#word count is 9361
jazz-the-writer · 1 year
Mafia Clan Ties - Lee Know SKZ smut- NSFW
HI, so for some reason I can't stop with the Mafia ideas, I'm not used to this type of gangster writing, but, this my story and I decide how it goes. SO I basically had a thought when I saw the video of Minho talking about his scar and his surgery when he was younger and long story short that was the start of this inspiration. I'm not sure if this will have a second part, we'll see, anyway please enjoy reading.
Lee Know x Reader
themes: mentions of blood, mentions of violence, mentions of mafia affiliations, sexual themes, unprotected sex, mutual consent, mentions of death, mentions of gun violence, mentions of death threats.
also I don't speak nor can I write in Korean. in this fic
Italics in bold: means they're speaking in korean.
word count: 9,361
p.s sneak peek at something I have more of on my patreon, but I will share some of it at the end.
He kissed softly at the tender spot before his small whisper.
“Please don’t lie to me again, please, you’re mine…”
His declaration was more of a question when he said it in my ear, I felt a sting in my heart at the pain and doubt I caused, my hands went up to his hair and it was all I could do to keep him close.
“I’m always going to be yours Minho, no one’s gonna take me from you, I promise I won’t hurt you ever again” I couldn’t stop the hitch in my throat as it got harder to speak.
Why he brought me here I don’t know, I betrayed him, he’s hurt and it’s because of me. He was left in a vulnerable position right now nothing else matters except for helping him and stopping the bleeding. I ran back into the room, he was sat on the couch where I left him, how he was able to focus driving long enough to bring us to this cabin out in the middle of nowhere after a gun fight was beyond me. He said we’d be safe here and that no one else knew our location. My hands shook as I used the scissors from the first aid kit to open up his shirt, the holes in his shoulder and bicep were swollen and still bleeding, the blood had slowed some but if I didn’t stop it now he’d definitely pass out. Out of instinct or adrenaline I climbed on top of him and undid his belt to wrap it around his bicep above the wound and tightened it. His already blood soaked shirt served as better use to press against the wound higher up on his shoulder blade, he’d let out a painful groan and I felt horrible, I needed to use all my first aid knowledge to help him. I pressed against his wound with one hand and reached for the jacket I tossed aside to press on top of the shirt I couldn’t wrap his wounds till the bleeding stopped. We were both quiet in that moment, Minho’s slow and shaky breaths made the pain in my heart twist that much more, I wanted to vomit at the memory of lying to him the way I did. It was never my intention to let it go on as long as it did. I never intended to fall in love with him and string him along when he tried to get closer, all I ever did was push him away, and yet he stayed waiting patiently for me to be ready.
He didn’t deserve a snake like me, yet all I wanted right now was for him to hold me close like he had the night we spent talking together till I fell asleep on his chest. I could still hear the sound of his steady heartbeat lulling me to sleep and calming my nerves. The pure love he had for me was undeniable, and I was poison to him, maybe me being a snake is why I couldn’t ever bring myself to let him all the way in. The thought of being intimate with him was so tempting, but knowingly lying to him and feeding information to his enemies, even if he wanted to try to go further I couldn’t because it felt like a lie. Insincerity on my part because, even if it all started out innocently, I was only there in the end to pay off a debt to my crooked mafia friend.
“Why are you thinking so hard for?” His voice was small like he usually sounds when he speaks english with me, he always sounds more confident and commanding in Korean, only this time he was weak and tired and I wasn’t too sure if it was my guilt or not but he sounded so much more hurt. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling, how stupid I must look right now to him crying as if I had that privilege, the thought of looking him in the eyes was terrifying. How could I look this sweet, caring man in the eyes after I had committed such a betrayal of trust and to boot he saved my life and took two bullets for me. His cold and calloused hand reached for my cheek and thumbed at my tears, still he was so gentle and comforting, I couldn’t help myself when my muscles relaxed at his touch. The pressure I had on his wound needed to be focused on, but my face leaned into his other hand, his weak voice shushing me while I sobbed and looked away from him.
“Hey, it’s ok”
“No it’s not!” I cried out and when his face came into view of my blurry sight he looked so soft and warm with his hair covering his eyes. He had no hint of malice in his tone or his eyes, I couldn’t believe he was still so trusting, my breath hitched in my throat. I shifted my focus to his wound and checked it for more blood, apart from my jacket getting a little more blood on it, the belt and my pressure seemed to stop it so that I could wrap him up. I needed to patch him up to get away from him and avoid his soft gaze behind his messy hair. While I sniveled and cleaned up his wounds his hand fell from my face and stayed at my hip, his fingers twitching every now and then when he felt pain. I tried my best to clean him up and wrap his chest, he’d been covered in filth and I couldn’t leave him like that, before I could leave him I made a mix of warm water and soap to clean his skin around the thin wrap before I built the bandages up more. His eyes were closed and his hand stayed in the same spot on my hip, straddling him wasn’t ideal, sitting in his lap was the best course of action to clean him up while he sat on the small couch. His chest rose and fell softly and he seemed to have fallen asleep, I couldn’t avoid looking at his bare chest while washing him. He had so many scars from other parts of his life, my hands lingered around the center of his torso, just under his chest he had a slit of skin that scarred and resembled a knife wound. I wondered how it could have happened and without realizing it, I was in a daze as I kept brushing my fingers against it, his chest was steady and slow with his breathing.
“It’s a surgery scar from when I was a baby” I jumped at his voice, not responding to him, before continuing to wash his body. He was quiet again and the silence between us was killing me, so much time we had spent together and we had never been so quiet for so long, he always found something to ask about or mention and I couldn’t stop talking about anything and everything when I was nervous around him. Right now it wasn’t nerves, I was downright terrified, he saved my life more than once and I repay him by lying to him and stringing him along in a false relationship.
“It was real to me” my hand stopped on his shoulder, and the lump growing in my throat made it so hard to breathe, I swallowed with a dry throat before I spoke up. My thoughts were jumbled and making one coherent sentence was nearly impossible.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry-”
“I never meant-I didn’t want”
“You should have let me die”
"I couldn’t do that" his hand squeezed at my hip and I stayed silent hoping he’d let me just finish cleaning him up. His eyes bore into me and I felt his stare while I avoided it to focus on his body, that was when a dilema occurred to me, his lower half was still clad in his stiff blood soaked and filthy jeans. The dryness in my throat had gotten painful when I swallowed thickly again.
“I have to take your pants off Minho” he was quite and I looked to him for answers only to find his lips were turned up into a smirk while his eyes were closed. I whined out in frustration and groaned when I climbed off of him, gathering more soap and a bigger bowl for the mixture of water to wash him. My search continued to a room and I wondered if he had any extra clothes somewhere, this had to be something he thought of, he was a very smart man and his mafia brain always scared me. While I looked in the drawers I found a familiar pair of grey sweats and a black T-shirt, the cold metal and feeling of the gun had almost paralyzed me, instead of searching for more I took the clothes and left to finish undressing him and cleaning him up. He was still breathing and I was still panicking that I’d killed him, I’m sure he’s been shot before but it’s still worrisome when he looks so pale and vulnerable, I’m used to seeing him in a more commanding presence where he’s more vocal and not so small and quiet. I picked the scissors up again and cut at his jeans, only opening them did I realize that I would need to wash his back and climb on top of him again, it was just best to worry about what to do now and right now I needed to wash his blood stained skin. Try as I might though it was almost impossible to avoid noticing his toned body. Memories of our small moments together alone when he'd get too close or ask for one kiss and it would some how lead to one more touch or just one more kiss. I can say more than once he’s pulled me into his lap to kiss me or keep me closer for longer when I’d try to avoid him.
The more I thought about why I was still trying to avoid getting closer the more I wondered why he brought me here with him. I had nothing to contribute, no advantage to help him get out of this mess, on the contrary I caused this mess for him and here he was bleeding and helpless. After I had cleaned up his thighs and pulled his jeans out from under him I stood up and before I climbed on top of him I realized that I was just as filthy and covered in his blood. Instead of waking him from his sleep I just undressed myself and thanked god that I wore at least a tank top and there wasn’t too much of his blood on it. His face was just as filthy and the guilt I felt for not starting on his face made my stomach churn, after washing and wringing out the towel I was using, he was still sleeping. I had climbed on top of him again and after dipping the towel in the warm mixture to clean him up I turned to find him wide awake and staring at me. I froze in shock, he was half naked and so was I, his face was covered in sweat mixed with dirt and his lip was bleeding with a few other scrapes and bruises on his eye and cheek.
“I-didn’t want to get you dirty” my voice was small and he was silent and his starring felt like it was burning into my skin. A small whimper fell from my lips and my body jolted at the touch of his cold hands, they started at my thighs and slipped under my top to hold my waist, he pulled my hips down to press against his and my eyes widened while my jaw dropped at the feeling of his bulge pressing against me. In an attempt to contain the throbbing I felt pressed against him, I couldn’t tell if it was him or me but I wanted more than anything to buck against him, my mouth closed and my breathing turned shaky. My hand went up to wipe away the dirt, sweat and blood from his face while his hands kept me pressed to him and his eyes stayed trained on me. The difficulty of trying to concentrate while I could feel him against me was increasing and the fact that we had never been as close as this before had my mind spinning.
How could he be so calm?!
No matter how hard I tried to avoid it, the ache and warmth increasing between my thighs for him was getting harder to ignore, I prayed he couldn’t feel how wet I was getting. My hands were soft and I tried to make sure I applied the right amount of pressure to clean up his face. While trying my best to ignore the feeling of him pressing into my center I tried to make sure every spot on his face was clean. His hands surprised me when they squeezed at my sides and pulled my hips forward on him, forcing a loud gasp from me, he let out a deep sigh and his head was in my chest.
"please, let me" his voice was sounded so strained, something more desperate about it, I stayed silent and it wasn’t as if the thought hadn’t occurred to me. He’d been shot. How could I do this with him? The fear of him passing out or worse from being worked up is all I could think to process. I felt his tongue on my chest before I could answer and his hands slipped around to squeeze at my backside to rock me against him again. The noises I made in protest were ignored, I tried to make him see reason, his mouth was warm and wet on my chest while he started a slow and steady rhythm of my hips. Gathering what energy I could to focus more on his health, rather than the blissful feeling of him pressing against me so fervently, I reached up to his neck to pull his face from the mark he’s been sucking onto my collarbone. With a loud smack from his lips and the moan that I let slip was from the pain he stared up at me with dark pink lips while panting.
