#would also work if you switched their places or if Katie was Nate !
lovebun-com · 1 year
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Arr eye pee
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angrypedestrian · 5 years
THE TIME IDIOTS 502 TITLED “State of the Union WHOMST? I do not know her” MY THOUGHTS:
So, one of my roommates works for a lobbying firm (he hates it, fret not), but as a side effect of this, he can name every US senator on sight and can dunk on each of them in VERY specific ways, which is an incredibly specific superpower that makes the State of the Union pre-show infinitely more entertaining
Anyways I explained the Barack Obama subplot from this dumb, dumb show to him and he was 1000% on board
DOUBLE ANYWAYS, I am back for the full live blogging experience baybeeeeeeeee
This hell cgi.....the toppest of notches
I look forward to mithra’s eventual return
Also, why is hell so green? I don’t disagree with it, just, an odd choice
You go get it Astra!
You’re doing great sweetie!! Love the heels!! 
John’s kicky music!!! Guys I unabashedly love it SO much
Not our fault! Not our fault! NOT OUR FAULT!
this is good progress
How is Brandon’s hair, which is not long and terrible, still terrible looking?
whAT is this title sequence
Weren’t the legends.....famous? How do Behrad’s parents.....not know????
even if they said it was a hoax....they would still know??????
Ava and Mick is the team up we all need
The Tarazi’s are to be protected at all costs this is great I am so glad they are ALIVE!
Love Nate can pretend he knows what a number is
I would....kill for Zari 2.0
I would also die for her
She is a perfect angel with 51 million followers!!!
Sorry you had to switch to wearing these clothes, though, Tala
Love them casually speaking Farsi, this is rad!!!
why you gotta eat it john
The American accent rises again!
it....kinda does it for me
And so therefore we welcome the return of the Neal Mcdonough Memorial Can Get It Award, we’re getting abstract this year y’all
Honestly and truly how does one man have such CONSISTENTLY bad hair???
Can Brandon sue?? Is it just to take him down a peg??
John and Sara’s friendship is honestly my favorite thing
Ray please do not talk about your uniform kink on comms we talked about this
Where is Matt Ryan’s gritty American cop show? The people (I am the people) demand it!
Sara’s accents...truly all over the place. Is it Southern? Is it old time-y noir? Who knows!
sara: i am an acTOR. this is my CRAFT
I am spending the commercial breaks watching the latest bon appetit video with claire and delaney 
not to be crude, but....how can i get delaney to rail me
any girlfriends? Behrad?
nate: exCUSE me I am RIGHT HERE
mrs. tarazi: behrad why is your professor so....loud?
nate’s life is just a series of terribly awkward family encounters
love this journey for him
Just be FRIENDS mick and ava. JUST BE FRIENDS.
ray: aw, i’m you’re best man?
ACAB RAY, ALL COPS. That includes you!!! I don’t want to call you a bastard! I know that will make you sad!
Are they allowed to imply sexual cock grabbing on the cw like this???
i guess it is 9PM. time to get RACY
An aside: I am NOT going to watch Katy Keene, but they DID use Mika’s Love Today in the trailer and I LOVE that fucking song
Listen Ava DC rent is SO high you are so much better off!!
as we well know the waverider may or may not need money to run!
(it does not it didn’t before season 3 it doesn’t now it’s FINE ava)
Is this supposed to be Chicago? I wasn’t paying attention, but that police precinct exterior is for sure the same as in the chicago way
OH MY gOD fucking POISON
Thank u to @zaritarazi for pointing out that the costume department bought Party City’s finest gloves for Ava’s outfit here
Awww ava babe
sara: gotta snap pics for the scrapbook!
nate: you can’t use your PHONE it’s 1947!!!
sara: oh this is well worth it
zari: i’m not super spiritual like that, but you ARE hot, so yeah babe I totally know you from a past life
behrad: exCUSE ME? that is my BOYFRIEND
nate crashing through time straight through the roof of the cop car: fuck you, Ray’s MINE
ray: oh hey buddy! turns out this guy’s not that great
nate: ow
rip jeannie. also WOOF that explosion cgi was not great
mick: bold to assume we are smart enough to know what communism is
mick: but, yes
there MUST be a better way to do this than just eating random people’s blood
it’s just....not safe
john you fucking impractical softie
but hey at least we get to have astra causing chaos for the rest of the season!
ray: oh! my kink is bad guys becoming good!
john: i knew this and yet....i cannot say no
sara and ava...good
Zari 2.0 and her manicure are the greatest thing to happen to me
to ALL of us
NEXT WEEK: Maybe we should not do serial killer stuff anymore? Just a thought????
then again WHAT DO I KNOW
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kaimaciel · 6 years
Top Worst Books I’ve read in 2018
It’s that wonderful time of the year again, where I scream and rant at books that disappointed or pissed me off all the while trying to avoid hate comments.
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This is my personal list of books that I did not enjoy. If one of your favorite books is in here, don’t take it as an insult towards you. I’m not saying these books are bad, I just did not like them. 
Alright? So, let’s start.
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The Shatter Me Trilogy by Tahereh Mafi
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There was a lot I didn’t like in these series. First of all, the writing style. I understand what the author was trying to with the crossed words that represented Juliette’s true thoughts, but it really got on my nerves. 
Then there was the plot. This is supposed to be a dystopian future, but that’s really a backdrop for the romance and, a love triangle. While I agree that Adam was not suitable for Juliette, I really couldn’t get into Warner. In the first book, he was straight up a sadistic psychopath, then the rest of the books he does a complete 180º, it felt like a completely different character was created so that he could be a good love interest for Juliette.
And if the romance is the most important thing in the plot, it’s a bad sign I was mostly interested in the secret connection between the Adam and Warner and how much I wanted to see that developed. At the end of the third book, I sort of wanted to follow another character but Juliette.
And what the hell was that ending? It was one of the most anti-climatic endings I have ever seen.
I know the series will continue with another 3 books, but I doubt I will continue it. I’m not interested enough.
The Fandom by Anna Day
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Okay, what the hell were the people in charge of the Portuguese cover thinking?
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It’s so ugly! At first, I thought I was looking at a Jo Nesbo book. Oh well... I could forgive the cover if the story made up for it, but it did not.
This book had so much potential. A group of cosplayers is transported into their favorite dystopian series and realize how reading about it is a lot better than living through it. 
The main character Violet was so annoying and I couldn’t connect with any of the characters. Everyone except for Katie, Nate and Ash were scum or really annoying. I couldn’t connect with any of them. And the way they went after Alice for her looks and her fanfictions (she dared to write stories in the bad guys POV!!!) it really pissed me off. I understand in the context of the story but my God! I write fanfiction. If someone said stuff like that to me I would kick them in the gonads. 
And that ending. What the hell?! 
Caraval by Stephanie Garber
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I like plot twists. One plot twist is fine. Two is awesome. Three... it might be too much. Four, five... just what the hell am I reading?
There were so many twists and lies in this book I honestly can’t give you a synopsis because I can’t remember what happened and who was supposed to be who.
This book felt like being drunk and high during a festival. A lot of pretty colors, but nothing substantial. 
The Savior’s Champion by Jenna Moreci   
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Oh, Jenna... why?
I've watched Jenna's videos for a while and I was pretty excited to finally read one of her books. First the positives, the writing style was very good and the plot very intriguing. I could not wait to read the next chapter and find out who lived and who died. Unfortunately, I must admit that in the end I was disappointed with the story. For someone who makes such good list of tropes and character pet peeves, there were a lot of characters who felt tropey, with their trope being the only characteristic they had. I did not really like the relationship between Tobias and Leila, most because they became each other's whole world. I also felt disappointed on how Flynn's character was handled, the selfish, coward rich boy has been done to death and I wished that trope could have been avoided for something different. Regarding the twist, I saw it a mile away and kept reading hoping it wouldn't come true, that I would be surprised, but no.
It was not bad, but it could have been a lot better.
Death Comes to Pemberley by P. D. James
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Pride and Prejudice with a murder mystery written by the great P. D. James. This book had everything to be a blast and it felt so flat on every front.
