on the ground and take Mama with me, and we’ll live forever.” 
In the future, Nico would learn to never say things like this. To tempt the Fates so blatantly, for they will quickly strike you down. 
And they did, for while Nico’s mother’s bell chime laugh was interrupted with a thunderous string of knocks on the door. His mother adjusted him, so he would sit on her hip. She opened the door, tentative, but hen she saw the figure outside, the expressions on her face fought between surprise, fondness, and fear. 
“Maria, may I come in?” 
Years later while looking back on this memory, Nico would plead with his mother to not open the door to his father. To not talk to him, to run away with Bianca and him. He wished that his younger self did take his mother and sister away, somewhere where they can never be found and always be safe.  
But that night, Nico tempted the Fates, and for millennia they had never learned to resist.
Bianca was dead. Nico prayed that she would come back. He trusted Percy would keep her safe and bring her back. This was his punishment for trusting him. 
Anger boiled like molten rocks in the pit of his stomach. As he ran away from camp, he left a trail of death in his wake. The grass he stepped on wilted and charred. Flowers and trees folded inwards, leaving nothing, but a shell of something that was once alive. 
He didn’t know where he was going. Anywhere away from that camp, away from Percy Jackson. Who saved his friends at the cost of his sister’s life. 
It wasn’t fair. Bianca was all he had, and she let him. To the Hunters and now for forever.
He cursed and screamed, every word that came out of his mouth was guttural and coated in rage. What did he do to deserve this?
He didn’t know how long it’s been. His throat was raw and burned. He didn’t realize when his legs gave out from beneath him and he had been on his knees. The sky was painted gray with storm filled clouds. The first drops had began to fall. Nico looked up and let the cool droplets stream on his face and mix with his tears. 
Oh, Gods, please bring her back. I wish for nothing else, but to have my sister back. 
He waited. The rain fell faster now, and transformed from a sprinkle to the pour. He waited, and nothing happened. The dirt under him melted into mud. The clouds drifted off, pushed away by the winds and the rain calmed down. The sun had retired and stars twinkled above him, mockingly. And still nothing. 
Seconds could have been years and hours could have been eons, it didn’t matter to Nico. If the Gods wouldn’t help him, he would get his sister back on his own. 
Nico cursed himself. He was being delusional. Of course, Percy Jackson would never love him back. No matter how many times he wished for Percy to smile at him like he smiled at Annabeth. No matter what he did. 
Nico felt himself sinking deeper and deeper down into his hole, and nothing could stop him. For the love of Hades’, he sent this for himself. He deserved this. 
No one can know. This was his burden, and it’s not like he had anyone to tell. 
He was tired. Of everything. Those days he could never sleep. He only drifted in and out of reality. 
Eyes the color of the sea haunted his dreams, leaving him gasping for air. His pulse quickening, and his heart still wishing. 
He doesn’t know how long he could keep going. Maybe it’ll all be over soon. 
"I wish you would just shut up, Solace!”, Nico groaned. 
Will painted a sickly sweet smile on his face. “No can do, Death boy. Until you are deemed healthy by me, you are going to stay in the infirmary.”
“You can try, Solace, but I’ll have you know that I’m very hard to catch.” Nico almost slipped into the shadow of a tree to get away, but a hand around his wrist stopped him. 
He met startling blue eyes. He was sure Will could feel how fast his pulse was going. His mouth felt like sand paper. 
“Don’t run away, please.”
Nico kept their little staring contest going, frighteningly aware of how sweaty his palms are becoming. 
“Wasn’t going to. Just testing your reflexes, Solace.” 
He then pulled his wrist out of Will’s hand and sprinted away from him. He looked back at Will, and stuck his tongue out, like a small child. 
He heard Will laugh from behind him and the sound of him begin to chase after him. Nico was beginning to think he made a good choice in staying. 
"I just want a break.”, Nico sighed. A sound that held too many burdens for a fourteen year old. 
Will Solace softly scoffed. “Yup. Tell me about it.” 
They were at a celebration at Camp Half-Blood. The end of the war and the coming together of the two camps. 
“I’ve been wishing for one since I was ten.” Nico watched as the campfire glowed and the people who danced around it, full of relief an joy. 
“Maybe now, we can.” Will looked over to him, and Nico noticed in light of the fire Will’s hair looked golden and how his freckles seemed to stand out. 
His pulse quickened. 
His heart whispered to him, and Nico shushed it. Not wanting to get his hopes up. 
“Don’t forget, three days infirmary with me, starting tomorrow.”, Will tried to send him an intimidating look, which quickly melted into a small smile. 
They sat in a comfortable silence, watching and taking it all in. 
“It’s over now.” Will’s azure eyes trailed up towards the sky.
Nico hummed in response, following Will’s gaze. The stars twinkled, but they seemed kinder tonight. As if they were thankful. For once, he let himself lay back and enjoy the view.
