#worst skincare 2022
leeminholinoing · 2 years
Louis Tomlinson(tm) has been exhibiting red flags left and right and I’m done ignoring it. 
Disclaimer: I don’t think louis is actually like that but I do question why he thinks that’s the right image choice for him.
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I am begging him to stop pretending like women don’t know what good music is. We don’t need a white rich man to tell us what to listen to...
this +  - glorifying drugs and alcohol (+ acting like a 15-year-old who’s just discovered weed and alcohol by talking about it all the time as if it makes him look cool) - pretending like pop is bad when most of his album is pop - saying his friends would make fun of him for having a skincare --> having toxic friends, are we supposed to believe he’s like them? - pretending he hates “posh” things - pretending he only eats garbage food - pretending he doesn’t do any sport when he clearly does (he has great body/endurance) - just his whole pickme girl attitude - choosing his worst song as a single and saying it’s for the fans bc he just believes we have no taste in music (the same way he says he needs transitional songs to make his fans used to his new sound as if we only listen to pop) - letting his son be brought up by trump supporters and saying he only cooks cheesy pasta for his sons when he could hire a chef and give him access to healthy meals - being proud of his roots but only bringing his son to the UK two times - never mentioning his girlfriend but writing songs about missing his ex - saying he doesn’t make music for radio or to be mainstream, he just makes real music, but then pushing to get a #1 as soon as he has a chance showing he does care about it all - only working with white men (his album credits, his band, his entourage, his team) - wanting to be “punk” but never being political and taking a very boybandy stance on everything meaning never talking about important topics that would go against the establishment - only supporting white male bands - lying about his luxurious life just to seem relatable which is starting to be insulting to people who actually don’t have lots of money - him dumbing himself down by being cryptic but then saying things like “a wall is a wall” or that there’s no meaning behind anything he does - when asked about a political issue saying he would legalize weed just to appear cool when his home country (who he says he cares about) is going to shit
Disclaimer again: I don’t think that’s who he is but I’m starting to get annoyed that he apparently thinks this is what people wants to be a fan of in the year 2022.
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amedleyofthoughts · 9 months
I am here. I am.
The new year is always a confusing period for me. It brings about this need for self reflection and evaluation of the year previous. Most of that reflection and self criticism ends with my own disappointment in my actions or lack thereof.
As I've made a post of his work earlier this year, I'm a fan of John Green's writings. It's not a surprise after reading his novels over my lifetime from middle school to now that there's something special about his way of connecting to so many people through his works. I discovered in my feed at the end of 2022 a video of a short essay from his book, The Anthropocene Reviewed, by the title, "Auld Lang Syne". It was ground breaking for me to watch. It gave me such a sense of hope in every aspect. I really could not recommend enough that anyone read his book or even just spare twenty minutes of their day to watch the video.
I watched it over and over again this morning. While I ate breakfast, while I showered and after when I put myself through my skincare routine. I listened to it as I dressed in my pajamas and made up my bed. I watched it, I sang, and I cried. Maybe for some that doesn't sound all too strange. But I don't cry or sing. Like ever.
I wouldn't say that I'm an emotionally driven person. I'd like to think that overall I'm very logical in my reasoning for certain actions. Somewhere along my lifetime to this moment I built walls to protect myself from the pain that people in this world can cause us. Pain others have been the cause of and sometimes even from those in our lives that were meant to protect us from that pain can be the worst perpetrators. Though the worst pain I've ever experienced in my lifetime always came from myself.
It's taken what feels like a lifetime, so much of my own lifetime to finally step towards what feels like the right path for myself. To finally start to let these walls crumble and become overgrown and soften covered in moss and ivy. I want to follow a path that leads beyond these walls that I built in my fear and isolation from the world. A path that I hope will lead me to a place I feel I belong, wholeheartedly, without any doubt or fear.
It's not that I've never been emotionally responsive from a creative work before, but something about John's writing has elicited these emotions from me in a way that I can't quite remember many others doing previously. One particular part of this essay that reads, "I'll never speak again to many of the people who loved me into this moment, just as you will never speak to many of the people who loved you into your now and so we raise a glass to them and hope that perhaps somewhere they are raising a glass to us". It was one of the most emotionally evoking sentences from that essay that had me breaking down into tears. I couldn't help but to sing along also to the rendition of the song, Auld Lang Syne, and its tune at the end of the video.
I can see the hope in it. I can feel the swell of its emotion in my breast when I hear the song. No matter its macabre or somber history with the altered lyrics. I sang along, screechy and out of tune. I sang as my voice warbled with emotion and I sang until I couldn't stop sobbing. It was cathartic to cry like that. It felt good to cry like that.
The song in question is very simple and only about one line of a repetitive phrase, but in context just feels so right.
