catboygretzky · 3 years
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there he is!
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phanthom-in-opera7 · 3 years
I just watched Josefin Taljegard in Worlds and I must say she is so fun to watch. I loved her short program, her free skating... She is such a delight. I love it, I love it, I love it.
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rinkwatchers · 3 years
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seblore · 3 years
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intyalote · 3 years
team event day 2:
- so happy gubanova and maddie went clean!! though gubanova was robbed as usual... let her break 70...
- WAKABA!!! taking out the 3A was a good choice to get her some confidence before the individual event
- feel bad for karen but team usa gold chances being significantly lower is great. now we just need the same energy for russia. no jason and no misha = no support from me
- despite the inside edge landing and toe hammer kamila does have some amount of SS and great spins so with better programs I might be able to be more than indifferent to her and hateful towards her scores, but danny g choreo.... no.
- honestly one of boyang’s better skates these last years. sometimes I wonder how he would have developed if the fleeting boyang-borser teamup had panned out
- relatively clean jesus mark superchrist? idk how the fuck he jumps (and what is it with russians and fake eulers?) but good for him. high camp. I was thinking of misha the whole time but you know what mark’s also a kolyadabot so he has some rights.
- HOLY SHIT YUMA a 4Lo?? clean jumps besides that?? good SS and the SPEED. he has all the technique he just needs to emote out a bit more, since he lacks the natural musicality of shoma and detailed interpretation/charisma of yuzuru that allow them to draw the audience inwards. still a 208 well earned.
- actually I’m not over it, that 3F-3Lo combo was gorgeous... no idea HOW he gets so much height on the loop but jun has a challenger for king of loop combo title. wait a couple years and maybe yuma will be doing loop combo on quads... quadg0d better watch out.
- honestly good job for Vincent. a lot of qs if not URs and the pop is a shame, but he didn’t melt down and I hope put out a performance he’s happy with. also come at me but I connect way more with this free than nathan’s rocketman.
- main takeaway is that the men’s individual event is going to be v e r y interesting...
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anzekopistar · 3 years
Why are half the players in this game from a California team?
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phanthom-in-opera7 · 3 years
Trusova literally rised from the bottom. She is in the podium. I'm shock. She came there from being 12th in sp. Wow.
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phanthom-in-opera7 · 3 years
I have to watch ladies more. I quitted watching it bc of all the drama happend around team Eteri. But this year's Worlds introduced me great skaters. I loved Madeline, Josefin, Rika, Haein... it was delightful.
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phanthom-in-opera7 · 3 years
Oh, Rika... I'm not crying.
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phanthom-in-opera7 · 3 years
Yelim Kim??? She looks like water on ice. She flows. Her moves are so elegant. Beautiful.
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rinkwatchers · 3 years
My heart is beating!
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