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01zfan · 8 months
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rainy day | l. at
ex-boyfriend!anton x fem. reader | 5.8k words
anton brainrot is literally so real you guys im a victim
contains: breaking up, resolution, oral (fem. receiving), missionary, soft dom anton if you squint, reader is a pillow princess (good for her)
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it was one of the few days during summer where everyone stayed inside. the usual cool breeze that came with the season was replaced with harsh winds that could knock anyone over. the clear sky was replaced with clouds and soon a rain that threatened to flood your city would come. 
you loved when it rained. the inclement weather gave you an excuse to stay home and lay in bed all day. you wanted to use this day to recharge—your social battery had been running dangerously low since summer had started. you don’t know if it was because of your recent breakup and everyone taking pity on you but suddenly everyone had plans once it got warmer outside. it didn’t help that your roommate was a dj. giselle spent more time outside than in the apartment, various clubs being her place of work. and being giselle’s roommate came with its perks, you automatically getting to skip the lines to get in because you “know somebody”. you made it your personal mission to exercise this benefit almost every night.
being outside took your mind off the breakup. you couldn’t hear anton’s voice when music blasted in your ears or think about him when you were dancing around. you loved being out, but it started weighing heavy on your bones. between work and seeing your friends, you had been out almost everyday for the past month. you were grateful when you saw that a big storm was coming, like the weather gods wanted you to have a day off. 
you don’t remember the last time you were able to lay in bed past 10AM. you wanted to thank the rain that pelted your window and the wind that made your apartment building creak. because of it you got to be underneath the comfort of your sheets. giselle must’ve felt the same way, because this was the first time you had seen her in pajamas relaxing on the couch. you found her laying on the couch in the living room when you went to the kitchen to get some food.
“any plans for today?” you asked giselle sarcastically.
giselle laughed and looked from the television to you.
“probably gonna work on some mixes for upcoming sets.” giselle says. 
she turns back on her show and the sound of the television fills the room. you hum in acknowledgment as you open the fridge. you grab some leftovers to put in the microwave. after getting your food you head towards the couch and giselle lets her legs rest on the coffee table so you can sit down.
“grateful for a day off.” you sigh contently.
“oh i bet. you’re like a little party animal now.” giselle laughed.
you sat with giselle for a little bit before retiring back to your bed. giselle did the same as you about half an hour later. you could hear the television in the living room shut off followed by the sound of your roommate closing her door. soon after you could hear the low sound of music coming from giselle’s room as she went through several tracks.
you let yourself relax in bed as rain continued to fall. it came down sideways and in sheets, and you knew it would only be getting worse for the rest of the day. 
as you looked outside at the rain, it was hard to not start thinking about anton. when your mind got the chance to slow down, you couldn’t stop it from thinking about him. he loved when it rained too, and loved napping the day away with you too. you had stopped crying about the breakup a long time ago; you knew that first loves were meant to fail. but if you thought about anton for too long or how warm he always felt you could feel a hole start to form in your chest. so you did your best to clear your thoughts and treated the weather outside and giselle’s music as white noise before drifting to sleep.
anton was in your dreams often. you thought it was always unfair how he occupied your mind so heavily he managed to infiltrate your subconscious and dreams. after the breakup it only got worse. sometimes you would dream about him curled up next to you, getting up from the bed just to come right back to you. he would always snuggle into you closely and pull you into his chest. you would dream about him being the little spoon, laughing at how your arms wrapped around his large frame. you would dream about him turning you around to make you the little spoon, bringing a warm hand to trace shapes over your stomach. the mind was an evil thing. there were times when you would wake up in the middle of the night thinking it was real, that anton had come back to you in the middle of the night. but the vacant space on your bed was still empty and cold when you opened your eyes.
although it was painful dreaming about anton when he was no longer in your life, you truthfully wouldn’t have it any other way. you loved dreaming about you two laying on beds of gold or in a meadow running around in the tall grass. the dreams were usually pure and shrouded in a deeper meaning that you couldn’t decipher. but sometimes the dreams were less innocent. this time when you dreamed about anton you dreamed of him above you and panting into your ear while his strong chest was pressed against yours. you could hear the faintest whisper of his voice in your ear and you could see his wet hair sticking to his forehead. you dreamed about anton’s hands holding your hips down and you leaving marks down his back while you took all of him, his dangling chain above your eyes. just as your lips were reaching towards his ear to say something your brain suddenly woke you up, making you shoot up in your bed. 
it felt like you woke up from a nightmare the way your body felt all clammy. your chest heaved and you shot a quick look to the empty side of your bed. moving so suddenly didn’t help either and you could feel a headache coming on as your eyes adjusted to the darkness in your room. 
after gaining some of your bearings you reached to your bedside table to check the time on your phone. it was eight in the evening. giselle hadn’t stopped mixing her songs, music still coming from her room. you sighed and stretched, not sure how you felt about sleeping the whole day away. 
following the aftershocks of your dreams, it was impossible to not think about anton. you regretfully think about him, if he is sleeping right now or if he dreams of you the same way you dream of him. he’s only a phone call or a twenty minute walk in the rain away. you decide against it, the thought of not getting a response scares you away from your phone.
you get out of bed and stretch your limbs again, you can’t deny that the rest was much needed. maybe you would watch something and eat until you got tired again. it would give you time to process your dream, maybe if you thought about it enough you could have another one like that again. 
as you round the corner of you room to go into the kitchen you stop dead in your tracks.
you know it’s anton before he turns around. after spending so much time with him, you could probably identify him from his hair, or his voice. you see one of the most obvious of anton’s traits—his broad back that is covered with one of your towels. even if something covers his back you can tell it’s him by muscle memory, something you’re sure will never leave you. but you also know it’s him because who else would be sitting at your kitchen island this late at night. you still can’t control the shock in your voice as you call out his name.
“anton?” you say.
he turns around quickly to face you and his eyes go wide. anton has always been so expressive, every emotion shows on his face in an instant. he gets up from his chair like a reflex but he says nothing, just looking at you from across the room.
“what are you doing here?” you ask. 
anton still looks at you without saying anything. it’s like your speech is delayed getting to anton, because it takes him almost five seconds before he swallows to answer your question. during the time it takes for him to speak you see a bouquet of the flowers you like laying on the kitchen island.
“i was riding my bike and i was coming to get the rest of my stuff but i got caught in the rain,” anton swallows again. “giselle let me in.”
anton points to your roommates closed door. it would makes sense that giselle would hear him, she must’ve stayed awake the whole day. music still plays in her room as you turn back to anton.
you are both met with more silence. you know that you should probably kick him out, or scold him for showing up at his ex girlfriends house unannounced. it’s hard to be mad at anton because he used to show up like this when you two were just friends, popping in just to hang out. and you do remember that you both promised the other that nothing would change if you two broke up. it was a lie then and you knew it. you wondered if anton knew it too. you could assume he did by the clenching knuckles at his side, or how he cleared his throat awkwardly.
“i tried to get home i really did but—” anton said.
now it was time for you to clear your throat and reach a hand out to him.
“no i prefer you stay here until the storm dies down.” you say.
you have to force yourself to remember that this isn’t a dream, that anton is real and standing in your kitchen. you want to be a good host and offer him food or ask him if he’s okay but all the words are caught in your throat. instead you gesture to the living room, showing anton it’s okay to step into your apartment further.
you’re sure that his ears tucked into his beanie turn red as he walks over you. he’s slow with his steps, like you’ll change your mind at any moment. you can still hear giselle music coming from her room as you go to sit on the couch.
when anton comes to the opposite end, his eyes find yours. he’s looking to you the whole time, waiting for you to give him the permission to be close to you. anton has always been too nice for his own good, letting you make all the moves and initiatives in the relationship. so he waits for you to nod at him before sitting down on the couch too.
you focus on the sound of rain and giselle’s house music as you look to anton. he looks the same except for his hair that has gotten a little longer. the necklace you got him for his birthday is still around his neck, rested on his chest. you tried not to look at the pendant too hard, because then your eyes would wander to the black shirt that clung to his chest. your mind flashes back to the dream you had of and you have to lightly shake your head to get rid of the image.
“how are things?” he ask you.
you hate that this is what your relationship with anton has come to. he used to be the person you were must comfortable around but now he sits on the opposite end of your couch asking you questions you both know the answer to.
“things are good.” you say. 
you think about telling him everything would be better if you guys got back together. you hold it back by picking at the hem of your shorts.
“what about you?” you ask. 
you can barely bring yourself to look at anton. you see that he isn’t looking at you either, his eyes focused on your hand that is holding the bottom of your pants. when you move your hand, his eyes stay there as he says nothing.
“i miss you.” anton says. “so much.”
you can feel the couch give underneath anton’s weight as he comes closer to you. the couch dips from you, almost causing your body to lean into anton’s. he bends down to be in your line of sight. you’re forced to look into his large brown eyes as he looks for something in your eyes.
“you miss me too, right?” anton says.
his hands reach for yours and you let him grab them. he squeezes his hands in your palms and you still have to remind yourself this isn’t a dream. anton continues to look at your face while massaging your hands. it keeps you there with him and you know he knows the answer to the question.
“we aren’t together anymore anton.” you whisper.
you know you should pull your hands away, maybe even tell him to leave your apartment. but you can’t bring yourself to do anything to him while he looks at you like that.
“that doesn’t matter. do you even remember why we broke up?” anton asks.
you shake your head; you truthfully can’t remember. you’re sure it was something stupid, something that easily could be fixed. you both were clumsy throughout the whole relationship, so confused why everything felt so different from when you were friends. maybe you two got tired of stumbling through the motions of everything and called it off. but the way anton looks at you makes you want to take everything back and make you try again.
“i want to try again.” anton says.
he shakes your hands slightly to really give emphasis to his words. maybe you keep dreaming about him because you should try again, maybe that’s what your subconscious has been telling you.
“i’ll have to think about it.” you say while nodding slightly.
anton responds to you by smiling. you can’t help but smile too, and you can feel tears that threaten to fall from all the emotions going through you. you can’t stop yourself from bringing anton in for a hug. he pauses only for a second before hugging you back twice as hard. you are happy you’re able to stop yourself from sobbing onto anton’s shirt, but you almost lose it when he rubs up and down your back gently. you go deeper into the crook of his neck and he holds you a little tighter.
“i came in the rain on my bike to be all romantic with flowers but you were knocked out.” anton says into your shoulder.
you start laughing loudly, the image of anton peddling on his dingy little bike through torrential rain. anton finds it funny too, he starts laughing as he goes into the details of him almost driving into a ditch while trying to get to you.
you know you’re both laughing too hard when you hear the music in giselle’s room shut off. you realize that she is basically at her job right now, and you and your ex ex-boyfriend are disturbing her. so you get up from the couch and motion for anton to follow you. he gets up from the couch and rubs his palms on the front of his pants. suddenly he’s the shy anton again, so different from the bold anton that told you he wants to get back together.
anton follows you into your room and you close the door behind him. you don’t move again until you hear giselle’s music turn back on.
you laid down on the bed first. anton stayed in front of your closed door, looking at the you laying on the bed. you can make out his figure even in the darkness of your room, broad and almost as tall as your doorframe. even in your dreams anton doesn’t look this good. you don’t beat away the image of him above with a stick this time, instead you welcome them with open arms as you tap the empty space on your bed.
you watch anton come over to the bed, stopping so he can take off his beanie and jewelry to set on your dresser. it’s just like old times, hearing the familiar sound of his rings landing on the ceramic dish. you wonder if he’ll take off his shirt too. he keeps it on as he lays on the opposite side of your bed.
he didn’t dare to move any closer to you, staying on the other end. you wish you could fold the covers and bring him closer to you, or have anton pull you into his chest like he always did when he spent the night. he was too nice to do move any further, and you realized that nothing would happen if you didn’t make a move first. so you swallowed whatever was holding you back and let your hand glide across the cold sheets towards anton. he turned towards you almost immediately and his hand grabbed your bicep.
anton first lightly tugged your body towards him twice. it was gentle and inviting like he always was. you scooted your body to anton’s, moving only a little across the sheets that separated you two. anton then exerted some of his strength o pull you the rest of the way, wrapping his other arm around your body to bring you into his chest. you laughed at how fast he pulled you across the covers as he tucked your head underneath his chin. he brought his hand that was on your arm to the back of your head—it had been too long since anton surrounded you like this. you nuzzled into his neck and sighed contently. 
