#working on a lil somethin...... official announcement very soon....
jaradraws · 1 year
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dajaregambler · 3 years
AAside - Gyroaxia Band story - Chapter 4 (full)
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Translation of Gyroaxia’s band story from the game ‘Argonavis from Bang Dream! AAside’.
This post contains all parts belonging to Chapter 4.
(Recommendation to read this along the ingame band story, since it’s all fully voiced!)
Part one - “Joint declaration”
-----At GYROAXIA’s sharehouse
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Reon: Kenta-san, have you seen this?
Kenta: What?
Reon: How members of Fantôme Iris are dissing us, and that from there fans started to fight each other…
Miyuki: I saw it too. Like, how Fantôme’s comments started it all, although I’m suspicious if they actually did say that
Reon: I was thinking so too but….
Reon: On the contrary, our fans went out to get revenge after Fantôme’s live had ended…
Kenta: I’m aware of it. I had shrugged it off as baseless rumors that would disappear on their own soon.
Kenta: And then it turned out to be a bigger commotion than I had expected it to.
Miyuki: What’re we gonna do? Are we gonna leave it be or
Kenta: The leader of Fantôme shall be coming here tonight. I intend to discuss what we should do about it.
Miyuki: Haha, always first on the move ain’tcha now
Reon: It’d be good if it didn’t influence the voting for the starting live, but…. today they’ll be announcing the results, right
Kenta: What now, are you not confident?
Reon: That’s not….
Miyuki: Well, I’m not worried about our ranking, it just doesn’t feel too good thinking how these strange rumors still out there
Kenta: I’ll be taking care of it. Leave it up to me
Miyuki: Yeah, yeah. Please do so, Kenta-sensei
----A few hours later
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Felix: ---Then, I shall be taking care of the draft for the statement. Could you verify it for me once I had sent it after returning home as soon as possible?
Kenta: I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll respond as soon as possible.
Felix: I could say the same. Ah… that reminds me, I had forgotten to mention something
Kenta: What may it be?
Felix: Congratulations on reaching first place at the starting live. It’s still an amazing accomplishment, even without the impact of the rumors.
Kenta: Thank you very much. However, I believe that you are not intending to leave things as they are now, right?
Felix: Why of course. We may have ended up last now, but one could say it was a mere warm up for next time.
Felix: It ought to not take long before we get tired of staring down on your backs.
Kenta: …..GYROAXIA will not lose.
Felix: I see… fufu. Now then, I suppose it’s time to---
(Door opening)
Nayuta: Any coffee
Nyankotarou: Nya~
Felix: Good evening, Nayuta. Pardon my intrustion. And hello to you too, you must be Nyankotarou
Nayuta: …..A guest, eh
Kenta: You seem to be well informed, to the point of knowing his cat’s name. 
Felix: Only because I have checked the official blog of your band. A fan ought to know this much, or am I wrong?
Kenta: Haha
Felix: Now, I shall be taking my leave. I would love to sit down and have a nice chat with you when possible, Nayuta
Nayuta: ………
Felix: À bientôt. And to you too, Nyankotarou
Nyankotarou: Nya~
Nayuta: …..What did you talk about
Kenta: I had consulted him about what we should do about these baseless rumors. Nothing that should concern you.
Nayuta: ‘Kay
Kenta: Ah, right there is coffee. I’ll go make some right now
Kenta: (Even though I’m doing everything I can to not distract Nayuta with any unnecessary trouble, it has to blow over as soon as it can.)
Kenta: (If... this would put an end to it, though...)
Part two - “Joint interview”
-----At an office
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Miyuki: Soft and fluffy chairs, some way too delicious coffee…. at last, the kind of treatment we deserve
Nayuta: ….Oi, Sakaigawa
Miyuki: Mh? What’s up, Nayuta?
Nayuta: It’s time. Let’s leave
Miyuki: Eh? I mean sure it’s been a while since it was supposed to start but… wouldn’t it be good to wait for a bit at least!
