#worldstate : three
shadovvheart · 1 month
I think I've finally decided whom to romance with my rooks. neve and lucanis are so my type it'd be a crime not to kiss them. and I won't forgive myself if I don't romance harding after ten years of asking for her to be romanceable
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hahren-tabris · 2 months
okay i KNOW i said I was retiring my lavellan. and i KNOW i said that i prefer other romances to s*lav*llan. but hear me out.
what if i started a new playthrough with a new lavellan.
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tezzaa · 23 days
need 2 talk about my dragon age protags here more bc i love them dearly and my warden is my most developed oc by far i could go on about her for days non stop
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crows-of-buckets · 2 months
My worldstate is so funny you've got:
Aviae Surana, an elven mage who is decently short
Lucio Hawke, 5'6 tiny guy with long hair and a pretty face
Then there's Selene Adaar. Shes a tall ass Qunari she towers of them. Group pictures of them often involve her at least a little hunched over
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acgamesda · 2 months
The fact that for my second worldstate in Veilguard I might go solavellan just to see differences in Veilguard between friendly Solas/unromanced Inquisitor and Solavellan, where my Lavellan never got over that breakup and is still salty and wants to beat Solas sensless...
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
Every so often the urge strikes to reread my Jowan/Leliana fic and I pretty much never say no. (aka, guess what I'm doing rn)
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wild-houseplant · 2 years
kissu prompt for Rhodri and Zevran if you're doing them 👀 kissing the tears from their cheeks
Icemeister!!! Believe it or not I had something fitting in my WIPs folder that I've been looking to finish for a while. This little postwar oneshot delves into Zevran's PTSD, so fair warning to anyone feeling a bit unsteady today. It ends nicely, at least. :D :D :D Thank you so much for the ask!!! Let's get to it!! (more under the cut- at 1500 it's one of my shorter ones xD )
It had become surprisingly hot in the market square. Zevran huffed a breath of wry surprise as he wiped new sweat beads off his brow. When did it get hot in Denerim?
The answer, of course, was that it didn’t, and he was now turning into one of these icy Fereldans. What was next? Dog worship? A secret affinity for mud? Would he ever hear the end of it if he told Rhodri?
Oh, it didn’t bear thinking about. He pushed the notion aside and cast his eyes around for a distraction. 
The square was teeming with people. In the month that had passed since the end of the Blight, it was one of the only places that had been fully repaired. Consequently, as one of the few reasonably desirable places to be, people came like iron filings to a magnet. Stalls spilled out onto the paths when there was no more space in the perimeter, and people bottlenecked as they jostled and fought their way forward in the silent manner Fereldans had.
Not that there was no noise to be had. Merchants’ shouts and petitions rang through the glut, children screamed as they played, and there was always a mabari barking about something or other.
And it was so hot. Andraste’s grace, he was sweating like a sinner in the Chantry. Heatstroke, probably; no wonder his hands were shaking. He shouldn’t have said no to that apple juice vendor. Oh, the shame of having to turn to Rhodri and ask that they go somewhere cooler. 
In Denerim.
She wouldn’t tease him, though. Not when his hands were shaking. 
Zevran turned to his right and she was gone. He glanced down at his hand. She always held his hand, fingers constantly massaging his-- empty.
The air went stale in his lungs. Gone?
He steadied himself with a breath and scanned the crowds for her. The people were swirling around him, spinning out in all directions. No single current of motion his eyes could train on to look for gaps, and it was so hot. Stifling. 
Off to his right, a flash of orange invaded his periphery, screaming through the marketplace and setting everything it passed ablaze. Hot. Hot. Where was she…
He tried to call her name, but the air trickled uselessly through his tight throat. A shout reached his ears, and then another. ‘Run,’ they’d said, and ‘ogre,’ and he had to find her now.
Zevran strained his ears as he followed the flow of the crowd. Not Rhodri’s voice. Not that one, either. No, that one was a little too high. She was here somewhere. She needed him. The place was going up in smoke and she needed him. 