“Minho stop it, please, you’re hurt” I whined out to him when he brought my hips to rock on him once more.
“I’d feel better if you did it by yourself” his mouth turned up into a smirk.
“I’m being serious, you shouldn’t be getting worked up like this” I wanted to convince him and myself.
“I’m always worked up, you can make me feel better” he was laid back against the seat, his hands still cupping at me from behind.
“Please” he looked at me with innocent eyes, but his expression and posture was anything but innocent. If he kept pressing me down and moving me he’d be moving too much and wasting his energy. I couldn’t think properly, he was asking me to ride him.
“Minho. I can't- It’s embarrassing” I whined out and leaned forward to press my forehead against his and shut my eyes to avoid his gaze.
“You don’t like it?” He sounded so small and a little hurt at the assumption.
“That’s not it and you know it” I cried out.
“Y/n, please, you’re here in front of me. Right now with almost nothing on. I need to feel you, need to see you fall apart.” He was whispering to me, his lips so close, begging me to press myself against him to bring us both to bliss. The temptation was too much to bear, if he needed this I wanted it even more, my mouth found his in a desperate kiss while I whined and pressed down against him. He groaned softly in my mouth and swallowed the small whines and whimpers that left mine. My hips worked against him and I could feel how wet everything was. I never stopped kissing him, the thought of him staring at me while I rubbed myself against him was embarrassing, his lips felt so rough and tender. All I could think about was how warm everything was between my thighs and how heavy he felt against me. He squeezed at my skin, my arms went to his shoulders for leverage, I needed to feel more of him. His mouth pressed wet kisses to my chest, while I moved against him, the soft moans that he let out could be felt against my chest and it only made the sensation that much stronger. The fabric between us was so delicate and it was shameful to think of the wet spot I'd leave on him after. An embarrassing whine left my throat at the thought of him teasing me about it.
"you're so wet" my hips stuttered and my body shivered when I heard him speak his words in his soft spoken Korean, a small whimper left me while I tried to keep a steady pace rocking against him. His hands squeezed at my thighs and slid up again to grip my backside and encourage me to press harder against him with a low sigh. I wanted to please him, I needed him to cum too, my hips pressed into him at a slower and deeper pace. I couldn't help it when my body shuddered as I felt how stiff he was inside his boxers, the slowed movements allowed me to focus on his length, the delicate and thin fabric between us left nothing to the imagination. I did my best to keep my noises inside but when he’d bite at me and kiss at my skin I couldn’t help it when they escaped my throat. His mouth had been pressed against the center of my throat while he was sucking a dark mark into me, that’s when I heard him speak up, his lips were still against my throat before they left my skin with a loud smack.
“I want to be inside you, please” his fingers dug into my skin as I trembled and shook against him while still trying to help him finish. I tried to ignore his pleas while he continued to invade my senses and overwhelm me with his entire being.
“Please, baby I need to feel you” his voice was whiny he sounded so broken and desperate. I couldn’t help myself when I stopped to let my hands slide down between us, he watched me as I let him free, a shaky breath left him when I squeezed at him and gave his member a few tugs. I lifted myself slightly so that I could position myself above him, his fingers took over, his thumb brushed against the wet fabric of my panties. He tortured me with a long slow circle he rubbed into me, spreading the wet patch, his finger hooked onto the fabric and held it against my thigh. I lowered myself to feel him against me, both of us were anticipating this moment, we were so quiet. His small gasp matched my own whimper, as I teased us, the tip of his head rubbed against my wanting and dripping home for him. I let out a whiny moan at the feeling of him when I pushed down, his groan was desperate and broken as he huffed heavy pants against my chest. I was fully pressed to his hips, his length filling my need and want to feel full of him, it had gotten impossibly warmer, every touch from him left my skin clammy and burning.
“So soft and wet” the soft whimper he let out between his words made me squeeze tighter around him, forcing a high pitched gasp from his throat, his lips mouthed at my cheek pressing kisses to my jaw and at the corner of my mouth.
“Are you sure this-are you really okay?” Feeling him inside of me and the way he kissed me would usually have my head spinning and the desire would have overtaken me by now. When my hands touched at the gauze wrapped around his chest is how I was able to focus enough to still have concerns about doing this with him.
“Yes, I’m ok, you feel so good right now” his mouth never stopped kissing at my chest and his voice was muffled against my skin. He moaned against me as I pulsed around him again, he seemed so much more vocal like he usually is, I gasped after lifting my hips only to push him in again. He let out another groan and the way he couldn’t stop sounding so needy and whiny for everything I did only furthered the warmth stirring in my abdomen. His back was against the couch and he was looking up at me, his hand left my thigh and cupped at my neck and tilted my jaw down to face him. The wet sounds from between us while my hips never stopped his gaze had my chest burning in embarrassment causing me to hide my face in his neck. The new position felt closer and I couldn’t stop myself from moaning at the way he felt. His hands had found their way to my hips again as I heard him panting and moaning from my movement. The silence of the room that was so loud before had been replaced with our soft moans and groans for each other, his hands gripping at my skin, and his teeth biting on my shoulder. The soft feeling of his lips, and the harsh marks his teeth would leave, made me wonder what it would look like once he marked me the way he wanted. I couldn’t believe how hard I worked to avoid this, but knowing he knew the truth now, it felt right to connect with him so deeply this way.
“my beautiful shy girl” he hummed and I felt his warm hands under my shirt, one staying at my hip while his other hand massaged my breast. I could feel my pent up emotions building and the need to finally orgasm was becoming more and more frustrating. I reached a hand down between us and rubbed at myself, his hand at my hip pushed my own out of the way, and I felt his fingers press against the small bundle of nerves begging for attention. My hand found the one he had on my chest and I wanted him to stay there while I kept moving my hips. I gripped on his shoulder while I continued to ride him, his fingers rubbing slow circles into me, the look on his face was adorable and sexy still. His mouth was agape, panting and groaning, his nose scrunched up while he looked between us. I couldn’t help myself when my hand on his shoulder went to tilt his chin up so I could kiss him. When our lips touched a he let out a desperate whimper from his throat and he swallowed the small whine I let slip when I felt his warmth spread inside of me. He was so warm and everything he had to give me was inside and it made me shake above him with everything he did and his fingers still rubbing into me. I cried out his name as I pushed against him, keeping him deep inside of me while I bucked against his hips.
“Good girl, my good girl, you did so good” I was left a panting and whiny mess against him, his fingers were still rubbing at me, slower and softer and I could feel him spreading the warm sticky mess we’d made over my small bud.
“Minho, wait, I need to finish” The sensitive feeling of just having an orgasm was torture, everything was so sensitive and I could feel him inside of me still, he wasn’t stopping.
“Cum for me again, please” I couldn’t stop myself from whining out and feeling another orgasm crash through me while I still had him inside, he was limp and I lazily lifted my hips up, the loss of his warmth had made me sigh. I wished we could be this close for longer, but he still needed to have his back cleaned, my thighs were sore and where I had him connected to me ached. I tried to climb off of him to go clean myself up but his hands held me by my hips I could feel how wet his length was against my dripping center. He let out a warm and satisfied hum that gave me goosebumps.
“One more kiss, please” I smiled at his attempt to beg for another kiss, spent and tired I leaned in for a sloppy kiss, it was slow and sweet. His sinful tongue slipping inside to play with mine softly. His kisses were always so warm and made me want to do this all day and night. His mouth separated from mine in a soft smack.
“Ok you can go now” I huffed out a laugh at his words, before softly smacking his arm, attempting to walk on my weak knees. The soreness of my thighs had caused me to lose my balance as I grabbed at the arm of the couch. I felt a slap on my ass, that stopped me before I continued to try walking, turning around to find Minho laid back against his seat with a smirk on his face. The mess on his thighs had caused me to blush harder as I attempted to walk away to clean myself up. The image of his wet limp length against his boxers had made me wash the rag I used to clean myself up and walk out to clean him up as well. I walked out with the rag in hand only to find his member tucked in his shorts, and his face softer than before, it was somewhat panic inducing how calm he looked. After I made sure he was still breathing I continued to clean up his back. His face was pressed to my shoulder and I could hear his small grumbling noises, before he started kissing at my skin, it was more lazy and felt like him expressing his appreciation. I was perfectly fine with his soft kisses until I felt his teeth dig into the dip of my neck. His warm wet mouth pressing kisses to my neck, causing my breath to hitch, He let out a small growl in his throat as I felt him sucking and biting harder into the sore skin. My hands slid up to his hair, the sound of his breathing against me had gotten heavier, it was hard to know who was shaking against who. It was getting more difficult to breathe as I felt his teeth sink in and his soft moans causing me to tremble even more against him. I couldn’t stop myself from the noises I was making or the way I gripped at him. His fingers dug into the tender flesh of my back as I arched into him. All I could do was let my head fall back and allow him to painfully make his point. His teeth had felt even sharper, the force of him sucking and biting had me in a daze, and I couldn’t tell if he was marking me or taking a bite. My hands fell lower to his shoulders and I could feel his wound, He was in pain, it wasn’t just his arm that had been pierced. I had taken his heart and played with it, unintentionally, and yet it didn’t stop me from falling for him. My whines and moans were a mixture of pain and pleasure, I didn’t know I could enjoy something so animalistic, he was unforgiving. He left me in a heaving mess of broken gasps and panting out small pleas for him. He’d let a small whine out in the quiet room a loud smack disrupting the silence as he pulled away from me. Warmth that I couldn’t explain had felt like it had trickled down my front, when his mouth had left me, I could feel the soreness of the mark and the pain he’d felt with it. His tongue pressed flat to the spot and caused me to flinch. I felt a chill run through me as he felt over his teeth marks on me and let the tip of his tongue dip into the small divots. His breathing was heavy and all I could feel was how heavy he was panting against me. He kissed softly at the tender spot before his small whisper.
“Please don’t lie to me again, please, you’re mine…”
His declaration was more of a question when he said it in my ear, I felt a sting in my heart at the pain and doubt I caused, my hands went up to his hair and it was all I could do to keep him close.