The characters we know and love from Pride and Prejudice are boring caricatures of themselves, the mystery was dull and resolution equally boring.
This was a bad fanfiction from start to finish. What a waste!
The Cinderella Murder by Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke
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A bit of context. Mary Higgins Clark was my favorite mystery author when I was a teenager. I collected all the books I could find and read them on the same day. They were compelling and easy to read. 
As I grew up and started reading other books by different authors, I found myself looking for more complex themes and characters. 
Clark’s books are good and simple, just like her characters, but they were too simple for my adult tastes now. The good guys are practically saints, the bad guys are evil. They became too flat for me to truly enjoy like I used to.
The mystery part is fine, but I can’t for the life of me remember the plot or the ending a few months after reading the book. A forgettable book is sometimes worse than a bad book. It left no impression on me.
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
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DNF (Did Not Finish) around page 200
Long story short, this book wasn’t for me. 
The premise looked very interesting. People are tested and only the very best get sent to a prestigious magic school, it looks like Harry Potter in college and, sure enough, it is a lot more mature.
But the plot was all over the place. The main character, Quentin, was such a boring and annoying protagonist that staying inside his head was giving me a migraine. His lack of interest on anything unless it’s magic related or the Fillory books seriously pissed me off. 
The plot felt rushed and very weird at several parts of the book. I lost interest. I don’t care about the characters, the magic or the weird sex stuff happening in animal form. 
I’m out!
And finally, it pains me to announce my number 1 worst book of 2018. I can handle bad books or forgettable books, but this was my most anticipated book for 2018, from a series that I love with all my heart. It let me down so much... 
The Testament of Loki by Joanne Harris
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Now, let me say this isn't a bad book, it was well written and ties the events between Gospel, Runemarks and even Runelight quite well. I'm glad this book promoted a bit of friendship between Loki and Thor. My disappointment with this story was mostly due to my dislike of the whole body sharing, switching and stealing, which I personally hate. 
Also, Loki's love for Meg felt rushed and confusing, as if it was only there to give Jumps a girlfriend and a damsel in distress for them to save. Meg was nice and BAM, both Loki and Jumps were in love with her. What? Are we talking about the same Loki from Runemarks? I know human emotions were influencing him and all, but that was one of the worst cases of insta love I have ever seen. 
And the fact that Jumps’s eating disorder and other mental health problems get resolved because Loki makes her eat pizza and gives her a makeover. That is not how mental disorders work, not by a long shot. 
The human characters were flat, merely vessels for the gods to inhabit. Evan is his disability, Stella is a shallow beauty, Meg is nice and likes girls, and Jumps, the human girl sharing her body with Loki, was little more fleshed out but, honestly, aside from her problems with her body image and her sexuality, I can’t remember anything about her. I really wish this sequel didn’t happen inside a YA contemporary novel.  
This isn't a bad story, but it fails to capture the magic and wonder I felt while reading Runemarks. 
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kaialone · 6 years
Yokai Watch 4 Demo Translation
A demo of Yokai Watch 4 was playable at the Tokyo Game Show 20018. Level-5 has recently uploaded footage of this demo to their official youtube channel.
I made a translation of the demo’s dialouge, which you can find under the cut.
Please note that this will contain potential spoilers for the game, so proceed with caution!
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(The first screen with a lot of text just goes over how this is not a finished product and might have some issues still.)
Natsume: ふふふ 明日から いよいよ待ちに待った夏休み! Hehehe, starting tomorrow, it'll finally be summer vacation!
Natsume: まずは何しようっかな? なーか考えてるだけでも楽しい〜♪ What should I do first? Just thinking about it is fun〜♪
Natsume: ん? アキノリから…? 何の用だろ? Hm? From Akinori? What does he want?
Natsume: あ〜っ 忘れてた! 「怪奇案件」の調査っ!! Ahhh! I forgot about the "Strange Case" investigation!!
Dialouges as Natsume goes about town:
Objective: 外に出かけよう! Head outside!
Akinori: なあ ナツメ。 今日の調査だけどさ…。 Hey, Natsume. We're supposed to be investigating today...
Natsume: ゴメン! 今思い出したこと! で どこに集まるんだっけ…? Sorry! I just remembered! So, where are we meeting up...?
Akinori: えー 忘れちゃったのかよ〜。 おうぎ公園で集合だよ! Don't tell me you forgot. We're meeting at Ōgi Park!
Akinori: オレ ちょっと遅れていくから 先にトウマと合流してくれ! I'm gonna be a bit late, so go ahead and meet Touma without me!
Komasan: ふむぅ… アキノリの家とは また 違ったよさがあるのう。 Hmm... This place is different from Akinori's house.
Komasan: とくに このソファ… 昼寝をするときに 気持ちようさそうだわい。 This sofa in particular... It seems like taking a nap on it would be quite comfortable.
Objective: おうぎ公園に行こう! Go to Ōgi Park!
Touma: ナツメ 急いで来れる? 緊急事態が発生した! Could you come quick, Natsume? It's an emergency!
Touma: あまり時間がなさそうなんだ。 できるだけ早く来てくれ! I don't have much time. Please come as fast as you can!
Natsume: ちょっと! 一体なにが… …って もう切れてるし! Hang on! What the heck are you... ...Ugh, he hung up already!
(Note: I'm assuming they're on the phone here? If they're texting or somthing it'd be something like "he signed off already" or the like.)
Micchy: ナツメさん! 目的地の公園は ミニマップで ご確認を! Miss Natsume! You may confirm your destination on the mini-map!
Jibanyan: どうやら 調査どころじゃないみたいだな。 今度はいったい 何のさわぎニャン? Doesn't look like you're investigating. What's the deal this time, nyan?
Meeting with Touma:
Natsume: トウマ! 一体どうしたの!? 緊急事態って…!? Touma! What happened?! What's the emergency...?!
Touma: 僕といっしょに この子… マナミちゃんを守ってほしいんだ。 This girl with me is Manami... I'd like you to protect her.
Manami: 誰かが じぃ〜っと私のこと見てくるの。 お外で遊んでても お家にいてもずっと…。 Someone has been intensely glaring at me. Even when I'm playing outside by myself, when I'm at home, always...
Touma: マナミちゃんに 妖怪ウォッチが 強く反応した…。 My Yokai Watch showed a strong reaction around Manami...
Natsume: つまり 妖怪のしわざってワケね! うん! たしかに緊急事態かも…!! In other words, this is the work of a yokai! Yep! That's probably an emergency...!!
Touma: この気配…! やはり まだ近くにいるみたいだ。 This presence...! Looks like it's still close by after all.
Touma: ナツメ ここは君の妖魔レーダーで 妖怪の居場所を突き止めてくれ! Natsume, use your Yōma Radar here to figure out the yokai's position!
Natsume: わかった やってむる!! Alright, I'll try that!!
Natsume: みつけた…! あそこね!! I found it...! It's over there!!
Touma: よし あとは僕にまかせて! マナミちゃんのこと たのんだよ。 Alright, leave the rest to me! Please look after Manami.
Objective: 隠れている妖怪をさがそう! Look for the hidden yokai!
Touma: そこにいるのは 分かってるぞ! さあ 出てこい! I know you're there! Now show yourself!
Touma: なっ… こいつは人体模型か!! なぜマナミちゃんを…!? Wha... This guy is a human anatomy model?! Then why would he...?!
Jinta: きゃっ 丸見えになっちゃった! お お前… 許さないぞ!! Eek! You got me fully exposed! Y-you... I won't forgive you!!
Dialouges during the battle with Jinta and his cohorts:
(Note: When the battle starts, it says "Jinta and co. appeared!" The two selectable options are "Battle Start" and "Stopwatching". I do not know what the latter does, as the person playing never selects it.)
Whisper: さあ! 妖怪たちと いっしょに戦いましょう! Now! Fight together with the yokai!
Whisper: (X) で妖気拳を使えますよ! ガンガン攻撃でうぃっす! You can use a Yōki-ken with (X)! That one packs a punch, whis!
(Note: 妖気拳/Yōki-ken would translate to "Yōki Fist" or "Yōki Strike", with "Yōki" being something like yokai energy.)
