#work ladder
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huariqueje · 6 months ago
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The Three Ages , Arrigunaga - Agustín Reche Mora 
Spanish , b. 1954 -
Oil on canvas , 61 x 38 cm.
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So you know when you're writing a scene where the hero is carrying an injured person and you realize you've never been in this situation and have no idea how accurate the method of transportation actually is?
Oh boy, do I have a valuable resource for you!
Here is a PDF of the best ways to carry people depending on the situation and how conscious the injured person needs to be for the carrying position.
Literally a life saver.
(No pun intended.)
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xiaq · 10 months ago
It’s nearly done! And I’m a little beside myself.
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messmagu · 2 years ago
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Important presents featuring the only dc comic I've read in its entirety probably
Cause these kids are incredibly fun
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isbergillustration · 6 months ago
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Writing a horror short story situation that's been spinning like a kebab in my head the last week, and, struggling to get past the first page, I stopped to draw it.
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riddlemearose · 19 days ago
Linked Universe Combat Guide (part 1)
Lmao I have been casually sitting on this for like two months now and since I'm procrastinating writing an essay, I've decided to post it.
Anyway, this came from my bajillion notes about the Chain's equipment so I could have fight scenes that involved more than "he swings his sword" x9. I also wanted to identify all the weird weapons the Links would have too bc I know they exist. And since adhd is the shark disorder and I need to do something bc I stop moving I die, I've made my notes coherent enough to inflict upon tumblr.
General Notes:
In terms of additional weapons/equipment, I’m not including the traditional bombs/bow + arrows/boomerangs bc basically everyone has a variant of these. All I'm doing is looking at the possible items collected on the quests and being like "yeah I could probably work out a way to kill monsters with that".
Also they all have one-handed sword and shield proficiency, so I'm not including that for each Link. However any other canonical or possible weapon proficiencies will be listed.
7 out of 9 Links are predominantly lefties. Generally, left-handed swordfighters are used to fighting right-handed swordfighters, but the same is not true vice versa, so they will have an advantage against most human enemies. -> any ambidextrous fighters in the group is largely a headcanon but go nuts w/ it.
Researched to the best of my ability (limited only by search terms and my own waning hyperfixation), but pls be aware I literally only played my first Zelda game ever in February 2024 so there’s a lot I don’t know and games I haven’t played. Both parts are open to peer review and active fact checking lmao
Half of this is canonical abilities and half is presumed abilities based off of said canon + other logical conclusions. I'm doing this from a lore-accurate sense, rather than a straight pull from the LU comics, simply bc that allows for a broader analysis of what they're technically all capable of. I've tried my best to keep my personal headcanons out of this either way.
This part covers Four, Hyrule, Legend and Wind, whose games I have not played, so my apologies if anything is missing or incorrect.
Updated 9 March 2025 with new info provided by @thejolteonmastertj who's a literal godsend for their info about Legend and Hyrule's combat skills🙏, and @respheal who added on and emphasised just how important Legend's spin attack is. I love you both <3
I am actively making the argument that Four probably has knowledge about other fighting styles due to his trade as a black/weaponsmith. I do not have any specifics in mind bc I do not have the spoons for that deep-dive, but feel free to run with this however you want.
Sword techniques: -> spin attack + variants    -> great spin attack (repeated spins)    -> hurricane spin (same as above but temporarily induces dizziness) -> dash attack (requires pegasus boots) -> peril beam (only works when he's got 1 heart left) -> roll attack -> down thrust (requires Roc’s cape)
Obviously, Four's greatest strength is team combat w/ the Colours. By splitting, he's able to coordinate combat with easy tag-team attacks with a much lower risk of friendly fire compared to when fighting alongside members of the Chain. Group combat, quite obviously, is actually kinda hard bc it requires an increased amount of situational awareness that is often overridden by adrenaline. Thankfully, since Four and the Colours are literally the same person, this is mitigated by a LOT.
Seriously do not discount how Four's height is an advantage in combat. Being smaller/shorter means you have less body mass to speed up and slow down, so you have greater agility and speed. You're also harder to hit and better at close combat (short limbs take less time to block, attack, etc.)
Genuinely don't know if he's proficient in combat while on horseback. I've heard at least one of Four's games has an Epona, but I don't know if there's any mounted combat.
