wearejapanese · 4 years
I don't know if you take history questions or not...but do you know of any good resources on the Asuka Period of Japanese history? I ask because earlier this year I started editing a novel I wrote about Princess Nukata, a poet from that era. I encountered a poem of hers in college and was intrigued enough to look into her more. I did do research when planning the novel, but exhausted what I could find pretty quickly - partly because there aren't many primary sources (the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki are the closest I could find, as well as poems from the Manyôshû), and also I can't read Japanese. (I'm white, but very interested in Japanese culture - genuinely, not in a geek way, though I will admit anime & manga got me into it initially). I consulted a friend who has a degree in Japanese on the matter, and even she didn't think there'd be much.
I don't know where to look, because most of the things we consider "traditional Japanese culture" today didn't come about till later, so I feel for accuracy I can't include those (though I bent the rules to include tea drinking, which I hadn't realized beforehand came later). But I want to portray the culture too. I remember one thing that came up when I consulted people on the Japan region forum for NaNoWriMo about this novel was that I shouldn't use modern-day Shinto wedding practices as a basis for Nukata's wedding, but instead try to find sources about how they were done then. Except, as I said, sources of any kind seem scarce.
I also worry, given the concerns about cultural appropriation (and about white interpretation of Asian stories prompted by Disney's Mulan remake), whether it's even ok for a white person to write such a novel. I just found Nukata to be a very interesting person, and someone in history that no one really knows about (in America anyway; I don't know how well she is known in Japan, though I know the Takarazuka play Akane Sasu Murasaki no Hana is about her, and she was briefly referenced in Chihayafuru) so I wanted to make people more aware of her.
I don’t mean to be flippant, but have you considered the sources in the reference sections for the wikipedia articles on the Asuka period and Princess Nukata?
Obviously, if you want primary sources, your best options are all in Japanese. However, I skimmed the wiki articles and noticed several publications through University of Hawai’i, Stanford University, Columbia University and Cambridge University. I’d also recommend consulting publications from University of California and University of Michigan for pre-modern Japanese literature and history as both universities are known for the high quality of their scholarship in this field. 
It’s not uncommon for non-Japanese people to be first introduced to our culture via anime. In fact, the Japanese government soft power machine has worked very hard to use popular media to package our culture for your consumption. There’s no need for you to be apologetic about how you became interested in Japan. What matters is how you continue to channel that interest, and whether you are interested in hearing perspectives that don’t come with a price-tag attached.
Speaking bluntly, without fluency in Japanese, you are likely not the best candidate to conduct primary source research on this topic. I have friends who get PhDs on this sort of topic. The issue is not that you are white. I happen to know that quite a few of the academics active in this field are white. The issue is whether or not you have the appropriate linguistic and cultural competencies to write a compelling, respectful story on your subject.
If you wish to have an anachronistic approach to Japanese historical fiction, I’m not enthusiastic, but you wouldn’t be the first non-Japanese writer to favor anachronistic depictions of our history for the aesthetics. Frankly, I’m generally supportive of people writing about whatever topic they want, but something about the way that you’ve phrased this reminds me of outsiders who claim a desire to study a language or dialect out of a desire to “save it.” In my personal opinion, if you want to learn more about a Japanese historical figure, I don’t think you need to couch you interest in caveats like trying to spread awareness.  I assure you that poets who show up in Man’yoshu are pretty well known both in Japan and by people who cover the field. 
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whenhack · 4 years
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Upcoming Zootopia Story
Greetings and salutations to all Zootopia fans everywhere!
My name is WordSPark, and for the past year or so, I’ve been working on a multi-chapter story featuring our favorite fox and bunny duo, doing their thing, fighting crime, and falling head-first into yet another catastrophic criminal investigation!
I’m really excited about the whole thing; I’ve yet to publish any chapters, because I’ve had the tendency in the past  to abandon ongoing projects like this. So as a remedy to that, I’ve decided to upload the story only when the final chapter is completely edited. 
The good news? The first 13 chapters are now complete, and only two more chapters left until the big finale! I figure I’m only a month or two away from the big reveal! 
However, since I can’t wait, I’ve decided to leave a little sneak preview of the first chapter here on Tumblr for those of you interested!
I also want to give a big shout-out to my awesome beta-reader, editor, and friend, Azdgari, without whom I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish this! So, without further ado, here’s a little snippet from my upcoming story! Enjoy!
Judy strained her eyes against the monitor of her computer as her fingers flew across the keyboard. The previous night’s operation had left her weary and with only a few hours’ rest, but that wouldn’t stop her from finishing her report. Sore muscles be damned, it was all she could do to burn all the leftover energy from the raid.