“I’m always going to be yours Minho, no one’s gonna take me from you, I promise I won’t hurt you ever again” I couldn’t stop the hitch in my throat as it got harder to speak. His breathing slowed some and I could feel him relax into me again, his hands falling more limp around my waist. The paranoia of everything we had done is what made me stop breathing so I could hear his long and slow breaths. After cleaning him and dressing him the dark red tint around his mouth made me curious to see the mark he’d made. My eyes widened at the sight of his bite mark on my neck. The color was a dark red, mixed with hints of purple from him sucking on it, and had small splotches of blood where his teeth broke through my skin. I could feel the heat rise from my chest to my face as I felt over it. Goosebumps rising at the memory and chills running over my body. I cleaned myself up and it was a little embarrassing how much I enjoyed the sting of pain from being bitten so roughly. I had gathered what I could to make something for him to eat and hoped he’d wake up soon.
For the past four days I had been panicking and worrying about the amount of times Minho and I had spent worshipping each others bodies. It was almost as if he’d been perfectly fine the next day when he went out to catch a few fish to cook. It was hard to remember how we ended up with him bending me over the table, only to spend the rest of the morning with him ravishing my body, and leaving even more bruises. He’d finally listened to me and gone to a doctor, his wounds had started looking more red and irritated no matter how often I cleaned them, not to mention how many times I tried to remove some of the pieces of the bullet. We had almost run out of the antibacterial cream left in the kit. Out of anxiety or fear of when he’d return I just started cleaning everything. Not only had his wound been worrying me, but I couldn’t remember when I last had a period, the paranoia and stress of worrying about the moment we’d no longer be safe was nerve wracking. It had come to the point that I’d finally run out of almost everything to do and ended up spending the rest of daylight out at the wash basin behind the cabin. I had washed his blood stained shirt and my own clothes, since it was his cabin I was wearing his clothes, just before I had thought about starting on the bed sheets I had heard a car door shut. The anxiety had caused me to flinch and rush inside to try to hide from whoever it was. The moment I made it in and tried to hide in the bathroom is when I saw Minho walk in through the door, before I could think to do anything else, I had ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. A small grunt left his mouth and I pulled away worrying I had hurt his bad shoulder.
“Are you ok? Did they know what happened?”
“It’s ok, I’m ok, don’t worry, we’re in clan neutral territory. Most of the civilians here don’t have ties to the clans”
“Do I need to do anything for you?” It was an innocent question and I was sincere in my intentions to take care of him till he was completely healed up.
“Doc said I’m gonna need sponge baths till the skin heals closed” his tone had a light air to it, but the way his hands held my hips felt more mischievous, his next words were spoken in a lower tone. “You can help me with those right?”
I needed to figure out a way to distract him before he started up again, with the touching and the kissing, and the ability to make me forget everything. “I’ll help, but we need to figure out the situation with the food and everything, I’m hungry, what are we supposed to do?”
“I brought some things, that’s why I took so much longer. Want to help bring them in?”
It was almost instinctual when I rushed out the door to get the things down. The entire trunk and back seat was covered in grocery bags and I wondered really then how long it would take for us to get back to our normal lives, could we? Warm arms embraced me from behind in a soft hug with a small nudge of his head on my shoulder.
“Are we ever going to be able to go back to normal?” I didn’t intend for it to sound so desperate or whiny, but it was a strange moment to feel that way, it felt like all I had known was gone. I definitely didn’t want him to think I didn’t want to be here with him. Minho was all I had now, but could I ever see my sister again? Would I put her in danger if I tried? Is she already in danger?
“Hey, calm down, I can hear you’re panicking.” He was soft and warm and mine. I needed to hide my face before I started crying, I made this mess, why was I being such a child about it ?
“I can’t calm down Minho, my sister has been alone for the past five days and I can’t even tell her where I am and don’t even know if she’s still safe, how can I protect her when I’m here with you!?” I tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he stayed firm and held me to his warmth.
“I have someone watching her, don’t worry, do you want to talk to her?” The thought of having to explain everything to her was nauseating, but would I even have the time?
“For how long?” He sighed at my question and I felt my body crumble against him in defeat. The noise that left my throat was inhuman and I hid my face in his chest again.
“I can fix it, but it’s going to take time, do you think you can wait longer knowing she’s safe?”
“Of course I can wait Minho, I just feel useless…and selfish” I pulled away from him and continued my path to the car.
“Why are you selfish?”
I stopped with my hand on the door handle. “Because for the past five days I have been convincing myself that being here with you isn’t wrong, that it’s okay for me to feel happy and warm…” he was so quiet and I still couldn’t find the courage to look him in the eye or talk about this topic with him in any form. I was letting myself get carried away with how much he wanted to be close to me without any barriers or walls I’d put up to stop him.
“The night you found me, it was the first time they forced me to go to the location of the hit, they threatened to kill my sister if I didn’t do what they asked. Everything happened so slow and it was like they eased me into it…” I wanted him to stop me, but the fear in my voice and the way my breath trembled was met with his calm silence, leaving the air open for me to fill with my words.
“It started out with just me helping out someone who needed to pass his computer science course, he tried to make out with me one time, I ended up blackmailing him to pay me for the inconvenience. I never meant for it to end up the way it did, but I needed the money, I really needed the money.” The time we spent together before everything broke the 'reality' we were in was bitter sweet and left a warm metallic taste in my mouth. He'd met my little sister and she had opened up to him against my better judgement, she told him the entire agreement with our parents, she had explained how we ended up living together in Seoul and studying. I remember it had been getting difficult to actually get him to bring me close enough to his mafia circle and my own mafa 'friend' had cut me off due to not getting any results. The pain of remembering the week Minho had not only bought our groceries but he paid our rent and gave me extra money for other bills. I had cried in front of Minho out of frustration or desperation I wasn't expecting him to actually spend money on me and give me money. I felt guilty invited him over for dinner, surprisingly I enjoyed it more than I should’ve, and we spent the entire night cuddled together and watching horror movies.
"I never wanted to hurt you, but I couldn't let my sister get hurt, when I woke up in your room and you fed me and cleaned me up. I just wanted to disappear and run away. I didn’t think we’d start running into each other and I didn’t expect you to ask me out. By the time they caught me with you on our second date they had figured out who you were and used me again. I wanted out, but how was I supposed to get rid of them? Then you- you wanted to get closer and we were always around each other and my little sister and you cared for me I-I couldn’t-”
“I’m here, you’re okay” his warm voice was in my ear and a soft but firm embrace of his arms around my chest, pushing my back to his own chest, I could feel his deep breath and my hands curled up to hold his forearms against me. I couldn’t stop my breathing from getting so shaky and the sobs I let out had begun hurting so much I followed him to the floor of the forest we were in. He held me against him and wrapped me in his body as I sat between his thighs and laid against his chest. His steady heartbeat thumping against my back, he waited till the tears had stopped falling from my eyes, his hand turned my chin to him thumbing at my tearstained cheek and he pressed his forehead to mine. He was so calming and comforting, how could I believe he was the coldest most uncaring person, although his first impression was something I couldn’t avoid at the time. We were in an odd situation when we first met and him being cold and uncaring was reasonable since he didn’t know me. I was more of a nuisance at the time since I had been taken hostage by my supposed ‘partner’ at the location and he killed him out of retaliation. I had no idea about the small war waging against the two opposing clans and somehow we both ended up in the middle as pawns.
“Baby, I don’t want to make you feel bad, but there’s a few things in the car that might go bad if we stay out here longer” his words caused me to jolt up and at the sudden movement I nearly smacked his face with my hand, the surprise was how fast his reflexes were, could I honestly say his reaction time was surprising? His hand had reached out just before my own caused any harm and I welcomed the warm hold. His fingers laced with mine and brought my hand to his as he kissed at my skin from his spot in the dirt floor. He stood up in a calculated manner, body still close enough to warm mine, as he reached behind me to open the car door. We were quiet as we put the things away, it was almost peaceful, when I opened up one of the last bags my eyes widened at the sight of a few pregnancy tests and a few boxes of condoms along with different types of pads and liners.
"M-Minho, umm, did-wh-" it was a struggle for me to find the words, it was obvious why, to say I didn't know the consequences of our decisions was a lie. I didn't expect him to be so nonchalant about buying these products though. also how did he know my preference of brand on my period products, did he look in my bathroom drawers? he was quiet during my stuttering and then he smirked at me while getting closer.
"you don't think we got carried away?" I was panicked as he got closer, his lips grazing the still sore mark he made on my neck, He kissed at the tender skin of my neck before lifting me on the counter. I couldn't stop the small yelp from leaving my throat as he licked at the tender wound he'd made.
"as much as I love filling you up with everything I can give, I don't think you want to be a mother" his voice was soft and made me shiver. I could feel his warmth pressing against my own, the memory of how he felt inside when he filled me up, I wanted him one more time without any thoughts or protection. How he could make me feel this way drove me crazy. I had developed a craving for him and the thought of us needing to use protection if we were going to keep doing this was somewhat disappointing.
"please" my voice came out small and pitiful, it was obvious I wasn't paying attention to anything other than my body and his, his hips pressed into mine and my breathing was shallow. I could feel him pressing harder to my center.
"what are you doing to me?" his hands tugged at my sweats, the need to be close to each other was overwhelming, once my sweats came off I tugged open the button of his jeans. His fingers tugged at the cloth covering my wanting home for him and a whine left my mouth as he felt over how wet I had gotten. His fingers played with me while I played with him and brought him to full attention. His free hand tilted my head up as he neared me, his member slipped inside of me with a warm push, he swallowed the moan I let out when his lips pressed to mine. My hands held him close by his hips and his hands gripped at my backside, needy hips grinding against each other, he was panting as he tried to keep a steady pace. He had felt so warm, everything about the moment was desperate and needy, broken moans and whines were all that filled the room air. He was so warm I felt so close to him and I wanted to be this close always. The way he filled me and touched me, grabbing and squeezing, one of his hands stayed firm at my back while his other kept my mouth against his. In a mix of sloppy kisses and whispers of his love for me and mine for him his warm hand slid up the nape of my neck to tug at my hair softly. He had me at his mercy, I wanted to do everything he wanted, his hips never stopped as he kissed at my neck. My fingers dug into his shoulders as he mouthed at my tender skin, pulling louder whines from my throat in a mix of pain and pleasure, our bodies were so close. His hips slowed and his kisses got softer. I could feel the need I still had for him. I wanted him inside of me, all of him, my thighs were spread wide for him but when he slowed I wrapped my legs around to keep him in his spot.
''are you sure you want this?" his words hung in the air and he'd stopped moving. I could feel him throbbing against me and I couldn't help it as I felt myself clench around him. My hips squirmed against him, needing to feel the friction, if this was going to be the last time we could get away with this I wanted all of him.