"We're here because we're here because we're here because we're here".
After John explains where the rendition of the song comes from he gives the song some context in the next few paragraphs of his essay and writes,"It became a statement that we are here-meaning that we are together and not alone. And it's also a statement that we are, that we exist. And it's a statement that we are here, that a series of astonishing unlikelihoods has made us possible and here possible. We might never know why we are here, but we can still proclaim in hope that we are here. I don't think such hope is foolish or idealistic or misguided. We live in hope-that life will get better, and more importantly that it will go on, that love will survive even though we will not."
Reading and listening to this essay was so healing. It reminds me of all the work I've done to get to this moment and gives me a mantra I would like to live by until all of my days are done. And considering how long I've spent not wanting to be here. I think that's pretty great.
I am here. I am not alone. I exist and I deserve to exist. I can hope and I do hope. My hope is not foolish or idealistic or misguided. My life will get better and it will go on, that the love I pour into myself and others will go on. (I know it's a bit spot on the nose, but I'd hope John would forgive me.)
For the first time in a very long time, I'm welcoming in the beginning of this new year. Not with overthinking my past life or old decisions. Not talking myself into circles of self hatred and loathing. I'm letting myself be in this now and accepting what and who has come and gone while anticipating what will be.
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samathekittycat · 2 years
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I posted 34,442 times in 2022
509 posts created (1%)
33,933 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 22,572 of my posts in 2022
Only 34% of my posts had no tags
#mcyt - 9,940 posts
#tmnt - 1,276 posts
#animal - 925 posts
#sama speaking - 581 posts
#fave - 567 posts
#tiktok - 540 posts
#empires - 528 posts
#toh - 520 posts
#sonic - 518 posts
#double life - 446 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and to wilbur soot for the million dollar question how does it feel to be the writer of the type of fic that i always immediately click off?
My Top Posts in 2022:
"I just know that Bruce Wayne does not double cleanse. That bitch goes around with make-up wipes and nothing else." -my sister, about The Batman's skincare routine
503 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
i want to thank purpled for absolutely ANNIHILATING dream and george two rounds in a row 🙏 king behavior you deserve that crown 👑
507 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
alright three points
1. i really really really fucking adore peach. she's fantastic and i will not hear otherwise thank you
2. how much do you think it pains chris pratt that there is a rainbow road and that his character must traverse it
3. okay i don't know what the general opinion was before this, but how much you wanna bet that bowser/luigi is gonna be the next big thing
728 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
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(do we know if wilbur soot even knows what homestuck is...?)
760 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the worst part is that, due to his dreams, fundy probably already knew this conversation was coming
the fishing rods. techno's star. the remains of the flag. the spy diary.
why else would he have all that?
3,436 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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presidentkamala · 2 years
Ok 2022 wrap up. First the good:
* killed it at work and on schedule for a huge jump in salary in january 2023
* finally let go of the worst years of my life by *gasp* leaning in2 and committing to my present self???
*moved to a banging new apartment WITH kitchen island
*volunteered for midterm campaigns
*went to chicago, cincinnati, honolulu and st. louis
*READ like 80% more this year than last year (the bar was the like 2 books i picked at and didnt finish last year but still improvement)
*more consistent with skincare routine
*hit 50k in my one savings acct in accordance w financial goals
*didnt learn a new language, instrument, to code, pottery, or anything. Was grinding at work and not much else
*health took a backseat: too much doordash no fitness plan or even much activity
*didnt make any new friends
*stagnated in other areas. No volunteering for causes i care abt or even at community garden. mUST CHANGE THIS IN 2023
*struggled to stay consistent with much of anything. Scatterbrained for most of the year
*lost all muscle tone due to nothing other than lack of care
*no motivation. No real direction. No real sense or vision of the future i want and am working towards. No effort in the places where it counted
*phone and screen addiction. BIG TIME. losing hrs to this that i should be using to get out there and meet ppl and actually improve my quality of life LOL.
*deep-seated suspicion that im not well-liked at work bore out late this year. Not super pleased since that's been my main focus. Probably connected to this other stuff.
*loss of basic intellectual curiosity. In complete survival mode for the first 8 months of the year. Self is almost unrecognizable in many ways.
