#working setup is that sun is when the whole guy is feeling more anxious and moon is when it's feeling depressed
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Working on designs for human Sun/Moon. Definitely not a new obsession character (definitely is). It looks like it has freckles on the in-game poster but I thought acne would be funnier and more like craters.
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aminiatureworld · 4 years
A Little Rest II
Characters: Xiao, Zhongli, gn!reader
Word Count: 2,104 
Warnings: Swearing
Premise: Sometimes life is just unbearably tiring. And a comforting shoulder can be the perfect substitute pillow. In which the reader falls asleep on their partner.
Author’s Note: Second part!!! I realize the first didn’t get a ton of traction, unfortunately, but hopefully, this’ll still be welcomed. I realize since most of these are basically pseudo fics, would you guys prefer it to be bullet-pointed or paragraphed? I’m just wondering if one format is easier or more pleasant to read than the other. 
Also, adepti’s rules and personal needs are kinda nebulous to me so I sort of made them up myself. Watches also weren’t a thing until the 1800s, and specifically didn’t really become a thing in China until the mid-20th century. But this is fantasy so I do what I want.
You loved Xiao more than you could say. Every little moment spent with him made your heart flutter, every habit of his that you’d noticed, every little way he revealed his soul to you.
It seemed so improbable to you sometimes, than an adeptus, someone so very disconnected from the world of humans, should choose to love you. Although Xiao would never let you think you were any lesser than him, would never let his nature put you down, you were still somewhat in awe of the whole setup, and little reminders of his adepti status often brought you back to when you two had first begun to fall in love, when Xiao had explained that he didn’t quite understand the human way of life.
And one of those things that he didn’t understand appeared to be the concept of sleep itself.
It wasn’t that Xiao didn’t know what sleep was. Nor was he unable to sleep, he once told you. Theoretically he could sit down and take a nap much like any normal human. It was more that he didn’t need to sleep, and didn’t see the need to do something that took up so much time and left one so vulnerable.
Not that he didn’t pay attention to your needs; he wasn’t about to disrupt your sleep schedule on purpose, in fact you often joked that Xiao cared more about your rest than you did. It was only that, after spending so many years simply not thinking about things like sleep, it became hard for him to suddenly remember that he had a partner who needed said sleep every day. And a day was oh so short in Xiao’s mind.
It was a beautiful evening at the Wangshu Inn. The air was warm without being stifling and a breeze blew, light and cool. You were on the roof with Xiao, the place that had become your normal meeting spot. For as much as Xiao adored you with every fiber of his soul, he was still an adeptus, and his comfort level around most humans was that of an anxious cat – always ready to bolt.
Besides, the roof of the Inn was such a lovely place to relax. You gazed at Xiao’s profile as he looked up at the stars, noticing the way that the wind ruffled his hair slightly, the way his posture seemed so relaxed, so comfortable. One of his hands was clasping yours, fingers linked together, his palm nice and warm; the other pointed out constellations to you, each bearing a story, some which had long been forgotten by the residents of Liyue.
It wasn’t often that Xiao was so talkative, so open. Although he still barely mentioned his past – keeping that part of himself shut away with only the occasional crack through which you might learn of his sorrows – he’d become much more willing to disclose his everyday thoughts to you, as well as share stories that he knew. The latter was something you always loved to listen to, not just because the stories he told were always interesting and so full of life, but also because they gave you the sense of knowing him better, something that always made you happy.
Unfortunately, tonight was one night where, though you were more than happy to listen to Xiao talk about the stars, you were kind of dying of fatigue. A headache slipped in and out of your consciousness, and you found it more and more difficult to concentrate on Xiao’s words, finding they were all melting together into some semi-coherent monologue.
Your fatigue must’ve been very apparent, for when Xiao glanced over at you his whole demeanor changed; the carefree look on his face was gone, replaced with one of slight confusion and definitive worry. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine!” You shook your head. “Just a bit tired, that’s all.”
“Then you should rest.” Xiao squeezed your hand slightly before moving to stand up. However, as tired as you were, you cared more about spending time with him, and weren’t about to cut said time short.
“Wait!” You exclaimed, causing Xiao to pause, looking at you in a puzzled way. You smiled, slightly sheepish, but pressed forward. “I’ll be fine. If you don’t mind though, may I, uh, may I lay my head on your shoulder.” You gazed up at him, but inside you were struck with the urge to suddenly look away. Xiao was still a bit reticent with affection, not that it bothered you. He’d told you that he was simply unused to it, not averse to it. You weren’t about to pressure him into anything though, no matter the cause, and thus you waited for his response, hoping your expression conveyed that it’d be perfectly fine if he declined.
Your worries proved to be without ground however, for Xiao’s expression grew only fonder. Lying back down he gestured towards you. You gladly scooted closer to him, laying your head on his shoulder, hand once more in his. “You were saying about the boar constellation.” You murmured.
Xiao smiled, kissing the top of your head, before once more going on speaking about the stars. You smiled too, allowing his stories to carry you off to sleep, your head already swirling with half formed dreams about creatures who walked among the stars.
Xiao listened to your breathing even out, still talking a little after it seemed you’d dozed off, making sure that the sudden stop of his voice didn’t wake you up.
Gazing down at your peaceful face he pondered for a moment how much his life had changed so quickly. Even a month ago the idea that he would become friends with a human seemed impossible, much less that he would fall in love with one.
When he’d first met you it was as if something that had been frozen inside him for a long time began to thaw. He was terrified at first, terrified of you, terrified of himself, terrified of the unknown that loomed before him like a vast chasm. It had taken every ounce of courage to hold your hand at first, and every ounce of courage for every step after that.
But he would do it again if he had to, for being with you was the best part of his long, often cruel life. And he would do anything to protect you, anything to make sure you were comfortable and happy and healthy.
“Goodnight.” He spoke softly. Up above the stars kept silent vigil along with him. Tomorrow would be a bright new day, but for now he was simply going to enjoy the moment he’d been given with you.
For someone who’d lived thousands of years, you’d think Zhongli would remember that tea had to be decaffeinated sometimes.
Not that you could really blame him for forgetting. After all it’s not like he needed to pay attention to whether or not his tea was caffeinated. To one of the Seven sleep was something more akin to a perk than a necessity. Sure, it was nice to sleep. But it’s not like Zhongli was going to feel regret if he accidentally downed five cups of tea right before midnight and spent the rest of night starting at the ceiling, wondering where he went wrong.
Unfortunately, you were definitively not a god, and did, in fact, need sleep. So, when you found yourself staring out the window at 5 am, having long come to the conclusion that sleep was just not going to happen, the emotion going through your mind was something more akin to: “Oh. Fuck.”
This turned into an “Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” when you saw the list of your daily commissions. Yeah, someone had to go to Jueyun Karst and Qingyun Peak to collect Cor Lapis, and considering your relationship with Zhongli and the adepti it should’ve been unsurprising that you were going to be the one to do it. But your sleep addled brain was having a difficult time processing things logically, and all you saw when you looked at the list Katheryne gave you was the fact that today was going to hurt.
Your prediction turned out to be only too true. No adepti came to ask why you were mining outside their front doors – honestly what would you even respond to something like that – but the amount of treasure hunters that ran into you began to feel less like a likely coincidence, considering the location, and more like a targeted attack. Thankfully there was nothing you couldn’t handle, but by the end of your expedition you were more than ready to go home and take a nap.
Hurrying through the rest of your day, barely responding to the people you interacted with, by the time you’d finally finished up with your adventuring duties you felt like the most irritated person on the planet.
Arriving home, throwing your pack haphazardly onto the floor you almost tripped and fell flat on your face in your hurry to get to the bedroom. Not bothering to take off your adventuring gear you threw yourself onto the bed and quickly found yourself lost in long overdue sleep.
Zhongli glanced at his watch, frowning as he saw the lateness of the hour. The sun was already beginning to set, and though he’d walked as fast as possible, he still found himself feeling vaguely guilty about being so late. You two hadn’t spoken much in the morning, you’d seemed a bit restless and hurried out right after breakfast, so Zhongli was anxious to spend as much time with you after work as possible.
“Darling?” He called out, walking into the home you two shared. He glanced around uncertainly, surprised that you hadn’t greeted him at the door. The sight of your pack sprawled about the hallway only made him more confused, and vaguely alarmed, and he hurried down the hall, checking each room to see if you were there.
His worry immediately faded upon seeing you, curled up above the covers, evidently fast asleep. Unsure as to whether or not to wake you up he instead headed towards the kitchen, thinking you might like something when you got up.
You woke up in the dark, something that surprised you. You’d been out for a long time. Seeing that the door had been opened you shuffled down the hall, still a bit groggy from the extended nap you’d just taken.
Zhongli smiled as you entered the kitchen. “Did you have a good nap my darling?” He asked, kissing you on the forehead. You nodded sleepily, propping yourself up by your elbows on the counter. Zhongli chuckled. “Here, something to warm you up.”
Yours eyes widened as the cup of tea was placed in front of you. For a moment there was silence, then you glanced back at him.
“Uhm, is this tea, well, does it by any chance have caffeine in it?”
The look on Zhongli’s face was enough to make you burst into giggles. Perplexion melted into realization, which evidently caused some sort of embarrassment, for the former god blushed a bright shade of red before bringing his hand to cover his mouth.
“Ah, I see. That’s why you were so tired this morning.”
