#working with my hands makes my brain shut off for a bit in a pleasent way
trackingthenik · 4 years
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Woodworking in the shade with a beer today, making it the perfect day
0 notes
Consequences || ST. SMYTHE
The ice cubes rolled inside the short glass as Sebastian held it, his fingers moving in a way it seemed to slid through them, while he looked at a blank spot on the wall. He usually did that when he needed to focus his mind on something, and he had been like that since the Chief of police left his office, almost two hours ago. Time went by so quickly, he didn't even make it out of his office to sit at his usual table when the club was at the peek of the night. People wondered why the boss hadn't come down his office, but no one dared to go up and see what was happening, knowing very well how much he appreciated his privacy. 
Only one man wasn't scared of that, or him, and he was now going up the stairs.
After the police left, the rest of the night seemed to progress relatively normal. Jesse worked the room, did his dancing on stage and with the pole, and earned plenty of tips as usual. Sebastian's normal table (which always had a little "reserved" sign on it, no matter the time of day - the perks of being the boss) remained empty all night. Which was unusual, because normally by his set on stage, he'd find the other man there pretending not to watch him while clearly watching him. So when he excused himself for a break, instead of heading backstage he headed to where nobody else clearly dared to go - Sebastian's office. 
"Boss?" He said, opening the door without even knocking, though he did so slowly at least and only stuck his head in. When he saw Sebastian sitting at his desk he walked into the room, shutting the door behind himself. "Your table is getting lonely. Though you missed my set, so hardly any point going out now." He said with a wink, trying to get Sebastian to smile since he looked so serious.
There was only one person who would dare to walk into his office when it was clear to everyone else, from experience, that he wanted to be alone, so when he heard Jesse's voice, Sebastian wasn't surprised at all.  "You know I had business to take care of, Jesse." He turned his chair so he could face him. "Do you need anything?"
Jesse let out a soft - somewhat sceptical - mhmm at Sebastian's comment about business. "The cops left hours ago." He perched himself on the edge of Sebastian's desk, long not caring that half the time when he was around Sebastian he was only wearing the tight shorts he danced in and little - if anything - else. He sighed, "honestly? I mostly want to make sure you're not drinking yourself to death. Is everything... okay?"
Sebatian looked up at him and raised a brow. "I can assure you I love myself too much to even consider suicide, babe. You should know that by now." He stood up and placed the glass in top of the bar. "The police... came by to let me know that a body was washed to the shore a couple of days ago. The body of someone that was report missing months ago-" He turned around and looked at Jesse, wondering if he could understand what he was talking about.
The smile on Jesse's face faltered a little at Sebastian's words, the surprise evident in his eyes. He brushed it off with a slight laugh, though it was empty, "I don't know what's more concerning... the fact that a dead body washed up to shore - or the fact I have to ask you to clarify which one." He wasn't sure which would be worse, honestly. The body of the man that started it all - the murder he'd witnessed shortly after meeting Sebastian, one of the men from Sebastian's side of things. Which would probably mean the rivals would be out to make sure there was no witness, which meant they'd probably try to kill him - again. Or the body of the man he'd shot (in self defence) when they tried to kill him last time.
Sebastian sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "I suppose both things are very concerning" he said, then walked up to where Jesse was. "It's the body of the men you saw the Morettis men kill. No body, no evidence. But now that the body has turned back up the police wil start investigating, and the Morettis would want to tie all the lose ends." He scoffed. "Those idiots. They should know better than to throw a body into the water. It almost never stays down for good."
Jesse looked at Sebastian when he moved to stand in front of him and sighed, "and by loose ends, you mean me? The water probably got rid of most of the physical evidence so the best chance the cops have got is a witness, right? Get rid of me, you get rid of the witness. Brilliant," he muttered sarcastically. "Well, they tried to kill me once before and they failed..." The because I killed him instead, went unsaid. It had been self defence. He shrugged, "you taught me well, maybe it'll be fine." Though he was more trying to convince himself.
Sebastian sighed and nodded. "That's what it means, yes. But I'll do everything in my power not to let that happen, okay? I want you to- um... I'll be staying at my family's place, up in The Hamptons, for a while. I want you to come with me. We'll be safe there. Safer, in anything. At least all of it blows over, okay?" He shrugged. "Most of your stuff is at my apartment anyway, so it shouldn't be hard.
Jesse stared at Sebastian, his brain processing the words that had just been said to him. "You... want me to come to the Hamptons with you?" His boss wasn't wrong, most of his stuff was at Sebastian's apartment by now. He still had his own apartment though he went there less frequently now. Even Matilda had made a home for herself at Sebastian's. He would have argued but truthfully he a) knew Sebastian would hear a word of it and b) he didn't want to. He wanted to go to the Hamptons with Sebastian, even if the circumstances were less than ideal. 
The thing with Jesse and Sebastian was... they never talked about said thing. Jesse practically lived at Sebastian's apartment, they had pretty amazing (understatement) sex regularly. And it was obvious they cared about one another but they never spoke about it. And now here Sebastian was, offering Jesse a lifeline that he both wanted and needed. And he'd be an idiot to throw that way. 
"I ... thank you, boss. I appreciate that. And I suppose you'd get bored without my company there, wouldn't you?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Sebastian rolled his eyes slightly. "Yeah, that's what I just say, St. James" he said, then he tucked his hands into his pockets and shrugged. "It's not a big deal. I just feel like it will save us both a lot of trouble, that's all." He looked at him and chuckled, then shook his head. "Bored? At the Hamptons? Not likely." He walked up to him and placed his hands on his hips. "Then again, you make it all... less boring, let's just leave it at that." He cupped his chin and looked him right in the eye, then pulled him in and kissed him, softly at first, then pried his lips open with his tongue and made it deeper, his hand now holding the back of his neck, while the other hand moved around his waist and rested on his lower back.
Jesse smirked, when Sebastian walked up to him. From what he'd heard of the Hamptons it was mostly rich folk with their big fancy houses and spas and pools and maybe boats. He was sure he could be better company to Sebastian than any of his neighbours. Far more... entertaining. He chuckled, "mmhmm... less boring... got it." He let Sebastian control the kiss, opening his mouth and inviting him when he felt Sebastian's tongue against his lips. His hands came up to grasp at Sebastian's arms, rocking his hips forward.
Sebastian groaned against Jesse's lips when he felt his groin pressed on his own, his hands moving down the male's back to end on his ass, which he squeezed hard before he wrapped his arms around his waist and held him close. He pulled back from the kiss and bit his lip down as he looked at him. "Not... now. Okay?" He smiled. "You should pack your swimming shorts to go up there, although something tells me having no clothes to swim to is also an option to you, hmm?" He grinned, then let go of him and walked back to his desk.
