#world cancer day 2023 message
lallulalnews · 8 months
World Cancer Day 2024: यहां जानिए तिथि, इतिहास, विषय और महत्व
World Cancer Day: जागरूकता और समर्थन World Cancer Day 2024: विश्व कैंसर दिवस हर साल 4 फरवरी को मनाया जाता है। यह पूर्वानुमान है कि भारत में 2040 तक कैंसर के मामले भारी मात्रा में बढ़ जाएंगे, लगभग 2 मिलियन तक। कैंसर, जो विश्वभर में मृत्यु के कारणों में दूसरा स्थान है, पिछले दशकों में मुख्य स्वास्थ्य चिंता बन गया है। यह एक शांत हत्यारा है जो अक्सर अपने प्रारंभिक चरणों में पहचाना नहीं जाता है, सूचना…
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4 February | World Cancer Day | विश्व कैंसर दिवस | World Cancer Day 2023...
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dieabadass · 2 months
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When you find out your husband and the disgusting ogre he cheated on you with tried stealing your identity and thats the reason I couldn’t get health insurance this whole time and had to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket for my life saving medication I take everyday and got the bill from her hospital stay last year…. It’s a good thing she’s fucking dead cuz id kill her if she was still living.
I found myself apologizing to this female , trying to do anything I could to get my husband back and said sorry for acting out as any wife / girlfriend / husband / boyfriend or partner would in this situation. Yet somehow she victimized herself, made it as if she was the one who was in the right, tried to fill my shoes LITERALLY. She stole my dog my husband got for me for my birthday, harassed my family with texts upon texts of threats against my life and put me down for having a medical condition saying : she and my husband couldn’t wait for the phone call we’re my mom ( who was battling stage 3b colon cancer at the time ) to call them with the news that I finally died & rid the world of me and the burden I put on everyone with my type 1 diabetes and level of care I need and that everyone could finally move on with their lives especially the two of them without me here.
She convinced my husband that I somehow hacked into her phone and sent myself all these messages and that she was the innocent one in all of this…. Seriously flattering & wish I could have thought of that one first but the amount of work and effort to actually hack into someone’s phone was impossible for even me to do… I even had receipts and proof after proof of shit printed from my account to show the time stamps were the texts were sent from and everything it still didn’t matter. It got to the point were I was lower then I’ve ever been before, dealing with my own mental health, sobriety and from all the years of never really taking care of myself the abuse on my own body was catching up to me and had to face some serious medical stuff no one should have to face alone , ESPECIALLY without the person they needed most. Funny looking back at all this now and all this happening October 2022 and her laughing at the thought of me possibly dying and the last thing I ever said to her was to watch her mouth and words because one day she might choke on those very words and shed pay for her own karma and a year later to the date October 2023 she drops dead like a fly from a blood clot in her lungs literally choking on her own words….. huh funny…..right?
So yeah
So again :
Blessed be
Thank you GODESS NYX
The gods
And the universe
Always having my back
And showing me there’s
Always light in a world full
Of darkness
i know this now forever and always more than anything
All I had to do was believe in my higher power/dietys & gods and put it all in their hands and let karma and the universe do the rest without even waving my powerful little pinky 🤙🏻
I’d tell you to ask my enemies
😎💀👻💀😵👻👹restinpiss💀😈👹😵 🪦🪦🪦 🔥
What and who was I talking about Again? Oh ya that’s right! See? Out of sight out of mind forever dealing with karma somewhere terrible and ugly and unforgiving serving out their karma for infinity ♾️
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
Stop the World and Melt with You//Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
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✨One minute, you're bawling your eyes out in 2023, and the next thing you know--you're at a gas station with guy named Eddie, in a town that feels stuck in the 80's. The thought of traveling back in time hasn't occurred to you yet; maybe because it's way more than that.
Series Masterlist
✨Based in an alternative universe, I think the only triggers are that reader is terribly sad in the beginning and is having a hard time remembering things. Slow build. Mention of dad passing away. Word count: 2.9k
A/N: I'm not sure if I will turn this into a series, or if it will stay as a little weird piece floating in the ether 💕 (update: link to part 2 above)
So, there you are, crying in your truck. Not that pretty kind of sniffling where a single tear runs down your cheek and your eyes glisten, but massive, snotty, choking sobs. Gasping, wailing, shoulders bouncing, wringing your hands on the steering wheel. You were crying so hard, you missed your exit. At least, you must have, because the exit numbers jumped from 12 to 14 in the time it took for you to wipe your eyes, mascara stinging, your throat raw. The song playing is full of hopeful love (Melt with You by Modern English) and you scream at the radio like a banshee, scrambling to turn it off.
You slow down and get over to the furthest lane, hands at 10 and 2, eyes squinting, ready to take that exit 15 to Empress Landing Road that your GPS keeps squawking about. The rain is coming down in sheets now, mirroring the tears that have run down your neck and soaked the collar of your gray sweatshirt. You approach the bend and take the exit, winding your way around to a two-way stop sign, and that’s when you lose all of the bars on your phone and a flat message cross the screen says: NO SIGNAL.
“What the hell,” you mutter to yourself, making sure no one is behind you before you reach over to grab your phone and bring it to your face for a closer look. No cell service and no wifi; perfect. Just what you were hoping for on this day of our lord, the worst day of your life. Not the actual worst, but close: when you lost your dad six months ago to cancer, that was the worst. It would all be a walk in the park from there for the rest of your life as far as bad days went.
You keep waiting for your phone to find it’s way back to the network, but you drive a couple miles and still nothing. The windshield wipers are flapping, and your head is throbbing to the beat. It doesn’t make you feel any better to look down and realize you’re almost out of gas and are about two minutes from coasting on Empty. You’ve got seven dollars in your wallet, but then there’s a couple hundred in your checking, and also the emergency credit card with an impressive $500 limit. All of that needs to be stretched out for another week until next payday.
Coming up on your left, you see a sign for “Gary’s Garage” right next to a double garage mechanics shop and a two pump gas station. You’re not sure if you have the luxury of pricing gallons of gas right now, with the way you’re about to be stuck on the side of the road, but out of habit, you check the prices on the sign anyway.
Wait...you try to focus your eyes, thinking maybe you’re seeing things, or perhaps one of the numbers on the sign had fallen off. There is no way gas is 5.7 cents a gallon, that’s insane. You figure maybe someone just put and extra zero in the front, so you hit your blinker and pull over your old truck bouncing down through a large puddle.
The rain shower lets up, thankfully, because there is no awning over where you need to pump your gas. You get out and pause at how old the gas tanks are. Nothing digital, all black and white flip numbers like on those old alarm clocks, and no where to pay outside. After looking at both of the tanks and scratching your head for a good minute or so, you turn to go inside when you see someone walking over from the garage.
He’s about your age, wearing dark gray coveralls that match the color of the overcast sky, long, curly dark hair tied back in a ponytail, and a blue banana on his head. He’s wiping is hands on a rag as his eyes widen at you, getting closer, close enough for you to see that his lips are soft and full, and his eyes are dark but kind.
“This way, follow me,” He tells you, motioning with a twitch of his head, cleaning down between the webs of his fingers as he goes.
You do as he says, in through the glass doors to a small space with two vending machines and a desk with an old fashioned cash register. You notice that the soda machine offers the drink TAB, which is a diet drink you haven’t seen around since you were just a kid. On the window sill behind him, there is a tiny black and white TV the size of a toaster with a vintage daytime soap opera on.
He reaches into a brown lunch sack on the window sill and puts a pretzel into his mouth. “How much do you want?” He asks, the pretzel drying up his mouth so he can’t enunciate as well. He grabs for an open can of Pepsi sitting near the TV to wash it down, and you can see that the creases on the skin of his hands seem to be stained with grease and dirt. “Sorry,” he apologizes. “I forgot to eat today.”
“It’s alright,” you see that the name on his coveralls reads: Eddie. “I just realized that I forgot to eat today, too,” you say, putting a hand on your stomach.
His tongue slips along his teeth under his lips to make sure there is no pretzel goo stuck behind as he looks at you, waiting for an answer to his question, but then he pulls a box of tissues out from under the counter and passes it to you.
“You’ve got…” he points to his eyes and makes a circle around one of them, and then points to you. “...from the rain probably but…”
Oh god, no. You realize that you never took a look at your face in the rear view before you got out of the truck. You’re so used to paying at the pump and getting the hell out of there without having to talk to anyone, you weren’t prepared to meet a cute guy in overalls.