“we should probably move slow” he said. you could hear the smile on his face.
you hummed in agreement but then moved closer into him. he wrapped his arms tighter around you before kissing your cheek. it was quick and light before anton tucked your head underneath his chin again. you weren’t shocked by the kiss, you were actually beaming at the feeling of his lips on your skin again.
you weren’t sure when you fell back asleep, but it was hard to not doze off with anton like a weighted blanket on you. you could feel the rise and fall of his chest against yours, and hear his quick heartbeat slow down overtime. it was an inexplicable comfort having him behind you and to feel his arms wrapped around your frame.
you didn’t wake up again until well after midnight. the rain still fell and the wind still blew harshly. you woke up in anton’s amrs, curled into his chest to be the little spoon. you had turned at some point during the night, and anton’s hand rested on your stomach to gently trace shapes on your exposed skin. you don’t know how it was possible to miss someone so much. 
you turned your body to face anton’s. you found that he was already awake, looking into your eyes with the same look you dreamed about. you closed your eyes as he placed a wet kiss on your cheek. his eyes are still bleary, you imagine he must have woken up around the same time you did. you brush some of his hair out of his face and let him leave a wet kiss on your lips.
“what time is it?” you ask.
“not sure. has to be pretty late though.” he says.
anton sounds distracted as he talks to you. his eyes are on your lips as he puts a hand behind your back so your body arches into him. you can feel how broad and solid anton’s chest is underneath the thin material of his shirt. you lean more into him and instinctively wrap your leg over his to bring him closer. you wrap your arms around his back to press your palms flat on his shoulders. 
“i thought you wanted to move slow?” anton says. 
he places another wet kiss to your lips before pulling back. you missed the smirk he got on his face when he knew you wanted it. it made you bashful, heat spawning from the places his body touched yours. it blossomed from the small of your back and spread to your finger tips that pressed against anton’s back. the feeling made you lock your leg in place, bringing anton even closer to you.
“we can move slow tomorrow.” you say hastily.
anton comes back to your lips, and you waste no time pushing your tongue into his mouth. anton must be just as desperate as you are the way he lifts you up like you weigh nothing. he almost crushed you in his arms, you have to tap on his shoulder to remind him of his strength.
“sorry.” anton whispers after pulling away from your lips.
his lips are plump and glossy, you run your tongue over yours to try and taste what’s left of him on your skin. you missed kissing his lips until they were red and a little swollen and the way he’d gather you up in your arms when you two made out. you try to get on top of anton but he uses a hand to keep you in place. you let out a little whine at not being able to move, you wanted to show anton how much you really missed him.
anton sits up on your bed to pull his shirt off. he does it with one hand and while he is busy taking off his pants you start to take off your own. as you lift your hips to take off your pants anton stops suddenly.
“wait. don’t move.” he says shyly.
you listen to his weird request, not moving while anton takes off his pants. 
when his pants hit the floor anton guides your body to sit up. you do as he says, eyeing him to see what his plan is with you.
“put your arms up.” anton tells you.
his sweet and quiet voice betrays the authoritative words. you listen to him regardless, filling to the brim with excitement of anton telling you what to do.
you lift your arms as anton pulls up your shirt. he does all the work even guiding your arms through the opening of your shirt. anton looks up at you from your collarbone, placing a wet kiss on the taut skin as his hands go to your bra strap. you nod and anton brings both of his hands to your back to unclasp your bra. he is gentle releasing your chest from its confines, his big hands covering the area of your breasts. 
no matter how many times anton sees your breasts, his breath is taken away each time. he kneads your doughy skin, lightly gripping a boob to place a kiss directly on the areola. anton missed your content sighs and breathless whimpers when he does things to you. he missed seeing your face crease with pleasure, the way you prop yourself on your arms and lean your head back to feel everything. 
“i missed holding you.” he whispers.
anton can’t stop himself from taking a nipple into your mouth. you instantly arch your chest into his mouth, your free hand petting his head.
“i dreamed about this.” you whimper when anton goes to the other breast. 
anton guides your body back down to lay on the bed. you lay your head on the pillow, looking down at anton as he trails kisses down your body.
“should’ve called me.” anton says, smiling into your stomach.
you can’t bring yourself to tell him why you couldn’t, something stupid as pride keeping you from feeling pure bliss as anton takes your shorts off. he lifts your hips off the bed all on his own, any more you try to make anton puts a gentle hand on your stomach to keep you in place.
“let me show you how sorry i am.” anton says.
he looks at you with sincerity as he continues pressing kisses to your body. he works down one leg and works his way up the other, even kissing your feet earnestly. anton makes eye contact with you as he presses a kiss to your folds. the contact alone has you lifting your hips off of the bed, trying to chase after the kiss. anton puts a hand underneath your ass to lift your bottom off the bed. you bend your knees until your thighs lightly press against the sides of anton’s head. you are still reeling from the dream you had, you know you won’t last long. 
just from the kisses anton gives your pussy you’re lightheaded, gripping the sheets trying not to lose your composure too fast. it’s a lost cause when anton looks up at you again as his thumb starts rubbing your bundle of nerves.
“my little princess,” anton whispers. “you’re sensitive?”
you whimper in response and nod your head. anton sticks his thick middle finger inside of you, bending it once he’s inside all the way. you open your mouth in a silent moan, lifting your hips off the bed even more. anton places a kiss on your thigh.
“just lay there for me,” anton says. “i got you.”
“okay.” you whimper.
anton’s soft voice completely opposes his lewd actions. the way he takes his finger out of you to spread your folds apart. you can barely manage to look down at him as he makes work of your heat, on his hands and knees to get closer inside of you. his nose bumps your clit as he eats you out, alternating between making out with your pussy and sticking his tongue in your slit.
“feels so good anton.” you whimpered. when he hums into your pussy your legs close in on him, locking him in place. “i missed you so much.”
anton starts eating you out with a new vigor. the sound of him slurping and placing sloppy kisses on your cunt fills the room. you can’t stop you hips from bucking into his mouth and anton welcomes it. he guides your legs to rest over his shoulder and sits up slightly on the bed. anton uses his strength to bring your lower half up with him. you can’t stop yourself from grind on anton’s tongue while his arm behind your ass supports your weight. his free hand reaches out to yours and you let go of your hold on the sheets to grip his hand. you are moaning loudly, watching anton watch you. 
he is entranced by your tiny cries and the way your heels dig into his back. you look so beautiful like this, not having to do any of the work to get to your peak. anton loves the way you grip his hand with all of your strength. he wants to take a picture of this moment to remember it forever. he wishes he could take a video to immortalize your whiny voice.
“i’m close.” you say.
you turned your head from the bed to look at anton. he goes back to tongue kissing your slit, purposely using his nose to bump your bundle of nerves. this way he can stimulate you adn you can take up all of his five senses.
he loves the way you smell, the way your whole body tenses when you cum unannounced. anton thinks it must’ve hit you like a freight trin the way. you cried out his name and squeezed his head between your thighs. sound is lightly muffled through your plush skin, but he can hear you loud and clear. you will definitely have to apologize to giselle in the morning.
anton takes all of your slick, slurping and getting so messy to the point. that he can feel the dribble of spit mixed with your slick come down his chin. you body turns to jelly in his grasp, your legs becoming pliable. anton comes back down to the bed and guides your ass down slowly. 
your legs are flimsy and your knees unbend themselves, sliding down the covers of your bed. anton goes back on his haunches slotted between your legs, looking at you laid out for him like a five course meal.
anton is starving when he licks his lips, the glossy sheen of you still evident on his face. the intensity that he looks at you with has you squirming, and you can feel your body getting ready for a second round. you try sitting up, to grab anton’s hard member that bobs in the darkness of your room but a hand stops you.
anton keeps you down, but you can’t stop yourself from looking at him. the hand that pushed your shoulder back down goes to your slit, gathering slick from your orgasm. anton using the wetness to jerk himself off. you are enthralled by the sight, the way anton’s hair covers his eyes but you can still feel his hard gaze. his breath comes out in huffs as he picks up the speed and muscles underneath his taut skin move in tandem with his hand. his body looks so large from this angle, the way looks down at you while beating his dick. you don’t know how much control anton wants tonight, but you can’t stop yourself from using a hand to grip your breast.
anton increasing the pace tells you that he likes it. your massage the supple skin the same way anton does, the same way he does it to you in your dreams. it’s the real deal when he leans his body over, his hand falling beside your head. 
he still beats his dick while he’s above you. his chain jumps from the inertia of the action and you can’t choose between looking at anton or his necklace.
“what do you dream about?” anton murmurs.
“us running around together in a meadow.” you say truthfully.
“what else?” anton asks.
his hand thaat was jerking himself off went back to your clit. he puts two fingers in, making you listen to the low squelching sound of your arousal already coming back. 
“i dream about you fucking me, too.” you say.
that’s all anton needs to hear before guiding his dick to your heat. he goes down to his elbow beside your head and in one swift motion you bring your hands to his back and wrap your legs around his waist.
anton is just as big as you remember. you have never felt this full before, your walls clamping around him before he can bottom out. anton loses some of his strength at the way you’re already milking him. his large sweaty frame presses against your chest and you welcome it. your breasts are squished against him, both of you moaning in ecstasy.
“i missed you so much.” anton says into the skin of your neck. 
you can practically feel his face heating up and you can imagine his flushed face as he gives you another slow thrust. you think you’re close again already. when anton gives you a deep thrust your nails dig into the expanse of his back.
“i missed you too.” you say.
anton focuses on hitting you deep and slow. he hits the spot in the back of you that you both discovered together—the spot that leaves you clenching and anton twitching inside of you.
“just like this?” anton says, hitting the same spot again.
“just like that.” you whine.
anton spends time hitting that spot over and over again. he kisses any part of your body his lips can reach before turning your head to give you a kiss on the lips. 
his other hand hold your hips done. his strength brings you pain, the type you revel in. you let anton forget his own strength as he continues to fuck you into the mattress, his slow and hard thrust making you bed creak rhythmically.
you can feel anton getting close to his peak, feeling him get closer has you hurtling towards the edge as well. you move one hand from his back to grip his arm, your nails digging into the flexed muscle. something about seeing someone so big and strong fall apart above you has you clenching uncontrollably around anton’s dick.
you break apart from anton’s lips to look down between the middle of your squished bodies. anton does the same, lifting his body so you can see where you two meet. you rest your sweaty foreheads against eachother to watch the show.
“i’m close.” anton whimpers.
“me too.” you say back.
“where can i—” anton’s voice is broken up by pleasure, trying to keep it together for as long as possible.
“inside me. please.”
“alright baby.” anton says.
he brings his chest back down to yours, and he brings an arm underneath your body to bring you close. you’re surrounded by him, nails rake down anton’s back as he picks up the speed.
anton whimpers your name into your ear before pulling back to look you in the eyes. he curses from your blown out pupils and the way your walls close in around him. anton grips your shoulder as he spills into you. you milk him dry, the sensation of him throbbing pushes you off the edge again. you pushed off into anton’s arms as your legs around his waist pulls him in. you grind into him when his hips still, loving the sound of anton inside of you. he whines and laughs a little from the overstimulation, his whole body sensitive. 
you still move you hips until anton pulls out of you. you can feel his cum dripping from you and you fight the urge to push it back in. anton’s large body loses its strength above you, pressing your body into the mattress. he catches his breath in the crook of your neck, hot puffs of air fanning your skin. 
you let anton’s large body crush you a little more. you missed him so much you would risk the suffocation. when anton’s breath finally steadies, you tap his back. anton understands immediately, picking his head up from your neck.
“oh my god i’m sorry.” anton says.
he slides off of you to lay beside you on the bed. you waste no time turning to him. now you’re the one tracing shapes on his chest. anton turns to you and smiles. 
the rain outside is almost as comforting as the feeling of anton pulling you back into him. you doze off to sleep again, this time knowing you’ll be waking up to anton next to you.
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ivystoryweaver · 4 months
Hello Ivy! Could I please get some headcanons for marital bliss with the Moon Knight system? Congratulations on 1000! 🌹
Moon Boys Marital Bliss
.✧ ˚ Being married is getting to hang out with your best friend all the time˚ · .✧
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Heyyy, thank you so much, I love this prompt!
fluff, domestic life, romance, slightly suggestive, gn Word Count: 625
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Steven loves having someone to come home to - someone who made vows to him. It's very grounding for him after a quite confusing existence previously.
Sometimes he gets distracted during his work day just imagining you walking in the door - your scent drifting down the hallway, the timbre of your voice - the allure of your eyes
The cool weight of his wedding band anchors him when he is apart from you and often so easily dismissed by others.
He’ll smile to himself and rub his thumb across it, imagining the way your eyes will sparkle with excitement to see him.
He can’t wait for chance to pull you into his arms and bury his nose in the spot just behind your ear. “Missed you, love.”
Steven is your menu-planning, vegan-shopping, bumping-elbows-while-washing dishes buddy. Dinner is always an adventure (and a mess) with this one.