He broke through the bustle, finding refuge and a viewpoint in an abandoned, muddy spot. The throngs of people were no easier to examine from a clear vantage point; why did she always wear black? 
Where is she… 
A surge of energy tore through him strong enough to make his skin ache. Something cricked in his neck as his head snapped around to the direction of her voice. Urgent, firm, alert. Nowhere to be seen, though, obscured by the crush of people coursing around between them.
He edged a furious, despairing growl out through gritted teeth.
She needs me where is she
He ducked back into the swarm and weaved his way toward the sound, habit the only thing keeping him from shoving the bovine humans in front of him. 
Her face materialised in the sea of heads up ahead, a mass of blood and pulp and char.
No, it wasn't. The skin was intact, because the furrow in her brow disappeared when she saw him. Why, he couldn't imagine, and the words of self-deprecating questions drowned in the screams pealing between his ears.
Rhodri was in front of him. Or he was in front of her. Someone had closed the gap. He grabbed her arms, his shaky fingers pulling the loose sleeves back to check for other injury. There was no doubt something, but I can help, my love. Mi Rhodri. I can help, I’m not too late. My darling. Stay with me, let Alistair kill it please please please
"Dulcis." Rhodri's hands went onto his, stilling them ever so gently while she shook her sleeves back down. Wide, gentle eyes inspected him. "You're unwell. Come, my love." She released his hands to reach around and hitch him up to her. "Wrap your legs around me, hmm? Nice and tightly-- yes, like that, dulcis, bonus. Ah, perbonus." 
More words came as she walked. Easy assurances, that he was with her, that things were well, that they were moving to their accommodations to get out of the bustle, all went on a loop. The repetition was soothing in its simplicity and predictability, assuaged frantic, cycling doubts of mishearings and misunderstandings. 
Long, splayed fingers brushed up and down his back; relief breached the cracks in his numbness, and in the manufactured privacy of her arms, Zevran wept. Such awful noises through a kinked-off throat, too many chokes and sobs, and nowhere near enough apologies for it. Too much evidence of it all right down her front. Third time this week he’d shattered like glass over nothing. 
She was going to get sick of him like this. As though there weren’t enough to make her sick of him as it was.
"Zev. Dulcis." 
He anchored his fists into her robes to lift his head. It was better that he couldn't see her face through the swimming blur; he blinked anyway. 
They were in their room again. Rhodri was watching him with a tenderness that risked fresh tears. It was in the eyes, mostly, but there was a tiny, warm bend in her lips as well and how had he ever seen anything but gentleness in that face? 
She combed her fingers through his hair and lay them both down on the bed. "Hello."
"Forgive me," he croaked. "There was… ah…"
Thick, hard arms pulled him up in line with her face. Rhodri clucked her tongue softly and kissed away the fat tear under his eye he thought he’d blinked back.
“Corculum. No apology, hmm?” She kissed his other cheek, and then over both his eyes to catch more threatening water, breathing the same soft, unintelligible line of Tevene between each press of her mouth. 
“No apology,” she said again. “These things, the memories, they happen. Thank you for letting me help. How are you feeling now?”
He nodded and pressed a tired, salty kiss on the corner of her mouth. “The worst is over, I do believe.”
"What set it off? Last time it was that guard shouting outside the tavern.” Rhodri frowned. “I don’t recall hearing anything like that this time."
"Mm. It was the heat, would you believe it. It was… stifling in the marketplace. To think at the time I appreciated the heat of those fires, no?" He chuckled weakly.
"Ah." Rhodri nodded solemnly. "Do you know, dulcis, I think we might be going about this the wrong way.”
She hummed. “I've always believed that if something bad enough happens to someone, the place where it happened will be ruined for them beyond repair. And…” Rhodri shrugged. “I don’t know. I think going somewhere like the marketplace makes for unnecessary suffering for you.”
Zevran hooked one ankle around hers and dragged her leg in between his. “You think so?”
“I do. The world is so small, and we could be any number of places, finding new happiness.” She shook her head. “Why are we circling back to misery instead?”