“Um, thank you,” you say, self-consciously, sticking the tip of your tongue out to moisten the tissue so that you can wipe under your eyes. You look around and don’t see any type of reflective service to check and see if you got it all, but Eddie assures you:
“You got it,” he says with a wink. And then he stands there waiting, and you forgot what he asked you again, but finally…
“Gas! Right,” you look out at your truck, knowing what a gas guzzler she is. “Do you take debit cards?”
His forehead tightens, not sure he heard you correctly. “We take credit cards, sure.”
He reaches down to the same shelf where the tissue box had been and pulls out an archaic credit card machine that presses the credit card numbers onto the receipt with carbon paper. They haven’t been around in...20 years? Maybe more?
You wonder how this mom and pop, completely analogue service station, has been able to stay in business by keeping everything so simple. He sees that your hand trembles as you look through your wallet, realizing you don’t have the cash you thought you had, and then touching the credit card, trying to do the math in your head.
“We also take trade,” he tells you, matter-of-fact, tapping his finger on the wood table top, as if that’s another world wide form of modern currency.
“Trade?” Your mouth drops open a bit, your eyes shifting around, hoping he doesn’t mean sexual favors. But for him in particular, though, you might consider it.
“If...if you don’t have cash, I mean. You can just give me something in trade for the gas.”
You can’t tell if he’s serious or not. “I’m sure your boss wouldn’t like that.”
“How do you know I’m not the boss?” He asks, squaring his shoulders, crossing his arms at his chest, but then a little smirk pulls up one side of his mouth. Slowly, his smile widens, disarmingly, and it helps you to drop your guard.
“God, I’m having the worst day,” you confess to him on an exhale, your shoulders sinking, angry at yourself for feeling tears building in your eyes again. “You ever have one of those days when everything feels off and everything goes wrong?”
“Yeah,” he scoffs. “I’d say that’s pretty much every other day for me,” he gestures around with his free hand, and then he steadies his eyes on you and nibbles at his lip.
You choke back a sob that is lingering in your throat.
“Listen, what about this,” he is making a little circle on the table with his finger as he talks. “What if I get your gas for you, and then you let me take you to dinner?”
Your head snaps up, your bloodshot eyes meeting his. “Like...a date?”
He shrugs. “Or, just two people eating together. Whichever sounds better to you, princess.”
You inadvertently make a sloshing sound in your throat, jerking back a small spasm of tears. “I have to...I have get back home.”
Eddie’s eyes look momentarily set with sadness, but then he blinks, wetting his lips with his tongue.
“Where...where is home?” He asks you
You tilt your head as you try to remember, and it feels like trying to recall the colors of a marble lost down a dark well, never to be seen again. Was it red and green or blue and yellow? Did it have sparkles or was it clear with yellow speckles? You know there are so many possibilities in your brain somewhere, but you can’t find it.
“I..I don’t remember,” you cringe as you say it, placing your hand on your forehead to see if you have a temperature.
You snap your eyes up to his. “Hold on, just a second,” and then you pop open the snap on your wallet, your eyebrows knitting together as you turn it horizontally to grab your driver’s license.
“Wait, it should be right here,” you realize that that your ID isn’t in your wallet, neither are your credit cards or your cash. You spread the folds of your wallet open and shake it out on top of the counter, waiting for things to fall out.
Something yellow softly trembles from one of the slits in your wallet folds, and then flutters to the desk, landing between you and Eddie:
It’s the flattened flower from a daffodil; its the only thing in your wallet.
You and Eddie both stare at the flattened flower, and then Eddie picks it up, bringing it to his nose:
“This,” he raises his eyebrow, pinching it delicately, presenting it out like a prize. “This we can trade for. Daffodils don’t grow here this time of the year. This will get you a full tank.”
When you open the door to return to your truck, there are little kids scampering away, and one has your license plates clutched to their chest. All of them have long hair and over sized clothes that don’t fit, and the one with the dirty Hawkins basketball jersey seems to growl at you as they scamper across the road.
“Hey!” You scream. “Give that back!”
You start to head after them, but they are already disappearing into the corn fields and Eddie puts his hand on your arm. “Foreigner plates are always the first to go, sweetheart,” he tells you, as if it should be obvious. “They are worth a lot in trade. I thought I would have time to warn you.”
As your brain is trying to assess the situation, you come back to something he said. “Um...foreigner? Is that what you call someone who lives one state away?”
Eddie opens your gas cap and sticks the nozzle into your tank, and then he gives you a smile that you can’t read. “Which state are you in now, princess?”
“Well,” you rest your thigh against the bumper, forehead creased in thought, reaching one finger up to press thoughtfully against your mouth. There is a huge chunk of your memory, of the past 24 years of your life that you simply cannot recall.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Eddie reaches out and squeezes your arm. He ducks his head down to try and get you to meet his eyes. “I’m sure it will all come back to you.”
“I feel like…” you search his face; it’s familiar in a way that makes you feel comforted, even though he is a stranger. “...like I was upset about something, but now I can’t remember what it was.”
He releases your arm, lifting his chin with a grin. “Well, that’s good, isn’t it? You just need some food and some rest.”
“Sure, if you say so.” you are bothered, but you also like the feeling of not having anything weigh on your mind. You’re just in this moment, here with Eddie, in this strange place, without any plates on your vehicle.
Eddie pumps your gas for you while you sit with your legs dangling out of the passenger seat to talk to him.
“When you check in at the motel, let Claudia know that you’re a friend of mine, hopefully she’ll give you a deal,” Eddie tells you. But, then he squints, “Mmmmh, or she also might charge you more, depends on her mood.”
“Motel?” You cock you head, confused.
“Oh, well,” Eddie sticks his free hand in his pocket. “I figured you’d be staying at The Grove because it’s the only motel in town.”
You remember a motel, that rings a bell. “Yeah,” you tell him, feeling a little better, like maybe things were coming back to you. “I am staying at a motel. I just forgot the name.”
You reach over to grab your phone so that you can put The Grove Motel into your GPS when you realize it’s not on the dash mount, and you can’t find it anywhere. With a curse, you realize that those kids must’ve taken it. Next to you on the seat is your suitcase, and your overnight back with toiletries and snacks is on the floorboard, and you are grateful they didn’t have time to take those. Your phone was insured for theft, and so you figured you’d just deal with that back at the motel.
“Okay, well, thank you,” you say to Eddie as you shut the heavy metal door to your truck, manually rolling your window down to continue talking with him. “I guess I’ll...see you later? You said that the diner is next door to the motel?”
Eddie nods, wiping his hands again. “It’s just a block away, connected to the bowling alley with the big, neon sign. You can’t miss it.”
He also said he would keep an eye out for your phone (in his head, he’s picturing a handheld landline with a cord, and doesn’t know why you had one in your truck) and your plates, in case anyone tries to trade them for gas or garage services; this happens a lot, apparently. Eddie gave you directions to the motel, which was basically a straight shot a couple miles down the road, and then you waved goodbye out the window as you pulled back onto the highway. You swore you turned the radio off earlier, but the same song Melt with You by Modern English is playing again, and you give it a curious look before turning the dial to find another station. Static and then...Master of Puppets by Metallica...a news story quoting Chief Jim Hopper...strange electric buzzing...the song Running up that hill (make a deal with god) by Kate Bush….more static...and then what sounds like two young kids talking back and forth on their walkie-talkies.
You snap the radio off just in time to make room to pass by 4 young kids hurrying along on their bikes. Ahead of you on the horizon, the sunset glows pink, purple, and orange, and a strange certainty washes over you, assuring you that you’ve been here before.
Eddie stands in the same place, watching you go, excitement and fear gripping his heart. He stuffs the rag into his back pocket and goes to twirl one of the rings on his hand like he normally does, but then he remembers they are all in a dish inside the shop.
A tall, scruffy, older man with a full head of gray hair and a mustache walks over from the garage to stand next to him. He’s in a pair of jeans with a dark blue, button-down shirt that has “Gary” embroidered on the pocket.
“Well, I’ll be damned. Another one,” Gary says, crossing his arms over his chest.
Eddie nods his head, silently, squinting as tiny flecks of raindrops hit his face, watching your brake lights tap as you pass a group of kids.
“She doesn’t remember anything,” Eddie says, biting his cheek in thought. “Just like the others.”
“She will,” Gary assures him, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “When the time is right, it will all come back to her. Poor thing.”
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bouquetface · 3 months
I hope you’re fine and I’m your new follower here.. I wanted to ask something about Aries cuz I’m not able to get these mixed signals of him..