“It’s alright.” You finally replied, the initial fit of giggles having passed. “I know that you don’t have to think about these sorts of things normally. Only me making the same mistake two times in a row would be a bit hilarious, wouldn’t you think” You placed a kiss on Zhongli’s cheek, finally causing him to calm down a bit.
“I suppose you’re right. I’m sorry. Next time I promise to pay more attention.”
“Thank you.” You smiled, fatigue coming back after the initial burst of energy. Leaning into Zhongli’s neck you sighed slightly.
“Still tired?” Zhongli asked, voice soft and caring.
“Yeah, a bit.” You admitted. Zhongli nodded, before scooping you up.
Carrying you over to the couch you both settled in a bit. Zhongli began humming a sort of lullaby, and you smiled despite yourself. “You’re too good for me.” You mumbled.
“Nonsense.” Came Zhongli’s reply, just as full of love and affection. “You’re too good for me. And I won’t hear otherwise.”
“If you say so.” You replied, too tired to really fire back, already drifting off.
“I do. It’s only the truth.” And with that he began to hum again. As you fell asleep one last thought lingered in your mind.
If such contentment comes from staying up too late, then I’d be glad to do it again.
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chcnce · 4 years
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guess the TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD OCTOBER baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because HWA YOHAN / CHANCE HWA  is just as CRISP as the month of OCTOBER. wait, why do they remind me of BANG CHAN? beyond that, they seemed RELIABLE AND PASSIONATE upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of SELF-CONSCIOUS AND CAUTIOUS though. i hope they get acquainted here in COMPLEX # 4 / APARTMENT # 1 / FLOOR # 2 ; HE seem(s) to have a lot going on with HIS job as STREAMER.
hi! i’m lu and i’m really happy to present to you to my mess of a son. he’s certainly a hard pill to swallow but he’s not as bad once you get to interact with him. chance is his real english name, but also the persona he’s crafted to remain popular and relevant to the masses. he’s blunt and brutally honest, but mostly when he’s streaming. all in all: a whole ass mess, i insist.
without further ado, here are his basic stats, a trivia and wanted connections under the cut. however you can find his background and plots linked accordingly ( i’ll add other pages eventually ). i’m really fine with talking either here or discord, so whichever works fine for you, works fine for me too! i’ll be reaching to everyone go gives this a like soon enough <3
basic information
― full name: hwa yohan / chance hwa ― nicknames: yohwa ― age: twenty four ― date of birth: october 3rd, 1996 ― birthplace: cheonan, south korea. ― hometown: sydney, australia ― current location: seoul, south korea ― living arrangements: dallyeog / complex # 4 / apartment # 1 / floor # 2 ― ethnicity: korean ― nationality: dual, korean (natural born) and australian (naturalized) ― gender: cis male ― pronouns: he / him ― orientation: demiromantic, heterosexual. ― religion: atheist ― occupation: streamer ― language(s) spoken: korean (fluent), english (fluent) ― accent: heavy australian accent
physical appearance
― faceclaim: bang chan / christopher bang of stray kids. ― hair: naturally brown, though he often dyes to a variety of colors, mostly black and blue. right now, it’s a purple color that’s already fading. ― eye colour: coffee brown ― height: 171cm ― weight: 56kg ― tattoos: none at the moment. ― piercings: lobe and upper lobe on both ears. anti-tragus, orbital and rook on the left one. double helix on the right one. ― clothing style: regularly techwear when he goes out and athleisure at home.
― label: the cynical ― positive traits: attentive, dependable, reliable, passionate, brave, energetic, honest, humorous, clever, versatile, truthful, affectionate, sociable ― negative traits: self-conscious, cautious, opinionated, arrogant, detached, critical, tactless, stubborn, loud, quick-tempered, harsh, unfiltered, cynical, restless, ambitious, ― hobbies: baking, collecting enamel pins and funkos, jigsaw puzzles, skateboarding, reading, listening to music, curating playlists when he has time, learning origami. ― habits: obsessively organising, borrowing books and rarely ever returning them (he forgets who they belong to ok), really bad road rage, awful at keeping track of time, people watching, always wears a black ring on his left index finger, always hugs something when sleeping, gets easily impressed by things, quotes movies and shows in regular conversations, knuckle cracking, snacking between meals, eye rolling without noticing, squinting when concentrated, crossing his arms over his chest, running hands through his hair, slouching, rolling his shoulders. ― zodiac sign: sun libra, moon gemini, ascendant libra. ― mbti: infp-t “the mediator” ― enneagram: 8w7 “the nonconformist”. ― temperament: melancholic ― hogwarts house: ravenclaw ― moral alignment: chaotic neutral ― primary vice: greed ― primary virtue: diligence ― element: air
― he’s played all kind of games and his twitch channel was created 9 years ago (whew) and it currently has over 5 million subscribers. currently, he streams mostly genshin impact, valorant, league of legends, overwatch, spider-man: miles morales, cyberpunk 2077 and the witcher iii. every now and then he makes charity streams. he also makes special lives with other gamers and figures where they play games like among us, minecraft, fortnite (though he absolutely hates it), party animals, fall guys and other party games. ― despite the rumours around him and his parents, he’s never talked about them to the media. it’s not like chance hides the information, after all it’s online, but he swerves questions about them and pretty much decides to not say anything about them just to avoid controversy. his parents didn’t mind until last year the company they worked at offered him a sponsorship and yohan turned it down. it’s safe to say they were pretty hurt over this and they haven’t talked much recently. ― yohan is, in his words, the biggest fan of spiderman (not really) but he’s his favorite heroe of all times and he collects everything and anything that has him in it. his biggest collection is funko pops with over 30+ figurines. he collects funkos of various other interests of him as well as enamel pins. ― lowkey a weeb. he likes watching anime in his spare time and if he likes it too much, he’d buy the manga and read it as well. his latest obsessions are kimetsu no yaiba, boku no hero academia, haikyu and jujutsu kaisen. ― won’t ever admit this out loud, but almost every ghibli movie makes him cry his eyes out, even when he’s watched the same one over and over again. he prefers to watch these on his own. his favorite one is grave of the fireflies. ― it took him a while to get used to korean culture, a part of him is still trying to. luckily, his family would speak in korean in their household most of the time and this helped him not struggle as much when it came to the language. his streams are most of the time in english to cater to a bigger audience, but recently he’s got himself a small team of an editor and a translator that’s helped him add subtitles to the videos he uploads in youtube. ― his current setup is completely sponsored except for a few extra things he’s bought himself and he has minimal experience when it comes to builds, though he’s really interested in learning and has recently researched more about the whole topic, hoping to get his first custom build by the end of the year. ― has terrible road rage and this is the reason why he doesn’t own a car or a driving license, even being in the backseat makes him anxious and would much rather prefer to use the bus, a bike or his skateboard to commute between places. taxis and other rides are his last option, if he’s quite honest. ― as a neighbour, he’s polite and tries to be mindful just to avoid needless problems. the first thing he did was soundproof his office in order to not disrupt others, but sometimes this doesn’t work as well due to how loud he can be. chance will try to greet every neighbour he encounters either with a wave or a simple nod. ― loves dogs but doesn’t feel he’s responsible enough to take care of one yet, though he will certainly volunteer to pet-sit his friends’ dogs.
wanted connections:
― life in seoul: he’s been wanting to start a podcast that has nothing to do with his main channel, aka a podcast about the culture in seoul from different perspectives, he wants to know about other people’s experiences. can be people that have lived all their life here or foreigners that, like himself, are pretty much new or can’t get enough of the city. it’d be a pretty chill podcast and anyone can participate! ― people that know about him and lowkey follow his streams (or just play them in the background while doing other stuff) ― or people that know about him but dislike him because he’s said stuff before about other public figures you’re a fan of. or he just simply rubs you the wrong way. ― people who absolutely hates when he streams late at night and he’s full on screaming at the screen (he tried to soundproof his streaming room but someone he can be way too loud, sorry) ― he’s always up for a good collaboration regardless of the topic: food, art, random tags and challenges. even if it's not up to his alley, he's likely to always say yes just for the laughs. ― the group of friends yohan met in different ways. they're not all strictly gamers, streamers or anything of the sort, but whenever they get together to play some games, it's a total chaos. and he wouldn't change it at all. ― the one person that always gets his packages delivered by mistake to your place instead of his. or the other way around. ― more: friends, enemies, a penpal, a platonic soulmate, workout buddies, etc.
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blucmoon · 3 years
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━  ☾ ⊹  ( bang chan, cis male , he/him ) say hello to HWA YOHAN / CHANCE HWA, the TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD that seems to have a lot in his hands with HIS job as a STREAMER AND CONTENT CREATOR! beyond that, they seemed RELIABLE AND PASSIONATE upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of SELF-CONSCIOUS AND CAUTIOUS though. HE seems to live in a 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. anything else to add? oh, yeah! he also USED TO BE A PROFESSIONAL GAMER PART OF SEOUL DYNASTY (OWL) UNTIL HE GOT KICKED OUT.
basic information
― full name: hwa yohan / chance hwa ― nicknames: yohwa ― age: twenty four ― date of birth: october 3rd, 1996 ― birthplace: cheonan, south korea. ―hometown: sydney, australia ― current location: seoul, south korea ― living arrangements: 2 bedroom apartment ― ethnicity: korean ― nationality: dual, korean (natural born) and australian (naturalized) ― gender: cis male ― pronouns: he / him ― orientation: demiromantic, heterosexual. ― religion: atheist ― occupation: streamer ― language(s) spoken: korean (fluent), english (fluent) ―accent: heavy australian accent
physical appearance
― faceclaim: bang chan / christopher bang of stray kids. ― hair: naturally brown, though he often dyes to a variety of colors, mostly black and blue. right now, it’s a purple color that’s already fading. ― eye colour: coffee brown ― height: 171cm ― weight: 56kg ― tattoos: none at the moment. ― piercings: lobe and upper lobe on both ears. anti-tragus, orbital and rook on the left one. double helix on the right one. ― clothing style: regularly techwear when he goes out and athleisure at home.