Whisper: (ZR)で「わざ」発動! 強力攻撃ができますよ! With (ZR) you active your "Moves"! You can do powerful attacks!
Whisper: 「わざ」は(R)を押すたびに 切り替えができますよ! You can switch between your "Moves" by pressing (R)!
Whisper: 敵をよ〜く狙いたいときは (ZL)の「ねらう」です! When you reeeally want to aim for an enemy, go for "Aim" with (ZL)!
Whisper: (ZL)押しながら(A)で ターゲットピン発射です! When holding (ZL), you can fire a Target Pin with (A)!
Whisper: 味方の妖怪たちが 1体に 集中攻撃してくれますよ! Your yokai allies will focus their attacks on a single target!
Whisper: 「鬼の手」キター!! (X)攻撃がパワーアップです! That's the "Oni's Hand"!! Now the (X) Attack got more power!
~勝利~ ~Victory~
After the Battle:
Natsume: やったね トウマ! これで ひと安心だね!! You did it, Touma! This should take care of that for now!!
Touma: ああ みんなのおかげだよ。 とにかく 無事にすんでよかった。 Yeah, thanks to everyone's help. Anyway, I'm glad you didn't get hurt.
Natsume: あっ! 逃げちゃった!? Ah! He ran away?!
Manami: あの子は…! ねぇ ちょっと待ってー!! He's...! Hey, please wait!!
Natsume: マナミちゃんまで?! どこ行くのー!! Manami, too?! Where are you going?!
Touma: もしかして さっきの妖怪のこと 知っていたのか…? Could it be that she knows that yokai...?
Natsume: かもしれない… でも 今はとにかく マナミちゃんを追いかけないと! She might... But, right now we have to go after them!
Dialouges as Touma and co. go after Manami & Jinta:
Objective: さくら元町小学校に行こう! Go to Sakura Motomachi Elementary School!
Touma: さっきの妖怪が 向かったのは さくら元町小学校の方だな。 I think that yokai went towards Sakura Motomachi Elementary School.
Natsume: なんだか 嫌な予感がする… トウマ 急ごう! I got a bad feeling about it... Let's hurry, Touma!
Micchy: ミッチーセンサーによれば マナミさんも この道を通ったようだ。 My Micchy Sensor tells me that Miss Manami has gone along this way, too.
Micchy: …おっと ミッチーセンサーについてえは 質問は受け付けていないぞ! ...Whoops, I do not accept questions about my Micchy Sensor!
Natsume: あっ 見つけた! Ah- Found him!
Jibanyan: どうやら もう隠れる気はないようだニャン。 次は 本気で暴れやるぜ。 Looks like he's fed up with hiding, nyan. Nyow he's gonna rampage for real.
Touma: 待って ナツメ! なにかがおかしい…! Wait, Natsume! Something's wrong...!
Dialouges during the battle with Jingeki:
Boss Title: 人体模型の巨人 〜ジンゲキ〜 Human Anatomy Model Titan ~Jingeki~
Natsume: これ… シャドウサイド!? なんて大きさなの…!! Is that... his Shadowside?! Its so big...!!
Touma: ものすごい妖気だ… でも 今は戦うしかない! What an incredible yōki... But, I've got no choice but to fight him, now!
Jingeki: ウガ…? ナンカ 落ッコチタ…? UGAHH...? DID SOMETHING FALL OUT...?
Whisper: ムムッ!? 攻撃すると 内蔵がポロリするようです! Hmmh?! Seems that your attacks made his organs loose!
Natsume: 小腸いただき!! いける��� この調子!! Got his small intestine!! Keep going like this!!
Whisper: 横隔膜がポロリでうぃす! なんともレアな内臓ですね! You loosened his diaphragm, whis! And what a rare organ that one is!
Whisper: 焼き肉で言う 「ハラミ」の 部位にございまっす!! It is the part we would call "skirt steak" if we were grilling meat!!
Natsume: うわー! 肺が落ちた!? 大きいね やっぱり…。 Uwahh! His lung fell out!? It really is huge...
Micchy: 肝臓が落ちてきたぞ!! これはイカンゾー… ってな! His liver fell out!! He's not gonna live that down... get it?!
Whisper: (ZR)で「わざ」発動! 強力攻撃ができますよ! With (ZR) you active your "Moves"! You can do powerful attacks!
Whisper: 「わざ」は(R)を押すたびに 切り替えができますよ! You can switch between your "Moves" by pressing (R)!
Whisper: トウマ君! やるました! 敵の弱点がモロ見えです! Touma! You have done it! The enemy's weak spot is completely visible!
Whisper: あの心臓 もしかして スイトールできちゃいます? That heart... Can you get it with the Absorbtion?
Jingeki: オレノ 心臓ガッ…!! オマエラ 絶対二 触ルナ! MY HEART...!! DON'T YOU TOUCH IT!
Jingeki: 心臓ダケハ 絶対ニ… 絶対ニ 攻撃スルナヨ!! AT LEAST... DON'T... DON'T YOU DARE ATTACK MY HEART!!
Whisper: で 出たあああっ!! 不動明王 出ましたああ! H- He's appeared!! Fudōmyōō has appeared!!
Whisper: もう一度(X)と(A)同時押しで 「雷鳴鉄槌斬り」発動です! If you press (X) and (A) at the same time once more, you will active "Raimei Tettsui Kiri"!
(Note: 雷鳴鉄槌斬り/Raimei Tettsui Kiri is Fudōmyōō's Soultimate.)
Whisper: タイミングよくボタンを 押すと テンションアップ! If you time your button presses well, the tension will go up!
Natsume: トウマ おつかれさま! これで一件落着だね!! Good job, Touma! Case closed, I'd say!!
Akinori: あれ 解決しちゃったの!? じゃあ オレの出番は〜? Huh? You solved it?! What about my turn...?
After the Battle:
Jinta: マ…ナミ…さん… ごめんなさい。 ボクのせいで 怖い思いをさせてしまって…。 Ma... nami... I'm sorry. You got scared because of me...
Manami: ううん 私のほうこそ… とても大事なこと 忘れちゃってたの。 No, it's my fault... I forgot about something really important.
Jinta: えっ…? Huh...?
Manami: あなたは 理科室にいた 人体模型くん… だよね? You're the human anatomy model from the science room... aren't you?
Manami: 放課後 ひとりで落ち込んでいた 私の話を だまってそばで聞いてくれた… When I was alone and sad after school, you would silently be beside me, and listen to me...
Manami: 私… 思い出したの。 I... remember.
Manami: とても大切な「ともだち」だって… You were a very important "friend"...
Jinta: ううう… マナミさん… ありがとう…。 *Sob*... Manami... Thank you...
Natsume: あれ? 妖怪ウォッチエルダが… Huh? The Yokai Watch Eruda...
Touma: 何かに反応している…!? Is it reacting to something...?!
Natsume: 君は… Wait...
Natsume: もしかして… Are you...?
After the Demo is over, we are shown a screen with the various incarnations of Jibanyan (and also Junior), with the words "Thank you for playing!" in both Japanese in English. Below that, it essentially says something like "Look forward to the actual version!"
But the video is not over, and at the very end we are shown what is called a "Rare Event". It plays out exactly like the previous ending cutscene, expect Fumika (Katie) steps out of the door instead of Keita (Nate).
That’s it for this demo, but I have also translated the game’s trailer here.
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libraryofrewrita · 7 years
Chapter 25: Farewell, Yo-kai!
The group started at Mckraken, who was lazily sitting on the throne, looking at them like he was expecting someone else to walk in.
“Huh…not what I expected.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“When I heard that two kids were going to try to stop me, I expected you to be in either junior high or high school, not elementary school.”
Of course, Mckraken was lying. Having read the report Maddiman gave him, he did know how old the two kids were. He just wanted to rile them up a little, although he was admittedly worried.
Maybe trying to rile them up is a bad idea…if these two managed to defeat Maddiman and get here to fight me, then…no, Squiddilius. Don’t get distracted. You’ve put too much work into getting to the top and you’re not going to let some kids take that away from you!