I've spent the month of december devoting myself to prepping for the big three resolutions that i feel will have the biggest impact on my immediate health and wellbeing. I did a recipe plan for every day of december and gave myself a zero doordash/restaurant rule but no other real restrictions on what recipes i make and that's gone super well in terms of re-integrating cooking regularly back into my life and even enjoying it! I think in february im going to start paying more attention to making sure im incorporating the plate method to ensure im getting the right proportion of protein veg and carbs into my diet but for now its all about finding recipes that taste good and that i can sustainably replicate etc. I've been doing a lot to make sure im brushing my teeth and doing my skincare routine at least every morning so im going to start bumping up my evening care in January as well. I also downloaded the none2run app to get me up to a 5k which at least lays out the calendar of what i need to do and im on week 2?? I think of the beginner exercises before starting the runs in earnest. I've deep cleaned my apartment and kitchen and have been regularly washing my clothes and doing the dishes instead of letting it all pile up. All of these changes in routine have been gradual over the last 5 weeks or so but its already paying dividends and i love the idea of prepping for resolutions and planning them out so i don't lose track as the year progresses:
*Journal at least once a week (minimum 52 entries by this time next year)
*Develop nourishing recipes you actually enjoy and can replicate. Limit restaurants to once a week (non-holiday) or 3 times a week (with holidays)
*complete none2run 5k.
*sign back up for barre classes at least once a week (non-travel)
*on work travel, complete youtube pilates vid at least twice a week
*this is the year to tackle skin texture and pores. Set up derm appt in January
*complete liftoff program for beginner weightlifting beginning in June.
*volunteer for minimum 2 hrs each week. For anything.
*volunteer for dems at least once this year.
*take one extra-curricular class
*check in quarterly on goals
*take one international trip
2023: We are being specific and intentional!!!!!
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ladyvictoriadiana · 2 years
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I posted 403 times in 2022
6 posts created (1%)
397 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 374 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#art - 117 posts
#lotr - 73 posts
#the hobbit - 40 posts
#aftg - 20 posts
#tolkien - 20 posts
#legolas - 20 posts
#thranduil - 20 posts
#star trek - 19 posts
#andrew minyard - 16 posts
#neil josten - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#as long as i don’t see too many parallels between me and the characters that’s fine
My Top Posts in 2022:
0 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Does anyone else have this... thing where they just can't let go of their term papers/essays/ whatever. My term paper is due tmrw but I've basically been finished for at least the last 2 days and only been doing minor tweaks (which, you know, good that I caught them but they wouldn't have influence on my grade) but I just CAN'T SEND IT to my prof. So I've been running myself ragged to find more minor mistakes and changing wording in the first sentence. I hate this.
1 note - Posted March 17, 2022
Love how exam time is both the most stressful time of the semester (and the year tbh) and the time when I take good care of myself. On one hand, I'm stressing out every time I spent 30 minutes not reading my notes, but I also do skincare and sleep 7+ hours a night (because I want to look and feel my best during the exams). I contain fucking multitudes
1 note - Posted January 29, 2022
Not going to lie, I'm kind of tempted to only read LGBT+ books in June even though that would stall my tbr so much
2 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Love when a prof tells me he had higher expectations for me and makes me feel like getting a 2.0 (Grades go from 1.0 (best) to 6 (worst)) is a bad grade... like, I'm happy that you think well of my abilities, but I didn't need to hear that shit - especially when he follows up with a "Well, your term paper will be better, I'm sure"
3 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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umadeochake · 5 months
Benzyl Salicylate Market 2024-2036 | Size, Growth, Industry Trends and Report
Asia Pacific Benzyl Salicylate Market is projected to view noteworthy growth during the forecast period on the back of the presence of a large number of consumers present in the region. The market in North America region is also expected to witness growth over the forecast period owing to the higher disposable income of the people.
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Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth indicators, restraints, and supply and demand risk, along with a detailed discussion on current and future market trends that are associated with the growth of the market.
The global benzyl salicylate market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2% during the forecast period. The market is segmented by end-user into hair care products, skin-care products, and pharmaceuticals & nutraceuticals, out of which, the skincare products sub-segment is expected to acquire a larger share on account of the growing demand for the cosmetics. The benzyl salicylate is also utilized as a UV ray absorber in sunscreens. The increasing usage of sunscreen lotion is estimated to add to the demand for benzyl salicylate.
Request Free Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-4103
The global benzyl salicylate market is projected to grow over the forecast period on the back of the proliferating fragrance and cosmetic industry. People are using a myriad of self-care products, such as musk, soaps, sunscreens, perfumes, and lotions. Benzyl salicylate is the key ingredient in making such products; owing to this the global salicylate market is estimated to witness exemplary growth over the forecast period.
In Q4 2021, USA current-account deficit widened stood at $224.8 billion. However, in Q1 22, CAD rose by 29.6%, reached to $291.4 billion, adding $66.6 billion to the gap. Export of good and services increased by $25.7 billion to reach $1.03 trillion in the first quarter of 2022. However, goods and services deficit were $79.6 billion in June, down $5.3 billion from $84.9 billion in May, revised- reflecting some sight of relief. On the other hand, annual inflation rate in the country hit 8.5%. Energy CPI surged by 32.9% in July 2022, inflating the cost of logistic and some signs to disrupt supply chain whilst electricity cost upsurged by 15.2%, highest since Feb 2006. Apart from that, In July 2022, existing US home sales declined 5.9% to 4.81 million (seasonally adjusted annual rate), the lowest since May of 2020 and below market expectations of 4.89 million. As mortgage rate touches to peak 6%, sales for houses declined for a sixth consecutive month. Global energy crises to remain at focal point, pushing consumers to spend less on the products and services and save more.