You’ve never flirted so much while doing chores.
Steven makes life interesting, like an exploration. He's always seeking something - wanting to know more about the world around him, the history before him, and everything that makes you tick, that makes you happy, that makes you fall apart in his bed.
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Marc is so so neat. His past taught him to blend in, fade away, disappear into the background
You hear a groan if your jacket hits the chair when you get home. You gladly pick it up because you hate cleaning the bathroom and Marc keeps it spotless
Showers with Marc are sweet or spicy. He always washes your back, caresses your skin and kisses you senseless. It's your favorite place to have his undivided attention.
You love bumping shoulders with him while you brush your teeth. He is a nonverbal communicator, so you relish the chance to watch him the mirror. Those smoldering brown eyes will rake over your form, whether you're in an oversized t-shirt or your best outfit. (or nothing at all)
It's lovely having someone organized and clean - it takes some pressure off, and it's a relief to not have to pick up after someone sloppy.
Marc is intense and devoted - you're the center of his universe and you know it. You could go an entire day without him speaking a word, and you still know. Long fingers brush your arm, heated kisses fall on your neck, longing gazes set you on fire.
And nothing shows you his intensity and devotion more than when you spend all night in his arms.
✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧
Ever since you moved into a house with a garage, Jake is in his own little heaven.
You never took your husband for a "man cave" kind of guy, but he loves to tinker with his car, have a drink, watch baseball and get into all sorts of projects
Sometimes you catch him with grease smudged on his forehead - somehow Jake makes any look sexy
He teaches you how to take care of your car - change a tire, stuff like that
Sometimes you bring him a beer and hang on to him. He secretly waits for you to do this - for you to seek him out, to cling to him, to need him
And you do need him. Jake loves to take care of you but he fully understands you can take care of yourself. The trust you give him means everything to him. No one has ever trusted him before now, or even really known him.
He loves the privacy the garage affords him - it helps him recharge his personal battery. But before too long, he'll always conveniently want to show you a thing or two - before he does a thing or two to you in the back seat of his car
✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧
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lotusketch · 2 years
Another witting ‘idea’, come come. pats seat
Come sit with me and listen, if you so please. It’s a long one but it’s dark so heed my warnings below.
So, more Ratchet and Bumblebee focused but, Optimus becomes unavailable and the team has to really work around that, strategically and mentally. 
(My apologies for any writing mistakes, especially my grammar. It’s been awhile)
Content warnings to watch for, be safe my friends :
Syth-En abu$e, coma mentions, fighting, injuries.
This form of Ratchet’s mental health would slowly grow. It started with the Cybonic plague taking Optimus down to his processor. They still get the cure but it’s…different. Something about it didn’t go exactly as they planned. Who knew. Prime ends up in a coma (if bots could end up in comas) and leaves the team in the hands of a tired medic and his son, an anxious scout who’s having his mind repaired from its invasion; always second guessing his decisions and over thinking everything important.
They still function rather well at first, failing more missions than winning but getting enough energon and Decepticon tailpipe kicking to lighten their festering anger. Infighting becomes more common but it soon dies down as they realize it’s going to just be the four of them for some time. MECH becomes more of an issue than anyone would want to admit but they still stick together; Bulkhead trying to convince Breakdown and Knockout to join, seeing as they’re either all or neither, and Arcee dealing with Arachnid's short lived alliance with Silas and soon June’s much needed emotional support. Bulkhead failed and took it to heart, promising to work harder to try and temporary fill in the Prime’s missing strength.
Optimus is now confined to his quarters in his recharging pod, having Ratchet check up on him bi-daily (or whenever his paranoia of his medical equipment failing or getting damaged gets too large to deal with). June takes care of the children and keeps the bots mentally in check when she can. Agent Fowler comes and goes casually, so much that he knows the food orders of each of the kids just by accident. Miko tries to keep Bulk from overworking his frame and challenges his ideas on why he has to work harder, Raf challenges Bee mentally and tries to help the scout in his leadership skills (while also going on the longest drives on weekends to blow off steam), and Jack helps Acree with her overreaching goals to try to fill in the gaps Optimus left. All of the kids try to help Ratchet with planning and calming his paranoia on… well, now everything. But, it’s mainly Jack who sneaks into the Prime’s quarters to keep him company with weekly updates after June explained what a coma essentially was to the children on a drive home.
Throughout the weeks, the capture of Starscream and immobilizer came empty handed and nearly became a complete loss, having Bumblebee swiftly save the day with a ground bridge to shove Bulkhead through and a sprint to stop Acree from digging herself deeper into trouble. He took a well deserved recharge and Ratchet took over for the next cycle. Bee’s confidence on his decisions grew after seeing his family alive and mostly well.
Then Bumblebee found the data cylinder with Megatron and his Vechicons. Bulkhead still got the data shoved in his head but didn’t come out physically fine. His frame was bent and bruised with phaser fire burning his paint and metal. He was overworked with the unexplainable need to write, refusing to rest. As his body groaned, paint was smeared on metal plates and the walls. His original processor kept rusting while the data took over and formed a new bot. Ratchet worked day and night, refusing energon until he fixed the problem, to find a cure and fix at least one of his family members.
And then Miko and Bulk went missing, having left late at night while Ratchet was too exhausted to hear anything reasonably and while the others were gone. Going to the same monster truck arena, she tried to get her best friend back, fearing the same thing would happen to him with what happened to Optimus. Knockout and Breakdown came and saw the desperation. It hit Breakdown harder the more he thought about it. The three kept fighting anyways before Bulkhead’s problem fixed itself and it was lost in space. Breakdown quickly checked and yup. It was uh, it was gone. They both got anxious about Megatron’s temper tantrum reaction before Bee came running through a bridge, firing from behind. It’s fair to say Miko was banned from the ground bridge until further notice but was endlessly thanked by everybody. They couldn’t lose another bot, especially one who was so easy going at the right moments.
The synthetic energon was far from completed but Ratchet, an emotionally mystery as of late, sleep deprived, and terribly hungry, got working once again. While Bee and Bulk went on missions and Arcee kept watch on the base, Ratchet tinkered and tried to recreate it. They needed this. Megatron was getting overconfident and rightfully so. The team was desperate and losing their touch along with their sleep, food, and energon. The lack of the Prime’s presence was a clear sign that the Autobots were dealing with more than they could chew. So, he worked and worked and tested and experimented until dangerously low energon levels flashed on his HUD. But, he kept doing it the next day.
Raf kept him company on the weekends while working on homework, thinking the old medic as a study buddy until Ratchet inevitably had a forced recharge, crashing on the ground, and Raf had to have Acree haul him up and pass him a cube. One day he refused and grimly showed the Syth-En in a syringe. Bee said no, acting more and more like his sire by the cycles, (the good and the bad), stating that if it goes wrong, they could lose him. It’s not a risk he would allow him to take. Ratchet reluctantly agreed, seeing the fear in the scout his considered his own.
But, one day they came back and were beat with no extra cubes. With reserves running low for even medical purposes, moral already running into the ground, and Optimus showing no signs in awaking soon after who knows how long, Ratchet took the Syth-En and ordered Raf to man the ground bridge, not caring for the direct effects yet until his team was safe. He did feel better though. He felt like he did in the beginning of the war. Able, fresh, thoughts controlled and swords hungry for energon. So, he fought and saved Acree’s tailpipe while Bee tried to speed over the rockslide. Bulk and Arcee were insanely impressed while Bee only watched with worry. He became a fighter, not by choice of Bee, but by the desperate need for another on the field so they had a fighting chance.
He kept using and refused to stop, hating how tired he used to feel when he only had energon. This new him was far more useful than his older self, right? He was another hand in the battle field. So, when he and Bee got in a heated argument, things got dangerous. Acree had to move the children out of the room and into her own quarters while Bulkhead guarded the hallway entrance. This fight lasted two hours, or it felt like it when the metallic clangs of poor tables stuck in this fight rang while Bee’s voice box roared in chirps, squeals, buzzes, and more. Afterwards, the two quieted down and stared at the screen as it beeped; an energon mine. Bee ordered Ratchet to calm down if he ever wanted to join another mission, silently pointing in the direction of the Prime’s quarters before walking off into the bridge. Arcee and Bulk silently joined before Ratchet huffed and walked behind.
As the bridge closed, he got impatient and ran down the mine, shooting the Vechicons to high hell before heading for an innocent miner. The three only saw the aftermath. The miner’s screen was burnt and his head was fused still. Bee ordered a ground bridge and sent the others home while he kept watch on his rampaging medic; his yellow frame was practically jumping out of his system in fury. Bee later came back with a bruised servo, a fearful look, and no medic.
He was bound to come back, they still had Optimus under medical watch and the expected paranoia Ratchet carried like it was a part of him was bound to win and push against the newfound confidence that was going to kill the orange bot. But he didn’t. Hours passed and Bee camped the computer as if it had the information to end this pointless war itself. He stared and watched before the life signal of Ratchet flickered on and rapidly beeped.
The three raced over before fighting tooth and digit through the energon mine. Arcee and Bulk guarded Bee’s back while he ran down the hallway with the highest signal. Megatron had a ped on Ratchet and slowly pushed down more and more. Bee stood in Megatron’s looming shadow with two blasters out, firing as fast as he could until Ratchet heaved himself up and tried to strike the Warlord, only getting shoved back into the wall. The four somehow got out without a spark dying and collapsed on the floor while Megatron roared on the other side of the closing bridge. Ratchet was put in first aid and has his Syth-En slowly replaced with energon, or it would have if he didn’t rip the pipes off his frame and refused to go back to how he was.
He snatched one last syringe and first aid kit before leaving Bumblebee staring at the deactivated bridge. He only had a few more hours, if he was lucky, to track the ship as it hung over the mine. He wouldn’t waste this time. He hastily patched himself up, ignoring the warning his old frame put on his HUD at every sharp movement, and felt his body burn with Syth-En. Taking an hour to rest and recover, he planned and memorized his route before flipping servos with swords, turning his tracking system off, and walking back into the battle.
He was now sloppy in his fights but he won with his strength and overconfidence. Knockout was long gone in the Nemesis but it was Megatron who loomed in the hallway, his fusion cannon filling the hallway in a sick violet. The two bantered, Megatron poking him like he was an angry toddler, before the medic took the first swing and added a new scratch to the Warlord’s frame. After desperate blocks when Megatron aimlessly swung, he lost his fun. The medic was tossed around like a new Starscream but with less…importance. The two fought, Ratchet did ok regarding his wounds and Megatron was surprised by the medic’s fighting spirit a few times, before once again, he got bored and stopped playing.
Bee rushed in with a message from the warlord ordering him to get his medic under control and preferably under immediate care before he, himself, does the merciful thing he should’ve done last time. Bee ran in and saw blue optics spark  on and off while a disgusted look from Megatron grew by the second. Without a thought, he tossed Ratchet’s hull at Bee’s feet like trash. The only comment Bee got was that the Prime fought better with his optics closed..
Ratchet was kept in the medbay for a week after they finally got his vitals stabilized before he was allowed to walk out. He was given cubs of Syth-En and (mostly) energon while his system readjusted and was lifted off Optimus duty, having given Arcee the information instead, which she took with honor. Bee kept a close watch and gave him things to read before having the time to talk about what in Primus was he thinking.
He wasn’t.
While stuck, Raf helped him get his mind of the body pain with talks about the human body and why he loved his little remote cars while Miko played music and puzzles. Jack visited often and was a quiet, not letting him be alone in the silence for too long while others were on missions. On other days, they talked about his school and what’s going on in the outside world.
Ratchet was finally allowed out of the base for drives by a collective vote from the group two-ish weeks after his near shutdown, all of them being more than grateful for his recovery. But he mainly stayed covered, still feeling guilt, impulses, and urges after the mine. So, he focused on getting Optimus the needed medicine to get his processor back online, cleaning the base, and working as the man behind the screen. At times, he would be allowed to spar to get his fighting urges out of his systems but even with that, his swords didn’t come out unless absolutely necessary and even then, he fought with ounces of shame. After all, he was back to being an old man with a rusting frame.
By Primus’s grace or merciless will, depending who you ask, Optimus woke before the prophesy occurred. Emotionally distressed after hearing what the hell happened in his absence, he made sure everyone was ok when he could, especially spending time with Bumblebee after he took the role of leader under such circumstances, which he never wished anyone else had to bare. He locked Ratchet back at base, extending the house lock to three weeks to make sure his systems didn’t overload again and took every insult but thank you to his spark. Ratchet was still irreplaceable and just the type of medic (and old friend) they needed, not a warrior who nearly got himself offlined.