Jesse practically pouted when Sebastian stopped their movements and crossed his arms petulantly. "Tease," he muttered, but the corners of his mouth threatened a smile. He broke when Sebastian mentioned the swimming and laughed, "boss, I would swim naked any day, just for you. But I'll bring the swimming shorts too, just in case." He watched Sebastian walked back to his desk, "wait, you're really gonna start that and not even let me give you a blowjob? ... fine, plenty of time for that later, I guess." He said with a laugh.
Sebastian laughed softly, amused at Jesse's small tantrum. "You will swim naked for me, but only at our private beach. I don't want anyone gawking at you. You're mine" He grinned and shook his head. "As pleasent as that sounds, I still have things to do here, and I need to focus. Nor your hand or mouth help me to do that." He walked by him and kissed him quickly on the lips. "And you're right.  Save your energy for later, St James. You will need it." He winked at him, then returned to his desk.
Jesse still felt like pouting, but Sebastian was clear that he had work to do, and he knew that him being there (especially with what he wanted to do) would make that near impossible. And if they were going to go to The Hamptons, he was sure Sebastian had things he needed to sort out before they did. "Mmm... I like the sound of that," he replied at the promise of later. "Should I let everybody downstairs know you are alive, you're just not feeling up to being on the main floor tonight then?"
Sebastian looked up and smiled at him. "That'd be good, thanks. I'll probably go down later, when it's time to close the register  and all that, and then we can go home?" He sat on his chair again and grabbed one of the many folders on his desk. "How'd you feel about getting some pizza and ice cream on our way home, hmm?"
Home. Jesse knew he shouldn't read too much into that word, but the way Sebastian spoke, so freely, as though it was their home, not just his. And while Jesse did spend most nights there (and hey, they both had needs, it worked out perfectly), he still had his apartment though it was starting to feel a little pointless. He'd never say as much to Sebastian though, never knowing what the other man was thinking. He was pretty sure Sebastian wasn't sleeping with other people (and he certainly wasn't) but it wasn't like there'd ever been a talk about what it was... and he wasn't going to say something that would result in Sebastian pushing him away. So he just took what he could get, accepting whatever Sebastian could and would offer him. 
He chuckled with a nod, "boss, if I ever say no to pizza and ice cream, promise you'll have me committed, yeah? It sounds great... I should go, wait on those last few tables. I'm sure I'm breaking a few hearts by being up here," he winked at him.
Sebastian chuckled. "At least we can agree on that too, other than the fact that we're way too good in bed together, right?" He winked at him, then nodded. "You go, then wait for me after they close up, yeah?" He went back to pay attention to the folders open on his desk, knowing Jesse would know when to leave. 
A couple of hours later Sebastian was turning the lights off in his office and locked the door with key behind him before he went down the stairs and where Jesse was at that moment, by the stage. "Well? Ready to go?"
The club still had the last few stragglers hours later, but they were all making their way to leave, given the club's closing time had been 20 minutes prior - there were always those who thought that if they stayed, they'd get a special private performance, and they were always ended up going home in the early hours of the morning (or the late hours of the night, depending which way you looked at it) disappointed. He leaned against the stage, as he spotted Sebastian walking down the stairs from his office. He'd already got his stuff ready when the doors closed - as it was security's job to get the stragglers out, not theirs, so he'd had 20 minutes. He'd simply pulled a pair of sweats and a henley over his shorts he wore for work, and his bag was slung over his shoulder. 
"Definitely... somebody thought it was a real good idea to try to stick their hand down my shorts while I was dancing for them," he made a face of disgust, "so I could use a shower."
Sebastian also made a face when Jesse said that, then he chuckled and nodded. "I'd say the shower would be the first thing you will be getting when we get home. Let's go." Despite everything they had done so far, it had all happened in private, so no matter how bad he wanted to kiss him in a way that would leave anyone any doubt who Jesse belonged to, he always liked to keep work stuff as such, and he didn't wish to make public whatever it was that they had. He waved at the security personnel and he and Jesse left through the back door, where his car was parked, with its due security people guarding it. They got inside and it wasn't long before they were driving through the crowded streets of New York to Sebastian's penthouse.
No matter how many times Jesse stayed at Sebastian's (and when did he not), he still couldn't quite get over the fact that he literally lived in one of those New York penthouses, like out of the movies. Then again, he supposed having whatever he had with the son of a mob boss was also like the movies. He could only imagine what Sebastian's home in The Hamptons was like. He'd settled on two options: small and understated, cozy but stylish... or large and grand. He supposed he'd find out soon enough. 
When they pulled up to Sebastian's apartment, they made their way to the private elevator, only for access to the penthouse apartment. When there were people who would actively want to kill you, security was no laughing matter. When the door of Sebastian's apartment closed behind them, he let his bag slip down the floor. "So... shower?"
Sebastian walked ahead of Jesse and also let his bag at the door, his shoes as well and his coat on the hanger before he headed into the kitchen to take a drink of water. "Definitely yes. I don't want to think of your body stinking to that guy's touchy hands." He frowned, then closed the fridge and walked up to him. "Will you be needing help with that? Because, if that's the case, you can always take a bath in my bathroom, and I could scrub your back." He chuckled, then walked up to him and kissed him in the lips.
Jesse's laugh was cut off by Sebastian's lips against his and when they broke apart he smirked, "you jealous, boss? Because, you know, I might need a hand just to be sure I get rid of everything."
Sebastian chuckled as he looked down, then suddenly he snapped his hand up and closed it around Jesse's neck. "What if I am? You're mine... Never forget that" he said with a low voice, then let go of him. "Now, be a good boy and go into my room. Take your  clothes off and wait for me in the bathroom." He smirked, then turned around and walked back into the kitchen.
Jesse let an involuntary groan slip from his lips when Sebastian's hand found his neck, pulling them closer. His body gave a shiver at Sebastian's words, because god didn't he know it... not that he was complaining, of course. Far from it. "Yes sir," he replied with a wink and turned on his heels, walking towards the bedroom, pulling off his clothes as he did so there was practically a trial behind him. He left the door of the bedroom open behind him, stepping into the bathroom now already naked, having stepped out of the final piece of clothing in Sebastian's bedroom. He splashed some water on his face, but it didn't really do much for the slight amount of makeup he wore at work, he'd worry about it properly later. He hummed to himself, turning around and leaning back against the vanity with his arms crossed, his eyes looking around until they landed on the bathmat in the middle of the room. "Oh, fuck it," he muttered to himself, dropping to his knees on the bathmat, positioned so he was facing the door to the bathroom.
Sebastian went into the kitchen and got a bottle of champagne from the fridge, also two glasses from the cabinet, and a small bucket of strawberries to go with their drink. When he finally turned the corner that led to his bedroom he chuckled when he saw the trail of clothes on the floor, breadcrumbs that would lead him to his treat. His lover. The man he would never get enough of. The man he now knew he would protect with his life. When he stepped into the bathroom he grinned when he saw Jesse on his knees, completely naked. The feeling went right to his groin, but he would have some fun first. 