It was a familiar sight for the campers. It’s been three months since the end of the war, and almost every night Will walked Nico back to his cabin. The two had grown close over the months.
They walked side by side. Nico having to take larger steps to match Will’s stride. They were talking about something stupid. Nico noted how Will spoke with his hands a lot. How in the moonlight, Will looked like a timeless deity. He seemed to glow. The way he laughed was tantalizing. The way his cheeks darkened whenever Nico smiled at him. 
They approached his cabin, and Nico stood in the doorway facing Will. Their eyes meeting. An unspoken thing hanging between them. 
I wish he would kiss me. 
Nico’s eyes widened when he realized what he just said out loud. Will’s face darkening in at least 20 shades. Before Nico could apologize and take it back, Will leaned in and granted his wish. 
After everything, after all the suffering and all the ups and downs, Nico di Angelo finally got what he deserved.
passerotto- a term of endearment in Italian that means “little sparrow” and it’s an affectionate metaphor for someone who is learning to fly
I loved writing this and thank you for all those people who leave comments here and on my ao3 fics UGHH I love you guys so damn much thank you! this blog is going to be 1 year old on the 12th and thank you so much for all the growth and all the support from you guys UMM I can’t believe IM ALMOST AT 3K WHAT?????!!!!!!!!! THIS IS ABSOUTELY INSANE FNLDSKJDSNJSJJNCSNSKJCJSKCSJCNSCKSCJSCKJNS
thank you for everything! hope you liked it!
ari xxx
bnha blog @a-mite
ao3 aritza
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devanofficial · 8 years
Okay so just found your blog and it's like a gem????? Got quuestions tho. Can you list your top 5 fave characters and ships? 😊😘
[cont. from a second ask they sent]And what’s your house?
Alright I’m taking the opportunity to give a shout out that I LOVE BEING GIVEN QUESTIONS AND I WANT TO GET TO KNOW YOU SO MESSAGE ME OR SPAM MY ASK I DON’T CARE. and like ??? you’re the gem???
I’m iffy about the house thing, so I’m going with a thing I read before with “primary” and “secondary” houses. Your primary house defines why you do things and your secondary house defines how you do them.
So with this being said, I am a Slytherin primary and Ravenclaw secondary. 
I admit I am extremely ambitious and pretty self-critical when it comes to accomplishing things. I’m open to being friends, although sometimes- and I understand that this makes me something like a bitch- I don’t really feel motivated to keep being friends. I’m selective that way, because if I feel like we don’t really connect or relate, then I end up decreasing my effort in keeping our relationship going. And sometimes I may put in just enough effort because I don’t want to hurt you and say anything but also because maybe someday having connections with you pays off. It sounds really bad, I know, but it’s not like I lie to them and manipulate them into thinking I really do like them. I just don’t believe in severing ties because you never know. Still, to those who I do end up becoming close friends with, I support to the end. I mean, I’m not going to say “oh yeah, sure, be a mass murderer I’ll help you” but like if you were trying to stand for a cause that I don’t personally believe in, I will still probably encourage you to embrace your beliefs and not let people criticize you for them. If you asked me to choose between my friends and “the greater good” I won’t let the world be destroyed, but I will still be sorely tempted to choose my friends.
I’m a Ravenclaw secondary because I always plan plan plan to the point where I’m like the Union generals during the Civil War (whoops there you see my Ravenclaw tendencies and the fact that AP US History is taking over my life). I’m a perfectionist to the point where it’s a fault and I always like being able to control the situation so I know for sure that things are going according to plan. I like collecting facts and just reading interesting things and I am unashamed to say that I go on wikipedia binges more times than I can count. Basically I start off with one page and as I read, I will click through the hyperlinks in the articles and end up in weird places but still learning things I would never have known otherwise. And yes, that is my idea of fun. 
Now for the other questions. Please note that the list is not in any particular order and is extremely long because I gave explanations for my decisions.
C H A R A C T E R S1. Hermione Granger: Because she went from being the girl crying in the bathroom and feeling like she didn’t belong to a badass bookworm who, let’s be honest, was the reason why the war was won. Because if it wasn’t for her, Harry and Ron probably would’ve died by third year or so. And even when she was teased for always reading and knowing everything, she took in stride and continued to do exactly that, not changing herself in order to be accepted.
2. Draco Malfoy: So I’m taking this in a more redemptive arc than is given him in the actual series, because I always felt like Rowling missed the opportunity to make him so much more, instead of the static villain who’s just… there. I like Draco, because I think of a boy who thought he was at the top of the world, only to be brought crashing down. I think of a boy who looked up to his father as someone to imitate, only to realize how horribly his cowardice had screwed their family up. I think of a boy who accepted an order because he thought there was no other way, only to realize that he wasn’t a murderer and maybe there was a chance he could be someone else. I think of a boy who realize that he would never be accepted as being someone else, and that is where the story ends. But in my mind, he is a boy who is only fighting to understand who he really is. And in the end, aren’t we all doing the same thing?