Additional information :- Pisces Rising (Venus and Mercury), Scorpio Moon and Cancer Mars
So there’s my classmate, he joined school in July 2022. I thought to take interest in him by observing him everyday. He seemed mysterious. In August, I lost interest in him but during the same time, I presented a science activity in front of the class. He was watching me. And the next day, he started stealing glances at me. His friends used to nudge his elbow to make him see whenever I did something. In 2023, the next day after my birthday, he sent me a follow request on Instagram. I accepted it. We started chatting the next day. He gave a heart to all my messages. In April, for library period, he would watch me while I read the book or make eye contact with me longer. If I join his eye contact, he wouldn’t avert his gaze from me. When I get a little shy, I would stop making eye contact with him but he would still watch me. Whenever we talked to each other in class, he blushed. In May, there was an anonymous account about our school meme page. After some time, that person started using pics of me and argued that it’s bad to use them. That person told me that I’m attention seeking and said some few curse words to me. After few days, I got to know that person was that boy the whole time. He apologised on the chat. We got called to principle office and he got worried about me. And there was other bullying too as my senior bullied me so the boy felt sorry for me and asking that if I’m okay. And after few months, And every time I return to my class, after doing something, he would be the first person to look at me, sometimes blush and smile at me like the old times. And he still does in 2024, not bullies me again.
I hate to be negative because I think you may like him. However, If I am to be honest, he sounds very immature.
An immature aries sun often has to be dealt with the same way you’d treat a child. They can be impulsive and directionless. And they can be bullies since they can be selfish and not realize when their playing around has gone too far.
A mature aries is straight forward and goes for what they want. Not a single aries I have ever known sends mixed signals. They are a no bullshit sign when they are serious. It’s my favourite trait about them. And they are deeply protective when they do care.
Truthfully, to me your description indicates, he is childish and playing around with you. He is not mature enough to take you seriously. Him and his friends may be playing some stupid game, finding the situation funny.
Aries is ruled by mars. His mars in cancer means he has a debilitated mars. Mars does not do well in cancer. Mars is the enemy of the Moon, cancer is naturally ruled by the Moon. This means his Aries house & Mars will not function as they should. Mars is a warrior, the planet should be able to be a go-getter. Assert themselves, be bold & clear, take action.
In Cancer, mars struggles to make these choices. The planets fiery nature is being drowned in the watery nature of cancer. This can make one an angry crier, hypersensitive, and defensive. A lot of this occurs in private as they do not like confrontation.
If he’s a pisces rising, Mars rules his 2nd House. He could make poor financial choices throughout his life. As his cancer mars will be in the 5th, making it likely he is reckless with money. He may even grow a liking to gambling.
Mars cancer people are not doomed though. They will have some bad experiences but can learn from it. For him, his pisces placements along with an immature aries placement, will likely make him pity himself. He will feel a victim of many things in the world. He will likely struggle to accept his self destructive ways. He will need to make the choice to change himself. This may not come until much later in life. A lot of astrology in our charts will not resonate until a much later age as it has to be activated/developed through experiences.
However, I am not you, I don’t live your life. Nor, do I personally know him. I am only reading this off the placements & experiences with him you have sent in.
You do know him so if you feel this doesn’t resonate with his true character, disregard this as nonsense. Either way, I hope you found this somewhat helpful.
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all-about-kyu · 1 year
𝐍𝐂𝐓 𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐬 & 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲 𝐈𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐭. 𝟐
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Brought to you by the MTG; Sam @slightlymore , Wren @horanghoe , Rai @raibebe , Bee @kthpurplesyou , Angel @moonctzeny , Pat @just-come-baek , Summer @sun-kore , Fie @atiny-piratequeen , and myself!
All of the messages below are what was pinned on our starboard but there's always something to cackle about in daily talking with these people <3 all the messages below are from our primary comedians (ft me) though.
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𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐡: “raw coochie?” - Angel
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐠: “are condoms tested on vampire sperm?” - Angel
𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐚: “surrounded by ass lovers and cum eaters” - Wren
𝐐𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐮𝐧: “you’ll fuck 4 men at the same time cause I see 4 wands” - Rai doing a tarot reading
𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐃𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠: “the 2 baddies are my tits” - Sam
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐪𝐢𝐧 (𝐓𝐞𝐧): “in hind sight i might get eye cancer” - Rai
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧: “is now the right moment to come out as straight?” - Sam
𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐠 (𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐰𝐢𝐧): “sam got the anal card” - Angel
𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐰𝐨𝐨: “what’s the verb for brain empty” - Pat
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐋𝐞𝐞: “Joe Biden survived the french revolution” - me
𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐨 𝐃𝐞𝐣𝐮𝐧: “Bella he has a crush on the egg you carry in your uterus!!!” - Sam
𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 (𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐲): “wrapping spaghetti around his dick” - Rai
𝐇𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧: “yes whore I’m busy” - Wren
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐨: “I have a huge dick for the both of us, he can be in charge of titties.” - Pat
𝐍𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧: “please serve cunt” - Angel
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐜𝐤 (𝐇𝐚𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧): “plow her into the afterlife king” - Wren
𝐋𝐮𝐢 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠: “serving rizz on this sweet Thursday afternoon” - Sam
𝐙𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐞: “hit him with your car” - Sam
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠: “don’t babies drink blood from your umbilical cord?” - Angel
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𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
“please don’t terminate yourself you’re too sexy for that 💕” - Rai “Gaslight, girlkeep, gateboss or smin” - Wren “Am I sucking Satan’s cock this life cycle or” - Wren “The dude who I share the corpse work with wanted me to look his stuff on the machine over 🥺” - Rai “If I were to write a verse I would prohibit men from showing their toes” - Angel “Omg these shrooms were from God fr fr” - Sam “Kpop enjoyment and creative writing ma’am do you mean porn???” - Pat “Alright guys keep it pg // when have we ever?” - Wren and Rai “Can puppy hybrids scratch their heads with their leg? // no. that’s cursed.” - Rai and I “My legs are divorced” - me “wait I need to find the G spot” - Pat “I need to chain myself to a tree or sth rn” - Pat
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another crackhead post to say I love my girlies and I would risk the world for them <3 without them I wouldn't be able to say that I laugh every single day. (hell I literally met Rai because of them 💕)
COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
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medea10 · 1 year
My Review of [Oshi no Ko]
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Oof. The spring anime season of 2023 was kinda lax with the sequels and reboots. This was welcoming news for me as I was happy to take on any and every new anime that dropped. And I was ready to give the top prize to Skip and Loafer or even My Love Story with Yamada-kun. But then, this anime smashed in like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. This anime was already seen as the most, highly-anticipated anime to enter this season. Of course, the creator also made Kaguya-sama. It’s going to be awesome! And that’s stiff competition as Demon Slayer and Dr. Stone both returned with positive feedback. On the day of its official release, the first episode alone was seen as #1 on all of MAL. Gee, how long did it take for the FMA fan-idiots to nuke the score of this series? About four weeks. Guys, get another hobby.
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Besides becoming the #1 anime on MAL with just one episode out, Hidive received the highest amount of traffic to their website for the first time ever. The music video released by YOASOBI for Oshi no Ko trended for a full week and as of May 17, 2023, the video reached 100 million views. Add to that, YOASOBI’s single has been dominating on the global Billboard charts. Manga sales have exploded. This anime is definitely one to behold. Let’s hope that nothing happens to the anime to make it falter.
Before I talk about the synopsis, I should really go a little further when it comes to the first episode. We all know, the average anime episode is roughly 21-25 minutes as it varies. This of course doesn’t include the length and time of recaps, openings, ending themes, or previews. But then, you get several episodes that are 40-50 minutes. I call that the, “Aniplex wants your attention episode”. Yeah, it’s because most of those I see are in Aniplex animes. Especially the Monogatari series. But in most cases, these are just the first or last episode. I just learned to accept it and enjoy the extra-long episode of SAO or Demon Slayer. Plus, it’s just their way to fill in as much content for the season. Oshi no Ko’s first episode clocked in at a whopping 82 minutes. This first episode alone could have been a feature-length movie. Japan actually did put the first episode on the big screen weeks before the television premier. This seems to be a missed opportunity for Sentai Filmworks.
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A REQUEST: I do have a request for those blindly stumbling upon this review. If you are reading this part and have not watched at least episode 1, I kindly ask that you close this page and go watch Oshi no Ko’s first episode. Do not even read the synopsis to the episode. It is best that you go in blind. If you have already done so, please disregard this message and let’s get at it!
