koneko-dreams · 8 months
The Potion Incident
Need to read (Clickable)-->Character introductions first before proceeding or else you won't know what is happening. And, Read hashtags please.
Summary: When your brain tricks you of reading a different ingredient be like- There's no harm though- Or is there?
Warning: Cussing(Kinda), two OC'S being dumbfounded, blood(?) Or scar(?), Suggestive(y'know y'know- for only one reaction), May not be canon reactions, Biased, Slight angst at the end, Someone being doomed at the end etc.
Characters: Koneko, Arien(friend's oc), Lilia, Silver, Crewel and rest of Diasomnia crew.
KD: Had motivation so- 👍 that made me have a writer's block at some point while making this- So props for @arimanhwa for helping me by being my co-writer for this (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)💕✨ and being my daily reminder-
How much time it took: January 28-February 14. (I know. It's very long.)
In Alchemy class:
Arien and Koneko were picked as pairs in Alchemy class. "Let's see... Moon dust, Silver dust, Luna Moth, Perrywinkle..." Koneko reads the ingredients off of the textbook while Arien places the ingredients in the cauldron. "And.. Rose of Jericho." Koneko said, Arien placing the final ingredient in the cauldron and it omitted a strange color. "Uhh- Something's wrong." Arien said silently panicking, as Koneko looks at the textbook again. "Shit- I read it wrong. It was Rose Petals-" But it was too late as the cauldron exploded in smoke. Making Crewel running to check it out, ready to discipline whoever the fu- messed up.
"Cough, cough- What is up with this smoke?- cough-" Said by someone whose voice is turning deep. "And why is my voice so deep?" Now that the smoke is clearing, you could now see who is talking and it looks like- A guy that looks like Koneko(?) "I should've known it was the wrong ingredient..." Said by someone who looks like Arien but genderbent(?) Who was also coughing from the smoke. Nonetheless, after clearing their headache, they looked up to see Crewel looking not very impressed. "...I am disappointed on how it almost destroyed my class, But must say that I am quite proud... Somewhat." Crewel said, making the two confused. "Crewel-sensei, I apologize for the explosion, it was truly my fault as I was in charge of reading the ingredients but- what do you mean by you're proud?-" The guy who looks like Koneko asked. "For one, the potion worked. Two, it's a newly discovered potion seeing as you both are now in a different gender so, Good boys!" As Crewel praised how they found a new recipe, the two of them were left dumbfounded.
Alright let's get this out of the way first. Genderbend Koneko is called "Kinsley" and Genderbend Arien is called "Arthur". Though this will be just on the reader's perspective since they(Koneko and Arien) have never told them their genderbend names before.
"Well- No wonder my voice sounds so deep." Said by which seems like Kinsley now. "Are you alright there, Arien?" She(or is it he now?) Asked, lending her(him?) a hand. "Yep- Just a headache-" Said by Arthur, taking Kinsley's hand but touched the liquid from the potion with his other hand which made it fuckin' have a third-degree(dramatic) burn. "You clumsy a—" Anyway- Arthur yelped when his hand touched the liquid but it may leave a scar so for now it's just a wound- as Kinsley pulls Arthur from the ground, giving him a glare from his clumsiness before asking Crewel for how long the potion would last. Which he responded, Atleast two days. "That's a long time..." Kinsley mumbled. "Anyway, let's get you to the infirmary." "Wai-" Kinsley said as he drags(Literally) Arthur all the way to the infirmary so that he can have his damn wound get healed.
After a few good minutes, Kinsley is sitting down, and is currently accompanying Arthur in the infirmary while Arthur is getting his wound treated when all of a sudden a number of students(who are the Diasomnia group) barges in through the infirmary in which made Arthur flinch and Kinsley expecting this to happen as he sipped on his tea(where in hell did he get that from?-).
Both boys, looking at the door, containing their friends, the other two being more than a friend.. As they look at the door, confused, all boys were flabbergasted.
Their reaction to Koneko's genderbend:
Lilia Vanrouge (Romantic/Suggestive bcs yes.)