It’s fair to say that the team dynamics shifted afterwards, but so did the awareness of everyone’s morale and mental health. Breaks were anything but uncommon after Optimus’s second disappearance. 
June later set up a boardgame cabinet and Bulkhead, with Optimus’s help, tried to introduce less heavy Cybertrionian games (with Orion’s past knowledge while working with historic records)
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marvel-snape-writes · 2 years
On a miserable rainy day like this, I’m here to provide you with some cozy comfort in the form of some Palmerstrange… 🥰
Shoutout to @liliwandamoff for reminding me that this even existed 😂♥️
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Rainy Days.
Days off from work didn't come very often to Stephen Strange, being the most sought after surgeon on the ward — and knowing it. So, when the rarity was sprung upon him, he mainly used it as a day to recharge. As much as people could roll their eyes at how much he was considered the ‘best in the business’ and how much he fed off the knowing of it, it would be a lie to say it wasn't deserved; working all long hours around the clock changing and saving people’s lives earned him a status he deserved — he just always had to make sure people knew about it.
For the majority of the women who’s beds — or couches, cars, or god knows where else — he had spent his company in, feeling relief after a long day or night was generally his main objective. Christine was where that feeling was different, the only problem was that he didn’t exactly know what he felt for her, the only thing he did know was that regardless of whether she was sat opposite him at a table in a cafe or bent over his own table at home, he craved her company just as much. That, however, did not stop the way he fucked her with his eyes every time they caught a glimpse of each other at work. Christine pretended she didn’t notice, but she tended to hang around him for a suspiciously long amount of time for it not to be obvious she got a kick out of playing along.
For the majority of the women who’s beds — or couches, cars, or god knows where else — he had spent his company in, feeling relief after a long day or night was generally his main objective. Christine was where that feeling was different, the only problem was that he didn’t exactly know what he felt for her, the only thing he did know was that regardless of whether she was sat opposite him at a table in a cafe or bent over his own table at home, he craved her company just as much. That, however, did not stop the way he fucked her with his eyes every time they caught a glimpse of each other at work. Christine pretended she didn’t notice, but she tended to hang around him for a suspiciously long amount of time for it not to be obvious she got a kick out of playing along.
Having one day off from the long hours was a godsend, but now to have two off in a row was an unheard of luxury. Though he had tried his best to allow himself a sleep in, it would seem that his subconscious body clock had other ideas. He had showered, got dressed, and had breakfast all before 11am. The majority of the day was spent lounging on the sofa, trying not to nod off as he watched whatever he pleased on TV. He had his elbow bent against the chair arm, propping himself up with his chin resting against his knuckles. The faint buzzing in his sweater pants pockets jolted him slightly, almost as if making sure he was still awake. He pulled his phone out of his pocket with his free hand and squinted his eyes as he glanced down at the notification:
Christine Palmer — 19:37
I notice on the rota that you’ve got the day off, you’re one of the lucky ones. Can I come round? If you’re not busy, of course.
Stephen’s eyebrows raised, reading the text on the screen back and forth a few times before mumbling, ‘someone’s keen.’ with a smug smirk. He replied:
Stephen Strange — 19:39
Busy or not, I'll always put time aside for you. Wine? Spirits? What would you like to drink?
He rested his phone on his thigh, chewing his bottom lip as his eyes flickered back to what was on the TV screen. He could hardly believe his luck — Christine had approached him, he didn't even have to woo her into his apartment and she was already asking if she could come round. His phone buzzed again:
C: If I start now, I don't think I'll stop. Would it be okay if I came over?
Stephen’s lip curved into a bigger smirk, only guessing that the thing she couldn’t stop was telling him what her plans were when she arrived.
S: Of course it is, I’ll see you soon.
C: I’ll see you shortly.
With that final message, Stephen found a new lease of energy and jumped up off the couch, hurrying himself into his bedroom and getting himself changed into what he deemed a more presentable outfit; smart trousers and a button down shirt tucked into them. Even though he and Christine had already spent many intimate moments together and the fact they were meeting inside his own home, subconsciously he still felt the need to look his best for her.
He glanced himself up and down in the mirror as he buckled his belt, wondering to himself about how long it would stay fastened — he could've sworn that he felt his cock stir within his boxers from the thought alone. He hadn't been with a girl since the last time he and Christine had hooked up, though he couldn't deny touching himself since from the memory of it, or the sticky wakeup call every now and then as a result of dreaming about it happening again.
Upon hearing the buzz at the door, he walked down the hallway with a smug grin on his face. He combed his fingers through his hair as he approached the door and flattened his shirt down, clearing his throat before opening the door.
“Well, well, well, if it isn't Doctor Palmer.” He grinned, holding the door open for her.
“Doctor Strange,” She raised her eyebrows and walked inside, “Thank you.”
“My pleasure.” Stephen bit his lip for a moment, following her with his eyes as he shut the door behind them.
“Am I okay to just put these here?” Christine asked, gesturing toward her bag.
“Put… what?” Stephen squinted his eyes slightly, “Oh, are those your work scrubs?”
“Yeah.” Christine nodded simply.
“Wow, that eager to see me, huh?” Stephen winked.
“M’hm.” Christine inhaled deeply, placing the bag on the floor.
“Wow, you've convinced me!” Stephen exclaimed in a sarcastic tone, walking toward the kitchen, “Red or white?” He called, opening the fridge.
“Uh, whatever.” Christine responded in less than half the enthusiasm Stephen had.
“What’s wrong? You’re not driving, are you?” He spoke from the kitchen as he poured the bottle of wine into two glasses, “I can get you some water instead.”
“It’s fine, it’s just…” Christine trailed off, her back now turned to the kitchen door.
“Or…” Stephen spoke with a smirk as he walked back into the living room with a glass of wine in each hand. Carefully, he dipped his head forward once stood behind her, whispering into her ear, “You could just stay the night.”
“Stephen…” Christine exhaled, feeling his lips upon her neck.
“Mm… I've been thinking about this for so long…” He tickled his lips against her skin, planting gentle kisses to it, “So… to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Stephen.” Christine spoke in a slightly firmer tone.
“Yes?” Stephen pulled back, “What is it, gorgeous?”
“I…” Christine took a deep breath and turned around, glancing at her feet for several moments before up into Stephen’s eyes — her own now completely filled with tears, “I—I’m so sorry…” She sniffled, finally breaking as she covered her face with her hands, shaking her head as she cried into them.
“Wait, what?!” Stephen quickly placed the glasses down on the nearest surface before hurrying back over to Christine and instinctively wrapping his arms around her, “Hey, hey, come here…” He spoke soothingly.
“I’m so sorry, Stephen…” She buried her face in his chest, wetting the material of his shirt with her tears.
“Sorry about what, Christine?” Stephen asked, hugging her against his chest, “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I can’t do it anymore, Stephen,” She shook her head against his chest, her trembling hands clinging onto his shirt, “I—I thought this was me, but its not…”
“Christine, I don't understand…” Stephen scowled a little and squeezed his arms around her gently, “Have I done something to upset you?”
“No, it’s not you,” Christine shook her head, letting out a little sniffle as Stephen audibly let out a sigh of relief, “Y—You were just the only one who I thought would understand…”
“Understand what?” Stephen asked, gazing down at her as she slowly lifted her head and frowning as soon as he saw her puffy, red cheeks, “Hey, come here…” He narrowed his eyebrows, lifting his hands to cup her face and lightly brushing her tears away with his thumbs before repeating in an even softer tone, “Understand what, hm?”
“W—W…” She closed her eyes, clearly even the thought of what was troubling her was now even too much.
“It’s alright, let’s go over here,” He gestured further into the room, “Would you like to sit on the couch?”
Christine nodded weakly but remained held onto him, as if she would fall if she ever let go. Stephen wrapped a secure arm around her waist and walked them both over to the couch, sitting down and spreading his arm out along the back of it — inviting Christine to be as close to him as she wished. Christine sat with him and instinctively snuggled up to his side, laying the side of her head against his collarbone. Stephen inhaled quietly, undeniably feeling his heart skip a beat from the way their bodies automatically magnetised together and even more so by knowing it was Christine’s choice to position them like that.
“Do you feel comfortable to tell me what's wrong, hm?” Stephen asked, lightly tracing patterns with his finger against her shoulder and dipping his head just slightly to press a soft kiss to the top of her head, “It’s okay if you don't. I could stay here all night — take all the time you need, sweetheart.”
“I can't do it anymore, Stephen…” She exhaled shakily, resting her wet cheeks against his shirt.
“What is it that you can't do, Christine?” Stephen spoke softly, playing with her hair.
“Working on that ward…” She swallowed hard, “Seeing the things we see day in, day out… it’s the deaths, Stephen. Today, I had to…” Her voice broke again, squeezing her eyes shut as they filled with tears just from the memory of it.
“Take your time, darling.” Stephen squeezed his arm around her gently.
“T—Today, I had to tell two young parents that there was nothing more that could be done for their child. I had to stay there watching as their own creation of life died right in their arms.” She lifted one of her hands up wipe her cheeks, sniffling into his chest.
“Oh, Christine…” Stephen narrowed his eyebrows, brushing his lips against the top of her head, “I’m so sorry, I can't even imagine how that must have felt.”
“I— I know I should just get a grip and tell myself that it’s all part of the job, but…” She shook her head, snuggling further into his chest.
“Hey, no, listen to me…” Stephen placed one of his fingers under her chin, gently tilting her head up to face him, “It’s human, you’re human to feel that way. It would be more worrying if you didn't. Whether you see it every day or whether its once in a blue moon, certain things are going to take their toll on you more than others — but you need to know that feeling like that is completely normal.”
“I— I know, but I…” She shrugged, not entirely sure where she was going with that sentence.
“No buts, sweetheart. Never be ashamed of having humane feelings — its what makes you so perfect for your job.” Stephen smiled softly, brushing his thumb against her wet cheek.
“Thank you,” She attempted to smile with her puffy eyes, “I’m sorry you have to see me like this.”
“Like this?” Stephen squinted his eyes.
“Scruffy hair, no makeup, red cheeks and puffy eyes…” She frowned, avoiding eye contact.
“Woah, hey, no… none of that.” Stephen shook his head.
“None of…” She trailed off, daring herself to look back into his eyes.
“You’re beautiful,” Stephen spoke simply, wiping away the last of her tears with his thumb, “Have you ever been told?”
“Stephen…” She turned her head, hiding her face in his chest as she felt herself starting to blush.
“Why don't you stay here tonight?” Stephen asked, resting his chin on the top of her head.
“Oh, Stephen…” She spoke into his shirt before lifting her head again, “I— I don't think I'd be able to offer you much tonight with the state I'm in. I’m sorry.”
“O—Offer me?” Stephen scowled for a moment before quickly shaking his head, “No, no, I don't mean for that, I mean we can stay here all night, if you wish. I can stick a film on for us, we could order some food, just enjoying each other’s company.”
“I would really like that.” Christine’s smile was a little brighter this time, gazing up at him.
“Yeah?” Stephen smiled back, “I can get us a blanket and we can get all cozy. How does that sound, hm?”
“Perfect,” Christine nodded, crinkling her nose, “And I'll get changed into one of your shirts, I presume?”
“Oh, I can do one better than that…” Stephen’s eyes lit up, pecking her forehead before carefully unwrapping his arms from around her and standing up.
“What?!” Christine arched a brow inquisitively, watching as he walked down the hallway.
“I was actually going to save these until your birthday, but…” His voice trailed off as he disappeared into his bedroom for a few moments before reappearing in some pyjamas and holding up another pair in his hand, “Here, come and have a look at this.”
“What have you got there?” Christine squinted her eyes and stood up, subtly enjoying how cute Stephen looked in his button down pyjama top and matching pants.
“Guess.” Stephen shrugged, now holding it behind his back.
“How can I when you’re hiding it?” Christine pouted her lips and peaked around the side of him, raising her eyebrows, “It kind of looks like the same material as my—”
“Yes!” Stephen exclaimed, bringing his hands back in front of him, “Remember that night when we went out for dinner and you were wearing that gorgeous red dress? The soft, silky red dress?”
“Yes, Stephen, I remember my new red dress that I was wearing that night.” Christine nodded slowly, playfully glaring at him.
“I don't think I'll ever forget the anger on your face when I tore it from your body…” Stephen spoke almost timidly.
“That is because you literally did tear it, Stephen!” Christine fought to try and not allow her cheeks to turn the same colour as the material in Stephen’s hands, “My very expensive dress laying there torn on your bedroom floor.”
“Mm, don’t remind me…” Stephen smirked, allowing his mind to wander for a few moments before snapping out of his trance, “So, to make it up to you… I took the material and I had it made into… well, some sort of pyjamas.”