"I want you inside me, please" He had let out a shaky breath, my words were breathless, and I was desperate to feel him. I needed him, it was terrifying to realize how much, I wanted and needed him in this moment. I couldn't stop the awkward squak that left me when he lifted me off the counter. My arms wrapped around his shoulders as he effortlessly walked me over to the table and laid me down.
"I want to watch you when it happens" His voice was soft and I let out a soft moan at his whisper. I was so deeply in love with this man, his hips started slow again while I spread my thighs for him, his warm hands slid up from my abdomen, under my shirt, to my chest. My own hands covered his, all I wanted was to feel him against me, I looked up at him through the haze of my sight. It took everything in me to make sure I could see him and he could see me. His bottom lip was between his teeth, hair almost covering his hooded eyes, as he stared at the way I reacted to him. I felt one of his hands slowly slide down to where we connected. His fingers pressed to the needy bud and my own fingers wrapped around his wrist to feel him. He felt warm and his fingers were making me tremble against him, I wanted him closer, He felt so far away from me and I was desperate and needy for everything.
"Minho, I want kisses" trying to sound coherent was impossible, this beautiful man was ravishing me and invading all my senses and thoughts with him, his eyes met mine at the sound of my plea. He leaned over me and his warm tongue slipped inside to coax my own to play with his. I could feel the shiver of my orgasm brim over as I whined in his mouth and kissed at him. Without warning I felt bliss take over as my legs wrapped around him and my body trembled against his. I struggled to keep my eyes on him as his hands pressed on the table at either side of my head, his hips stuttered against mine as I felt myself still pulsing around him, he let out a small moan and whine slip out with my name as I felt his warmth spread inside of me. My hands slid around him to bring him closer, his warmth filling me, he forced another shiver from me as I tightened my thighs around him. He was panting in the crook of my neck as he stayed hunched over me.
"I'm going to miss the way that feels" he panted out and I whined out as he brought himself up to face me. I shook my head and brought him closer to hide my face in his neck.
"I'm mad at myself for not having my birth control on me at all times." I whined out, causing him to chuckle at me.
"we need to be careful and this is not us being careful" he groaned and sighed before continuing. "I can't help myself with you, all that waiting made me so frustrated, I just want you more." he kissed at my cheek and then my arm as he pulled me away from him. I groaned at the sore and empty feeling when he slid out of me.
" you look so filled and dirty, my dirty girl" It was almost embarrassing to have him staring at my dripping center, I could feel his warmth seeping out of me, he told me he enjoyed seeing the mess he made with me. I sat up and the ache of laying on the table had stiffened my back. My face turned bright red as I looked down to see the mess seeping from me that had fallen on the kitchen floor. I covered my face in embarrassment and whined out his name.
" why didn't you tell me how messy it was?"
"cause I like it" he kissed at the top of my head and squeezed at my bottom.
"go shower, I can finish up in here" I obeyed him and went to clean myself, though it almost seemed in vain when he joined me in the shower. The sound of the shower curtain opening startled me, causing me to turn and see Minho's bare body, I was almost finished and felt somewhat exposed with my body covered in soap bubbles.
“Minho your bandages” I held my hand out to his chest as he stepped into the shower.
“You can change them for me” he whispers against my lips and a warm kiss under the water almost distracted me. I pushed him away and was relieved to see his bandage was still dry.
“You said you needed sponge baths still” he smirked at me almost in a devilish way.
“We can run a bath together” his voice was inviting and I couldn’t help myself. I had adjusted the shower and started filling the tub. He sat down and the tub was surprisingly wide enough to leave extra room for us. I didn’t want to fill it too much, just enough to wash him and then drain it to rinse him again. Once the water was up to his hip from his seated spot I got ready to wash his hair. His free arm wrapped around my hips and held me close to him as I straddled his thigh to lather his hair in water and shampoo. He was quiet and compliant with me, moving as I directed, he seemed to enjoy it more than anything else. I couldn’t help but stare at his pretty face, the way his head was tilted back with his eyes closed, he looked like a painting. My fingers massaged into his scalp as I washed his hair, he was like a little cat, a warm hum rumbling in his throat at the feeling. After it felt sufficiently clean I squeezed at his shoulder gently and brought him forward to me. I shifted to straddle him and picked up the cup we had been using in the shower, not wanting to risk contaminating his wound, I opened the faucet and let the water run. After filling the cup I gently rinsed his hair while being careful of his bandage. It was mesmerizing how compliant he was, moving where I wanted him, his skin was so beautiful it was hard to believe he was apart of the Mafia Lieutenant’s. I continued with the conditioner and he continued to be a soft compliant kitten, humming in comfort, the second rinse was just as careful.
“Do you want me to take off the bandage?” He opened his eyes slowly, smiled softly at me, before he placed his arms at the edge of the tub and let his head fall back again with his eyes shut. He seemed so tired and I can’t imagine picking me up helped him feel any better. I couldn’t believe I let it slip my mind when he did that. The wrap was new, Minho had leaned back and sat against the tub once it came off, after taking it off I placed it on the small stool we had next to the tub. His wounds looked so much better now, they were stitched closed, there was a coating of what looked like an ointment.
"can I wash it or did he tell you to leave it on ?" I stared at him and his face was unmoving, for someone who trusts so little people in his life he seemed to be so vulnerable in this moment, his eyes were shut with his head tilted back against the tub when he spoke up.
"He said to not irritate it for today, if it looks better tomorrow I can wash it" I continued with the task of washing his body and rubbed the soap in my hands. The more I tried to focus on washing him the more I couldn't help focusing on his reactions to me. He hummed and sighed softly as I spread the body wash over his other shoulder and neck, making sure to get behind his ears, then sliding down to spread it over his chest and wrapping my arms around his waist to bring him forward to wash his back. His body hunched over mine, hovering over the bite mark he had broken skin to make, I could feel his breath against my damp shoulder. His low hum caused a shiver to run down my spine as I rubbed at his back. He hadn't tried to coax me into doing anything more, I couldn't tell if I was disappointed or completely wrong for thinking it, he seemed to really enjoy the moment as it is. When I had gotten down to his hips my eyes widened when I saw him standing at attention again, ignoring it was impossible, I couldn't just skip washing it. My hands wrapped around him and I felt how warm and heavy he was in my hands. His breathing seemed more focused like he was trying to stop himself. I didn’t want to provoke him any more than he already was, just continued to wash him, and fill the tub with more water to rinse him again.
I couldn't stop the nagging in my head at the thought of my late period, given I have not kept track of it and I don't remember the last time I had it, the thought of possibly being pregnant after everything that has happened. The entire situation was enough to make me vomit alone, and adding the stress and worry of being pregnant, it was just something else to add to the list of unbelievable things. Could I really say it was unbelievable if I was making the conscious decision to ignore it in the moment? So much to worry and think about and as I wrapped his new bandage again Minho’s hand found mine. He gave me a look almost like he was asking a question.
"Minho, what happens if we might have made a mistake?" He was soft in the face and it always worries me with how calm he is. His warm hand caressing my face as he responded.
"it's your choice, not mine, I am here to be with you. Whatever you decide is what I want" I sighed and nuzzled into his hand, his warmth calming me, after I finish his wrap I brought him his underwear and helped him take his towel off.
“Do you want a shirt?” He looked so sleepy and shook his head, damp hair bouncing on his head, his hair covered his eyes. I smiled at him and continued to dress myself and put our towels away. He stayed sat at the edge of the bed and held a hand out to me. I took his hand and helped him maneuver himself to lay down. He had brought me to climb over him and I smiled at him with either hand at the side of his face. He smirked up at me and I couldn’t help the urge to leave a soft kiss to his mouth.
I love him, and how comforting he is, god what am I going to do about this?
“M’sleepy” he mumbled out and I laid on his side and nuzzled into his chest, his steady heart and breathing lulling me to sleep.
kay so, I am having a very umm strong mafia phase right now, and I have done this with Chan and Minho, for my Mafia Chan I will be making a second part. It is currently in my drafts and I am working on it.
p.s I might post a short like side story that I am working on and I will only show you a sneak peak to keep you interested. If you want to know more about it i have more on my
patreon @Jazz_The_Writer
anyway here's my little sneak peek.
Drunk Mafia Maid Service Chan short.
He was so needy and his hands gripped at me tighter while his tongue continued to violate me in the most sensual way I couldn't help the soft whines I let slip. His fingers dug into my thighs as I bucked into his, he tasted like liquor, he'd come home like this once before. He'd asked me to straddle his thigh and it felt thick, but I had a need to feel closer, he still felt so far away. He didn't usually go out drinking, unless he couldn't avoid it, and we never really spoke about the way he behaved when he did drink. The kiss was so needy and sloppy when I pulled away from him I shyly wiped away the string of saliva. He smirked up at me and I couldn't help it when my leg swung over and I straddled him. His eyes were glossy and looked up at me in awe and the blush I felt over my face made everything so much warmer. His warm hands pawed at my body, squeezing at my back side, feeling over my chest and then his fingers slipped up to wrap around my neck. He pulled me in for another warm and filthy kiss, his tongue continuing to play with me, his mouth swallowed the desperate whine I let out and I couldn't help it when my hips bucked against him again.
“there’s nothing to feel if you do that, baby girl I’m not the best at drunk sex” His words came out in a mumble, he sounded so cute when he was drunk, I was so used to seeing him calm and collected.
“I don’t care about what I’d be feeling, it doesn’t feel good cause my thighs aren’t wide enough and I need to feel you” we were so close, lips almost pressed to each other, it felt like we were the only two people in the world.
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magicalbats · 1 year
A Helping Hand (and then some)
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 9361
Warnings: afab!reader, masturbation, wall sex, oral sex (male receiving), a healthy dose of pining
The unfortunate truth of living in the company barracks is that privacy is an exceedingly hard thing to come by. A rare luxury afforded only to a select few when everything was communal from the baths out back to the sleeping quarters where upwards of five bodies could be housed in a single room at any given time. In that sense you greatly envied the officers that came from wealthy families and noble houses who had a place they could retreat to at the end of the day. They were free to come and go, more or less as they pleased, barring any pressing engagements or standing orders, but hailing from the slums of the Rukongai … you weren’t quite so lucky. 
