#worth iittt
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thuviel · 5 months ago
I'm 1 month post op!
A whole month of recovery whooo! Gonna share a bit of how it went down below:
Week 2
I stopped all meds at this point, even painkillers were unnecessary
I started sleeping flat on my back now, no longer elevated
Felt muuuch better after stopping the antibiotics I was allergic to, could actually sleep now
Day 14 as I went to shower I had a bit of a nipple disaster. My bandages had slid down in the night and the tape got stuck to my nipples. Gently removing it did not work and it came all the way off in the shower, ripping off a good chunk of scab with it. Like half the nipple scab got removed and it was bleeding, it looked like the actual nipple bud got ripped away as well. I panicked but the clinic said it was fine
Week 3
The nipples slowly healed from the disaster, most of the wound got covered by a new scab, there were some issues with the wound getting stuck to the gauze but it wasn't too bad
I started getting back my range of motion and had so little discomfort at moving that I had to be very conscious of nor strecthing too far or lifting too heavy
The only pain I felt at this point was the occasional tug if I went too far or an occasional ache from healing
At the end of week 3 the big insicions had almost healed, only the corners that I end up moving the most when I stretch too far were still stubbornly bleeding a bit
Week 4
I started working this week, it was super rough at first. Mostly I was exhausted but it was also tough to do my work with all my limitations
The incisions healed all the way now, some scabs left here and there but no bleeding anymore
The nipple scabs started kinda shrinking back on the right side, revealing what looks like pink areola underneath, it feels like it will fall off soon ish
I was able to strech even further without discomfort
The swelling was almost all the way gone, just some minor swelling left
Was starting to be able to lie on my side more and more and at the end of the week I could kinda sleep on my side in short intervals
At the end of week 4 I started wearing my binder only half of the day
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tadc-harlequin-au · 6 months ago
ima say this now I just learned about your au a few hours ago and I gotta say I LOVE IITTT AAAAAAAAA It was the missing piece to my puzzle of ❤🎇LIFE🎇❤ I am now obsessed and probably also gonna be a showtime shipper soon 😅(I already ship JesterDoll and Abstragedy) Sooo Good Job of making an AMAZING FUCKING AU!!!!!!! I LOVE IIIIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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Everytime someone says they started to like showtime because of my AU I die of happiness and then come back to life squealing like a dog toy <3
The AU's story has barely started yet but WOW y'all are absolute lore beasts,,, and I mean that in the best way possible btw, because it's just.... AMAZING. I am absolutely speechless.
It makes me all the more excited to drop the official story/lore/worldbuilding of this AU when the right time comes because I want to make the story so intriguing and satisfying for the people following this AU's timeline to piece together, which is why I tend to answer some asks with half-truths, for people to go "hey wait a minute are you pulling a silly on us" and double check their lore board HAHAHAHHAH
Anyways I am getting sidetracked. Thanks so much for being a fan,,,, it makes all the worldbuilding and intricate story beats all the more worth it to work on,,,, ueuueueueueueueu
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piratefishmama · 2 years ago
Hair took hours but worth iittt
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interrupt1ons · 2 years ago
And there it is, why I cherish my birth and my death the same way: Earth is a limited world and wonder is a limited resource, I think. To run out of it, for me, would be to run out of a reason to exist, so it must have an end. That makes it hard for me to understand why others don't love and try to better our world, filthy as it is. Everything is worth it, even if it's small. (Why else would sparkle be my emoji?)
This got a bit serious... How about something more lighthearted? Or maybe you'd like to keep it in this direction? You could... Tell us a life story! You've been here a while, there's been plenty to do. Could you do that?
Iii hhaavvee mmaannyy ssttoorriieess ttoo sshharree. Ii"ll tteell oonnee ooff mmyy pperrsoonnall ffavvorrittess.
Ssoommeettimmee iinn tthhee eeaarrllyy 1930"ss,, ii ppaaiidd aa vviissiitt ttoo Nnneww Jjeerseeyy ttoo ssee aa ffeellooww eennttiittyy. Ssaaiidd eennttiittyy hhaadd aa lloovvee ffoorr ccaannddyy,, aanndd wwee aaggrreed tthhaatt ffoorr eevveerryy vviissiitt,, wwee wwoouulldd eexxcchaanngee ttrreeaatsss.
