#would fail to register that letting humans see her with ellie could end very badly like this
aetherose · 5 months
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@stalwartembers sent: ❛ no one touches what’s mine. ❜ Alpha protective of what is Hers (Cough)
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Darker Vibes
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Elysia was quite aware of the lengths Alpha would go to for her by this point. She did her best to stop her from going too far, but Alpha still always went to extremes the moment someone even so much as said something that made Elysia even a little upset- and god forbid they hurt her in any way physically. Though, more often than not, Elysia at least managed to prevent Alpha from taking said someone's life.
Today, Elysia and Alpha were out and about exploring the world together per usual. It wasn't exactly often they ended up hanging out together anywhere there were still humans; after all, any humans that remained on Earth were heavily scattered, since most were now residing up in Babylonia, orbiting Earth. But it seems this time, they'd accidentally gone too close to a human settlement here. And these humans recognized Alpha as an Ascendant, too.
And so, Elysia and Alpha's day out together turned into humans harassing them both on sight. However, Elysia tried to reason with the humans, trying to prevent a fight by getting between them and Alpha before the silver-haired Construct could initiate battle. She attempted to convince them to leave her and Alpha be, that she and Alpha would gladly leave if they just allowed them to.
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This reticence to fight with the humans led them to manage to actually get a hit in on her, attacking first for her being a 'traitor to humanity' by being with an Ascendant, with them slashing the upper part of her left arm with their weapons; a bit of a deep gash, at that, since she wasn't on guard, truly believing she could convince them to listen to reason. And within seconds of her crying out in pain...
She sees blood splash before her eyes, and hears screams.
She hears Alpha saying those words...
Ah. All of the humans are dead.
That...could've gone better.
Staring down at the mangled corpses, Elysia is still a bit shaken as she holds her injured arm. She...supposes she understands why they didn't react well nor listen to her, but...why attack like that? They didn't need to die...she tried telling them to just let them leave...
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Her eyes are full of sadness, her ears drooping. She doesn't look at Alpha as she speaks. "I...I-I'm sorry, Alpha, I-I thought...I thought I could reason with them...I..."
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