"Such a good boy" he cooed as he placed everything he had brought on the edge of the tub, then grabbed a single strawberry and walked up to where Jesse was. "Open" he said as he pressed the fruit over the man's lips.
Jesse looked up at him through his lashes when he saw the other man enter the room but said nothing as he watched him set aside the items he'd brought in. The good champagne, he noticed - though not that Sebastian ever had bad champagne, but the brand was definitely a favourite. He saw him take the single strawberry and step over to him and - when the piece of fruit was pressed again his lips - he obediently opened his mouth, taking the strawberry in and sinking his teeth around it.
Sebastian watched every second of Jesse biting on the strawberry, his lips closing sinfully around his fingertips. He put his other hand on top of Jesse's head and stroked his hair gently, whIle he slid his fingers a bit further into Jesse's mouth. "You're such a treat, boy... But tonight, you need to be reminded of who you belong to, so you remember from now on, never to let any man put their filthy hands on you, understood?" He pulled his fingers out of his mouth, then looked down at him with a smirk on his face. "Any idea on how should we do that?"
Jesse sucked on Sebastian's fingers when they pressed into his mouth, swirling his tongue around them teasingly. He whined when Sebastian pulled his fingers out, though there were plenty of other things Jesse could think would be better in his mouth so he didn't complain too much. "I don't know exactly, sir," he replied, his voice light and innocent, but there was a smirk on his lips that he never could quite hide, "but I think you should make sure that tomorrow the only hands I remember on me are yours."
Sebastian licked his lips when he saw that small smirk curling his lips. He both hated, and loved that smirk. He hated when Jesse came on like this smartass knowing all, or how he took pleasure in teasing him; but he loved it too, because it made him look all that much more gorgeous, and it made Sebastian wanted  to devour his mouth every time he saw it. Most times, the second situation happened. He stood close to him and cupped his chin so he would look at him, his eyes darkening as he looked right into Jesse's. "Hmm.. Maybe a nice looking collar, with the letter 'S' on it. It speaks rather clearly, wouldn't you agree?" He grinned, then stepped back. "Get up, and prepare our bath."
Jesse made a soft humming noise as he stood, stepping over to the bath - making sure (of course) to stand just a bit further away than he needed to so he had to bend over a little more to turn the taps on. "I don't know, sir," he tested the water with his hand, "the S could stand for anything... come to think of it, I think I heard that man's friend call him Steve." That was a lie - he doubted that man even had any friends and - if he did - he certainly hadn't brought them with him to the club. He'd reeked of closeted and married, trying to cop a feel from wherever he could get it. Satisfied with the temperature of the water he let the water run to fill up the bath and then stood back up, and turned to face Sebastian again. "Maybe Property of Sebastian would be clearer? Otherwise I might get confused," he said with a pout and a shrug.
Sebastian knew very well what was Jesse's intention when he bent over like that, but he didn't do anything about it at that moment, instead taking his time to take his own clothes off, then when Jesse turned around to face him he was already naked. "Maybe you should get that tattooed above your ass. It doesn't get any clearer than that. And even if you made a good suggestion there, I'm not a fan of being that much direct. My things are mine to enjoy, and not for anyone to know they're mine." He grinned and stepped into the bath tub, slowly sitting down inside the water. "Maybe we could come up with a cute pet name for you, instead? Something only you and me know about." He wiggled his finger at him so he would join him in the bath tub.
Jesse let his eyes look over Sebastian, making no attempt at doing it discretely - it wasn't like the other man didn't already know he appreciated his body. At Sebastian's words, he laughed and hit him on the shoulder playfully, "very funny. I like you boss - but not that much." He stepped into the bath, careful not to slip, groaning when his body felt the warm water more and more as he sunk down into it. "Mmm... and what do you have in mind?"
Sebastian grinned, his eyes roaming up and down Jesse's naked body as he slowly sank into the water. "I had to try" he said with a shrug, then spread his legs open so that Jesse would sit between them. "I don't know... Princess? Cupcake? Seb's Toy?" He snickered and grabbed the sponge. "Do you have anything in mind that is suitable in this situation?"
Jesse looked at Sebastian with a raised eyebrow, "you can call me anything you want, but if you call me Princess or Cupcake I might have to use some of those self defence skills you made sure I know." He shifted his body up so he was now sitting between Sebastian's legs, his back against Sebastian's chest, "I may be d- sleeping with somebody who is essentially a mob prince, but I'm not a girl." He turned his head to look at Sebastian and smirked, "I don't think you'd like me as much if I was... I think you like the fact I have a cock, no?" He blinked, trying to look innocent.
Sebastian chuckled. "Oh, I'd be amused to see that happening, St. James" he said, then he poured some liquid soap on the sponge and started washing Jesse's back. A grin came over his face as he heard Jesse speak, and it was what the other saw when he turned his head to look at him. "I've swam in all kinds of rivers, St. James. Both salt water and sweet one. And I've liked them both. But as for right now, I like you the most." He moved the sponge to the front to rub on his chest. "Is that enough of an answer for you?"
Jesse was slightly surprised at that - truthfully, he'd just assumed Sebastian had always slept with men. The man owned a gay club and had never given any other indication, though he supposed he wasn't really surprised... it wasn't like Sebastian didn't know he was gorgeous and could basically have anybody he wanted, so the fact he - as he put it himself - 'swam in all kind of rivers' wasn't really that unusual. He laughed with a nod. It was more than Sebastian had really said about whatever they had going on. "More than satisfactory, boss." He paused and then - despite the vulnerability - added, "I like you the most too."
It was a mixed feeling. Sebastian remained in silence for a couple of seconds, his hand like it had a mind on its own, moving up and down Jesse's back. The fact that he had suddenly being so open to Jesse felt weird, and yet... normal. You could count the people he trusted truly with the fingers of one hand, and there would be still fingers left available; but Jesse was definitely on that list. Weird. He snapped back to reality when he heard Jesse saying that, and  abroad smile came upon his face, his arms going around Jesse's waist and pulling him back so he was completely leaned against his chest. "That's good. Although I was assuming all this time that you already did." He chuckled, then cupped his chin and gently turned his head a bit so he could look him in the eye. "I won't let anything bad happen to you. You believe me, don't you?"
Jesse laughed in response, because he supposed Sebastian was right. Ever since he'd met his boss there had always been something about him. Even before they got closer after the whole witnessing a murder thing, and then again when they started sleeping with each other, even if it had been on and off for a long time. He'd almost lost count the amount of times Sebastian had said it would be the last time, that it wouldn't happen again. But that was in the past now. When he felt his head turned, Sebastian's hand on his chin, and heard the words from Sebastian's mouth. "Yeah, boss," he couldn't help but smile, "I do, don't worry."