On the other hand, the worst is expected to be seen in the European countries especially during 2022 winters. The energy and gas crises has already started grappling the region where in many Western European countries including Germany is looking for coal fired solutions to tackle the gas supply shortage, created by Russian-Ukraine conflict.
Amidst global concerns, market players have started looking for safe investments by holding on to the new technology and product launches. Factors like currency translation, disruption in global supply chain, Anti-China sentiments brewing across the globe, slowdown in Chinese economy, inflated products prices, USD getting stronger every week, decreasing purchasing power and strict measures taken by central banks/institutions across the world to ensure less spending and more saving, could hit the demand for the product and service badly in near future.
Request for customization @ https://www.researchnester.com/customized-reports-4103
The research is global in nature and covers detailed analysis on the market in North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC [Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark], Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC [Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman], North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa). In addition, analysis comprising market size, Y-O-Y growth & opportunity analysis, market players’ competitive study, investment opportunities, demand for future outlook etc. has also been covered and displayed in the research report.
Growing Awareness for Hygiene and Grooming to boost the Market Growth
The global benzyl salicylate market is estimated to witness remarkable growth on the back of growing awareness for hygiene and grooming amongst the people. With the advent of the pandemic, world organizations are campaigning to convey the message of the importance of cleanliness. Additionally, benzyl salicylate is a key ingredient in making products such as soaps and lotions. Owing to this, the global benzyl salicylate market is estimated to witness remarkable growth during the forecast period.
However, the related health hazards are expected to operate as a key restraint to the growth of the global benzyl salicylate market over the forecast period.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global benzyl salicylate market which includes company profiling of Zhenjiang Gaopeng Pharmaceutical CO,. Ltd, Jiangsu Puyuan Chemical Co., Ltd, JQC (Huayin) Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., ECSA Chemicals AG, LLUCH ESSENCE S.A de C.V., OQEMA AG., Glentham Life Sciences Limited., Taytonn ASCC Pte Ltd, Whole Chem, LLC. and The Lermond Company, LLC. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global benzyl salicylate market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.
Access our detailed report @ https://www.researchnester.com/reports/benzyl-salicylate-market/4103
About Research Nester-
Research Nester is a leading service provider for strategic market research and consulting. We aim to provide unbiased, unparalleled market insights and industry analysis to help industries, conglomerates and executives to take wise decisions for their future marketing strategy, expansion and investment etc. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided a right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds. Our out of box thinking helps our clients to take wise decision in order to avoid future uncertainties.
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diamondsandpebbles · 2 years
BEST & WORST SKINCARE BUYS OF 2022 | byalicexo
today on the channel i’m sharing my best and worst skincare purchases of last year.
2022 was definitely the year i experimented a lot and discovered lots of different skincare brands and products. 2022 was also the year that i bought a tonne of skincare products and tried some hits and some misses. in this requested video, i’m going into detail about the skincare products i loved (u beauty, caudalie,  omorovicza, glossier i’m looking at you), and some of the bits i’m glad to never use again (ultrasun and cosrx your sunscreens were very questionable *cough cough*). if you’re on the lookout for some skincare inspo, then this video is definitely for you! plus at the end i also share some items on my skincare wishlist.
so, which products do i regret and which items will i be rebuying in 2023? make sure you watch until the end to find out.
i hope you enjoy the video! please don’t forget to like, comment, SUBSCRIBE (turn on your notifications) and share with your friends. and in the meantime, i’ll catch you in the next one!
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growupjeffrey · 2 years
This is my first blog post on here. Last time I was on here... wow.... I still can't believe it. Well, the past is the past. I am now 23, it's the year 2022 and we are on the home stretch of an exciting year of my life.
2022... oh where to even start. I started off 2022 at my home with my parents on winter break for my last semester of college. It was getting to that time of job applications, graduation, and moving into an apartment by myself. I broke up with my (then) girlfriend as I was too busy and I realized her religious beliefs were not aligned with mine. Dodged a major bullet there. Submitted over 400 job applications with a few interview requests and finally decided to settle with the job that was not on my radar at all. God really does work miracles. Moved into my very first apartment. Things were okay at first, but soon took a turn for the worst. Bugs everywhere started appearing. Gnats, flies, cockroaches, you name it! I had move out of there. Sleeping in my office for a couple of days during that whole fiasco was just not it.