Mckraken gave the group a malicious smile as he attempted to repress his negative thoughts.
“I must say, I’m surprised to see any human children making it this far. I would say you have guts, but honestly? I think you just wasted your time if you think you can defeat me.”
“And what makes you so certain, Squiddilius? Do you feel threatened by two human children that have bonded with Yo-kai?”
Venoct’s voice carried a tone that sounded like a combination of being threatening and teasing.
“N-no! Yo-kai are far more superior to the humans! We should be ruling over them!”
Venoct didn’t buy it. He knew that Mckraken was terrified of his plans falling apart, plans that he had spent years putting together. The only thing keeping him from letting the invasion to the Human Realm start right that second was the fact that he was facing what could be his plan’s demise and he couldn’t think straight.
“Humans and Yo-kai should never be friendly with each other! I’m restoring the pride that was lost when some of these Yo-kai actually decided to be friends with the humans and act like their little pets!”
Nate and Katie didn’t have to look at their Yo-kai companions to know that they felt insulted by Mckraken’s words, saying they had no pride by befriending humans and Nate and Katie saw Whisper’s face turn cold, which they had rarely, if never, seen. Yes, they had seen him mad and annoyed a few times in the short while they had known him, but the expression on his face was that of someone who has had enough.
“Excuse me, but just because some Yo-kai believe that we can get along with humans doesn’t mean we have no pride. If you can’t even see that truth, you’re not fit to even rule a goldfish bowl, let alone the Yo-kai Realm, you shellfish Yo-kai.”
Whisper broke his cold facade to snicker at his unintentional pun and Nate and Katie took the moment to speak up for their friendship with their Yo-kai companions.
“That’s right! We just want to live together in peace!”
Mckraken laughed, obviously not taking them seriously, even with Whisper snapping back to his cold facade.
“Squeeheehee! You gotta be squidding me! It’s never going to happen once I take over!”
“We’ll see about that! Mckraken, we challange you to a battle!”
Mckraken looked confused for a moment as he looked at the Yo-kai currently with them.
Let’s see, the only strong one they have seems to be Venoct and I’ve seen the kid fight. Other than him, I can easily wipe out the other Yo-kai they brought. I mean, it’s just a nekomata, two komainus, and whatever the white Yo-kai that doesn’t work for me is supposed to be. This will do nicely.
“Very well, I’ll agree to your battle.”
Mckraken got up from his throne and walked down the stairs to the group, stopping just a few feet away. To his surprise, Nate and Katie summoned two more Yo-kai, Frostina and Tattletell and sent them up with Venoct, the nekomata, and the two komainus.
“Wait a minute! Why isn’t he battling?”
Mckraken gestured to Whisper, who was already hanging near Nate and Katie with his Yo-kai Pad in hand.
“Oh, I’m not a battler. I’m a butler.”
Of course, Nate and Katie, along with Jibanyan and the Koma Brothers, knew that Whisper was a decent battler due to the Nocturne Hospital thing, but they all agreed that Whisper didn’t have to battle until he felt he was ready to battle once again.
“Besides, Squiddilius, they never told you which Yo-kai were going to battle you.”
As the battle began, Mckraken had to rethink his battle plan slightly since Whisper wasn’t battling him and there were now six Yo-kai battling him instead of five.
Look Squiddilius, it’s just a cat, two lion dogs, a grandma, a little girl, and a teenager…all of which have elemental powers and are dead. What am I saying? These kids managed to defeat Maddiman and get here to me with most of these Yo-kai here and if Venoct is here, these kids must have impressed him enough to be willing to work in a group, considering that he’s usually alone…
Mckraken was snapped out of his thoughts by Jibanyan scratching him multiple times.
Gah! Focus, Squiddilius!
The Koma Brothers then lauched their elemental attacks at the same time, creating a ball of electricity and fire that hit Mckraken straight in the chest, which made him stumble, but considering how strong he was, it wasn’t enough. Still, that didn’t stop the front party from putting their all into their attacks until they were switched out to heal.
Great, now I have to deal with the more human-like Yo-kai. I better not be defeated by them, otherwise this will be very embarrassing.
Unfornately for Mckraken, having the younger sister of a powerful Blizzaria, a small grandma that can heal her allies and inspirt you to reveal your weakness, and the former servant of the late Great Lord Enma battling you wasn’t exactly a bundle of joy, especially if said Yo-kai were friends with humans trying to help the former servant restore peace to both realms.
I’ll let them fight me for a while, then I’ll unleash my secret weapon!
Mckraken did put up a fight, draining health from one Yo-kai, stealing some energy from their Soultimate Moves, attacking them with whatever elemental ball he could summon, and occasionally smacking them with the tentacles hanging around in the background, although the other Yo-kai still kept fighting as well, throwing their own elemental attacks at him, hoping to stop him from stealing their health and energy.
Okay, time to stop playing around!
Mckraken started to create a large, light blue and white ball of energy as the tentacles blocked off the Yo-kai from disrupting Mckraken’s progress.
“He’s preparing his Soultimate Move! We have to stop him right now!”
Venoct unleashed his Soultimate Move to remove one the tentacles protecting Mckraken and the other Yo-kai followed suit with their Soultimate Moves until there was nothing left to protect Mckraken. Mckraken fell to his knees out of shock, leaving him in a vulnerable position as Venoct’s dragon scarf dealt the final blow, defeating Mckraken once and for all.
“H-how?! How could I be defeated?! Why did you have to get involved?!”
Whisper crossed his arms and said,
“Don’t blame us. You’re the one who couldn’t leave the Human Realm to the humans. These realms don’t belong to one single entity and if they did, it would certainly not be you! It wouldn’t be good for the reputation of the Yo-kai that want peace between the two realms if you were in charge!”
Mckraken gave out a weak laugh as he said,
“You may have beaten me here, but I’ll be coming back! Both realms will be wrapped around my tentacles and they will be mine! Just you wait!”
With that said, Mckraken disappeared into a large puff of purple smoke and the group stared in silence, feeling both happy because they had defeated Mckraken and worried because they had a feeling that it was far from over.
“Let’s get out of here and meet up with Lucas. I just hope he’s okay.”
“Don’t worry, he is. He’s at the school right now.”
“Well, let’s get going then!”
As they left the throne room, there was a Mirapo who looked extremely happy to see them.
“It’s about time someone put Mckraken in his place! As my way of thanking you, I’ll transport you to the Yo-kai Elevator so you don’t have to walk all the way back!”
They stepped through Mirapo and true to his word, they were at the elevator. They stepped onto the platform and headed back to the Human Realm.
“Hey, Lucas!”
Nate and Katie saw Lucas waiting at the statue where they had first encountered Slimamander and met Venoct for the first time. Mr. Barton was also there waiting for them as they walked up and explained what had happened. Mr. Barton looked out into the distance as he said,
“I have a feeling that it’s far from over.”
Before they could ask Mr. Barton what he meant, they saw the statue glow purple and Slimamander appeared before the group.
“Oh no…”
“Masssster Mckraken has freed me from my imprisssonment and the first thing I’ll do is-!”
Venoct sent his dragon scarf at Slimamander before he could finish his sentence and Slimamander disappeared in a puff of smoke.
“But we fixed the seals and locked him away! How did he get out?!”
As if on cue, Kyubi came up to the group.
“Bad news! Mckraken’s goons have invaded the Human Realm!”
“What?! I thought he would hold off the invasion if he was defeated!”
Kyubi glared in the direction he had just come from.
“So did I, but apparently Mckraken has decided to have one more go at total realm domination.”
“This is terrible! What do we do?!”
Whisper was silent as he knew of one way that could work, but he wasn’t sure how Nate and Katie would react. He glanced at Venoct, who seemed to know what he was thinking about. Venoct nodded at Whisper and Whisper sighed as he said,
“There is a way to stop Mckraken for good. We need to make some stronger seals to keep him from getting to Springdale and after we do that…we have to seal the elevator, which will break the connection between our realms.”
It only took a second for Nate and Katie to realize what he was saying.
“If we seal the elevator…you’ll never be able to come back to the Human Realm?”
Whisper nodded solemnly and Nate and Katie started to think to themselves.