He sighed. “It has happened in happier places, as well, for no reason.”
“Very true. It won’t completely fix things, I know, but perhaps it will make life a little easier if we minimise the bad times where we can."
Zevran gave a weak, wet chuckle. "I do not know where else you will find your peanuts than the market square."
Rhodri watched him without a hint of a smile. "In what world," she asked gravely, "does a bag of peanuts take precedence over your comfort?"
"Ah," he offered. "I had meant it as a joke, in fact."
She watched him closely, not saying a word. A year ago, he would have been saying his last prayers, and now the intent scanning was enough to coax a smile out of him.
He took one of her hands and kissed her fingertips. “Not one of my better ones, is it?”
“No.” Rhodri shook her head. “Should I do one of those polite laughs, though?”
“Mmm…” Zevran chuckled. “I think that opportunity has come and gone. So we are to move on, then? Is it time to go home to Minrathous?”
The Warden– his Warden– snuggled him into her. Her chest rumbled against his as she gave a thoughtful hum.
“We have to decide together,” she replied after a moment, “but that would be my suggestion. We’re fit enough to travel now, and our family is expecting us. And truly, I don’t think there’s anything left here for us.”
Zevran absently twiddled one of her fingers. “Was there much here for us to begin with? Contractual obligations aside, of course.”
Her bitter scoff made his eyebrows rise.
“Loved ones aside,” she said, “absolutely not. Wretched fucking place this is.”
He snickered. “Quite right, my love. Then it’s settled? Onward and outward, to our sun-kissed paradise?”
“Ah!” She grinned. “Music to my ears, dulcis.”
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dea-marte · 10 days
Truly torn between having my Canon Hawke have some sembleance of hope by being on the kirkwall polycule situation with fenris-isabela-merril and surviving inquisition or.... Running away with Anders and then Lost to the Fade and fully embrace the tragedy of it
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danceswithdarkspawn · 7 months
thwip thursday
yesterday was a lazy day after a busy week, this is from something verrrry different from my usual flavor of things
She dragged the lockbox that sat on the far end of the chaos closer, opening its lid a little more forcefully than she intended, and began to put the night’s lost work away. Her hands shook as she snatched a scrap of parchment. She dipped a quill pen a little too carelessly; ink splattered on the edges of the paper. The hurried instructions she wrote for Charter seemed barely legible to her eye, but it would have to do.
Leliana glanced up as she placed the note inside the box. Morrigan waited at the opposite side of the desk, arms crossed, waiting for her to finish. There was no winning this. “There has been so much chaos in the world,” Leliana softly said as she placed the last of the things in the box. It quietly clicked shut. “My burdens seem small in comparison.”
“You nearly died.”
Leliana froze in place, hands still primed at the box’s lid. She looked up slowly at Morrigan, and unsurprisingly found an edge of ire in her features. But it was the type of anger that came with worry, Leliana knew, more frustration than true vitriol. Perhaps she earned it.
“Do you not remember how ill, how feeble you were?” Morrigan accused. “‘Tis astonishing that you survived after what you tried to do. You were driven to put yourself, both of you, on a pyre.”
Leliana ran a hand over her eyes and sighed. “Morrigan, it is just busywork.”
“Were you so abused under Justinia's thumb that you forgot what it was like to be shown a modicum of decency?”
“No, I-”
“You nearly died.”
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fereldandog · 1 month
your canon DA worldstate
as veilguard's premiere comes closer, an ask game with a couple of lore-heavy questions for your warden/hawke/inquisitor — answer for all three in your canon worldstate, or for the protagonist of your choice.
your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor's opinion on Orlais?
are they skilled in The Grand Game?
opinion on blood magic?
attitude towards Andrastianism?
attitude towards the Chantry?
attitude towards the Qun?
if they had to choose one person most important to them, who would that be?
who do they hate the most, and do they have an arch-nemesis?
what is their love language? 
are they good horse riders?
what are their religious beliefs, if any?
attitude towards Mabari?
their thoughts on the Grey Warden order?
who are they closest to from their family?
preferred weapon of choice?
do they get sentimental about their weapons or armour?
what were they like as a child?
do they have any irrational fears?
are they afraid of death?
where would they like to be buried?
what is their biggest regret?
have they ever been to Tevinter?
do they have, or want to have, children?
what languages can they speak?
what did they plan for their life to look like before the events of the game happened?
do they get a happy ending?