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Ai Hoshino is an idol in a group called B Komachi. She is loved all around Japan. One particular fan (Sarina) loves her dearly. It’s the one thing in her life that gives her joy as she is currently battling a rare form of brain cancer. She dies. She was only 12. A doctor (Gorou Amemiya) who befriended her kinda got into Ai shortly after Sarina’s death. And now he’s hooked. One day, Gorou gets the surprise of his life as one of his incoming patients is 20 weeks pregnant with twins. And surprise, it’s famous idol Ai Hoshino.
Oof. I’m sorry, seeing them talk to a 16-year-old girl who is pregnant is not a pleasant topic I like to talk about nowadays. You all know the country I hail from and how angry I get talking about real world topics.
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Gorou took care of Ai for the next twenty weeks to ensure a safe and healthy delivery. The night Ai went into labor, Gorou was murdered by a man who asked him about the whereabouts of Ai. In his final moments, Gorou recalled a conversation he had with Sarina about what it would be like to be the children of a famous idol.
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With that, Gorou died and is reincarnated as one of Ai’s twins (named Aqua). The other twin (named Ruby) was Sarina reincarnated. We watch Aqua and Ruby grow as Ai’s children. But their identies were shielded from the public due to fear of Ai’s career being ruined forever. Still though, when Ai is with her children, it’s some of the happiest moments of Ai’s life considering her life prior to idol fame was dreadful. As for the kids, Aqua got into acting and Ruby got into dancing. And even though it took several years, Ai’s popularity began to grow past just being a teen idol and was ready to perform at a super dome. This happiness was shattered.
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The stalker that killed Ai’s doctor stabs Ai in her residence and with Aqua as a witness. In Ai’s final words, she was able to give out a sincere “I love you” to her children. Ai is dead. The stalker killed himself. The children’s biological father could be the source of all that has just occurred. Aqua is ready for revenge.
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Now, at age 16 is when the real story begins for Aqua and Ruby. Ruby has ambitions of becoming an idol like her mother, but Aqua wants her to steer-clear away from that business because of what happened to their mother. That doesn’t stop Ruby’s ambitions as she ends up restarting her mother’s old idol group B Komachi. As for Aqua, he gets several television appearances. He has no interest in that stuff, but this is the only way to get answers about Ai and their possible biological father as he might be the key or the reason behind Ai’s demise.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Oh good! Rie Takahashi is in the main cast. Oh…she plays Ai. That’s just sad. So, is Ai still technically a main character even though she gets killed by episode 1? Just curious! As for the sub, Sentai has a dub out. My premature thoughts went straight to Monica Rial. I’m sniffing around to see if she’s even in this. I can sense Rial up in here.
several research voice actor moments later
Okay, Monica Rial isn’t part of the main cast…but her sister is. I was close and thought that either one or both Rial sisters were going to be there. I thought these people did a good job considering the major hype to the anime. I know I usually never give glowing recommendations for any dub done by Sentai. This, they did fine with. This is my first time hearing most (if not all) the main cast.
JAPANESE CAST: *Aqua is played by Takeo Ootsuka (known for Tem on Beastars)
*Ruby is played by Yurie Igoma
*Ai is played by Rie Takahashi (known for Emilia on Re:Zero, Tomo on Tomo-chan is a Girl, Megumin on Konosuba, Ena on Laid-Back Camp, Sumi on Rent-A-Girlfriend, and Mash on Fate/Grand Order)
ENGLISH CAST: *Aqua is played by Jack Stansbury (known for Mendou on Urusei Yatsura 2022)
*Ruby is played by Alyssa Marek
*Ai is played by Donna Bella Litton (known for Ran on Urusei Yatsura 2022)
SHIPPING: This…can get really ewwie really fast.
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Gorou’s obsession with Ai was borderline Lolita fetish. A grown-ass man obsessing over a 16-year-old idol can get really creepy really fast. I do give him props as he remained completely professional as Ai’s OB-GYN. Now, what happens when Gorou dies and is reborn as Aqua? Oh, he loves Ai! It’s just that Aqua was careful as humanly possible. That’s my tip-toeing around the scene where Aqua turns down being breast fed by Ai. Ruby doesn’t mind drinking from Ai’s teat.
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16-year-old Aqua kept getting asked by his castmates for the reality show he was in what his ideal woman was. He tip-toes around it, but we all know he’s describing Ai. His mother! A woman who died over 10 years ago. And again, HIS MOTHER! Though, nobody else knows that fact so he just tip-toes around it by being as discreet as humanly possible. Because of Aqua’s looks, he’s a prime target for thirsty girls at his school. But thanks to the reality show he was in; he ends up in a fake relationship with Akane. Totally doesn’t help that Akane starts acting like Ai! Because those two “hooked up” during the reality show, they must keep up appearances with their relationship in the public eye.
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We could end that shit topic here if not for little miss Kana being little miss tsundere whenever Aqua is around. Oh boy, Kana is a true tsundere here.
SADDEST MOMENT: That first episode killed it in more ways than one. There’s no doubt that every main character here has had their hardships in the past. Ai had parents that abandoned her and she winds up in an orphanage. When Ruby was Sarina, she was suffering from that rare brain cancer where it was a struggle just to walk. And as for Aqua, they never did find his original body. But I was not prepared for what happened when Ai answered that door in episode 1.
I was thinking that stalker guy was the father of Aqua and Ruby and we’re going to have this whole thing throughout the series. Instead, when I watched this guy try to kill Ai, I immediately got flashbacks of Selena. Oh yeah, who could forget that death?
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Yes, everything about Ai’s final words killed me. The animation, the delivery, everything! And Rie Takahashi knocked it out of the park!
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DO THESE STORIES LOOK FAMILIAR TO YOU?: So, I might be going out on several limbs here but hear me out. Watching Oshi no Ko, do you draw any kind of correlation to any character’s backstory and seen it with an actor who might have gone through this same sort of thing? This story delves into the dark side of the entertainment industry and mostly in Japan. But being American, I can’t help but draw connections to the sad stories I would see in the entertainment industry in the U.S.
When I watched a crazed fan attack Ai, I will always immediately think of what happened to Selena. Seeing Kana try to stay relevant due to being a child actor, I think of a lot of child stars that went on after the height of their careers and while there are some success stories, there’s…well, it didn’t end well for actors like Bobby Driscoll and Dana Plato. Look both of those up, it’s quite tragic. I know these are American actors and most of the story is revolved around what happens in the Japanese entertainment industry. I’m just using these an example because I learned about these tragedies and lived through some of them (especially Selena’s death). Despite all of those stories being decades old, a lot of dark things still take place in this day and age. And with the addition of social media, being an entertainer has become worse.
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The Akane storyline…ouch. First of all, social media comments are toxic. I will admit, I used to “Egosurf” a lot in my 20s when I was somewhat relevant on certain sites. It did not do well for my mental health. But I’m not like Akane. I’m not an entertainer. I’m a dork that likes to write reviews for animes and proud of it. If someone on Tumblr tells me I suck, I just ignore it. I probably won’t even see it knowing me. Tee-hee! Back to the matter at hand though. Akane wasn’t really seen as anything special in the reality show she was in with Aqua. She didn’t stick out as much as her other co-stars. Despite it being kinda like a reality show, these kids are still acting or doing what their supervisors say. Akane decides to do something impulsive and it backfired. BADLY!
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This resulted in people on social media exploding with hatred for Akane with the most disgusting of messages telling her she’ll never act again or just blunt ones that say “Just die”. Despite the episode clearly stating this is a “work of fiction”, you know they got inspired by the real-life tragedy of Hana Kimura. Kimura was a female professional wrestler for the most part. In 2019, she was in a reality show called Terrace House. During an episode, Kimura got in a verbal argument with one of the castmates. From what I’ve read, they asked her to stir the pot a bit and fight with the other castmate. After this episode aired, fans took to social media and posted a lot of hate-filled messages towards Kimura. This sent her in a deep depression. Two months after this episode aired and all of the horrible messages were blasted at top speed, Hana Kimura committed suicide.