Slowly breathing out through your nose, you turn your head against the pillow to regard the girl sleeping on the futon next to you. She was snoring as loud as ever and the sound of it seemed to ring in your ears like a brass gong being struck again and again. Per usual she was out like a light. If it was only her to worry about you probably could have gotten away with just about anything so long as you weren’t too loud about it, but there were others resting in the same room, including Toki who often stirred at the slightest disturbance. It had taken her months to get used to the deep, sonorous noises coming from the other bed but now she only snapped awake when someone got up to use the bathroom, regardless of how quiet they’d tried to be. You’d had to find that out the hard way when she very nearly chewed your head off one night for making too much racket despite using your best tiptoes to try and sneak by. For someone who was usually so serene and placid she could be a rather scary person when half asleep …
There just wasn’t anything you could do with her laying a mere arms length away though and, determined to put the thought out of your head, you decisively roll over onto your side. But no matter how long you lie there willing yourself to drift off you simply can’t ignore the low heat in your gut. It’s insistent and demanding, beckoning you to reach down and do something about it. In truth you would have all too happily obliged if the risk were not so great. Had even tried to linger in the bath long enough for everyone else to filter out and leave you to it but luck wasn't on your side much these days. Living in such close proximity with the admittedly small number of other women in the sixth division made it almost impossible to diverge from routine, so when they moved from the soaking tub to the changing room to get dressed for bed you’d found yourself solemnly following suit. It was too much to ask for even a moment of privacy in a place like this. 
You’d ignored these wanting pangs for weeks though. Tried in vain to focus on your duties and keep yourself busy with more productive outlets instead, and yet the dull thrum within your cunt never quite went away. Not completely, at any rate. It was always there, waiting just below the surface for the perfect moment to catch you unawares; and sometimes it would recede to the back of your mind like low tide when you were too preoccupied with something else only to come crashing back as soon as you were at ease once again. You could have screamed, you were so horny. 
If you just had somewhere you could go …
Biting back the urge to groan, in frustration or wanton hunger, you aren’t sure which, you not so subtly squeeze your thighs and rub them together, as if that would do you any good. It only makes it worse, in fact. Your pussy needed real friction, not this blithe imitation that makes you clench your teeth in annoyance, and for a split second you seriously consider throwing caution to the wind. You’re so tempted to plunge your hand beneath the blanket and find blissful relief on your fingertips that you have to wrestle with it. Force it into submission. There were plenty of things you were willing to do if it meant finally getting off but waking the others to the sound of you hissing in pleasure wasn’t one of them. How could you ever expect them to look you in the face after something like that? You’d have to put in a transfer request first thing in the morning, but even that wouldn’t stop the rumor mill from turning. 
Feeling your desperation start to spike, you frantically ponder the issue at hand. Surely there was somewhere you could go. 
Sneaking into the bath at this hour just for the privacy it would provide was, unfortunately, not a good idea. If you ran into a senior officer there would be plenty of questions you don’t have readily available answers to, and that was to say nothing of actually being caught in the act. How embarrassing. No, you needed to think of a place where there would be the least likely chance of discovery. Anything that required you to cross the courtyard was out of the question for just that reason. You’d be easily spotted out in the open like that. Although the dining room was sure to be empty at this time of night you didn’t like the sound of it much, not where people eat. The kitchen was similarly a non option for that reason too. Captain Kuchiki’s office was a tempting thought if only because no one would ever dare step foot inside without permission but, well … that included you too. Unfortunately you weren’t that brave. Listlessly, your thoughts drift to the training hall and then linger there. 
The more you considered it, the better the idea sounded. No one in their right mind (besides you, evidently) would have any reason to go there in the middle of the night and the place already smells vaguely like sweat no matter how much it’s cleaned. Being used for sparring matches and drills did that to a place after countless centuries of use. But there would be no evidence of your illicit deeds for someone to sniff out later, either figuratively or literally, and you probably wouldn’t cross paths with anyone either. There was higher probability of a senior officer taking a late night dip after finishing up one last stack of paperwork than of that same officer dragging himself into the dojo before bed. Logically, it was a flawless plan. You could be in and out in a matter of minutes, considering how intensely your pussy throbs at the prospect, urging you to follow through. You just hoped it would be enough to satisfy you so you could finally get some sleep. 
Steeling your resolve to carry out this undeniably stupid idea, you gingerly push up to sit. You take a moment just to listen, noting the slow, shallow breaths of the other girls, each in turn, to be sure that they were still fast asleep before making your move. Even Toki seemed to be in a deep slumber and hadn’t so much as turned over in her spot nearest the far wall. That was as good a sign as any, and your heart seems to wedge itself in your throat as you carefully crawl out of bed on all fours. You felt like a proper fool for it, but it was better to be safe than risk standing now and making too much noise that would alert the others. Every little creak and whine of the tatami under your knees sounds devastatingly loud, threatening to drown out the intermittent rumble of a snoring girl, but surely that was just your imagination, right? You weren’t actually being that loud, were you?
“Where’re you going?” 
Your hand stills halfway through the motion of reaching up for the edge of the sliding shoji door. You recognize the voice, of course, and it’s unmistakably Toki’s, but you still glance over your shoulder to confirm that she is indeed propped up on one elbow now and blearily squinting at you through the dark. Not that it came as a great shock or anything. 
“Bathroom.” You whisper back. 
She hesitates as if torn between accepting that answer without another thought or questioning it, and then she seems to further rouse herself. “Why are you crawling around on the floor?” She sounds more alert this time, and you desperately try to stamp down the panic quickly rising in your chest. 
“I was trying not to wake you. I just thought - -“
Toki cuts you off with a groggy, raspy laugh. “I can see that. Good job, by the way.”  
You anxiously bite down on your lower lip. “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be.” Reaching up to flip her long ponytail over her shoulder where it had slipped forward, she lays back down and draws the blanket up over her head with a sigh. “Just hurry up. We’ve got drills in the morning.” 
We have drills every morning, you think to yourself but refrain from speaking it, deciding you were just lucky that she was willing to leave it at that and nothing more. You’d prefer not to be interrogated any further, unsure if your little white lies could hold up under her scrutiny - or anyones scrutiny, for that matter. Especially not when you could feel a second heartbeat between your legs, eagerly pulsing at the promise of friction and pressure, and you hastily grab at the door so you can get it open. No, this wasn’t going to take long at all. 
Still kneeling on the floor, you carefully close the paper screen door behind you and then quietly move to stand. The way you smooth your hands over your yukata to iron out the wrinkles is superfluous at best, a force of habit, while your mind swarms with decidedly indecent thoughts as you wander down the empty hall. It had been a long time since you last did, well, anything, really. But between working yourself ragged just to graduate from the academy you’d had to fight to gain access to and then trying to cement a place for yourself in the sixth division, who even had the time? Maybe that’s why it was so overwhelming and potent now. You’d given it plenty of opportunity to build up and fester, and here you were sneaking around in the dead of night to deal with the problem only after it had become too much for you to overlook anymore. It was a bit frustrating to find that you were still haplessly ruled by your body’s baser urges but perhaps you’d do your part not to neglect it quite so much in the future. 
If it saved you from embarrassing situations such as this then it would be well worth the effort but, even besides that, you’d earned it, hadn’t you? The luxury to worry about yourself rather than the myriad of other things you’d had to put first up until now. Barely surviving on the streets, training with heavy wooden swords until your palms bled and then staying up late to cram as much information into your head as you could manage for a test the next morning. There had been no end in sight for such a long time that somewhere along the way you’d forgotten what the finish line was even supposed to look like but you’d made it, right? Your acceptance into the sixth division was the indelible proof of that and now … 
Your cheeks feel hot with excitement as you wind your way through the barracks, taking care to step lightly and use the halls least often traversed. You were looking forward to this a great deal. Maybe a bit more than you should but there was no point getting caught up on that now, your fingers itching impatiently with the desire to rub hasty circles over your clit. Just a few minutes alone where no one would find you. That was all you needed. 
The early spring night is cool when you step out onto the wrap around porch and you shudder faintly against the surge of goosebumps that erupt along your skin. It makes the already stiffened tips of your breasts pucker and harden to fine points, pressing firmly into the front of your yukata. You feel weak in the knees with it. Hazy and intoxicated, your breath coming a little quicker as you creep down to the entrance of the training hall where you’re relieved to find the door unlocked. You hadn’t even stopped to consider what you would do if you couldn’t get in but you don’t dwell on it. It’s as if you’re in a stuporous trance that begins and ends with your cunt, completely consumed with this all encompassing need to feel the sharp release of tension that only an orgasm could provide. Try as you might, you couldn’t recall a time when you’d been quite this horny. It was staggering. 
Quickly fumbling your way inside, you barely get the door slid shut again, leaving just enough of a gap for a thin stream of moonlight to cut through the darkness, before reaching up to tug on the sash that circles your waist. Fabric loosens and sags around your shoulders, and you’re halfway through the motion of shrugging out of the yukata altogether when you suddenly think better of it. You should probably keep it on, just on the off chance you had to make a hasty exit. That didn’t seem likely but you’d long since learned to err on the side of caution if you wanted to stay alive long enough to see another day, so you merely spread the cotton out around you instead. You hadn’t thought it was possible for your nipples to get any harder than they already were and you whimper faintly when the mild air hits your bare skin full blast. It seemed that you were even more sensitized than you’d initially thought, your pussy thrumming heatedly with anticipation as you blindly shuffle around until you can put your back to the wall. 
There’s no point bothering with a warm up when you already felt so hot and sticky between the legs, and you tentatively cup your hand over yourself with a stuttering breath. Absently, you use the other to cradle your breast but that was an afterthought more than anything. Nothing else mattered except sating this intense need that had your guts curled into a tight, anticipatory knot. 
Holding the air in your lungs, you tentatively rub your fingers over the slit in your body and a hot pulse sparks inside you when they come back wet. Yes, you certainly did not need to bother with foreplay tonight. You were practically soaked in arousal to the point that even your inner thighs felt a little damp with it, as if your entire body was alight with all the pent up, frustrated energy. Allowing yourself a quiet moan into the still air, you at last find your clit and begin to circle it with slow, stuttering passes of your hand. It felt good. 
It felt so good, in fact, that you could just scream. 
You quickly lose yourself to the sensation of fast approaching relief, canting your hips slightly to follow the rhythm of your fingers. Muscles were already starting to tense and vibrate, making it all the harder for you to stay standing on your feet without tipping dangerously to one side, but you lean into it rather than try to fight it. It would have been an effort in futility anyway, so you gradually start to slide down the wall in a half crouch that only seems to make your pussy throb even harder. You were balancing right on the edge now, so close you could almost taste it on the back of your tongue. 