Sebastian looked right into Jesse's eyes and smiled. "You know, you can call me 'Sebastian' when we're alone, and I'll call you 'Jesse' too, although I get a huge kick out of calling you 'boy', or... 'mine'..." He leaned in and pressed their lips together, their lips fitting together perfectly like they always did, his hand moving up to tangle his fingers through the short locks of dark golden hair. He pulled back a bit and smiled over his lips. "You think you can handle that..., Jesse...?" He whispered his name over his lips, his own then finding a path down the male's neck and nipping on it softly.
Jesse couldn't help but smile into the kiss, if a little surprised. He'd never quite known what exactly to call Sebastian, and had just fallen into the habit of calling him 'boss' all the time. Since, after all, that's what he was even if it wasn't all he was. But the idea of calling him Sebastian, which just seemed so domestic (which was ridiculous - it was just his name) was somehow silently thrilling. He nodded, biting his lip when Sebastian's teeth nipped at his skin, "sure... Sebastian," he said, letting the name roll off his tongue with a grin.
Sebastian let his lips roam down Jesse's neck, his teeth nipping gently on the skin there, then planted a kiss on his shoulder, his hand moving around his waist and sinking between the other's legs and closing loosely around the man's cock. "Good. I like how it sounds in your lips."
When Sebastian's hand dipped below the water, Jesse could feel the ripples close to his cock in the moments before he felt the hand wrap around. "I like saying it," he admitted, his voice undertoned with a soft groan. "You gonna make me say it more?" He grinned at Sebastian, "... maybe scream it?"
Sebastian nuzzled his way up Jesse's neck, taking special focus on that vein that led to his pulsepoint. "Well, you are a screamer, and I like it when you do-" Their eyes met and he grinned. "Maybe I want to hear how it sounds when you're breathless..." he said, the pad of his thumb swiping over the head before he started to stroke him slowly, his own cock pressed against his backside and also starting to fill up.
"Mmm..." Jesse moaned, rocking his hips forward into Sebastian's hand, just slightly to not make the water move too much and spill over the sides (not yet, at least). "You definitely make me breathless, bo- Sebastian." He could feel Sebastian's cock hardening from when it was pressed against him, and he turned his head on the side to look at him, before leaning in and kissing him.J
His hand pumped Jesse's cock with ease but slowly, taking his time to drag the feeling out for a bit. He looked right back into his eyes when he turned his head, and he kissed him back with equal want, his free hand holding him around the neck as he kept on jerking him off. He thrust his hips forward, his cock pressed between their bodies, so it worked perfectly to worked each other up. "So fucking hot, and mine... Would it be too selfish of me to say sometimes I wish you wouldn't dance anymore, so that no one gets to touch you but me...?"
Jesse gave a surprised laugh at Sebastian's words, their lips still millimetres from the other's. "No," he said honestly, body arching into Sebastian, "but I - ah - still have rent and bills to pay and I'm not exactly trained in anything else... mmm." Truthfully, Jesse had come to New York on a dream of getting into an acting program or degree, or auditioning for Broadway, but once he'd fallen into dancing he'd just stuck with it. And through it, he'd found his way to Fleur de Lis (and Sebastian) in the end so he wasn't really complaining.
Sebastian grinned as he looked right into Jesse's eyes, his teeth tugging on the man's lower lip slightly, while he slowly swiped his thumb over the head of his cock. "You make a good point there. Maybe I could name you the Director of Entertainment, or something of that nature, so you would still be involved in that, but no so directly?" He chuckled, then leaned in and kissed him before he could answer anything. He let go of him so he could turn him on his lap, both facing each other now, his now very hard cock poking him through the line of his crack. "I'm that greedy with my things" he breathed over his lips when they pulled back to get some air, his hips thrusting up just enough to poke his entrance.
Jesse held onto the side of the bath after Sebastian had spun him around, knowing that the water splashing over the sides could be a problem for later. Sebastian's bath was a heated tub and kept the water warm so at least they didn't have to worry about sitting in cooling water. "Oh? And what would this new position entail, mmm? I still love to dance ... maybe I'll just have to give you exclusive performances."" He smirked at him, groaning when he felt the other man thrust against him.
Sebastian looked up at him and licked his lips. "For starters, you'd be in charge of all things to do with entertainment. That doesn't sound so bad, does it?" He roamed his hands down Jesse's ass and gave it a hard squeeze, then let one finger slip down his crack and slowly pushed it inside of him, his own cock stirring when he felt the tight muscle clamping around his digit. "You won't see me complaining about that. I love watching you dance, and knowing you do it for me would be swell." He grinned and captured his lips again, his finger now pumping back and forth inside of him.
Jesse moaned at the feeling of Sebastian's finger pushing inside of him, starting to rock his body. "Not so bad," he agreed, "would I get one of the old unused offices?" He kissed him back, breaking the kiss briefly to say - "fuck... more... please"
Sebastian grinned against Jesse's lips, twisting his wrist just the right way to reach that deeper inside of him, then also adding a second finger to stretch him a bit more. "You can have anything you want... You just have to ask. Nicely..." He tugged Jesse's lower lip with his teeth and tugged in it hard before he kissed him again, their now hard as rock cock rutting together between their bodies.
Jesse groaned into the kiss, his body aching with the need he felt right now. He was sure Sebastian was talking about the offices he'd mentioned - and he was sure he'd find a suitable way to ask nicely for those later - but right now he just wanted more. Needed more. "Mmm... bossy," he said with a laugh when the kiss broke, "Will you please get your cock inside of me, bo- Sebastian?" He grinned at him, rolling his body back onto his fingers.
Sebastian chuckled breathlessly as the kiss broke, his tongue swiping over Jesse's wantonly while he kept on fingering him. "Comes with the job description, handsome" he said, then slowly pulled his fingers out and grabbed hold on his own cock to get in position. He captured his lips roughly once again just as he started to push himself inside of Jesse, a muffled grunt crashing on the other's lips as he felt the tight muscle clamping around his member. Inch by inch he slid halfway inside of him before he started to slowly thrust his hips up.
Jesse groaned, the kiss muffling the sounds he made as he felt Sebastian push inside of him. The water sloshed around them, and neither of them were caring about the overflow of water that splashed over as they moved anymore - it was a bathroom, it was tiled... it didn't matter. He held on to Sebastian's shoulders, his legs on either side of his so their bodies were pressed together as much as they could be. Sebastian knew what he needed, knew not to waste time in waiting once he had slid inside, instead starting to thrust slowly. And the burn of his movements was what he craved, "fuck fuck.... mmm... fuck, don't stop"
Sebastian's eyes darkened with lust while watching Jesse taking him in, one of his arms holding him around his waist tight, while his other hand moved up and held him by the neck. "Why would I do that?" he said, a wicked grin on his face as he snapped his hips up and started to pound him hard, the water splashing everywhere but he didn't mind about that (since he paid people to clean it up), but the man who had now became his addiction was all on his mind. And his body.