Fast forward to the present. It's 8 PM on a random Tuesday after my 9-5 job. Life is pretty good. I moved into a new apartment just a few steps away from my workplace. No bugs. Work is fun and I'm getting paid to do what I love. Family is doing good.
Now, for this specific day, 12/6, started things off by waking up at 645 am. Did my morning skincare routine, but my skin has recently not been good. Ate my normal breakfast... oatmeal with peanut butter as well as 2 fried eggs. Walked to work. Today's workload was quite heavy, but I enjoyed every second of it. Back to the grind tomorrow.
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garudabluffs · 2 years
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There's still no one like Santigold         November 15, 2022
“The specter of poptimism was on the horizon, a critically important moment that challenged the entrenched belief — most often proffered by the straight white men who then dominated music writing — that records created by multiple songwriters and producers were illegitimate next to the holy solo genius suffering monastically on the mount. (The worst side effect of that shift, a defanged skepticism of the corporate stewardship behind major-label artists, has unfortunately survived.) It was a weird time, full of persistent assumptions about race and gender and capital, and yet inching every day toward the dissolution of genre as we knew it.
+ By the time Spirituals, Santigold's fourth album and first in six years, arrived this September, the now 46-year-old artist was juggling a few new jobs: most notably as her own label executive, on her imprint Little Jerk Records, and as a podcaster, that most contemporary of side-hustles. (Her thoughtful show, Noble Champions, features conversations with fellow artists about craft, including a recent episode with Questlove, Tunde Adibimpe and Angela Yee about what constitutes "Black music" and who gets to decide.) White's growing slate of extracurriculars, which also includes skincare products and a tea company, nods to a sobering truth of the moment: that more musicians are seeing music corporations as extractive and moving away from them, and that, in the streaming era, most can't support themselves on music and touring alone. Indeed, she told Shamira Ibrahim at Okayplayer, "I f****** hate the music industry. I think it's the worst business in the world, and I don't want to be in it anymore. I'm not saying that I will stop making music because I love making music and I'll always make music. But this career is wack, honestly."
On the immense bass track "Ain't Ready," which tags in long-missed U.K. producer SBTRKT, she sounds confident and resolute in her work, as though she's reached a moment of unforeseen clarity. Her posture calls to mind the mold of David Byrne (another past collaborator), the kind of artist who sticks to their vision despite whatever's de rigeur, and in the process has founded their own dominion. It's an approach that engenders longevity, if not lucre, and shows how she's been able to stay culturally important, urgent even.
On Sept. 26, a little over two weeks after Spirituals' release, White announced she was canceling a planned North American tour for the album, set to begin in early October and wrap just before Thanksgiving. In a statement to fans, she expressed heartbreak and disappointment, but was unequivocal that she felt the hurdles in front of her — spiking inflation, a market flooded by touring musicians trying to make up for lost time, the logistics of booking venues and hotels while mitigating COVID exposure and the risk of cancellations due to illness — amounted to doomed odds for the moment. "I have tried and tried, looked at what it would take from every angle, and I simply don't have it," she wrote.
Near the end of the note, she emphasized that the choice was a matter of prioritizing her physical and mental health, and reminded herself aloud that Spirituals is an album about honoring one's own boundaries. "It feels like I've been hanging on, trying to make it to the ever-distant finish line, but my vehicle's been falling apart the whole time ... I will not continue to sacrifice myself for an industry that has become unsustainable for, and uninterested in the welfare of the artists it is built upon." In the arts, longevity tends to be equated with consistency, the business rewarding those who never stop grinding, never leave our feeds for more than a moment. But an undervalued part of survival is knowing when to fall back — when to sacrifice short-term gains to keep from being eaten alive.”
READ MORE https://www.gpb.org/news/2022/11/15/theres-still-no-one-santigold
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skiijumpinng · 2 years
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you asked for it and i deliver
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Note: HEY, so in the next post it's just going to be a bunch of random shit about Warren's shannanigans, i'm dead ass sure it's awfully written but fuck it hehehe... Happy 2022 to y'all ✨💖
First and foremost, Warren has always been a loving person.
Sirsly, ever since he was little, he used to be one of those children who would hug random strangers and blow kisses to anyone who looked his way.
Always making drawings and handmade gifts for his teachers and nannies.
Always trying to get closer to anyone he appreciated.
Even if Warren's parents seemed to act cold and aloof most of the time around him, he would still look for ways to be near them.
Like how at night, his mom would let him brush her hair after finishing her skincare routine, leaving the room with a slight flowery scent, especially lavender.
Lavender will always evoke those nights where it was just the two of them, no nannies nor servants around.
Once the clock ticked 9pm Warren will get all giddy and expectant bc of how uncommon it was for him to spend some quality time just the three of them alone.