Still, Judy thought as he reached for her mug of coffee, it could be worse. She took a sip of the decaffeinated drink, licking her lips and sighing contentedly. It still had enough sugar to keep her eyes open and her fingers twitching, for now at least. Her mind was stuck replaying the previous night’s events, trying to glean every single detail it could. It had been her first lead in a major operation. And all in all, it had gone pretty much as planned, even if the end result hadn’t been… expected.
As she spun in her chair, Judy glanced once more at her computer screen. She was at an impasse, uncertain what to type. She kept thinking about the mysterious powder that they’d found in those crates. In the end, they’d confiscated well over 200 kilograms of the stuff, but the lab still had no idea what it could be. Judy’s foot tapped against the floor in irritation; whatever it was, she was certain it could not possibly be legal.
Her reverie was cut short by a sudden knocking on the wall behind her cubicle. She spun her chair around and came muzzle to muzzle with her partner, who smirked at her surprise.
“Mornin’ Carrots.” Nick drawled, taking a sip from his own cup of double espresso. He glanced at the screen, raising an eyebrow. “Still working on that report?”
Judy sighed as she swiveled in her chair to face the increasingly frustrating document before her.
“Hey, Nick. Yeah, I’m just… I don’t really know what more to write.”
She glared at the offending screen, wondering what more she could say about the raid. She’d typed all she could think was relevant, but there was something missing. It just felt… incomplete.
“Did Packard come by for the paperwork already?” Nick asked.
“No. I wanted to be done before she came by to pick it up.”
A warm puff of air ran across her ears, and they instinctively twitched against the ticklish sensation. Her eyes darted upwards and she saw Nick leaning over her, reading her report. His breath was slow and measured, smelling of bitter coffee. Judy scoffed and rolled her eyes at his invasion of her personal space and leaned on her armrest, watching Nick as he read her report.
His eyes flickered back and forth, taking in her words. For a split second she allowed herself to simply observe him, something unusual even for her. It was Nick, after all. But she couldn’t help but notice the changes. His eyes were focused, his muzzled seemed sharper. Hell, even his teeth were sharper, and she knew that was no meaningless detail. Overall, his face had a distinctive seriousness about it now that it had lacked before when they’d first met. As she watched his lips move ever so slightly, mouthing the words of her reports, she smiled. His look of concentration was a stark contrast to his usual joking self. In reflection, this wasn’t the same fox she’d met hustling popsicles months back. This fox, he looked…
“Looks fine to me.” Nick said, pulling away from her. Judy quickly averted her eyes, hoping that he hadn’t caught her staring. He teased her enough as it was. He didn’t need any more material; she’d never hear the end of it.
“Anyways,” Nick continued, giving her his trademark grin, “I’m supposed to tell you that the chief wants to see us in his office.”
“The chief? Why?” Judy asked, curious at the sudden change of subject. They had debriefed the chief last night immediately after the raid.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Nick said, his smile faltering so slightly as to go unnoticed by anyone who didn’t know Nick. Not a good sign. “But I doubt it’s anything good. Come on.”
Judy hopped from her chair and followed Nick as he stalked off towards the chief’s office. Her mind raced, reviewing procedures and protocols, trying to think of what they might have gotten wrong. Had she messed it up somehow? Doubtful; she’d followed protocol to the letter. Had someone filed a complaint? Excessive force? No, that didn’t make sense either.
“Did he say anything?” She asked him, reflexively gnawing her teeth.
“Not yet. Spots told me he wanted to see us. Both of us.” He replied, his smooth demeanor settling effortlessly back into his voice. She envied that about Nick sometimes. He could play it cool even in the most stressful of occasions.
“You think it has something to do with last night?” Judy asked, catching his eyes as they walked step by step. A familiar sly grin gave her a decent view at sharp canines as Nick tilted his head conspiratorially towards her.
“Geez, Carrots! Not so loud. I thought you didn’t want the others to know.” Nick whispered.
A playful punch to his arm took care of the smirk, but it only caused him to chuckle, and even she was fighting back a smile.
“Oh, shush! You know what I meant.” Judy said, feeling the tell-tale tingle of a creeping blush in her cheeks. The taupe hallways might still be empty, devoid of the morning bustle, but still. He had no shame. Unlike her.
“You think it’s about the raid? Good-enough odds. Maybe he wants to give us a promotion?” Nick asked, only half-teasingly. She could tell there was a slightly hopeful edge to his voice.
“Yeah, maybe.” Judy said, looking down at the ground before them. She had her doubts about any upcoming promotions. She knew the Chief had nothing against either of them, and respected them for their skills. He’d made that clear enough after the Bellwether case, and again after Nick graduated top of his class at the Academy. But promoting a bunny and a fox over other, supposedly more qualified mammals would be an unpopular move.