Additional Weapons/Equipment: -> power bracelets -> gust jar -> Cane of Pacci -> magnetic glove -> fire rod (I think? Fact check pls and thank) -> magic hammer -> pegasus boots -> Roc’s cape -> shovel (do not under any circumstances discount mundane weapons)
To start off, the most important thing to know about Hyrule is that he's a self-taught fighter.
No, seriously this is more important than you think but not for the reasons you may think. Self-taught fighters are scrappy as shit. Out of the entire Chain, Hyrule will be the first one to resort to fighting dirty. Have him clawing at people’s eyes, throwing dirt, and biting. When you grow up in a situation where survival is a thin line you don't want to cross, you’ll do anything to stay alive when you have to.
Spells: -> Shield: reduces damage by half -> Jump: self-explanatory -> Life: recovers health -> Fairy: shapeshifts into a fairy -> Fire: shoots fireballs from the end of his sword. (an aside, but this scene from the comic may be a variant of Fire? Fact check again lmao) -> Reflect: reflects magic attacks and strengthens his shield to temporarily block some physical attacks and most magical attacks -> Spell: can turn most enemies into Bots -> Thunder: summons lightning
Hyrule actually gained the ability to use magic in his second quest, so while he's probably well adapted to using it now and may default to using it when backed into a corner, he's still a capable swordsman without it. -> Update: while the spells I listed above came about in Hyrule's second quest, thejolteonmastertj points out that Hyrule is straight up slinging sword beams with the random sword he gets given at the start of his first adventure, and that it's an important technique for the game.
He can canonically use Jump to perform a down thrust (like Four's) and a jump thrust (think Mario hitting bricks lmao),but there are so many ways to utilise this spell. Someone should teach Hyrule the Helm Splitter.
Additional Weapons/Equipment: -> power bracelets -> hammer -> this will sound stupid but ladder (again, never underestimate weird and mundane weapons.) -> magic rod (w/ accompanying fire upgrade) -> magic recorder (used in-game for fast travel but thejolteonmastertj also says it summons a tornado and if you can't find a way to use that in combat, I'm going to eat my hat)
Legend gave me so much trouble, solely bc sir has too many games. Jesus Christ man.
I am once again happily arguing that due to Legend’s sheer experience, he probably has other weapon proficiencies outside of a one-handed sword + shield combo, but that’s entirely up to personal headcanons
A lot of the combat I could find is similar to Four's, in terms of sword techniques, so see above.
Once again for the class lmao, Legend has the most questing experience. While his section may seem small bc I don't want to rehash stuff I've already said, it's entirely on-brand for him to have tweaked a lot of this. Headcanons abound.
Updating the above two points: again provided by thejolteonmastertj, Legend's officially getting smacked with another label, and this is "Most OP Spin Attack". This has been pointed out to be a core aspect of combat for ALTTP (Legend's first adventure). directly quoting their reblog bc I can't summarise it any better than it's already been said: -> "Legend’s charged spin attack as reactive crowd control is foundational & central to his entire battle style. It’s extremely difficult to land a hit otherwise! You gotta either run, button mash to parry with ur back against a wall till something hits… … or you play it smart, watch everything in the room & plan your charged spins accordingly. Legend would be particularly adept at being outnumbered in an enclosed space. He can also throw pots, even shrubbery if he so desires, but well-timed spin-attacks are what truly carries him through his first few dungeons."
respheal also points out that some of Legend's enemies can only be damaged by the spin attack, making it a cruical technique that he's more than likely put time into developing more than the others may have.
Can't believe I didn't mention Legend's own tactical prowess smh
Additional Weapons/Equipment (Warning: brace yourself): -> literally the entire contents of his ring box. I'm not listing them. I don't even know what's in it, nor do I want to at this point. A link to the Everything in his ring box can be found here -> power bracelets/power glove/titan’s mitt -> hammer(s) -> pegasus boots -> Cane of Byrna -> Cane of Somaria -> hookshots -> long hook -> seed shooter (+ ember seeds, scent seeds, mystery seeds, gale seeds, & pegasus seeds) -> fire rod -> ice rod -> Rod of Seasons -> tornado rod -> sand rod -> Bombos medallion -> Ether Medallion -> Quake medallion -> magic powder -> shovel -> super net -> alternative tunics (attack or defensive enhancements) -> red shield (fire defence) -> Roc’s feather
Arguably has the best balance and proprioception of the group, which is extremely useful in many situations.