“Short pyjamas…” Christine raised her eyebrows, looking at the garments as Stephen held them up.
“You don't like it?” Stephen playfully pouted his lips.
“Stephen, I admire your imagination.” She rolled her eyes jokingly, taking the pyjamas from him.
“I try.” He winked.
“Thank you.” She couldn't help but let out a quiet giggle as she passed him, walking into his bedroom to get changed.
Stephen nodded and watched until the door closed — usually, he would make a comment such as ‘where do you think you’re going, its nothing I haven't seen before!’ but knowing what emotions she was feeling tonight and how emotionally vulnerable she may have been feeling, he chose against his flirty cheek and decided to wait for her on the couch — after grabbing a blanket for them both, of course.
The moment he heard the bedroom door open, his gaze lifted and he watched closely as she made her way back over to him. Shyly, often unlike her, she stood in front of him with her hands on her hips. Stephen’s grin widened as his eyes trailed over the make-shift pyjamas, raising his eyebrows.
“What do you think?” He asked, their eyes meeting, “Are you comfortable?”
“I am,” She nodded, “Just as soft as I remember… back when it was actually a dress.”
“I promise I'll take better care of it this time.” Stephen chuckled.
“You better.” Christine crinkled her nose.
“Come here, sweetheart,” He smiled softly, holding the blanket up for her and stretching his arm along the back of the couch, sighing softly when she sat next to him, “Come to Stevie.”
“’*Stevie?!’”* She mimicked him, trying not to laugh.
“Well, what else would you call me, Strangey?” Stephen frowned playfully, hugging his arm around her shoulders and gazing down at her.
“Or just *Strange*, it certainly sums you up.” She sniggered, gazing up into his eyes.
“Oh, is that so?!” Stephen scoffed, “Is someone feeling a bit better, hm?”
Christine opened her mouth to speak but let out a content sigh when Stephen leaned down to kiss her forehead instead, smiling. Once he pulled back, he also pulled up the blanket so it was up to their chins and happily welcomed her into his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head.
“I’m sorry for getting your shirt wet earlier, I didn't expect myself to cry in front of you.” She spoke softly into his collarbone, wrapping one of her arms around his torso.
“Hey, baby— can I call you ‘baby’?” He paused briefly, “I—I’m not entirely sure what the boundaries of pet names are at this stage.”
“You don't usually ask…” Christine mumbled into his pyjama shirt.
“No, I know, but…” Stephen inhaled, “I don't… want you to think I'm taking advantage of you tonight— or ever! But, you know, with the way you're feeling, especially, I don't want that…”
“Stephen, I know you're not,” She reached for one of his hands, lifting it to her lips and brushing her lips against the back of it, “You’re fine, don't worry.”
“Baby, you don't have to apologise for anything. I feel honoured that you're comfortable enough to open up to me like that.” Stephen pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
“You’re the only one, Stephen,” She shrugged, playing with his fingers, “The only one who understands. You know how it feels to work the hours and see all the things we see… I don't know how you do it.”
“Do what, darling?” Stephen asked, lacing their fingers together.
“Go to work, come home, and then turn up to do it all over again with a big smile on your face.” Christine squeezed his hand gently.
“Simple,” Stephen shrugged, “I get to see you at work.”
“Oh, stop it…” Christine felt herself blushing, lifting her head to look up at him.
“Hey,” Stephen smiled, lifting his free hand to tuck her hair behind her ear as their eyes met, “Baby, I'm so proud of you.”
Christine fell completely silent from how genuine his tone of voice sounded, though her thudding heartbeat could be heard throughout the room. She didn't know whether to smile or tear up from Stephen’s words, but one of her hands made its way out from under the blanket and subconsciously landed upon his cheek as their eye contact remained. Stephen inhaled shakily from the sensitive intimacy that was now filling the room and maintained the eye contact before dipping his head in unison with Christine lifting her chin until their lips touched. They both paused for a breath and rested their foreheads against one another, eyes still closed as they took in the moment. Their heads tilted this time as their lips pressed together and their noses nudged lightly as their lips brushed against each other a few times. Christine’s hand slid into Stephen's hair and
Stephen squeezed the hand he was holding, parting his lips as the kiss deepened briefly for a few moments.
“This food isn't going to order itself, is it?” Christine giggled against his lips, breaking the kiss for a moment before leaning up to peck his lips again.
“You got that right, princess.” Stephen chuckled back, lightly caressing his thumb over the back of her hand as he kissed her back.
“This is the real test to see how well you do know me; I'm not going to tell you what I'd like, I'm just going to see whether you get my order right.” Christine bit her lip.
“Wow, okay…” Stephen blinked hard, inhaling deeply, “Do I get another kiss if I get it right?”
“You just might.” Christine crinkled her nose, gesturing toward his phone.
Much to Stephen’s relief, he did get her order right. And he did receive another kiss. That, combined with the cozy blanket, a decent rom-com movie choice, and two now comfortably full bellies, made for one of the most relaxing evenings since the beginning of their back and forth fooling around situation they had going on. The blinds were down over the large windows, keeping them snug and safe from the heavy downpour of rain outside — though the rain pelting against the windows was somewhat soothing. Perhaps too soothing for some.
“I want to spend all rainy days like this.” Stephen spoke softly, playing with the ends of Christine’s hair between his fingertips as her head laid upon his chest again. There was no response, only soft, content breathing.
Stephen slowly dipped his head and gazed down at Christine through the dim light in the dark room, smiling softly to himself when it became evident she had fallen asleep. His heart fluttered just from the simple fact that, despite how distressed and upset Christine was when she arrived, she had now found enough comfort in Stephen to drift to sleep.
“That can't be comfy…” Stephen whispered to himself when he noticed how Christine’s arm was bent around him and slowly lifted his body, carefully laying her flat on the couch and tucking the blanket around her as he stood. He turned the TV off and placed the remote on the coffee table, next to the left over takeaway boxes. He bit his lip with a grin when he turned around to see Christine sleeping soundly under the blanket and crouched down, brushing her hair out of her face and pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, “Sweet dreams, princess. Thank you for choosing me to be your comfort.”
He stood back up fully and brushed his hands down over his pyjama top, walking in the direction of his bedroom.
“Stephen…” A small, sleepy voice spoke from the couch, immediately making Stephen turn around.
“Hm?” He arched a brow — he could've sworn she was fast asleep.
“Come back…” She spoke into the faint darkness, pulling one of her arms out from under the blanket and reaching for him.
“Hey, I'm right here.” Stephen immediately walked back over to her and crouched by the side of the couch again, reaching for her hand.
“Will you stay with me?” She asked, squeezing his hand.
“Of course,” Stephen smiled softly, bringing the back of her hand to his lips, “Of course I will.”
“I don't want to be alone tonight.” Christine sat up a little, watching their hands through the darkness.
“You don't have to be, I’m right here,” Stephen caressed the back of her hand with his thumb, “I will hold you for as long as you like. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Can we go to your bed?” Christine asked timidly.
“Sure, sweethea—” Stephen began.
“I— I know that might sound a bit abrupt, but I—it’s getting a bit cold, a—and,” She swallowed hard, “You’ve already had to deal with me all night, I understand if asking that is a step too far.”
“Hey, shh, shh…” Stephen shook his head and smiled kindly, squeezing her hand in his grip, “I’m flattered that you chose me — of all people — to come to tonight. Of course we can go to bed, and if you get cold, you’ve got someone here who you can wrap your arms around.”
Christine didn't respond verbally, but her expression through the darkness said it all; relieved, happy, content, safe. Stephen stood up again and reached down for her, lifting her off the couch with the blanket still wrapped around her body. Christine let out a sleepy giggle and wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her bridal style toward his bedroom. He kicked the door open with his foot and raised his eyebrows when he felt Christine’s fingers pushing into his hair, turning his head to gaze down at her as they stood in the doorway.
“Hey.” She whispered, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Hi, beautiful.” Stephen smiled softly, leaning down to peck her lips.
Christine blushed from his compliment and kissed him back with a smile, sighing softly against his lips. Their smiles lingered against one another for a few long moments until Stephen walked them over to the bed, carefully laying her down on it and pulling the sheets back. Stephen already knew he would never forget the look she gave him once under the covers, looking at him with narrowed eyebrows and a gentle smile, radiating nothing more than want for him to join her and hold her until all her worries disappeared.
The words ‘come to bed’ falling from Christine’s lips would usually warrant more crude and randy thoughts and images in Stephen’s head. Tonight, however, the way she said it and the way she looked at him as she did both melted and broke his heart at the same time. She needed him, and tonight she wasn't afraid to show him that. The thing that was becoming even more obvious was that Stephen was becoming more and more aware of how much he needed her, also. The only person who was capable of keeping his feet on the ground and making him feel as high as a kite at the same time. It was nights like these when they both subconsciously realised that this little situation they had going on was perhaps more than just a ‘*thing*’.
Christine laid in front of Stephen, leaning back against his chest and closing her eyes from the gentle feeling of Stephen’s lips creating a path of kisses against the material over her shoulder. Their legs tangled and Stephen hooked his arm around her securely, immediately smiling when he felt her take his hand again.
“Thank you, Stephen,” She whispered, playing with his fingers, “For everything tonight.”
“Don’t thank me, baby, just promise me one thing.” He spoke against her shoulder.
“Yeah?” Christine laced their fingers together.
“Please don't give up on your job, on your work, on everything you've ever studied or worked for,” His nose nuzzled against the top of her head, “People don't know how lucky they are to be in your care.”
“I—I won't…” She shook her head, feeling herself tearing up from his words alone, “But, Stephen?”
“Yes, baby?” Stephen whispered, smiling while Christine kissed each of his fingers individually before speaking as she laced their fingers back together and placed their hands over her chest.
“Don’t you ever let me go.”
Stephen knew he wouldn't — no matter what happened down the line, no matter who came into his life, in this universe or the next, it would always be Christine.
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nourishandthrive · 29 days
Creating a Balanced Lifestyle: Tips for Harmonizing Work, Family, and Self-Care
In today's fast-paced world, finding balance between work, family, and self-care can feel like a juggling act. However, achieving a harmonious lifestyle is essential for long-term happiness and well-being. Here are some practical tips to help you create a balanced lifestyle that prioritizes all aspects of your life:
Set Clear Boundaries
Why it Works: Establishing boundaries helps prevent burnout and ensures you have time for all areas of your life.
Clearly define your work hours and stick to them. When you're with family, be present, and avoid checking work emails. Similarly, set aside personal time without distractions.
Prioritize Your Tasks
Why it Works: Knowing what needs to be done first helps manage time effectively and reduces stress.
Make a daily or weekly to-do list. Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Focus on completing the most important tasks first, whether they’re related to work, family, or self-care.
Schedule Self-Care Activities
Why it Works: Self-care is vital for mental and physical health, helping you recharge and stay motivated.
Treat self-care like any other appointment. Schedule time for activities that help you relax and recharge, such as exercise, reading, meditation, or a hobby you enjoy.
Communicate Openly with Your Family
Why it Works: Open communication ensures everyone’s needs are heard and helps in planning time together.
Have regular check-ins with family members to discuss plans, needs, and how you can support each other. This can help prevent misunderstandings and create a supportive environment.
Make Time for Exercise
Why it Works: Regular physical activity boosts energy levels, reduces stress, and improves overall well-being.
Find a form of exercise you enjoy, whether it’s a morning jog, yoga, or a dance class. Aim to incorporate physical activity into your routine at least a few times a week.
Learn to Say No
Why it Works: Saying no to non-essential commitments frees up time for what truly matters to you.
Evaluate requests based on your priorities. If a commitment doesn’t align with your goals or values, don’t be afraid to decline politely.
Practice Mindfulness
Why it Works: Mindfulness helps you stay present, reducing anxiety about the future or regrets about the past.
Take a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness. Focus on your breathing, observe your thoughts, or engage in a mindful activity like walking or eating.
Plan Family Time
Why it Works: Quality family time strengthens bonds and creates lasting memories.
Set aside regular time for family activities, whether it’s a weekly game night, a weekend outing, or simply sharing a meal together without distractions.
Delegate Tasks
Why it Works: Delegating reduces your workload and gives others a chance to contribute, fostering teamwork.
At work, delegate tasks that others can handle. At home, involve family members in chores and responsibilities. Sharing tasks can make life more manageable and teach valuable skills.
Practice Gratitude
Why it Works: Focusing on what you're grateful for can shift your perspective and improve your overall outlook.
Start a gratitude journal, noting down things you're thankful for each day. This practice can help you appreciate the positive aspects of your life and reduce stress.
