#wot on prime s01e01
an-s-sedai · 3 years
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“All was shattered, and all but memory lost, and one memory above all others, of him who brought the Shadow and the Breaking of the World. And him they named Dragon.” - Elaida do Avriny a’Roihan, The Eye of the World
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“Remember, you fool! […] What hand slew Ilyena Sunhair, Kinslayer? Not mine. Not mine. […] Remember, and know the price of opposing Shai’tan!” - Ishamael, the Eye of the World
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“Because,” [the Dragon Reborn] replied, “because we made this. This is where we died.” - the Dragon Reborn, A Memory of Light
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“When they failed, the seas boiled, mountains were swallowed up, cities burned, and the women of the Aes Sedai were left to pick up the pieces.” - Moiraine Damodred, Wheel of Time S01E01
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Spoilers for The Wheel of Time, season 1 episode 1, 'Leavetaking'
I just finished watching 'Leavetaking', and I have to say, I quite liked it. I expected less, due to some reviews I've read. I was really afraid that it would be boring or that it wouldn't capture the feeling you get of the world in the books. But luckily, the fear was unfounded!
They did change a lot, from the Trollocs attacking a day later to Nynaeve being kidnapped by Trollocs. And Perrin killed his wife, mistaking her for a Trolloc? Okay. And I was really afraid Moiraine and Lan would turn sexual in the bath, but luckily they sticked to the book at that point.
Overall, I'm really positive and I will immediately watch s01e02. Tomorrow the third episode, I think.
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an-s-sedai · 3 years
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Symbology in the Wheel of Time S01E01
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an-s-sedai · 3 years
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Madeleine Madden as Egwene al’Vere: Bel Tine
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an-s-sedai · 3 years
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I see some similarities! Early post-Breaking Breen’s Sprint?
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an-s-sedai · 3 years
blood and bloody ashes I want a bathtub that big.
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