{KD: Cough- Since Lilia is canonically bisexual- wink wink- Hint HINT}
Lilia looked Kinsley up and down and-
Let's say his reaction to Koneko's genderbend was—
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"Lilia- Take this seriously, please-" Said by Kinsley, "Kufufu~ Even your voice has changed, my dear~ And I say that it is very attractive. Kufufu~" Lilia said, hovering above the ground(Height difference real lol-) and hugging Kinsley from the back. "Sigh- Whatever-" "Now, don't be like that, dear~ I can get used to this~" He said while chuckling, Kinsley just sighed and sipped on his tea, not bothered by it though his words say differently. "Fufu~ And, since this will last atleast two days, what more than spend our time together, hm?" Lilia said in a whisper through Kinsley's ear with a suggestive tone (I screamed-) in which made Kinsley choke on his tea.(Understandable)
"LILIA!" Said by Kinsley in a not so loud of a voice that it can be heard by the whole crowd but just enough for it to be loud for Lilia as he turned around to look at him with wide eyes and a small blush forming on his cheeks. That damn man just giggled and said- "Whattt?~ Can't I appreciate my darling now that she's in a different gender?~ As you know, I am attracted to both genders, Kufufu~" He said in a playful manner, having both of his arms raised in a surrender motion. "Sigh- Now you're making me lean on what you acted like in the past.." Kinsley said, going back in position and drinking his tea. "My love, you know that's not true~ You love me just the way I am~" Lilia said playfully, hovering and hugging Kinsley from behind again, "Or did you love how I was being rough to you back then, hm? My dear? You know you can just ask~ I'll gladly fulfill your wish~"(Yes, that kind of rough you're thinking if you went to that part of your brain-) Lilia whispered in a tease as Kinsley on the other hand, flustered and pushing Lilia's head away from his ear. Blushing.
KD: I got BRAINROT writing this part SBSJDBKSNAKS- Hope y'all like it fellow Lilia simps ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)👍✨
Malleus Draconia (Platonic)
He had to blink a few times to process it- His other tutor/teacher has just changed gender. How crazy is that?
"Do I look that bad?" Asked by Kinsley with a sigh and a bit of a blush because of the damn suggestive thing earlier- (Cue Lilia giggling in the background and Malleus definitely did not hear anything earlier-) "It's not because of that. It's because this is quite a new thing that I am having a hard time adjusting."(No shit- She[Koneko] has been with him all his life- including Lilia ofc) Malleus explained himself. "I see. Well, I thank you for checking up on me, Malleus." Kinsley thanks Malleus and Malleus says your welcome. ("In truth, you surprisingly look dashing, Koneko." "Why thank you, Malleus ✨.")
KD: Yes it's short.
Silver (Platonic)
When I tell you boi is flabbergasted, he was. Boi was looking at Kinsley with wide open eyes. Literally trying to process everything.
"Uh- is something wrong with my look, Silver? Why are you looking at me like that?-" Kinsley asked with one eyebrow raised and with a puzzled expression that made Silver snap back into reality by blinking once and twice and even shaking his head before replying, "No- no. I am.. Only trying to process everything." Silver responded, being calm now as he has already processed everything. "Ah, I see." Kinsley said, being understanding before drinking his tea. After drinking his tea, he placed it down on his saucer before saying, "Oh, right. Since I will be stuck as my genderbend for atleast two days, you may call me father as well." (Eheheh- Silver has two dads now- for two days-) Kinsley said, drinking his tea again(Is that tea unlimited or something?-) while Silver just stood there like a statue- just realizing it.(Cue Lilia chuckling in the background)
KD: Ehehehehehhe- HE HAS TWO DADS- ehem- It's kinda short- apologies.
Sebek Zigvolt (Platonic)
Sebek said, proudly in his usual volume of a voice that made Kinsley cover his ears due to him having sensitive hearing- adding to that, his super hearing- "I appreciate the compliment but please- lower down the volume-" Kinsley said, his ears still ringing- "Ah- yes. Ahem- My apologies for that."