Fair point his brain supplied, though the words didn't quite reach his lips because he had far more important things to focus on. Which was the fact that Sebastian had started to thrust forward almost mercilessly. The feeling overwhelmed him, and the sounds coming out of his mouth were a serious of moans, not able to form any coherent words in that moment. He was sure Sebastian didn't need him to say anything, holding onto the man, his body arching with pleasure.
Sebastian grunted and buried his face on Jesse's neck, his thrusts hard and fast together, almost angry, though he wasn't really. It was more like an overwhelming feeling of property, of making sure Jesse would never forget who he really belonged to. He reached down between them and closed his hand around the man's cock, his stroke almost the same pace his thrusts were.
Jesse still sometimes forgot how good Sebastian could make him feel... he was certainly no stranger to sex himself, but still... Sebastian was just something else. Even if he had any inclination of wanting to sleep with other people (and he didn't, not in the slightest, and he hoped he was right in the thought Sebastian didn't either), he knew that nobody would know his body in the way Sebastian did. He moaned when Sebastian's hand wrapped around his cock under the water - it was a slightly unusual feeling but his body didn't know any different. He held onto Sebastian, back arching as the other man pounded into him. It didn't take more than a few moments for Jesse to reach his climax, Sebastian's name falling from his lips as he did, muscles clenching around him.
Sebastian didn't miss a single flinch on Jesse's face as he jerked his climax out of him, and the moment it happened, as always, it was a sight to behold. While the other was riding his own orgasm, with his hand still working him up, his own body jerked underneath him and soon he too was shooting his load inside of him, his body stirring with lust as he kept on thrusting hard, until both man finally stopped moving and kept perfectly still, their bodies attached as one, still shaking, still panting. Sebastian was the first to pull back, letting go of his grip on him, and he grinned. "I think we'll be needind another bath now."
Jesse was breathing heavily, aftershocks still pulsing through his body like the way it always was with Sebastian. When he heard Sebastian's words he let out a breathless chuckle, shaking his head, "pretty sure we'd find a way to need a third bath if we have a second." He smirked at Sebastian, leaning in to kiss him. He remembered in the early days there was no kissing - it was just sex and kissing was something else. And although they'd long ago crossed that barrier, Jesse still enjoyed the way kissing Sebastian felt. "But we probably do, yeah."
Jesse wasn't wrong about that. After emptying the bath, washing it down with clean water, they got back in and did their  best to keep their hands back while they cleaned themselves up, but it ended it both taking turns in giving each other hot blowjobs that eventually led to a second round, with Sebastian plastering Jesse's from against the tile wall as he fucked him. Eventually, they were able to take that final shower, and after they dried themselves down, they got into bed naked and cuddled under the soft sheets, Jesse's body half resting on top of Sebastian, while he drew lazy circles on his lower back. "I feel like I should apologize to you-" he said, all the sudden, then when he saw the confused look Jesse gave him he continued. "For putting your life in danger. None of that would've happened if we- you know..." He shrugged.
When Sebastian stated he needed to apologise, Jesse's brow creased in confusion. Just as he was about to ask for what, his boss continued. He stared at him for a few moments before shaking his head with a laugh. "Sebastian, you've tried to apologise for that before and each time I've told you not to. None of this would have happened if I hadn't witnessed a murder. Which, might I add, could happen to any schmuck who decides cutting through the back alley by the river is a good idea. The fact that you're my boss and that we - you know - is the sole reason that me witnessing a murder didn't actually get me killed." 
"And even if the fact we're sleeping together puts me at a greater risk, I don't care." Even if Sebastian and him had got more personal lately, and he was sure that whatever this was, was beyond just sleeping together, he still didn't dare say that. He didn't want to push or scare Sebastian away. He paused and sighed, pressing a soft kiss to Sebastian's skin, "because I know you'll do whatever you can to protect me like you have in the past. You made sure I knew how to defend myself, you let me stay in your home, you ... you know." He knew both and Sebastian knew he would be referring to when he'd organised the body of the man he'd shot (in self defence - he'd tried to kill him first) to be taken care of. "Hell, you let my cat stay in your home. You just offered me to join you at your place in The Hamptons so we were both safe. Believe me, you have nothing to apologise for. It's really all my fault for taking that stupid back alley cut through."
Sebastian huffed a little. "Yeah, I know that. You were the one witnessing that murder, but being with me made it all worse, because the man they killed turned out to be from the Morettis family, our enemies." He sighed when he felt Jesse's lips on his skin in that gentle way, then he looked at him and smiled. "You know I will. It'll be damn shame if something bad were to happen to you." He kissed the top of Jesse's head and chuckled. "And you still owe me big time for letting that emisar from Satan to live at my place!" He shrugged. "It can happen to anyone, babe. Lucky us we have ways to deffend ourselves from that." He pulled his head back a little, then cupped Jesse's chin and looked him in the eye. "We're lucky we found each other, I guess.
Jesse scoffed - "Matilda is a delightful cat, thank you. Trust me, the family cat we had when I was a kid was Satan. Matilda just keeps to herself... really, she's the ideal cat." He knew Matilda hadn't really taken to Sebastian but honestly, she was like that with everybody who'd she'd ever met, normally preferring to run off and hide whenever anybody entered the house. But Jesse had noticed that she at least didn't run from the room if Sebastian was in it, that was definitely progress. "But I do. Still owe you, I mean. I don't really know how I'll ever make it up to you, to be honest." He smiled when Sebastian cupped his chin and nodded, "yeah. We are." 
"Do they know?" He asked, quietly, "the Morettis, I mean. About your place in The Hamptons?" He propped himself up on his elbows, "it's me they'll want - right? I'm the witness, I'm the one that accidentally shot the last person they sent after me. They want to tie up the loose ends of the guy now that his body was found. I don't want to put you in danger either."
Sebastian chuckled and decided to drop the cat issue aside, since he knew that was a no win when it came to Jesse, then he moved a strand of hair from his eye and shook his head. "No. They don't. The place isn't even under our name, but someone else's, so they don't know we go there, ever." He frowned and shook his head, then shut Jesse up with his lips, placing a slow, deep kiss on them before he pulled back.  "You're with me now. And always. So you're safe. I'm keeping you safe. Don't worry about that." He cupped his chin. "Do you believe me?"
Everything Jesse had ever learned from his past, everything that New York had taught him told him to say no. To not trust or believe anybody because he'd made that mistake before. Especially given Sebastian was who he was. But even if he said no, he knew it would be a lie. He trusted Sebastian, and not even just a little bit - he wholly trusted him. "Yeah," he said, his voice raw and truthful, "yeah, I do."