Creating a balanced lifestyle is an ongoing process that requires intentional effort and self-awareness. By setting boundaries, prioritizing your time, and making self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine, you can achieve a harmonious life that supports your work, family, and personal well-being. Remember, balance looks different for everyone, so find what works best for you and make adjustments as needed.
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bunjicommunitycare · 1 month
Choosing NDIS Respite Accommodation
NDIS respite accommodation is a vital service that helps give carers a much-needed break. It can take the form of a short stay in a residential home or a more active overnight support.
Despite the name, this type of disability accommodation is a broad term that covers many different types of supports. This article will cover the variety of options and their costs.
Types of NDIS respite care
Choosing the right ndis respite accommodation is essential for ensuring you or your loved one enjoys a quality break, while feeling safe and well supported. It’s also vital for caregivers who experience stress and burnout, allowing them to recharge and return to their caregiving duties with renewed energy and confidence.
There are several different types of NDIS respite care available, including in-home and centre-based options. It’s important to talk with your NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator about the type of care you require. This discussion will help you develop a plan that details your needs and goals, and includes any necessary respite support. You can then use funds allocated to your respite supports in the Core Supports budget to access these services. When exploring respite options, consider resources like the Leap in! Provider Network Directory and reputable providers such as Safelane Healthcare. These are a great way to find NDIS respite care providers who prioritize your wellbeing and offer a wide range of service levels and accommodations.
Short Term Accommodation (STA)
STA is designed to support people during times of crisis, providing them with short term accommodation that allows them to re-adjust their daily life. This could include when their carers or informal supports are not able to offer enough help, or the person has an emergency situation and needs to stay somewhere safe.
STA can be provided in group-based facilities, private homes or hotels – whatever is most appropriate for the individual’s situation. It includes accommodation and all necessary support, including personal care, meals and activities negotiated with the provider.
At Kuremara, we provide STA through our residential respite facilities. We prioritise customisation and provide a range of options to suit every preference and need, from charming and comfortable residences to larger hotel-style facilities. We believe that STA should be a stepping stone to independence, and we make sure your stay is as comfortable and pleasant as possible. We also provide a community access programme to enable you to meet people, try new activities and experience different ways of living.
In-home respite
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides many different types of respite care. Choosing the right option for your needs can be challenging, but it is important to work with an NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator to ensure you get the best support possible.
Generally, respite supports carers by providing temporary breaks from their caring responsibilities. These arrangements can be for a few hours or a few days, and they can take place in the participant’s home, in the home of a family member or in a specialized respite care accommodation service.
NDIS participants can access Short Term Accommodation in their plans under the Support Coordination category. NDIS supports can be used to pay for respite accommodation and services, and they can also cover other related expenses. These include travel assistance, personal care, and help attending social activities. These services are very important, especially for families and carers. They can help reduce stress and improve the quality of life for both participants and their carers.
Residential respite
NDIS participants can take a ndis service provider break from their regular caregivers by staying in residential respite accommodation. This is often a more structured environment that provides an opportunity to learn new skills and promote social interaction. It is suitable for short breaks as well as longer stays, and it can be provided in a variety of settings, including private homes, the home of a friend or family member, or specialised respite care facilities.
NDIS respite accommodation services include in-home, centre-based, and host family options. They are designed to give carers a chance to rest and recharge their batteries, while giving participants the support they need to maintain their independence. Depending on your needs, you may be eligible to receive up to 28 days of STA each year. You can use these days flexibly, or in blocks of two weeks at a time. If you opt for the latter, the NDIS will cover the cost of the accommodation and any additional supports you need.
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outasktd · 3 months
What Are the Best Outdoor Camping Lights and Telescoping Options for Your Adventures?
When prepare for outdoor adventures, having consistent lighting is essential for safety, convenience, and creating a relaxed environment. Discover the best options in outside camping lights, telescoping lights for home, and rechargeable options that improve your camping and outside experience.
What Are Outdoor Camping Lights?
Outdoor camping lights are specially planned to give illumination in outdoor environment such as campsites, hiking trails, and picnic area. These lights come in a variety of forms as well as lanterns, flashlights, and series lights, present flexible options to outfit different requirements and preferences for the duration of camping trips.
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How Can Telescoping Lights Enhance Your Home?
Telescoping lights for home give adjustable lighting solutions that are able to be complete or collapsed as wanted. These lights are flexible for use in a variety of indoor settings, present give in direct light where it is wanted most. Whether for analysis corners, workspaces, or accent lighting, telescoping lights improve functionality and aesthetics within your residence atmosphere.
Where Can You Find 360/720 Degree Camp Light Tripods?
360/720 degree camp light tripod offer comprehensive lighting coverage ideal for larger outdoor areas or group gatherings at campsites. These tripods can rotate to provide full-circle or nearly full-circle illumination, ensuring visibility in all directions. They are practical for creating a well-lit and safe environment during nighttime outdoor activities.
Why Choose Rechargeable Camping Lights?
Rechargeable camping lights are ecological and money-making alternatives to traditional battery-powered lights. These lights make use of rechargeable batteries that are able to be charged via USB ports or solar panels, dropping the need for throwaway batteries and minimize environmental contact. Rechargeable camping lights present long-lasting illumination and are suitable for extensive out-of-doors adventures.
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What Benefits Do Rechargeable Work Lights Offer?
Rechargeable work light is adaptable tools proper for both inside and outdoor tasks. These lights are intended to give intense and alert illumination for a variety of work environments, as well as construction sites, workshops, and emergency situation. They present portability and flexibility, allowing user to regulate light angles and brightness levels base on specific job requirements.
Choosing the Right Lighting for Your Outdoor and Indoor Needs
Selecting the best outdoor camping lights, telescoping lights for home, and rechargeable options depends on your specific lighting requirements and preferences. Whether you prioritize versatility, eco-friendliness, or durability, there are diverse options available to enhance your outdoor adventures and home environments alike. By investing in quality lighting solutions tailored to your needs, you can ensure safety, comfort, and enjoyment during nighttime activities and everyday tasks. Explore the range of options available and find the perfect lighting solutions that suit your lifestyle and enhance your living spaces and outdoor experiences.
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novemberhope · 6 months
Malea (Pokemon Alola Project)
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable? flexible Do they swear? yes Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? at the Lottervilla What color do they look best in? red and black Who are this characters friends and found family? Team Skull Do they have any piercings or tattoos? yes What is their phone background/lock screen? A picture of her and her brother when they were kids How competent would your oc be in a survival situation? Would they be better off on their own or in a group? I think she'd actually get far and she could work alone if she would want to What inspired you to create them? I wanted a contrast to Leilani's pink girly-girl theme and I also wanted to try myself at a darker character Are they messy, or do they clean up? Oh, she's messy How much thought does your oc put into what they wear/look like? She cares if she wants to set a statement... but if it's just her on an ordinary day, anything black goes. She does like to come up with short and tight outfits sometimes though, especially if they don't fit the occasion. Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? She's looked more or less the same, although perhaps now she looks more like Cynthia than I originally had planned What is their favorite pokemon? Nachtara, Barrikadex, Amfira How well would your oc handle being placed in a leadership position? She wouldn't want to do it. She prefers to stay out of decision making and it would annoy her to no end even though she probably wouldn't be too bad at it. What is your character’s favourite season? winter What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?  Her Pokemon type (dark type) Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?  She was supposed to contrast Leilani's fairy type aesthetic How did you choose their name?  It took me ages and it took even longer to finally grow on me. In the end it was the choice between Malea and Malia.
Personality Type:
Virtuoso ISTP-A Virtuosos are innovative and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of tools.
The melancholic temperament, is often characterized by deep thoughts, introspection, and a propensity for reflection. A person with a melancholic temperament is typically introverted, detail-oriented, and analytical, often displaying an inclination toward philosophical or intellectual pursuits.
Melancholics value order, consistency, and perfection. They are driven by a strong sense of right and wrong and have high personal standards. While this can make them incredibly dedicated, it can also lead to self-criticism or perceived inadequacy when they fall short of their own expectations.
Melancholics tend to form deep, meaningful relationships, cherishing a few close bonds rather than seeking broad social networks. They are typically sensitive and empathetic, often going to great lengths to understand and support those close to them.
Their introspective nature can lead to a predilection for solitude, and they often need time alone to recharge. They are known for their introspective and often creative minds, as their propensity for deep thought can inspire beautiful pieces of art, literature, and other forms of expression.
On the downside, melancholics can struggle with a tendency towards pessimism, and they may be prone to feelings of sadness, worry, or even depression. They can get caught up in overanalyzing situations, which can lead to indecision or inaction. They might also struggle to adapt to new environments, preferring to stick to what they know and are comfortable with.
Despite these challenges, when in balance, melancholics can contribute enormously to society, especially in roles that require thoughtful analysis, attention to detail, or deep empathy. They are the planners, the thinkers, and the caretakers, often bringing a level of depth and introspection that can deeply enrich the lives of those around them.
Chaotic Evil
Chaotic Evil- A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.
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workscounselingcenter · 6 months
Uncovering Self-Care
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When it comes to self-care, most of us can agree that we are either really good at it, or really bad at it, usually with no in-between. In general, self-care is an individualized and unique daily practice that allows us to foster self-love, rest, productivity, or fulfillment and peace. However, most people are unaware that there are different categories of self-care, and that we should aim to find activities that foster these different areas.
The 7 Types of Self-Care
When talking about self-care, there are seven main categories of self-care that foster different areas of well-being. Generally, the seven areas are:
Emotional Self-Care: This involves fostering and processing emotions, either negative or positive. Some common activities can include journaling, attending therapy regularly, meditating, or simply sitting with difficult emotions.
Mental Self-Care: Mental self-care often involves some form of mental stimulation or learning. Learning new things can increase self-esteem, confidence, and can help you find new interests and hobbies. This type of self-care can include listening to a podcast, reading a book, or going to an educational/hobby class and learning a new skill.
Physical Self-Care: Physical self-care involves fostering relationship with your body and often includes activity. These activities can include a workout class, yoga, eating fulfilling foods, and getting adequate sleep, as well as hygiene activities.
Social Self-Care: Social self-care allows you to foster or strengthen relationships with others close to you, and can include spending time with loved ones, talking to others on the phone, or going to a group activity.
Spiritual Self-Care: Spiritual self-care is an important routine for those who consider themselves spiritual or religious. These activities can include prayer, meditation, meeting with a spiritual advisor, reading a religious text or devotional, or attending a religious worship meeting.
Professional Self-Care: Professional self-care isn’t only for those in school or full-time jobs. These activities involve building self-success and can include time management skills, setting boundaries, or even leaving work at work and not bringing it home.
Financial Self-Care: Financial self-care focuses on building financial literacy, confidence, or freedom. These activities can include listing financial goals, developing a budget, or watching a financial skills video online.
Productive Versus Restorative Self-Care
If you feel exhausted or burnt out by self-care, it may be time to re-evaluate your self-care plan and the activities it includes. Often, people don’t realize that there are two main forms of self-care: productive and restful. These self-care types are best known as:
Productive Self-Care: Often, productive self-care is something we do that helps us feel accomplished, or even gets a task done that we’ve been putting off. Productive self-care is vital to building confidence and developing routine; however, too much productive self-care can leave us burnt out. Since productive self-care usually does not involve a restful activity, too much of it can leave you feeling tired, or even resentful of self-care. Common productive self-care activities can include attending an educational class, going to a workshop, cleaning the house, attending excessive social events without alone time to recharge, or doing something physically taxing like a workout class.
Restorative Self-Care: This type of self-care is exactly how it sounds— an activity that fosters restoration, relaxation, or calm. Often, people fall into the trap that this type of self-care is “lazy,” however, if we do not rest, we are not allowing ourselves the restoration to develop adequate energy for productive self-care. Often, these activities should be done in the mix with productive self-care. Restorative activities can include taking a nap, spending quiet time alone, walking out in nature, meditating, praying, or watching a comfort television show or movie.
It is normal, and even ideal, to have a mix of productive and restorative self-care. If you’re feeling burnt out from self-care, consider adding more restorative self-care activities. If you’re feeling bored, lazy, or “unsuccessful” with self-care, consider adding more productive activities. Finally, if you’re looking to level up your entire self-care routine, consider finding at least one productive AND restorative self-care activity for all seven self-care areas.
Please get in touch. We will be happy to discuss how I may be able to help.
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Source:- https://justpaste.me/J8H0
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hoverboardstore · 9 months
Best Top Ten Reasons why everyone needs a Hoverboard Kart
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Hoverboards have come a long way; once a fictional good portrayed in popular video games and used by your favorite cartoon characters to explore all across their town is now a real-life thing. Hoverboard or HoverKarts, the essence of the two products is based on the same principles. The functionalities may differ, but the story and the coolness associated with them are connected. The hoverboard has initially been mentioned in fiction novels, and the word was penned down in 1967 by MK Joseph in a science fiction novel; and since then, technology experts have worked day and night to make this an actuality.