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baddywronglegs · 1 month
It's coming up Dragon Age time!
I streamed the first three games in the series blind and will be picking up that worldstate for this playthrough and, as I did for all of them, will be putting my player character's background up to polls. More info under the cut.
Also Tumblr just hit an error and posted this instead of saving changes when I edited the draft. Thanks Tumblr such good design webbed site
The difference is the first three, most of the people responding had already played themselves while I knew nothing - especially Origins because I knew nothing about Dragon Age at all when I started that. Now though, I probably know as much as anyone about what's in store (barring spoiler avoidance).
So for Origins, I polled gender, race, class and background - or would have had the poll not chosen mage, so there was only one background option - 2 just gender and class and Inquisition gender, race and class.
Race and class are up again, gender is more complex in The Veilguard but because of its complexity I don't know if it'll affect anything. But background is back in the form of factions!
I'm going to avoid having the same race/class/faction combination as any of the companions, so if the winning combination matches one of them I'm going to take the most popular second-choice to not duplicate anyone - for example, if I get a human Shadow Dragon mage, I don't want to step on Neve's toes, but if Elf is a close second for race I'll switch to that and keep the other two winning choices.
Before the polls begin, here's the world my Rook will be trying to save:
My Warden was a female Elven mage, who romanced Leliana, brokered peace between the Dalish and Werewolves, destroyed the Anvil of the Void and saved the mages in the circle tower; Alistair Performed a Ritual with Morrigan so both survived, Alistair went on to be king, after which the warden worked with and spared the Architect.
Hawke was a female mage too, romancing Isabella - Carver's a Templar, Feynriel's in Tevinter, companions all survived on as good terms as they could
Inquisition it's back to being an Elf, still female, but a rogue now. She recruited the mages, re-united Celene and Briala, left Stroud in the Fade, recruited the Wardens, drank from the Well of Sorrows, got Bull excommunicated, Cole despirited, Blackwall put through his joining; Cullen stayed off the lyrium, Dorian told his father where to shove it, Cassandra rebuilt the Seekers, and with hardened Divine Leliana as her witness she disbanded the Inquisition to redeem Solas.
And I romanced Harding. But she deserves better than someone whose response to plotting chaos with Iron Bull is "all right, get it out of your system" so I suspect they've drifted apart by now on account of Harding being someone to knock out an assassin with someone else's beer so she clearly has more in her system where that came from.
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wardenskeeper · 1 month
My slow completionist ass trying to fly through the first three games and perfect my worldstate before October 31st
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legoprime · 3 months
I've seen some sadness about the fact that anyone who plays The Veilguard first, or even just sees the promotional material before playing the first three games, isn't going to experience the surprise Solas reveal in Inquisition. I totally understand that, but also wanted to share my perspective and experience as an Anders Fan who played Inquisition first.
I got into DAI shortly after it came out; I had a mutual who was super into DA who got me interested, and when I asked if it was okay to just play that one they assured me it was fine. First playthrough had me hooked, and I played through a couple more times before I started wanting to customize a worldstate.
I'm not actually a huge gamer so I got on the DA wiki and started reading about DAO and DA2 to see if I wanted to play them, or if I just wanted to make up some stuff in the Keep. When I found out Anders was a companion AND a love interest in DA2 I lost my fucking mind.
See, I already knew what he did. I'd listened to all those banters and conversations about what happened in Kirkwall, but with zero context of the first two games I hadn't really put it together that he was, like, an actual befriendable character for Hawke in DA2.
This changed everything: I HAD to play the first two games because I HAD to romance that mage. Literally all I knew about him was that he blew up a Chantry (true), betrayed Hawke (false), and was responsible for the Mage-Templar War (also false). I love a villain and a heartbreak though and by god I wanted to break my Hawke's heart.