Another hushed groan slips from your mouth as you tip your head back and - - 
The screen door just to your left suddenly flies open and the overhead light flickers on. You give a violent jerk and then, to your quickly mounting horror, you freeze in place. It’s like you’ve been petrified, everything right down to your constricting lungs suspended in place. You don’t even have the wherewithal to remove your hand from between your legs, and all you can do is watch as vice-captain Abarai pokes his head into the training hall, mumbling under his breath about who hadn’t locked everything up properly for the night. Then, he turns his head and looks over at you. 
He promptly freezes up as well, broad shoulders stiff and drawn back in abject shock. You probably would have laughed at how ridiculous the situation actually was if only you weren’t watching your very life flash before your eyes. Your career in the sixth was over, no doubt about that. 
Evidently snapping out of his stupor, Renji draws a sharp breath that seems to cut through the otherwise quiet evening. “You -!” He whips his head around to surreptitiously glance over his shoulder, perhaps checking for any other potential voyeurs before taking a step across the threshold. Rather politely he closes the door behind him before turning on you again with a look that is equal parts furious and perturbed. “Are you out of your mind? What the hell do you think you’re doing!” 
You can’t help but wince at the aggressive shout-whisper he’s using even as you straighten up, self consciously tugging at your yukata to cover the important bits. It was probably a little late for that now but you still had some dignity to preserve. “Vice-captain, this isn’t what it looks like.” 
“What could it possibly be then? I’d say what I just walked in on more than speaks for itself!” He almost looks like he wants to reach up and rip his own hair out, so flustered and incensed, but he somehow manages to refrain. You can’t quite meet his eyes though, and guiltily focus your attention elsewhere instead. It wouldn’t do you any good to flee the scene of the crime now so honesty was your only option then. Great.
“I’m sorry. Really, I am. I didn’t think … I just thought I could have some privacy here, that’s all.”
He starts to say something, cuts himself off and then tries again only to trail off with a low, rumbling groan. Realizing he has no idea how to respond to that, you steal a quick glance at him and watch as he brings a hand up to cover his face. For a long moment the two of you just stand there in that awkward, resounding silence. 
“It’s not like I don’t get what you’re saying.” He says at last, in the quiet tone of a man who has hit a conundrum and promptly given up on maintaining his impartiality in the face of it. “I know exactly how hard it can be to find some time for yourself in this damned place, but I still think you could have picked a better spot. You’re just lucky it wasn’t Captain Kuchiki who found you like this.” 
Slowly, Renji lowers his hand then and you’re so struck by the furious blush staining his high cheekbones that you let a surprised little “Oh” slip out. He cuts you a quick, scathing look at the sound and, embarrassed by it, you demurely drop your gaze. That proves to be a mistake, however, and your eyes widen at the faint bulge tenting the front of his hakama just so.
“Oh.” You blurt again, with feeling this time. 
“Stop that!” He hisses, shifting his weight as if to try and hide the evidence of his body’s reaction. It does little in the way of good when he’s so slim and lithe that his uniform, usually draped around him in a breezy fashion, now prominently shows off anything that sticks up out of place. It may have been a different story altogether with someone like vice-captain Omaeda who was much larger and who’s shihakusho hung differently as a result, but with Renji … where there was once only a single, uninterrupted line to his body, there now existed an unmistakable weight pressing against the interior of his pants. It was as damning as it was promising, and your mind positively swims at the implication.
Just the thought of it is enough to have your pussy clenching tight and you shudder faintly with a renewed sense of dizziness. It wasn’t as if you’d never noticed him before now; in fact you may or may not have harbored something of a schoolgirl crush on your vice-captain but you’d never actually entertained the notion. You hadn’t thought it was a feasible prospect for you but this changed things somewhat, and you were just so desperate for relief. 
Did you really dare to cross that invisible boundary though, in what was quite possibly the worst conceivable situation to do it in?
“Fukutaichou - -“
“No! Nope! Not happening!” Renji throws his arms up in clear defeat and hastily pivots towards the door. Your heart hammers into overdrive as you watch him reach for the edge of the screen, dread and disappointment settling heavy in your stomach. But he pauses there, seems to hesitate. The way he deliberately refuses to look at you when he speaks again doesn’t escape your notice by a long shot. “I’m sorry, but I can’t compromise my position like this. Take care of your business and get back to bed. Just make sure to lock up when you’re done.” 
He flinches slightly at the hurt in your voice, yet still he refuses to turn back around. “I won’t report this to Captain Kuchiki or reprimand you for it. I understand where you’re coming from, just …” Renji gives his head a vicious shake as if to clear his thoughts. “I am the lieutenant of this squad. It wouldn’t be right for me to abuse my authority like that.” 
“Is it an abuse of authority if I want you to do it?” 
Apparently unable to stop himself now, Renji whips his face around to gape at you in slack jawed surprise. The disbelief you see reflected in his comically widened eyes gives you that last little bit of incentive you need to reach down and slowly part the bottom half of your yukata. Pinching the cotton between your fingers, you daintily lift the fabric out to the sides as if performing a curtsy at a ball and he watches on with nothing short of boldfaced disbelief. You’re more than a little ashamed to be bearing yourself at him like this but you still feel your cunt give a muted twitch against the cool, wafting air even as more sticky slick drools out of you in response. Perhaps you were pushing things too far and would soon come to regret it but maybe, just maybe … 
“Please, vice-captain Abarai,” you whisper into the terse silence. “Won’t you help me? I'm so hot and dizzy … I know you’d make me feel even better than my fingers would so surely we can help each other?”
A long, stalled out beat passes over the room and then Renji swallows so hard you can hear the muscles in his throat working even from where you’re standing. You can’t seem to bring your attention back up to look at him though, much too focused on staring at the toes of your socks where they’re nervously curled up on the hardwood floor. It feels like your heart is moments away from bursting right out of your chest, pounding so wildly against the inside of your ribcage it’s a wonder you’re still breathing at all. But then you catch a shuffling step and time itself seems to stop altogether, chest aching from the sudden wrench when you realize he’s coming closer. Pressing your lips into a thin, warbling line to stop yourself from whimpering at the sound of his approach, you wait as if on the precipice of some great, gaping chasm until his own tabi enter your line of sight. His feet are much, much bigger than yours, you suddenly notice. 
“I don’t want to take advantage of you.” He murmurs, his voice dropped a noticeable octave that sends goosebumps erupting over your skin. 
“You’re not.” 
“Fraternizing like this between ranked officers and servicemen is highly frowned upon.” He tries again. Almost like he’s trying to convince you as much as himself. How interesting. “I could get into some serious trouble.” 
“I won’t tell anyone …” 
“But if we get caught,” Renji draws a deep, long suffering breath and you twitch when his hand inches into your space. He hesitates with those long, calloused fingers hovering just over your bare thigh before finally giving in to temptation, curving his hand around the fattest part of your leg in a loose grip. You suck in a haggard gasp, inching the folds of your yukata further open, inviting him to proceed, but still he wavers. “Are you really certain you want me? I’m sure there are plenty of other men who would jump at the chance to have you even in the other companies.” 
You shake your head. “I want you, fukutaichou. I’m positive.” 
A low growl rumbles out of him and you lift your head at last, surprise washing over you when you take in the darkened expression on his face. It’s something primal and masculine staring back at you now, something that makes your knees threaten to give out, and you suddenly find yourself feeling like cornered prey as he digs those fingers into the plush give of your thigh so he can tug you closer to him. “Just call me Renji. I’m no longer your lieutenant right now.” 
“Then what are you?” Your voice is small and tremulous, shuddering faintly when he bends close. 
“Just a man. Nothing more.” Tilting his head, Renji presses his mouth to yours in a searing kiss that instantly has you arching your back. The hand on your thigh turns possessive, squeezing and groping at you with a need of his own that almost catches you off guard. But you’re soaring on an adrenaline high, drunk off fast pumping endorphins, and you eagerly lean into him, going up on your tiptoes to accommodate some of the height difference. It was hard to believe that this was actually happening, that he was really kissing you like this. Did that give you reason enough to hope? Did you dare to let your foolish heart yearn for something more? You weren’t so sure that was a good idea, and you think you’re probably getting ahead of yourself a little bit, but … surely he wouldn’t have given in so easily if he didn’t find you attractive on some level.
Groaning, you pointedly shove such fanciful notions to the back of your mind when he reaches around to fondle your ass. The staggering size of his palm makes you feel small and delicate against him, fragile even, which was not a feeling you were accustomed to since you’d taken up the sword several dozen lifetimes ago. You’d noticed it before, of course, but nothing could have quite prepared you for how big he actually seemed to be when his hands were on you like this. Sighing against his lips, you rock forward and he responds by squeezing the back of your thigh hard enough to leave a burning ache behind. For a split second you think he’s going to haul you up against him, take you right off your feet and pin you to the wall, but he seems to change his mind. 
Releasing you, Renji instead slides his hand to the front and dips between your legs where he presses the flats of his fingers against your drenched slit. You gasp in almost perfect unison with him and, panting, the two of you jerk apart to look at one another. 
“Shit,” he seethes, tattooed brows pinched together. “You’re soaking wet. Are you sure you didn’t already cum?” 
“Please don’t stop.” You beg, finally dropping the parts of your yukata so you can bring your arms up and wrap them around his neck, pulling him closer. He acquiesces with an almost bestial snarl, pressing in so close that it knocks you back against the wall with a dull thud. His mouth finds your neck, your jaw; nipping at you occasionally but mostly just pressing hard kisses to the skin as he slowly works his hand over your cunt with steady, circular motions that were not unlike the same ones you’d used on yourself earlier. The feel of his hand is much different from your own though, his fingers blockier and thicker, and considerably rougher too. It makes this part of you feel indescribably small as well, like something he could easily hold in his palm with plenty of room to spare, and there’s an undeniable appeal in that too. It drives you positively wild. 
Writhing, you press back into the wall until it feels like you’re all but crawling up it, desperately tugging at his uniform to get it off. Renji isn’t particularly cooperative about it though, too much of his attention focused on getting your yukata pulled down to expose your shoulder and breast. Hunching further over you, he pecks at your collarbone and the swell of your tit before latching onto the nipple so he can suck at it. A startled moan bursts out of you, and you quickly give up on getting him undressed so you can cover your mouth instead. You couldn’t get caught. Not like this. You’d never be able to forgive yourself if you got Renji into trouble but it just felt so good. Between his tongue flicking over your pert, stiffened teat and the slow drag of his long fingers on your leaking cunt, you really were going to cum soon. 