― label: the cynical ― positive traits: attentive, dependable, reliable, passionate, brave, energetic, honest, humorous, clever, versatile, truthful, affectionate, sociable ― negative traits: self-conscious, cautious, opinionated, arrogant, detached, critical, tactless, stubborn, loud, quick-tempered, harsh, unfiltered, cynical, restless, ambitious, ― hobbies: baking, collecting enamel pins and funkos, jigsaw puzzles, skateboarding, reading, listening to music, curating playlists when he has time, learning origami. ― habits: obsessively organising, borrowing books and rarely ever returning them (he forgets who they belong to ok), really bad road rage, awful at keeping track of time, people watching, always wears a black ring on his left index finger, always hugs something when sleeping, gets easily impressed by things, quotes movies and shows in regular conversations, knuckle cracking, snacking between meals, eye rolling without noticing, squinting when concentrated, crossing his arms over his chest, running hands through his hair, slouching, rolling his shoulders. ― zodiac sign: sun libra, moon gemini, ascendant libra. ― mbti: infp-t “the mediator” ― enneagram: 8w7 “the nonconformist”. ― temperament: melancholic ― hogwarts house: ravenclaw ― moral alignment: chaotic neutral ― primary vice: greed ― primary virtue: diligence ― element: air
― he’s played all kind of games and his twitch channel was created 9 years ago (whew) and it currently has over 5 million subscribers. currently, he streams mostly genshin impact, valorant, league of legends, overwatch, spider-man: miles morales, cyberpunk 2077 and the witcher iii. every now and then he makes charity streams. he also makes special lives with other gamers and figures where they play games like among us, minecraft, fortnite (though he absolutely hates it), party animals, fall guys and other party games.
― despite the rumours around him and his parents, he’s never talked about them to the media. it’s not like chance hides the information, after all it’s online, but he swerves questions about them and pretty much decides to not say anything about them just to avoid controversy. his parents didn’t mind until last year the company they worked at offered him a sponsorship and yohan turned it down. it’s safe to say they were pretty hurt over this and they haven’t talked much recently.
― yohan is, in his words, the biggest fan of spiderman (not really) but he’s his favorite heroe of all times and he collects everything and anything that has him in it. his biggest collection is funko pops with over 30+ figurines. he collects funkos of various other interests of him as well as enamel pins.
― lowkey a weeb. he likes watching anime in his spare time and if he likes it too much, he’d buy the manga and read it as well. his latest obsessions are kimetsu no yaiba, boku no hero academia, haikyu and jujutsu kaisen.
― won’t ever admit this out loud, but almost every ghibli movie makes him cry his eyes out, even when he’s watched the same one over and over again. he prefers to watch these on his own. his favorite one is grave of the fireflies.
― it took him a while to get used to korean culture, a part of him is still trying to. luckily, his family would speak in korean in their household most of the time and this helped him not struggle as much when it came to the language. his streams are most of the time in english to cater to a bigger audience, but recently he’s got himself a small team of an editor and a translator that’s helped him add subtitles to the videos he uploads in youtube.
― his current setup is completely sponsored except for a few extra things he’s bought himself and he has minimal experience when it comes to builds, though he’s really interested in learning and has recently researched more about the whole topic, hoping to get his first custom build by the end of the year.
― has terrible road rage and this is the reason why he doesn’t own a car or a driving license, even being in the backseat makes him anxious and would much rather prefer to use the bus, a bike or his skateboard to commute between places. taxis and other rides are his last option, if he’s quite honest.
― as a neighbour, he’s polite and tries to be mindful just to avoid needless problems. the first thing he did was soundproof his office in order to not disrupt others, but sometimes this doesn’t work as well due to how loud he can be. chance will try to greet every neighbour he encounters either with a wave or a simple nod.
― loves dogs but doesn’t feel he’s responsible enough to take care of one yet, though he will certainly volunteer to pet-sit his friends’ dogs.
born in cheonan, south korea to two very affectionate parents and an older sister, yohan was the name given to the first boy of the hwa’s; a small loving family who moved to australia two years after his birth.
the reason for this is that his mom was promoted to become the director of a renowned gaming company that was opening its new headquarters in sydney. his father is a software engineer specialised in videogames development who works under the same company.
his sister is a graphic designer and she, too, is currently working with them in the multimedia and design area. she’s almost 7 years older than him and ever since they were kids, she took a protective role over yohan.
it was easy for yohan to get really invested in videogames from a young age, after all, his parents would often bring home their newest releases as well as games from other various companies (his father liked to play a lot as well and he himself was a fan of many games, mostly the nintendo classics).
fast forward to his teenage years; he was actually good at school, not the best, but definitely did good enough to not worry his parents with his grades. sports always piqued his interest. he was part of the basketball team and would use his skateboard often to get to school (which would earn him earfuls from the teachers saying how dangerous it was.) other than that, he was an active member in the gaming club (shocking, i know).
at 14 he got his first close up at what esports were like after participating in a tournament of counter strike, junior division. his team (which was made up by members from the gaming club) won and he got to watch matches from other divisions, only growing more and more fascinated about the whole thing. the idea of becoming a professional gamer didn’t seem so far fetched then.
around late 2011, the same year twitch started as what it is, yohan found the platform and immediately grew curious about it. it was fascinating to watch other people play, thus it didn’t take him long to start his own channel under the username “chance” right after he turned 15. it took him a while to find his own pace there, not quite sure of what to say or how to act. eventually, he saw that the less reserved and cautious he was, the more people watched and liked his stream, so from then on, he stopped worrying about what ifs and what people would think about him.
this is a double edged sword: as his popularity grows, he becomes more and more brutally honest and less mindful of the consequences his words and actions could have. whereas he quickly became one of the public’s favorites, he was also viewed as someone potentially problematic that could bring a bad reputation to the community, though this only seemed to be a prejudice from other gamers and public figures.
he doesn’t care, however, and chance was pretty dead set on keep doing his thing. he was also really active in tournaments, either small or big, and other teams would often reach out for him to fill in. he rarely ever turned down an opportunity and even though they didn’t always win, participating was more than enough for him to gain the favor of the audience.
when he was 18, a formal contract to be part of the chiefs esports club (a recently founded professional club with teams competing in counter-strike: global offensive and league of legends based in australia) was presented to him and of course he signed.
between his streams, which had become a tri-weekly kind of deal, and the “training” with his teammates the rest of the days, it was clear that yohan wasn’t in the slightest interested to pursue a higher education, and honestly his parents didn’t complain about it as he was already doing well on his own. nonetheless, his sister was concerned and pushed him to at least take a couple of online classes (which he did, but mostly to learn how to edit videos and understand audio aspects to improve the quality of his streams.)
around this time, nasty rumours about his parents buying his way into the club were spread which earned him the dislike of some of his teammates. it was the first time yohan ever encountered a situation like that but thanks to the management, he was able to move past that. the oceanic pro league was founded in 2015, a professional league of legends competition, and the chiefs esports club participated and won. this helped the rumours around him disperse for he proved his skills were what put him into the team. sadly, he left the club a year later.
for the next couple of years, he focused on his stream and growing his community. yohan was invited to different events, tournaments and other collaborations during this time and he was always excited for them. he even decided to create a youtube channel to upload highlights and vlogs.
then, the overwatch league was announced (chance quickly became addicted to this game and even reached top 500 in competitive) and he was contacted by the seoul team (seoul dynasty) to become part of their team for the inaugural season. like that, at 21, yohan packed his bags and moved to south korea.
between 2017 and 2019, he was part of the team as dps. he had to change his schedule yet again to stream only on the weekends and with some restrictions his contract established (like not talking about the team or the league live). some of his fans voiced their dislike for this new attitude of his, which yohan brushed with a roll of the eyes and a joke.
however, before the 2020 season started and the team was on break, chance was one day streaming and offhandedly said a comment about another player in the league which he had a match with. this caused a really big commotion online and several pro-gamers were rubbed the wrong way about his words (to this day, he still doesn’t know what was so wrong about calling out someone t-bagging him in a pro game) and his reputation was admittedly tarnished. the seoul dynasty’s management team decided that it was better to let him go.
that’s how last year, chance moved into his current apartment after looking online for a new place to live.
in the present, he streams 5 days a week a variety of games and his schedule varies, some days he goes live in the mornings and other days really late at night. he has a steady income from various sponsorships as well as the monetization of his youtube channel, which he updates twice a week.
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writing-the-end · 4 years
WS Chapter 56- Let’s Get Down to Business
Previous Chapter
Totally inspired by Mulan, both Red and my favorite disney princess! All the minesonas are together, the hermits are here, and the battlefield is ready! Just one last bit of red angst, brought to you by JoeHills
Red belongs to @theguardiansofredland​
Ecto belongs to @cooler-cactus-block
Mentioned: Pierre belongs to @cabbagesenpai​ , Star belongs to @thatonewannabedragon​ , Bre belongs to @mintyhotchocolate​ . (If there are any others i missed let me know! Credit where credit’s due!)