Can we really do this? We’ll never see our Yo-kai friends again if we seal the elevator, but if we don’t…Mckraken and his followers will overrun the Human Realm and cause more trouble.
Nate and Katie sighed softly as they came to their final desicion.
“Alright, how can we make some stronger seals?”
Kyubi summoned a bag with a picure of a sakura flower and handed it to Katie and handed a map with three locations circled on it to Nate.
“You have to sprinkle this stuff on the cherry blossom trees to make them bloom. By making them bloom, they’ll make the seals stronger.”
“Nate, Katie, you go work on making the cherry blossoms bloom while Kyubi and I deal with Mckraken’s followers. Lucas, you stay with Mr. Barton until I come to get you, okay?”
Lucas nodded as Venoct and Kyubi left to battle Mckraken’s followers and Nate looked at the map and pointed to one of the circles that was just a few feet away from where they were standing.
“Come on, there’s a tree we can make bloom over here!”
They rushed to the tree and saw Wazzat in the middle of battling a large wall-like Yo-kai.
“I won’t let you let you hurt my friends and their realm, Impass!”
Wazzat angrily bit down on Impass’s head and they watched him become very confused.
“Wait…where am I? What was I doing again?”
Wazzat turned to see Nate and Katie standing there and gave them a smile.
“Hiya! This Yo-kai threatened to make things difficult for you so I turned the tables on him!”
Katie sprinkled the powder on the tree and to their amazement, the famous pink petals of the cherry blossoms appeared.
“This area is now safely sealed! Let’s get to the next seal!”
Nate looked at the map again and after some careful thought, they headed down towards the riverbank to find Walkappa giving his all against  yet another one of Mckraken’s followers.
“There’s no way I’m going to let someone like you take over, Rollen!”
“Look at how you struggle. The die has been cast and resistance shall only make it worse.”
Whether or not Rollen was just saying that to mess with Walkappa, they didn’t know, but they did help fight with Walkappa until Rollen was defeated. With him gone, they were free to make the cherry blossoms in the area bloom.
“Okay, I’ll stay here and make sure no one messes with the cherry blossoms here! You guys go and make the rest of the cherry blossoms bloom!”
They went to the final area, which was actually close to their homes and saw Rattelle casually blocking the Yo-kai’s bat swings with her parasol and attacking him with her parasol.
“Glad to see you two here! I have a bit of a problem as you can see here. I have been fighting this Bruff for a while and he refuses to give up so I was wondering if you two could give a lady a hand with this?”
After managing to fight off Bruff, they threw the powder onto the trees and saw the cherry blossoms blooming once again.
“You guys go on ahead! I have to protect this beautiful seal you just made from those evil Yo-kai!”
As they walked away, Whisper said,
“We did it! Now we just have to get to the Yo-kai Elevator and seal it off once and for all!”
In the chaos, they had almost forgotten what that meant for their Yo-kai friends, but they couldn’t worry about that right now. They had to get to Mount Wildwood and make sure Mckraken didn’t make it to the elevator.
Mr. Barton had finished making the final call to the Yo-kai that were disguised as humans living in Springdale, making sure that they had made the preperations for what was to come.
I’ll really miss it here, but after the elevator is sealed, we won’t be here anymore. Of course, maybe in the future, a way for us to come back will be found, but we’ll have to wait and see.
As they walked up the steps towards the Yo-kai Elevator, they saw the surrounding area had turned white. Worried, they rushed forward to find some of their Yo-kai friends there and Mckraken being held back by streams of energy.
“So you made some new seals and managed to drive away my followers…big whoop. That’s not going to stop me!”
Mckraken broke through the energy streams holding him back and tranformed into a new form that none of them expected to see.
“Squeeheeheehee! Time for me to show you what real power is!”
“Give us your best shot, Mckraken! The bottom line is, you’re not taking over anything!”
“That’s right! You may as well just give up and go home right now!”
“Nyobody wants you here anyway!”
“Yo-kai agreeing with Yo-kai against me?! I’m inkredulous, you traitors!”
Mckraken seemed to thinking something over for a second before saying,
“I’ll make you a deal. Join me, and you can rule this realm. How’s that?”
Whisper just gave Mckraken an annoyed look and said,
“A: you can’t bargin with something you don’t have.
B: you can’t bargin with something no one else here has any interest in.
C: I don’t make deals with anyone that  calls me a traitor just for being friends with humans. You really are quite an awful negotiator, you know that?”
“Yeah! They’re actively choosing to live and coexist with us out of their own free will!”
“I’m nyot gonna let a bully like you threaten Amy’s realm! I’ll protect Amy, Nyate, and Katie, nyo matter what the cost!”
Komasan, despite his timid nature managed to speak up,
“Y-yeah…it’s bad to do…bad things!”
“You all lost your pride as Yo-kai! No matter! I have nothing else to discuss with you. This realm is going to be mine!”
The moment that the Yo-kai Nate and Katie selected to go into battle stepped towards Mckraken, they all felt a sudden burst of energy inside them as they started to fight Mckraken. Even the Yo-kai that were just hanging around started to help in whatever way they could, whether it be shouting words of encouragement, healing the battlers in any way that they could, or telling them where to hit Mckraken to deal more damage. As they witnessed the battle happening before their eyes, Nate and Katie only had one thought on their minds.
Is our friendship with them the reason their attacks are more powerful? They would risk everything to make sure that nothing happens to us or our realm. The least we can do is help them through this battle!
“Keep going, guys!”
“We believe in you!”
Even as Mckraken’s new form changed into a strange palatte of colors and he used new attacks on the battlers, they never gave up on their Yo-kai friends and they never gave up on Nate and Katie until eventually, the battle came to an end as Mckraken once again fell to his knees.
“I don’t believe it…how could I possquidly lose? What a calamarity!”
“Are you quite through yet? Let’s all experience your defeat a bit of self-respect. As a butler, I’m quite proud of all of us! Our cooperation was stellar!”
“I don’t regret a thing nyow!”
“I feel kind of…actually…I feel more confident, zura!”
“So do I, Komasan!”
“It’s like Lord Enma always said: ‘The Human Realm needs our friendship, not our control. To witness the strength of friendship between humans and Yo-kai is both inspiring and humbling.’”
Nate and Katie both wiped away a tear that had formed after hearing Whisper say that.
“Whisper, that’s beautiful.”
Whisper smiled at the two kids before  turning back to Mckraken, who was now disapppearing into a very large puff of smoke and when he disappeared, everything was back to normal.
“So, I guess this is it, huh?”
Whisper nodded.
“I’m afraid so. It’s time to close the Yo-kai Elevator.”
They both knew this was coming, but they couldn’t help but cry.
“W-whisper…I know we have to make sure our realms are safe from Mckraken…but it feels like it’s too soon for us to part ways and there’s still so much we don’t know about Yo-kai.”
Whisper looked at them with sadness in his eyes and said,
“I know, but every meeting leads to a parting. It’s the circle of life. Our goodbyes were fated since the moment we met at this very tree.”
“We know, but we’re not ready to leave you guys…”
Whisper dried their tears as he tried to stay strong for them.
“Allow me to perform my final duty as your butler.”
Whisper softly mumbled something as he summoned a talisman.
“This talisman is what we need to take care of the elevator!”
Whisper flew up to the elevator doors and slapped the talisman onto the doors.
“We’re now…closed for business!”
A bright light shot out and Nate and Katie covered their eyes to avoid being blinded by the light. When they uncovered them, they saw the area was glowing softly and so were the Yo-kai in the area.
“My time as your butler…has sadly come to an end. We must now go back to our own realm.”
As he said that, some of the Yo-kai started to disappear one by one, clearly either trying to hide that they were crying, trying not to cry, or just giving up and letting their tears flow.
“However, you must not worry. This is not a moment of sadness.”
Jibanyan gave the kids a small and sad smile as he waved goodbye to them.
“Bye-bye nyow…”
“I’m sure we’ll meet again someday.”
Nate and Katie saw their Yo-kai Watches disappear into a small ball of light and looked at Whisper, the only Yo-kai remaining.