Sebastian smiled and kissed him again. "Good. Now Let's rinse ourselves and get out of here before we prune. I don't think neither of us can rock that look now." He winked at him, then took his hand as they both stood up and he grabbed the shower headso he could clean Jesse up, then did it on himself before they stepped out of the bathtub and dried themselves up. Wisely choosing not to wear any clothes, they snuggled under the covers completely naked, already looking forward for their getaway weekend together. At least a couple ofdays of calm and relax, so that Sebastian could think about the next move.
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Queer ‘n Crazy
Hello, fellow fanders! This is chapter eight of Queer 'n Crazy, I wrote it in one go, so sorry if it's a bit rushed. Be sure to check the tags, I don’t want anyone to get hurt!
Also, whenever you feel sad, imagine a LAMP cuddle pile with a touch-starved Patton in the center. Platonic or Romantic. It works, or at least it makes me feel like there's beauty in the world. :) The summary is at the bottom just in case you can’t read it!
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
WARNINGS: Contains mentions of a bad mental state, references to and mentions of an abusive mother/abusive parents, self deprecating thoughts, eating disorders, medication, anxiety, self conciousness, depression, lack of sleep, swearnig, repression and hiding emotions. Let me know if there are any others, please!
Thanks for reading this!
"Are you sure this is the place?"
Logan glanced down at the flyer in his hand, before nodding. "Yes, I believe so. Meeting is held in the sports hall, starts at 3:15. We seem to be in the right place." The two looked up at the rusty metal sign that was set above the entrance, and sure enough, it was emblazoned with the words Sports Hall.
Logan glanced up and down the silent foyer. "We seem to be the only ones here." he turned to Virgil. "Do you think we're early?" Virgil bit his lip, his fingers starting to toy with his hoodie strings. "I dunno, are you sure we've got the date right?" "Yes, we have, Virgil." Logan sighed, exasperated. Virgil froze at his tone, instantly curling in on himself. He stayed silent instead of replying. Logan hadn't seemed to notice his reaction. Or maybe he did and doesn't care. At that moment, the foyer door opened.
"Seriously?! Cavetown is superior. You cannot change my mind." Virgil turned his eyes to the noise, grateful for a distraction.
The girl who'd spoken was short and round, with pale skin and yellowing teeth. Her hair hung limp in little clumps, and she was wearing a black oversized hoodie. Accompanying her was a taller, skinnier girl, with thinning brown hair. The taller girl scoffed.
"Nuh-uh. Twenty one Pilots is better." "You're just in denial." "I'm telling the truth, you heathen." "Your truth is a lie!" Something in Virgil's chest lightened at the mention of one of his favourite bands, but his jaw felt like it was wired shut. They were probably in Lyra, eating disorders. Virgil couldn't understand how. He was a stress-eater. He was probably staring at them - he should stop staring at them. God, I'm such a weirdo.
Virgil pulled his hood up and shoved his hands in his pockets, his stomach tightening. They probably thought he was some kind of recluse. He could feel Logan's gaze on him, but he didn't look at him. "Cavetown's lyrics have meaning! I can't say the same for ToP." "Cavetown's lyrics are bullshit compared to Twenty One Pilots'. Do you know how many lives they've saved!" "Lives saved doesn't equal quality." "One of their taglines is stay alive, for god's sake!" "I don't think God would like Twenty One Pilots." "Because they're calling him out for the disorders he's inflicted on us." The shorter girl scoffed. "Bullcrap. What do you guys think?"
Virgil didn't respond, and Logan looked down at him.
"Uh, Virgil?" Virgil jumped, turning to Logan. A concerned expression filled his field of vision. Oh god, he's worried. I can't give anyone a moment of peace, can I. I guess mum was right about that one.
"The girl's asked you a question?" "Are you assuming my gender?" said the shorter girl with a exaggerated expression. Virgil stifled a laugh, a little bit of panic fading from his eyes. Logan however, looked at the two, baffled.
"Sorry, are those not your preferred pronouns?" "No, no, they are. Sash's just joking." The taller girl looked over at Virgil, who was now surveying the two with interest.
"Do you listen to ToP or Cavetown?"
Virgil nodded. "Which one?" "Um, Twenty One Pilots." The shorter girl pouted. "I've listened to a bit of Cavetown too, though."
"Aha! So tell us, dear emo - wait are you emo?" Virgil glanced between to two, confused. "Uh, I guess?" "Alright. So tell us, dear emo, which one is better?" "Hey, you can't ask him! He listens to your stupid Pilots more!" "Well you can't expect to find someone who listens to then equally-" "I think I can, thank you very much!"
Logan shot a look at Virgil, who returned it, and the two redirected their attention to the bickering pair.
"Well anyway, which one's better?" Virgil started, his throat turning dry. Whatever he said, he'd probably offend one of them, so...
"Um, I like ToP better-" "Ha!" "-but Cavetown's valid too." The taller girl pouted, her eyebrows scrunching up. "Well shit. I thought I'd won that." "HAHA!!!!!!!!!!! ROBBIE AIN'T GOING DOWN THAT EASILY!!!!!!!!!!!" "Isn't his name Robin?"
A silence overtook the group, all of whom stared at the tie-clad boy. Logan looked at the three, confused. "Are you guys okay-" "I"VE FOUND ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!!!" The shorter girl screeched, throwing her hand up in the air. Virgil flinched away from the noise, but he found himself smiling none-the-less.
"What in the name of Rose Quartz is going on out here?" Virgil's heart jumped into his throat and he froze like a deer in the headlights. "Oh, you must be here for gay club!" Gay club?  
Virgil turned around, confused. A flicker of recognition ran through him when he saw the grinning face peering around the door, before his stressed brain made the connection. Thomas.
"Hey, aren't you that kid from the orientation?" Virgil nodded stiffly, before attempting to crack a smile. Thomas smiled, walking toward them with a clear bounce in his step.
"I'm Thomas, president of Gay Club." "It's LGBT club, Thomathy." Virgil glanced at the door again to see a ...person, probably male, but they were dressed andro. They glanced at the four of them smiling. "You guys are at the wrong door, but we can make an exception."
Thomas started bouncing on his heels, and clapping. "Oh goodie! Right this way, my rainbow friends!"
Logan straightened his tie, before following Thomas, Virgil and the girls in tow. Thomas gave them a basic run-down of the club as they walked. "We're an LGBT club, obviously. We don't really do stuff, we just meet up and be gay." "Define what you mean by "be gay"."
"Well, we do have a little clique in here that like to call themselves the "matchmakers", but they'll lay off you if you tell them to. We also set people up in straight seeming relationships if they want us to, exclusionists are not allowed. Otherwise it's mainly just gay jokes and sitting on chairs wrong. C'mon." Thomas lead them through a set of heavy blue doors, and suddenly they were inside the hall.