You try to warn him — try to tell him to give you a moment because the fast building tension was too much and you weren’t sure if you were ready for such an explosive orgasm — but all that comes out from behind the clammy palm of your hand are muffled, near frantic sounds of pleasure. Your chest heaves as you twist against him in an attempt to escape the brunt of what you were feeling but it was too late. The coil in your gut starts to vibrate and, eyes going big as saucers, you jerk your other hand down to grab at his wrist. You can feel the tendons in his arm flexing under your fingers as he continues to rub your pussy, ignoring the high pitched keening that slips out of you no matter how hard you try to bite it back. All it takes to send you over the edge is a quick glance between the two of you, taking in the sight of his hand disappearing between your legs, and you instantly shatter into a million pieces. 
Tears spring up in your eyes as you ride out the waves of pleasure, hips juddering in sensitive bliss while you whimper and mewl in overwhelming ecstasy. The deluge of slick that suddenly floods your cunt all at once is obscene and more than just a little embarrassing, but you hardly have the presence of mind to apologize for it right now. The tremors just keep coming, rattling you straight down to the bone until at last it starts to ebb and fade away bit by painstaking bit. You’re left twitching in the aftermath, wheezing as if you’d just finished running ten miles straight, and you whimper when Renji finally extricates himself from your breast with a muted pop. 
“Gods, you’re beautiful.” He hisses, warm breath fanning over your wet teat to make you shudder again. 
“Don’t say that.” 
“It’s true.” 
You decide to let it go in favor of basking in the lingering warmth, the hazy endorphin-filled comfort of your afterglow. Although you’d half expected it given how worked up you’d been, you’re still a bit disappointed to find that, rather than sating your hunger, it only seems to have made it worse. Your pussy offers up a dull, muted throb every so often, further emphasizing the hollow emptiness ringing through you, and you soon realize you’re going to have to make a choice. You’d already pushed your luck this far, surely another inch or two couldn’t hurt? 
Rousing from your post-orgasm stupor, you bring your hands up to tug at the folded layers of Renji’s collar while you pin him with a needy little pout. “Take this off?”
You’d anticipated that he would question you, ask if you were really sure you wanted to take it that far, but much to your relief he merely untangles himself from you and straightens up so he can undo the tie at his waist. Licking your lips, you lean back into the wall to watch as his hakama slides to the ground so he can step out, kicking them off to the side. Shrugging out of his shirts and likewise tossing those away, he starts to work at unfastening the fundoshi around his hips while you take the chance to admire his physique as well as the tattoos that create an intricate, woven pattern across his skin. You’d always wondered how far down they reached and you were delighted to finally have your answer. 
Reaching out, you press your fingertips against his pelvis, right above the spot where a thatch of wild, vibrant red hair starts, and he issues a low growl in response. The white linen finally slides away and his cock springs up in the space between you as he throws it aside to join the rest of his clothing. Your lower stomach immediately clenches with a renewed sense of urgency and need when you take in the thick shaft and bulbous head crowning the tip, but he doesn’t give you a chance to truly admire it. Quickly closing the distance again, Renji leans down to grab two big handfuls of your plump ass and he hauls you right up off your feet without so much as a word of warning. 
Letting out a small squeak, you eagerly wrap your legs around his waist and your hands find his broad, tattooed shoulders, holding on tight while he readjusts his grip on you. You grin at him from just a scant few inches away, unable to help yourself, and he returns the look with an almost exasperated one of his own. 
“I had no idea you were this insatiable.” He grumbles, making you laugh. 
“You never asked.” 
“Didn’t think I needed to,” Shuffling forward, Renji pins you against the wall and leans in to press his forehead against yours, meeting your eyes with a simmering stare of his own. The smile quickly fades from your lips, replaced by a tense, anticipatory ‘o’. You’d never seen him look so intensely masculine before. It was like looking into the face of the only man to ever exist, so primal and ageless that it further sparks the molten heat sitting low in your gut.  
“I should be the one telling you how beautiful you are.” You murmur softly, the reverence in your voice obvious as you bring a hand up to touch the side of his face. 
He offers a faint chuckle, his mouth pulling in a vaguely mischievous smirk while he shifts against you, subtly lining himself up. “Men don’t usually like hearing those kinds of compliments, unless they’re Yumichika.”
“But it’s true.” 
“Well, thank you.” His eyelids drooping to attractive half mast, Renji tips his head just ever so to bump his nose against yours. He kisses you then, slowly this time, but no less searing than the first exchange you’d shared. Eager to taste him, you open your mouth and slide your tongue past his lips where you languidly lick at the back of his throat, possessively claiming him as yours. Your heart stutters a beat at the implication of what you’re doing and the fact he’s letting you do it, but you make a valiant effort to shove such thoughts away from the forefront of your mind and ignore them. Just sharing the heat of his body was enough. You didn’t have the right to expect anything more from him. 
Your hunger for him growing rapidly, you take your time exploring his mouth, entwining your tongue around his in a sensuous dance that leaves both of you panting, and when he shifts against you next you feel the unmistakable bump of his cock searching you out. He slips and slides against the sticky mess you’ve made and, with your nerves thrumming excitedly, you wrap your arm around his neck so you can reach down with the opposite hand. Snaking between the two of you, your fingers brush against his rigid shaft and he breaks apart from the kiss with a low groan. You watch his face carefully, enjoying the pinch of his brow as you angle him towards your entrance and guide him in when he starts to slowly push inside. 
Renji’s mouth drops open in what can only be stricken bliss but no sound comes out, the tension hanging heavy in the silent training hall when he slides that first quarter of an inch into your waiting body. He hesitates a moment, tips his head back with a seething hiss as he shuffles his feet further apart to jostle you slightly before giving his narrow hips an experimental thrust upward. His thick cock sinks into you a little further, stretching you open with a delicious amount of friction to go with it, and you let out a hot, stuttering groan. His hands are bruising on your hips where they dig into soft flesh, holding you as if he was afraid you might disappear into thin air right in front of him. You would sooner die than give up this deep, burning sensation of being filled though, and you rock into him as much as you’re able to like this. 
Inch by torturous inch, he spears you straight down the middle until it feels like you’re so full you could just burst. At long last his pelvis meets the backs of your thighs and he goes still, just basking in the feeling of being gripped by your wet, squirming guts. Uselessly, your toes flex and curl in the air while you cling to him in a doped out stupor, whimpering softly at the thick intrusion. Even after finding release on his hand you’d still felt the dull pangs of need making your clit throb for more, but this … you’d never felt so full. So stretched out and claimed. The ceaseless twinge of desire that had haunted you, doggedly nipped at your heels up til’ now has finally receded into the background, an afterthought. It is completely overshadowed by this all encompassing sense of fulfillment that leaves you desperately grinding against Renji, wordlessly begging him to move. 
He takes the hint after finding his own bearings, tightening his ironlike hold on your ass and ever so carefully angling his hips back. You mewl at the hot, sticky drag of his cock pulling out only to choke on the sound when he quickly sinks back in, straight to the hilt. You feel wild and mindless now as he gradually works up a rhythm, forcing your constricting innards to make room for him and accommodate his size. Grunting softly with each and every thrust, Renji finally settles into a steady pace that has you clawing at his shoulders and biting your tongue to stop yourself from crying out. 
“You feel so good,” he grits, shoving his face into the crook of your neck where he lets loose a deep, rattling groan that seems to vibrate through you. “And you’re taking me like a champ, too. I was a little worried there for a minute … but you fit me just like a glove, don’t you?” 
Mewling, you slide your hand up to bury it in the back of his hair and pull, feeling some of those silky strands slip free of his tight ponytail in the process. “Renji! It’s too much — feels like m’gonna’ explode. Stop talking.” 
He laughs, short and breathless, against the side of your neck. You can feel the strong musculature in his body flexing when he presses himself somehow even closer, very nearly crushing you against the wall now, and you heave underneath him, gasping at the blinding pressure on your guts. Frantically, you clutch him against you and tighten your legs around his slim waist, encouraging him to fuck into you even harder. To your groaning delight, Renji obliges and it takes everything you have not to scream out when he slams into you with enough force to make the rafters shake. You were going to cum again. You weren’t sure how it was possible so soon after the first mind numbing orgasm he’d given you but you can feel it building in your cunt at an alarming speed, the tension doubling and then tripling each time he buries himself in your body. The accompanying wet squelch that rings out with it seems to echo in your ears, mingling with his rough, masculine grunts and your own helplessly stuttering moans to create a truly intoxicating symphony. 
It really was too much. 
“R - Renji! Please!” 
“Shit! I’m gonna’ cum too,” he practically snarls, teeth gnashing against your pulse. “You just feel so good. I won’t be able to hold out like this … think you can cum for me, sweetheart? I don’t know how much more I’ve got in me …” 
“Yes! Soon … I’m getting close!” 
“Then look at me.” 
Your pussy spasms around him so tightly, so vigorously, that it seems to sucker punch you and, gasping for air, you do as he’d asked. It’s a struggle to meet Renji’s eyes when his cock was still relentlessly, tirelessly drilling into you but somehow you manage. He looks mildly less wrecked than you feel, but the sheen of sweat coating his face and the dark quality of his eyes give him away. Whining low in your throat, you cling to him fervently, your back aching in protest as he presses you somehow further and further into the wall. 
He comes close then, putting his mouth just shy of yours but not quite touching yet. You think about closing that gap yourself, about stamping his lips with yours and swallowing the deep, masculine grunts that continue to slip out of him. Renji doesn’t give you the chance, however, and you find yourself seething through clenched teeth when he shifts against you so he can bring his arm down and hook it under your thigh. Using his weight to keep you upright and pinned, he forces that leg to unwind from around his waist and then folds it up towards your chest. He repeats the same process on the other side until he’s got you folded damn near in half. His cock suddenly feels even bigger in this new position, your guts squeezing down on him with enough internal pressure to make both of you gasp, and you let out a soft, bleating groan that seems to echo and bounce off the walls. 
“I’m going to count you down,” he seethes into the scant space separating you from him. “And you’re going to cum for me when I’m done. Do you understand?” 