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Morning sunlight rises over the tents and small cabins within the battlefield. Not much after the sun has fully appeared over the horizon, black wings jet across the camp- followed by a second smaller pair of wings. 
Red groans, wishing Avon had never found that damned bell she has. “Wake up everyone! We need to get as much training in, we never know when the hellspawns will arrive!” 
“I was the best fighter ever seen in any world, I don’t need training.” Etho groans, face dragging along the ground as Avon pulls him by the feet out of his tent. 
“Key word ‘was’. Let’s see if that still stands.” Avon chuckles, tossing his feet to the ground and joining Ecto on the dunes. The two clasp hands, pulling each other into a half hug. The warriors share a moment of silent conversation in their eyes, enemies turned friends. And now friends turned generals of a small army. 
“A stick? That’s a pretty dinky weapon, man.” Mumbo looks at the staff Ecto hands him. 
“Ugh, again with the weird english words.” Iskall hisses, thwapping his friend in the ankles. Beside the other two architechs, Grian lets out a giggle at Mumbo’s pain. 
“I don’t trust giving any of you a weapon in our world.” Ecto mumbles, rolling her eyes and handing off a staff to Ren. 
“Just like a lightsaber. Thanks dude!” Ren gives her a wink, spinning his staff and planting it into the sand. 
Avon pulls off her cloak, draping it over a cactus and getting a feel for her staff. It’s lighter than her trident, but it reminds her of her earlier days. Jessie flits off the warming desert sand, wrapping around her neck and curling her tail around her bicep. “Avon, I don’t think you made enough sticks for everyone. I don’t have one.” 
Ecto glances to the other wanderer, and both bite their lips. Avon avoids Red’s anxious gaze, the way he bounces on his feet to get to training. She looks anywhere else, fearful eyes meeting with Pierre, flitting to Star, before staring down Impulse. “Red… Ecto and I talked it over, and we aren’t sure you’re ready for the rage of war.” 
“Wha-what do you mean?” The entire desert gets quiet, everyone staring at the three. Making it even worse. “But I can fight! You saw it in the mansion, in the nether! I want to help you all!” 
“Red, we don’t want you to get hurt.” Ecto whispers. “This is more than just a woodland mansion, or even our botched infiltration to the nether. This is war.” 
“This is for the best, Red.” Avon pulls Jessie off her shoulder, plopping the dragonet into Red’s open arms. “Just… try to stay out of trouble. Stay safe, okay?” 
Avon and Ecto turn away, yelling for the hermits and other fighters to begin sparring. To get back to business. Red backs away, sniffling as she tries to keep her tears from catching the sunlight. Is she really that useless? That her own best friends would rather she stay out of their way? Stay out of trouble? Jessie chirps, purple tongue lapping at Red’s warm tears. 
He turns away, feet slipping as he runs across the sand. Away from the army, into the campground, tripping over stakes and vines. He collapses into a pit of water, Jessie floundering to the surface as Red sinks lower. Feeling warm tears sting and mix with the water. Salt against fresh. 
Red thought he was a part of the team. A part of this all. That he wasn’t useless to them, to anyone anymore. He could be a friend, a part of this battle. To get justice, make the nether pay for Mama Gummi’s death. But he’s been sidelined. Too weak, too useless. He was an idiot to think that he was anything but that. He should just stay out of trouble. Always out of trouble- that’s all that caused this anyways. 
He’s not sure how long he’s underwater, curled in a tiny fish ball. Jessie had crawled out, but he could see her curled up in the sun. Laying in the grass just above him. Even Jessie will eventually be something more. More than just a baby. She’ll grow into a massive dragon, with firebreathing and massive claws and wings. She’ll be useful. Red flinches when a hand taps his shoulder, peeking from over his shoulder. 
A hermit has his head shoved underwater, glasses floating away from the bridge of his nose. His hand opens, inviting for Red to take it. And for some reason, Red does. Something about his face, his calm smile and jovial eyes eases Red from his wallowing.
“You’ve got quite the lung capacity to stay under there.” The hermit hauls Red out of the water, plopping her onto the grass beside Jessie. 
“I can breathe underwater. It’s not that incredible.” Red mumbles, not willing to meet his eyes. 
“I dunno, that’s pretty sweet in my mind. I’m Joe Hills. My friends just call me Joe.” He offers a hand, his other reaching out and petting Jessie. The dragon chirps, pressing into his palm like a kitten. 
“Red. Why aren’t you training with the others?” Joe stands up, and Red follows him. He isn’t sure why, but Joe just exudes a feeling of comfort, easy and friendly. Standing near Joe alone makes Red’s spirits rise.
“I’m not really the kind of person to fight with weapons. I’m more of a ‘pen is mightier than the sword’ kind of guy. What better way to beat your enemies into submission than with a damning remark on their ill actions towards the safekeeping and prosperous balance that nature provides us?” Joe summits a rise in the plain, plopping down on the grass. Red sits down beside him.
“I think I understood about half of those words, Joe.” The two look out across the battlefield. The training has split off. Some remain with Avon, working on strategy and further practice with fighting. Others have spread across the field, Ecto traveling between groups as they build up traps. Bre works with Stress, setting up potion dispensers. Pierre and Etho play with fire charges.
“Hey Impulse can you help me test this redstone trap?” Tango waves his friend over to the other side of the forest. Impulse takes off from the campground below where Red and Joe sit, watching the work. 
Red isn’t really keen on this whole fighting thing, but she understands that all attempts to talk have faltered. But she asked for the traps to be survivable. Maybe if the hellspawns see that a battle will cause harm, they’ll stop. It’s her hope, at least. But just another thing he can’t do right. He can’t even kill right. She sits, watching Tango explain the setup to Impulse. Tango is covered with redstone, the same color as his red eyes. Impulse was working with water, so he’s a little cleaner. Both laugh, and a glint of something metal appears in Impulse’s hand. 
Red squints to see what it is, but Impulse disappears from view. The ground beneath him has dropped away, and black vapors escape the pit. His head only reappears as he jumps around within the trap. “Is that…?” 
“Wither roses. Quite a poetic flower, I must say. So beautiful and delicate. Yet so...deadly.” Joe hardly looks up from his notes on the field. Red can’t take his eyes off of Impulse. His veins turn black as the wither roses deliver the sickness, and he grabs onto a ladder that was set above the trap, pale hands shaking as he climbs out. He still clutches whatever’s in his hand. 
“He looks like he’s not going to make it!” Red stands, realizing that Impulse is covered in wounds. The wither races across his body, penetrating into his heart and lungs. And the entire time, Tango can hardly breathe. Not from fear. Tango is laughing so loud Red can hear it from the hill he’s atop. Impulse’s writhing stops, but Tango’s cackles don’t. Horror etches across Red’s face as he realizes what’s happened. What kind of sick friend laughs as their friend perishes from wither sickness? Why would Tango not help him? 
A loud crack echoes from the forest, forcing Red to cover his ears and cringe. Joe doesn’t even flinch, used to the crackling noise. He glances over his glasses, seeing the horror on Red’s face be replaced by confusion. 
Impulse is standing up, brushing wither vapors off his shorts and playfully nudging Tango. Tango’s now on the ground, clutching his stomach from laughing so hard. Red wipes her eyes, blinking away the tears as if that was causing her to see things. “What happened? How is he alive?” 
“We’re all carrying totems of Undying. Once Xisuma warned us that there’s no respawn in your world, we all keep them around.” Joe pushes his glasses up his nose. “Do you not know what a totem of undying is?” 
Red shakes his head, and looks back at the pair. Impulse and Tango are looking at the trap that just killed the former, smiling quite proudly at the redstone work. He can see a glint of gold, covering Impulse’s cheek where a thorn had scratched him. The trap is deadly, but it’s possible to escape. Impulse closes it up, so no one else falls in for now. “What is a totem of undying?” 
“You’ve been carrying one around the whole time.” Joe points the feather end of his quill to Red’s backpack. Pointing at the golden statue, haphazardly tied onto the straps like a knick knack. Red sits down, plucking Fred off his string. Running his fingers across the smooth gold, ringing the emerald eyes. “When the holder’s heart stops beating, their soul perishing, it activates the totem. It breaks apart, and the magic instilled in the metal brings them back from death, gold melting into their wounds and healing them. It’s quite a beautiful sight to see up close.” 
Red’s lips form a thin line. Scar gave him this. Why did Scar think he’d need this, or was it a precautionary measure? The idea of having to use such a tool scares Red. But now, he just wants to keep it with him at all times. Red tucks the totem into the pocket of his vest. Just in case. “I’m not going to die. I’m not going to use this. I’m not useless.” 
“You should prove that to your friends. Look across this battlefield, little fish. What’s something we’re missing?” Joe lays out his journal, showing the map of the field. 
Reds eyes look around, noting the traps and offensive moves. His mind remembers something that Blu said, long ago. When they first met the hellspawn. “I’m the most dangerous. But why?” 
He watches a drop of water fall from his hair, quickly drying in the sun. The nether is the realm of fire. The hellspawns are made of fire, of lava and magma. Red remembers the way Blu recoiled from the blast of water that night. The steam and crackling of Endo when he washed over her with a wave. “Water. I can stop them with water! I can defend us all...with water!” 
Joe looks up, grinning as he gazes over his glasses. “And you can do it in a less deadly way than any of their blades of blasts can. You aren’t useless, and I don’t think your friends feel that way either. You just haven’t embraced the strongest side of you.” He nods to where Ecto and Avon are training together, using fire charges to simulate hellfire. 