Their reaction to Arien's genderbend/wound-:
Lilia Vanrouge (Platonic)
Before he can even react to Arien's genderbend, man rushed to check if he's(Arthur) alright. Like a father would to their child. "Are you alright!? Does the wound hurt? Will it leave a scar?!" Lilia asked worriedly as he frantically checked the bandaged wound. "It's just a little injury- no need to go this far on checking it." Arthur said, trying to ease his worries. "Nonsense, sweetie pie. Even such a small thing can be dange—" Before Lilia could finish what he was saying, he suddenly took notice of his(Arthur) appearance (Cause he was busy worrying about the wound that he didn't notice-). "Oh my. My, my, my~ My dear future daughter-in-law sweetie pie has quite the appearance!" Lilia said, praising Arien for her genderbend appearance. "Kufufu~ now I wonder how Silver would react to this~" Lilia mumbled with his usual smile on his face while Arthur is just left confused.
Malleus Draconia (Platonic)
"Child of man, are you alright? Though your wound is already bandaged, does it still hurt?" Malleus asked, checking up on him, trying to help if needed while Arthur responded, "Nope, it doesn't hurt" saying it casually. "That is good to know. I suggest that you better be careful from now on, for your own safety, child of man. Though, on a different topic, you look rather dashing if I say so myself." Malleus commented. (HUMAN! YOU BETTER BE GRATEFUL THAT WAKASAMA HAVE BESTOWED UPON YOU HIS COMPLIMENTS!-) "Mhm, I will Mal and thank you." Arthur said with a smile. Thanking Malleus for the compliment. Definitely not because of someone screaming in the background-.
Silver (Romantic)
Silver's immediate reaction was- Running towards Arthur in a hurry (May or may not have tripped on the way- Man's falling asleep as he runs-) and saying in a very worried tone "Are you alright?- Can I help you in any way?- I will do my very best to help." He said in a very determined way as he checks the bandaged wound on Arthur's hand thoroughly. "Ah- I'm fine, Koneko(Kinsley) did bring me to the infirmary to make sure my hand was treated. Thank you for worrying though, Silv." Arthur said, reassuring Silver that he was fine. "Damn right I did- That wound would've been infected for Hell's sake if I were a second late-" Kinsley said, joining in on this conversation.(After recovering from that- suggestive thing earlier-) "I meannn I was taking the the risk,(A glare from Kinsley) kidding, kidding. Thank youuu 'King-san'.(Use of creative nickname confirmed that is absolutely related to her(his?) Title. Just genderbent)" Arthur said in a joking tone while Kinsley is holding his glare towards him "You better be." Kinsley said before sighing. "Well, with that aside.. Ahem- When am I having grandchildren?" Kinsley asked seriously. "Ooooh~ I'm interested in this conversation Kufufu~" Lilia butted in, still hugging Kinsley from behind. "EHHH??! SO SUDDENLY!??" Arthur shouts, but not that loud. "...where did that come from." Silver's face was like a sleepy btch face, yet if you look really closely, there would be a tiny blush. "...Of course, not right now since you'll be in your genderbend form for two days-" Kinsley clarified- "But we still expect grandchildren though." He added with a glare. "...I mean- okay- I guess.. Both of you are ready to be grandparents." Arthur place his gaze somewhere with sweat forming on his forehead(Pressure to the MAX) knowing someone would glare.
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While Lilia on the other hand is playfully teasing poor Silver.
Sebek Zigvolt (Platonic)
"I'm alright, Sebek-sama, this will heal maybe a month." Arthur said which made Kinsley but in- "A MONTH!?-" which made Arthur flinch and just looked at the other way saying, "Or who knows when it will heal-". That made everyone, especially Kinsley and Silver concerned. Even though they were concerned about the little joking he made, someone sure knows who made him like this, it's definitely not his own grandma who caused this behavior- I mean Arthur was just young back then & that woman traumatized her own nephew, the son of her very own daughter yet as if it was like arthur was hiding a big secret behind that smile.
"Alright. Enough of that, my child needs rest. Shoo! Everyone shoo!" Said by Kinsley as he forcefully made everyone leave the infirmary so that Arthur could get some rest. After getting everyone out, Kinsley went back to Arthur, standing beside the bed and looking down at him, and said, "Arien De Valentine." That sh- made Arthur FLINCH. "We'll have a talk after this." Said by Kinsley menacingly- That made Arthur have the "I am so doomed" face.
Arien/Arthur again:
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KD: YESSS I'M FINALLY DONE AFTER 16 DAYS- I can rest in peace 😇🕊️✨ Have fun finding your Valentine's dearies!
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