I don’t want to say Oshi no Ko blatently used this one particular story for the Akane storyline. But I’m also not saying that either. This is eerily too similar. It also doesn’t help that this episode aired days before the anniversary of Kimura’s death. I know it’s coincidence, but weird-ass timing. Thank God Aqua saved her from jumping off the bridge. While Oshi no Ko is a work of fiction, what happened to Hana Kimura was not. And bullying the woman’s family is not helping anything whatsoever. Yes, Kimura’s mother is pissed at the anime for airing a story similar to the events that drove her daughter to suicide. She has that right! Don’t bully her because she’s mad at everyone involved with Oshi no Ko. If I was in her shoes, I’d probably be pissed too and for a long time too. Moving away from that dumpster fire…
And the biggest kudos goes to Hidive. At the end of episode 6, they put up a message to prevent suicide and well, you know what? I’m going to do so here too.
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As someone who has unfortunately been in dark places like some of these characters, I encourage others to seek out help as well.
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ENDING: Since the events of episode 1, we watched what Ruby and Aqua want to do with their lives. Ruby is committed to becoming an idol like her mother. Slowly throughout the season, she and Kana joined Ai’s old production company and started up the idol group Ai was in, B Komachi. It was just the two of them until the end of the reality show Aqua was in. That’s when Aqua suggested to his castmate Mem-Cho that she should become an idol in the B Komachi revival. This is an interesting mixture for an idol group with the daughter of an idol (though nobody knows that fact), a former child star, and a Youtuber that’s 25 going on 16 depending on her applications.
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Kana puts up a brave face in front of Ruby and Mem-Cho. But you can tell that Kana is scared. She’s been tossed around since becoming older, nobody bought her single when she recorded songs, her own mother even gave up on her, and all of these rejections kinda caught up to Kana. Regardless, Kana went up on stage with Ruby and Mem-Cho as a rookie idol. B Komachi got their chance at an idol festival to perform. It’s a start compared to a lot idols in other animes. On stage, it was clear that the audience was mostly there for Mem-Cho due to her popularity through the reality show and her Youtube channel. But Ruby got some attention from an audience member who remembered the original B Komachi and noticed Ruby kinda got that same aura as Ai.
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Kana felt a little despair while performing on stage. But then we get a déjà vu trip as Aqua is in the audience doing a glow stick dance. Yeah, it was a lot like what happened when Ai was performing, doubt was swarming her, and then the twins start doing a glow stick dance. I guess the performance went well. It’s just that after that we see more tsundere moments from Kana. Mem-Cho finally sees that Kana likes Aqua. And then there’s some friction when we learn that Kana and Akane know each other and are rivals. And when I say rivals, I mean they are like Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak in the first season rivals, they are catty bitches. They’ve been at it since they were children.
A popular anime is about to be adapted as a stage musical. Akane and Kana are set to be in this production. The gentleman that Aqua has been in contact for a while now set him up with a role in that same stage musical. This theater company was apparently where things changed for Ai when she was an up-and-coming idol.
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Could this be Aqua’s big lead to possibly meeting his biological father? That’s a question that won’t be answered today. At least season two is greenlit.
Soooooo…after watching episode 1 and the hype that came along with it, did the rest of the season grab my attention? Yes. It totally did. I mean it wasn’t at the hype it was when I had just watched episode 1. After one viewing of episode one, I had to tell anyone who would listen to me that this was awesome. There were however several other episodes that grabbed me. Yes, it was the Akane-centered episodes. Let’s just say any time I saw moments with Kana and Ruby trying to do idol stuff before Mem-cho came were a little boring. I just felt like they were just there and nothing else. Probably just a reminder that yeah, they exist, now let’s go back to Aqua doing what he’s doing.
Am I excited for season two? Oh yes, I am. I’m doing my best not to look at any manga spoilers. It’s hard. Every so often, a spoiler drops on Twitter and you just want to look. Or someone on Youtube will say something about a new chapter and you just want to take a quickie. NOPE! I’m going to stay strong and just practice good patience.
Medea read up about Aqua and Ruby’s father
No self control whatsoever! Not one iota of it. Whenever season two drops, it’s going to be a biggie. Will the anime continue to be a smashing hit when it returns? That’s for the future to decide. I truly hope for the best. As long as they stay with the original material and the same studio that’s animating it, I think we’ll be good. Full recommendation!
FINAL (IDIOTIC) THOUGHT: So, is Ai going to be the next member of Franchouchou on Zombieland Saga?
…I’m going to sit in the corner and think about what I just wrote.
All 11 episodes are available on Hi-Dive.
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elminx · 1 year
Energy Update: May 2023
May is a "3" Universal Month [5 (May) + 7 (2023) = 12 = 1+2=3] in a "7" Universal Year. Three is a very active number, after going out on our own (1) and then finding somebody to settle down with (2), we can finally think about getting together and socializing. 3 months almost always require some give and take. Perhaps even some working together. It's worth being mindful that we enter the month mid Mercury retrograde and between eclipses. Energies will be high, but compromises may be hard to come by.
The Set Up
We begin the month of May with the Sun, retrograde Mercury, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus; Venus in Gemini; Mars in Cancer; Jupiter and Chiron in Aries; Saturn and Neptune in Pisces; and Pluto in Aquarius. It's worth noting here that all of the planets except for Mars are still in the left two quadrants of the horoscope wheel and fairly closely spaced together from Aquarius through Cancer. This shows us that collectively we have work to do in these sections of the horoscope.
By month's end, the Sun will have moved on into Gemini, Venus will have transitted into Cancer, Mars into Leo, and Jupiter into Taurus. Mercury will have finished off their retrograde cycle in Taurus and Pluto will have retrograded in Aquarius. All eyes are on Mercury, Pluto, and the North Node who will be the big players in the events that will transpire.
The Nitty Gritty
As each month is "born" on the first, the astrology of the day can be used as somewhat of a portent of the incoming energies. In the way that a natal chart is read for the life ahead, this can be read for the month ahead. We can see that May is going to be eventful as two significant transits occur.
The first is that our Sun and retrograde Mercury meet up in conjunction with one another. This is often referred to as Mercury cazimi, a term that comes from Arabic and vaguely translates as something like "in the heart of the sun". This is one of the most common transits we experience as it happens from 6-8 times a year as Mercury makes its regular trips backward through the horoscope wheel during its retrograde periods. This is the only aspect that the Sun and Mercury can make with one another as the two bodies always appear within 28° of each other in our skies. It can also be seen as the nadir of the Mercury retrograde cycle.
Additionally, Pluto stations retrograde at 00° Aquarius. Pluto's ingress into Aquarius was one of the big moments of the year. We're going to all have to learn to deal with the modern implications of Pluto in the ever-expanding vastness of Aquarius in our tech world, just as we had to deal with the modern implications of Pluto in our finances while the planet of death and transformation was in Capricorn. We're not quite there yet. Not quite done with that old goat of a story. Not quite ready for that leap into whatever head trip Aquarius is on about now.
That is beyond us though. Those outer planets always are. Nonetheless, we will stew in this energy all month long. (Yes, the Sun is in Taurus - I'm going to be all in on the food metaphors.) Taurus has been having a tough go of things as both unpredictable Uranus and the North Node of forward-facing fate have been making their way through the normally unflappable sign of the bull. You might even notice some ruffled feathers or broken horns. Taurus may be slow to anger (so long as they don't have any Aries or a strongly aspected Mars in their chart), but once they have seen red, all bets are off. Prepare to be gored. Or, at least, maybe don't wear that red dress out to the place where you know you have enemies. That message is for someone. (maybe me)
The feeling of the beginning of the month is going to feel like a crescendo that will likely peak somewhere on either side of 5/9 when the Sun conjuncts Uranus at 18° Taurus. There is a feeling of the finality of endings in the air. I don't think that these endings or transitions will be a surprise to most people, but that doesn't mean that people aren't going to be in their feelings about it. Our eclipsed full moon on 5/5 is the last in this series to fall in Scorpio - that is a part of this finality that is hanging in the air. This was a split eclipse where the solar eclipse did not fall in the sign opposed to the lunar eclipse (in this case Aries and Scorpio). Instead, we began and end this cycle through Mars. Action can be taken to create the needed finality during this time. The eclipse will certainly be a high point in this energetic month. Though the full moon closes out eclipse season the energy may hang around for a little bit longer as the Sun meets up in conjunction with Uranus on 5/9 (Uranian energy feels very similar to that of eclipse season) and Venus in Cancer makes a sextile with the North Node and a trine with the South node on 5/10. This is a double emphasis on our South Node through both the Scorpio full moon and Venus' impact which shows up that release is needed during this time. Once we pass this point, the energy may slow down a bit and start to feel more traditional for Taurus season. As we enter the weekend of the 12-14th, we get a big push of reality as retrograde Mercury, Venus, and Saturn all line up with one another. Mercury in Taurus makes a sextile to both Venus in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces, who, in turn, are trine to one another. This feels like the consequences of our eclipse season coming home to roost. With Venus in Cancer, things are bound to get wet and weepy, so bring a towel or an umbrella. Mercury exits their retrograde cycle on Monday 5/15 which is yet another ending that we will have to contend with. Things do start to right themselves as Mercury stations direct, but it is worth remembering that we have a third phase of the retrograde cycle to go through (the post-retrograde shadow) where Mercury retraces their steps all the way back to 15° Taurus before we move on to new territory. If you've been avoiding your shit, it may come back around again for a third time for review. Things will get even more Taurusy as Jupiter enters the sign of the bull on 5/16. This is a great time to do magic towards growing your finances or manifesting something physical like a home as Jupiter expands and Taurus rules the physical accumulation of things. If you work with the Elder Futhark, the Fehu rune would be a very appropriate companion all month and especially around 5/16 when Jupiter enters Taurus. That said, Jupiter immediately squares off with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. This aspect goes exact on 5/17 but will be felt immediately as Jupiter enters Taurus and will remain strong for most of the following week. Outer planet aspects like this have a more societal impact, so we may see some more of the fallout of Pluto in Capricorn (failure of banks, money systems, etc.) come to light during this time. Both Mars and the Sun will also make aspects with Pluto this week (Mars in Leo opposed on 5/20 and Sun in Gemini trine on 5/21) so death and transformation energy will likely be close to the surface all week long. The advice to Let Things End often falls on deaf ears, but it bears repeating in this regard. Beware the Sunk Cose Fallacy - just because you have spent time on a situation does not mean that you have to stick with it. Let the things that need to leave your life leave.