“Thank you, Mr. Joe Hills!” Red leaps from the hill, running down and through the campground. “I won’t forget this!” 
Red feels the wind brush through his hair, feet pounding across the ground. As joyous and determined as he ever felt. His emotions take over, and soon he’s no longer running. He’s swimming, water pulsing across the grass with him. Easing him over the stakes that would trip him, the pits that would cause him to stumble. 
Crossing the battlefield, he raises ice walls, defending the hills and mounds that archers and fighters plan to make their stand upon. Moving water creates a trench, a moat around the campground, protecting them from all sides. Safe from attacks by land from the nether. Red hasn’t felt this much power, this much energy in his whole life. 
And he nears Ecto and Avon, struggling to defeat one another and avoid the hellfire surrounding them. Always dueling, equal matches for one another. Ecto shoves Avon backwards, and she narrowly avoids falling into fire by spreading her wings and flying. Avon tosses a fire charge, igniting the grass around Ecto. Trapping her. “You’ve been caught by the nether Ecto! Again!” 
Red lets out a holler, the water building up into a wave. The crest of the wave, and Red, comes crashing into the battle. Hellfire extinguishes into sputtering smoke, and both of the wanderers are swept off their feet. Red sees both of them look at her, and she snaps her fingers. “I won’t stay out of trouble. I am the eye of the storm. I am the trouble!” 
Dual whips of water lash out. Both Ecto and Avon narrowly avoid the strike, Avon blocking hers and Ecto dodging to the side. Both are shocked, glancing at one another before looking at Red. The three wanderers, the three friends, sharing a silent conversation without a word being spoken. Seeing the strength each has. The strength that makes them a team, that makes them friends. 
Red begins to laugh, followed by Ecto. And finally, a giggle bubbles free of Avon. Fire burns bright in all their eyes, and Avon launches her trident at Red. He easily blocks the attack, and deflects it towards Ecto. 
The wanderers duel, all three together. Playing like children, laughter ringing across the battlefield. No matter what happens, what the end of this war gives, they’re still together. They’re friends. Allies. 
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sparda3g · 5 years
Gintama Chapter 702 Review
I have been dreading for Gintama to return and not only I got my satisfaction, it exceeded my expectation. Although the chapter is shorter than last time, the content still packs a heavy punch to leave you feeling awed and invested. This chapter was an outstanding setup for the grand finale that I still have chills, goosebumps, and anything else that a man would feel when the hype is extraordinary. Once more, I’m dreading for Gintama to return.
It has been a while since the last chapter, though luckily for me, I still remember the setup and the events took place. I remember Takasugi reached to the top to confront Shouyo while Yorozuya is reunited and running towards where the two are at. Sadly, this chapter doesn’t begin with a gag like the last shift, but it’s all good when the series is at the intense climax. We’re in the endgame now.
The chapter begins with a really good hype build-up with yours truly, Sakamoto. That facial hair is doing wonder for his design as he come across like a really cool guy. That and the artwork is very solid throughout the chapter; clearly, Sorachi’s long break helps out the clarity. Back to Sakamoto, it’s all about the fate of the world, hence the chapter’s title. This moment raise the stake and increase the tension as it is the finale. It’s like the speech about history is written by the victor. The idea is this is the fight that will change everything; it’s the true endgame.
It is incredible that Earth stays getting attacked and always come close to world destruction. It’s practically fate by this point. Sakamoto always have a great speech in his arsenal and this is no exception. The pain and struggle always come for them, but their fate will deny the fate. It highlights all the Joui Four’s scenario respectively, a good reminder after a long break. It’s all about fighting to see the end and justify a reason they may or may not know. It’s inspiring and helps the hype level for what’s to come next.
Takasugi has been stellar throughout this arc. If he was like his old self before Shogun Assassination Arc, his ticking time bomb to death wouldn’t worry me. Now, I am anxious to know what his destination is. Needless to say, I’m deeply worry for the guy. With all that said, his confrontation with Shouyo is heartwarming; showcasing his great development. I’m really glad that he finally got to meet him alone. I wanted him to share his side of thoughts about his sensei, his comrades, and his own feelings.
As rough state Takasugi is in, he still smiles at the sight of his master. It’s not Utsuro, but Shouyo to his eye. He truly wants to go back home; back to the way things were. This was touching; I feel sorry for Takasugi. You can feel his words and expression how much he wanted to see him. The students may have split apart before, but now, they are returning back home. It’s a touching metaphor to say, “Family will always be family.”
The best part of the speech is when he contrast his life to Gintoki’s. In the midst of his speech, Otae was close to get crushed by blocks, but Yorozuya shows up in time to save her. Gintoki broke his staff and got hit by a block. It should be funny, but this quickly plays off as a moment to recover the best sword of them all. He is the man that moved ahead to the future and Takasugi’s role is his companion. The metaphor and the narration makes the moment emotional; I could draw tears. I can’t do it justice here, but the narrative flow is so good. Takasugi passing out got me praying; that’s how much I cared. He did recover, but then the scene segue to one of the most unexpected emotional scene this series gives so far, and that’s saying it a lot.
Out of all people to give us an emotional speech, it’s Utsuro/Shouyo himself. In fact, this is the best part of the chapter aside from the ending. Although he appears as Shouyo, it is best to be reminded that he’s the embodiment of all characters of himself within a body. In other words, he’s everyone; Utsuro, Shouyo, whoever. The idea is he acknowledge what and who he is, and nothing will change the fact he has long live to experience many life decisions. Even when he did die before, the memory remains, including Edo defeating him in the war. Honestly, this series presented very well how awful immortality can really be. He finally found the moment to die for good and this is for the best.
Shouyo’s speech doesn’t end there, but the scene does shift to Katsura and Hitsugi to connect the narrative of the end of Shouyo. There are few interesting notes here. Shouyo’s speech ties in to the moment where his heart was destroyed, because it truly is the end of him. Even if he were to gain a crystal, a replacement so to say, it’s only temporary. Basically, he’s human, and anyone with his blood will die along with him eventually. Technically, this is a plot twist and a damn good one. I’ll say it again, “We’re in the endgame now.”
What really captures my interest is Hitsugi as a character. I am stunned how Sorachi managed to make a mute guy and a third henchman into a sympathetic character and I like it. It’s another plot twist when you think about it. For a while, fans thought he’s favoring Utsuro to revive and restart the chaos once again. It turns out he is favoring him, but to put an end to his life; just as current Shouyo’s wish. It amazes me how any of his disciple truly loves him and knows what’s right. Clearly, he is the most beloved master.
I don’t know if this twist means other moments are red herring, but it’s more like us looking at the wrong direction. I thought he was a slave to Tendoshu, when in reality, he knows what needs to be done and reviving Utsuro isn’t it. What struck me the most is how he was able to understand the hardship and misery of Utsuro as immortal being. Even for a short while compare to Utsuro’s lifespan, it is a nightmare, so he wants to grant him death. What’s up with good writing making me feel sympathy for a character who is either evil or short-lived? I like how he wished the best for everyone associated with Utsuro a closure they deserved. Sleep well.
The best portion of the speech is here. After you take it all in with Shouyo’s wish and how the effect come in play, we learn how he truly feels about everything. It’s pretty emotional. His final move is to collide with Altana and cancel out the destruction to save Edo. It’s his only way to save a life and yet, he cannot save the loved ones that are his disciples. I don’t recall if I said this before and it doesn’t need to be said, but I’ll say it now: Shouyo is a tragic character.
He has been a great character, villain or not. Usually, a character can be good in one criteria, like a good person, but a crappy villain, or vice versa. Shouyo can work well for multiple roles. This is why he is well liked in the community. Because of good writing and sheer investment of these characters, I can sympathize his misery of not able to do well as immortal; can’t save not one disciple. Even offering a life with his blood, it only brought tragedy. When he cries, shoot, I begin to cry. He didn’t deserve this. He can make a great protagonist in a tragic series; I can’t say that’s a compliment. It’s sad as hell. Life truly sucks, and yet, he cannot die.
The chapter is covered with plot twists, so it might as well have one more and it’s the most shocking one. Imagine the mood you’re in after reading heartbreaking words from each characters; you’re overwhelmed with emotions. Then, the twist to top them all happens with a sheer suspense. A page left me wondering until blood is spill. Takasugi stabs Shouyo and it is gut-wrenching to fathom it. The twist is Takasugi is gone (for now at least) and Utsuro has taken over the body. Wow…
I didn’t see this coming. In fact, the way I saw it before this chapter was Utsuro is back in his own body and going to fight Takasugi before Gintoki arrives. Never would I guess Takasugi lose his conscious to Utsuro, but it makes a lot of sense. That’s why we needed to see Tendoshu as fallen victims to Utsuro. It all lined up well for this twist to happen. That said, it’s painful for Takasugi to be the man to kill his beloved master, before his very eye. Someone in the reddit pointed this out and it’s sadly true: both eyes witness the tragic fate with tears and death. Hasn’t he suffered enough? Bottom line, Utsuro is the final boss and it all comes down to the final scene.
I absolutely love the atmosphere of the aftermath of Altana destruction. Utsuro delivered bone-chilling words about Shouyo once again dies without saving anything. That’s just dark. After his line, the rest of the chapter goes silent and the visual storytelling kicks into high gear. What I love about this is how it is setting up for the final stage for the final battle. Gintoki is out of the rubble, resuming his chase for Shouyo. He arrives to the place, only to see his master dead. That’s awfully sad that he couldn’t fulfill the one path to see it through, and ironically, it’s because of Takasugi. The image of seeing your close friend being the murderer is morbid and disheartening. It’s even worse when Takasugi sadistically smile one more time before Utsuro completely takes over. Gintoki can’t catch a break at all.