Once again, do not be afraid to use Wind’s height to his advantage. He has a slight detriment bc he’s still getting taller and going through puberty does screw up your proprioception, but I think if you’re using a sword that much, both against enemies and in sparring matches, he's probably still got a decent sense of his own balance and body.
I genuinely don’t know how the Phantom Sword works, sorry. I know it has some potential to slow time, but I’m not entirely sure about the mechanics behind that, nor if it’s still capable of such magic.
Wind’s Parry Attack:   Hmm this thing. It’s interesting. Note: no actual parrying with a shield is needed, which means it's kinda like BOTW's perfect dodge mechanic. -> Wind’s parry attack is like the Helm Splitter and Back Slice combined into one. If the attack is vertical, he does a Back Slice-esque attack. If the attack is horizontal, it’s a Helm Splitter. -> Additionally he has an ending blow like Twilight and Sky, which has a specific trigger.
Additional Weapons/Equipment: -> power bracelets -> deku leaf -> skull hammer -> grappling hook (!!!!! any rope dart combat video would make this brutal) -> shovel -> hookshot -> Wind’s weird magic armour spell -> Hyoi pears if you feel like world-building
Part 2: Sky, Time, Twi, Wars and Wild
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showrunnerihardlyknowher · 1 year ago
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12ft aliens and the human crewmate they said they didn't want be like
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anglerflsh · 5 months ago
can you tell us more about Sophie's lore with her past and also her why she created Adam?
Sure! Under a cut because this got long lol
Sophie (before the start of the dnd campaign this is set in) was the head scientist of the Archives for which Adam was created.
She was assigned the job to make him by the City's Government so they could have their symbol and mascot and personification and diplomat and archivist all in one -- really Adam wasn't her idea at all! She started to work on him for her boss, and only after did she set out to try and make a person instead of just an automated archival unit with an autoresponder.
That jump was made out of her own desire to push the limits of what she could achieve with science. If the city wanted a symbol of their splendour and advancements, Sophie wanted a symbol of her ability as a scientist. She was pulling a Viktor Frankenstein, essentially, with the main difference that she started to see her creation as a person and got emotionally attached. That's her boy! Her pride and joy even! Yes, he is the making of her lifetime and the machine that made her crowning achievement, but he is also a person she made. Her son, technically, but neither her nor Adam say it out loud.
See, she didn't grow up in the City itself, but in the poor outskirts of it, and had to work desperately in order to reach the position she is in now. Her twenties were a long streak of adopting every social norm possible in order to appear respectable and to hold onto the opportunity she was given to work in the City itself, and of trying desperately to prove herself. After the Adam project started, though, Sophie had concrete proof of her worth, so she started to... live a little, let's say. Give in to the mad scientist streak she's had since forever. Be a little more eclectic. Turn into the wine aunt she was always meant to be.
Her relationship with her coworkers is fraught at best, she doesn't have many friends and did not talk to many people aside from Adam himself -- and even then, she had to raise him with the City's unsavory mentality which was... quite painful for her to do. Adam's not a bad person by any means, she's made sure, but it stings sometimes that he is meant to be the personification of a system, of a City, that held many people like her down.
And then dnd campaign lore proper started and Adam got sent to a Grand Tour of sort for him to publicise the City to the order nations, and the government used that chance to fire Sophie because they did not need her anymore to make Adam work. Sad! She's kicking it with a few friends back in the outskirts now making thingamagigs to help them.
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reksink · 3 months ago
hey, did u see ? off is like coming to steam and theres new stuff too apparently? also official merch
I have indeed! I was in the chat of the announcement stream if you're willing to look for me, hehe!! If I'm being completely honest I was incredibly suprised when the merch was first revealed. Like everyone else I was really happy that Mortis was drawing more OFF related stuff again, but I ever guess something this big was coming for us
My overall thought process if that Mortis was 'past' OFF, you know? A 16 year old project that's haven't had any big new in the longest time, with other current projects to work on, I figured we wouldn't get much outside of anniversary streams
BUT obvious I'm not Mortis, so it's not like I would have a clue about this And I'm not complaining in the slightest of course! I'm not sure when I'll get something, but if I had to choose I'd definitely want the shirts the on Fangamer OMGA. That and the Zacharie pins, hehe
As for the new ports, I'm not sure if I should get it for Steam or Switch. OFF on the go sounds great, but I was wanna show off Steam achivements...A choice indeed Bonus Promo Art Inspired Judge Upon Thy
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chrliekclly · 9 months ago
How did you get your job on sunny? I really wanna go into the entertainment industry.