It was basically a gym. A gym that was packed with people -god, there were a lot of people. Across the pulled-out bleachers there was a large rainbow banner decorated with the words LGBT YOUTH in a striking gold. Students of all ages, from 12 to 19 were scattered across the place, chatting. There were a few couples flirting, Virgil could even see a group of punks playing uno with a few other kids. Despite the clear differences in personality, everyone seemed to be getting along really well, and as far as Virgil could tell, there were no rivalries.
This did ease Virgil's tension a little, although he still stuck close to Logan. Maybe he should ask about increasing his dosage.
"Oi, Talyn! We've got some more newbies!" The group followed Thomas to a large table in the center of the room, behind which sat a person with flaming blue-dyed hair. She looked at Thomas grinning, before shifting her gaze to the four following him.
"Hiya! My name's Talyn. They/Them." Virgil smiled at them, nodding. "Just put your name down here, along with your contact details. If you don't want to add your number, that's fine. Email will do. And if you really don't want us to contact you, that's cool too."
Virgil and Logan signed their names, followed by the girls. Virgil was ready to book it to a corner, but Logan waited. Once the girls were done signing, he spoke up.
"May I know your names?" The girls looked up, pleasently surprised. "Oh! I'm Kate, and this is Sasha." "Generic names, we know." Logan smiled. "I'm Logan. I hope to see you around." "'m Virgil." said Virgil, putting down his hood and smiling. "Nice to meet you."
"So what are you guys." Logan's brow crinkled with confusion, something which looked adorable on him.
"I beg your pardon?" "She means what about you is not straight or cis?" "Oh. I'm asexual and homoromantic." "Bi." "Cool!"
"Specs!" Virgil snickered as Logan sighed. "Well, it was nice to meet you two." He turned around. "Hello, Roman. Fancy seeing you here." Roman scoffed, sauntering toward them with Patton in tow. "Geez, Logan. Is that your standerd greeting? Ya gotta mix it up a little!" "What do you mean by mixing-" Roman cut him off with a sigh. "You're hopeless."
"Ro, you might wanna turn down the sarcasm a little. Hey, Virgil." "Hey, Pat." Virgil frowned, taking in Patton's appearance. He was wearing a grey hoodie, and his skin was pale and ashen. Despite the fact Virgil had seen him a few days ago, his seemed considerably more tired, bags visible through his glasses. His hair was greasy, and he had his arms wrapped around his stomach, slouching. Even his smile seemed half-hearted.
"Are you alright, Patton?" said Virgil cocking his head. He felt an undescribable urge to hug the shorter male, but he resisted. Patton's expression changed quickly, his cheeks quivering as he tried to force a smile onto his face. "I'm all good, Virg! Just feeling a little down!" Yeah, he's not okay.
Instead of saying this out loud, Virgil cocked his head to the side. "Patton, you do realise you're talking to someone who's been in a bad mental state before, right?" Patton sighed, his shoulders sinking even lower. "Yeah, I know. It's not too bad, I promise." "It's all good. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Virgil glanced over at Roman and Logan, who were discussing Roman's latest hairstyle.
His bangs were swooped out of his face and the tips were dyed a dark red, something that constrasted against his dark hair dramatically. His expression, however, did not match his hairstyle at all.
"Whaddaya mean you don't like it." whined Roman, pouted. Logan sighed. Is that all he does around this guy? "You asked for my opinion, Roman. I personally, do not like it. That is not to say it looks bad." Roman's pout grew impossibly larger, and he turned to Virgil.
"What about you, Emo Nightmare?" Virgil surveyed Roman's hair with interest.
"You dyed it yourself, didn't you." Roman shot him a look, surprised. "How could you tell?" "A proper stylist would have done it from the roots," Virgil mused, a smile gracing his features. "But for a first timer, you've done pretty well. Nice colour choice, too. It suits you." Roman grinned ear-to-ear, before twirling around. "Yay!" he cheered. Virgil raised an eyebrow.
"Did you just twirl?" "Aha!" "You do realise we're not in a disney movie, right?" "Shut up!" he shrieked.
While the noise irritated Virgil at the time, he later decided Patton's small chuckle made it worth it.
SUMMARY : Virgil and Logan go to LGBT club where they meet two girls from Lyra named Sasha and Kate. They end up meeting Roman and Patton inside, and Patton looks like he’s going through a rough time. ROMAN GOT A NEW HAIRSTYLE!!!!!!!!!! His tips are now dyed red. 
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allnamesredacted · 4 years
Late night thoughts
Genre: hurt/comfort
Pairings: Todoroki x reader
WARNINGS: anxiety, late night anxious thoughts, self deprecation, swearing
A/n: I've never wrote fan fiction before???? Idk what I'm doing??? Idk how to right for characters that aren't mine???? Ok that's all
You often got anxiety late at night. It always came at the worst moment: when you were lying in bed, just about to fall asleep. While your mind was wandering through your usual pleasent fantasies, a sudden thought clashed through your mind, breaking your calm. An unpleasant thought: the worst case scenario of a problem you were going through at that moment. Every time it came, you tried to rationalise it away, saying things like: it's okay, that's never gonna happen, it's not real, and anyway now is not the time to resolve my problems! It's one in the fucking morning. But your stupid brain would't listen. The thought remained and only grew more persistent. So you turned in your bed, trying to shake it away, but it stayed. Finally you turned on the light and tried to control your uneasy breathing, getting up and pacing around your room a bit, maybe going and getting a glass of water. That usually worked after you did it a few times.
Towards the end of the year, wjth exams coming, your mind was full of potential late night anxieties, so your sleep suffered a lot.
After a nice movie night date at your house, your boyfriend Todoroki decided to stay the night. You were sure that after such a pleasent and relaxing evening, snuggled in the arms of the love of your life, the thoughts would stay away.
You were laying in bed, your head placed on his chest, his arms wrapped loosely around your body as he slept soundly. It was 2 o'clock in the morning and you were still awake. The thoughts came in the end, of course they did. As visions of your worst nightmares started flashing in front of your mind's eye, your breath started falthering, growing faster and unstediear by the second. 'Stop it. You can't do this right now. Everything is fine. This is perfect. This is your dream. He's your dream. You can't wake him. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.'
But they wouldn't shut up. You had to get up, you had to turn on the light or something. You gently moved Todoroki's arms and got up, trying not to wake his peaceful sleeping form. You couldn't bother him. This wasn't his burden to bear.
You walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. 'Get a hold of yourself, damn it. It's ok. It's all fucking ok. Just stop. Stop. Stop.' Tears started forming in your eyes and rolled down your face. 'No. No. No. Now's not the time. You have to sleep.'
"Y/n? Are you ok?" Todoroki asked with a knock on the door.
'Fuck' you thought, 'see what you fucking did. You woke him up. Now he's not gonna sleep because of you.'