“And with that, I shall take my leave. Goodbye…for now.”
Whisper gave them a gentle smile as he disappeared, much like the other Yo-kai had.
There was yet another burst of light and when they looked up, there was nothing at the foot of the tree. No Crank-a-kai, no elevator doors, nothing out of the ordinary.
“T-this is really it, huh?”
They sighed sadly and mumbled,
They walked out of the area with the Crank-a-kai and as they walked, they saw the light pink cherry blossom petals falling and they grabbed each others hands and rushed forward, happily laughing as they reached the stairs and overlooked the town.
“Thank you, Whisper.”
They smiled and stared into the distance, remembering the journey and fun they had with him and their Yo-kai friends.
“Thank you, my Yo-kai friends.”
Previous Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/168438768539/chapter-24-the-three-gates Next Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/169168805494/chapter-26-back-to-normal
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gamergirl201517 · 7 years
Eddie and Sandmeh (Broken Watch AU)
Ever since the four of them got those strange necklaces from that festival and started seeing Yo-kai, Eddie had to admit that it was the most fun he’s had with the group in years. Although Eddie wouldn’t admit it right away, he was jealous of the others. Nate, Katie, and Bear had at least one Yo-kai partner that always hung around them outside of battle while he had nothing. Normally, it wouldn’t bother him that much, but he couldn’t help but feel the lonely feeling creep up on him yet again.
“Hey, Eddie? Are you okay?”
Hearing Whisper’s voice made Eddie snap back to reality as he took a quick glance at his friends. They have been unaware of Eddie spacing out, having been discussing something in hushed whispers.
“Oh, sorry, Whisper. I was just thinking.”
Eddie and Whisper got along very well due to them always trying to find a reasonable explaination for strange things happening rather than jumping to the conclusion of Yo-kai hijinx right away. However, Whisper worked with all of them, so he didn’t ‘belong’ to Eddie, he was a shared Yo-kai partner.
“Thinking about what?”
“I’m the only one here that doesn’t have a Yo-kai partner to hang out with when you or everyone else isn’t available. Nate has Jibanyan, Katie has Komasan and Komajiro, Bear has Blazion, and there’s me, the lonely rich kid without someone to talk to.”
“Well, just because you don’t have a partner of your own doesn’t mean that you’re destined to be alone forever. You have friends that care about you.”
“I know that, Whisper. I just want someone to talk to when no one else is there.”
The darkening sky signaled the possibility of rain, so the group went their seperate ways with Whisper following Eddie.
“You’re just following me out of pity, aren’t you?”
“No! It just happens to be your turn to have me sleep over.”
Whisper switched between the group’s houses, but mostly spent his time at Eddie’s place in Breezy Hills.
Eddie was laying on his stomach, looking through the weather app on his phone to see how bad it was going to be.
It’s going to rain tomorrow, no surprise there. Thankfully, it’s not going to be terrible until much later.
Eddie fiddled with his necklace as he and Whisper started looking for more information about the Yo-kai Watch, which the group’s necklaces had pieces of. Specifically, the group had pieces of the symbol that would’ve been in the middle of the Watch if it was completed.
“Did you find anything about who invented it or what happened to the blueprints?”
“Nothing about the original inventor, but the blueprints were destroyed by the same Yo-kai that broke the Yo-kai Watch. Someday, we’ll find a way to travel back in time to save the blueprints.”
“Why not the original models?”
“It’ll be easier to hide the blueprints. Besides, the Yo-kai that originally destroyed the plans probably won’t notice if they’re gone.”
“Or we could take a few pictures of the blueprints in case the Yo-kai catch on and destroy the blueprints in front of us.”
“That too.”
Eddie woke up from a long night of studying and yawned as he got dressed and went downstairs. He was not at all surprised to see the note from his parents telling him that they would be gone all day. He glanced outside to see the dark sky. It was going to rain later, but it wasn’t going to stop him from heading to the museum to check out the new exhibits.
“Hey, Whisper. Did you want to head to the museum with me today?”
“Sure! Maybe we’ll find something that can help us with our research!”
“I doubt that the Old Springdale exhibit will have something Yo-kai related, but we can check.”
Eddie picked up his umbrella, his musuem pass, and his house keys before locking the door to his house.
After carefully checking the exhibits, Whisper was very disappointed as he and Eddie went back to his house. Thankfully, no one else was on the streets so no one would think that Eddie was talking to himself.
“Dang it! I thought there would be something that could help! I went behind, under, and even into the exhibits trying to find some clues and found nothing!”
“Well, what were you expecting to find? A secret message saying 'If you want humans and Yo-kai to get along, then congratulations! The backup plans for creating a device that will help you bridge the gap are hidden in this area!’?”
Whisper just rolled his eyes as he mumbled,
“You don’t have to be so sarsactic, you know.”
“Sorry, sorry. I want to help you with recreating the Yo-kai Watch, but it’s just hard when you have little information about it.”
A few raindrops started to fall, so Eddie opened his umbrella and continued walking, unfazed by it.
“Well, we should tell the others that we had no luck in finding any clues to recreating the Yo-kai Watch and figure out what to do from there.”
“When it’s not raining, we’ll try to meet up.”
As they were walking, Eddie heard a soft shuffling noise to his right and saw a Yo-kai made of what looked like sand trying to protect themself from the rain.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Eddie knelt down to the Yo-kai’s level and held the umbrella over it. The Yo-kai didn’t respond to Eddie’s question, which made him worry.
“Whisper, hold my umbrella.”
Eddie handed the umbrella to Whisper, took his jacket off, and wrapped the Yo-kai with it, holding the bundle to his chest.
“Come on, Whisper! Before it gets any worse!”
They both started rushing to Eddie’s house, trying to keep the rain off the three of them. When they got to his house, Eddie dug into his pockets for his house keys, unlocked the door, and walked inside with both Yo-kai.
“What did he say that he wanted?”
Eddie was digging through his refrigerator, trying to find something for the Yo-kai he rescued to eat after wrapping the Yo-kai, which he learned was named Sandmeh, in a towel he was going to throw in the washing machine later with his now sandy jacket that he left in his room.
“Sandmeh said he prefered Oden, but will eat almost anything you have. Are you sure you don’t want me to pick up some Oden?”
“Nah, I’m sure there’s some Oden in here…ah! Here we go!”
Eddie had found some Beef Skewers Oden and heated it up.
Sandmeh was currently wrapped in a towel to dry him off and to keep him from falling apart onto Eddie’s floor. Eddie nudged his bedroom door open, knelt down to Sandmeh’s level, and placed the Beef Skewers Oden in front of him.
“Here you go, Sandmeh. It took a while to heat it up, but it should be fine now.”
Sandmeh took the Oden in front of him and started eating as he stared at Eddie curiously.
He is such a curious human. I’ve heard that some humans can see Yo-kai, but I didn’t think that I would ever meet one this soon. What are his memories like, I wonder?
Sandmeh transported himself into Eddie’s mind and walked through the hallway of doors that lead to either a specific memory or his feelings/desires. A few doors were open, letting Sandmeh sense Eddie’s feelings and memories.
Oh! His friends can also see Yo-kai and they all discovered the existence of Yo-kai recently! That explains a few things!
Sandmeh left Eddie’s mind and said,
“If you don’t mind, I would like to be your partner, Eddie.”
Eddie looked at Sandmeh in complete surprise.
“A-are you sure?”
“Of course. You made me curious and I want to know you and your friends better.”
Sandmeh pushed the bowl away and hugged Eddie, who returned the hug as Whisper took a picture and sent it in the group chat between the Yo-kai partners.
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libraryofrewrita · 7 years
Chapter 17: Explanations
The sunlight shined through the window as the group stirred from their slumber.
“What’s the plan for today?”
“We need to discuss a few things, but I want to discuss them in a private area where no one can interfer with us or give you weird looks.”
“Nocturne Hospital?”
Whisper shook his head.
“No way. That place gives me the creeps. Mount Wildwood?”
“No, they’re setting up the festival today.”
“Timer’s and More? Mr. Goodsight already knows about Yo-kai and he probably wouldn’t mind letting us hang around there.”
