#would love to hash this out as a 2k to 3k multichap fic thing
nahmooste · 7 years
prompt; #20: “Someone took objection to my face with a bottle” Last Orders, Nothing But Thieves
requested by: anon pairing: Tetsuya Naito / Female OC warnings: mentions of blood and drug use, but nothing too hardcore. a/n: this is a nice beginning. may continue into a small ficlet when i have the chance. the scars mentioned are the most obvious telltale sign of heroine use from injection. tags: @wrestlingismyfavourite @devittsbalor @fireangel1978 @laziestgirlintheworld @vipervenomisgoodforyou @onewingedgloria @littlebluespoon @narwhalneglect @princesstoniii @keltic-goddess
Tetsuya Naito has lost count of the number of women he’s slept with. Somewhere between drinking and wrestling and fucking and fighting, he’s lost sense of what his intentions are, too.
There’s a woman that lives across from him— she’s attractive, he barely acknowledges, but she keeps to herself mostly and doesn’t bother him too much. If nothing else, he appreciates that. He arrives home from tour one afternoon and she’s yelling at someone so loudly he can hear it through her door, but when he slams his shut, she stops immediately.
If she knows who he is, she doesn’t bother him about it. If she doesn’t know who he is, she’s not interested in finding out.
It’s the perfect neighbour situation.
Except, there was this one night… he barely thinks about it. She had a visitor, one that stumbled drunkenly into his door while he was home and busted it right open. Her eyes are wide as saucers and she apologises so profusely that he can’t help but find pity in the situation; her boyfriend is drunk and she has no control over him. He doesn’t look drunk to Naito, but definitely under the influence of something.
When she pays for his door to get fixed, without even having to be asked to, she sends him another apology in the form of an expensive looking bottle of whisky. He finds out later that she wasn’t able to pay her months rent because of it.
But now, as he stares across the bar at the man who literally fell into his apartment, he can’t help but wonder. He excuses himself from his table. When he’s standing in front of the guy, Naito waits until he has his attention.
“Sorry, do I know you?”
“Your girlfriend… the one that lives in the Lotus Park towers? I live across from her.”
The guy stares at him stupidly. “And?”
“And you broke my door open when you fell against it.”
Naito can see the gears visibly moving, tries not to sigh in impatience because he doesn’t even know why he’s doing this. As he looks down, he notices the scars in the crooks of his elbows, and his entire mood shifts.
“You’re the guy! Yeah, sorry man. My mistake. She’s not even my girlfriend anymore, just some fucking slut I can’t deal with.”
“You know she had to foot the bill for that, right?”
“For what?” he asks, “The door?”
“Yeah. You broke it and she paid for it. Seem fair to you?”
He scoffs at Naito. “It’s whatever, man. Why do you care anyway?”
“You’re at a bar in a private booth ordering a blue label whisky with a Rolex attached to your arm, probably the only thing that weighs more than your ego. If you’re here wasting that kind of money, surely you can pay her back.”
It’s like Naito has lit a fire under the mans seat. He jumps out of it and is straight in his face, lips pulled back in a way that’s supposed to be intimidating. “I’d suggest you drop the tone before I drop you where you stand. That bitch isn’t getting a cent from me and neither are you.”
“The only thing I hate more than someone acting tougher than they are is a drug addict expecting other people to clean up their messes.”
There’s a fist in his face before he can dodge it, and then the rest of the man’s body follows. A lady next to the screams and Naito’s throwing fists back until they’re separated, thrown out into the Roppongi streets by bouncers that know them both.
They’re only separated for a moment before someone hands the fucker a bottle, and in seconds it’s thrown with perfect aim at Naito’s head.
He doesn’t remember much after that. He’s bleeding, definitely, possibly concussed, and he thinks that maybe his only reason for going out that night was to start a fight. It happens too often now that it can’t be a coincidence. Tetsuya Naito fucks a lot of women and he enjoys it, loves having his dick in their mouths, but he also enjoys provoking people with his words alone. It’s a problem.
She’s waiting next to his door when the elevator lets him out. Frowns at him like she doesn’t already know. “What happened to you?”
He shrugs. “Someone took objection to my face with a bottle.”
“If that’s your bastard ex-boyfriend, yes.”
She sighs at him, but a there’s a grin threatening to escape. “Did you get him back?”
“Yeah,” Naito says, smirking proudly. “Think he lost a tooth.”
“Good. Fucker deserved it.”
Naito nods at her and bites his lip, scratches the back of his neck with the hand he can still move. “I’m Tetsuya.”
“Nice to meet you. Properly, I mean.”
And God, she’s beautiful when she smiles. Her short cropped hair sits nicely on her shoulders, accentuates her collarbones, and Naito, for once, doesn’t let his eyes trail the rest of her body. He likes his neighbour, after all— doesn’t want to ruin it.
“Do you want to, uh, come inside? Have a drink? I’ll clean up your face, too.”
He finds himself nodding at her before he can think the better of it. “Sure.”
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