The sad part is he has to kill the two of his loved one for a price of one. This series is cold when it truly needs to be. As sad it is, I can’t contain my excitement. The last shot with Gintoki and Utsuro standing got me floored with amazing amount of hype. Two men with a mission, the sun in the background, everything that has built up to this point. That shot is pure hype. It’s the final destination level of the final boss. This is Metal Gear Solid 4 final fight level of greatness. This is whatever you think it’s the best final stage tier. This is the endgame.
The whole arc has been stellar because it is more grounded, personal, and emotional. Have it end with a War Arc, it would have been pretty good, but not enough for total satisfaction. Granted, it was a solid War Arc, best in Shounen category, and opinions will vary, but a condensed concentration on few characters rather than everyone is much easier to digest, and the pacing flows more naturally. This is why the ending is shaping up to be incredible. Even if it is taking forever due to multiple trolls, fans will get the satisfaction they deserved, let alone Sorachi himself.
Bottom line, this chapter was outstanding for its incredible emotional roller coaster from various characters, excellent buildup for the final battle, and plenty of great panel shots with deep intensity and excitement. I can’t do justice on its atmospheric trip, especially the last couple of pages, but I had chills. The next chapter is hype of the hype. I have to think which soundtrack to use for the final battle. This is it. There’s no other way. Gintoki versus Utsuro as Takasugi. It all ends here.
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begonethoughtt · 3 years
Lunch is an exercise in focus.
It's the first time you've seen Iwaizumi in person since that first night, but you've talked so much in the last few weeks that there's a feeling of familiarity between the two of you from the moment you lock eyes in front of your building.
Unfortunately, that familiarity doesn't yet translate to existing in the same physical space together. When you first approach Iwaizumi where he's leaning against his car, there's one tense moment after you say hello when neither of you is sure if it's okay to touch, and if so, how much. Should you go in for the cheek kiss like you did on that first night? No, that was a completely different environment--under cover of dim club lights with a dance floor a few feet away where personal space didn't matter so much. Not a public sidewalk on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
You put your hand on Iwaizumi's bicep in greeting at the same moment that he moves in for a hug, but stops short when he sees your eyes widen, likely thinking you were uncomfortable and not just steeling yourself for the much-wanted contact. He chuckles and moves to touch your shoulder instead, but in a fleeting moment of bravery, you move in for the hug instead, standing on your toes to get your arms around his neck and pull yourself close. Your nose settles into the dip of his collar, trying not to be obvious about your deep inhale of that patchouli-cedar scent. Your waist is not small by any means, but when he gets his arms around it, you feel absolutely enveloped.
"You look great," he says when you pull apart. You glance down at your soft pink floral sundress, unaware of how Iwaizumi is doing the same.
"Oh, thanks," you say, hands fiddling with the hem of the skirt as you look up at him from under your lashes. "So do you." He's wearing that same jacket he had on at the club, this time layered over a hoodie, and you do your best not to stare at the way the fabric stretches tight across his chest and arms.
That's easier said than done, especially once you get into his car. He's a laid-back driver, one arm resting on the window while the other keeps a relaxed hold on the steering wheel. His legs fall open wide on the seat, stretching the denim of his jeans over his thighs, one of them flexing as he moves his foot between the pedals. You talk about the music he's playing in the car, exchanging stories about the concerts you've both been to over the years.
"I haven't been to a show in so long," you confess with a laugh. "I think I'm too anxious now to go anywhere near a pit like I used to."
Iwaizumi looks at you and nods as you talk, paused at a red light. When the light turns green, he shifts his eyes to the road again as he accelerates. "Big stadium shows aren't my scene anymore either," he says. "I know a few smaller, more lowkey venues that I prefer now. I'll have to show you."
You nod, wide-eyed, reaching under your jacket and fiddling with the strap of your dress. "Oh, I'd like that." Iwaizumi grins but keeps his eyes on the road.
"The banh mi at this place is insane," Iwaizumi explains as he leans forward, looking for a parking spot near the restaurant. "And I figure we can get some snacks to take with us to the park."
You agree that that sounds like a good idea as you watch him pull up in front of a spot and signal that he's going to park. Despite knowing how parallel parking works, you're not prepared for Iwaizumi to put one hand on the back of your seat and turn to look behind him as he backs up into the spot. Once again you don't know where to look, eyes darting between the length of his arm, the long line of his throat as he turns his head to look back, the concentrated furrow of his brow, his other hand gripping the steering wheel and carefully turning it as he parks.
He comes here a lot, which becomes clear as he jokes with the staff behind the counter while you grab a table. You can't hear what they're saying, but sometimes Iwaizumi throws his head back a little and laughs at whatever his friend behind the counter says. He glances around the small space until he spots you at a table by the window and has the nerve to wink at you when he catches you staring.
You quickly avert your eyes and take your phone out, sending an SOS to your friends.
I can't do this, you type frantically. I'll be dead by dinnertime. You open up your reaction pictures folder and send them the one of squidward saying, "oh no he's hot!" You're laughing at the replies, which all consist of the same spongebob meme about finishing your dessert, when you're interrupted.
"Incoming," Iwaizumi says, sliding the tray onto the table.
He's right about the banh mi, you realize. You tell him so, and he wiggles his eyebrows at you in agreement but doesn't talk with his mouth full. He hums every time he takes a bite, and several times, his eyes slip shut as he nods as if affirming his food. He doesn't talk much during lunch, but that's okay--it gives you a chance to look, to adjust to sharing the same physical space as Iwaizumi after weeks of phone calls and video chats. You almost forgot that there was more to him than just a head and shoulders, which is a shame, you realize as you glances at his arms, his chest, his legs that are too long to fit under the table and keep bumping into yours as they encroach upon your space.
When you're done eating, you clear the tray and wipe the table with a napkin while Iwaizumi heads back to the counter to buy some snacks for the park. You watch from the door as Iwaizumi daps with his friend behind the counter before making his way back to you, pushing the door open before you get a chance to.
The park isn't far, so you arrive there shortly, Iwaizumi parking again, although this time you're sure he must feel you staring, judging by the smirk curling the corner of his mouth. Before he gets out, he reaches into the backseat and grabs a couple of blankets, tucking them under his arm. You grab the snacks and get out of the car together, following the signs pointing to where the show is going to be.
You get there at just the right time, it seems, able to lay your blanket out on the grass at a spot not too far from the temporary stage, just before the field begins to fill up in earnest. You're already taking in the setup on the stage, imagining the scenes that are going to play out there soon, and taking a picture to post on instagram. Sat up on the blanket next to you, already reaching for the snacks as he leans back on one hand, Iwaizumi laughs.
"Excited?" he asks, and you can't even bring yourself to downplay it as you smile, bouncing a little in place.
"Yeah, Othello is one of my favorites!" you remind him.
He nods. "Remind me what this one is about again?"
"You want me to spoil it?" you ask, frowning and pocketing your phone.
Iwaizumi laughs at that. "It's over four hundred years old. I think we're past the threshold for spoilers."
You shrug. Fair point. "So basically, Othello and Desdemona elope--:
"Who's Desdemona?"
You blink at him, and start from the beginning.
To your surprise, he actually seems to listen to your every word, no matter how much you ramble or go on tangents, and he even asks a question or two. By the time you tell him about Othello's fate, the lawn is filled with people chattering as the crew gets the last few things ready.
"Cool," Iwaizumi says, leaning back on his hands. "Now that I know what happens I can just try to enjoy the show."
Music starts playing from the large speakers by the stage before you can answer him.
The performance is amazing, and there are moments when you get so wrapped up in watching that you almost forget Iwaizumi is there. Occasionally he leans in to ask you a question, and you glance at him briefly to answer him but try to keep one eye on the stage.
The first time it happens, you look over to find that he's a lot closer to you than you expected as he leans in to avoid disturbing anyone else. This close, you can make out the deep brown of his eyes, flecked with olive green, and you trail off mid-sentence.
Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow and maybe smirks a little. You hope he doesn't notice the way your eyes flick down to his mouth, but you know he probably does.
"What was I saying?" you whisper.
"You were telling me why Iago is trying to help Cassio even though he hates the guy."
You nod, leaning in to whisper closer to Iwaizumi's ear. "He has a whole plan to make Othello doubt Desdemona. If she starts to ask Othello for favors on Cassio's behalf now, Othello is more likely to believe it when Iago tells him later that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio." Iwaizumi nods and pulls away again, and you focus on the play to stop thinking about how he still smells good, how soft his hair looks.
It's a warm, sunny day, but the sun dips behind the clouds for most of Act III, and the skin on your bare legs prickles with the next cool breeze. You try to tuck your legs under your dress, but it's not exactly long enough and besides, it would be too thin to do much anyway.
Iwaizumi seems to notice this, and he taps your knee, then pats his own lap.
You blink at him. "What?"
"Your legs are cold. You can just put them in my lap if you want, I always run hot anyway."
Your mind wars with itself, part of it listing all the reasons you should, while the other part insists that you really really want to. The latter wins.
You unfurl your legs just as Iwaizumi slips his jacket off, leaving him in his hoodie. You stretch your legs out and drape them over Iwaizumi's lap, and he lays his jacket out over them, his hands remaining under the jacket to stroke warmth back into your calves. It occurs to you that maybe you don't need to be warmed up, if the heat rising in your cheeks is any indicator.