Newly direct Mercury meets up in Sextile with Saturn once more on 5/19 under the light of the Taurus new moon. There are a lot of possibilities for a new beginning here, but you are going to need to work for it. This isn't a cakewalk (sorry Taurus). Saturn demands that you put in the work to reap the results. Those that AREN'T willing to put in the work are going to be really in it as they don't see the result. Mars enters Leo on Saturday 5/20 which brings us straight to ego town. The Sun enters Gemini the next day - this weekend has drama written alllllllll over it.
If that's your thing, have at it.
If it's not, lay low.
The energy will persist into the final week of May as our Sun in Gemini sextiles Mars in Leo and Mars squares off with Jupiter in Taurus. The way forward during this transit is not to brag about it, as tempting as that may be. Don't get ahead of yourself here - only promise what you can actually deliver. Watch out for braggarts, those who are yelling the loudest right now almost certainly don't have anything to back it up. Venus in Cancer squares off with Chiron in Aries, too; emotions are close to the surface and somebody is bound to get their feelings hurt.
Somebody will get lucky (Jupiter conjunct North Node on Saturday 5/27) but it will be the person who has earned it, not the slacker who wants everybody to believe that they deserve it (Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces). Use your best discernment to tell the difference during this time because all that glitters is most certainly NOT gold. Things may feel a bit unsettled as we wind out the month - we are approaching the end of Mercury's post-retrograde shadow and so we may find ourselves having to pay the piper in our own lives, whatever that means for you. If you did it, own it. If it's yours, care for it. If it's not, put down a boundary. Some shit isn't meant for you and that can be a good thing.
The Details
5/1 - Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury 11° Taurus, Pluto retrogrades 00° Aquarius 5/4 - Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 5/5 - Lunar eclipse/Full Moon 14° Scorpio, Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries 5/7 - Venus enters Cancer 5/9 - Sun conjunct Uranus 18° Taurus 5/10 - Venus in Cancer sextile North Node in Taurus/trine South Node in Scorpio 5/12 - Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces, Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer 5/13 - Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces 5/15 - Mercury retrograde ends 05° Taurus, Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces 5/16 - Jupiter enters Taurus 5/17 - Jupiter in Taurus square retrograde Pluto in Aquarius 5/18 - Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces 5/19 - New Moon 28° Taurus, Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces 5/20 - Mars enters Leo, Mars in Leo opposed retrograde Pluto in Aquarius 5/21 - Sun enters Gemini, Sun in Gemini trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius 5/22 - Sun in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo 5/23 - Mars in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus 5/24 - Mars in Leo square North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio (fixed t-square), Venus in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 5/26 - Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus 5/27 - Jupiter conjunct North Node in Taurus/opposed South Node in Scorpio 5/28 - Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces 5/31 - Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow 15° Taurus
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alyjojo · 11 months
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The Person On Your Mind in November 👁️ 2023 - Capricorn
Whole of their energy towards Capricorn: Death
Feelings: 2 Pentacles
Intentions: 2 Wands rev
Actions: Ace of Swords
This reading is kinda moot, they’re going to tell you what they think and feel, and when they do, they’ll have thought and felt this way for quite some time. Death could be the end of the whole relationship, that’s possible, or it can be stating their needs, what’s lacking for them, and transforming a situation that’s not giving them what they want. Or it hasn’t been. These could mean deeper things too, but they’ve pulled “it’s not that deep” so I’ll assume this is more of what’s lacking, and not any worst case scenarios, skipping over that.
Basically, they’re bored. You’re busy all of the time, you’re heavily career focused, independent, reliable, dependable, a model worker no doubt. Knight of Pentacles is boring though, no offense, he does the same thing every day. Like clockwork. This person feels like it’s Groundhogs Day, because days turn into weeks turn into months…and years? Who knows how long. 9 Pentacles also shows this being an independent sort of venture, you care about stability sure, but it’s yours alone, not the both of yours. I’m not sure who this person is to you, if not a lover then that’s probably a good thing. They could just be feeling restless in their own life and have to change things up, go on an adventure, even if it bothers you. With or without you, like they’d prefer with but, they’re not going to schedule it precisely between 2:15 and 2:40, if the focus is on independence then they’re going to match your energy.
If you’re dating, it’s more of an incompatibility and a conflict in desires. They intend to play it safe, not make any big moves, keep quiet. They do care about you, and what you think. They’re bored, restless, and could feel like you don’t even care if they stay or go, you’re fine either way. You card shows they mean the world to you, but if that wasn’t here, nothing in the cards shows that. They don’t see it either. The actions they will take are a conversation, they will illuminate how difficult it is to just hang around, wait on you, wait on life, wait on timing and the right opportunity, wait on enough money or for all of the stars to align, wait on weather and plans and cheap rates etc. They stopped caring about all of it. There is no right time, and on some level it feels like breadcrumbs or controlling mind games to them.
I don’t mean to offend 🙏. You have a side too. They’ve given you a lot of patience and time, but can see that you’re stuck in a rut and they can’t keep doing same shit different day. Even if they’re going at it alone, they’ll be sad but they’ll still go, like when this person says it’s gotta change, they’re really saying they’re going to make changes & its like preparing you. The Fool, they’ll be rushing off into some new adventure somewhere, it’s just do you want to come too?
It’s possible for someone this is a coworker that’s been working there a long time, they’re tired of the same thing at this job, they’re not moving up or going anywhere, and they’re ready for something new, so they’re going off to find it. Could be someone you’re close to or fond of.
Their side:
- I will surprise you 😦
- It’s not that DEEP
Your side:
- I don’t deserve you 💯
- You mean the world to me!
Possible signs:
Scorpio, Cancer, Aries & Virgo
If you’re dealing with:
3 Wands & The Empress shows you expect growth as much as this other person, especially if this is a job. Seeing you as someone reliable that puts everything they have into what they do, this is probably someone who does the same thing. Hopefully not a romantic relationship, if so, they don’t know what you’re waiting on or what’s taking so long. I get a major difference in methods, in a way that neither is right or wrong, just different…but it’s a big kind of different.
Aries - nostalgic about the good times, before everything became difficult or painful
Taurus - could be this person, it’s most likely leaving one job for another, there’s a better one elsewhere
Gemini - your broke friend, could be skipping out on some holiday, get together or celebration due to work, or that’s the excuse
Cancer - flirty side piece energy, they’re tired of this cycle, they “used to call you on their cell phone 🎶” and now they’re throwing it away
Leo - willing to put in the work but really just wants to mess around, both, they’re obsessed 🤩
Virgo - not okay 💯 they’re struggling bad and not saying anything to anyone, overly stressed, burdened, worried, trapped, anxious, might give up, it’s coming to light that they need help 😕
Libra - break-up, make-up, break-up, make-up, etc., unreliable af, but you deal with it
Scorpio - finally coming around or messaging after a time period of being M.I.A.