They would sit at the end of her bed, side by side.
After he had made sure his mother's hair was free of any knots he would comb it with his fingers, just to get a better feel of her.
Warren always adored how silky and smooth it felt against his skin.
He made sure of pressing a kiss to the crown of his mother's head each and every single time.
Sometimes they would switch places.
They would talk about their days or sometimes his mom would speak in French or German for Warren to practise what his governess taught him.
Somehow she would always end up reciting her favourite french poems to him.
The melodic sounds and the calmness she would send him into gave him the most blissful of sleep, without fail, each and every single time.
His dad was another story.
Although his mom was strict and definitely not as affectionate as other moms Warren knew of, she was still very kind and, in her own way, loving. Always making her son feel safe and secure around her.
Oh dear, how much he missed that.
To be able to let his guard down knowing no harm could come his way
To feel protected.
But his dad... Warren loved him dearly because, after all, he was his dad, but if he was being 100% honest. Warren always feared him.
He could never truly feel at ease around him, not even as a 6-year-old.
As he grew older his father became more severe, always punishing and scolding him.
But since 'talking some sense into the little boy's mind' wasn't doing it. He chose a more physical approach.
The ghost from the heavy metal of his father's family ring hitting his face never truly disappeared.
Needless to say, he was forced to shove his caring for others down from an early age.
And then he was all alone.
Faced death face-to-face and experienced in his own flesh the worst of humanity.
And Warren finally lived up to his father's wishes.
He went from a loving child to a hateful and bitter young man.
but thank god he found the X-MEN.
And to his surprise, it was the best thing that ever happened to him.
It took a lot of time, effort and mental breakdowns to break his tough shell.
And great friends.
And you... Especially you.
Warren couldn't help the familiar feeling of calmness and safety you caused in him.
He couldn't quite understand it but he felt drawn to you like a moth to a flame.
Wherever you went, Warren followed.
But... casually.
Trying really hard to keep it cool.
To act like you weren't such a big deal.
To pretend you didn't cause his heart to skip a beat each time you locked eyes.
Like he didn't end up with a foolish ear-to-ear smile after your meetings.
His eyes would light up each time he saw you.
His wings would puff subconsciously in your presence.
He couldn't hide how much he loved your rooftop talks.
And your nightly escapades.
You weren't selfish with your loving touches.
You never hold back any gentle stroke to Warren's hair.
Unfaced if people stared when you pulled him by his waist to kiss him.
Even if it was just a small kiss on his cheek or his forehead his face would heat up immediately. A wonderful way to erase the reminiscent sensation from his father's strikes.
It was so alluring how nonchalant you were about showing your love to him.
You adored holding hands with him. Walking everywhere holding each other.
Sometimes you would hold hands with your fingers intertwined.
Sometimes you would hold him by the arm.
That one was his favourite.
Warren would never EVER let go first, only doing so if he had no other option.
Leaning onto him was another gesture you did frequently while chatting under the trees or while watching TV in the common room or simply while standing.
The first time you did it... he froze in place.
He was so scared to move because if he did, Warren was afraid you might shift into another position... away from him.
Even now, each time you rest your head on his shoulder or his lap, Warren remains almost motionless.
He's way more relaxed now but the stupid lingering thought won't leave.
The first time you outlined the tattoos on his face he forgot how to breathe altogether.
And when you had decided to cup his face he felt like passing out.
There is no better feeling in the world to Warren than nuzzling his face to the crook of your neck during hugs.
Needless to say, Warren loves hugging you and holding you in any other way.
It makes the world fade into white noise.
His night-terrors are almost gone bc of it.
He can only fall asleep while being wrapped around you bc of it.
The scent so peculiar of yours just utterly intoxicates him.
Simply put, The Angel fell for you hard.
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elvish-studies · 3 years
Feb 03, 2022: day three of @studytheory's productivity bingo!
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Create a morning routine:
Actually, I created three this mornings! All different versions of the same routine. I made a low, medium, and a high energy routine for mornings when I'm feeling my worst or best, and added a page for them in my Notion so I have easy access! I'll include them down below in case anyone is interested (the same routines don't work for everybody! this is just to give you an idea of how I've decided to try and schedule my mornings).
low energy (est. time: 10-30 mins)
stretch/yoga (optional)
shower (optional)
skincare (which consists of a double cleanse, then vitamin c serum, then moisturizer)
mid energy (est. time 45-60 mins)
1 (one) workout video
tidy kitchen
high energy (est. time 1.5-2 hours)
2-3 workout videos
hair/makeup (optional)
tidy apartment
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0utofwrite0utofmind · 3 years
Journal 2
They say it takes 23 days of doing something to form a habit. Well, this is day two. Have you ever had so many goals and ambitions that it overwhelms you? That’s how I feel right now. For context, I’m in my first year of a law degree, my mother is unwell so I’m studying remotely so I can care for her, and I’m trying to reinvent myself. Physically, spiritually, mentally.. basically in all the ways.