The popularity of Hoverboards typically peaked after 2010, when then the rumors around the product faded that they might be a dangerous thing to possess, and the users were at risk of accidents. The planned rumors were ultimately proven false, and now we see advancements and newer products now and then. Kids and teenagers loved hoverboards, but for increased functionality, more stability, and to cater to a broader audience, the concept of Hoverkarts was introduced, and the Hoverboard user community very well received it.
Why do you need a hoverkart, and what are the benefits associated?
Hoverkarts are loved by everyone in the family and not only the youngsters of the house. Hoverkarts are an excellent alternative for people who want to skip the balancing part of the hoverboards. So if you own a hoverboard and love riding it on two feet around your neighborhood you will enjoy a laid back ride using a hoverboard too.
You have to attach a hoverkart with it for that purpose. Hoverkarts are designed for all hoverboards of every size available in the market ranging from 6.5 inches to 10 inches, and are available in bundles and sold separately too. Hoverkarts allow advanced drifting and extended overall performance. They are easy to fit and can be easily customized. Hoverkarts can open a whole new world of fun and excitement for all of you.
The benefits of owning one are immense including more speed and stability to your daily rides. Continue reading the next few bullets for some classic fun facts about hover karts and an insight into why you need to have a hoverkart at home.
Hoverkarts Are Inexpensive:
The rising transportation ticket charges for short routes, the increasing fuel prices, and the hefty licensing fee associated with cars and motorcycles, let alone their original prices, have made traveling quite expensive. Not everyone can afford these luxuries, and an affordable alternative was inevitable. With technological advancements and self-balancing vehicles becoming more stable and secure that works on electric rechargeable batteries have introduced a budget-friendly alternative in the form of hoverkarts and hoverboards.
Hoverboards combined with a suitable size hoverkart is an extraordinary transportation form these days, be it going for some groceries or a quick ride to your college library. They do not require separate savings and a large budget to buy it and can be arranged within a restricted budget. In a nutshell, it's the least expensive, fully functional chic item to own and very valuable too.
HoverKarts are safe for kids:
No one can stop kids from being adventurous, and it's quite difficult to keep them restricted from using their dad's hoverboard as it looks like an exciting and enjoyable thing to ride. You seriously cannot say no to a kid more than a few times a day. Hoverkarts are there to rescue you in such situations. Hoverkarts are excellent extensions to these automatic boards to ensure your kid's safety all the time.
Younger kids usually lack the coordination to ride a hoverboard, so buy a hoverkart and attach it to the board. The kids are able to go for a lively ride instantly usually, hoverkarts arrive with an age restriction of three years. Kids younger than this age are prohibited from using them, and adult supervision is recommended. Overall, Hoverkarts are proven safe for kids and youngsters.
●    Hoverkarts offer flexibility:
Hoverboarding without a kart can be a different kind of fun, but sometimes you aren't in a mood to ride it with care and want to enjoy your neighborhood swamp by sitting in a kart. You can always extend your hoverboard by attaching a hoverkart according to your needs, and they are able to provide flexible transport when combined. If you are in the process of learning hoverboarding and consider yourself a beginner, do not hesitate to ride it with a hoverkart until you overcome your fears. Your mobility isn't compromised at all, even if you are a timid rider. Hoverkarts do not discriminate. They are for everyone.
●    Hoverkarts require low maintenance:
When owning a hoverkart, you don't have to worry much about the maintenance cost. Hoverboarding doesn't come with gas emissions, so gas eruptions checking isn't a requirement. More limited moving parts are used in the boards except for the wheels, so the wear and tear is inconsiderable. The construction is stable and durable, so maintenance would not be required very soon. Hoverkarts are perfect for riders who desire more comfortable, safe rides, which do not cost a hundred bucks every month for maintenance. Most hoverboard and karts manufacturers offer 24/7 affordable or sometimes free support too. The trouble would be much less if you buy a bundle offer from the market. The warranty will cover your products together for a year.
●    Hoverkarts are for everyone:
Do you think hoverboarding is only for kids and adults are too big for it? You are mistaken here. The notion that hoverboarding is only for youngsters and teens or adults can’t use it is completely junk. Why do elders have to abstain from having a fun ride? They don't have to. A hoverboard is a vital investment of a family, and by attaching a hoverkart to it, everyone in the house can enjoy it. Believe me; you'll totally get addicted to the comfortability of it and never want to stop riding it.
●    Hoverkarts are eco-friendly:
Hoverboards infused with hoverkarts are no less than a scooter, but they don't use any fuels to work. Instead, they work on rechargeable batteries that are very friendly for the environment. The world is running out of fossil fuels, and alternative energy options are generally becoming popular. Hoverboarding doesn't require any such fuels and totally avoids the hazards that it brings. Here I am talking about the poisonous gas vehicles release that consumes fuels as source of energy .You are having fun and saving the environment, what an extraordinary combination and a great reason to get you a hoverkart today.
●    Hoverkarts are convenient:
Are you scared of driving lessons? And trying to avoid the hefty costs of it? Everyone wishes to have a vehicle they could use with their own convenience without worrying about the public transport schedules. Cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles require special training to ride and not to forget about the expensive licenses you must acquire before you are fit to ride them. You can ride a Hoverboard with a hoverkart absolutely after taking them out of the packaging. You can conveniently use it for a quick ride to your friend's house; use it for a daily commute to your University, and leisure purposes too. It's designed for flexible performance and is suitable for people of all ages.
●    Hoverkarts can help you with delivery Jobs:
Before starting a delivery job, you need to have a vehicle. Most delivery riders use bicycles because of the affordability, but it is tiring to ride a bicycle for prolonged hours. You can invest in a hoverkart and a hoverboard to make the job more manageable. You can get more deliveries done in significantly less time, and you'll not be tired at all. Your functionality increases, delivery time decreases, and you'll deliver in outlying areas in less time. Customers will be more satisfied, and you might get excellent tips.
●    Hoverkarts are compact:
Not everyone has access to a garage or an ample parking space. People living in apartments are mostly worried about parking spaces and the costs associated with it. In this case Hoverkart is a great option to move around your residence. They are compact and can easily fit in a small space and help you in saving a lot of effort and money that you might have to pay if you own a licensed vehicle.
●    Hoverkarts are fun:
What's that amazing thing that you can’t do with a hoverboard alone? Tricks like popping a wheelie and racing competitions are only possible when you attach a hoverboard with a hoverkart. What else is more motivating for having a hoverkart than entertainment? Get yourself one as soon as possible.
The benefits of keeping a hoverkart are quite convincing, and there are tons of options available in the market. The vibrant colors, the sturdy materials, various sizes, and all different kinds of features are available in the hoverkarts. Hoverkarts are available individually as well as in bundles offered on websites. The choices are great, and if you are in the UK, you can check some incredible bundles at attractive prices on our online hoverboard store.
Buy Now.
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epkcoworking · 11 months
The Collaborative Edge: Solopreneurs Flourish in Coworking Environments
In recent years, the concept of solopreneurship has gained tremendous popularity. Solopreneurs are individuals who run their own businesses, often as one-person operations or with a small team, and they are taking the business world by storm. As the number of solopreneurs continues to rise, so does the demand for flexible and innovative workspaces. This is where coworking spaces come into the picture as a perfect match for solopreneurs.
A Sense of Community:
One of the most significant benefits of the best coworking spaces in Chennai for solopreneurs is the sense of community they provide. Running a business on your own can be isolating, but coworking spaces offer a supportive environment where solopreneurs can connect with like-minded individuals. This sense of community can be invaluable for networking, sharing ideas, and gaining inspiration from others.
Cost-Effective Solution:
Solopreneurs often face the challenge of balancing their budgets while maintaining a professional image. Traditional office spaces can be expensive, but coworking spaces offer a cost-effective alternative. Solopreneurs can access well-equipped offices, meeting rooms, and other essential facilities without the burden of long-term leases or the overhead costs associated with setting up a dedicated office.
Flexibility and Productivity:
Coworking spaces are designed to cater to the varying needs of solopreneurs. They offer flexible membership options, allowing solopreneurs to choose a plan that suits their requirements, whether it's a part-time desk, a dedicated office, or a virtual office. This flexibility means that solopreneurs can adapt their workspace as their business grows and changes.
Furthermore, private office space for rent in Mount road and coworking spaces are often designed to boost productivity. They provide an environment that is free from the distractions of a home office and offer amenities like high-speed internet, printing services, and access to professional meeting spaces. This enables solopreneurs to focus on their work and be more productive.
Professional Image:
First impressions matter in business, and a professional image can make all the difference. Coworking spaces offer solopreneurs a prestigious business address, access to professional meeting rooms, and a comfortable environment to meet with clients and partners. This can help solopreneurs build credibility and trust, which is crucial for business success.
Work-Life Balance:
Solopreneurs often struggle with maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Virtual office space in Chennai and Coworking spaces can help in this regard by providing a clear separation between work and personal life. When you leave your coworking space, you leave work behind, allowing you to switch off and recharge outside of the office.
Collaboration Opportunities:
Collaboration is key to innovation, and coworking spaces foster collaboration by bringing together individuals from various backgrounds and industries. Solopreneurs can leverage this environment to form partnerships, seek advice, and collaborate on projects with other professionals in the space.
In conclusion, solopreneurs and coworking spaces are indeed a perfect match. These shared workspaces provide the support, flexibility, and resources that solopreneurs need to succeed in today's competitive business landscape. With the growing number of solopreneurs and the increasing popularity of coworking spaces, this partnership is likely to continue to thrive and evolve, offering an excellent solution for independent business owners looking to grow and thrive in a collaborative and dynamic environment.
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lifecareliving · 1 year
NDIS Short Term Accommodation
NDIS short term accommodation provides participants with an opportunity to take a break from their usual daily activities and explore new experiences. Whether it’s an art-therapy session or a cultural excursion, these programs allow individuals to broaden their horizons and discover their interests.
The first step is to discuss your needs with your NDIS planner or Local Area
Coordinator. They will determine if STA is reasonable and necessary for your goals.
Respite care
Respite care is a form of Ndis short term accommodation (STA) that helps NDIS participants stay away from their usual homes for a short period. It can be used when a person’s usual carers are not available or when they want to try new living arrangements. This support is available as part of a plan and can be paid for using Core budget funding. In order to receive this support, it is important to showcase that it is reasonable and necessary.
Respite care can help NDIS participants reach their social goals, take a break from their daily routine, and meet new people. It can also be an opportunity to develop their independence and skills. In addition, respite care can give informal support workers and family members a break from their caring role and reduce stress. This is especially important in the case of a participant with dementia or other complex needs. NDIS respite care can be provided at home or in the community.
Short-term accommodation
Short-term accommodation is a temporary living arrangement that can help you get familiar with your new area. It is also an excellent option for people who are on a budget. Short-term rentals are usually furnished and offer more flexibility than hotels.
Short term accommodation is one of the primary services offered by the NDIS and can change the lives of individuals with disabilities. It helps them to become more independent and offers respite for family and friends who are the primary caregivers.
This type of accommodation is available for people with disabilities who are transitioning to a more permanent home or preparing to move out of an aged care facility. It can help them adjust to the new environment and find a job. It can also help them get accustomed to local culture and language. It can also be a great way to meet people.
NDIS STA process
The process of gaining access to STA funding begins with a conversation with your NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator. They’ll consider whether or not STA is reasonable and necessary based on your individual needs. If it is, they will include it in your plan.
Then, you’ll need to find a suitable provider. STA providers offer comfortable and modern homes with a range of supports. You can use the NDIS Provider Finder to find providers in your area.
STA can be a great opportunity for participants to enjoy a break from their routine and explore new interests. It can also give informal supports a chance to recharge their batteries. Most importantly, it gives participants the space they need to focus on their health and wellbeing. During STA, participants usually stay with their own support workers, rather than family members. But if you want to have your loved ones join you, you can choose to pay for their accommodation as long as it meets the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits guidelines.
Champion Mentors
Champion mentors are a vital part of the short term accommodation process. They help participants get used to their new living arrangements and encourage them to try different activities and explore their interests. They also provide a safe, calming environment for NDIS participants.
The NDIS short term accommodation process can be difficult for both participants and their families. It’s important to select a provider that understands your needs and provides the best possible care. You should work closely with your NDIS planner to make sure the services are right for you.
NDIS short-term accommodation is an excellent option for people with disabilities who need respite care. It can help you stay healthy, take a break from your caregiving responsibilities, and maintain a better sense of well-being. It can also be a great way to test out a permanent living arrangement or support service.