Sagittarius - could also be this person for some, if they’re leaving a job or losing one, it’s due to some imbalanced or unfair dynamics, could be health related, there could be a whole lawsuit involved
Capricorn - there’s conflict with each other due to different priorities, one or both of you feel like one tries or does more, or you could just be talking about how busy you both are
Aquarius - very guarded and avoidant when it comes to their emotions, they have them but they don’t talk about it because 7 Wands rev, they’re not going to argue about them, or they could just be avoiding a fight with you
Pisces - at the end of a major cycle and fearful about what comes next - could be love related
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novumtimes · 3 months
Princess Kate to attend Wimbledon mens final will miss womens final in rare public appearance
Princess Kate makes first public appearance Princess Kate makes first public appearance since revealing cancer diagnosis 02:19 Catherine, the Princess of Wales, will make a rare public appearance after her cancer diagnosis to attend the Wimbledon men’s final on Sunday, Kensington Palace confirmed. Kate, wife of heir to the throne Prince William, will be in the Royal Box on Centre Court to watch defending champion Carlos Alcaraz play Novak Djokovic. She will hand out the winner’s trophy. However, the 42-year-old royal will not attend Saturday’s women’s final between Jasmine Paolini and Barbora Krejcikova. Wimbledon organizers said the winner’s trophy will instead be handed out by Deborah Jevans, the chair of the All England Club. Kate has been the patron of the All England Club since 2016, with ceremonial duties that include handing out the winner’s trophy after each men’s and women’s singles final. Britain’s Kate, Princess of Wales looks on after Spain’s Carlos Alcaraz beat Serbia’s Novak Djokovic in the men’s singles final on day fourteen of the Wimbledon tennis championships in London, Sunday, July 16, 2023. Alberto Pezzali / AP But she has only made one public appearance since announcing in March that she had been diagnosed with cancer, which was to attend the birthday parade for King Charles III last month. Kate released a statement before that event saying she was “making good progress” but still had “good days and bad days” as she continued her treatment. She said she had “been blown away by all the kind messages of support and encouragement over the last couple of months. It really has made the world of difference to William and me and has helped us both through some of the harder times.” Prince William has also been a regular at Wimbledon finals but will not be at Sunday’s match. He will instead attend the soccer final between England and Spain at the European Championship in Germany. William is the president of the English Football Association. Queen Camilla, wife of King Charles III, visited Wimbledon on Wednesday. More Source link via The Novum Times
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faustocosgrove · 9 months
and on the sixth day of reviewmas I, Fausto, give to thee:
6 ye olde government agents
5/5 stars best movie of the decade easily. might be the best movie of all time
4 scantily clad teenaged girls (fbi open up! meme)
the 3rd time i read the same book about lawns maybe?
2 high school animes
and a ninja book
…from a guy who still thinks about the naruto series in the year 2023
The theme is death.
And I made the mistake of watching this movie after a mini binge of Cinama Therapy episodes, so i went from being an emotional wreck to watching the slowest drama i’ve ever witnesses and the theme is death.
maybe a better analysis would be the theme is the acceptance of death or the inevitability of death.
visually the film changes from black and white to slightly colored to fit the mood, but it’s always muted and almost unnoticeable at first. lots of interesting use of light in the shots. loved the 6 government men in their ye olde cars. the all black aesthetic that the government goons had going on was clearly an allusion to the grim reaper in a black cloak but it was also giving ye olde gangster vibes. also i really liked the ye olde cars.
at one point in the slowness my mind wandered to how good the cast was at acting as if it was the 1950s in a rural setting. and then i started mulling over cellphones and how people have changed over the past 75 years. and how if this movie were made taking place in 2023 that there would have been this sense of urgency that would have muddied the message of the inevitability of death because in the modern era people have attention spans that rival that of fruit flies. ….that’s not really getting across what i’m trying to convey.
in a modern movie about death i expect it to be about fighting death or cheating death or trying to become immortal via magic. like contrast this against the movie I Kill Giants. 95% of that movie is the little girl playing make believe in the woods to distract herself from the fact that her mother is dying of cancer. then the thing she is imagining tells her that death is inevitable and she better go home and spend time with her mother while her mom’s still alive which she does. which is so unbelievable on like a psychological level. but it’s also like, just the first two stages of grief then we skip over 3 and 4 and sneak a little 5 in there just to end it. other media with like bringing someone back from the dead is just stage three, bargaining. this movie is depression and acceptance. mostly depression though. slow depression.
the movie also has non binary rep. and a guy without hands and a blind guy for some disability rep. and an effeminate gay man. the guy without hands is also very autistic. and these characters aren’t villains. from a 2003 movie. so that was a pleasant surprise.
it was also nice to watch something where adults are the intended audience and are treated as adults. yeah yeah i’m sure you’re looking at the other stuff i review and are thinking that’s a load of bull from all the anime i review and from the fact that i still talk about naruto in the year 2023 but back when i was still with my ex i ended up watching a lot of marvel/DC movies and those films do not do that. the modern super hero movie for adults try to get you to take a man in an animal costume seriously and most people do. there’s so much “adult” media that’s just audience self inserts saving the world and the only distinction between adult super hero movies and children super hero movies is how dark the screen is and how much blood they show.
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astroexaminer · 10 months
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Astro-Inspiration for November 30, 2023 ~ The Road Less Traveled
Today you could feel a bit of worry and anxiety as you question the road you’re on and wonder if you’ve reached the end. Consider that sometimes all you need to clear a hurdle is a shift in perspective. By this afternoon, you could receive flashes of insight that will shift your perspective to the wider world, which can allow you to embrace the unknown with excitement instead of trepidation, and could even feel inclined to take the road less traveled.
Today’s Quote
I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. ~ Robert Frost
Today’s Sky
Venus in Libra Quincunx Neptune in Pisces. Mercury in Sagittarius Semisextile Pluto in Capricorn., Moon in Cancer SesquiSquare Saturn in Pisces, SesquiSquare Mars in Sagittarius, Sextile Uranus in Taurus.
The sky speaks to you if you will let it. Every day it delivers a message that each person hears in a uniquely different way. This is not personal or predictive astrology; it's creative astrology meant to help you understand and align your mind, body, and spirit with the unique soul vibration of each passing day.
To quote Joseph Campbell: “The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.”
I hope you enjoy and your life is enriched by these Astro-inspirations.
Thanks for reading. Please like and follow Patricia Lantz, Astrologer
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herdeardiaryy · 11 months
October 29, 2023 [07:13 AM - Saudi Time]
I woke up feeling heavy this day because I felt something was not right, maybe I stayed up late or anything personal things, until I opened my Messenger App; two of my friends sent me a message. At first, I am very hesistant in opening their message because maybe, MAYBE, this is the reason why I felt heavy that day, but I have to. I opened their messages with a literally breaking news — Matthew Perry had died.
I don't know what to feel, I only burst into tears. I cried in silent, though my mind that time was still in denial, but my eyes accepted the pain. Until I started to get up, call my family as my daily routine, take a bath, got my office attire, and work. I posted a lot of Matthew Perry's photo and posted it anywhere in my Social Media accounts, because I don't know what should I do, to make him alive again.
Seeing the photo of his funeral with the five main characters of F•R•I•E•N•D•S, relatives, and his Father, was the saddest thing in the world, seeing that wonderful and great man retiring from this land.
His death was really tragic, he doesn't deserved it so much. He had enough from his addiction to being normal again, but death did not help him at all, now I feel sad and wanted to cry while writing this.
October 30, 2023
I decided to go on hiatus from watching F•R•I•E•N•D•S, it's really hard to watch. I don't know when should I start on watching it again, but I know for sure, not now. But I will, someday.
November 3, 2023 [Noontime in Saudi]
Matthew Perry laid to rest.
November 15, 2023 [Right now]
Jennifer, Lisa, Courtney, David, and Matt posted their grief to Matthew on their Instagram Accounts. I really did not expect this thing to happen, the five (5) characters of them pay their big respects to Matty by posting it in Social Media, knowing that it's really hard to accept the fact that our Matthew is really gone. I really love this family so much.
To Matthew Perry,
Hi, Mattman. How you doin' up there, bud? I hope you finally have your peace after all those struggles that you've been. You know, your death reminds me of the pain that I felt 4 years ago, when my high school collegue died in Cancer. His name is Paul, if you met him there, please tell him to rest easy.