 I’ve been sucked in by “that girl” culture on TikTok. So now everything I’m doing just doesn’t feel good enough, you know? Am I waking up early enough? Are there enough steps in my skincare routine? Is my makeup natural but well applied? Do I eat enough leafy greens and chia seeds? Do I study enough? Do I read enough? AM I ENOUGH? I’d like to answer this question differently but I think the whole point of this is that I’m honest. The answer is a resounding no. 
Let’s talk about today’s successes, shall we? I did my morning skincare routine. Stuck with my eating plan. I completed my online lectures and cleaned my room. I had a bath for some me-time while simultaneously balancing my phone on the sink so I could watch Modern Gurlz on YT. If you haven’t watched and you enjoy fashion, I’d recommend it!
So, tomorrow is a new day and we must add to our successes and move on from our failures. I am my best friend and worst enemy, in complete control of the trajectory of my life. I’m still not sure how to sign this off. It is almost midnight here.. this is becoming a pattern isn’t it? Well, goodnight. 
Out of Write, Out of Mind (23:41 PM - 07/02/2022) 
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Why Its High Time you Switch to Natural Anti-Bacterial Soap
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Have you been facing skin issues for a while? Has your skin grown increasingly dry all of a sudden? Are you getting frequent irritation or rashes on your skin? If you just said yes to all that, this blog is going to give you a lot of insight into your skin troubles. Not many people realize that skin is the largest organ in our body. Hence, for an overall good bill of health you need to pay attention to your skin; not just the exposed parts like the face and hands, but throughout the body. This brings us to the topic of natural antibacterial soap.
Why Use Natural Anti-Bacterial Soap?
You might not realize this, but most of your skin conditions crop from chemical-based soaps and other bath body products. These products give you the impression of soft and pampered skin. But since our skin is porous and super absorbent, it takes in all the toxins present in these products, causing bigger issues in the long run. 
The worst part is we don’t even realize it unless the irritation, allergies, dryness, and rashes start appearing. In some cases, people’s skin becomes too sensitive. That’s why we recommend it’s high time to switch to natural soaps. 
What are the Benefits of Natural Soaps?
To give you more clarity, we have listed a few benefits of using natural soaps regularly:
No Harmful Ingredients
Natural soaps are made from organic ingredients like natural oils, herbs, seeds, organic extracts, and likewise. These are mild and are compatible with all skin types. Hence, these soaps are gentler on the skin. They do not strip away the moisture from the skin, keeping it plump and pampered for long, minus any damage like chemical-based soaps. 
pH Maintenance
The pH levels determine skin nourishment. Natural soaps keep the pH level between 9 and 10, which is alkaline and good for the skin. Anything that dips below 7 is acidic and harmful to the skin. Natural soaps have essential oils and other beneficial ingredients that not only balance the pH level but also add nourishment to the skin. 
Mild & Subtle Fragrances
Unlike chemical-based soaps, natural anti-bacterial soaps made from essential oils and aromatherapy oils have a pleasant and soothing fragrance that calms the mind and the body when you shower after a tiring day. It has essential properties that induce good sleep at night and relax the body. 
Eco-friendly & Sustainable
Suds from chemical-based soaps have toxin traces that seep into the soil and the nearby water bodies, causing harm to the environment. This is not good for the ecosystem. Natural soaps are made from organic ingredients and hence are environment-friendly and sustainable. If you care about the environment now is the time to switch to organic bath and body products. 
Motivated by these benefits, many people are shifting to the use of natural anti-bacterial soap. If you are looking for a reliable brand, check out the products by Coastal Classic Creations. They have an extensive collection of bath and body, skincare, haircare, and beauty products, all manufactured naturally. Their products are vegan and cruelty-free, available at reasonable prices. Browse through the website and place your first order today!
Source: https://coastalclassiccreations.blogspot.com/2022/09/why-its-high-time-you-switch-to-natural.html#more
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kusumanegarak · 2 years
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akshitimr · 2 years
Digitalization in the Beauty Industry: Innovation and IP
According to this latest study, the growth in the Digitalization of Beauty market will change significantly from the previous year. Over the next six years, Digitalization of Beauty will register a CAGR in terms of revenue, and the global market size will reach USD in millions by 2028.
The report titled Digitalization of Beauty Market which was recently added by introspective market research, aims at providing the clients with the business growth and investment opportunities present in the market globally. Further, the market is evaluated on various parameters that is covered in the report and further includes market size, market volume and the growth rate over the forecast period, i.e., 2022-2028. The market is further anticipated to grow with a robust CAGR throughout the forecast period.