Never mind that you were already trembling in his arms, quivering right down to the tips of your curled toes, you jerk your head in mute understanding. He looses a low sound of approval before adjusting the canter of his hips, seamlessly switching gears from the hot, merciless pounding he’d been giving you just a moment ago to something much more drawn out. Each stroke suddenly feels like it lasts an eternity, the pull out just as slow and lingering as the long, sensuous glide back in. Your pussy convulses around him and clings wetly to his shaft while the tension in your body seems to climb that much higher, reaching new and dizzying heights you hadn’t thought were possible. He was going to break you at this rate. If not physically then certainly mentally, because how were you ever supposed to find satisfaction in any other man besides him after this?
Blindly reaching for him, you smash your mouth against his, kissing him as if you were starved of oxygen and he was your only lifeline. He lets you take from him as much as you want, swirling his tongue around yours while the steady, intermittent pap of his pelvis hitting your ass fills the room. Eventually you’re forced to pull back for a much needed, gasping breath of air, and he jostles you slightly when he readjusts his hold on you to hit a different angle. 
“Four …” 
You suck in such a desperate, haggard breath that it seems to tear at your throat on the way down. Your esophagus feels raw and tender now as you struggle to keep your voice down, forcing your sounds of pleasure to remain hushed instead of outright wailing over how good he’s fucking you. You’re not so sure you’ll be able to speak properly come morning but that hardly matters now when his cock is gliding so smoothly against the inner sleeve of your body and seemingly hitting every single pleasure point and sensitive nerve along the way. All you can think about is finding release on his cock and, idly – almost hysterically – you start to wonder if you’ll even make it to the end of his countdown. 
“Nghh, t - three!” 
Renji bends his head over you then, latching his mouth onto the side of your neck. A startled little “oh!” bursts out of you and you quickly bring your hand up to slap it over your mouth again. He bites down on the sensitive skin, not very hard but just enough to set the nerve endings ablaze, and your eyes start to roll back. You weren’t so sure you could keep your voice down this time, not when he was gradually winding your orgasm up to an even more explosive, earth shattering crescendo than the first, one long, sinuous stroke at a time. This was dangerous. So much more dangerous than you’d initially thought it to be, and you were starting to realize that getting caught was only one small concern on the laundry list you were steadily racking up. 
God, what have you gotten yourself into? 
“Two.” He growls, coming up off your neck only to speak before diving back in to lick a wet, hot stripe across the violently pounding pulse there. You give a small shriek, practically hyperventilating now as you claw at him, your legs jerking and splaying out at awkward angles without anything to brace against. You feel it then. The chord reaching maximum tension, threatening to snap at any moment, and you let out a borderline hysterical sob as you lurch in his arms, bringing your hands down to grip his flexing biceps in a death grip. Your nails dig in and you aren’t so sure they don’t break the skin, but it’s all you can do just to stay grounded, struggling not to let the mind numbing current pull you under and suffocate you. 
It was going to be a miracle if you didn’t alert the entire sixth division to your illicit activities. 
“Ready to cum for me, sweetheart? I know I am … you’ve got me so damn close.” Blowing out a terse exhale, Renji swoops up to catch your mouth and you kiss him back in as much as you’re able to when he just keeps pulling an unending stream of moans out of you. He accepts them all, swallows them down without a second thought, and when it starts to feel like you’re going to vibrate right out of his arms, he finally pulls back just enough to speak against your lips. “One.” 
Your spine snaps ramrod stiff, mouth flying open to scream, but before you can utter so much as a peep he’s sealed his mouth over yours once again, and you shatter. Irreparably shatter into a million fleeting pieces of yourself, wailing muffled cries against his lips while your pussy spasms uncontrollably around him. It steals the air from your lungs, sends you reeling in his hold, but still he doesn’t stop. He maintains that same, steady pace of push and pull, dragging out your orgasm to the point of real discomfort, but even in the wild throes of your release you manage to notice the shake in his hands, the stiff tremor working through his body. It’s obvious he’s painfully close and, sucking in haggard mouthfuls of air, you deliriously reach out to grip his shoulder, knowing you had to act fast. 
“Put me down …” Your voice barely even sounds like you anymore and he hesitates for half a beat before carefully moving to release you. His stiff cock slips free with an embarrassingly loud, wet pop and you sway unsteadily as he puts you on your feet. The muscles in your cunt are still sporadically clenching, the tail end of your orgasm shuddering through you even now as you weakly, gratefully sink down onto your knees in front of him. 
Renji issues a quiet sound of confusion but you don’t give him the chance to question it, gripping the fronts of his lean thighs to steady yourself when you go up on your knees. He seems to catch on a moment too late and a surprised huff rattles out of him when you catch the straining length of his cock in your mouth. Greedily, you swallow it straight down as far as you can go, and a fresh wave of satisfaction lights up within you when his big hands find the top of your head, cradling your skull gingerly. The taste of your own cunt mixed with the heady, salty taste of him swarms your senses all at once and you moan hotly around him as you work your neck back and forth, slurping loudly while you do it.
His hips sensitively twitch and he moans, low and deep, when you take him right to the back of your throat. You make a valiant attempt to swallow him down only to gag on the head, sputtering around the shaft, and he hisses in response, allowing himself a weak, halfhearted thrust into your mouth. He does it once, twice — his thighs beginning to tremble under your palms, mirroring how yours had looked only moments before — and with a final push, he gives a subdued little jerk. His cock jumps in your mouth, pulsing excitedly, and with an accompanying groan to go with it he shoots down your throat. The first clump that hits your tonsils is hot and thick but rather small. The second is much larger, fat and sticky, and you choke on it before dutifully forcing it all down your gullet. He cums much more than you’d anticipated him to when everything is said and done, creamy discharge flooding your mouth until it’s the only thing you can taste anymore. But you hold your ground until there’s nothing left and all the evidence of this unexpected tryst is sitting heavy in your stomach, settling like a warm drink that pleasantly lingers long after you’ve had the last sip. You were rather proud of yourself for taking it all, truth be told.
Spent, Renji finally dislodges his hands from you and takes a shuffling step back before bending to brace his palms on his knees. While he catches his breath, the muscles in his flat stomach still flexing and jumping underneath the skin, you take a moment to study him. Really study him. The narrow width of his deceptively lithe waist was such a sharp contrast to those broad shoulders, the long line of his legs and the well built definition in his powerful arms … he really was beautiful, and you suddenly find yourself regretting that you didn’t tell him that more while you had the chance. It seemed like such a waste now, but a quick look between his legs at the flagged member dangling there, still glistening wet with pussy slick, you know there isn’t going to be a round two for you to amend that mistake.  
Abruptly feeling awkward now that the high was starting to wear off, you self consciously tug your yukata back into place. You weren’t sure how to proceed from here. Should you thank him? Tell him how good it was for you? It’s been so long that you seem to have forgotten all your pillow manners, embarrassingly enough. 
“Renji - -“ 
“Sorry, sorry. That's my bad.” He cuts you off, holding up a single hand to stop you from speaking any further. “I don’t really expect you to believe this, but I promise I’m usually a bit better about pacing myself. I mean, I try to be, anyway. I’m not sure how else to say this but it felt like you were sucking the life right out of me. I’m completely drained.” 
Your cheeks grow warm even as you lift your brows at him incredulously. “What are you saying?” 
Grumbling, Renji finally lifts his head to pin you with a grumpy, flat eyed scowl. “I’m saying I don’t think I can bounce back from that tonight, but now that I know what kind of soul sucking demon you are I’ll be better prepared next time.” 
“Next time?” You echo him, tone high and disbelieving.
“Yeah, I’ll make it up to you then, okay?” 
Perplexed now, you tip your head at a curious angle. “You want to do this again?”
He gives you an odd look. “I mean, yeah. If you want to. I won’t force you or anything but I know I can do even better if you give me the chance. You caught me a bit off guard, you know.” 
You mull that over for a brief moment, soon realizing that such an arrangement with him would be doubly beneficial. Not only would you be able to have your needs met more often than every five years, give or take, but it would also give you a chance to win him over. It wasn’t exactly ideal, doing things out of order like this, but you weren’t really the traditional type and, looking at him, you got the sense he wasn’t either. And his promise of delivering an even better performance next time was certainly tempting in and of itself too. You were eager to see that, of course, but mostly you just felt relief. It was nice knowing some part of him must like you well enough to invite you back. That meant you had a chance, right? 
Trying in vain to ignore that hopeful little flutter deep in your chest, you offer him a quick, genuine smile. “There’s nothing to make up for in the first place, you idiot. You were great. But if you’re certain you can do an even better job next time then I’ll hold you to that.” 
He doesn’t look like he quite trusts it, fixing you with a wary side eye as he straightens up and moves to gather up his clothes. Almost like he half expected you to strike when he wasn’t looking. It’s such a silly thing but it does make you laugh. 
Feeling warm and satiated in the afterglow, you too find your feet and work to get yourself in order, straightening out your yukata and refastening the tie around your middle to hold it in place. It was in all likelihood only a small possibility but even just that tiny sliver of hope was enough to make you want for something more. To believe that maybe, just maybe, your schoolgirl crush wasn’t such a lost cause after all. 
It was worth a shot, at least.
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ao3feed-jjk · 2 months
you make it easier
by mwapsmwaps But in the end, it’d always be him.   If he was there, it’d be him. If he was there and wasn’t driving her insane, it’d be him. If they can, it’d always, always be him. No one else but him. Utahime can remember her past lives but by some twist of fate, finds Gojo far more times than she could count. Words: 9361, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Iori Utahime, Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru, Ieiri Shoko, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Fushiguro Tsumiki, Fushiguro Siblings Relationships: Gojo Satoru/Iori Utahime, Gojo Satoru & Iori Utahime Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Curses (Jujutsu Kaisen), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Reincarnation, Past Lives, Soulmates, i blinked and the word count went from 4k to 9k lol, sobbing actually, but i regret nothing bcuz i love gojohime, Iori Utahime is So Done, Gojo Satoru is a Little Shit, Soft Gojo Satoru, Implied Sexual Content, some foddling, Drinking, Self-Harm, Murder, Suicidal Thoughts, !! pls pls take heed, and uhm what else, Iori Utahime Needs a Hug, Iori Utahime-centric, Possessive Gojo Satoru, Angst and Tragedy, Fluff and Crack, Domestic Bliss via https://ift.tt/mE8kzRq
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