Nayuta: Tch….
Miyuki: The management of the Fes had set this interview up for us too. Hold it out just for a bit, okay!
Miyuki: Handling advertising is also an important part for the Fes, didn’t Kenta say so too?
Nayuta: Where is he
Miyuki: He said he suddenly had a meeting to attend and is at the office now
Nayuta: ………
Miyuki: I’ll contact the person in charge too, c’mon sit down!
Interviewer: Excuse me. My sincerest apologies for being late!
Shu: So sorry for bein’ late. Was busy with school an’ all that 
Reiji: Forgive us for making you wait.
Miyuki: Eh? You guys are Epsi’s….
Nayuta: ….What’s the meaning of this
Miyuki: Wasn’t it supposed to be Nayuta’s interview today or...
Interview: Huh? Have we not informed you about it? That it’s a joint interview with the frontmen of the participating bands...
Shu: Aah, that’s ‘cuz I asked to not let ‘em know. Wanted to get a good scare outta ‘em!
Nayuta: ….We gotta leave
Miyuki: Heey hey now! This kinda interview isn’t too bad, is it! And it’s not like you speak a lot on your own to begin with!
Reiji: My deepest apologies for spoiling the mood. Ujigawa has a tendency to enjoy pulling suck pranks...
Shu: Aw c’mon, stop talkin’ as if I’m some lil’ kid
Interviewer: We are very sorry for the lack of communication on our part! I promise it will not take too long, so please….!
Nayuta: ………
Interviewer: ----Now then, could you tell us what you think of each other’s bands?
Nayuta: Got nothing
Shu: Eeeh, that’s makin’ me sad. I’mma big fan of Gyro! Nayuta-san’s vocals are a given, but the rest of the band---
Miyuki: Wonder if it’s okay for Nayuta to act like that….
Reiji: Isn’t it more exciting to have an interview with a feeling of tension in the air
Reiji: It’s quite interesting, like Asahi-san himself
Miyuki: Haha… A relief to hear that then
Reiji: ….Speaking of which, that secret live from the other day was exciting too wasn’t it
Reiji: Somehow to the point of Asahi-san collapsing from singing too much….
Miyuki: Hm, aah… that. Yeah, Nayuta just went a bit overboard with giving his all
Reiji: Is his physical condition stable?
Miyuki: All good, good! Not a big deal at all!
Reiji: Then that is fine…. The vocalist collapsing must be undeniably troublesome for the members too.
Miyuki: Well… honestly, what came after that was more troubling than him collapsing
Reiji: Had something happened?
Miyuki: Nah well, it was more silly if anything you know, like a whole coup d’état was being staged! 
Reiji: Coup d'état…. Haha, that does indeed sound quite funny.
Reiji: If you don’t mind, could you tell me more about it?
Part three - “Stand and talk”
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Miyuki: ---And with that, the whole coup fell apart. And one way or the other we all got back together again.
Miyuki: See? Told you it was silly, right?
Reiji: ….It’s necessary for the surprise attack to land its mark, if one wants a coup to succeed.
Reiji: For that moment, you have to bow down to those in power and patiently await your turn to strike...
Miyuki: Uum… What’s that about?
Reiji: ….History that I had learned in class about.
Reiji: Either way, thank you very much for talking with me.
Reiji: We’re respectively having our own fair share of issues due the nature of our frontmen, however we shall be doing our best for the Fes going on forward.
Miyuki: Seriously mature for your age, aren’t you….
Nayuta: Let’s leave, Sakaigawa
Miyuki: Sorry, sorry. Got caught up in talking. So, how did that interview go? 
Nayuki: Dunno. You’ll see tomorrow when we get back
Shu: Nayuta-san, good work. Was plenty of fun to talk with you!
Reiji: Thank you for your time too, Sakaigawa-san. I wish you good luck at the live tommorrow.
Miyuki: Ah, hold on Nayuta! Sorry for this, we’ll sit down to talk again some other time
Reiji: ….How did it go with him?