3. Nico di Angelo: A boy with secrets and never quite belonging. I love his character because, well, haven’t we all felt a little different at times? And he runs away because he’s scared and he doesn’t understand his feelings and he doesn’t want to ruin the second chance he had been given for another family. And when he realizes that there are two sides to the family, he takes the gamble and tries to bring them together safely, because he’s realized that family is everything. He’s the boy who went to Hell and back, quite literally. He’s the boy who people stereotyped and misjudged and somehow still managed to get through it all. And he’s the boy who finally let his walls down and let himself love and be loved. And that is actual goals.
4. Belle: Why not put a Disney character in here? She’s a bookworm and a fangirl and I love her so much (and screaming because Emma Watson is playing her??? Like two of my favorite characters??? I’m kind of dying???). She doesn’t back down (to Gaston or the beast) and she’d choose books over guys any day. She is fiercely loyal and would rather sacrifice herself than those she loves. She wants to do something with her life even if it makes her stand out like a sore thumb and she refuses to be one those girls who just wants to date the hot guy and have his babies.
5. Meg(ara): I actually love her so much. I mean she used to be a naive girl who sold her soul in order to save her boyfriend, who ended up leaving her for another girl. And this made her sarcastic and biting and unwilling to trust but she manages to work her way through it and allows herself to finally fall in love again and I love her sass and I love her voice and I love her songs and I just love her, okay?
S H I P S1. Dramione: Because fuck it I ship the redemption arc so hard and I just can’t tolerate Ron at all so Dramione
2. Percabeth: Guys, they literally went through Hell and back together. Is it even a question?
3. Solangelo: Of course, I ship Elico (Me and Nico) more, but since I doubt that’s an answer you’d like, I’m going with Solangelo. Because Nico’s finally happy and allowing himself to actually act upon his feelings and Will’s been through two wars as well and they just balance each other really well and Nico’s happy so I’m happy
Honestly I don’t have many other OTP’s so I’m keeping it to only three.
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this looks fun
I was tagged by @nordpolkind who’s awesome and you should totally check out her blog(its way better than mine)
🎈part 1🎈 last song u listened to: Seize the Day from the Newsies album last book i read: The Subtle Art of not Giving a F**k by Mark Mason which is AWESOME highly recommend favourite colour: oof hard choice. Purple? top 3 shows: Steven Universe, Adam Ruins Everything, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt top 3 characters: Perry (unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt), Pearl, and Padparacha top 3 ships: LafLams, Solangelo, and ummmmmm Sansby (yes i like undertale big deal) 🎈part 2🎈 [rules: bold all the statements that are true for u] APPEARANCE i am 5'7 or taller i wear glasses i have at least one tattoo i have at least one piercing i have blonde hair i have brown eyes i have short hair my abs are at least somewhat defined i have or had braces PERSONALITY i love meeting new people people tell me i’m funny helping people with their problems is a big priority for me i enjoy physical challenges i enjoy mental challenges i’m playful rude with people i know well i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop there is something i would change about my personality ABILITY i can sing well i can play an instrument i can do over 30 pushups without stopping i am a fast runner i can draw well (sometimes) i have a good memory i’m good at doing math in my head i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch i know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES i enjoy playing sports i’m on sports team in my school or somewhere else i’m in an orchestra or choir in my school or somewhere else i have learnt a new song in the last week i work out at least once a week i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months i have drawn something in the past week i enjoy writing fandoms are my #1 passion i do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES i have had my first kiss i have had alcohol i have scored the winning sports game i have watched an entire three lol i’m trash season of a tv show in one sitting i have been at an overnight event i have been in a taxi i have been in the hospital in the past year i have beaten a video game in one day i have visited another country i have been to one of my favourite bands concerts RELATIONSHIPS i’m in a relationship (kind off??? we only just stared dating so idk) i have a crush on a celebrity (Its Daveed.) i have a crush on someone i know i have been in at least 3 relationships i have never been in a relationship i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings for them i get crushes easily (WAY too easily) i have had a crush on someone for over a year i have been in a relationship for over a year (almost, tho, 9 months i have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE i have at least one person i consider a best friend i live close to my school my parents are still together i have at least one sibling i live in the united states there is snow right now where i live i have hung out with a friend in the past month i have a smartphone i have at least 15 cds i share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT i have breakdanced i know a person named jamie (does a TV character count??lol) i have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce i have dyed my hair i’m listening to a song on repeat right now i have punched someone in the past week i know someone who has gone to jail i have a broken bone i have eaten a waffle today(I WIIIISSSHHH) i know what i want to do with my life i speak at least two languages i have made a new friend in the past year (just transferred to a new school, been making lists of friends) i have been given flowers before (after a performance, never romantically)
ok I tag @of-lams-and-stars, @dvddggs, @elphie-and-peggy24601 and anyone else who wants to try! (you don't have to of course!)
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