#worldburn dni
svnflcwerss · 3 years
i was browsing tags for rps to join and i can’t help but see one in particular for a group called worldburn, and seeing what people had to say about them immediately let me know who runs the group and i figured i’d make this lil post just as a beware for anyone thinking about joining that crime rp. and if you happen to be an admin at that group, then hey what’s up you’re not slick.
SO. let’s go with the claims that other people have had. they don’t list their ooc list on main (this is because their admins are problematic as shit, they’ve been in other groups and have rubbed people the wrong way because they’re cliquey, elitist, and have some shitty ass takes when it comes to things like RACE)
so let’s piggyback off that race thing. i personally haven’t been in worldburn but i have been in other rps with the admins and boy do they have some dogshit takes about race…. first off they believe that people of certain races should play muses of that race (talk about limiting your muns!!). which is echoed by other posts about how they have latinx fcs and box them in as cartel members (who even has a cartel in their group what the fuck lmfao). if you all don’t know i am black, im proud of being black but for someone to say that i should only play black muses is racist as fuck??? not to mention these same people call white muns racist for not playing poc characters,,,???
also wanted to say that, they write about very touchy things since you are a crime rp but don’t be tasteless. i heard these people ran a blog called coldblooded which was a political rp. but basically, this is just a post to beware! if you’re a poc or you just don’t wanna be in a toxic environment i would avoid that group!
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