Global Digitalization of Beauty Market (2022-2028) report provides industry Share, Size, CAGR, Production, Consumption, Revenue, Gross Margin, Cost and Market Influencing factors of the industry in global regions. This report is comprehensive numerical analyses of business and provides data for making strategies to increase the market growth and success. The Report also estimates the market size, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share, cost structure and growth rate for decision making. The report provides a detailed evaluation of the market by highlighting information on different aspects which include drivers, restraints, opportunities, and threats. This information can help stakeholders to make appropriate decisions before investing. 
The major players in the market are 
Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Adimo, Amorepacific Corporation, CFEB Sisley SAS, Elizabeth Arden Inc, Johnson & Johnson, Lancer Skincare, L’Oreal S.A, Shiseido
Get a free sample report on the Digitalization of Beauty market from 2022 to 2028
Digitalization of Beauty Market Segmentation
Further, the report examines the current market status and the future trends in embedded operating systems worldwide. It also splits the Digitalization of Beauty market Segmentation by Type and by Application to thoroughly research and reveal market profile, prospects, and other information.
Digitalization of Beauty Market Segment by Types, Estimates, and Forecast by 2028
Software, Service
Digitalization of Beauty Market Segment by Applications, Estimates, and Forecast by 2028
Beauty Companies, Retail, E-commerce
Regional Analysis
The base on geography, the world market of Digitalization of Beauty has been segmented as follows:
North America includes the United States, Canada, and Mexico
Europe includes Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia, and the Rest of Europe
South America includes Brazil, Argentina, Nigeria, Chile, and South America
The  Asia Pacific includes Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, Rest of  Europe
Customization of the Report
This Digitalization of Beauty Market report includes the estimation of market size for value (million USD) and volume (K Units). Both top-down and bottom-up approaches have been used to estimate and validate the market size of the Digitalization of Beauty market, and to estimate the size of various other dependent submarkets in the overall market. Key players in the market have been identified through secondary research, and their market shares have been determined through primary and secondary research. All percentage shares split, and breakdowns have been determined using secondary sources and verified primary sources.
COVID-19 Impact on Market:
The recent COVID-19 outbreak first began in Wuhan (China) in December 2019, and since then, it has spread around the globe at a fast pace. China, Italy, Iran, Spain, the Republic of Korea, France, Germany, and the US are among the worst-affected countries in terms of positive cases and reported deaths, as of March 2020. The COVID-19 outbreak has affected economies and industries in various countries due to lockdowns, travel bans, and business shutdowns. The global food and beverage industry is one of the major industries facing serious disruptions such as supply chain breaks, technology events cancellations, and office shutdowns as a result of this outbreak. China is the global manufacturing hub, with the presence of and the largest raw material suppliers. The overall market breaks down due to COVID-19 is also affecting the growth of the Digitalization of Beauty market due to shutting down of factories, obstacle in supply chain, and downturn in world economy.
Global Digitalization of Beauty market: Report Scope:
The "Digitalization of Beauty market report" offers a detailed analysis of market performance and validates every aspect based on interviews and extensive research. Numerical data backed by supportive graphs makes the report easy to understand and offers an all-round approach.
Market drivers are discussed in detailed therein to offer a complete understanding of factors that have a cause-effect' relationship on the market. Market trends are discussed wherein the segments are covered logically offering a full-fledged analysis including figures and numbers that satisfies the client's buying objectives.
The "Digitalization of Beauty market report" offers an extensive analysis for market performance throughout the forecast period and offers validation studies for every aspect conducted through primary interviews and research. Numerical facts and graphical analysis enabled the clients to have a detailed study for market events from past to present. The market drivers are elusively discussed to offer a thorough understanding of growth and restraints that demonstrate market performance and prediction analysis for futuristic events. Likewise, the drivers, restraints, opportunities discussed in the report offers a high understanding of growth and restraints with a high understanding of market performance.
Global Digitalization of Beauty market: Competitive Landscape
The comprehensive competitive landscape section for "Digitalization of Beauty market report" gives a detailed overview of the market conditions, driving and restraining factors, segments, trends and opportunities. The information provided under the competitive landscape is inclusive of company profiles, product benchmarking, SWOT analysis, import and export policies, figures, and growth strategies.
Global Digitalization of Beauty market: Geographical Analysis:
Geographical analysis is covered in detail that exhibits promising areas for investing substantially. Facts and figures that support the analysis are covered within the regional scope of the report. Also, this section entails leading segment for major markets. Market analysis is covered in-depth within the regional scope of the report. This section also tells about the leading geographical segments. The profiles of major players have been included to ensure credibility and accuracy.
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