“Yeah, but he has other customers coming in and out of the shop.”
“The alcove where we met Noko?”
“Well, there aren’t that many Yo-kai there, so it could work. We can eat lunch there too while we’re at it.”
After getting permission to go out for the day, the group walked to Downtown Springdale. It was still pretty early, so they decided to see if there was anything they could do until lunch.
The woman looked up and asked,
“Oh, it’s nothing too bad. It’s just that need Black Syrup for something I’m considering serving here and I don’t have any on hand.”
Nate dug into his pocket and pulled out a small cup of Black Syrup.
“Is this enough?”
Ms. Frost nodded and said,
“Yes, thank you. Are you…two familiar with the area around Catfish Pond?”
Nate and Katie nodded, although they did notice that she had paused before saying ‘you two’, as if she wasn’t sure if that was correct.
“I also need some Refreshing Herbs. I heard that they grow around the area. I would head up myself, but I have to do some testing with the Black Syrup you got for me.”
“Oh, sure. We can do that for you.”
Ms. Frost bowed and said,
“Thank you. Just be careful while you’re up there. The festival is being set up today.”
As the group left, she hummed and looked at a paper she had in her hand that also had a picture of the two kids.
It’s safe to talk about Yo-kai matters with Nate Adams and Katie Forester. However, if you want to see for yourself, ask them to do you a favor, perferably a non-dangerous one.
- Kit Barton
The group had teleported to Mount Wildwood through the Mirapo at Downtown Everymart and they walked by the festival being set up. Thankfully they had arrived at the time where people were just looking for places to set up the stands. The group walked by quickly and after looking at a list of currently active Mirapos, decided to just go through the Mirapo at the Abandoned Tunnel after they received the Refreshing Herbs. They walked up to Catfish Pond and found a strange plant that after a quick search, Whisper confirmed to be the Refreshing Herbs Ms. Frost needed.
“Okay, let’s get these plants to the lovely Ms. Frost before something happens.”
Just as Whisper said that, they saw a Mad Mountain.
“What are you doing trespassing in my training grounds?!”
The group was visibly panicked.
“W-we were just getting something for a friend. We were actually about to leave right now!”
Unfortunately, they were thrown into a battle that they believed was uncalled for. After using the right moves, they managed to stop the battle.
“That was really uncalled for, Mad Mountain! We were going to leave anyway. You didn’t need to bring us into this fight!”
Before Mad Mountain could say something, he was suddenly hit with a ball of ice and was knocked out cold. The group decided to take advatage of it and ran for their lives before Mad Mountain woke up and brought them into another battle. On the bridge above them, Ms. Frost was standing there, having witnessed the whole thing.
Well, I didn’t intend to make them battle Mad Mountain. I didn’t even know he was in that area, but I did get to see how strong they were. Hmm…I do need to repay them somehow…
They walked back to Frostia’s Place and handed the Refreshing Herbs to her.
“Here you go. We had…a little trouble getting them, but they’re here with you now.”
Ms. Frost dug into her pocket and handed Nate and Katie some money for helping her. As they were pocketing the money, they realized that one of the coins looked suspiciously like a Yo-kai Medal. Whisper checked it on his Yo-kai Pad and said,
“That’s a Frostina Yo-kai Medal! Why would Ms. Frost have one? Unless…”
Ms. Frost gave a knowing smile.
“Yes, I’m a Yo-kai, but that’s not my medal. It actually belongs to my little sister. I want her to see that not all humans are bad and as much as I really miss battling, I have a business to run now.”
She called to her side a small girl who matched the picture on the Yo-kai Medal. She could easily pass for a human child if she wanted to and while she was quiet when she was introduced to the group, she did go with them willingly.
“Take good care of her, okay?”
“We will!”
They went to the Eyepo hanging around the Downtown Everymart, switched out Cadin for Frostina, and went down to Nom Burger to pick up some lunch since it was getting around lunch.
“Why couldn’t there be a Mirapo at Nom Burger?”
“It’s best to not question it, Nate.”
After picking up lunch, they used Mirapo again to go to Shoten Temple and they headed to the hidden alcove, where it was only Noko hanging around. After giving him a Nom Burger, he squeaked happily and dragged it away to eat in peace.
“Okay, now that we’re alone, we can talk about a few things.”
Whisper sat down and started to think to himself.
What do we discuss first? The recent Yo-kai crimes? Kyubi tricking us into fighting Massiface? Katie’s ability to sense auras? That mysterious Yo-kai that’s been helping us?
Whisper glanced at the group and sighed.
Well, I should start with something that they’ll probably have more information about.
“Katie? How long have you been able to sense auras? You never really brought it up until recently.”
Katie took a sip of Soul Tea to wash down the fries she had been eating and said,
“Well…I’ve actually been able to do it since I was younger, although I can’t recall specifically how old I was when I started sensing auras. Of course, I didn’t know what auras were back than, so I just called them feelings. I learned that what I was sensing were actually called auras when I was around eight or nine. I did hear my grandmother say that my grandfather had the same ability once, but I’m not sure if that’s true or not. It’s not like I can ask him myself. He died before I was born.”
Nate nodded solemnly. His grandfather had also died before he was born, so he understood why Katie was frustrated at not being able to talk to someone that could help her.
At least Whisper can help us understand her ability better.
Whisper was typing something on his Yo-kai Pad as Jibanyan sneaked a peek at what Whisper was typing.
Note: Katie’s ability to sense auras seems to be genetic, but she is unsure. I’ll help her with developing her powers as best as I can.
Jibanyan quickly looked away before Whisper could notice the blush on his face.
Aaaannnd my crush on him is growing.
“Well, I’ll do what I can to help you with your aura sensing.”
Whisper mentally checked that off the list and went on to a different topic.
Time had passed as they discussed everything that had happened and they agreed on the following:
1. The recent Yo-kai crimes could have just been typical Yo-kai hi-jinx, admittedly at a higher level than just inconveniencing humans.
2. The mysterious Yo-kai, which they hadn’t seen in awhile, might be an ally, considering he helped them avoid certain death.
3. While they don’t know the full circumstances for Kyubi’s ploy, he really didn’t need to trick them into battling Massiface for him. He could’ve just asked or tested them beforehand and then asked.
“Okay, now that’s been settled, although I can’t help but feel that there’s something bigger going on. From what the Koma Brothers had told us about their reason to come here, it seems that there’s some sort of turmoil in the Yo-kai Realm, but why is it getting to that point?”
As much as they wanted answers, the group knew that if there were any, they wouldn’t show up right away. Either they will never find out the answers or the answers would come later. Either way, they had to be on their guard. If it ever got worse than what they had experienced, they had to be ready, no matter what.
A poster for the festival landed near Lucas’s feet and he picked it up. For some strange reason, he had a feeling he would be safe there as he looked around, hoping that he wouldn’t be attacked again as he walked away to get ready for the fesitval.
“Nate? Are you ready to head to the festival?”
“Yeah! Give me a second!”
Nate smoothed out his festival wear, a red kimono with light blue stars on the sleeves, and walked out of the room, bumping into Whisper.
“Oh! Hey, Whisper! I’m so sorry for bumping into you like that…Whisper? Are you okay?”
The Yo-kai Butler had been about to say something when he saw what Nate was wearing. In his dazed state, Nate had disappeared and was replaced with an older man that Whisper remembered well.
'Waitington’ didn’t speak to Whisper. He just extended a hand to him and placed it on his face. The touch seemed to knock Whisper out of his daze and he saw Nate giving him a concerned look.
“Are you okay, Whisper?”
Whisper nodded and said,
“Sorry, Nate. I was distracted by something. You look wonderful.”
Nate was just glad that Whisper was okay as he went downstairs to get Jibanyan and head to the festival to meet Katie and the Koma Bros, but if he had been paying closer attention, he would’ve noticed a small tear falling from Whisper’s eyes.
Previous Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/166091948179/chapter-16-mirapos-dilemma Next Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/166568610209/chapter-18-the-festival-and-the-extreme-dare  
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libraryofrewrita · 7 years
Chapter 23: The Truth about Lucas
“Wait, why do we have to battle you right now?”