You have a hard time paying attention to the remainder of Act III.
When you glance over during Act IV, Iwaizumi's brow is furrowed as he follows what's going on on stage, frowning as Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona gave her handkerchief to Cassio, his mouth dropping open when Othello vows to kill her.
"She didn't do anything, though," he says, just before Act V begins. You nod.
"She sure didn't."
For the entirety of Act V, Iwaizumi sits cross legged on the blanket, leaning forward and watching Othello's life fall apart. He seems to unconsciously tighten his grip on your legs when Othello smothers Desdemona, and his shoulders slump when she forgives Othello before dying. You find that watching Iwaizumi's reactions is almost more interesting than watching the play itself.
He frowns as the metaphorical curtain closes on Act V. "That's it? Iago just gets to go on with his life while everyone else is dead?"
You shrug. "It's a tragedy for a reason."
You regretfully pull your legs from Iwaizumi's lap to stand and applaud the cast. Iwaizumi stands with you, clapping loudly, the sound standing out even among the crowd of applause. Music plays over the speakers again while everyone gathers their blankets and lawn chairs.
"I was right," he says, dusting off his blanket. You glance over, doing the same with the second blanket.
"About what?"
"It was definitely better seeing it with you."
You pause, the blanket hanging from your hands and swaying in the breeze. "Oh," you say, looking down. "I'm glad."
You walk back to Iwaizumi's car, dropping the blankets and handful of leftover snacks in the backseat before he looks at the time on his phone.
"It's still early, you wanna walk around for a bit?"
You agree and start heading down one of the trails in the park, talking about music again and the play, with you occasionally dropping funny anecdotes from work and Iwaizumi telling you about his attempts at wrangling the national team.
You're talking about the homoerotic undertones between Iago and Othello when Iwaizumi nudges your elbow and points out a breakaway in the trail, leading to a path with low-hanging branches that obscure whatever is behind them.
"What's down there?" you ask.
Iwaizumi shrugs. "Don't know. Let's find out," he says, already making his way down the path.
"Iwa, I've seen enough horror movies to know how this ends. The couples who get too curious about stuff in the woods always get killed off first."
(You won't realize your slip until you're recounting the story to your friends the next day, but if Iwaizumi notices it in the moment, he doesn't mention it.)
Iwaizumi laughs, beckoning you over. "It's a city park, not exactly the deep woods. Besides, I won't let anything happen to you."
You only hesitate for a moment, then make your way over to him. "That's exactly what the guy would say in a horror movie," you mumble as you pass, and he laughs, putting one hand on your back and walking beside you while the other moves branches aside. There's a trellis archway on the other side of the branches, covered in flowering vines. Beyond that, a small clearing paved with gray stones in a circular pattern centering on a small fountain. The area is bordered by trees and a few other trellises covered in flowers and vines, with other plants dotting the garden--hakone grass in a large pot, hydrangeas surrounding the fountain, hellebore bushes encroaching on the edge of the paved area.
"Oh, this is beautiful," you say, quiet enough that you may as well be talking to yourself.
"Yeah," Iwaizumi replies anyway.
You both gravitate to the only bench in the area, wood and wrought iron set in front of a trellis covered with trumpet vines.
"I can't believe I didn't know about this place," you say, taking it in. "I love plants."
"Are you any good at keeping them?" Iwaizumi says, angling toward you in his seat and stretching his arm over the back of the bench behind you.
"I don't know how to answer that," you reply, laughing and reaching out to touch the trumpet vines.
"Would you believe I have a small terrarium that I've managed to not kill for two years?"
"That's so cool! I've never been able to keep succulents...alive…" you trail off as you finally turn to look at Iwaizumi. His face is close again, like it was during the play.
"Hi," you say, quietly, locking eyes with him.
He smiles just a bit. "Hi yourself."
He's looking intently at you, eyes taking in the curl of your hair, your own dark eyes, the lip stain you hope hasn't faded by now. You find yourself thinking this would be the perfect moment to go for it, but you freeze.
"You do it," you whisper, as though he's privy to your thoughts.
You think he must be, because he laughs softly and reaches up with the hand not on the bench to try to tuck one of your curls behind your ear. It immediately springs back into place, unbeholden to anyone's will but it's own. "Do what?" he asks, teasing.
You almost groan under your breath. "C'mon, you know."
Iwaizumi hums. "Yeah, I think I do," he says, cupping your cheek in one hand and closing the distance between you both. His lips are softer than you imagined they'd be, his touch softer. You sigh and turn your head to deepen the kiss, your hands moving up to his shoulders as you pull him closer.
When he pulls away just far enough to get some air but close enough that you feel his breath on your mouth, he hums out a laugh again. "Was that what you had in mind?" he asks, and you nod with a laugh.
"Something like that."
The fountain babbles in the background as he leans in again.
0 notes
mingmingexpress · 7 years
Kang Daniel | Haunted House
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Rating: PG-13 (for slightly vulgar language and disturbing imagery)
Word Count: 2,104
A/N: @deepdickdaniel suggested to me a while ago that I should try writing my own fanfics, and as you can clearly see, I’ve decided to take her up on her offer. I initially said this was specifically something for her to enjoy, but the more I typed, the more I realized this was actually for my self-indulgence. Either way, I hope you guys enjoy!
You hated haunted houses. Preying on your fear of the unknown. Terrors hiding in every corner. You just couldn’t understand how people could be so willing to subject themselves to such things. Masochists, you called them.
Yet here you were, visiting your local carnival with a group of friends, the very last stop being the haunted house attraction that’s opened up for the month of October. Why exactly did you agree to this?
Oh, that’s right. Your stupid pride. A couple weeks earlier, you and a “friend”—you doubt you can really call them that, considering they made you do this—made a bet to sit through what the Internet called “the most horrifying fright fest in the state”. If you won, they’d be your personal servant for a day; if they won… well, they’d simply be content with the knowledge that you weren’t as tough as you made yourself look.
Honestly, the bet was too good to pass up anyway. Forget having your timidity lorded over for eternity, that’s beside the point. Your best friend, in a stroke of luck, had won tickets to a concert for a group you’ve been dying to see in person, and while they’ve begged to take you along (and not their insanely embarrassing mother), you’ve remained hesitant since you were tasked of babysitting your younger sibling on the same night.
Maybe this was a sign, you told yourself. It was meant to be! Regardless, you were getting increasingly tired with these unfounded claims you were, as they so charmingly worded, “a chicken.”
So back to the present. You’d started the afternoon off with some booths: shooting water into moving targets, throwing rings onto glass bottles. Heck, your skills managed to snag you a gigantic plushie of a dog—the person manning the place insisted it was a Samoyed. You then proceeded to race your friends on a go-kart track, barely managing to finish third. Wonderful. Everything seemed to be going well.
“Is something wrong?” Suddenly, you’re snapped back into reality. You look around, quickly realizing the voice belongs to Daniel. “You haven’t had a bite since we sat down.” You look back down at your food. He wasn’t joking. Your burger, along with a side of fries, remains untouched, your hands balled tightly on your lap. You barely even register it’s already lunchtime.
Daniel rests his head on his palm, looking at you concernedly. “Are you still worked up about this bet?” he asks, moving his other hand to your shoulder. Being the worrywart you are, you’d gushed to him over the phone a few nights prior about how much you were secretly dreading going to a haunted house. That entire conversation, he stayed silent, only making the occasional noise to assure you he was listening.
“I can come with you if you want,” he said after your rant was over.
“Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly ask you to do something like that,” you protested. “Besides, they’d make it look like I brought you along because I was scared.”
“Don’t be silly. A plus one you were allowed, so a plus one you shall bring. Besides”—he paused, as if to find the right words—“whatever troubles you may have, I want to be with you 100%.”
Suffice it to say, your heart melted that night. And so, you brought him along, praying that his presence would help tide you over.
“I’d be faring a lot worse if you weren’t around,” you admit. “Maybe it’s because of my baby sibling, I don’t know, but I always try to be brave wherever I go.” You let out a long sigh as you loosely play with one of your fries. “I’m being really stupid, but—”
“Stop that,” Daniel barks, quickly taking your hands in his. “You aren’t being stupid. Putting on this tough face, it just shows how much you want to be able to protect others.” You look into his eyes. They shine with so much sincerity. “If that’s not inspiring, then I don’t know what is. And hey, if you ever feel vulnerable”—laying your hands back down, he gently caresses your cheek—“just remember you have me.” God, you are so lucky to have this man. If you weren’t out with him in public, you probably would’ve squealed your head off.
With your fears moderately assuaged, you and Daniel spend the next several minutes feeding each other your food. You can faintly hear your friends pretending to throw up behind you, but you’re simply too happy to care.
“Alright, everyone!” someone eventually exclaims as you and your friends finish up. “We’re all filled up, the sun’s setting, what better way to end the day than with some scares.”
You gulp. This is it. If there was ever a need to be brave, it’s now. You look at Daniel. He looks back, that soft smile of his ever present on his face. Honestly, as long as he stays at your side, you feel everything’s going to be okay. Taking his hand and squeezing it tightly, you cautiously walk with the rest of the group to the haunted house.
It’s just as horrifying as you thought it was. Split into two sections, the haunted house is actually both a winding hedge maze and a decrepit, old building. Fog emanates from within the intricately designed set, colored either a deep red or a sickly green with the help of stage lights. Every now and then, a bloodcurdling scream is let out, followed by a maniacal laugh. Jesus Christ, they must’ve spent a whole lot of money on this. No wonder it’s so popular.