Shu: Wasn’t fun at all. That mister wouldn’ react at all despite pushin’ his buttons
Shu: Anyway, you seem to have heard somethin’ interesting?
Reiji: Yes. Exactly the kind of thing you enjoy.
Reiji: I’ll go collect evidence from the livehouse and hospital at once. I’ll be able to have it done in a few hours.
-----At GYROAXIA’s sharehouse
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Ryo: Ah, Miyuki-kun and Nayuta, welcome baaack
Kenta: Welcome back, good work today
Miyuki: Huh, you got back too?
Kenta: Yes, it was a simple meeting. More importantly, how did the interview go?
Miyuki: It was… the whole thing turned out different than expected. Nayuta had to do a joint interview with Epsi’s Ujigawa-kun
Kenta: With Ujigawa Shu.... Was there anything strange that happened? 
Miyuki: Nah? It went pretty smoothly, right Nayuta?
Nayuta: Don’t remember. Don’t care
Kenta: Then, that’s fine….
(Door opening)
Reon: Ah, Kenta-san! Did you check online!?
Kenta: What is it, have fans started arguing again?
Miyuki: We commented on it, shouldn’t it have calmed down?
Reon: Not that! Look, it’s about this!
Miyuki: Uuum… “GYROAXIA’s vocalist, Nayuta Asahi has been spotted at the hospital! Troubles arise regarding the continuation of the band”---- 
Ryo: “Which leads to tension between the band members! Are they on the verge of breaking up with LR Fes right around the corner!?”
Miyuki: ...What, what the hell!? Where did all of this come from?
Kenta: I had assumed the possibility about hospital-related rumors spreading but…. not that it would reach about the state of the band itself.
Reon: It’s strange right! And way too detailed! To the point of a coup being mentioned!
Nayuta: ….What’s the meaning of this?
Kenta: I can only think it was one of us that had leaked it. But, how…. doesn’t anyone here remember this?
Miyuki: Think about it, going out of your way to talk about th--
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Reiji: If you don’t mind, could you tell me more about it?
Miyuki: ….Eh? Don’t tell me….him!?
Kenta: Is there something you know, Miyuki
Miyuki: ……..Shit! Sure did it this time!!
Part four - “Reiji’s strategy”
Miyuki: While… Nayuta was doing the interview, I had talked to Epsi’s drummer…
Kenta: The drummer…. Karasuma Reiji
Miyuki: But, we didn’t talk too long ago, and I didn’t say anything about Nayuta’s asthma either!?
Kenta: There was more than enough time to spread rumors online about it.
Reon: It’s about an illness, and with how he collapsed at a live, you can make up as much as you want about it….
Kenta: ….There were a lot of awful rumors about Epsi when they were in Kyoto. How they’ll do anything to crush whoever piques their interest, and the like
Kenta: Which makes me suspect that they’re the ones behind our trouble with Fantôme.
Ryo: Why…. why would they do such things?
Kenta: To cut down the amount of rivals for the Fes…. I wouldn’t know for any other reason why.
Reon: Still, to go like that about it… it’s way too foul!
Kenta: They’re still middle and highschool students, but have plenty of funds and human connections to make use of.
Kenta: An example of what happens when a child who doesn’t know any better becomes drunk on power, I suppose
Nayuta: ……….
Miyuki: Goddamnit….!!
Reon: What do we do? Make another statement?
Kenta: Compared to last time, these rumors aren’t completely baseless. Any wrong moves will increase our amount of problems….
Miyuki: I’m sorry, everyone…. All because I just can’t keep my mouth shut….
Kenta: Apologies are for later. We need to focus on what to do about this right now...
Nayuta: Ain’t gonna do a thing
Miyuki: ...Eh?
Nayuta: We’re gonna rehearse. Get ready
Reon: Is it really fine to just leave it at that!?
Nayuta: Don’t give enough of a fuck to play around with some shitty brat
Kenta: Still… will the fans agree to it?
Nayuta: As if I know
Reon: “As if” you say….