Aatt Ddeemmiixx"ss ffuunneerraall,, iitt wwaas iinn atteennddannccee. Iitt brroouugghhtt aa bbooxx ffuull ooff mmiinnee, Zzeellitthh'ss,, aanndd Ddeemmiixx"ss ffaavoorriittee ccaannddiieess. Wwee kknneeww Ddeemmiixx wwoouullddnn"tt bbee ddeaadd ffoorr lloonng, soo wwe keepptt tthee bbooxx aandd bbuurriieedd tthhee ccaannddyy wwiitthh Ddeemmiixx.
Wwhheenn Ddeemmiixx wwaass reebboorrnn, ouurr ffrriieenndd uusseedd tthhaatt ssammee booxx ttoo ddeelliivveerr ggeemmss aanndd ggiifftts tto Ddeemmiixx ffoorr wwhheenn tthheeyy mmaattuurrreedd.
Tthhaatt bbooxx ssiittss iinn Ddeemmiixx"ss cclloosseett rrighhhtt nnooww.
Thhiiss eennttiittyyy, ddeesppiitee all tthee hhoorroorrss iittt eeennaccttss uuppoonn huummannityyy,, iiss aa mmaajorr ssooffttiiee ffoorr ootthheerr eennttiieess. Eessppeecciiallyy oonneess iin iittss aaggee rraangee
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halloithmeagain · 4 years ago
Oh... hmm peak if you’ve barely seen him but still try get him to not be too shy and ask for what he can lmao. As for the geography stuff I’m just being nitpicky and teasing tbf, forgive me. I said “down” in Milton Keynes technically bc you said “up” in Milton Keynes but you’re actually north of it so you should be saying down. Like you’re in Brum (midlands) and Milton Keynes is basically London (south). I only know bc we have family friends there hahaha.
Listen yeah I have faith in myself that I could’ve made you at least not hate it. 😌 But I get you about having ppl around you. I actually got moved to a sucky class towards the end of the year due to unforeseen circumstances but it was sooo dead, I missed my old class where I knew people.
And I completely get you. I had no idea what I wanted to do and my family pushed me to do medicine so much. I didn’t cave. I even took a gap year bc I was lost lmao and imagine my rebellion was dentistry. Im actually a joke. 💀 and okay safe, I’m glad I didn’t do accounting. 😂😂 And maybe I’m speaking for myself only bc I guess our parents sacrificed a lot and the image of success and happiness is ... dare I say... narrower in their minds compared to ours. Not in an insulting way at all but I think you understand me? At least I hope so.
Your uncle snaked iittt. His son got to and you didn’t llloooooooll. That’s actually an L bro, I’m so sorry. 😂😂😂😂
Aww it’s sad you didn’t get to do art. Everyone I know who’s done it has never regretted it. What do you do in ur spare time? In terms of art?
Lmaoo on God it took me a couple minutes to register the whole up and down down thing but let’s say I understood what you’re saying lool 😂
Yeah easy for you to say, you ENJOYED A2 maths, someone like that could get through it with it worth our friends I’m sorry smh. Loool you legit levelled up and went for something even harder 💀😂 but atleast you took control of the situation and had the mental strength to take a gap year and choose for yourself, it was your own decision, that’s blessss for real.
And nah I get you, you’re spot on tbh, but that’s why I reiterate the fact I don’t really blame them, if they knew better then they would’ve most likely have done things different but it is what it is. If anything we should take it on with our chest & just learn from it tbh.
With the art stuff... well I used to do a lot random stuff from nature to super heroes lol, in year 10-11 I started my own comic book and I had some superhero I made up (if my memory serves right, he looked a lot like Spider-Man lol), good times 😂 I went off it after that tbh, I didn’t really have the time or energy to do it anymore so I put all my drawing stuff into the loft and till today I haven’t touched it 😂 I got back into a little bit because of corona but yeah this time round it’s mainly anime, I do some art work on shoes too but I don’t think I could ever fully get into again mainly bc after corona, life will have to resume as usual so responsibilities and well life will take over
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