Matty, we love you so much. really. I did not know how to explain this grief but please know that in the middle of this kind of feeling, there is a part from me that is happy, knowing that you're really at peace. I am so proud of you, Matty, and at the same time, in pain.
I thank you for being one of the funniest and the best actors that I've seen in my entire life. You really made me realized a lot in life, teach me how to be okay when it's not okay, and a reason to hope for having the same partner as Chandler and you was.
Rest in Paradise, Matthew
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marymaylarry · 1 year
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“Community Engagement!”
Fierce and fabulous—over forty!
While supporting women during the October breast cancer awareness fundraiser!
Oh, yes, I am participating in this fund-raising event. I am asking for your vote!
*** You can live anywhere in the world and vote. This is a competition! Currently in 2nd... Let’s go!!! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 💃🏽
If you could also have your followers retweet or send by adding “please retweet or send” at the end of your tweet or message, thanks so much!
Your vote is the key; your vote will count!
VOTE! 1 free vote per day! Click “VERIFY WITH FACEBOOK!”
Cast your vote for Mary May. Larry: Time-sensitive! Let’s go!
Vote at votefab40.com/2023/mary-may-larry.
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buttonpusherdiy · 1 year
2000 Trees 2023 Review
Now in it’s 15th year 2000 trees returned to Upcote farm for a mostly sunny edition with an absolutely stacked lineup - we caught around 30 different artists this year and discovered some great new music.
Arriving a little later than planned on the Thursday morning we found a spot to camp which seemed ideal but later turned out to be a mistake as we realised we had camped by the entrance to the forest school which had a little drum kit set up in the woods which meant festival revellers would play drums all throughout the night but it’s 2000 trees so we just let it slide and popped our earplugs in before calling it a night. Anyway I digress. Onto the bands....
Projector were one of the bands we really wanted to catch but only managed to catch the very end of their set on the Axiom but it seemed as though the Brighton based trio had a great reception and we'd clearly missed a banging set. Onwards to our first full set of the weekend with ITHACA on the main stage all dressed in white and Djamila in Orange as is now tradition they blitzed through material from their latest release “They Fear Us” with a message to the UK scene for more inclusion and diversity, A solid set from a band currently at the top of their game. 
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Ithaca - Photo Credit (Gareth Bull)
Up next were Graphic Nature, admittedly a band I haven’t heard before but they definitely left an impression and I’ll be sure to catch them again in future as they chanelled their inner Slipknot and got the crowd pumped and ready to take on the rest of Thursday afternoon. 
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Graphic Nature - Photo Credit - Gareth Bull
Martha have been held in high regard in our circle of friends so I decided to pop along to see what all the fuss was about and while I enjoyed the first half of their set I found myself feeling it all a bit samey and decided to move on to catch the remainder of Svalbard's set over in the Cave, The post-metallers are very much engrained within the UK music scene by now and deliver an epic set to a packed out tent.
It’s actually surprising how many heavier bands are on the trees lineup this year and it’s Bristol's finest purveyors of doom Sugar Horse up next in the darkened Neu stage with their crushingly heavy world ending riffs before some uplifting math/post rock from Belfast’s And So I watch you From Afar who played an absolute blinder and treated the crowd to some new songs. A band that know how to whip a crowd into a frenzy guitarist Rory Friers spent a lot of time in the thick of it among the party people before we headed off into the forest for BAT SABBATH which was Cancer Bats performing a set full of Black Sabbath Classics and one of my highlights of the day as a massive Sabbath fan. 
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Bat Sabbath - Photo Credit - Gareth Bull
I ended up watching The Bronx as my headliner and did not regret my decision, having never seen them before this was a lesson in how to get crowd fired up and the tent was brimming full of energy which was unleashed in full force for the duration of their set and ended with one of our crew being taken to get his knee bandaged up following a pit injury!!!!
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THE BRONX - Photo Credit - Gareth Bull
Another hot and sweaty day on the Farm as Friday begins and we had an absolutely stacked day ahead beginning with one of our favourites The St Pierre Snake Invasion assaulting the crowd with a mix of new and old bangers on the Main Stage, having released my AOTY so far I was curious to see how the songs would translate on a bigger stage and it just works so well, definitely a band made to play bigger stages they just deserve more attention! 
Following on from that was my discovery of the weekend in Canada’s Motherhood who played a quirky set full of twists and turns that reminded me in parts of a mathier PILE. Definitely looking forward to hearing more from this trio in the future. 
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Lakes - Photo Credit - Jez Pennington
Firm bUTTONpUSHER faves LAKES performed a beautiful set full of songs from their latest album Elysian Skies in the Forest and were joined by some guests on vocals and trumpet and I genuinely think the Forest stage is one of my favourite places in all the world to watch bands.
Northern Irelands New Pagans were up next for us and it was a real nice contradiction in sounds as the raw punk rock energy from the band is on full display mixed with gorgeous vocals from Lyndsey. The Irish contingent was strong at this years trees but it was time for some Belgian action from Brutus over on the main stage and again the trio put on a fierce show as always as they hold the crowd in their hands in the blazing sunshine.
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Empire State Bastard - Photo Credit - Joseph Singh
Feeling the burn from the heat I enjoyed Empire State Bastard from a shady spot outside the tent but thoroughly enjoyed the noise from Biffy boys Simon Neil and Mike Vennart who are making the rounds on the festival scene this year ahead of the release of their debut album. We closed out our Friday in the Forest with another Irish band, The Scratch, they were easily one of our favourite bands last year but this year their set was shorter and consisted of lots of new songs which unfortunately just missed the mark with me and I feel they should have had a longer set on a bigger stage. 
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Photo Credit - Gareth Bull
Before arriving at the festival I assumed Saturday would be the more chilled out day for me but damn was I wrong. Not having a list of bands I wanted to see meant I ended up catching lots of great new music that I otherwise probably wouldn’t have known about.
I started my morning with a coffee and a bacon sandwich before heading off to see Witch Fever on the main stage, the Riot Grrrl vibe was strong and they played a rager of a set as the weather tried to make up its mind about what to do. 
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Modern Error - Photo Credit - Gareth Bull
Modern Error had an air of NIN about them which I enjoyed but quickly tired of as the sound just wasn't that great for them and so I left to go check out High Vis on the main stage where someone recommended yet another Irish band Enola Gay who brought some post punk/ hardcore action to the afternoon before it all got a bit silly with Electric Six and one of the biggest crowds I’d seen down at the main stage all weekend. 
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Electric Six - Photo Credit - Gareth Bull
Time for a quick break before we caught One step Closer and Holding Absence who admittedly aren’t really the kind of thing I’m into but both put on solid perfomances and the latter were clearly delighted to be on the main stage after playing every stage at 2000 trees now over the years.
Frozemode and Cody frost were both on fire and definite highlights on the forest stage with Frozemode enjoying some sunshine and Cody Frost playing through a set filled with torrential rain and a surprise guest appearance from Enter Shikari's Rou Reynolds, the Shikari fans all made a beeline for the front ensuring this was a set Cody Frost will remember forever.
Hundred Reasons had the misfortune of playing the main stage during the worst weather of the weekend and it all becomes a bit much so we decided to go see TSPSI for the second time this weekend as they had replaced Loathe who unfortunately had to pull out last minute. 
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The St Pierre Snake Invasion - Photo Credit - Joe Singh
Pitchshifter were a band I never managed to see growing up so off we headed for some nostalgic riffs from the Nottingham rockers who while putting on a sterling show seemed to be more obsessed with the fact they are an old band now which became quite cringey very quickly as JS Claydon showed off his “Dad Bod” - one of the bands i wish I’d seen when they were doing it the first time round instead!
Time for a hot take but American Football are not a band for a festival in my opinion, despite being great on record they just don’t keep your energy levels up enough so we left after a couple of songs and decided to close the festival out with an absolutely thrilling set from Belfast’s Kneecap who were phenomenal. The Hip Hop trio mix Irish and English language and gave fair warning to the packed forest that if you are on psychedelics you aren’t going crazy their just mixing up the two languages and to great effect. High octane energy and plenty of laughs from the two frontmen while their DJ wearing a balaclava drank cans in the background. I would highly encourage anyone to go see these lot if they get the opportunity. 
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Kneecap - Photo Credit - Joe Singh
So as we donned our silent disco headphones and closed out another year at 2000 Trees it’s say to say this was another successful year and there’s probably way more we could have written about how great this festival is, it's an absolute credit to the organisers who manage to smash it every year!
We’ll definitely be back next year!!!!! 
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