She’d had that conversation with the Chief before, and he was right. It was one thing to be respected as a fellow officer by other mammals, but having subordinates that could pick their teeth with her bones was something else entirely. The Chief wasn’t willing to risk a widespread case of insubordination. The future, however, still held hope.
Nick and her made a great team, and together they were already working their way to a case-closing record. But despite their unexpected success, she knew Nick had a different outlook on the matter.
She glanced up at him as he simply kept on walking, smiling that stupid grin of his, looking carefree and relaxed, his primary defense mechanism. Masking away the pain from the leers, the insults, the mistrust from other mammals, simply because he was a fox. Even after graduating from the academy with record-breaking scores, it still wasn’t enough. To many mammals, all they’d ever see, was a fox. Bigotry towards bunnies seemed mild when compared to some of the things some mammals still whispered about foxes.
A sudden flash of orange just before her eyes caused her mind to grind to a halt. She faltered mid-step as Nick’s tail swished just past her nose, tickling her sensitive whiskers. Letting Nick take a few steps without her, she once again looked at him. His tail was twitching erratically from side to side, seemingly in discord with the rest of his body. Judy had spent virtually every day with him since they’d first met, excepting his brief stay at the academy, and she’d learned to read his behaviors. Tail flicking? Either he was very nervous, or very excited. Neither was a good sign for her.
She looked closely at him, her eyes searching for more warning signs before finally resting on two manila folders tucked neatly under his arm. Reading the names printed on the tabs, her brow slowly furrowed in curiosity.
“Why do you have the Roughpelt case files? That’s a cold case.” She asked, still trying to read the name typed on the second folder.
Nick smiled at her, clutching the folders tighter to his chest, blocking her view of the name.
“Yes. Yes, it is.” He said, the smugness evident in his voice. Picking up her pace, Judy stormed past him, her worry over the chief’s potential verbal lashing and their discrimination forgotten momentarily. Curiosity was now the only thing gnawing in her stomach.
She hated it when Nick knew something she didn’t. It happened more often that she’d care to admit. And it was one of the things that made him such a good cop. He was much smarter than he let on, and he was constantly making important connections where most others might just see coincidence. Plus, his intricate knowledge of Zootopia’s notorious underworld didn’t hinder him any. But that was cheating, technically. Or at least, she considered it cheating.
Or maybe it just bothered her that he seemed to enjoy tormenting her by withholding information until the very last minute.
“What’s your hurry, Carrots?” Nick teased as he walked calmly behind him, not bothering to keep up pace.
“You know I hate it when you do that, Nick.” She muttered, trying to focus on power-walking the rest of the way to the Chief’s office.
“Do what?” Nick questioned innocently. She didn’t bother looking back to confirm it, but she was certain there was that characteristic smirk plastered on his muzzle.
“Have it you way, Wilde. But don’t complain if I keep things to myself later.”
“Please, Carrots. You couldn’t keep a secret if your life depended on it.” Nick said, chuckling. “Need I remind you of your little confession last week?”
She could almost swear steam was coming out of her ears as they heated up with a stubborn blush. She raised her index finger violently, never breaking pace or looking back at Nick, lest she feel inclined to kick him.
“That was one time, Wilde.” She muttered through clenched teeth. “And how was I supposed to know you still had my pen?”
Nick just chuckled, and she knew he was enjoying this immensely. At least he’d be in a good mood when the chief stomped them both.
“How was I supposed to know you’d confess to something like that?” Nick asked coyly. He was just toying with her now. She hated it when he did that. Not really though. But it was fun pretending to hate it.
“You know full well that I’d had more than my share of-” Judy started, but before she could finish her sentence, the door to the Chief’s door opened just a few feet in front of them, and it’s bulky resident stepped outside, glaring at them with his ever-present scowl.
“Wilde. Hopps. About time.” He said, his voice uncomfortably loud in comparison with his low tone.
Sharing one last glance with Nick, Judy stepped inside and attempted to quell her nerves. Nick followed quickly behind, closing the door quietly behind them.
There you have it. Sorry for the long post! Still, I hope you guys liked it! There’s plenty more where this came from! Feel free to leave any thoughts or opinions, and I hope you’ll enjoy this story. Coming this Summer!
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whenhack · 4 years
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whenhack · 4 years
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whenhack · 4 years
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whenhack · 4 years
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whenhack · 4 years
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whenhack · 4 years
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whenhack · 4 years
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whenhack · 4 years
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whenhack · 4 years
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whenhack · 4 years
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whenhack · 4 years
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whenhack · 4 years
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