“How spooky,” that friend says to you, wiggling their fingers for dramatic effect. “If you’re too scared, it’s not too late to back out now.”
“You wish,” you scoff, rolling your eyes. “This is gonna be a piece of cake, right, Da—” You stop short when you turn to look at your boyfriend. You thought he was being unusually quiet, but now you see why. He’s giving what looks like the thousand-yard stare, his face as pale as a sheet. You then notice he’s holding onto you exceptionally tight. Like, really tight. If he put any more force, in fact, it’d probably start to hurt. And are his lips… trembling?
“Daniel?” your friend calls out, waving their hand in front of his face. “I feel like I should ask if you’ll be okay.”
“What?” Daniel finally snaps out of his haze, immediately putting on a grin. “Oh, yeah, this is nothing.” His eyes meet yours, and you can see they’re full of fear.
“If you say so,” your friend mumbles, walking off to join the others. When they’re out of earshot, you clasp Daniel by the shoulders.
“Daniel, now it’s my turn to ask you. Are you sure about this?” you ask waveringly. “Listen, none of it means anything to me, and I don’t wanna make—”
Daniel puts a finger to your lips. “I’ll be fine, I promise.” He looks to the haunted house again, and his face drops. “Just don’t let go of me, okay?” He wraps his arm around you, trying to remain confident. “We’re gonna win that bet.”
You’re still feeling a little apprehensive, but it barely matters anymore as the two of you make your way toward the haunted house. As agreed, you would be the first group to enter, a safeguard to make sure you didn’t “cheat.” The man guarding the entrance is wearing a tattered hooded robe, its right sleeve blowing freely in the wind to imply a missing arm. Despite his foreboding appearance, his uncharacteristically bright and sunny temperance before letting you in is almost a refreshing reminder that this whole setup should be nothing more than a fun carnival attraction. Well, emphasis on the “should.”
With bated breath, you and Daniel take your first steps into the hedge maze. You were told the path should be fairly straightforward, but you still have trouble walking through the thick fog, even with all the stage lights. You’ve once again noticed Daniel has reestablished his grip on you, clutching your arm like an anxious child does on his first day of school.
You start off decently enough, and you almost begin to believe you can survive this nightmare unscathed, when suddenly clawed black hands shoot through the hedges in an effort to grab you. Your eyes instinctively widen in terror, and you’re about to let out a scream, but Daniel beats you to it, swiftly ducking his head down into your side. You try to calm him down, but you’re barely able to maintain composure yourself, your head darting left and right in trepidation.
Continuing further down, grotesque creatures try to scare you at every corner, and what you can only assume are the remains of their previous victims are scattered across the bloodstained grass. Daniel can barely see anything with his face buried into your shirt, but his cries for help only continue to grow louder.
“Lord, have mercy,” he repeats, hugging your waist like it’s a lifesaver. “I don’t wanna die tonight.”
All this time, you thought you’d be the one who would need protecting, the typical damsel-in-distress finding safety in her knight in shining armor. Yet, the scene currently playing before you paints the opposite picture: Daniel has quite clearly become that damsel. But despite your initial fear and confusion, you feel something else welling up inside you.
Determination. A determination to face the horror head-on. A determination to get your boyfriend out of this hell. A determination… to be brave.
So with your chest puffed out and Daniel securely in tow, you quickly proceed through the hedge maze and into the building portion of the haunted house. Apparently home to a satanic cult, you’re greeted by maniacal followers, mutilated sacrifices, and vengeful spirits. On any other day, you would probably be screeching your head off, and let’s be real, you can’t help but let out the occasional shout, but Daniel’s helplessness has inspired within you a strength you didn’t know existed.
Before you know it, you’ve finally made it to the exit. Letting out a breath you feel you’ve been holding in since the very beginning, you look down at Daniel, still bent over whimpering. Honestly, he’s kind of adorable like this.
“Daniel, we’re out,” you say. His grip loosens, and he slides down onto his knees. “Are you okay, babe?” His body is shaking, but as he lifts his head, you realize it’s because he can’t stop laughing. Dear Lord, it looks like you’ve broken him.
“There you two are,” a voice calls out from behind you. Your other friends have also managed to escape, most of them now talking amongst themselves. “Damn, I should have never doubted you. You really are a badass.” They motion to Daniel. “I could barely even hear you with this guy begging for his life.”
“What can I say?” you brag. “I scoff at the face of danger.”
“Well, looks like you win,” they reply, bowing dramatically. “So what is it that requires your services, Your Highness?”
A grin forms on your face. “Wow, I think you should do that more often.” They groan. “But I’ll tell you what I want tomorrow. I mean”—you slowly pull your boyfriend up from the ground—“Daniel and I have had quite the evening.”
“As you wish. Far be it from me to interfere with the lovey-dovey couple.” They make a finger gun and shoot you a sly wink. “Come on, guys, let’s leave these two alone. Talk to you tomorrow!”
Once everyone has disappeared from view, you hold Daniel’s hands together in yours. He gives you a comforting smile, but all you feel is this overwhelming rush of guilt. “I am so sorry,” you stutter. “You must’ve been mortified. I should’ve never—”
Daniel suddenly pulls you into his embrace, his warmth encompassing your body. “I told you I’d be fine.” He kisses you on the lips. “And it was worth it.” After what seems like a blissful eternity, the two of you break apart, and you let out a small chuckle. “Now why are you laughing?”
“Because I felt your heartbeat just then, idiot. It’s pounding like crazy.”
Daniel blushes, scratching his head in embarrassment. “Okay, I’ll admit I’m still a little shaken up.”
“Well, how about this?” You slowly brush your hand up his arm. “We get pizza, go home, and watch Interstellar on Netflix. I’ll let you cuddle with that plushie I got earlier.”
“That sounds great, but… I think I’d rather cuddle with you.”
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spookyreddit-blog · 7 years
I remember as a teen I needed some extra cash for my warhammer 40k addiction and saving for my first car and I got a job doing a solo overnight cleaning shift at a local supermarket.
When I was doing the interview the manager told me that no one has ever stayed at the job longer than 3 months people would quit with no explanation.
I promptly scoffed and said it's an easy enough job, I'm happy to stick around the pay was amazing for my age and I lived around the corner.
Well my first night was going well, I started at about 11pm let myself in and finished at about 5am. When it got to about 2am I heard in the roof above me what sounded like furniture being moved around and lots of banging.
I thought oh maybe there is another nightshifter hanging around....then I realised the whole place was locked and I had full view of the only entrance. So I ran to the stairs and trying to be badass I pushed open the door and all I see is a dark storage room filled with chairs and shelves.
No one to be seen.
Now I was getting a bit freaked out and I finished my shift without issue.
Then as the nights went on more freaky shit started happening, I would be stacking a shelf and I hear crack and a fucking egg would be broken behind me. I would hear chip packets get crumpled and always movement upstairs. Like this place was empty but it was going nuts!!! I would get bad feelings in certain areas of the place until the worst of it at my 3 month mark. I came in and one of those eggs (the egg occurrence was common) flew straight at me and the door just blew the fuck open.
Now I could run
But no I needed the money.
So I stayed in this job for another 6 months.
How I dealt with it, every night I would get totally hammered and I would do my job fucked off my face laughing at all the weird shit that would happen.
That place was life changing there was so much more that happened but that was the jist of it.
Edit: so some of you are asking for more details and I am happy to provide.
First of all it was an old supermarket owned by some old dude. There was definitely not a homeless dude living in the roof as the storage in the roof was organised extremely well. I would literally hear musical fucken chairs and when I check everything is in order. There was no place to hide in there either and only one way in or out.
Rats and shit probably, but rats who throw damn eggs and open doors on you? Doubt it.
This was about 15 years ago when I had this job so no camera phones and the owner was a cheap ass no cameras either.
I will describe one experience I had when I was wasted And it legitimately scared me even now I get goosebumps and my eyes water a bit.
So the place is setup with a produce section on the left of the shop and about 9 isles parallel to the produce section now again cheap ass installed these "low lights" for night time and they never fully lit up the place so it was always set in this murky twilighty darkness. Well I was stacking away at about 3 am or so and I look at the produce section which was mostly dark as those guys set it up when the delivery arrives in the morning. I can make out the table shapes until I notice a giant black inky blob just right in the middle all the way to the roof.
My face 0_O
I shone my torch into it and the light didn't penetrate it. I immediately became anxious and sobered up a little, when I realised I wasn't going to let this scare me. So I took a swig of my jimmy and told it to fuck off and called it a pussy. I went back to work for about 5 minutes and then had a look at the produce area and the fucking black blob had moved closer to me, swallowing my fear I promptly called it a pussy and gave it the finger. As I turn around I feel this weight come over me and all around me felt like I was spinning then all the box stacking I just did just fell over. I yelled is that all you got you pussy fuck, push my shit over you dumb dark bitch. (I get sweary when I'm wasted) I fixed my stack up and grabbed my shit to leave. I felt like I was sobering up a bit and my head was clearer.
Now this is the super freaky bit, the door faces east so the sun rises as I am leaving and shines into the entrance of the shop. I lock the door and see the sun rising and I turn around to look back into the shop and the entire door is black I can't see inside the shop. Having my head clearer I started to freak out, just when the door I just fucking locked makes a clicking noise and slowly swings open like it was inviting me back in.
My face O:
Fuck this shit I'm out I ran to the door slammed it shut and got on my bike and rode home. That was some scary shit man.
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