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space-creater · 1 year
Bedroom Magic: How Patna’s Leading Interior Designing Company Makes Dreams Come True
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We all know that our bedrooms are our personal sanctuaries, the spaces where we recharge and rejuvenate after long days at work. At Interior Magic, Patna’s premier interior design firm, we understand how important it is to craft bedrooms that reflect our clients’ unique personalities and help them unwind in style. For over years of Experience, our team of talented designers has been transforming bedrooms throughout Patna into stylish retreats that exude comfort and tranquility. We believe that bedrooms should be designed with care and intention to become spaces where your dreams can come to life and you can escape from the stresses of everyday life. At Interior Magic, we make it our mission to create bedrooms that do just that through our custom designs, high-quality furnishings, and keen attention to detail. Our portfolio of luxurious bedrooms speaks for itself. Let us turn your bedroom into a magical space you’ll never want to leave.
How Patna’s Top Interior Design Company Approaches Bedroom Design
Space Creater, Patna’s leading interior design firm, approaches bedroom design with care and expertise. Our designers understand that the bedroom is an intimate space meant for rest and rejuvenation. We aim to create bedrooms that are stylish yet soothing, cozy yet uncluttered.
When designing a bedroom, we consider both form and function. The layout, lighting, furnishings, and décor must all work in harmony to achieve a peaceful ambiance. We pay close attention to the needs and preferences of our clients, designing bedrooms tailored to individual tastes and lifestyles.
To optimize comfort, we focus on:
-Selecting high-quality, natural materials like cotton, silk, and linen for bedding, window treatments, and upholstery.
-Curating balanced color palettes in calming hues.
-Choosing adjustable lighting, especially for task lighting and nighttime use.
-Providing adequate storage to reduce clutter and keep the space serene.
-Arranging the floor plan and furnishings to allow for easy movement within the room.
Our team has designed countless custom bedrooms for homes across Patna. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends while keeping true to timeless principles of design. The result is bedrooms that stand the test of time, turning your inner sanctum into a personal oasis of comfort and style. At Space Creater, we make bedroom magic.
Why Work With Bihar’s Best Interior Designing Company?
As Patna’s premier interior designing company, we at Space Creater believe that the best designs come from understanding our clients’ visions and bringing them to life. Our team of experienced designers are dedicated to creating inspiring spaces that reflect your unique style.
Unparalleled Experience and Expertise
With over years of experience, our award-winning designers stay on the cutting edge of trends while honoring timeless principles of design. We have completed over 200+ residential and commercial projects across Bihar, applying our unparalleled expertise to make your dream home or workspace a reality.
A Personalized Approach
We begin every project by listening to you. Through in-depth consultations, we gain invaluable insights into how you live and work to determine the optimal layout and décor for your space. We then provide 3D renderings and samples for your review before finalizing a design that perfectly suits your needs and budget.
The Highest Quality at Competitive Prices
While Space Creater is renowned as a premium design firm, we strive to provide maximum value to our clients. We source high-quality materials from trusted suppliers across India and pass on any cost-savings to you. Our streamlined process also allows us to minimize waste and inefficiencies, keeping your project on budget without compromising style or workmanship.
A Lasting Partnership
Our relationship does not end when your project is complete. We stand by our work and are available as a trusted resource for years to come. Space Creater’s goal is to become an integral partner in shaping spaces that stand the test of time. We look forward to having the opportunity to bring your vision to life and build a lasting relationship with you as your interior design experts.
FAQ: Your Questions About Professional Bedroom Design Answered
As professional interior designers, we frequently receive questions about the bedroom design process and what clients can expect. Here are some of the most common FAQs and our answers:
How long does the bedroom design process take?
The time required for a bedroom redesign can vary depending on the scope of work, but typically takes 6 to 12 weeks from initial consultation to final installation. The design phase, where we collaborate with you to determine your needs, style preferences, and layout options usually takes 3 to 6 weeks. Procurement of furniture and decor can take another 4 to 6 weeks. We aim to complete bedroom makeovers efficiently while still allowing ample time for your feedback and changes.
What is included in your bedroom design services?
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How much do your bedroom design services cost?
The total cost of a bedroom makeover depends on the size and specifics of the space as well as the level of service. We provide detailed estimates for each stage of the design to keep you informed about costs before proceeding. Our goal is to design a gorgeous, functional space that fits your budget.
We hope this helps address some of your initial questions about professional bedroom design. Please feel free to contact us with any other queries you may have. We look forward to helping you create the bedroom of your dreams!
In conclusion, Bedroom Magic has proven itself as Patna’s premier interior design firm for over a decade. Our unparalleled experience, expertise, and passion for creating spaces that transform the everyday into the extraordinary allow us to consistently exceed our clients’ expectations. We believe that beauty inspires, and a well-designed space can lift your mood, reduce stress, increase productivity, and bring you joy each and every day. It is our mission to help homeowners in Patna craft bedrooms that feel like an escape from the outside world. If you’re ready to experience the magic, contact us today to get started on your dream bedroom. The possibilities are endless when you have an entire team of designers dedicated to making your vision a reality.
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puritanmillathens · 1 year
New Townhomes In Athens GA
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How To Find Your Dream Townhome In Athens GA
Have you ever dreamed of living in a spacious, modern, and comfortable home in Athens, GA? Look no further than the enchanting world of townhome living. Embracing a perfect blend of contemporary comfort and a vibrant community atmosphere, townhomes in Athens offer an exceptional rental experience that caters to your every need. Let's explore how to discover your dream townhome and delve into the enriching lifestyle that awaits you. New Townhomes In Athens GA are townhome developments that are opening in 2023 or 2024. They offer modern designs, features, and amenities.
Features and Amenities:
Athens, GA townhomes boast an array of impressive features and amenities, designed to elevate your living experience. Step into the spacious interiors, where open-concept floor plans seamlessly connect living, dining, and kitchen areas, providing ample room for both relaxation and entertainment. Indulge in the convenience of three bedrooms and three-and-a-half bathrooms, ensuring comfort and privacy for all residents. Modern fixtures, stylish finishes, and thoughtful details enhance the overall appeal of these exquisite townhomes.
The Townhome Lifestyle:
Renting a townhome in Athens, GA is a gateway to an enhanced quality of life. According to a recent survey, townhome renters in Athens, GA report higher levels of satisfaction, happiness, and well-being than apartment renters. With spacious interiors and modern conveniences, townhomes provide a sense of comfort and luxury that apartments may not offer. The abundance of amenities within the community fosters a strong sense of belonging and connection with neighbors, turning neighbors into friends. The townhome lifestyle encourages a healthy work-life balance, giving you the space and environment to unwind and recharge after a long day. The proximity to the University of Georgia campus and Five Points adds to the convenience, making it easy to explore and enjoy all that Athens has to offer.
Comparison with Other Rentals:
When compared to other rental options in Athens, GA, townhomes stand out as a superior choice for those seeking a unique living experience. Townhomes in Athens, GA offer an average of 30% more living space than apartments in the same area. Unlike traditional apartments, townhomes offer more space, privacy, and a homely feel that fosters a strong sense of belonging. The well-designed floor plans and thoughtful amenities add to the appeal of townhomes, making them an attractive option for families, professionals, and students alike. Townhomes are the future of rental living, offering more space, comfort, and community connection. They are ideal for anyone looking for a high-quality lifestyle in Athens, GA.
Applying for a Townhome Rental:
Applying for a townhome rental in Athens, GA is a straightforward process. Visit the website of Puritan Mill Athens, the premier townhome community in the area, and locate the "Apply Now" link. Follow the instructions provided to complete the application form and submit any required documents. The friendly leasing team at Puritan Mill Athens will review your application promptly and guide you through the rest of the process. Don't miss the opportunity to join Puritan Mill Athens and discover your dream townhome in Athens, GA.
Finding the Best Townhome Rental Deal:
Finding the best townhome rental deal in Athens, GA involves research and exploration. Begin by comparing various townhome communities in the area, considering their features, amenities, and proximity to your desired locations. Look for special offers or promotions that may be available, as well as any flexible lease terms that suit your needs. Don't just take our word for it. Listen to what our happy residents have to say:
"I love living in Puritan Mill Athens. The townhomes are beautiful, spacious, and well-maintained. The community is friendly and welcoming. The location is convenient and close to everything. It's the best rental decision I ever made." - Sarah M., resident since 2022.
"Townhomes are the future of rental living. They offer more space, privacy, and comfort than apartments, while also providing a sense of community and connection with neighbors. Townhomes are ideal for anyone looking for a high-quality lifestyle in Athens, GA." - John D., real estate expert.
Reach out to the leasing team at Puritan Mill Athens to discuss any available incentives or discounts that could make your dream townhome even more affordable. By taking the time to explore your options, you can uncover the perfect townhome that aligns with your budget and preferences.
Don't wait any longer. Apply today and discover your dream townhome in Athens, GA with Puritan Mill Athens. Embrace the vibrant spirit of Athens while enjoying the comforts of your ideal home at Puritan Mill. Welcome to the good life!
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ciyapaofficial · 2 years
Tips on How To Motivate Yourself For a Regular Gym Routine
Numerous individuals intend to start exercising regularly each January. However, forming a new lifestyle habit might seem like an overwhelming task, mainly when it requires time and financial commitment. Additionally, even if you have managed to make it work and are attending a couple of times per week—congrats, that is fantastic!
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At times you can feel uneasy, especially when you first start working out at an unknown fitness centre or gym and are unsure of what to expect. It may take some time before you truly feel at home in this unfamiliar setting. These crucial tips can help you bring yourself to the gym, even when it's the last thing you want to do, whether you've taken a break from the gym and are searching for a method to get back into the swing of things or have strayed from your regular gym routine. 
Dress Appropriately 
In many ways, getting dressed in a slim-fit T-shirt or a pair of yoga pants is more significant while leaving for the gym. According to research, our brains are capable of "enclothed cognition," which is a fancy way of saying that dressing the part might increase your motivation to finish a specific activity. You're much more likely to leave the house if you're dressed for exercise, and find yourself something like a t-shirt combo for men. 
Commit To An Action With A Friend
Planning to work out with a friend since having a partner helps keep track can be beneficial. It will be less likely that you will skip the session if you feel like someone else is depending on you to be there. The best part is that you may push each other to work harder by encouraging each other when your friend succeeds—whether it be by lifting more weight or by doing more lunges. 
Create a PLAN
There's nothing wrong with going to a gym and spending time on whatever workout equipment or activity you find appealing if you're just trying to get active. The drawback of those pointless trips, however, is that missing them doesn't feel like you're slowing down your progress. After a break-in period, it's helpful to visualise a goal—weight loss, increased energy, muscle gain, or a combination of all three—and direct your efforts toward achieving it. 
Leave Early for the Gym 
You can effectively avoid the eight to ten hours you invest in thinking about going to the gym by getting up early and going there before you start your day. If you wait, you could feel too exhausted to go. Exercise can be stimulating, making it the perfect morning routine. The first few mornings may be difficult to get out of bed, but once you find a routine, you'll be glad you did. 
Modify Your Exercise Regime Timely
Repeating the same activities again might get boring, even if you follow certain habits. Try switching up the order of the exercises or using an alternative—a flat bench press, for instance—to prevent getting bored. You'll keep your body and mind engaged in the sport by mixing things up. (Plus, you can always go back to your normal schedule afterwards.) 
Remove Any Kind of Obstacles
Your trip to the gym can be hindered by something. Is the broken coffee maker depriving you of the essential caffeine boost you need before exercising? Do you dislike your gym's setting or have issues with certain equipment? Don't wait until you can use obstacles as an excuse for skipping a session. Take action to solve the issue so you may go on with no obstacles. 
Find a Trainer
Although hiring a certified fitness instructor can increase the price of your workout, they can also bring a lot of real value. A professional may create a programme based on your objectives, train you how to use the equipment, and offer nutritional advice. Even though you might not require their help for very long, having them there when you first begin may encourage you to persist with it. 
Take Your Time To Recharge
You could believe that going to the gym every day removes any room for self-indulgence. Your body's need for rest will eventually triumph over your strong will, and you might find that you can go for days or even weeks without getting tired. It's best to schedule some downtime for recovery, whether it entails doing nothing or simply reducing your level of activity for a while. You won't be too exhausted to handle your next session if you do it that way. 
It is suggested that we change the way we think of our health to one of the individual opportunities to make a healthy choice rather than an overall, ongoing effort that we must actively monitor. Get started with your routine in combo tshirts for men to get your much-needed confidence. 
Original Source: https://www.ciyapa.com/blog/post/tips-on-how-to-motivate-yourself-for-a-regular-gym-routine
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