“I need to see if you’ve improved in battling so that we can stop the invasion or at least delay it.”
The group was hesitant to battle him, but they had to continue onward and if the only way to continue was to battle him, then they had to.
“This won’t be like your other battles. They made the mistake of underestimating you two just because you were children, but I’ve been watching you and I won’t make that mistake, so go ahead and give me your best shot, but I’m warning you now…I’m not going to hold back.”
“Neither are we.”
Whisper and Lucas noticed a spark in the Yo-kai’s eyes and they were pretty sure that he was smirking under that dragon scarf. Whether Nate, Katie, and the other Yo-kai noticed it or not, they didn’t know, but they did know that it was not a good time to ask them.
Okay, in order to beat him, he has to be taken by surprise. How should we do it? Hmm…his dragon scarf seems to be moving of his own free will, so maybe if we have some of the Yo-kai distract the scarf, we can get a few hits in on him!
Nate had an idea and whispered something to Tattletell, who had a gleam in her eye as she lept at the Yo-kai, who then caught her with his scarf.
“Trying to get me to reveal my weakness? I have to say, while it was clever, it’s also one of the oldest battling tricks in the book.”
Before he could say anything else, he felt the sheer coldness of Frostina’s Snow Sherbert as it landed on him. He flinched and almost dropped Tattletell. She then used Loving Slap on him before hopping back over to the group, snickering the whole time. Blandon managed to land a hit with Hazy Dance before the Yo-kai released his own Soultimate Move on the current attacking party, whittling their health to halfway. Nate and Katie let them fight for a little longer before they switched them out for Jibanyan and the Koma Brothers.
They managed to distract me by having look like Tattletell was going to inspirit me! Well, I’m not out of the game quite yet! Let’s see what else they got!
Nate knew that the Yo-kai wouldn’t fall for the same trick as he healed Tattletell and watched the current attacking party throw a few elemental attacks at their opponent’s dragon scarf, then used their Soultimates Moves on the Yo-kai himself when he was distracted by checking on his scarf. The Yo-kai was low on health, but he knew when to admit defeat and landed as he kneeled to the group.
“You have proven your strength to me and I will admit defeat to you.”
The dragon scarf seemed to snap at the group after the battle was over, but the Yo-kai wearing it petted it to calm it down.
“Now, now. They’re our allies.”
“Okay, you said you would answer our questions.”
“Yes, I did say that…very well. I’ll start with answering the question that is most likely on your mind. I’m Venoct, former servant of the Great Lord Enma.”
Okay, that’s one question down.
“Why did you save us from Slimamander that day and why have you been watching us since?”
“Slimamander is a dangerous Yo-kai, as you know, and if he was loose in Springdale, it would mean trouble to both humans and Yo-kai alike. When I heard that some Yo-kai were trying to release him, I tried to track down the Yo-kai responsible and check on the seals, but to my surprise, the Yo-kai that had been guarding the seals had been defeated and the seals had been fixed. I went to the school to check on the main seal that kept Sliamander in check, only to find you two battling him. I was going to step in and help, but you were making good work of him, so I just watched. Besides, I was pretty bored and needed the entertainment. I was going to leave when the battle was over but then Slimamander decided to try to burn you, so I decided to step in and make sure that you two didn’t die.”
“So, you were watching us because of Slimamander?”
“No, I’ve been watching you two for a little longer than that. Slimamander was just want convinced me that you could help me with something that I’ll discuss later.”
Okay, it’s still creepy knowing that you’ve been watching us, Venoct.
“C-can I ask something? Why can I see Yo-kai and why am I here? I’m not as experinced in dealing with Yo-kai as Nate and Katie, so why do I have the key to the Yo-kai Realm? Why didn’t one of them or their Yo-kai companions have it?”
“When the Great Lord Enma was still around, he had two grandsons. Their parents had unfortunately passed on too soon, so they grew up under his care. Both grandsons were curious about the Human Realm and listened to his stories of the Human Realm and how he wanted Yo-kai and humans to co-exist.”
Venoct had a faint smile in his face as he spoke about it.
“As time went on, he had a vision where one grandson lived in the Human Realm and the other grandson stayed in the Yo-kai Realm so that the grandson in the Human Realm could help the grandson in the Yo-kai Realm better understand humans when the time came. Try as he could, he couldn’t figure out which grandson was which in his vision, but he knew that the idea could work. He decided to have a special item enchanted so that it would glow when touched by the grandson that was destined to live in the Human Realm and he summoned his grandsons. He had them hold the item in their hands until it glowed in the hands of the youngest grandson.”
Venoct quickly glanced at Lucas before he continued.
“After preparations had been made, the youngest was sent to the Human Realm and came back to the Yo-kai Realm during the times where it wouldn’t be considered suspicious for him to be gone for long periods of time. Life was good for them until the day that the Great Lord Enma fell ill. No one knew how it had happened, but everyone suspected that someone was trying to get rid of the Great Lord Enma. When he suddenly passed on, there was chaos in the Realm as no one knew who was to be in charge until one of the grandsons had fully developed their powers. During the chaos, Chairman Squiddilius Mckraken had taken control of the throne and his political party started to rise. Unfortunately, Mckraken was against everything that the late Great Lord Enma had stood for, so needless to say, there was rioting from both his political party and the rest of the Yo-kai Realm because of their loyalties and beliefs. The grandsons had to be separated for their safety until their powers had fully developed or until we could find someone that could help us, someone that Mckraken wouldn’t expect or take seriously.”
Venoct sighed as he continued.
“However, there hadn’t been any news about anyone like that in years. I took the youngest grandson back to the house that he had been staying at in the Human Realm and blocked off his past memories so that Mckraken and his croonies couldn’t find him until something could be done about that corrupted chairman. I began to lose hope after a while until I saw you two fighting Slimamander and I knew that the youngest would be in good hands.”
Lucas looked at the key in his hands and he heard a voice in his mind that he knew wasn’t his own.
“Lucas, this key has the ability to take you between both the Yo-kai and Human Realms. You’ll be able to help bridge the gap between Yo-kai and humans like a lot of humans and Yo-kai before you along with your cousin. I know that you can do this. After all, you are of the Enma bloodline!”
Lucas looked up at Venoct and said,
“I’m the youngest grandson of the late Great Lord Enma, aren’t I?”
There was shock in Venoct’s eyes that quickly faded.
“Yes. In the Human Realm, your full name is Lucas Kai Yenamo, but your full and true name in the Yo-kai Realm is Lucas Kai Enma.”
“W-wait…you said that my memories were blocked off, right? Then why have I been having faint recollections of what I think are my memories?”
“The memory block was supposed to wear off eventually, but this is too early. I suppose it could be because of the sudden increase in Yo-kai spiritual energy. Normally, it wouldn’t be a problem having a lot of Yo-kai in the Human Realm, but with the way Mckraken has been running things, there’s almost no balance between the two realms.”
Venoct went over to Nate and Katie, slipping his medal into their hands.
“I’m going to take Lucas to a safe location. When you’re about to fight Mckraken, summon me.”
Nate and Katie nodded as they watched Venoct and Lucas head to the elevator and go up until they were just specks in the sky.
“Well, we better get going, guys. The fate of the realms depends on us.”
Meanwhile, with Lucas and Venoct…
Venoct walked with Lucas as he tried to narrow down the least likely places that Mckraken or his croonies would think to look for Lucas.
Let’s see…there’s Shoten Temple, Frostia’s Place, Timer’s and More, wherever Mr. Barton is hanging around…someplace with a powerful Yo-kai or human that can watch Lucas until Mckraken is defeated.
He looked at Lucas and smiled, remembering when Lucas was little, always happy and curious.
If it hadn’t been for the Whispocrates Law*, Lucas would’ve been found out in the Human Realm a long time ago.
*Whispocrates Law: Allows Yo-kai to use a different name under certain circumstances and if they wish to do so, they can legally change their name. Whether or not it effects the Yo-kai’s medals is up to the Yo-kai in question.
Previous Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/167361405129/chapter-22-to-the-yo-kai-realm Next Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/168438768539/chapter-24-the-three-gates
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