I made myself play DAO first to establish a Warden, then dove into DA2 with wild abandon. Folks, I already had a Hawke/Anders playlist at this point and I hadn't even met him properly yet. When I finally did meet him and he fucking started flirting with me two conversations in I was lost forever.
I could write several paragraphs detailing how playing DA2 and friendmancing Anders completely changed my perspective on his character and how he was portrayed in DAI, but I'll just summarize it and say it was not the villain heartbreak arc I anticipated. When the end credits rolled I was wrecked emotionally, but I never, ever once felt betrayed by him, and he lives on with my Hawke who will love him forever.
Obviously your mileage may vary (I say about one of the most controversial characters in DA history) but whether or not you like Anders isn't actually the point of this post: the point is if I hadn't learned about him in DAI, I don't know if I would've been inspired to play DAO and DA2. As I said, I'm not a huge gamer; it was the story and the character that inspired me to play, and now I've played all three games many times and am thoroughly invested in the series.
So while it is sad that brand new DA players probably aren't going to be surprised by the Solas reveal in DAI, there are absolutely going to be people who jump in at The Veilguard, find out this guy was romanceable in a previous game, and utterly lose their shit over that. And I think that's beautiful.
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bunabi · 13 days
i'd love to hear about your dragon age worldstate if you felt like talking about it! love your ocs and character designs!
Sure! And thank you! I have three but the one with Virelle is my fav/main one. 🥺
My Warden was a spirit-fearing Circle mage. She tended to make really pragmatic, self-preserving decisions. And she beefed with Justice all the way through Awakening.
My Hawke was very irresponsible and selfish up until Leandra's death. Gave every companion awful advice and had to deal with the Act III consequences. And a rogue! Of all three, this playthrough was the most fun.
And my Inquisitor was a Dalish craftsman! Her muscles are for shaping wood and steel, but she's fine at swinging a sword. A little bit of a people-pleaser, a really agile fighter, and she doesn't like being the center of attention.
Hell or high water my Rook will be a mean older elven lady lol
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omgkalyppso · 2 months
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[Content ID: Art of characters from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. From left to right, in the foreground there is a My Unit / Byleth OC, two fankid OCs, and Claude von Riegan. They are seated on a mauve rug with colored patterns outdoors. The My Unit OC has one arm extended as if gesturing while talking. They are looking down towards the toddlers who are focused on an orange book. They are wearing brown pants, a dark yellow shirt, and at least one rose earring. The fankid OCs are fraternal twins dressed similarly, with cream shorts, and one wearing a yellow scarf and red tunic while the other has a red scarf and yellow tunic. The child in the red tunic has his hair tied in a braid with red ribbons and a few gold-colored clips on the side of his hair. Claude is wearing a yellow top with a white shirt underneath, his patterned green and gold belt, cream pants, his gold earring, and a gold ring on his left ring finger. His right hand holds his left elbow, and his left hand is held to cover a smile on his mouth as he too watches the children. In the background, there is an earthy cliff, atop which there is green grass with some white and yellow flowers, Claude's resting white wyvern, and the My Unit OC's brown-red wyvern who is stretching one wing. The sky is blue with some white clouds, and a body of blue water can be seen. /End ID]
Changing Fae's colors back and forth in basically every drawing. This time I referenced the sprite I made. (I'll put this below the cut too)
It's my first time drawing any of my fankids! (: The boys are Geralt <- (intentional spelling) and Nader -> (eldest). Fae and Claude have a total of 4 children, and in worldstates with Avery (my Shez OC), Fae also has a child with him, and in various au's they also have a parental relationship to my Hilda x Lorenz fankids.
Close-ups and without a background below the cut.
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avernusreject · 4 months
So going into dragon age summer, I'm trying to finalize what my worldstates are gonna be for DA4. Since I think there's massive overlap between the dragon age and bg3 fandoms, figured I'd see what the consensus is.
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