"Yep! Everything's fine!" but the crack in your voice gave everything away.
"Are you sure?" Todoroki asked with growing concern.
"Mhmm," damn it voice, pull it together.
"I'm coming in." he said firmly, opening the door.
'No. Please no. Shit, why didn't I lock it. Why the fuck didn't I lock it.'
You turned away as he came in, rubbing the tears from your eyes as you desperately tried to stop the flow.
"Are you ok? Are you sick? Do you need to throw up?" he asked, making his way over to you and placing a hand on your shoulder.
You automatically move to shake his hand off your shoulder. You can't see his face but you know he's shocked and very concerned.
"No. Yes. Yes, I'm ok. No, I'm not sick." you say, desperately trying to sound convincing.
"Y/n. You're obviously not ok. Please tell me what's wrong so I can help."
"No! You don't have to deal with it! I'm sorry for waking you up. It's my fault my brain makes me feel this way-"
"Y/n. Sleep is the last thing on my mind right now. If you're not ok then that's my concern. I want to help you because I love you. I care about you and I'm here for you. I want you to be happy. Please tell me what's going on. And don't say it's your fault, because I'm sure it's not." his voice was firm but soft at the same time. It made you feel safe. It made you melt. You stopped blocking the flow of tears and started spewing out everything that was on your mind: "I always get anxious at night...but now with all the exams and everything that's going on it's just so much worse and it's so scary and I don't know why I always feel like this and I think I'm never gonna stop feeling this way and it's so scary and I don't know how to make it stop and- and..."
Todoroki listened closely and then wrapped his arms around you, his warm body enclosing you and making you feel so safe, so at home. Everything was ok. You sobbed into his chest and allowed all of your worries to pour out. He held you firmly and whispered: "It's gonna be ok. Everything's ok right now. You're safe. I'm here. And I'm always gonna be here. Everything's gonna be ok in the end. You're ok."
Once you calmed down enough he carried you back into your bedroom. He turned on the lamp on your bedside table and stroked your hair as you lay on his chest. You were finally at peace. And you finally fell asleep.
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blue-petals-a-yuri · 5 years
Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Encounter
Kaede sighed as her head hit the desk with a «dunk!» as the bell signaling the end of class rung through the halls of the school and all the students started to pack their bags to leave for the day.
"Don’t forget to study for tomorrows test! Pages 25 through 30!" The teacher yelled as voices erupted all around and people started to head out of the classroom.
"I really dont get why we have to learn this to begin with..." she complained as she turned around in her chair. "Aki-chan? Are you listening?"
"Hm?" Aki, who had spaced out staring out the window, turned her gaze and met Kaedes annoyed face. "Oh! Sorry Kaede-chan. I wasn’t listening."
"Math! All those numbers! Tell me, when will we EVER need to know what X is?!" Kaede grabbed her textbook off her desk and held it open infront of Aki to see, pointing at the open page. "Who cares what X is!" She closed the book and slammed it down on the desk annoyed before leaning back against the wall while waving her arms dramatically in the air. "I mean, i get why we would need to know history, but i think the teachers are taking this way to far by adding letters and numbers together. As if math wasn’t complicated enough." She sighed again and looked over at Aki who was already packing her books into her bag. "You’re lucky. How come things like this just seems to stick to your brain like glue?"
"Good genes i guess." Aki laughed as she stood up and closed her bag. "Are you taking the train today?"
"No." Kaede shuved all her books into her bag before walking after Aki out of the classroom. "I’m going over to my grandparents for dinner, so my parents are picking me up. Will you be fine finding your way to the train alone?" She asked as they opened their lockers and puller out their shoes.
"I’ve lived here for two months already and you’ve followed me plenty of times. I guess if i haven’t learned my way there by now, i never will." She laughed as they walked outside and onto the street where a car was waiting and a man rolled down the window.
"Hurry up now, Kaede! We’re already late because your sister spent the last hour trying to fix her make up!" Kaedes dad yelled out the window.
"I wouldn’t have had to spend so much time if you hadn’t spent the whole day in there on the toilet!" They heard an irritated voice yell from the back seat as another window was lowed and an older girl with dark brown hair in a ponytail stick out her head and looked at them. "Aki-chan! Just as lovely as ever. Was my sister a pain in the ass today as always?" She grinned as Aki smiled at, amused."
"Shut up! Who asked you?" Kaede crossed her arms annoyed as she walked over and reached for the door.
"No one. Stop being so sensitive." She laughed as she waved at Aki and jumped over to the other seat.
"You’re so annoying!" Kaede said as she opened the door and turned towards Aki. "Please call me if you get lost! I’ll keep my phone on me just in case."
"I will. Don’t worry." Aki waved at them as she started walking down the busy street towards the trainstation.
The street was filled with other students heading in the same direction, so all Aki really needed to do was follow the flock and then make her way to the right terminal. Kaede had been really overprotective of her after that one time she had gotten lost on her way and ended up on the other side of the city. Her parents had moved here because of work which ment that she had had to change schools which wasn’t the worst thing in the world. She had already made quite a few friends in her short stay here and after transferring from a private school, she found that she was ahead of the classes in most subjects which was nice enough and gave her some extra spare time after school.
She brushed back a few strands of blond hair as a gust of wind flew by her when a train passed her. She looked around and saw that most of the seats where empty now after most of the students had already left the terminal. She walked over and sat down on one of the benches and crabbed her headset and a book from her bag while she waited for the train to arrive. A few minutes went by when she removed her headset to listen to an announcement over the speakers. Great.. The train is late.. She crossed her legs and looked around as another crowd of people arrived and started to fill up the area. Her eyes landed on a girl walking down the stairs. She wore the same uniform as herself only she looked like she was a couple years older. Her long dark hair hand loosely past her shoulders and waved as the wind caught hold of it. She was slim, but not skinny and atleast one head taller than Aki and seemed to carry herself beautifully. She had a kind of beauty that you only see on the front cover of magazines.
Aki saw her looking around before her eyes met hers. She quickly looked away embaressed from having stared at her and locked her eyes down on her book. Did she see me staring? She felt her cheels warming up a bit as she spotted a set of feet in the corner of her eye.
"Excuse me. Is this seat taken?" A voice asked as Aki lifted her head and met the girls gaze.
"N-no." She stuttered as she realized it was the same girl pointing at the seat next to her.
"Thanks." The girl smiled kindly as she sat down with a book in her and and started to read.
Aki couldn’t help but freeze a little as they sat quietly beside eachother. Definitely older than me. I’m not THAT short for my age. She sniffed as she smelled a faint sweet but very pleasent smell coming from her and peeked down at her book. Clearly she must be a good student considering she’s reading a book about ancient Greece. She quickly shifted her gaze again as the girl lifted her hand and brushed her hair behind her ear. She almost felt relieved when she heard the womans voice over the speakers announcing that the train was arriving.
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