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iv told th story b4 but i got onto th show bcuz i just happened to b n th right place @ th right time
was working on smthn completely different nd drunk on th camera truck during one of our wrap days me, the DIT, nd the loader wer talking abt fave tv shows nd when i said tht always sunny was mine th loaders just like "oh lol funny im the 1st AC on that. i can get u some days if u want" ???
so i...did some days...then i did a season...and now im core crew i guess
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smokestarrules · 2 years ago
‘Philip never could have changed and that’s why he’s tragic’ no!!!! Philip absolutely could have changed, that’s why he’s tragic! this man spent 400 years marinating in the culture and experience and people of the place that he was going to commit genocide in and he never once allowed himself to even consider the possibility that everything he was doing was wrong. he had all the time in the world and chose not to.
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epickiya722 · 6 months ago
I'm still stuck on the fact that Yuji just jumps after Sukuna while in Jacob's Ladder and barely got any injuries from that. Like, the most he got was a couple of burns but even that didn't stop him.
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fleapit · 11 months ago
Look, a lot of the trans women "bitching" about trans men don't hate trans men, and I won't deny that you probably face different strains of transphobia than us. The issue lies in that trans men often wield intracommunity privilege over trans women and many refuse to recognize that. Worse, it's been weaponized against trans women seen as undesirable far too many times. I know you're a good dude, I just ask that you think a little critically about why the divide exists and listen to women's grievances rather than boil it down to bitching.
nothing i say is anti trans women. i love trans women. some of my best friends in the entire fucking world are trans women and i take every chance i can to uplift them and to support them. my beef is NOT with trans women. it's about people- ANY person, regardless of if they're trans or not, regardless of if they're a woman or not- saying that trans men do not face oppression both in and outside of the queer community - mocking and denying our experiences, making fun of ANY word we coin to describe it, and acting like were just trying to earn pity points by complaining.
this is NOT me saying that trans women oppress trans men and i have literally never said that. i have never said that trans women have any privilege over trans men- and im not saying you're accusing me of that, anon, but people have in the past.
i think that every single argument about why trans men have privilege over trans women is either misconstrued or perpetuated by bad actors and terfs trying to divide the community. we do NOT have it any better than trans women do, we do NOT suddenly gain 'male privilege' when we socially transition, and while i do understand women's grievances, it is NOT FAIR to accuse RANDOM TRANS MEN of oppressing you/having privilege over you just because we are hyper-invisible and you do not see the harm that comes to our community.
we are ALSO run off this website. just nobody talks about it. we are ALSO murdered, raped, abused. just nobody talks about it- and if they do, we are women in the news. women in reports. women in statistics. even historically evident transmascs are CONSTANTLY erased and reduced down to 'lying about their gender' because it was safer to pass as a man, or being lesbians. even when the person themselves says in manuscripts and letters and historical records that they identify solely as a man. we are easy targets. extremely easy targets. nobody will defend us but ourselves - and in turn, we have to be everyone else's defenders, or we are worth nothing in the eyes of the community and the world.
we are NEVER taken seriously as men, so to say that we have inherent male privilege- and ESPECIALLY inherent privilege over our trans siblings- is disingenuous at best and dangerous at worst. it erases any concept of intersectionality, of how every trans person's experience is different because of differing factors- identifying as a woman or a man is not the be-all end-all of oppression. our abuse is systemic, and it targets all of us, no matter how we identify, because our transness is seen as undesirable regardless.
any infighting we partake in is just an engineered distraction so they can slaughter us easier.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year ago
I am very 👀👀👀👀 at the fire engine (can’t tell 100% but I think it’s the engine not the truck) in the back ground of both the Bobby&Eddie still and the Buck&Eddie stills. Suggests the two conversations are going to happen in shortish succession.
Looking under the hood?? Working on the engine - on the thing that makes you who you are. I see you and I think I like the analogy and symbolism you’re going for 911!!!!
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deedjre · 1 year ago
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i mildly regret my decisions to dedicate my entire saturday to this but at the same time it was awfully refreshing and i took a break on sunday so... Gift for @eye-affiliated-podcast-character (hopefully the tagging works) !!
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ceasarslegion · 6 months ago
I wish anxiety didn't give me chest pain. Especially because my meds have a very rare side effect of cardio issues (in people with underlying heart conditions) so I don't know if the chest pain is medically worrying or just the way my body has experienced anxiety since I was a kid.
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