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bewareoftheworstperson · 7 months ago
Luzailyn Cepeda
She has admitted to hurting people on purpose when ending a relationship because she wants them to hate her so they will leave her alone.
She will hurt you, she hasn't changed. We all thought we were the exception
Max Cepeda
Austin, TX
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brainrotgoverner · 1 month ago
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@checkeredtablesloth I love how absuletly no one can defend him <3
“my favourite character only acts like an asshole because he’s deflecting/covering up his insecurities đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș” you are so boring. he acts like that because he sucks. worst motherfucker on earth (affectionate). stop making excuses for him
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history-monster · 5 years ago
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Day 15 of @ahellaloadofhistory #30daychallenge - Worst Person in History. Hitler - enough said. #30daychallenge #worstperson https://www.instagram.com/p/CCDUYkbnBoz/?igshid=1c59rappjl490
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gabyglifestyle · 5 years ago
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#worstperson #votebluenomatterwho We MUST #restoredecency to this country. #theyallhavetogo #russiasoperatives #deconstructingourdemocracy led by this #talkingyam #weneedtocorrecttheentiresystem #tuckfrump #republicanshame #dudewheresmycountry #takeamericaback #howdidweletitgettothis? #thevidiotizationofanation #makeamericagreatagainbyremovingtrump https://www.instagram.com/p/B9dxcPEAjrI/?igshid=1sydmaydzodsc
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star-anise · 7 years ago
I take direct exception to the cultural meme, “You can’t love anyone else until you love yourself.” Like, nope, sorry, I learned how to love myself after long practice in the art of loving other people, and letting other people love me. It was the last thing that connected. Every time I hear the cultural meme about self-love, I remember that it’s an opinion, not a truth. Standing opposite it is a line I take from the Prayer of St Francis: “It is in giving that we receive.” Because even if you can’t love yourself, in loving other people you become so steeped in love and accustomed to the ways of gentleness and compassion that it is a little less impossible to do it to yourself. The deepest root of self-love for me is my intense love for other people, and the knowledge that profound love does not admit exceptions, does not believe that anyone is unworthy, so if I love them I cannot exclude myself.
The only problem with loving other people when you hate yourself is logistical. We need love, like we need food or water; and much as the body, when deprived of food, will begin to eat itself, the heart will twist its own functions to produce enough love to get by. I know people with self-hatred so profound their methods of generating self-esteem are like eating your own arm to stay alive: “I am the worstperson ever. I don’t even sully myself with the illusion that I might be worthwhile or try to fool other people into thinking I’m a real human being; I will be diligent in my self-punishment, complete in my isolation, and then know I have done well.” Which, the Worst Person In the World award comes with a really crappy prize package and pity parties have crappy food, so once you eat the tiny bit of love you get you’re even less likely to get some in the future unless you’re willing to switch tactics.
But it is possible to hold onto the quiet whisper inside of you that tells you who you really are and compels you to preserve yourself, and let that fill you up. It’s the seed of self-love within you.
As to whether someone else will love you the way you want–well, upfront there are no promises. But. If you look for people like you, you will see that many of them have found people who love them deeply. People who will love all of you are out there, and if you’re willing to risk disappointment, you can find them.
-A thing I wrote once in a blog comment
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babyawacs · 3 years ago
shuffled stigmas shufled thrownobjects somehow the worstperson man ever envisaged and idddiot defeated 21years intelcrimes with his anus and ////
shuffled stigmas shufled thrownobjects somehow the worstperson man ever envisaged and idddiot defeated 21years intelcrimes with his anus and ////
shuffled stigmas shufled thrownobjects somehow the worstperson man ever envisaged and idddiot defeated 21years intelcrimes with his anus and //// ‎makesure mykids areok unthinkable had one ofthese tricks worked what would be ifitwent bygermans itmustbe understood inthe daytime thereis noone and no info and nothing whatever separates the realms is probably automatic check if the germans andor

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narichan777 · 3 years ago
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quaculaarchive · 4 years ago
im the worstperson because i see a fat joke or a autsim or gay or metnal illenss joke and im like LOLLLL SO TRUE it caters to me specifically becauseim all ofthose things
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ashleighmareexx · 10 years ago
I need to sort my shit out
I’m here getting mad at how slow my internet is, only to then realise I have so many tabs open I can’t even make out what a single one says.
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iruntheinternets · 10 years ago
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kigganaku · 11 years ago
Freelancing: Standing on a street corner with a barrel of lances, handing them out to passing pedestians and stopped cars.
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babyawacs · 3 years ago
theyshuffle germancrimes and act asifitis the worstperso n ontheplanet doing theircrimes for sexuality gains and any scum and any harm for it tothe exist onthe fringe and l et absolutely anyone that tries sth  s german sgermany
theyshuffle germancrimes and act asifitis the worstperso n ontheplanet doing theircrimes for sexuality gains and any scum and any harm for it tothe exist onthe fringe and l et absolutely anyone that tries sth  s german  sgermany
theyshuffle germancrimes and act asifitis the worstperson ontheplanet doing theircrimes for sexuality gains and any scum and any harm for it tothe exist onthe fringe and let absolutely anyone that tries sth s german sgermany //// this sleazy controlsystem uses debts to make sheeple toddlers productive to pillage leech their lifetime that what anypowerful person needs lifetime as currency and dna

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garyeoghan · 11 years ago
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‘I like want to enjoy the weather and wear sandals and shorts, but like I also want to wear a really thick jumper so I'm not cold, you know?' People like her are worse than guys in takeaways wearing Hollister shorts while waiting on a chicken curry in the depths of winter. #worstperson #theworst #tapson #stupid
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onbrokenwingswefall · 12 years ago
I think I've bottled myself up so much that that I can't cry all I feel is anger.
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babyawacs · 3 years ago
@all @world @judge .@law .@judge .@judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom Howdidthe germans manage to avert compensation While adding new crimes allalong While framing all so asif imthe worstperson onthe planet And then sogetaway with it thatthey dontjust repeat their crimes but sothatthey can steal fortune And sacrifice kids and still makeit seem as if idid something wrong or would besomehow responsible fortheir mistakes and their german deeds and their german monstrosities they overtape allalong Howthe heck dotheygetaway withallthis twentyyears inthatway thattheyfraudquell what is m i n e ontop ofit and sothattheyare O N E German trick away from nothinghappened thatguy
@all @world @judge .@law .@judge .@judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom Howdidthe germans manage to avert compensation While adding new crimes allalong While framing all so asif imthe worstperson onthe planet And then sogetaway with it thatthey dontjust repeat their crimes but sothatthey can steal fortune And sacrifice kids and still makeit seem as if idid something wrong or would besomehow responsible fortheir mistakes and their german deeds and their german monstrosities they overtape allalong Howthe heck dotheygetaway withallthis twentyyears inthatway thattheyfraudquell what is m i n e ontop ofit and sothattheyare O N E German trick away from nothinghappened thatguy
Howdidthe germans manage to avert compensation While adding new crimes allalong While framing all so asif imthe worstperson onthe planet And then sogetaway with it thatthey dontjust repeat their crimes but sothatthey can steal fortune And sacrifice kids and still makeit seem as if idid something wrong or would besomehow responsible fortheir mistakes and their german deeds and their german

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