Ryo: Then… wouldn’t it be better to admit to everything?
Miyuki: …..Eeeeh!?
Ryo: Let’s admit it at the beginning of the live. About Nayuta’s illness, and our coup d’état too
Kenta: …..Isn’t that asking to invite even more chaos?
Ryo: It’ll be all good!
Reon: How even
Ryo: ‘Cuz we’ll be doing a live right after it?
Ryo: Once our live starts, everyone’s worries will fly right out of the window and they’ll become happy!
Miyuki: What’s with that…
Kenta: ….I see
Reon: You’re agreeing with him!?
Kenta: Because… it might be a chance to demonstrate our power. Rumors and facts, GYROAXIA’s music will bring it all to the ground
Kenta: If it goes smoothly, we’d be back on track for the Fes...
Nayuta: ……..
Miyuki: Nayuta, I’m sorry…. It’s my fault that your fans came to know about your illness…..
Miyuki: But, it’s as Ryo and Kenta said… If it’s with you…. with our performance, everything will be blown away
Nayuta: Cut it out with the whining….
Reon: You’re so….!
Nayuta: I’m only gonna sing
Part five - “What about it?”
----At the livehouse
Gyro fan A: Hey, did you see it? Those rumors online. Like, “Gyro in a crisis of disbanding” and all… 
Gyro fan B: Isn’t that fake? And, Nayuta’s illness….
Gyro fan A: Yeah but… there’s also how Nayuta collapsed during the last song at this secret live the other day, right?
Gyro fan B: Yeah… and it does seem that the members often fight too….
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Nayuta: …...Listen
Gyro fan A: Eh…. He’s gonna talk? Isn’t this unusual!?
Nayuta: Everything online, those shitty rumors--- All of it is true
Nayuta: I have a respiratory disease. There’s guys that started going on about quitting
Nayuta: But… what about it?
Nayuta: Even if I fall, I’ll sing. Even on my own, I’ll sing.
Nayuta: As long as I live
Nayuta: …...GYROAXIA
Reon: (All you had to say or what… still… it really fired up everyone!)
Miyuki: (Amazing, eh… that it wasn’t “us” either.)
Ryo: (Yeah, this feels nice… everyone looks happy)
Kenta: (Go, Nayuta…. crush them….!)
Gyro fan A: GYROOO!!!
Gyro fan B: NAYUTAAA!!
Gyro fan A: Hey, is that illness part true!? He’s still going at full power during the encore!!
Gyro fan B: The instrumental part was amazing too! No way that they’re breaking up!
Ryo: Aah, how nice… this kind of atmosphere… it’s very happy….
Reon: Haah..haah.. alright! The best performance…. yes… yes!!
Miyuki: Fuuh... for real, he’s some kinda monster... the fact that he pulled off a live beyond flawless
Kenta: You did it, Nayuta…. Alright, time to wrap it up
Nayuta: …….
Kenta: Nayuta….?
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Nayuta: Oi… dunno if you’re here… some damned guy that has the nerve to pull some shit---
Nayuta: Whatever you wanna do, don’t drag me in it
Nayuta: That shit won’t crush my music
Nayuta: Still, you’re an eyesore. Don’t get in my way a second time. And if you wanna keep going...
Nayuta: I’ll destroy you… at the Fes battle
Miyuki: Haha… As if he’s some pro-wrestler
Reon: He.. was considerably angry
Kenta: Really? Isn’t that---
Ryo: Yeah, it’s the Nayuta that we know
Gyro fan A: That was so awesome! But… what Nayuta said at the end there...
Gyro fan B: “I’ll destroy you at the Fes”.... does this mean that a participating band spread rumors?
Gyro fan A: Seriously… that’s straight up awful
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Reiji: ………
Reiji: (Failure, huh… No, they turned the tables around….)
Reiji: (There’s many other bands that aren’t this straight-forward… Well, whether it succeeds or not, either is fine.)
Reiji: (As long as Shu has been entertained)
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